Blue screen with white letters and reboot. A simple way to analyze a dump. Black screen at startup

Blue screen is a very pressing problem that hundreds of users are struggling with. Why does a blue screen appear and how to solve this problem?

A blue screen often appears when you use non-licensed software, so if such a problem already exists, then think about purchasing licensed software. On licensed systems, a blue screen will never appear. What should you do if you don’t have the money to buy expensive software, but the blue screen still haunts you?

It is also called BSOD or STOP error. It is in vain that many people slander Bill Gates that he came up with a crooked operating system that constantly produces an error in the form of a blue screen with different configurations. If it weren't for the blue screen, many computers would lose a lot of important information. A blue screen refers to hardware errors, in other words, the problem may be in the hardware or their drivers. If the problem is not corrected in a timely manner, it may affect the operation of your computer and the integrity of the spare parts.

- This is not a widespread problem, but most likely a defensive reaction of Windows. When the system does not find the optimal solution to the problem, then for insurance, a blue screen is turned on, which shows all the detailed information about the error and tells what further actions need to be taken to solve it. Most often, a blue screen appears when some hardware in the computer malfunctions. The reason may be RAM or hard drive, video card or power supply and others. BSOD can appear due to pirated software, non-original drivers, and any other programs that you downloaded from the Internet and installed on your computer.

I want to please you that soon the blue screen will disappear altogether, since Windows 7 is one of the last operating systems where it can appear. Don't get too excited because other Microsoft products will have black screens instead of blue ones. By and large, this problem does not solve, so it is worth understanding well how to deal with it and what it is.

I think everyone already knows what a blue screen looks like. I am sure that most users do not know how to solve this problem. It happens that a blue screen appears for a couple of seconds, and then the computer immediately restarts. Often the PC may reboot on its own after a blue screen appears. Many people solve this problem by reinstalling the system, but as practice shows, this is far from the best option and it does not always help solve the problem.

You can read the error very simply. You need to press and hold the F8 key as soon as the computer restarts. Then select “disable automatic reboot” from the menu list. After restarting the computer, you should again see a blue screen that will not go away. Carefully write down everything you see on a piece of paper or take a photo of the monitor screen with your camera. It is very important to rewrite the last line, which begins with the words STOP. What needs to be done next?

First you need to perform a number of standard simple steps, which often help fix the problem very quickly. Determine whether your problem is software or hardware. This can be done very simply, you need to take a Live-CD, every system administrator or computer technician should have one. If this is a hardware error, then even with a Live-CD you will still get a blue screen.

Next, you need to turn off the computer and turn it on after a while. If nothing changes anyway, then think carefully about what you recently installed on your computer and changed some components. Often new devices cause this error because they conflict with Windows. Try to put everything back in its place and check again. If the system boots and BSOD appears, but not as often as before, then you need to try updating the system through the official Microsoft website.

A blue screen can also appear when the power supply is very low. Check your voltage. If you don’t know how to do this yourself, then it’s better to call an electrician, because it can be life-threatening. Test your RAM with Memtest. The check lasts a very long time, on average from 6-9 hours, but it will accurately provide all the information about the state of your memory. If the RAM is broken, then it is better to replace it. This is often the cause of blue screens.

Check your hard drive. I recommend using the MHDD program. You will find all these programs on the Live-CD. If everything is fine here, then go to the BIOS and reset the settings to default. Check which BIOS version you are using, if there is a newer one, update it.

In conclusion, I want to give a little hint. There are many sites on the Internet that have a complete explanation of any BSOD error. It is enough to know the error code that begins with 0x000...., after which you will receive recommendations that will help fix the problem. In any case, diagnosing your equipment will not harm.

The question is how to what to do if your computer crashes into a blue screen BSOD(Blue Screen of Death, which translates as “blue screen of death”), users of computer devices often ask themselves, since the phenomenon of BSOD is quite common. The symptoms of a blue screen are very eloquent, or rather, “blue screen”: the computer turns on and starts to boot, after which the Windows screensaver appears, and after a while the PC, without fully loading, displays a blue screen with white inscriptions on it.

BSOD: cause and benefit

Many users are unhappy with Bill Gates' brainchild - Windows. They say I wrote a crooked operating system that now produces blue screens of various configurations. But such an attitude is wrong and unfair. Many people do not know that if it were not for BSOD, if the OS failed, many computers could be damaged and a lot of data could be lost.

The fact is that Windows operates directly with the hardware of the computer, and if something suddenly goes wrong, the hardware of the computer device will be given the wrong command, which can be anything (for example, delete all data from the disk). Of course, the consequences of such a command are obvious: data loss and PC breakdown.

But this does not happen, since BSOD comes to the rescue - a special defensive reaction of the Windows operating system, which occurs when the OS is no longer able to account for and control its actions, and therefore is forced to take decisive actions aimed at its own emergency stop. They say, so as not to mess up the computer.

Thus, a BSOD error, or STOP error, appears in cases such as:

  • error in Windows OS operation,
  • hardware conflict,
  • driver incompatibility,
  • damage to the driver with which the OS controls the computer,
  • corruption of system files,
  • physical damage to some components.

It often happens that a STOP error occurs when:

  • running pirated or inadequate software,
  • when viruses enter,
  • in case of launching third-party incorrect drivers,
  • using false anti-virus programs and other “fraudulent” products.

If a blue screen occurs, you should begin to eliminate the causes of BSOD and the consequences of operating system errors. Dealing with a blue screen is not so difficult, and even an ordinary user can get rid of bsod in computer on your own.

STOP error identification

Sometimes STOP error identification does not seem possible. The message about the blue screen of death, as a rule, does not look entirely clear, since it is impossible to make out what is written in the mysterious STOP error, since the computer is constantly restarting and does not allow reading the already illegible “non-Russian” text.

