Personal account of public services in the Leningrad region. Personal account of public services in the Leningrad region Personal account: how to log in, register, confirm and restore data

The government services portal is open today!

On the government services portal Today you can receive services in electronic form from 40 departments, 15 of them are the most popular.

Now you can apply for child benefits, child care benefits, a one-time allowance at the birth of a child for families living in the Leningrad Region and 26 other types of electronic services of the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Kirov Municipal District of the Leningrad Region at any time convenient for you, in a calm environment from home . It is impossible to miss something important when filling out the form: the electronic form includes a complete list of documents required to receive the service. In addition, now a large number of various certificates do not need to be collected and submitted together with the document: officials request them from each other independently in electronic form. By the way, if urgent matters suddenly arise during the filling process, you can safely close the portal - the previously entered information will be saved in drafts, and next time you will continue working from where you left off.

To use electronic services, a citizen must register in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA). You need to create a personal account on the government services portal and go through 2 registration steps yourself:

1st - enter your full name, mobile phone number (or email) and create a password;

2nd - enter your passport data and SNILS number in your personal account. This information is automatically checked against government databases. If the data is correct (usually the verification process takes a few minutes, in extremely rare cases - up to five days), an alert will be sent to your phone or email;

The 3rd step - confirmation of the citizen's identity - can be completed at the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Kirov Municipal District of the Leningrad Region at the address: Kirovsk, st. Kirova, 16/1 in offices: 3,4,5,6,9, where an employee will confirm your account in your presence.

In addition, residents of the Leningrad region who have a confirmed account in the ESIA can also receive federal services (available at, for example, registration of civil and international passports, payment of traffic police and FSSP fines, the ability to find out debt on taxes, information from the Pension Fund of Russia and many others.

The list of services is constantly expanding!

Advantages of electronic services:

Saving effort and time

No queue

No need to take time off from work

Application status control

Thus, by spending a few minutes right now on registration and receiving a confirmed entry on the government services portal, you will save time in the future so that you can spend it not in queues, but with your beloved child or grandchild.

Public services in the Leningrad region are quickly processed electronically both on the regional website and on the single portal They cover a wide range of areas and areas of social, professional, and personal activity of everyone.

With the introduction of electronic services, citizens have the opportunity to simplify ordering and receiving certificates, documents, and passports. You can find out important information from government agencies (for example, about tax debts, traffic police fines, the status of the electronic queue for kindergarten, etc.) remotely in a few minutes.

Regional portal of the Leningrad region

What government services can residents of the Leningrad region receive on the region’s official website?

The portal is equipped with a convenient navigation and search system. It is produced by the name of the service, institution or body providing it, using a common theme that unites services for homogeneous legal relations.

The areas of public services provided by the state and municipalities are diverse, covering the following areas:

  • Social Security: You can order and order archival extracts, certificates relating to social protection, pensions, benefits, or compensation at the regional level and individual municipalities; clarify information, send applications for the payment of annual compensation for expenses and remunerations for those categories of citizens who have the right to use such benefits (transportation costs, utilities, housing, fuel, funeral, children's and special food); obtain other detailed information or direct service from this industry.
  • Pension provision: The scope of procedures is also large - from ordering certificates, copies of archival documents important for the provision or recalculation of pensions, extracts from them, to direct accrual or recalculation and other issues regarding the payment of pensions to citizens, including special categories.
  • Healthcare: with the help of this section, citizens get acquainted with the details of licensing in the field of pharmaceuticals, referral for medical and social examination, issuance of electronic prescriptions, making an appointment with a medical specialist and others.
  • Citizenship: in addition to ordering, obtaining certificates and other documents, it is allowed to familiarize yourself with the conditions for granting citizenship, benefits and compensation associated with it, draw up documents for registration at your place of residence or residence, and solve a number of other problems.
  • Labor, employment: on the government services portal of the Leningrad region, directions from this area are presented, for example, minor citizens will be able to apply for temporary work, and cadastral engineers will be able to send documents to obtain a certificate; everyone interested has the right to apply for career guidance and employment services.
  • Family issues by establishing guardianship, obtaining the status of adoptive parents or trustees to solve subsequent problems associated with this - here is detailed information describing the procedure for these procedures, the necessary actions, a list of documents, and much more.
  • Taxes, fees, including information about existing tax debt, citizen’s TIN and a number of other issues.
  • Property relations- this is the issuance of permits (construction, commissioning), transfer of land to another category, the procedure for submitting documents for registration of rights to land and other objects, coordination of plot boundaries, obtaining extracts or certificates from registers by affected participants in shared construction.
  • Housing and communal services: supervision of managing entities, information about the queue for housing on social rent, registration of citizens as those in need of housing;
  • Transport: from issuing special permits for the transportation of special cargo, conducting technical inspections of special categories of vehicles (self-propelled equipment, tractors, etc.) to pledging such equipment, registering it, passing exams for the right to drive it.

In the field of culture and media, education, science, security, law and order, tourism and sports, the website of public services in the Leningrad region also provides detailed information and the technical ability to use the online procedure for obtaining it.

Organizations and entrepreneurs can effectively use the portal as there are many services or information available for their professional or business activities.

Registration, login to your personal account of government services

Unified federal portal

Currently actively operating:

  • a single portal -, which presents all government services that residents of the Russian Federation can use, regardless of the region;
  • website for services of the Leningrad region -, with a greater emphasis on state municipal documents of local importance, such as making an appointment with a doctor or putting on a waiting list for a kindergarten.

How to register?

A citizen goes through the registration procedure, creates and then uses his personal section. Your personal account becomes available only after the registration procedure with the Unified Identification and Logistics Authority. A simple registration form (, which only requires the full details of a person and his basic documents, will provide access to a number of services that do not require additional identification.

How to log in?

With the help of certification centers, you can quickly gain access to all the capabilities of the portal. There is an ESIA (unified special system for user identification and authorization), registered in which a site visitor has the right to:

  • use interactive application forms, provide documents in scanned form;
  • monitor via the Internet how and by whom the service is provided, and know exactly about the readiness of documents;
  • for those manipulations for which it is possible to obtain their results in electronic form, use this opportunity.

Leningrad Region is a subject of the Russian Federation located in the north-west of the European part of the country. The population as of 2017 is 1,791,916 people. The region's population is multinational; people of more than 10 different nationalities live here.

The population of the Leningrad region is quite large and everyone uses government services. To relieve the burden on MFC points, passport offices, social security departments, etc., a government services website was developed specifically for Leningrad residents. areas.

Portal of public services for Leningrad residents. region

To use government services in comfort and without leaving home, visit the portal

The portal is designed specifically for residents of the Leningrad region.

Through the portal you can take advantage of a huge number of government services: obtaining archival certificates, receiving and recalculating pensions, making an appointment with a doctor, obtaining building permits, registering a marriage, registering the birth of a child, enrolling in educational institutions and much more.


In order to take advantage of the full list of government services, you need to register a personal account. To do this, go to the state portal website

on the main page in the upper right corner click on To come in.

There is a button at the bottom Register, click on it.

We wish you good luck in using the government services portal of the Leningrad region!