wps protocol. What is WiFi Protected Setup

Hello! I decided to talk about technology today WPS (QSS) , I’ll tell you the same thing What is the QSS button for on a Wi-Fi router? and how to put it into practice. It seems to me that now all modern routers have WPS (QSS) technology, so the information is relevant. In my TL-WR841N router, and in TP-Link routers in general, this function is called QSS.

QSS, or WPS, is a technology that allows you to semi-automatically create a wireless Wi-Fi connection between your router and the device you want to connect to the network.

Deciphered as:

WPS – Wi-Fi Protected Setup
QSS – Quick Security Setup

Now I’m describing it in my own words. For example, guests come to you and they want to connect to your Wi-Fi network. What do you usually do? Look for your Wi-Fi password, then you need to enter it on the device and that’s the only way to connect. And QSS technology simplifies this procedure.

You simply find your network on the device, select WPS in the additional settings and press the “Puch button” (I have this on my phone), then click connect, and on the router press the button QSS. The devices exchange a PIN code and connect to each other. As you can see, everything is convenient, you don’t need to enter anything. I checked it myself, everything works fine.

Now I will write in more detail:

  • How to enable (disable) QSS on a TP-Link router.
  • How to connect a device (phone) to a Wi-Fi router using QSS technology
  • What are the dangers of using WPS (QSS) technology?

How to enable/disable QSS on a TP-Link router?

When I wrote an article on setting up, I mentioned the QSS button, on this router it looks like this:

Right away, before I forget, I want to give an answer to those who ask: if I click on this QSS button, does that mean that everyone will be able to connect to my router? The answer is no, this button only works when you press it, and for some time after pressing it (not for long), and at that moment you connect your phone or tablet. The process of connecting and exchanging a PIN code takes just a few seconds.

The QSS function can be enabled or disabled in the router settings. Immediately after setting up the router, this technology was enabled for me, and it still works. In order to enable or disable the QSS protocol, or generate a new PIN code, as well as to add a new device from the router control panel, you need to go to the router settings.

I have already written several times how to do this, type the address in the browser address bar, enter the login and password to access the settings (admin and admin by default) and confirm the login.

Then on the left go to the “QSS” tab, the page will open “QSS (Quick Secure Setup)”. If you have the opposite QSS Status: Enabled, it means the technology is enabled, to disable QSS, click the “Disable QSS” button. And accordingly, if it is disabled, then to enable it you need to press the “Enabled” button.

How to connect a device to a Wi-Fi router using QSS technology?

I will show you the process of connecting to a router using QSS technology, using the WR841N router and HTC One V phone as an example.

We turn on Wi-Fi on the phone and wait until our network appears in the list. We click on it, and the phone will immediately prompt us to enter a password. But we choose “Advanced options”, then “WPS” and “Push” button. At this moment, hold down the QSS button on the router, and on the phone click “Connect”. That’s all, the phone will connect to the router, you can release the button on the router.

What are the dangers of using WPS (QSS) technology?

There are vulnerabilities, friends, and there is a danger that your network will be hacked via QSS. In principle, it is impossible to completely protect your Wi-Fi network, but enabling QSS only increases the risk of hacking.

And my advice to you is that if you rarely connect new devices to your router, then it’s better to disable the QSS protocol, you practically don’t need it. Well, if you often connect new devices, then use QSS and don’t think about the bad things :), sometimes. If you are comfortable with this technology, then you should not give it up. Good luck!

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What are QSS and WPS? What is the QSS button for on a Wi-Fi router and how to use it? updated: March 3, 2014 by: admin

Wi-Fi protected setup (WPS)- This is a function for semi-automatic wireless network setup. Created to simplify the process of connecting clients to a router especially for people who have minimal knowledge in the IT field and have difficulty setting up equipment. The meaning of the function is as follows: if you have physical access to the router, you just need to press a button on it and you can connect to its network without entering the Wi-Fi network password.

Why disable WPS

Despite its convenience for a novice user, the WPS protocol poses a major security risk. In fact, this is a half-open door for an attacker to enter your Wi-Fi network and, as a result, into your computer with all your personal information and payment details. There are a lot of programs freely available on the Internet for hacking wireless networks using the WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) vulnerability, which even a child can download and use. Therefore, by leaving this function enabled on your router, you encourage your neighbors, who are reached by your Wi-Fi signal, to try to access it. Just for fun, look for articles about Wi-Fi hacking on the Internet and you will see that to gain unauthorized access, hackers most often use either WPS or the outdated WEP security mode, which is also a serious vulnerability.

