Full and mobile versions of VKontakte. VKontakte (VK) mobile version - login M vk com login mobile

One of the simplest and most unique ways is to operate with links. Full version link vk.com. To switch to the mobile version, you just need to add “m.” before the link, then the link will look like m.vk.com. And vice versa.

Switching on mobile devices

In order to switch from the mobile version to the full version, you just need to click on “full version” at the very bottom of the page (Figure 1):

Thanks to constant updates, the mobile version is becoming more and more functional. If previously you could only view information, now you can easily edit it, add it, etc. (Figure 2).

You can read more about all the innovations and changes in the mobile version here: vk.com/mobile

Switch to Android

To download the application, just follow the link vk.cc/android. Afterwards, to switch to the full version you need to go to the chrome menu. This is where the item we need will be “Full version required” (Figure 6). Typically, from these devices, when you are online, a mobile phone icon will be displayed next to your icon. After switching to the full version it will not be there.

The mobile version is a simplified and limited version of the “stationary” version of the popular social network.

How to log into the mobile version of VKontakte

When you try to access the VK main page from a mobile device, you will be automatically “redirected” to the mobile version, but in rare cases you will need to enter the following address yourself: m.vk.com

If you log into a social network from your device for the first time, you will be prompted to log in. To do this, you need, as in the “big” VK, to enter your mobile phone number (or e-mail) and password.

If you enter the site for the first time, you will need to go through full registration, again indicating your phone number, first and last name, some information about the school and higher education institution, after which you will be able to use Vkontakte both from a mobile device and in the future from a computer or a special application for mobile devices or tablets.

How does the mobile version of VKontakte differ from the full version?

Let's continue our acquaintance with the mobile version, compare it with the standard page. We see a more simplified design. Some functions (for example, playing games or watching videos) may not be available, depending on the mobile device.

The undoubted advantage of the mobile version is its much lower traffic consumption and very fast page loading compared to the “stationary” version.

m.vk.com is written in such a way as to independently adapt to the screen size from which you are using this version of the VKontakte site.

The main page for an authorized login will be updates in the groups you are subscribed to and the latest changes on the pages of your friends (as well as users you have subscribed to). To go to your profile - for example, for subsequent changes in it or simply write a status - click on your name and avatar at the top right, above the menu.

If you have a mobile device and are a Windows Phone, Android or iOS user, we recommend that you install the official client from VKontakte through the application stores of these “mobile operating systems”. Applications from VKontakte will be more functional and convenient than the regular mobile version.

The full version of VK and the mobile version of VKontakte are 2 different types of the same site. In today's Internet environment, there is probably not a single quality resource left that does not have a mobile version, specially designed for mobile devices with small screen sizes and low Internet speeds. The mobile version of VK is proof of this.

It is important to understand that using the mobile version only slightly limits the overall design and functionality of the site, since it is specifically designed to simplify working with the system. You can use the mobile version of the VKontakte website if:

— your Internet is too slow (for example, mobile traffic);
— you have an old computer that “thinks” for a long time;
— you have a mobile device (phone, tablet, smartphone) with which you want to access your VKontakte page.

How to launch the mobile version of VK

Step #1

To launch the mobile version, just add the English letter “m.” to the VKontakte website address (VK.COM). (with a dot). Or you can just follow the link:

The mobile version can also launch automatically if the system detects that a person is using a mobile device to access the site. The login page for the mobile version of VK looks like this:

Step #2

After entering the Login and Password, the user is taken to the personal account of the mobile version, which, due to its simplicity, looks somewhat stripped down, but this is quite normal

Step #3

The functionality and main options of the site are preserved here, so it won’t be difficult to understand the updated look of the resource even for beginners. At the same time, the mobile version will really save your traffic, because... its resource costs are significantly lower than in the full version of VKontakte. In other words, if you have a slow computer or a weak Internet connection, then you won’t find a better mobile version! It works faster than usual and performs all the necessary tasks with ease.

