It's time to build Wi-Fi bridges: what they are and what they are needed for. Wi-Fi Bridge - About what Wi-Fi bridges are

So, earlier we told. However, if you need to transmit wifi over 500 meters, 1 or several kilometers - then using improvised means, you need a serious wireless network in a professional environment, called “point-to-point”.

Wi-Fi transmission over long distances: wireless network topology and highlights

There are two main type of wireless network topology:

  • Point to point (PtP)
  • Point to Multipoint (PtMP)
  • The figure in green shows the point-to-point (PtP) connection type.
  • Point-to-multipoint (PtMP) connections are indicated in blue.

We will take a closer look at setting up the PtP option and the equipment that is used in this case.

Let's look at two options for setting up a wireless connection over a long distance.

Option 1 - setting up a wireless bridge at a distance of 1 - 3 km

Option 2 - setting up a wireless bridge for a distance of 10 km or more

Why divide and not combine into a common theme? It's simple - the type, cost and interfaces of equipment differ significantly. If the distance over which you need to transmit traffic is up to 1 km, there is no point in purchasing equipment for 10 km and overpaying for it.

Before setting up a Wi-Fi bridge, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there must be direct visibility between point “A” (where the transmitter antenna is located) and point “B” (where the receiver antenna is located)! In addition, certain requirements for the Fresnel zone must be met. What is the Fresnel zone?

Let's imagine an imaginary straight cylindrical pipe (shaded in gray in the figure), in the centers of the holes of which antenna “A” and antenna “B” are installed on both sides. The internal space of the pipe is the Fresnel zone. For a good signal and stable connection, this “pipe” should not contain any third-party objects, such as houses, trees, power lines and other structures.

The radius of the Fresnel zone (parameter R in the picture) depends on the distance between the antennas (parameter S+D in the picture) and the radio frequency at which they operate (mainly equipment in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz ranges is used). The greater the distance, the larger the radius. The Fresnel zone is calculated using the formula:

  • R – Fresnel zone radius, m
  • S and D – Distance from antennas to highest point, obstacles, km
  • f – Frequency, GHz

But don't be alarmed. There are a lot of Internet resources where these calculations are automated, just enter a query in any search engine - an online Fresnel zone calculator and you will be taken to a page where you only need to enter the distance between points “A” and “B”, as well as the frequency at which it operates equipment, press the calculation button and the calculator will give you the finished result.

Lots of text? Let's move on to practice.

How to transmit wifi at a distance of 1 km?

Option 1: radio bridge for 1 - 7 km.

To build the bridge we will need two of the simplest wireless access points. A good option would be TP-Link TL-WA5110G. Why is she so remarkable? The transmitter power of this access point model (hereinafter referred to as AP) is 26 dBm, which is several times higher than the power of any other AP for home use. The equipment has been discontinued, but if you can find a working used copy, feel free to buy it.

For the radio bridge we will need 2 APs. We configure one as a regular access point, and the other as a client.

Example of AP transmitter settings

  • SSID We set the network name as desired, you don’t have to change the standard one
  • Region. The region does not play a special role
  • Channel. It is advisable to choose a channel from 6 and higher, since on “high” channels d 2.4 GHz the air is less noisy
  • Power. To begin with, set the transmitter power to maximum, i.e. 26 dBm, and check the Enable High Power Mode checkbox.
  • Mode. We set the mode to 54Mbps (802.11g), since the other one in the list has lower bandwidth.

Example of AP receiver settings

We switch the AP to client mode.

We register the SSID as on the first device (you can also click on the Survey button at the bottom of the page, there we will see a list of devices available for connection and click Connect).

Don't forget to set different IP addresses on both APs (Network Section)!

With standard antennas, the devices reliably connect at a distance of 1 km in line of sight.

If you replace the standard circular antenna with a directional one (see figure below), you can significantly increase the communication range.

But in this case, you will have to use an adapter (pigtail) from the N-type connector to the RP-SMA, which is installed in the AP.

With this configuration on both sides, the points will show stable operation at a distance of 7 km.

