Setting up the BIOS in pictures: step-by-step instructions on the correct parameters. Connect to a wired network. Setting up a wireless connection

From time to time, some subscribers wonder how to order Internet settings on MTS. Everyone should know about this modern client the mentioned mobile operator. After all, the Internet has become an integral part of human life. And without it, working with mobile devices is not particularly useful.

How to connect the Internet on a smartphone from MTS? What tips and tricks are there regarding this topic?

Activation methods

You can order MTS Internet settings for your phone different ways. There are several options for the development of events:

  • by simply inserting a SIM card into the phone;
  • via SMS command;
  • using the "Personal Account";
  • by making a call mobile operator;
  • manually.

The last technique is not used very often. Therefore, you have to think about how to order automatic settings Internet on MTS.

SIM card and smartphone

The first and simplest scenario is to start working with the phone and new SIM card. Typically, subscribers are offered automatic settings and MMS. And they will need very little:

  1. Insert the MTS SIM card into the phone.
  2. Turn on your mobile device.
  3. Wait a few minutes.
  4. Save message with automatic settings.

An SMS from the operator arrives a few minutes after turning on the mobile device. But sometimes this operation is not implemented. What then? You will have to order settings for mobile network on one's own.

SMS command

For example, you can use a fairly common approach to solving the problem. So, solving the problem of how to order Internet settings on MTS in Russia, you can act according to the following instructions:

  1. Start writing a new message on your phone.
  2. Write the word in the text of the letter internet.
  3. Send a message to number 1234.
  4. Open the SMS that will come in response to this request.
  5. Save the settings published in the message. In this case, you need to open the settings in SMS menu and select the appropriate function.

All that remains now is to restart your mobile device. The settings will take effect automatically. Now you can use it easily mobile Internet on the phone.

Full connection

How to order Internet settings on MTS along with MMS? To do this you will have to act in exactly the same way as in the previous case. The difference is that the SMS request will be slightly modified.

In this case you will have to send to short number 1234 empty letter. Next, as in the described circumstances, it is proposed to save the changes and reboot the smartphone.

Phone calls

The next trick on how to order Internet settings on MTS is to make a call to a mobile operator. This approach has several ways of implementation. Namely:

  1. Making a call to number 0876. After which the subscriber will receive automatic settings for the Internet and MMS in a message. They will need to be saved.
  2. You can also call 0890, wait for the operator to respond, and ask him to send Internet settings to a particular number. A call center employee will fill out an application and send the parameters via SMS.

That's all. The methods listed are absolutely free. They can be used at any time. Typically, a response message will be sent to the smartphone within a few minutes after the request is processed. Therefore, you won't have to wait long.

"Personal Account" and Network Settings

The next approach to deciding how to order Internet settings on MTS is to work with the “Personal Account” of the subscriber of the mentioned mobile operator.

Step-by-step instruction for setting up a mobile Network on a smartphone via the Internet is as follows:

  1. Open the official website of the operator.
  2. Enter " Personal Area" using a previously received login and password.
  3. Open the section "Access Control" - "Settings" - "Internet and MMS".
  4. Specify the phone number to which you want to send the Network parameters.
  5. Select the settings transferred to the smartphone.
  6. Confirm the operation.
  7. Wait for an SMS with the settings.
  8. Open the parameters of the received message and select the "Save" function.
  9. Reboot your phone.

The described algorithm of actions helps without special problems order certain network settings from MTS through the “Personal Account”. This technique is not suitable for subscribers who do not have the appropriate profile. You can start it up in a few minutes.

Manual setting

The previously proposed methods help to order MTS Internet settings on Android " and other OS. You can take a more difficult route - recruit suitable parameters manually.

To do this you need:

  1. Go to mobile device to the "Settings" section.
  2. Select "More" - "Mobile networks" - "Network access points".
  3. Click on the button responsible for adding new point access.
  4. Specify Network settings. We will talk about them below.
  5. Check the box next to "Data transfer".
  6. Save Network settings.

It is done! As you can see, everything is not as difficult as it seems. And anyone can configure the Network manually modern subscriber, even a schoolboy.

Settings for manual addition

As we have already said, for manual settings Network on a mobile device, you need to enter certain data in a special menu item. That is, when thinking about how to order Internet settings on MTS, a subscriber can try to write the following information in the access points:

  • Name - MTS Internet;
  • APN-;
  • password - mts;
  • login - similar to password.

