How to set the time on your dexp phone. Problems with time and time zones in Android and ways to solve them

Beginner users of Android devices experience a lot of difficulties even with basic actions. However, do not worry - after a couple of days of active use, your smartphone will become your reliable companion and assistant in everyday affairs. One of the current problems is setting the date on a mobile device. Using the tips below, you can set the date and time on Android in minutes.

Setup process

Most of the parameters of the mobile device can be adjusted in the “Settings” item, which is located in the main menu of the smartphone. Press the “Menu” button (it is different for each device, most often located among the touch buttons at the bottom of the display).

Many icons will appear on the display, find “Settings” among them, which is presented in the form of a gear, and click on the icon.

Menus may also vary. Among all the various options, find the item called “Date and Time” and click on the icon. Perhaps it will be hidden in another section (for example, “Phone”, “Basic settings”, etc.).

Set the date, month and year. Set the exact time. You can also change its display format. Save your changes.

Possible errors and their elimination

The process of changing the date and time to is quite simple, but various errors may occur due to system failures. The user may be surprised by the appearance of a message on the display stating that an error has occurred and the changes have not been saved.

Ways to solve the problem:

  • Reset device settings;
  • Contact the service center if the first option turns out to be ineffective.

Option 1

It is possible that the manufacturer of your smartphone or tablet has set a time zone that is incompatible with yours, causing the system to crash. To avoid this problem, you need to adjust the setting before installing the SIM card into the device.

  1. To resolve the error, remove the SIM card from the smartphone.
  2. Open the “Settings” section in the menu, just as you did earlier.
  3. In the settings, look for an item called “Backup and reset” (other options are possible, but the essence remains the same).
  4. Use the "Reset settings" function.
  5. Now open the “Date and Time” section, disable the items related to the network time zone, date and time, and then set the desired time zone.
  6. Insert the SIM card into the smartphone and set the date.

Option 2

Intended for users who were unable to solve the problem with setting the date and time on their own. Contact qualified service personnel for assistance.

Hints on setting the date and time in a mobile device will be useful for novice users. Over time, every action with the device will become automatic and you will no longer have to resort to instructions.

Basically there is no need to change the time set on your tablet or smartphone. When the computer automatically turns on after activating this device and setting the time zone, the time is automatically determined. If necessary, you can adjust the time via the Internet. But if you need to set a different date and time on your Android device, then you can make the appropriate changes in the settings. In our article we will look at how to set the time on a tablet or smartphone.

How to set the time on an Android tablet or smartphone?

In some cases, mobile devices imported from China may display the wrong time. The main problem with mobile phones arriving from the Middle Kingdom is that the default time zone is set to the wrong time zone. In such a situation, it is not possible to correctly determine the current time from the information provided by the mobile network, although the minutes are displayed correctly.

Finding the desired settings item

When purchasing a tablet or smartphone, users wonder how to set the time, especially if this is their first device. First, the first smartphone owners try to set the correct time and date for their region. In order to go to the “Settings” section, you need to do the following:

  • In the main menu of your smartphone or tablet, find the “Settings” item and click on it. As a result, a list of all items that can be configured appears.

Important! Some firmware, for example, Lenovo, does not have such a button. All applications in these mobile devices are located directly on the desktops of smartphones. Find the “Settings” application shortcut. This icon looks like a gear or some other tool, but the letter G should not be in the name, since these are Google settings.

  • There is another method of getting into the settings menu, which is to open the top curtain by simply swiping from the top edge of the screen to the middle part. Next, click on the corresponding “Settings” button.

Important! Correctly setting the date and time is important for the normal functioning of your device. Due to incorrect settings, there is the possibility of unexpected problems with website authorization, email access, and the normal functioning of other software products.

Setting up the time zone

Each device is equipped by default with synchronization with the exact time server system. So, if you enter the exact time manually without setting the correct time zone or time zone after synchronization, your settings will fail. Therefore, correct display of date and time implies a correctly specified time zone.

Important! The Settings section can be located on the desktop or in applications. Some devices are equipped with a similar function, which can be found in the “Settings” subsection.

How to set the correct time on a smartphone with the Android operating system:

  1. Go to the context menu, find the “Options” item and click on it.
  2. In the extensive menu that opens, select and click on the “System” subsection.
  3. In the dialog box, go to the “Date and Time” insert. There are many options here. It is necessary to study them very carefully. After familiarizing yourself with the settings, you can easily set the required parameters.

Basic Settings for Date and Time

The Date and Time tab offers a wide variety of functions. To set the necessary parameters, you should clearly understand the meaning and functionality of each item. Let's look at them in more detail.

Option “Automatic date and time setting”

As a rule, it is used by default in mobile devices. The “Automatic date and time setting” option is capable of synchronizing the time of the mobile device with the clock located on the server of the Internet provider. After enabling this option, it will be impossible to change the date and time manually. Therefore, make sure that this option is not checked. If it is present, then remove it.