There is only one disadvantage of this option - if the air is very noisy, the antenna will pick up and amplify all the interference in the area, which will negatively affect the quality of the channel, packet loss is possible, or even communication interruptions, but you can experiment with other antennas, in which the radiation pattern has a narrower beam and fewer “side lobes”.

It is also possible to use the structure outdoors, but the TD itself must be placed in an airtight box. The pigtail can be removed through the cable entry by sealing the hole with raw rubber or frost-resistant silicone.

Summary of the set “Option 1”

The configuration is quite workable and has the right to life. The cheapness of the components (used option) allows you to give preference to it if there are no increased stability requirements for the wireless bridge and a throughput of 8-12 Mbit/s is satisfactory. A complete set of used equipment for both sides can be purchased for about $50. The use is especially justified when some components are already in stock or were received for free. With external antennas, you can use not only the TP-Link TL-WA5110G, but any access points with a removable external antenna and a suitable connector.

The downside is that it is difficult to install and configure for an untrained user. Several detachable connections, the quality of which can significantly affect the signal level.

How to transmit WiFi over 5 km. and more?

Option 2. Let’s move on to “heavy artillery”

If you need a more serious option, the next part of the article is just for you.

Ubiquiti is widely known for its products for building wireless connections. The brand also produces equipment for smart homes, CCTV cameras and much more, but the first thing that comes to mind when you hear Ubiquiti is undoubtedly Wi-Fi equipment.

We will not talk about the entire line of equipment, but will select only what we need.

Brief description of the equipment

We will build the bridge using NanoBrige M5 or NanoBeam M5 equipment.

  • The NanoBrige M5 has been discontinued, but can still be found at some dealers, and there are plenty of used options available.
  • NanoBeam M5 is a new development, it is similar to the previous model, but it has a completely different filling. A faster Atheros MIPS 74KC processor, more RAM, and now 64 MB of RAM on board. The gain of the external antenna has increased. The shape of the emitter has changed. The design itself has also changed for the better. Installation is even easier and faster.

Both devices are positioned by distributors as equipment for distances of 5 km, but in practice, links of 20 km or more were launched with very good stability indicators and throughput at such a distance of over 120 Mbit/s via Wi-Fi.

Below are the antennas themselves for transmitting wifi over long distances.

Let's move on to the settings

Having configured the network interface of your PC or laptop for the network and connected the equipment according to the following diagram, we can begin configuration.

If your equipment is new, so to speak, “out of the box”, then after entering in the address bar of the browser and clicking go, we should get to the authorization page, it looks like this:

Standard login/password for ubnt/ubnt login

If for some reason you do not get to the authorization page or the standard login/password does not work, most likely you have equipment that was previously configured by someone.

It can be reset to factory settings by pressing the Reset button, which is located on the emitter, near the RJ-45 connector

All basic information about the device status is displayed here.

All the settings we need are located on the WIRELESS and NETWORK tabs.

Configuring the antenna to AP mode

The picture shows important points that need to be configured.

Brief description of the highlighted items:

  • Wireless Mode – Operating mode. Select which mode the device operates in
  • Access Point– access point (distributing Wi-Fi)
  • Station– a device that will connect to the Access Point
  • SSID – Name of the wireless network. Will be displayed when searching for a network
  • Channel Width – Channel width. The higher the value, the greater the throughput, but the lower the stability of the channel. If the distance is small and the Fresnel zone is clean, feel free to set it to 40 MHz
  • Frequency, MHz – Operating frequency. We choose carefully, because when choosing a frequency that is occupied by another device located in the field of radio visibility, we will observe a deterioration in the quality of the signal.
  • Output Power - Outgoing power. When the distance between AP and Client is 10 km or less, it is recommended to reduce the transmitter power to 19 – 20 dBm
  • Security - Security. Exactly the same as in the router settings - password protection of the wireless connection. May have a slight impact on network performance, but it is recommended to enable, preferably WPA2-AES mode.

After changing all the necessary parameters, click the Change button at the bottom of the page, and then, in the line that appears at the top, the Apply button. Only in this case the settings will be changed!