On most routers popular in Russia and Ukraine, WPS is activated by default. Users more knowledgeable in IT turn it off when setting up the router, and people with poor knowledge of computers and network security issues naturally leave the incomprehensible setting “as is.” You can pick up an Android smartphone and find out for yourself which of your neighbors keeps this mode turned on. Just go to the Wi-Fi section in the settings of your phone or tablet, look through the list of available networks and next to some of them you will see the same phrase “WPS available”.

Note! In old TP-Link equipment, instead of the abbreviation WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) can be used QSS (Quick Security Setup). Therefore, if you don’t find the first name, look for the second.

Disabling WPS in the D-Link DIR-815AC router

To begin with, you will need. In the web interface, go to the page Wi-Fi → WPS.
There will be two subpages here - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Uncheck WPS and press the button Apply on both pages:

Access point TP-Link TL-WA701ND

Everything is very clear here - you just need to press a button Disable WPS so that the status changes to “Disabled”:

TP-Link Archer C9

Go to Additional settings → Wireless mode → WPS.
Disable your router PIN:

TP-Link Archer C7

And here is an example of a dual-band router with the old green interface. Here the function is disabled separately for 2.4 and 5 GHz modules. For example, let's go to the section Wireless mode 2.4 GHz → WPS, press Disable WPS, click on the link, press the button.

LinkSys WRT1900AC

  1. In the router settings, go to the section Wireless;
  2. Go to the tab Wi-Fi Protected Setup;
  3. Set the switch to position OFF;
  4. Click OK:


Go to page Additional settings → Wireless network → WPS.
Select OFF:

As you can see, on all routers the setting is in similar sections and is not difficult to find.

This term stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup. This is a special technology that makes it easier connection to WiFi. Any user who prefers this method will be able to connect to the WiFi network easily and quickly.

All modern routers have this button. And in the router settings there is a section with the same name.

If you are one of those people who forgets or loses their passwords, WPS is what you need. After all, you don’t have to enter anything here, but simply press one button on the router to connect. Everything seems simple, but the average user may not understand what's what. Let's try to figure it out.

How to use WPS

If you have a WiFi adapter that supports the WPS function, connecting to the router will be very easy. This is hardware method. You just need to hold down special buttons on both devices.

By the way, sometimes this button is also reset all router settings, so it’s better not to hold it for more than 5 seconds.

Next, the WiFi adapter will be connected to the router. The network name will remain the same, and the password will be generated automatically. Because of this, this method is only suitable for initial setup router configuration.

Setting up WiFi via WPS on Windows 7

Wi-Fi on the router can be configured using Windows using the method Wi-Fi Protected Setup. To do this, you will have to press a special button on the Internet distribution device (sometimes this is not necessary) and make a connection to an open WiFi network.

Now the connection to WiFi of the device on which the setup took place will occur in automatic mode. If you need to connect from other devices, then look for the name of your network in the list and click the button connect. Next, either enter a password or press a button on the Internet distributor WPS for 2-3 seconds. After which the device connects.

Enabling and disabling WPS on routers

There are times when you need to activate or deactivate the WPS function on a router. Also, if necessary, you can find out tune pin. To do this, you will need to make enter settings wireless Internet distribution devices.

Setting up wps on Dlink

The method is perfectly compatible with all models of the d-link series, for example d link dir 615, d link dir 320, d link dir 620. The setup begins by entering the desired interface, after which you should go to additional settings. Next is where the column is WiFi you need to click on the arrow.

A list will appear where you can select WPS.

You will see a window with all available configurations WPS. There you can activate or disable this function by checking or unchecking the box. The pin code is also listed below.

WPS control in Asus

These settings are suitable for any models of Asus routers. After entering the settings, you need to select in the left menu, the item called “ Wireless network" And in the top menu select wps and get access to what you need settings. Here, as in the previous model of routers, you can include or turn off wps and also see pin.

TpLink - wps or QSS

The question immediately arises, what is QSS? So, nothing special really. This is the same WPS just named differently. Customizable it also has the same functions. To configure, you need to go to router parameters and find the section there WPS. Here you can make inclusion or shutdown this function.

