The laptop is frozen and won't turn off. What to do if the laptop freezes and does not turn off for a long time after starting. We fix the problem in the shortest possible time

Now it is impossible to imagine life without our constant companions: computers, laptops, tablets and phones. This technology is in almost every home, and at times we have to fight with it. If crashes and problems occur, your laptop cannot tell what is bothering it, it reacts in its own way - it turns off or freezes. How to restart a laptop if such a problem occurs?

Why did my laptop freeze?

It may freeze for the following reasons:

  • program crash;
  • operating system failure;
  • problems with the “stuffing”: motherboard, memory, video card, processor, etc.

Ways to restart a laptop

Since you won’t be able to restart the laptop from the keyboard with one button, as you would with the “Reset” button on the system unit, you will have to use other methods for this purpose.

The first method is software

Using your operating system's Start panel

We execute the following sequence of commands: “Start” - “Shutdown” - “Reboot”. If at the moment of freezing you have stopped moving, try switching to your laptop (touchpad) using the combination + F7.

Using the task manager

Before you restart your laptop, you should try to close the program or process that caused the freeze using the task manager. It can be opened using the key combination CTRL+ALT+DEL. Then select the desired program and click the “End process” button. If this action cannot be performed, your only option is to reboot the entire system

Using the command line

To call it, click then in the command line enter “cmd” and press the Enter key, and then type the command “shutdown -r -t 0” - it means to reboot the laptop immediately. But suddenly your How to reboot it if it does not respond to commands and does not move? Then the second method will help you.

The second method is mechanical

Shutdown using the “Power” button - a button to turn the laptop on and off. Hold it down for a few seconds, this will forcefully close all open programs and turn off the laptop. To resume operation, press this button again. It is better not to resort to this method of rebooting often, since the main breakdowns of all electrical appliances occur precisely at the moment of switching on and off, when there is a power surge. But how to restart a laptop if it does not respond to the “Off” button? Try the third method.

The third method is de-energizing

If your laptop is connected to the network, turn it off and remove the battery, this will de-energize it and it will turn off by itself. Wait a few minutes, then put the battery back or plug in the laptop. By pressing the “Power” button you will start it again.

What should I do if the freeze continues?

If the freeze is repeated with a certain frequency, then this is already a serious problem, and your laptop may need repair. First of all, pay attention to the nature of the freeze and what program was open at that moment. If this is the case, you will have to remove it and install it again. Reinstalling the operating system may help, especially if you haven't done this in a while. But if all else fails, call a technician or take your laptop in for repair.

Details Updated 02/12/2018 20:26 Published 02/12/2018 20:23 Author: nout-911

Laptop frozen, what should I do?

Users are increasingly choosing laptops as a device for watching movies, listening to music, accessing the network and working with text documents. They are compact, functional and practical. In addition, the devices are sold in a wide range, from which you can choose a model that meets the buyer’s requirements and the scope of his budget. However, during subsequent operation, the user may discover some problems with the operation of the device. If Laptop freezes, what should I do? to solve the problem the owner may not know.

To help him, information is provided about the main causes of the malfunction and how to eliminate them. However, when trying to return the laptop to normal operating condition on your own, you should understand that some breakdowns require professional repair, so it is worth considering the option of contacting a specialized computer service.

The laptop froze. What to do to solve the problem at home?

First, it’s worth understanding what causes the problem. Most often they have the following character:

  • software conflict;
  • lack of free RAM resources;
  • infection of the system with viruses and malware.

It is logical to assume that methods for solving the problem should be chosen based on the reasons that caused the freeze. Thus, if the system is suspected of being infected with malware, users are advised to download and install antivirus programs on their laptop. After scanning the device's hard drive, these utilities will detect viruses and the user will be able to remove them, restoring the laptop's lost functionality. If the reason lies in a software conflict or a lack of operating memory, the user needs to remove the “hostile” programs, and also refuse to run resource-intensive applications on the device.

However, a laptop may freeze as a result of more serious problems. Among them:

  • Failure of one of the components

A damaged motherboard, a failed video card, an intermittent hard drive - all these breakdowns can cause the device to freeze unexpectedly. Eliminating them at home is only possible if the user has a solid knowledge base in the field of repairing computer equipment and the appropriate equipment and components to carry it out. All other laptop owners should contact a service center.

  • Serious OS disruption

If the laptop freezes for no obvious reason, the user may suspect incorrect operation of the operating system components - driver mismatch, conflict of running programs, etc. In such cases, it makes sense to start the laptop in safe mode, and then roll back the system to a restore point or delete recently installed files – programs, updates and drivers.