Configuring the antenna in Client mode

Almost everything is the same here, only the operating mode is different.

Important point! If you check the Frequency Scan List, MHz field and enter the frequency configured on the Access Point, the connection will be much faster, since the client will not go through all the channels in the range, but will scan only the frequency indicated in the scan list.

How to catch wifi over a long distance: setting up a network

Go to the NETWORK tab. Everything here is very clear.

What you should pay attention to on this tab is the Network Mode item. If you select Router mode from the drop-down list, you will be able to set up a DHCP server on both the wireless and wired interfaces. You can configure a PPPoE connection, forward ports, enable/disable NAT - that is, the standard functionality of a router.

Hooray! Wireless bridge configured

All that remains is to mount the antennas in their places. The antenna emitters must face each other clearly. Next, wait until the signal level scale appears on the MAIN tab. See the items AirMax Quality and AirMax Capacity, the higher their value, the better.

The Noise Floor and Transmit CCQ parameters are indicative.

Noise Floor – Shows how noisy the air is. The larger the numerical value with a minus sign, the less interference the antenna collects.

Transmit CCQ – Transmission quality. The value should approach 100%. The bigger, the better.

After adjusting the antennas, when we have achieved the best performance, we can use the network.

Various auxiliary utilities can be found in the upper right corner of the interface - this is a drop-down menu called Tools.

Using the Speed ​​Test utility located there, you can test the speed of the wireless line

Summary of the “Option 2” set

The option is undoubtedly the best. NanoBridge M5 antennas can be mounted on a pipe stand with only a 10mm wrench as a tool. Compared to Option 1 - much greater throughput, stable communication and noise-proof protocol.
There is also one downside – the price. Two NanoBeam M5 APs currently cost about $180-190. The price of two used NanoBridge M5 is about 100 - 120$

Think for yourself, decide for yourself... To have or not to have….

The rapid transmission of information is of the utmost importance in the world today. Through the Internet, which has entangled our planet in a web, distance trading is carried out, transactions are made on stock exchanges, scientific organizations share current information about achievements and experiments performed, and thousands of ordinary users communicate with each other and receive the necessary information.

Usually communication is carried out via cable lines. However, their use is not always rational. Difficult terrain conditions and long distances often make cable laying unprofitable. And in these cases, the right solution would be to use radio relay communication. Instead of laying a cable, a circuit is created using wireless access points that relay data, forming a communication channel of the required capacity. If only two devices are used to transmit data, then this type of connection will be called a radio bridge.

Depending on the task setting, a variety of equipment can be used for these purposes. If you need to connect a remote building to the Internet or connect the offices of small organizations, it would be optimal to create a WiFi bridge using Ubiquiti access points. For this purpose, the company has a variety of options in its arsenal. Access points of the NanoBeam, PowerBeam, NanoBridge and PowerBridge series are well suited, which have a high-performance radio part with high power (up to 28 dBm) and parabolic ones that focus the radio signal into a narrow beam, which allows for a connection range of up to 15 km or more in conditions of direct visibility between devices .

An analogue is the line of AirGrid access points, which, with similar characteristics, have less windage, since their reflectors have a lattice shape. The use of AirGrid can be recommended in places with increased wind load, for example, on high-rise buildings or in the mountains.

It should be noted that access points manufactured by Ubiquiti use different frequencies depending on the model. If you plan to operate them in a city where the density of networks in the most common 2.4 GHz band is extremely high, it is worth creating a wireless WiFi bridge in the 5 GHz range or using non-standard frequencies of 3 and 10 GHz (access points with article number M3, M10). Separately, we can highlight access points operating in the 900 MHz band (article number M900), which, due to its longer wavelength, allows in many cases to establish a connection with a significant overlap of visibility between devices, and even in the absence of it completely.

Setting up a WiFi bridge is not very difficult, but the work still requires certain professional skills. In addition to setting the parameters of the network part of the access points, which are set in the web interface of the proprietary AirOs operating system, it is necessary to install the devices at the place of operation - these can be radio towers or buildings, and also to adjust the devices - that is, orient the transmitting and receiving devices so that they were directed at each other. It is also necessary to connect power to the devices, which is carried out using PoE technology and supplied via an Ethernet cable.