This is all that needs to be written in the previously specified settings section. After saving these parameters, you can easily use the MTS mobile network.

Attention: the remaining fields at APN points do not need to be filled out. Otherwise, the settings will not work fully.


We found out how you can order MTS Internet settings on your phone. The instructions provided will help you cope with the task.

As practice shows, there is usually no need to order network parameters separately. After starting to work with the SIM card mobile operator will still offer to automatically configure access to MMS and the Internet on your smartphone. This is normal. Subscriber reviews indicate that all of the previously listed instructions work equally well. And therefore there is no difference in which technique is used.

Can I be charged money for sending a request under any circumstances? No, getting settings for the mobile network from MTS is completely free. The operator does not charge a fee for such a service.

Satellite television Today there is one in almost every home. In Russia on this moment Tricolor TV is considered the most popular and reliable satellite television provider. The principle of operation of such television is to transmit data via an Earth satellite from the transmitting center to the receiving device to the consumer. Data transmission is of high quality. Ensures picture and sound quality correct installation and equipment setup. You can call a service specialist for installation and adjustment, but you can install and adjust the system yourself.

The plate is the fundamental element satellite system. It is a metal structure of a parabolic shape, concave inward. This form was not chosen by chance. Signals arriving from the satellite, reaching the dish, are concentrated at one central point - in a circular convector, which allows receiving high level communications. From the convector, information travels along the cable route to the receiver, where it is converted and displayed on the TV screen.

Now knowing the principle of signal transmission, it becomes clear that satellite antenna must be installed according to the following rules:

  1. We select an available trajectory from the dish to the satellite. To do this, mentally draw a line from the antenna in the direction of the transmitting device. There should be no trees, buildings, structures, or structures along the path of the trajectory line that could block the path or distort the signal. Remember! Satellite signal cannot pass through walls.
  2. We fix the antenna at a high altitude point. The roof of the house, the open side of the balcony room, will help it become. It is not recommended to mount the plate on the inner wall of a loggia or balcony. This will worsen the transmission digital messages and will cause interference.
  3. The best direction for the plate is south.
  4. We avoid places on the building where snow or moisture accumulates. These can be spillways, slopes and eaves of the roof of the house.
  5. We mount the antenna near the TV. This will make the setup process easier.

Simple installation rules satellite dish Tricolor TV will help you avoid the first mistakes in setting up your television yourself.

We begin the installation of a satellite dish

Having chosen a location, we proceed to install the structure itself. External structure Tricolor TV consists of several parts:

  • bracket;
  • antenna mirror;
  • coaxial cable;
  • convector

The bracket is attached to the wall or roof with anchor bolts to enhance stability. Any wind vibrations of an insecurely fastened bracket will lead to deformation of the entire structure and a decrease in image quality.

Attention! There is no need to fully tighten the bolts until the work is completed, as... You may have to change the inclination and position of the structure during setup.

After installing the mount, we attach the plate mirror itself, the convector.

We install the convector on the holder with the connector in the lower position so that moisture does not get on it.

Stages of connecting cable and convector:

  1. We strip the outer insulating material on the cable at a distance of approximately 15 mm from the ends of the cable, and the inner one – 10 mm. Be careful not to damage the shielding braid.
  2. We bend the shielding braid together with the foil into opposite direction from the ends and screw it to the F-connector until it stops.
  3. Do not cut off the end of the core behind the 2 mm connector.
  4. We secure the cable wire to the holder with insulating tape or zip ties.
  5. We seal the connector to prevent moisture from entering it using sealant or insulating tape.

At this point, the external work on setting up the satellite broadcast of Tricolor TV is completed; you need to connect the cable to the receiver and adjust the operation of the receiver itself.

Subtleties of installing the receiver

Installing the receiver to the TV is carried out in one of two ways:

  1. Using a high frequency (HF) antenna cable.
  2. Using a low frequency (LF) cable with connector.

The RF is connected to the TV socket intended for the antenna and to the “RF Out” socket on the receiver. When you plug the receiver into a power outlet, the screen television device The word “BOOT” and the TV channel number should be displayed. Turning on the channel search, we get the phrase “No signal,” indicating that the receiver is working correctly.