There are also many other useful and important functions in the settings that are worth exploring.

Enabling and disabling wps on ZyXel

Due to the fact that ZyXel has developed a new firmware, this method is suitable for the following models: zyxel keenetic ultra, zyxel keenetic, zyxel keenetic lite, zyxel keenetic 4g. You need to go to special settings router and select the item called WiFi. At the bottom of the window there will be setting, which allows you to turn wps on or off, and accordingly the pin code itself.

Vulnerability of WPS technologies

How are wireless networks hacked? Right. A PIN code is selected. So, back in 2011, serious problems were discovered in this system weak spots. Since that moment, quite a lot of software has been created that allows, using the selection method, to determine the PIN code of the device. To find the right one, all you need is few hours, since there are 11000 methods. And this is very little.

If we talk about older models of devices for distributing the Internet, then everything is even worse. Manufacturers used the same PIN codes. Thus, hackers compiled a database of them and used it. In new routers, the protection is much better. It happens thanks to upgraded firmware, when an incorrect PIN code is entered a certain number of times, the system sets temporary blocking.

If you are not sure that your firmware can provide good protection against hacking via WPS, then it is better to disable this risky function.

The technology really allows you to quickly connect without entering a password. It's working and quite simple.

If you do not need this function, then disable it. It is advisable to do this for security reasons.

Mysterious WPS button on the router - what is it? On most devices, a button with an inscription or a glowing WPS marking is usually located on the side of the case on the control panel or on the back side next to the connector sockets.

Graphically, this key is indicated in the form of two arched arrows directed towards each other. The location of the button is shown in Fig. No. 1 and 2. Not many people have an idea of ​​how to properly configure the WPS function on the router itself.

WPS mode on a router - what is it?

This is a standard or, in professional terminology, a protocol. It was developed in 2007. The abbreviation WPS means Wi-Fi Protected Setup - a secure connection to a Wi-Fi network.

This protocol was specifically designed for inexperienced users. The simplicity of this standard allows any average person to connect and independently configure the distribution of a local wireless Internet network signal on the router.

Also, this mode automatically connects the device to the World Wide Web after a reboot, even if the access password has been lost.

WPS technology allows you to automatically assign a name to your home network, generate a code to protect it from unauthorized access, and broadcast a stable radio signal simultaneously to several devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop, TV with Smart option).

At the same time, the system provides high speed information transfer. Different models of home base stations activate wireless mode differently.

How WPS mode works

The algorithm for controlling this function is simple. Setting up and reinstalling a wireless network involves two steps:

  • setting up the access point of the router itself;
  • connecting users to a created and activated local wireless network.

The WPS protocol greatly simplifies these manipulations.

The operation is configured automatically by transferring the necessary data from the router to the controller. In this case, the network identifier (name) - SSID - remains the same. And a new security password is generated randomly by the processor.

The WPS protocol is supported by all operating systems created on the Windows platform, designed for both desktop PCs and mobile devices.

For operating systems that do not have integrated utilities for WPS, special drivers have been developed that allow you to connect to a wireless network.

How to set up a wireless network?

One of the advantages of the WPS standard is the ability to configure without having to log into the digital interface. There are two options for activating your home network:

  • hardware
  1. by pressing the WPS button on the router; this automatic configuration mode is called Push button connect;
  2. If there is no button, its virtual version can be found in the digital interface of the device
  • program
  1. some modules that support the WPS protocol do not have an automatic reset button on the body; to activate the network via the WEB interface, you must enter an eight-digit PIN code;
  2. You can also enter the PIN code through a computer (laptop) after connecting to the router and activating the program session.

Advice. The PIN code is printed by the manufacturer on a label located on the back or bottom side of the device case (see Fig. 3). In the equipment settings, the code can be changed by the user.

After pressing the button, you should wait for two to three minutes. During this time, all activated devices establish contact with each other and, thus, a local network is configured.

If the receiver adapters also have a WPS button, then it is pressed immediately after turning on the button on the router.

Light indication on the router

If the WPS function on the equipment has a light indication, then the state of the home network connection to the incoming Internet network line can be monitored visually. If the connection is broken or there is no signal from the external network, the indicator on the router does not light up.

If the indicator light is blinking, this means that the router is in the program setup stage or that the receiving devices are not connected correctly. You may need to power off and restart your base station.