When creating backbone communication channels, the throughput provided by a conventional WiFi radio bridge may not be enough. Unique provider-class radio relay stations AirFiber were developed specifically for this purpose. The throughput of the connection created on their basis reaches 2 Gb/sec, which is possible thanks to the use of broadband data transmission, as well as the use of GPS synchronization, patented hybrid duplex technology, an original configuration with diversity of receiving and transmitting, and other technical features. Depending on the selected model, AirFiber communications use the 5 and 24 GHz range. As you can see, the selection of equipment for radio relay communications and wireless bridges presented by Ubiquiti Networks is very wide and allows you to find an option to solve any problem. You can select and buy a WiFi bridge of the required configuration in the “Ready Solutions” section or use the form above, after which our specialists will select the necessary equipment to create a WiFi bridge.

Most often, a local network is organized using wires, but this is not always available, and sometimes too expensive. Thanks to the development of technology, today it is possible to connect into one network objects that are located at a fairly large distance from each other, using wireless communication channels. For example, you can connect a house and a country house, an office, dedicated units and a warehouse, which are located in different parts of the city. For this purpose, equipment is used, which is called nothing more than a Wifi bridge. This equipment organizes wireless communication between two points located at some distance from each other.

The range of Wi-Fi can be measured in both meters and tens of kilometers. There are known cases of organizing wireless communication between objects located at a distance of 50-60, even 90 kilometers. It all depends on the type and power of the equipment used. Naturally, more powerful devices cost several times more, but often this is still cheaper than the wireless access offered by providers.

The Wifi bridge is a current solution for creating This technology allows you to connect two commercial objects and ensure the exchange of information bypassing the global network, which is sometimes of great importance.

The transmission speed that a Wifi bridge can provide depends on the type and power of the devices used, the distance between access points, the presence and intensity of interference and other factors. For example, forests, metal structures, and weather conditions located between objects can greatly reduce the signal level. In conditions of high humidity (during rain or fog), the speed of the Wi-Fi connection becomes much lower, even causing network failures.

The range and reliability of the connection largely depend on the antenna, the correct choice of its location and settings. It should be placed at the highest available height, pointing towards the second wireless network object. Also, the signal power (and therefore the speed) depends on the parameters of the cable that is located between the antenna and the transmitting and receiving device. The minimum possible attenuation should be ensured, so be careful when selecting and connecting the cable.

Either a company or a company can use the Wifi bridge. This equipment makes it much easier to organize and develop local networks of various sizes. Moreover, even the use of fairly expensive, powerful and high-quality equipment is much cheaper than renting dedicated channels from providers. The equipment has a fairly large selection of settings and functions that allow you to achieve good results and have a high transmission speed, a stable communication channel with minimal dependence on weather conditions.

A Wifi bridge makes it possible to organize a stable working wireless digital channel with stable audio and video communication. To protect transmitted information, various encoding methods and protocols are used, as well as additional security methods that can prevent attacks on the network or interception of information.

Today I want to touch on the topic of an outdoor router and wireless wifi bridge, in which there is quite a lot of interest among my readers. Namely, are you regularly interested in how to make a wireless connection between two buildings remote from each other, for example, between an office and a warehouse, between two apartments in different residential buildings, or between a private cottage and a garage, by connecting two routers? The answer is that you need to set up a WiFi bridge through the router.

So, imagine the situation that you have a friend living in the house opposite. Or a country house with a plot of land, located behind the forest - and we want to provide free Internet access to these points via WiFi. That is, we are faced with the task of setting up a WiFi bridge, that is, combining two independent local networks (wired or wireless - it doesn’t matter) or connecting one remotely located computer to our home network using a Wi-Fi signal.

If we are talking about a room that is located close to the source of your signal, that is, from the router, then it is likely that it will reach it with or without additional devices to increase the range. Again, if the distance is no more than a few tens or hundreds of meters, then you can get by with just two ordinary routers that support bridge mode and to which external antennas are connected.