  • Device overheating

Errors in the operation of the gadget's cooling system lead to the laptop overheating and freezing. Therefore, responsible users try to prevent overheating by promptly cleaning the device body from dust and dirt at a service center. If the problem cannot be avoided, the service technicians will help restore the operation of the coolers and will be able to solve the problem of the device freezing.

  • Unnecessary entries in the OS registry

If the user does not carefully clean the OS registry on his laptop, then unnecessary entries may accumulate in it. They can slow down the device and lead to frequent laptop freezes. In this case, the solution to the problem is elementary. The user just needs to clean the registry using special utilities. Rating 5.00 Vote - support the service!

If after you select the “Restart device” or “Shut down” command, you can find them in the “Start” menu, and nothing happens, do not immediately panic. This problem is quite typical and happens quite often. Let's look at the main ways to solve the problem that has arisen.


If the laptop does not turn off after finishing work, what could be the reason? First of all, let's define how exactly everything happens:

  • the computer does not respond to commands at all;
  • The laptop displays the “Shutdown” screen, but nothing happens after that.

Failures can be divided into two types:

  1. Software. The OS cannot close programs in order to turn off the laptop.
  2. Hardware. This usually happens after the user connects a new device or installs new drivers.

How to solve a problem?

If the laptop does not turn off after shutting down Windows, the situation can be corrected by using the following methods:

Uninstall the utility that is causing the problem. First of all, you need to find out which program affects the operation of the laptop. To do this, you need to open the system stability monitor. You can do this as follows:

  • Press the Win+R button combination to launch the “Run” tool;
  • then insert the line %windir%\system32\control.exe /name Microsoft.ActionCenter /page
  • pageReliabilityView - you can copy it from here (right mouse button);
  • click OK;
  • a report will appear - in it you can see which service or utility is causing the error;
  • if you find a program that causes a crash, you need to remove it and exclude it from automatic loading;
  • if the problem is with a specific service, then you just need to disable it.

If the laptop still does not turn off when you shut down, then try the next method.

We check the operating system for viruses. Many viruses download themselves - this usually happens if your antivirus utility is out of date. It is necessary to install a new, already verified program, and then enable a full system scan. The program will automatically check the files and delete unnecessary ones.

We restore the system. Sometimes the problem appears after you have updated some drivers. All operating systems have a built-in program that will help return all system files to a certain point. The most important thing is that it does not affect the changes that the user has made to the system. To start the recovery, do the following:

  • open the “Run” tool - we described how to do this earlier;
  • write rstrui.exe in the line and confirm the action by pressing the OK key;
  • Possible restore points will be highlighted, you need to select the appropriate option;
  • confirm the action.

We eliminate the conflict between USB devices. If you do everything correctly (start up, shutdown), the laptop does not turn off, you can try deactivating the power management of the USB hub. To do this, we proceed as follows:

    • press Win+R;
    • copy devmgmt.msc into the dialog box;
    • find the section called “USB Controllers”;
    • you will see devices called “USB Root Hub” as well as “Generic USB Hub”;
    • you need to click on them one by one with the right button of the touchpad;
    • As soon as the “Properties” command is displayed, select “Power Management”;
    • uncheck wherever there is an item that allows you to turn off the laptop to save energy.

If none of the above helps, you should contact a service center for help.

The problem when a Windows 8 laptop does not turn off is quite common. The fact is that developers are constantly coming up with new features and capabilities for laptops. One such technology is the quick start system. The essence of this function is to save data to a file before turning it off, which, after turning it on, will restore all processes. However, this feature does not always work correctly: often the computer can turn off the display, but the processor and other components remain on.

Why doesn't my laptop turn off after finishing work?

In addition, the computer may not turn off due to a system update. The fact is that update packages are downloaded as usual, but in order to install and apply them, the computer must be restarted. It is during a reboot that the registry and all services are updated.

Various running applications and services can also prevent the laptop from shutting down. For example, if you worked in Microsoft Word, then first you should save the document and close it, after which you can only proceed to shutdown.

There are a lot of such services. Moreover, some of them are hidden, that is, the user does not see that they are working.

Another reason why a Windows 8 laptop won't turn off is that it is simply frozen or the corresponding services are not responding. This can happen as a result of a malware attack (virus) or when installing some application that made incorrect changes to the registry.