How to launch the full version of VK

Step #1

To switch to the full version from mobile, you can:

A) use a special menu item called “Full version”

B) remove the letter “m.” (with a dot) from the site address in the address bar. This English letter along with the dot just needs to be deleted, getting: vk.com

Step #2

If you think about the advantages and disadvantages of the full version of the VKontakte website, it is easy to guess that downloading it requires more computer resources and requires greater Internet bandwidth. True, the full version is much more beautiful and pleasant than the mobile one, which is why most Internet users prefer it.

Note: there is no point in publishing screenshots of the full version of VK, since everyone is familiar with the full-fledged social networking site.

VK application as an alternative to the mobile version of VK and the full version of VK

1. If you are using an Android-based mobile device to work with the VKontakte social network, it is better to use the special VK mobile application, which can be downloaded from Google Play.

2. To search for a mobile application, just launch Google Play on your mobile device and start entering the name of the site “VKontakte” (you can even use Russian letters).

3. Select the appropriate VK application (logo - the letter “B” on a blue square background) and install it on your mobile phone. To simplify this task, the reader of our site can follow the link:

The application is good if you often access the VKontakte website from a mobile phone or tablet. Installed on your phone, the application will allow you to follow news and messages from your profile, for example, while on the way to work or home, traveling, walking down the street or relaxing in the park. The main condition for the VKontakte mobile application to work is access to the Internet.

Moreover, even the mobile Internet is suitable for the successful operation of the VK system, and with the help of Wi-Fi, the application will literally “start flying”, because it requires very few system resources and does not take up much space in the phone's memory.

In general, the user has 3 possible options for working with the VKontakte social network. This:

— mobile version of VK (light or lightweight);
— full version of VK (stationary, for home computer);
— VK mobile application (lightweight and customized for a mobile phone or tablet).

It is no secret that the majority of domestic PC users of young and middle age have an account on the popular social network VKontakte. For 12 years now, VK has been offering its users various forms of virtual entertainment - correspondence with friends, music and videos, news groups, games and much more. The creators of VKontakte took care of the accessibility of the resource for various categories of users, creating both a stationary version of the site for regular PCs and a version for mobile devices. At the same time, users of desktop computers have the opportunity to evaluate all the advantages of the mobile version of m.vk.com on their machines. Let's figure out how this can be implemented.

There are various ways to launch the mobile version of VK on a computer. Let's look at them in order.

Standard version of VKontakte from the developers at m.vk.com

To switch to the mobile version of VK for gadgets, you need to add the letter m (short for “mobile”) to the standard address of the VK website, so we get the address of the mobile version:

After logging in to m.vk.com, you will see a mobile version of the resource, which has somewhat limited functionality. But at the same time, it is faster, more ergonomic, with reduced traffic consumption, which is especially convenient on weak PCs and a slow Internet connection.

The start screen of the mobile version is generally no different from its desktop sister. You will also be asked to log in or enter your username and password for an existing VK account, log in through your Google or Facebook accounts, or install the VKontakte application on your mobile device.

We use the Android OS emulator to log into the mobile version of VK

In addition to using the m.vk.com address, you can also launch the mobile version of VK on your computer using one of the Android emulators for PC (for example, “Nox App Player”, “Bluestacks 3” and other analogues). It is enough to download and install one of these programs on your PC, launch it, and then log in to it using your Google account data. After that, use the search function to find one of the following applications in the Play Market:

  1. “Mobile application “VKontakte” (official version). It is a VK mobile application from the developers of this social network. You can also download it from the link vk.com/mobile (versions of this application for Android, iOS, WP are presented here).
  2. “Kate Mobile for VKontakte” is an improved version of the VK mobile application with additional features. According to many users, this is the best alternative to the official mobile version of VK.

After finding and installing one of the applications in your emulator, the mobile version of VKontakte will become available to you on your PC.