But for larger distances, ranging from several hundred meters to kilometers, and to ensure more stable operation, it is recommended to use special wifi access points designed specifically for building such wireless bridges. They are already equipped with a powerful directional antenna and are designed to work in conjunction with each other. The market leader in the production of such equipment is Ubiquiti. There are many models in different price ranges and performance characteristics.

Pay attention to one detail that an attentive reader probably noticed when I talked about where we need to connect the Internet from your apartment - to a neighboring house or to the nearest forest. That is, you will need to purchase and install two identical access points and point them at each other so that their direct contact is not disrupted by any obstacles or obstacles, such as walls, trees, etc.

Therefore, in the case of houses, if they are located opposite each other, you can simply fix the access points on the balcony or roof. If we are talking about a greater distance, for example, to distribute WiFi to a summer cottage hidden by a forest, then you can install the receiving AP on a high pole, towering above the trees or houses.

The main condition for stable operation of a wifi bridge is direct visibility between two objects.

Another condition for creating a wireless bridge is the technical characteristics of the equipment - what distance they reach and at what frequency they operate. It is best that these are two identical models so that they are most suitable for communication with each other.

Also, reception stability can be further increased by using a separately purchased external amplifying antenna.

When installing points, it is necessary to take into account the directional pattern of their signal. You need to understand that the greater the distance, the more accurately you need to aim them at each other.

WiFi access points and other equipment

Let's look at some equipment for setting up a wifi bridge based on range. If you plan to create a wifi bridge for a distance of no more than 3 km in line of sight, then the Ubiquiti NanoStation Loco M2, NanoStation Loco M5, NanoStation M2 models are suitable - in increasing order of their range.

The following WiFi access points already reach up to 10 km - Ubiquiti NanoStation M5, NanoBridge M5 22dBi, NanoBridge M5 25dBi. The last 2 with more amplified antennas.

The PowerBridge M3 and PowerBridge M5 models with built-in powerful highly directional antennas will help you overcome a distance of 20 km.

And finally, you can cover a maximum distance of 30-50 km using the Ubiquiti Rocket M2, Rocket M5, Rocket M5 GPS models (with coordinate synchronization). Also, for more stable reception, they can be further amplified with antennas - for example, for the Rocket M2 point, operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, the RocketDish 2G-24 is ideal, for the Rocket M3 - the Rocket Dish 3G, and for the Rocket M5 - the RocketDish 5G-30.

If there is no direct visibility, then the NanoStation Loco M900 model will help you at a distance of up to 5 km. Unlike most access points that operate at a frequency of 2.5 GHz, this equipment has a frequency range of 900 MHz, which helps radio waves better avoid obstacles.

In addition to the points themselves, during outdoor installation you will need some more devices - this is the so-called Lightning Protection, which protects devices operating using PoE technology (that is, receiving power via a network cable) from dangerous voltages that may arise due to atmospheric phenomena.

Let's summarize - to create a wireless WiFi bridge through a router you will need:

  • 2 configured local networks,
  • 2 external access points with antennas
  • and 2 lightning protection.

If you are in doubt about what to buy, just Google and find online stores that sell this equipment. In most cases, they have a convenient wizard for selecting models or have ready-made kits that you just have to purchase and configure.

Here are the characteristics of a series of access points from the Ubiquity website:

Access points of the NanoStation M and NanoStation Loco M series are perfect as client devices for receiving signals from the base station; as a distributing antenna in the specified direction; as a bridge connection, where visibility between objects is limited, due to MIMO 2x2 antenna.

Bullets do not come with built-in antennas and are therefore universal. Through the N-type connector, you can configure a panel, directional, or omnidirectional antenna of the appropriate range. Mainly used for building bridges and for distributing signals in a circular direction.

Rocket are designed to build provider-class point-to-multipoint connections and for highways over 40 km thanks to joint use with proprietary AirMax Sector, Dish and Omni antennas. The main advantage of the points is power, performance and support for MIMO 2X2 mode.