Algorithm for attaching LF to satellite receiver the same as HF. The only thing is that after the “BOOT” message appears, press the “A/V” key on the remote control and wait for the “No Signal” message to appear. If the inscription appears, then everything was done correctly. Other information that appears on the screen of the television device indicates that the equipment is assembled incorrectly.

To ensure that the image is of high quality

Before the signal search stage, you need to carry out several actions in the satellite television settings themselves:

  1. On the receiver's remote control, press the "Menu" button.
  2. In the “Installation” column, click “OK”.
  3. Enter "0000".
  4. In the pop-up window, click “OK”.
  5. Select “Antenna installation” and click “OK”.

In the “Antenna installation” column we find two scales “Signal quality” and “Signal strength”, showing the level of the received information flow. Optimal indicator transmission must be at least 70%.

Reasons low level signal may be due to incorrect equipment assembly or inaccurate antenna position. If the cable is connected correctly, then you need to adjust the value of the incoming signal by changing the position of the plate itself.

We begin to move the antenna 1-2 mm, stopping each step for a few seconds so as not to miss the signal. The mirror of the Tricolor TV dish should be directed as high as possible.

Important! When setting up the antenna, make sure that your body does not become an obstacle to the search for communication.

We continue to rotate the Tricolor TV plate to the desired value for filling the scales on the TV screen. Filling one scale indicates that the device is not communicating with a satellite. Therefore, we continue the search. After filling the scales to the desired value, the image will appear on the monitor. When the setup is complete, tighten the bracket mounting bolts until they stop.

Setting up the Tricolor TV device yourself does not take much time and does not require any special skills or abilities. In general, it will take no more than 3 hours to put satellite television into use. The final stage Settings include registering the satellite receiver itself.

We call and register

Registration of the receiver occurs through the technical support department at the specified number V subscription agreement. Before dialing, have the following information ready:

  • FULL NAME. subscriber or passport data;
  • device installation address;
  • receiver details.

Remember! Registration of the receiver can be done through the Tricolor TV website

A technical support specialist will check the correctness of the data and confirm it. During the working week, the inscription “DRE Coded Channel” may appear on the television screen. After the specified period, the broadcast of “Tricolor TV” will begin.

Setting up the Tricolor TV satellite is now complete. You can enjoy watching your favorite channels in high quality images and excellent sound design. Satellite television "Tricolor TV" gives consumers big choice channels in high speed mode.

Email is fast and in a convenient way stay connected with your colleagues and friends around the world. Now, with the spread social networks and other communication channels, email, of course, has lost ground, but we still continue to use email. Some more often, some less often; someone for business correspondence, someone to communicate - in any case, e-mail has not yet completely sunk into oblivion. OS X has an excellent built-in email client and I want to talk about setting it up and using it.


Apple Mail is the standard email client that comes bundled with any Mac. Working with mail via Mail is much more convenient than using the web version of any postal service. You can add several mailboxes and work with them simultaneously, even without an Internet connection (sending and receiving letters will be available as soon as you are connected to the Internet). Also, you don't have to constantly check for new messages manually - Mail will do this for you automatically and notify you when new messages have been received. If you use iCloud or any other service that uses IMAP technology, Mail synchronizes all added mailboxes with your other devices (for example, iPhone or iPad). Additionally, all calendars, notes, and reminders associated with your account will also sync.

Setting up Mail

At primary setting up Mail on your Mac or iOS device, you will be prompted to create an Apple ID, which comes with mailing address on You can use it or connect the box on any other service: Google Mail, Yandex. Mail, Yahoo! Mail or Microsoft Outlook.
Once the mailing address has been created, you can proceed to setting up your mail.

Step 1: Launch Mail

To launch Mail, click on the icon in the dock with the image of a postage stamp.

Step 2: Enter your account information

Enter your name email address, password and click “Continue”

Step 3: Verify data and complete setup

After entering your account details, you will be presented with an overview of your created account. Check that the data is correct and enable syncing from notes and calendars if you wish.

Compose and send a message

Now that Account configured, you can start writing letters.

Step 1: Create

Click the “Write a new message” icon on the toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘N.

Step 2: Writing

To send a letter, indicate the address of the recipient (or recipients, if there are several of them, separating the addresses with a comma). Fill in the “Subject” field and proceed to writing the main text of your letter.