In order to understand what your operating system wrote to you and begin to take some action to solve the problem that has arisen, you need to press the F8 key on the keyboard and hold it down the next time you restart your PC. After this, the safe mode entry menu will appear. Find in the menu the item “Disable automatic reboot when the system fails,” and then enter the menu. Now when you start your computer shows blue screen with white records and will remain in this position until you press the Reset key.

To get rid of the blue screen of death, do the following. Start by trying to boot your computer from a diagnostic Live-CD. This will help determine what type of problem you have - hardware or software: if it is hardware, you will not be able to boot from the Live-CD, and the PC will persistently issue a BSOD.

Then proceed as follows:

1) Restart your computer, or better yet, turn it off and turn it on again after a while.

2) Remember what you inserted into the computer the day before the problem appeared. Or, perhaps, you changed some kind of hardware - maybe it didn’t make friends with Windows? Perhaps you installed some incorrect program? Try putting everything back “the way it was” and see what happens.

3) If the OS boots, and the STOP error appears only occasionally, update the operating system by taking the update from the official Microsoft website.

4) Check if the computer has enough voltage. Because if it is insufficient, the computer may issue a BSOD.

5) Check your RAM. This can be done using the Memtest utility (it is on the Live-CD) or using the RAM checker that is available on the OS installation disk.

6) Check the hard drive for sufficient free space, and then for bad zones, using the MHDD utility (you can find it on the Live-CD).

7) Go into BIOS, find the Default settings option and enable it. Save the changes and restart your computer.

8) It would be a good idea to launch the “System Restore” option or activate the “Load last known good configuration” option (you can call the options via F8).

One of the following methods should help you fix blue screen on computer. If this does not happen, check your computer for viruses - they often cause problems. Good luck!

Hello dear readers. The Windows operating system is a very capricious thing and, as a rule, this capriciousness manifests itself in blue screens with white text :). People call them, why death? I don’t know, probably because errors of this nature can be very serious.

In this short article, of course, I will not write how to cure the appearance of the blue screen of death, because it appears with a large number of different errors. But I will tell you what you need to do and how you can find a solution to this problem.

By the way, I already wrote about blue screens. In that article, I simply compared the error screen in Windows 7 and Windows 8, today we will look at an example on Windows 7 and earlier versions. You can read it, there are also definitions taken from Wikipedia. Well, in your own words, it’s a blue window with white text and an error code that appears in the event of a serious system failure. Which is most often caused by the operation of drivers.

As I already wrote, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of errors and, accordingly, there are also ways to solve them.

What are the differences between blue screens? Of course, the message that is present on it. In order to find a solution to a specific error, you need to delve into the text of the message. Or not even in the text, but in the error code that is placed after the word “STOP:” and this same code looks something like this: “0x0000006B”.

It is precisely for this piece of text that you need to look for a solution to the problem on the Internet. Just ask, for example, a request in Google with this code, and go through the sites from the results. I am sure that there you will find advice on how to resolve your problem. There are, of course, cases when nothing may happen, but I think that these are very extreme cases with isolated errors.

Below are some examples of death screens.

There is actually nothing terrible about such a “Terrible” mistake, and you can correct it yourself. Well, if it doesn’t work out, you’ll have to contact the service center, just make sure that they don’t deceive you there. I wrote in the article “How to avoid being scammed in computer workshops.”

Blue screen of death, also known as BSOD and blue screen of death, is Windows’ reaction to critical errors in the computer’s operation. White writing on a blue background suddenly appears on the screen, after which the device usually reboots, freezes, or turns off.

After restarting, the system works fine for some time. But then, if the error is not resolved, the BSOD appears again.

Sometimes this condition is caused by errors in drivers or failure of computer hardware. The reasons may also be a failure of system settings, viruses, or even installed programs.

What to do if a blue screen of death appears

Special services built into the operating system can help you.

If you have Windows 10, go to Start → Settings (gear) → Update & Security → Troubleshoot. Scroll to the bottom of the list of available services and select Blue Screen. Click “Run the troubleshooter” and follow the system prompts.

If you have an older version of the OS or the tool mentioned above did not work, open the Windows Control Panel and go to the Security and Service Center. In some versions of the OS, this path may look like this: “Control Panel” → “System and Security” → “Action Center”.

Expand the Maintenance tab and see if it shows suggestions for solving Windows problems. If yes, use the suggested tips.

If all else fails, move on to the next step.

The appearance of a blue screen of death can have hundreds of different reasons and each has its own solutions. Once you find out the cause of BSOD on your computer, you can find the best way to fix the problem.

On the Death Screen, Windows displays the error code that caused it. It can appear as a series of numbers and letters (0x0000000F) or a combination of various words written in uppercase and often connected by underscores (SPIN_LOCK_ALREADY_OWNED).

You need to enter the error code in a search engine and thus find individual instructions for fixing it. There may even be a special QR code on the blue screen. By scanning it through your mobile device, you will be taken to the Microsoft website with an interactive assistant to solve the problem.

If the computer restarts immediately after the blue screen appears and you do not have time to write down the error code, disable automatic restart. To do this, right-click on the “This PC” icon and select “Properties” → “Advanced system settings”. In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab, click “Options” and uncheck the “Perform automatic restart” checkbox.

If you do not want to look for the necessary instructions and delve into it, or the solution found on the Internet does not help, use the methods listed below.

3. Try simple universal measures

These general measures affect many system parameters and help restore normal operation. They can also fix errors that lead to the blue screen of death.

  1. In System Settings, go to Windows Update and check for updates. If they are available, install them.
  2. Check the system using .
  3. Update your drivers. You can go to your computer manufacturer's website and download all the drivers for installation yourself. But you can also use free services like