Important! Many Android devices are equipped with a function that allows you to automatically select a time zone. To access manual settings to synchronize it over the network or the so-called GPS, the “Automatic date and time setting” option should also be disabled.

Setting the time zone

When you click on the button, a list appears with a list of settlements that have different time zones. If the list does not contain the name of the city in which you are currently located, then you just need to select the settlement closest to your place of residence.

Setting the time

This option is used to set the time. How to set the time on a Lenovo phone with Android operating system?

  1. Select and click on the corresponding time value from the columns that indicate hours and minutes.
  2. Then click on the “Finish” or “OK” button.

Setting the date

If you click on this subsection, a calendar appears in the window that appears. To change the date, simply click on the corresponding date, month and year in the calendar. After that, click on the “Finish” or “OK” button.

Display Format

The display format can be either 24 or 12 hour. If you use a 12 hour clock, then when noon begins, time starts counting down again from one. Instead of 13 hours it will be considered 1 hour and so on.

Important! The names of the options located in the menu may differ slightly in different mobile devices. So, for example, the name of the automatic synchronization function may appear as “Network time”. Such disagreements arise due to several translation options and different versions of the operating system. The procedure for setting up the system is the same and does not depend in any way on the version of the operating system used.

In order to return back to the desktop after all the actions have been completed, you need to find the arrow pointing up and click on it. This arrow is located at the bottom of the page.

How to set the time on an iOS tablet or smartphone?

Any Apple mobile device also has a clock. In order to determine what time it is, just tap once on the Home button, which is in lock mode, after which the time and date are displayed on the screen. When the phone is unlocked, the clock is displayed in the upper area of ​​the screen in the central part of the sidebar. The required date, month and corresponding day of the week are displayed on the Calendar application icon, which is standard.

Important! When trying to change the time mode on iPhone, some novice users download the standard Clock application. But this option is not correct, since the “Clock” application on an Apple mobile device does not have the ability to set the time.

How to set the correct time on a tablet with the iOS operating system:

  • Go to the “Settings” application.
  • In the dialog box that opens, select the “Basic” subsection and click on it.
  • In the context menu that appears, tap on the “Date and time” item.
  • When the “Date and Time” section appears, all the necessary settings will appear to your attention. Here you can select a 24-hour time format and decide whether to automatically switch to summer or winter mode.

Important! It is advisable to disable automatic transition, since sometimes there is a SyncServer error.

  • Set the required time zone.
  • After this, go to the “Set date and time” item.
  • In the date and time subsection, click on “Date”.
  • In the window that opens at the bottom of the screen, select the day, month and corresponding year.
  • Click on “Time” and set the time that will be the main one.
  • After setting the necessary parameters, click on the Home button, and then exit the settings context menu.

How to set the time on a Windows tablet or smartphone?

In addition to mobile devices running Android and iOS operating systems, there are also models running on Windows. How to set the correct time on a tablet with the Windows operating system:

  1. To set the date and time in Windows, a special utility is used. In order to call it, open the control panel and click on the date and time icon. The required three bookmarks appear on the screen.
  2. To change the date, select a month - to do this, open the drop-down list and click on one of the selected items.
  3. To set the year, click on the selected parameter.
  4. By clicking on one of the days of the week we set the required value.
  5. To change the time, place the cursor in any position on the time entry line. By clicking on the arrows, we increase or decrease the parameter.
  6. We confirm and save our actions by clicking on the “OK” button.

Important! If the portable device is a member of a domain, then the clock is automatically synchronized with a network time server. If the gadget is not a member of a domain, then it is possible to synchronize the clock of your tablet or smartphone with a time server over an Internet connection.

In order to enable synchronization, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Select a server. To do this, open the drop-down list.
  2. Left-click on the arrow on the right side of the list.
  3. Select the required value from the list.
  4. Click on the selected option.
  5. Click the “Update Now” button.

Synchronization has started.

  1. Option “Automatically set date and time”. It is usually used in mobile devices running the Android operating system with an Internet connection. It allows you to synchronize the clock of your mobile device with the clock located on the server of your Internet provider. When enabled, it will be impossible to change the date and time manually. Therefore, you need to uncheck this option.
  2. Many Android devices have a function for automatically selecting a time zone (network or GPS synchronization). To access manual configuration, it must also be disabled.
  3. Selecting a time zone. When you click the button, a list of cities with different time zones opens. If there is no settlement in which you live, you just need to choose one that is closer to your place of residence.
  4. Setting the date. Clicking on this item will open the calendar. To change the date, you just need to select a specific date, month and year. Click on the “Ok” (“Done”) button.
  5. Display format (24- or 12-hour). When using the 12-hour format, time after noon will be counted starting from one (instead of 13 - 1 hour, etc.).
  6. Setting the time. This option allows you to set the time by selecting the appropriate values ​​from the bars indicating hours and minutes. Then click on the “Finish” button (Ok).
  7. To return to the desktop after completing the procedure, just click on the up arrow. It is located at the bottom of the page.

