Do you break your phone screen. Cracked screen on the tablet: Broken screen and repair methods

Let's find out! We'll try to figure out what went wrong.

Let's start with the reasons. Let's divide them into groups, like everything related to technology. You have heard more than once in your life that the warranty does not cover mechanical damage and liquid spills. Let's start from this.

We can talk for a long time about flooded devices and the reasons for sensor failure after liquid ingress. There can be a lot of them! Liquid and current, this mixture is unpredictable! And it is unpredictable because it can damage almost any element of the system. Or maybe even after liquid gets into the device everything will be fine; after it dries completely, it will work as before. But let me make a reservation right away: you shouldn’t flatter yourself with hopes that everything will pass and the gadget will “come to life”!!!

It can “come to life” only if it has been turned off, sometimes it “comes to life” if it is immediately turned off, but the main thing is that after everything it has dried thoroughly. So that with a guarantee that a short circuit will not occur when turned on. And here there is one important condition, the liquid in which the equipment was “bathed” or filled was WATER. Yes, if it was water, there are chances. If it's sweet tea, beer, wine, juice. Everything that contains sugar, gases, dyes, any impurities. This is detrimental to electronics. Be prepared that after this, expensive repairs may be required, and if water gets in, don’t relax, the repairs can affect everyone. It’s better not to risk it, but to take it to the nearest service center, let them clean it, and restore the damaged parts if necessary. To make a device unrepairable, you need either a complete lack of spare parts, which is extremely rare, or something fantastic, for example, splitting the device with an axe. Then the opportunity to repair will disappear. But we are talking about liquid ingress; repairs will depend only on the feasibility of restoration. The result is filled in - we go to the service.

Now let's move on to the axe. Just kidding, although an ax is a useful thing, we won’t consider it. Still, if a hatchet actually went through your device, send us a photo, it’s interesting to see. Save the leftovers as keepsakes. (We will post the best photos in this article).

Speaking about mechanical damage, you need to clearly understand that they are all consequences of an impact! There is no such thing as a sensor cracking like ice on its own. Well, since we decided to find out what to change, we need to understand the force of the impact and the scale of the damage. IN any device with a sensor, d The display module consists, roughly speaking, of two parts - a touchscreen and a display. The display is responsible for the picture, the touchscreen for interaction with the device. And if your device shows “signs of life,” then it will need to be repaired.

If the device does not show “signs of life,” then take it to the service center and, after diagnostics, make a decision on the advisability of repair. “Signs of life” when the display and sensor are not working, this is any confirmation of the operation of the device, indication, vibration, sound... This means that the “victim” is still “conscious”, and not all is lost. And if there are no “signs of life”, then only diagnostics can reveal the breakdown; now all devices are repairable, it’s a matter of price. We know of cases where, for the sake of information, the same device - a donor - was purchased and the memory was resoldered. After all, in most cases, personal gadgets become storekeepers of information that are of particular value to the user. Let's move a little away from the topic, let's return to display modules and their mechanical damage...

For modern devices, as a rule, there are 3 replacement options:

  • touchscreen

  • display

  • module (this is a touchscreen and display assembly)

touchscreen- an information input device, which is a surface that responds to touches.

display- an electronic device designed for visual display of text and graphic information.

module- a device designed for visual display of information with a touch-sensitive surface.

What does the display module consist of?

Without going into details, the module consists of: touch glass (touchscreen) and display, glued together. The glue provides better color rendition, without an air gap, the picture looks “juicier”. And this method prevents dust from getting between the layers.

Recently, an active race has begun in display production technologies: LED, AMOLED, IPS, AHVA, PLS. Everyone wants to make their screen brighter, more accurate, and juicier. We will not touch on manufacturing technologies and their differences. But any modern display consists of: a polarizing layer, it is needed for more accurate color rendition, the display itself, and backlighting.