Advice. If you immediately want to send a copy of the message to another recipient, you can use the “Copy” field. At the same time, recipients will see who this message was sent to besides them. If you do not want to notify the recipient of the copy, use the “Bcc” field (hidden by default, click the button to the right of the “Subject” field to open it) - in this case it will be delivered as an original.

Step 3: Submit

After you write a message and specify the recipients, you need to send the letter by clicking on the “Send message” button (the button with an airplane icon in the upper left corner of the window).

Receive, read and reply to a message

Mail initially has several inboxes for your correspondence, but all new messages end up in the Inbox unless they are spam or you haven't set up filters. Copies of sent messages are always stored in the Sent Items folder, and all deleted emails are moved to the Trash.
To view your Inbox or any other folder, use the sidebar. Unread messages will be marked with a blue dot marker. To receive mail for all accounts, click the “Receive” button (the button in the form of an envelope in the upper left corner)

Step 1: Read

Click on the new letter in the “Inbox” for a detailed view.

Step 2: Reply

To respond, click the “Reply to message sender” button (see screenshot). You will only need to write the text of the message - the recipient's address and subject will already be entered automatically. After writing the message, click the familiar “Send” button.

Forwarding messages

The message forwarding feature is very important and allows you to send received messages in their original form to other recipients. In addition, when forwarding, you can add a copy or bcc, just like in a regular letter.

Step 1: Select

Select the message that needs to be forwarded and click the “Forward” button (see screenshot).

Step 2: Compose your answer

First of all, insert the address of the recipient to whom we are going to forward the selected message. Add message text and copies if necessary.

Step 3: Forwarding

Click “Send” to forward your message.

Spam and email deletion

An overflowing inbox is detrimental to your productivity. Therefore, after reading, place important letters V specific folders, and mark unwanted correspondence as spam.

Step 1: Uninstall

Clicking the "Delete" button will move the selected messages to the trash, where they will be stored certain time(default 1 month) before complete deletion.

Step 2: Spam

From time to time you will receive unwanted messages or simply put, spam. Mail automatically recognizes spam and sends it to the appropriate folder.

If this does not happen, you can manually mark the selected messages as spam by clicking the “Mark as spam” button (thumbs down icon). Sometimes the opposite happens and important emails end up in spam - in this case, click on the same button (but with the “thumbs up” icon) so that in the future such messages will not be classified as spam.

Rich text in email

For more convenient perception big text fragment, it would be a good idea to use formatting. You can also use formatting to give your message a more polished look instead of boring, standard text.

Step 1: Formatting

To display the formatting panel, press the “A” button on the toolbar.

From available opportunities formatting includes changing the font style, its size, color, alignment, italics, etc.

Adding an Attachment

As with any email client and service, Mail allows you to attach files to your messages. This feature makes it easy to share files with colleagues.

Step 1: Select File

To add attached files, click on the “Attach document” button, select necessary files from the drop-down window and click “Select file”.

Step 2: Resize the attached image

You can resize attached images to make the file smaller and easier to share online. To do this, select the desired item from the “Size” drop-down menu under the field with the subject of the message. The default is the actual size, but you can choose from large, medium, and small. The file size in kilobytes (megabytes) is also immediately displayed here.


Sometimes you need to find a message among all your correspondence. Manually going through all the boxes is a tedious task - it’s easier to use the search bar.

After entering keyword in the “Search” field, Mail will find all messages containing the words specified in the request. The search results will be divided into categories: “People”, “Topics”, “Attachments”. Clicking on the selected result will open the email thread or file that was found.


In this post, I tried to give tips on using Mail that may be useful for beginners and novice users of OS X. As you can see, Apple packages its OS with quite suitable mail client, which most users for daily tasks Enough with your head. If you have any questions or I haven’t described something clearly enough, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments.