Nowadays, more and more people are moving away from using wristwatches, preferring smartphone watches. However, the phone date and time may be lost when the device is rebooted or due to a system error. In such cases, you have to change the settings yourself. To do this correctly, let's look at some features of date and time settings on Android.

Inaccurate date and time on Android may cause some apps to stop or function incorrectly. This happens because programs automatically check the expiration date of their license with the date set on the phone. And if something doesn’t add up, then they simply stop working.

How to change date and time on Android

Now let's move on to manually setting the time parameters.

Video: How to set time and date on Android

Possible problems when setting the time and their solutions

After setting new time settings, you may encounter two problems:

  • time settings are constantly reset;
  • The message “An error occurred in the Settings application” appeared on the device screen.

The following methods will help you correct these misunderstandings.


First try restarting your smartphone. This action will start all processes again, and perhaps the errors will disappear, and the time settings will be saved.


If rebooting the device did not work properly, you need to enable auto-sync. This feature allows the phone to automatically update its time settings when connected to the Internet. To enable auto-sync, follow these steps.

Installing 360root and ClockSync applications

If your phone does not have an auto-sync feature, you will need to follow these steps.

Factory reset

However, even after automatic synchronization is enabled, the time may still change on its own or generate an error. In this case, you will have to reset your phone to factory settings.

How to select, set, or add a new time zone

To find out the time zone of your region, go to the website and find the city closest to you in the list. On the right side of the page you will see time zone information. For example, in Kaliningrad it is GMT +02:00. You will need to select this information in the settings of your phone.

Beginner users of modern smartphones often wonder: how to set the time and date on Android?

But, as a rule, answering this question does not require any special knowledge, since this can be done easily and simply, especially if this is not the first time you have held a gadget in your hands. So, how to change the date on an Android phone?

Manual setting

In order to manually set the date on Android, you do not need the knowledge of a super owner of a gadget of this platform, special skills for smartphones based on Android, and so on. All you need is a smartphone. Since Android is the simplest platform, finding settings on your phone is as easy as shelling pears. Typically, the settings menu can be called up by pressing the touch buttons or found in the menu.

In general, manual setup on Android is necessary for those users who do not have Internet access. It is when the device is disconnected from the network that the indicators on the smartphone are lost and it must be set manually. So, how to change the date in the Galaxy S Plus, for example, or in any other smartphone on the Android platform? There are two methods for this:

  1. Lower the notification shade and find the gear icon in the upper right corner.
  2. We go to the main menu of the smartphone and find there the same sign with the inscription Settings.

Next you need to find a section called date and time. Now you need to pay attention to the presence of a SIM card in your phone or tablet. If it is not there, then automatic synchronization is simply impossible. If you want to set the time on your tablet accurately to the second, you need to uncheck the box Automatic time detection. Only after this will you be able to set the correct indicators on your smartphone.

So, next we need to find a line called Set date, then click on OK. The time is set in exactly the same way, so we will not describe in detail the stages of setting the time. But in some cases there is still Automatic belt detection, so the checkbox from this line must also be unchecked in order to set the correct time.

And just like with the time zone that our compatriots play around with, the authorities are playing with time display options. That is, a 12-hour format option or 24. You can also change it by unchecking auto-detection and selecting the option that you need. On some Android models, you can also select time display options. As a rule, most often on the home and lock screen the date is shown as day/month/year. But you can always change the way it is shown by going to the settings and changing it in the same way as changing the time.

Automatic setup

This method is much easier than the previous one, but it requires a SIM card and a mobile Internet network.

If both factors are present, the indicators are set automatically after turning on the device.

You just need to confirm whether the indicators are set correctly when you start the smartphone.

In order for the time to be set automatically, you will need to go to the settings (the methods for getting to this item are described above) and check the box Auto detection.

Often, after the automatic time detection value is active, access to changing these settings manually is blocked.

Therefore, which method to choose - automatic or manual - is up to you.

Smart Sync

To set the most accurate time, you will need another application. One of the popular ones is the application ClockSync, which was developed Sergey Baranov. In terms of size, of course, the program looks modest. But how many functions does it include? Let's list them:

  • Automatic time setting with or without root rights.
  • Highest precision mode.
  • Detailed statistics.
  • Setting the correct and most accurate time interval.
  • Option to update about all available time zones.
  • Selecting one or another server for time synchronization.
  • Auto-detection of a particular time zone.
  • Battery saving mode.
  • Time zone database (this item is especially important for older tablets and smartphones).

Summing up

If for one reason or another the date or time on your smartphone is incorrect, then you can set the correct one at any time using manual or automatic settings, as well as by installing the program described above. On newer devices, the date and time are rarely lost even after rebooting the gadget. But older devices still fail and because of this, the date and time may be lost.

And also, if the date and time on the photo of the Android phone is incorrect, then the corresponding indicator will be displayed when taking a photo. The display of time on photos can also be turned off in the settings, but not in the main settings. To do this, you will need to turn on the camera and adjust the display from there. But if for some reason this cannot be done, then we recommend that you download the date and time on Android using some third-party applications.

Setting time and date on Android