As a rule, a module is a part completely ready for replacement. Exceptions include some variations where a frame may be required to install the module. The frame serves for tight gluing of the housing and the module. Often, if you repair it yourself, it’s easier to install the module...

So let’s move on to the “symptoms” and consider the options.

  • The touch glass is intact, the display is broken.

    Such situations are not fantastic; if the touchscreen is not glued to the display, then it may turn out to be more flexible than the display. And then, at the moment of impact, the sensor will bend and the display will be damaged. After all, touch glass does not imply the presence of glass as such. Now sensors are made from scratch-resistant polymers. While the displays mostly have a fragile glass coating. In such a situation, the display needs to be replaced.
  • There is a “cobweb” on the glass of the device, the sensor works, there is an image.

    In such a situation, it’s up to you to decide aesthetically, if it suits you, then use it to your health. Paste the film so as not to get hurt.
  • The device display shows a “cobweb”, the sensor does not work, but there is an image.

    If we are talking about a phone or tablet, then it is impossible to use such a device. Definitely replacing the touchscreen or module assembly. If you have a laptop and it does not interfere with your work, then use it to your health.
  • There is a “cobweb” on the device’s display, the sensor does not work, the display is broken.

    Definitely replacing the module, or the touchscreen and display together, in such a situation it is also impossible to use the device.

A simple table for self-diagnosis, it is visually easier to perceive the information.

"cobweb" on glass sensor works display is working recommendations
No Yes No replacing display or module
There is Yes Yes replacing the touchscreen or module
There is No Yes replacing the touchscreen or module
There is No No module replacement


  • "Cobwebs" on the glass - the presence of chips and/or cracks.
  • the sensor works - the device responds correctly to touch.
  • The display is in good working order - the display is in full working order, does not ripple, shows “like new”.

Do not be biased by the table, recommendations for replacing the module, everywhere. Yes, the module is more expensive, but the cost of replacing a module is often lower, and it is also faster and more reliable. Usually, if the display was originally glued to the touchscreen, replacing the module In the end it won't be much more expensive than replacing the touchscreen. After all, not all services will undertake to unstick the module; there is a high risk of damaging the display with a piece of touch glass, and sometimes this is simply technically impossible to do. And simply because most equipment does not have separate touchscreens for sale. Therefore, whenever it is necessary to repair equipment with a sensor, we are talking about laptops, tablets and phones. First of all, find out about the possibility and cost of a separate replacement of the display or touchscreen, and compare it with the cost of the module.

We hope that this information was useful to you, Site Team.​

A modern smartphone is a fragile thing, especially its screen. The tempered glass that covers the displays for protection is almost resistant to scratches and light impacts somewhere in the middle. But from landing on a hard surface, and even if the smartphone hits the corner or edge of the screen, it’s easy to break it. Sometimes only the glass cracks, while the display itself continues to show the picture normally, and sometimes the image disappears. In some cases, the sensor remains in working condition, and in others, it stops responding to the finger.

There are several options for damage, and what to do if you break your smartphone screen depends on the type and scale of the damage. Therefore, let’s try to figure out what’s what and draw up a further course of action. It should be noted right away: if certain areas of the display do not work, there is no need to try to make it respond to your fingers by increasing the pressing force. After all, you can cut yourself on a chip or drive small pieces of glass into your skin.

What to do if the screen and sensor are working

If you break the screen of your smartphone, but it continues to show the picture, and the sensor responds to your fingers, there are two options. If the device does not have an air gap between the screen and the sensor, then only the glass is damaged, but the touchscreen remains intact. This design is found in almost all smartphones that cost more than $160-200, for example, in the iPhone. The second option is when there is an air gap. Then the sensor can be considered broken, but only its glass base is damaged, and the invisible sensor layer of conductors remains intact.