AirGrid, NanoBridge and PowerBridge are equipped with built-in highly directional antennas and are mainly intended for building bridge connections. Antennas differ from each other in performance, power, form factor and purpose.

Setting up a Ubiquiti wifi bridge

Once you have decided on the distance and selected a set of devices, it’s time to start setting up the bridge. I will show the example of a mid-range wifi access point Ubiquiti NanoStation M5, which operates at 5 km and supports up to 40 workstations.

Setting up the first point in Access Point mode

We connect the point to the lightning protection, and it to the PoE adapter (a device that allows you to supply power via a LAN connector), which in turn is connected to the mains via a network adapter. Also, in the PoE adapter, we insert a patch cord into the LAN connector, which also comes from the LAN router to which the Internet is connected.

After this, go to the browser at (it is indicated on the case or packaging), log in using the username/password “ubnt” and get to the main admin page, which displays general data and network status.

We need the WireLess tab, in which we will configure everything we need for work. There are already familiar items here, such as SSID, and Security (encryption type, login and password for connection) - I will not repeat myself; how to set this up is described in detail in the section about the wireless connection.

Now I’ll focus on the new basic parameters.

  • Wireless Mode - the role of this device is Access Point (point) or Station (client). We set one main access point to AP mode, and the second, client access point to Station. There is also a WDS mode that allows you to connect multiple devices to a network, but we don’t need that right now.
  • Channel Width — channel width. The channel bandwidth depends on the value in this field: 40 MHz up to 300 Mbit/s, 20 MHz up to 130 Mbit/s, 10 MHz up to 65 Mbit/s, 5 MHz up to 32 Mbit/s.
  • Frequency — channel frequency. Be sure to indicate a specific number that differs from the neighbor's Wi-Fi. How to determine this.
  • Output Power - transmitter power. Set it to maximum.
  • Max Data Rate allows you to set a specific information transfer rate or select automatic mode.

The rest can be left as is.

We configure all these parameters and move on to another access point.

Setting the second point in Station mode

Just as in the first case, after all the procedures for connecting to electricity and LAN, we go to its IP (the same as the first one), after which it needs to be changed, since the first point already has such an address. To do this, go to the “Network” tab and change to

We save the settings by clicking the “Change > Apply” button, wait for the reboot and now go to the admin panel again, but at a new, changed address.

Go to the “Wireless” tab and, as I already said, change its operating mode to “Station”.

In the “SSID” item, click on the “Select” button and in the window that opens, click the “Scan” button. The device should detect the first, already configured, access point.

We check the box next to our point, copy its MAC address and paste it into the Lock to AP MAC field. Click “Change > Apply” to save the changes.

Finally, the last step - go to the “Advanced” tab and in the “Distance” line indicate the distance to the first wifi access point. We leave the rest as default and save everything again.

That's all - a wireless wifi bridge built using two wifi access points is ready.

Setting up a TP-Link wireless bridge

The practice of installing TP-Link access points is similar to that already described above - we fix the access points opposite each other and connect them to computers or routers through which your local networks operate in the source apartment and the object receiving WiFi. I talked in detail about exactly how to connect in a separate article, so I see no point in repeating myself.

Let's go straight to the admin panel of the access point. It has several operating modes.

For the point from which we will distribute, AccessPoint, AP Router or AP Client Router are suitable. How to set up an AP in Internet distribution mode is described in detail in the video:

For the recipient - Client, Repeater or Bridge. How our device works in receive mode is described in.

That's basically all I wanted to tell you about setting up a wireless WiFi bridge. Good luck with the setup!

Situations often occur when it is necessary to connect two different points, for example: (House-Dacha) into one single local network. There may be enough reasons for this: Organization of video surveillance of a dacha or house, organization of Internet access at the dacha from the home channel, communication between relatives who are on both sides.

It is quite difficult to do this using wired networks, so you have to organize a wireless network. And it’s good if the distance from the house to the dacha does not exceed 2-5 km and there is space for installing external devices with direct visibility to each other. And if the distance is 12-15 km and line of sight is doubtful....