The "Kate Mobile" application is one of the best mobile implementations of VK

Extension for Google Chrome

Another way to launch the mobile version of VK on a PC is to use an extension for the Chrome browser called “User-Agent Switcher”. It allows your Chrome browser to change the data coming from it so that the site treats your browser like any other browser you select in the settings of this extension.

The main purpose of running “User-Agent Switcher” is to observe how a website works on different browsers. We will select a mobile browser in the settings of this extension, and when we go to VK, the site will automatically redirect us to its mobile version.

User-Agent Switcher app allows you to choose your browser identification

Working with the mobile version of the site on a PC

After launching the mobile version of VKontakte on your PC, you will be taken to the mobile implementation of the VK website m.vk.com. The latter has somewhat simplified characteristics; navigation on it is simple, easy and convenient. The number of sections of the site presented is generally similar to the stationary version; news, messages, friends, groups, photos, videos and music are presented, which can be used similarly to the stationary product.

Mobile view of VK

However, there are a number of differences in the mobile version. A separate section presents notifications (they will tell you who liked or reacted to your post or comment, as well as new posts from groups and people you closely follow). There is also a separate search section, with which you can find news, people or communities by keywords (names).

A certain disadvantage of the mobile version is the lack of launchable games and applications. To work with them, you must use the full version of the site, launched by clicking on the “Full version” section in the vertical list on the left.


By logging into VK at m.vk.com, you can use the site’s mobile functionality, which is more traffic-efficient, fast, and quite convenient. It will especially appeal to owners of weak PCs with slow or expensive Internet - you can not only save traffic, but also conveniently work with VK on slow machines with poor hardware.

VKontakte is aware that it has long been possible to access the site from a mobile phone. Millions are doing just that, as evidenced by a special icon in the shape of a cell phone next to the inscription “online.” You've probably seen it dozens of times with your friends. However, what is very strange is that many still do not understand how to access Contact via phone. Don’t despair, our article will tell and explain everything to you. All you need: our instructions, a smartphone, connected Wi-Fi or configured mobile Internet.

It is for our convenience that the developers have made a lightweight version of VKontakte for mobile phones. So, how to access VKontakte from your phone? Nothing could be easier! As we have already said, you must be in a Wi-Fi zone or connect the mobile Internet service to your phone. The first, of course, is preferable, because the second will have to be paid in hard cash. When you have figured this out, open the web browser on the mobile phone you are using. If you have a Windows mobile operating system, it makes sense to first download some, say, Google Chrome or Opera, but not use the outdated Internet Explorer browser, which is available both on personal computers with this OS and, unfortunately, on smartphones. Open a browser updated to the latest version and go to the short address m.vk.com

Next, simply enter your phone number or email address, as well as your password. And voila! You are on the mobile version of the VKontakte website. By the way, don’t worry about the security of your password, the above address is official and not some kind of fraudulent one. So you basically found out how you can access Contact via phone. If your smartphone has an operating system installed, then when you log into the mobile version of VKontakte, even before entering your password, you will be asked to download a special application. Our advice: download and install it on your device without hesitation. The application is much more convenient than the mobile version of the site. It was developed under the supervision of the developers of the social network, and not by some “pirate” or fraudster.

I can’t log into Contact via my phone!

Now let's give a list of the most common problems due to which people cannot access a social network through a mobile phone. If you cannot access Contact via phone, do everything according to the list:

  1. Check if you have an Internet connection. Is there a password for Wi-Fi? Is your mobile Internet service connected to your mobile operator? Make sure you have money in your account if you use the mobile Internet. You can just try to go to some other site. It worked, but VKontakte doesn’t want it? Then read on.
  2. Not all browsers support the mobile version of the VKontakte website. As we have already said, you can immediately remove Internet Explorer after you download some other browser and install it. It’s good if your smartphone has several web browsers, for example Opera and Google Chrome. Try accessing the VKontakte short mobile address from both browsers.
  3. Clear junk from your browsers: cookies, history, etc.
So you found out how to access VKontakte from your phone. We hope that no further questions will arise regarding this matter.