Windows8 laptop won't turn off: Video

How to turn off a laptop if it won't turn off

If you clicked the “Shut down” button, but the system still does not shut down, then you should check what process is interfering with this and make sure that Windows 8 is not updating. To check this, you should move the mouse cursor to the upper right corner of the desktop and select “Search”. In the search bar, write “Windows Update” and open the service. Here you will be able to see if the update is currently in progress or if there are downloaded packages that will be installed upon reboot.

Manual shutdown

If you turn off the laptop, all processes have been completed, the screen has turned off, but the fan is still spinning and the power indicators are on, then you should wait 10-15 minutes. It is possible that the computer is simply taking a long time to shut down. If you have been waiting for a long time, but nothing is changing, then simply press and hold the Power button.

After about 10 seconds the PC will shut down. However, it is worth remembering that such a shutdown is equivalent to removing the battery and unplugging the device from the outlet. That is, if the PC did not save any data, it will not be restored and you will lose it.

Changing power settings

If such actions are repeated, and you have to hold down the power button each time, then you need to perform the following steps. Open the Control Panel: this is done by pressing the Start and X keys simultaneously. Next, in the upper right corner, you will find a search bar. Write “Power Options” in it and open the search result.

In the window that appears, select “Power button actions.” Here, click on “Change settings that are currently unavailable.”

Some hardware or software failures require an emergency reboot of the operating system. This process is carried out in several ways, which are used even when the mouse and touchpad are not responding. To restart, you will need instructions on how to turn off your laptop using the keyboard.

Keyboard shortcuts to restart a laptop

Restarting when frozen is necessary to enter the BIOS, where you can check the cause of the software failure. You need to choose a method for restarting your computer using the keyboard depending on the installed operating system. Common to all laptop models, be it Asus, Lenovo, Aser, HP or any other, is the restart method by holding the power button. This option should be left as a last resort, when the computer does not respond to any actions.

Before such radical actions, you should use one of the methods described below on how to restart a laptop using the keyboard. In general, they are classified depending on the current state of the equipment, i.e. whether the computer is frozen or reacts to mouse actions. In addition, you need to follow one or another restart instruction taking into account the installed operating system, because each has its own keyboard shortcuts that restart the system. The main thing is not to despair and try to restart first with safe methods, and only then with more radical methods.

How to restart a laptop using the Start key

This method of restarting a computer using the keyboard is standard. It is worth using one of the first, because it is the safest, since all programs will be able to prepare for shutdown. Disabling instructions look like this:

  1. In the corner on the left, click on the “Start” icon or press Win.
  2. Find the “Shut Down” item at the bottom, click the arrows to highlight it.
  3. Press Enter, again using the arrows, select the “shut down” or “restart” command.

How to restart your computer through task manager

The second option to shut down can also be used if the mouse pointer or touchpad does not respond. To restart, follow these steps:

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del at the same time. This combination is used to call a special menu to change users or open the task manager.
  2. If the operating system is Windows Vista or 7, in the window that appears, click the arrows to select “Shutdown Options” at the bottom right and select “Restart” in the list that opens, then click Enter.

How to restart your Windows 8 computer

Today, most PC users have switched to Windows 8 or 8.1. The restart commands have changed. The reboot is carried out by pressing the Win+C combination. After this, a sidebar appears on the right, where you can use the arrows to get to the “Settings” item. Then you need to press Enter - a menu will appear with suggested shutdown options. All that remains is to go to the reboot point and use Enter again.

How to restart a laptop using ALT+F4 keys

The next option, how to turn off the computer using the keyboard, also uses a special combination of buttons. It is a combination of Alt+F4. It is suitable for any version of Windows. You can reboot like this:

  1. Press and hold the desired combination - a pop-up menu will appear on the screen with options for completing the work.
  2. If the mouse does not respond, then select the required item using the arrows.

How to restart a laptop if it's frozen

It happens that the laptop stops responding to any commands. The reason may be the operation of some program or game. In such a situation, you have to resort to a restart. How to restart a laptop using the keyboard when the mouse and touchpad do not work due to freezing? Use one of the following emergency reboot methods:

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. A new window should open, where at the bottom right select the restart option. Do this by pressing the arrows. You can try and launch the task manager, where you can remove the task that caused the freeze.
  2. Open the command line by pressing Win+R. In the menu that appears, enter the text shutdown /r. Then press enter.
  3. Hold down the power button. Use forced shutdown as a last resort, because it represents an incorrect shutdown. As a result of using this method, errors often appear in the form of a blue screen, which frightens many users.

Video: how to restart your computer

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