Installation and configuration of software for working with a CNC machine

1. Computer requirements.
A well-chosen and configured computer is the key to stable operation machine, so the choice of a control computer should be taken seriously and carefully. To operate a machine running Mach3 you need: a processor with a frequency of at least 1 GHz, random access memory at least 1 GB. As operating system It is best to use Windows 7 32-bit version, since under this OS the computer works quite stably and is relatively easy to configure. Allowed using Windows XP/Vista/8/10. Only 32-bit (Win XP/7) operating systems are suitable for working with the machine via the LPT port. In case of absence LPT port or its incorrect operation, the computer can be used with a USB-LPT adapter. The USB-LPT adapter works with both 32 and 64 bit Windows operating systems.
Incorrect operation of the LPT port is expressed in unstable speed of movement of the machine along the axes, knocking of the motors and skipping steps, unplanned stops while moving. The stability of LPT operation depends on how well the drivers for the computer's motherboard are written by the manufacturer. It also depends on the specific configuration. system unit generally. It is possible to check the quality of operation of an LPT port only when direct work with the machine (the procedure is described in paragraph 6 of this manual).
Only the operating system must be installed on the computer intended for installation of control software. Windows system. Apart from the operating system and device drivers, no other programs should be installed. Antiviruses, various utilities and programs can interfere with the work of the Mach3 program in real time, pulling “process priority over itself,” which in turn negatively affects the stability of the machine as a whole. The operating system should be preinstalled on drive “C” by default. Computer components must be in good working order technical condition.
You can find out the characteristics of your existing computer: Start>Computer (click right click)>properties. The window that opens will display basic characteristics(Figure 1/Figure 2).

Picture 1

Figure 2

2. Mach 3 Installation
All necessary files for installation and configuration of the machine can be obtained upon purchase of the machine, upon request by e-mail, or by following the link:
Let's launch installation file"Mach3Version3.043.022." Click “Next”/“yes” everywhere. When the installation is complete, the computer should restart automatically; if this does not happen, restart manually. Extra shortcuts"Mach3Plasma", "Mach3Mill" "Mach3Turn" can be removed from the desktop (Figure 3). Leave only Mach3 Loader.

Figure 3

3. Setting the machine profile
After installing Mach3, run the profile installation file (links to profile installer files are sent via e-mail when sending the machine) Setup LPT when working under control via the LPT port. Or Setup USB, if a USB-LPT adapter Modelist USB-LPT or an Ethernet controller Modelist -L1 will be used.
This installer was specially designed to automate and simplify the machine setup process. Profile installation program in automatic mode installs a machine profile for “Setup LPT” or a machine profile and adapter plugin for “Setup USB”. Installing Modelist USB-LPT adapter drivers and setting up a network connection for Ethernet controller Modelist -L1 is carried out by the consumer independently according to the operating manual or instructions on the website:
- « »;
- “Connecting the controller using an Ethernet-LPT adapter.”
Note: Machine profiles for working with adapters from “Setup USB” are supplied with the microstep multiplier N=4 installed and do not require additional configuration.
After launching the profile installer, a list of machines will open, in which you can select yours, enter its serial number from the keyboard and press ENTER. For example, in the picture (Figure 4) the profile of the Modelist-6090 machine is selected. If the profiles are successfully installed, “files copied: 1” should be written at the bottom (Figure 1). Close the profile installation window. The profile installer program automatically creates a shortcut on the desktop, and you can always easily return to it if you need to select a profile for another machine, or you make a mistake with the choice.
Automatic installation profile and adapter plugin are valid only when Mach3 is installed on the “C” drive. If the operating system is installed on another disk, the profile and plugin must be copied manually.

Figure 4

A little about machine markings (Figure 5):

Figure 5
1) The serial number of the machine in the list.
2) Machine series
3) The size of the working field in centimeters, for example 4060 - the size of the working field along the X axis is 40 cm, along the Y axis - 60 cm.
4) Additional index, reflecting the optional properties of the machine. Index 4X and X4 - indicates presence in profiles additional settings for working with a rotary axis. Index Z - profiles for machines with a caprolon screw nut along the “Z” axis. Index AL/S - with an aluminum or steel frame (not indicated in the marking of large machines).

4. Installation of drivers for the USB-LPT adapter produced by CNC-Modelist.
If your computer has a 64-bit WindowsXP, Windows7, WindowsVista or Windows 8/10 operating system installed, then it is not possible to control the machine via the LPT port.
If you plan to work through an LPT port, skip this step.