What are the main differences between the mobile version? Firstly, it is very convenient to use. Secondly, it has a lot of different functions, including uploading photos or, say, adding statuses. Thirdly, the page can be managed from a variety of phones, regardless of the operating system. Fourthly, it allows you to save Internet traffic. Finally, you are always online and will not miss a single message sent to you by your friends.

The mobile version is located at https://m.vk.com. What’s interesting is that you can use it not only using your cell phone, but also directly from your computer. At the same time, it is not the news that is currently opening, as you might think, but the menu. Interestingly, when you go to your friends list, you can find their cell phone numbers. This information is open and is taken from the user’s profile (that is, we are talking about the data that the person left in the public domain). If we talk about the rest of the menu, there is no significant difference between the mobile and regular versions.

By the way, several years ago there were several versions of VKontakte for mobile devices. So, if you were using a PDA or a smartphone, then you had to go to the link pda.vkontakte.ru, and if we were talking about the most ordinary mobile phone, then the address was different - m.vkontakte.ru. After a while, both versions were combined together on m.vk.com.

A huge advantage of the mobile version is also that some cellular operators provide access to the project completely free of charge, that is, you do not pay for the Internet connection at all. However, in our time, when 50 MB of traffic per day costs only 3 rubles, this is not a problem.

Special applications have been created for the two most popular mobile operating systems.

VKontakte for android

VKontakte for Android (Google Play link). The program is distributed through the Google Play store. What is its advantage? First of all, this is the smallest and most convenient Android OS client for the VKontakte social network. Secondly, it is very easy to start using it - download the application to your smartphone, open it and enter your account information, you don’t need to do anything else. Thirdly, the application is maximally optimized in order to consume the least amount of Internet traffic.

In addition to the fact that VKontakte for Android has a standard set of functions, you can find something new in it for yourself. For example, there are sound alerts, automatic page refresh, automatic disconnection from the network and a lot of other useful features that will surely surprise and delight you. In short, if you have an Android phone, use this application.

VKontakte for iPhone

VK App for iOS(App Store link). If you use an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, then an official application has been created especially for you, supporting the full functionality of VKontakte. What are its advantages? So, this is the fastest social networking application for iOS. It works great not only on the latest generation phones, but even on the iPhone 2G, which by modern standards is not endowed with high power and fast operating speed. VK App has such features as convenient folders for friends, bookmarks, emoticons, photo review, and so on. The application uses your phone's screen to the maximum - so, all photos and images are displayed in the full width of the screen, if this is, of course, possible. Finally, the program works using the secure https protocol, so no one can intercept your data.

Both applications are distributed exclusively free of charge. Be sure to download them to your smartphone and use them for your health. Well, if you have a regular phone, then use the mobile version located at

In VK, the mobile version via a computer is available at https://m.vk.com by going to this site optimized for mobile devices you can:

  • firstly, reduce the load on your weak computer
  • secondly, reduce traffic, which is very important for laptops working through the “mobile Internet” whistle

What does the mobile version of VKontakte look like?

By going to the above address from your computer, you will see a simplified interface. Here, as usual, you need to enter your phone or email address, then your password.

After successful login, you will see the familiar interface on the left. It has almost everything as in the full version of the site.

Through a computer in the mobile version of VK you can listen to music, exchange personal messages and watch friends’ news.

Let's see what VKontakte sections look like in the mobile version.


Previously, the version for mobile phones did not have this section, but the developers tried and added a full-fledged version. Now, when logging in from a computer or laptop, you can search for videos and view them.

You can now listen to the song too. By selecting the appropriate menu item, you will be taken to a page with your audio compositions. If you want to add new ones, just enter the desired name in the search bar.

Answers tab

On the replies tab you will see not only your messages, but also comments to them. This functionality was also not previously available in the mobile version.

In general, I would like to say that when using VK in the mobile version via a computer, you will get almost the same functionality as in the full version. The only negative for gamers and lovers of all kinds of applications is the inability to launch them. But here you can simply switch to the full version by going to vk.com