In the first case, the problem is eliminated by re-gluing the glass to a new one. You can’t do this on your own, as you need to disassemble the phone and heat it in a special installation to peel off the broken glass from the screen. Not all services carry out this procedure (an experienced specialist is needed here), but if you find a specialist, you can save money. The cost of repairs usually ranges from $15 to $100 (depending on the smartphone, as well as your country and city). The savings can be significant, because the original display for the same iPhone 6 with a replacement service can cost up to $150, and the glass itself can cost only $50. Therefore, if you break the glass on the screen of a new smartphone, but everything works, but the technician still talks about mandatory replacement for about $200 - you can try to find another technician who will only replace the broken glass. True, this is not always possible.

If the display has an air gap (in this case, when you press near a crack, the glass bends), then the sensor will have to be replaced. However, this is already easier; many more craftsmen are capable of doing normal repairs. The cost of replacing a touchscreen for a very popular or budget smartphone is from $10 to $30, plus the cost of labor (for example, in Ukraine - from 150 to 500 UAH, in Russia - from 1000 rubles). But for a rare model (for which spare parts are not mass produced) it may turn out to be twice as expensive.

What to do if you break the screen and it doesn’t work

If you break the screen and after that it either does not show (dark spots or areas filled with multi-colored patterns have appeared) or does not respond to your finger - everything is more complicated. For models without an air gap under the sensor, the entire display assembly will have to be replaced. The price of the issue depends on the model. For example, if you broke your iPhone 5S, you need to prepare to shell out about 30-50 dollars (the original screen is 1.5-2 times more expensive than a copy). On Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 or Meizu M3, the repair costs from 25 to 60 dollars (also depends on whether the spare part is original or a copy), and on Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge – all 300.

For smartphones with an air gap under the touchscreen (and this is the majority of Chinese-made devices, priced less than $120-130, and some models are more expensive), you can only replace the part that does not work. The price of the issue depends on the quality of the screen that happened to be broken and the complexity of the work. The replacement screen alone will cost between $25 and $50, and the sensor alone will cost slightly less. The popularity of the device also matters: for example, on the GSmart Mika M2, which cost about $100, the price of the assembled screen is about $50, and on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro for $150 – from $20 (excluding the work of the technician).

Due to the wide range of prices in different workshops and service centers, if you break your phone, we recommend that you Google adequate prices before going to the repairman. You can do this simply by requesting something like “replacement/repair/price of screen [your smartphone model].” By comparing the offers of several services, you can determine where they are telling you a really favorable price for services, and where they are just trying to make good money on a girl who is not familiar with the intricacies of electronics repair and who accidentally broke her smartphone.

The undoubted convenience of a tablet computer or a modern smartphone is the touch screen - it is very easy to work with. But this is overshadowed by unsightly cracks on its surface. Damage can be prevented if a special protective film is applied to the device immediately after purchase, but it has a detrimental effect on the sensitivity of the touchscreen. It’s worth taking a closer look at how to get rid of scratches on the screen of a phone, tablet or any other touch device.

Pastes and liquids, created specifically for removing damage from glass surfaces, contain aggressive components that help achieve good results, without damaging the device itself.

Often, to use professional-grade products, you need a special napkin or cotton pad, which will make it much easier to apply the composition. Sometimes these devices are included with the drug. Using products from stores, you can properly polish both your iPhone and any other devices.

Paste GOI

The choice of display polishing is directly dependent on the depth and intensity of the damage. Some people, trying to find a way to remove scratches from their phone, immediately remember the well-known GOI paste. In it, the role of an abrasive is assigned to a special powder based on chromium oxide, and the paste itself comes in several varieties. To remove scratches from a smartphone sensor, an option that has a minimal abrasive effect is suitable. Before processing, it is necessary to protect the sides of the device with tape so that the composition does not penetrate into the holes and cracks. Paste can be produced in different forms, which are determined by the method of use:

Displex paste

This tool is more effective and modern. Displex paste was created specifically for touch screens.

It is produced in the form of small tubes, which are very convenient to apply the mixture to the surface due to the presence of a pointed spout.

To get rid of scratches, you will need a light-colored and fairly soft cloth. Color is important because when polishing the fabric will definitely become darker, which will provide control of the result.