Here in both cases, the solution to the issue will be WiFi Bridge, it will connect both points at high speed and provide a shared local network. In the first case (the link range is 2-5 km, there is direct visibility of the installation sites) less powerful transmitters will be required; such a wi-fi bridge will be provided by two devices of the type ( Ubiquiti NanoStation M2 or Ubiquiti NanoStation M5).

The first device (Ubiquiti NanoStation M2) operates at regular Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4Ghz) and its maximum data transfer speed in greenhouse conditions reached 100+ Mbit/second. But 2.4Ghz is more clogged and has more interference, which reduces the quality of the link and the maximum data transfer speed, and also creates possible network failures.

The second device (Ubiquiti NanoStation M5) operates at freer frequencies, which are located in the 5Ghz range, and devices operating in this range have a higher speed than those operating at 2.4Ghz frequencies. These devices almost require direct visibility to create a link. Devices that operate in 5Ghz frequencies are more sensitive to obstacles in the path of the laid communication line.

What is Wi-Fi Bridge?

These are two devices (preferably of the same type) installed at two different points and directed towards each other. Which are interconnected by a channel (link) from 128 kbit/s to 100 Mbit/s. The transmission speed will depend on the type of devices used, range, line of sight and other interference. In general, a Wi-Fi bridge is a regular wireless network, only used in outdoor conditions to connect points at a distance of 1,2,5,10,20 km.

Where is it used? Wi-Fi bridge ?

Wi-fi bridge is a multifunctional communication channel that can connect two points for any purpose. Some people organize channels between the house and the dacha to organize Internet access at the dacha, others install bridges for video surveillance of the dacha or the nanny at home. There can be many applications; one bridge can provide a good communication channel, 100 Mbit/second at a distance of 5-10 km. This can be a good channel for Internet access or IPTV not for one person, but for an entire dacha community.

Some build warehouses not very far from, but not too close to, offices and communication must be maintained between them, and not just communication, but a secure high-speed channel directly (without virtual networks built on the regular Internet). Wi-Fi bridge will provide an office or warehouse at a remote distance, with all means of telecommunications at once.

How much does a Wi-Fi bridge cost?

The price categories of the equipment used are different, there is equipment at low prices, but the quality is also not great, there is more expensive, but higher quality equipment - which is capable of creating really good links at high speeds and without much dependence on weather conditions. A good choice would be equipment from Ubiquiti.

Using the equipment of this company, it is possible to build good links at distances of 10-15 km, and the price of equipment for such a link will be about 10-13 thousand rubles, taking into account all consumables, etc.

At this time, local providers will offer low-quality wireless connections, with high tariffs and low-speed connections, at higher prices - you can see prices for radio access on the Internet...

Maximum distances

The maximum distance that can be penetrated will depend on the equipment used. Some manufacturers offer equipment on the market that can establish connections at a distance of 50-60 km; cases of connections have also been observed at a distance of 90 km. The prices for such equipment are, of course, many times higher, but often such amounts are still cheaper than the amounts that other providers will ask in the right place for connection.

Is it possible to connect 2 different houses in one village?

Of course, installing two simplified versions Nanostation M2(Loco) on the roofs of buildings and pointing them at each other, after fine-tuning there will be a stable and high-speed link that will allow you to connect both houses to each other and connect their subscribers.

Is it possible to distribute such Internet over WiFi

Yes, you can, you will get a regular cable connection - which will transmit the same thing as the cable on the other side, and you can distribute this digital signal to internal devices by creating another internal Wi-Fi network and connecting it to the bridge.


These are Wi-Fi devices that allow you to connect (create a link) between two points, with high data transfer speeds and high line parameters (in the form of ping and losses). This connection can provide stable video and audio communications, while the Internet will also be available and there will be bandwidth for IPTV.

The cost of such a connection is not very high, and if it is necessary to connect two houses at a distance of 2-5 km, then this is perhaps the only viable solution. Connecting two houses at a distance of 5 km can cost either 6-7 thousand rubles or 12-13 thousand rubles. Depending on your knowledge and skills.