If Windows 8/10 is installed on your computer, then before installing drivers for the USB adapter, you must install a special certificate. How to do this is described in the instructions: “Step-by-step instructions for installing a certificate and drivers for a USB adapter in Windows 8 (Windows10)

Connect the USB adapter to the computer. After the operating system detects the adapter, we begin installing the drivers. Open “Control Panel”> “Device Manager”, find in the “Other devices” section - CNC controller, Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Right-click on it and select "Properties" and click the "Update Drivers" button. In the window that opens, select the item “Search for drivers on this computer (Search and install drivers manually).” Specify the path to the folder with drivers.

Figure 7.

Click the “OK” and “Next” buttons. After installing the drivers, the adapter is ready to use. Installation software completed.
Download drivers and find more detailed description The driver installation process can be found in the instructions “Connecting a controller using a USB-LPT adapter”

5. First launch of Mach3
Open Mach3 Loader. In the list that opens, select the profile of your machine and click “Ok” (Figure 8).

Figure 8

When installing USB drivers adapter, the control source selection window appears, Figure 9, in which you must select work via mach3USB to work with the USB-LPT adapter.

Figure 9

Or Normal Printer port to work through the LPT port, Figure 10

Figure 10

Go to the main window of the Mach3 program (Figure 11).

Figure 11.
On at this stage the machine must be fully connected according to the instructions for the first start, the power is turned on, etc. In the main window of the MACH3 program, press the “Reset” key so that the frame around it does not blink and lights up green, (Figure 11). At this moment, the stepper motors should fix their position (you will hear a click) and make a slight noise.
When using a USB-LPT adapter, when you press the “Reset” button, the following message may pop up when you turn on the Mach for the first time (Figure 12):

Figure 12
We ignore it, click “OK”, and click “Reset” again. If the message appears several times in a row, check that the connection is correct. USB adapter to the computer.
Now, by pressing the arrows on the keyboard (left, right, up, down), we observe movement along the axes on the machine, and on the screen, a change in coordinates in the X Y fields at the top left, to move along the Z axis, the PageUP, PageDown buttons. You can also call up the on-screen movement control panel by pressing the "Tab" key on your computer keyboard (Figure 13).

Figure 13.
If the direction of movement of the machine portal does not coincide with the direction of the keyboard arrows, for example, when pressing the "<» инструмент движется в право, изменить направление можно в меню Сonfig->Port and pins->Motor outputs by checking the DirLowActive box opposite the desired axis, Figure 14.

Figure 14.

6. Checking the correct operation of the computer's LPT port.
When working with a USB-LPT adapter, you can skip this point.
The difficulty with an LPT port is that almost all modern motherboards have a means of changing the operating frequency of the processor when the load on it changes. At the same time, all ports also experience fluctuations in frequency - as a result, the motor control signals “float” in frequency or can be completely turned off for a short period of time, that is, when Mach3 is running, the frequency of the step signal changes, which leads to uneven movement of the working part of the machine - jerking, hitting and even stopping.
Checking the LPT port.
To do this, we move the move 3-4 times in manual movement mode (using the keys< >iv^) for the full length of the work table. The movement should occur smoothly at a constant speed, without jerking, jerking, hitting or stopping (example video). If when moving there is local changes speed of movement and/or stopping during the movement of the portal, then to check it is necessary to change the Velocity parameter in the Config > MotorTuning menu item, reducing it by 10 times - Figure 15.

Figure 15.
If changes in movement speed decrease and stops stop, but at the same time impacts and shocks persist, then this motherboard not suitable for controlling the machine via the LPT port.

7 Optimizing the computer for working with the machine.
After successfully completing all previous paragraphs you need to close everything, restart the computer and perform basic computer optimization.
1) Disable automatic update. Let's go to Start? Control Panel? Center Windows updates? Settings. Disable all updates and click “Ok” (Figure 16).

Figure 16
2) Set up a power plan. We prohibit turning off the screen, hard drive and USB ports. Let's go to Start? Control Panel? Power supply? Setting up a power plan? Change advanced power settings. Enter the settings as in Figure 17. Don’t forget to click “Apply” and “Ok”.

3) Configure user account control settings. To do this, in the “Start” menu, enter “control” in the line and select “Change user account control settings” (Figure 18). In the window that opens, drag the slider all the way down and click OK.

Figure 18

Figure 19
4) Remove the swap file. To do this, go to Start>Computer (right click)>properties> Extra options systems. In the window that opens, select the “Advanced” tab, and in the Performance item, click the “Options” button (Figure 20).