After finishing the procedure, carefully wipe the glass surface with a cloth and check its condition.

Using this method, you can also clean the glass of the built-in camera to take the highest quality photographs.

Cost of special compounds

If there are scratches on a mobile gadget, users pay attention not only to the effectiveness of the drug, but also to its price. You can hide defects and improve the appearance of your favorite device at an affordable price. For example, GOI paste can be bought for 70 rubles for a 45-gram container. This volume should be enough for a long time. The foreign composition is slightly more expensive - at a cost of 200-400 rubles you will buy a small tube of 4-6 grams. Special medications can also be purchased on the Internet, but it is advisable to first study reviews about them and delivery conditions.

Folk remedies

When thinking about how to get rid of scratches on your phone with home remedies, you need to understand the risks. Owners of mobile devices who decide to polish scratches on them often encounter insufficient effectiveness of the home remedy they use.

They try to improve the condition of the touch glass using a variety of methods, for example, by making a mixture of water and baby powder. The effect of such tricks is directly dependent on the depth of the defects.

Before how to remove a crack from the screen phone using folk remedies, the device needs to be prepared:

  1. Turn off the gadget.
  2. Seal all external openings and connectors with electrical tape or double tape. They will not allow the product and water to penetrate inside.
  3. Please be patient as some defects will be very difficult to remove. This may require not even minutes, but hours of careful processing.


To remove scratches using this affordable tool, you can use the following algorithm:

Baking soda

At home, especially noteworthy are those methods that have been known since childhood. For example, you can lighten dishes using ordinary baking soda.

Step by step guide:

Car polishes

Preparations designed for treating motor vehicles can also help deal with scratches. For example, a car polish will effectively cope with this task.

Extreme caution should be exercised when doing this, as these formulations are not intended for mobile displays.

It is worth noting that there are also special polishes designed for mobile screens.

Vegetable oil

It must be said right away that the oily structure cannot get rid of serious defects, but it can significantly improve the appearance of a phone or tablet computer.

The procedure is as follows:

All the methods mentioned above are publicly available and allow you to quickly and efficiently rid your mobile device of minor scratches.

Attention, TODAY only!

A cracked smartphone screen can ruin your day, and if you don't know how to fix it, your day can ruin your entire week, or even month. Most of us have experienced that unfortunate moment when your phone slips from your hand and the screen cracks or the display breaks into pieces. Not only does your smartphone lose its super look, but a broken screen can make your phone impossible to use. But in most cases, you won't have to buy a new phone or spend half the price of your new smartphone according to the first hack you meet at the nearest repair shop.

Since service repairs take a very long time, and the screen cracks as usual at the wrong time and if you don’t have a temporary replacement phone. These solutions will come in handy for you. We'll look at the options you can use to fix your broken iPhone screen or Android smartphone screen. There are many ways to fix a broken screen, but we'll highlight five of the best.

Here are the methods you should use to fix your broken smartphone screen.

You don't have to buy a new $700 iPhone or buy a new Android phone to get your device fixed. You can get a temporary fix for a few dollars.

If you have a cracked screen, here are five different repair options that may work for you.

No. 1 Contact the manufacturer

Before attempting any screen repairs, you should contact the company that made your phone to replace your broken screen with a new one.

Apple offers AppleCare+ if you make the purchase within 60 days of purchasing the smartphone. For amounts starting at $99, depending on your iPhone, you receive a deductible for accidental damage. If you have AppleCare+, you'll need to pay $29 for screen repair at a company or partner store, and technicians will replace the screen on-site while you wait, or by shipping it in, send your smartphone in for warranty repair.

HTC offers a Uh-Oh protection plan that covers screen replacement if the HTC One M9 breaks within the first year. This is a free replacement and you will have to mail the phone back. But don't worry about the time - HTC is fast.

Samsung sells warranty plans with the Galaxy S7 for other Samsung phones, similar to AppleCare+. If you buy the seven before damage occurs, you will be protected.

No. 2 Screen protector or film

If the screen is cracked and you cannot immediately fix the broken smartphone screen in the service. There are some steps you can take to temporarily fix an iPhone or Android with a broken screen. Assuming it's just the glass that's broken, meaning the screen is still displaying an image and responding to touch, you can use the phone temporarily and very carefully until you get home, where you can grab the tools and replace the broken screen yourself.

Clean any dust from the screen, and then place a wide piece of packing tape over the screen. Trim off any excess edges and you can continue to use your phone. This will prevent cracks from growing on the glass when your fingers touch the screen.

You can also buy a screen protector and apply it over the cracked glass. A glass protector or good plastic will at least keep the screen in its current condition.

No. 3 Self-replacement of the screen on a smartphone

The cheapest way to fix a broken iPhone screen or Android screen is to perform a screen replacement yourself.

You can easily replace the screen on your iPhone or Android using YouTube. Where professionals share their skills in repairing gadgets or familiarize themselves with the repair stages described on the relevant websites. Sometimes depending on your luck you will need to replace the screen and sometimes you will only need to replace the glass.

You can buy a new Android or iPhone screen on any website (links to top stores below). But first, analyze the market and choose the right part for your device to get good picture quality. This is when you are planning to buy a part that is not an original replacement (OEM replacement).

Watch YouTube videos and look at manuals before purchasing parts to make sure they are exactly what you need for your repair. Depending on the tools and parts needed, this DIY screen repair can cost you anywhere from $100 to $250. This is true for smartphones released in the last couple of years, but for older models the price naturally drops proportionately.

No. 4 Out of warranty repair

If you can't take the time or don't have the experience needed to repair your cracked iPhone or Android screen yourself. There are other solutions if your phone screen is cracked.

Explore the possibility of warranty repair for your device. Apple offers a one-time iPhone screen repair option that is cheaper than buying parts and doing the repair yourself, although in some cases it will still be cheaper to do it yourself.

  • iPhone 5 Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
  • IPhone 5s / Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
  • IPhone 6 Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $109
  • IPhone 6 Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
  • iPhone SE Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
  • IPhone 6s Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
  • IPhone 6s Plus Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $149
  • IPhone 7 Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
  • iPhone 7 Plus Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $149

For other manufacturers, you will need to contact Samsung, HTC or other manufacturers to get a quote for fixing your faulty Android screen.

#5 Local repair shop

If your phone screen is cracked and you simply can’t get to the Apple Store or you don’t want to send your Android phone back to the manufacturer. You can contact your local repair shop. Even in small towns, as a rule, there is someone who will repair broken iPhone screens or Android screens.

Keep in mind that a private repairman may not use original parts. Apple no longer voids the warranty if the iPhone is repaired by third-party manufacturers or private repairmen. This is good news, but if there is any damage to the iPhone from a third-party repair, you may end up with a voided warranty. If your phone is less than a year old, it may be worth looking towards an official repair, as for local repair shops. Find out if they provide any guarantee on their work. Many provide a short warranty period, a couple of months or even less.

In any case, if cracks appear on the screen of your smartphone, you must first assess how extensive the damage is. You may be able to live with minor display cracks that don't interfere too much with normal use of the phone. But if the screen is cracked well, the cracks are deep and occupy a large area, then you should probably immediately contact a workshop or take independent measures to repair the phone.

If the colors on the screen are abnormal or some pixels are no longer visible, the damage is much more than a cracked glass top layer of the smartphone screen. This means that the damage has affected the LCD panel. In this case, as a rule, phone repair will cost at least 50% of the cost of a new smartphone of your model! If the phone is not associated with any memories, then it is cheaper to sell it for spare parts and buy a new phone. If you found this article useful, then share it on social networks with your friends. Click on your social media icon below!

If the screen is cracked - 5 best options to restore your smartphone screen updated: February 2, 2019 by: Gold