When the indicator is constantly on, the signal is distributed stably. This functional solution is used on most devices.

If there is no WPS button on the router?

On some routers, the reset button for the wireless network signal distribution process is combined with the Reset button. A similar example can be seen in the figure.

In this case, in order to set up the signal, you need to press and hold the Wi-Fi reset button once for 2 seconds. Hardware settings are reset after holding the key down for 5-10 seconds.

If this is not necessary, you should be careful.

On TP-Link network equipment, the Wi-Fi connection function is called QSS, which means Quick Secure Setup - a fast secure connection. This function is already enabled by default at the factory.

How to disable WPS on the router in this case?

To do this, as well as for subsequent reinstallation, you need to find the “Security” tab in the menu. It will indicate the status “Enable”. To disable, select the “Disable QSS” or “Disable WPS” command (see Fig. 5).

Advice. When setting up a WPS home network, you should remember or write down the access key.

Other WPS Button Functions

The processors of some routers provide for changing the functional purpose of the key. Manufacturers included this solution in order to optimize the operation of the device.

The ASUS Wrt router program allows you to use the WPS key only to turn signal distribution on and off.

In order to make corrections to the factory settings, through the WEB interface you should enter the “Administration” directory and open the “System” tab. The “WPS button behavior” item should be overridden by selecting the “Toggle radio” command.

The small button labeled WPS on the router very often goes unnoticed by many users. There is Internet, and it’s good. And this is what people living in the 21st century think. It’s high time, using all the available benefits of humanity, including computer technology, to find out what WPS is in a router and simplify your life.

Technology and its capabilities

First you need to find out what WPS means on the router. The abbreviation WPS stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup, and in Russian - protected. Its essence is that two different devices that have this technology can seamlessly connect to each other without any settings. The important point here is that when the client connects, the access key is transferred to him in encrypted form, this network will be encrypted.

Connection using WPS technology can be hardware or software. The hardware method is the presence of a physical button on the router, when pressed, two devices connect to each other via a wireless network. And the software method is that the user must go to the router settings, find the access key and enter it on the device that needs to be connected to the network. Sometimes the manufacturer places the key in the form of a sticker on the device body.

WPS Preset

Naturally, the WPS mode on the router must be activated. To do this, you need to go to the settings of your router and enable WPS. In addition, the router allows you to set additional settings for a secure channel. In fact, you can create a second virtual network, with your own rules - limit access to local resources, narrow the Internet channel. The user will certainly find all the necessary information in the operating instructions that come with the router.

Most manufacturers are often limited to just one item in the setup menu - “Enable/Disable WPS”. In such cases, reflashing the router will help. The fact is that WPS technology is gaining immense popularity in the world, and many manufacturers, in an effort, have already updated their software. All you have to do is go to the official website, find your device in the list and, following the instructions, carry out the required algorithm of actions.

What are the advantages over a regular connection?

Having found out what is in the router, the user may think that this is another stupidity of the manufacturers. Why these buttons and keys, because you can simply transfer the password from the Wi-Fi router. Hand over! Then place a piece of paper with a password written on it on the front door or remove the password altogether.

The WPS button on the router resembles a butler - pressing it lets guests into the network. But what kind of network this is depends on the owner of the house. With this technology, you can provide access to social networks, but protect from torrents so as not to clog the channel. Particularly curious is to close all local resources, leaving the network printer visible. Even household members can be given access to DLNA and a thin channel to the Internet - there are no boundaries, everything is in the hands of the owner.

Security or paranoia?

Many people learn about what WPS is in a router from news feeds, where they write in black and white about the insecure connection that this technology hides. After reading the article, the user certainly examines his router in the hope of not finding WPS buttons on its body.

Yes, WPS technology has a weak security mechanism that is relatively easy to attack from the outside and can allow an attacker into the network. That is why in modern routers in the WPS settings you can find an item with a certain cut-off device, the purpose of which is to prohibit the reception of guests if an attack is detected. Owners of old devices will find this function in the router menu after flashing.

On the other hand, WPS technology, like Wi-Fi, Ethernet, DLNA, Windows, Android - any technology that is susceptible to hacking. In order to gain access to resources, you need knowledge and time, and those who possess these factors will not waste their time on games with private networks - the stakes there are much higher.


Having received information about what WPS is in a router, the user can only decide whether he needs this technology or whether it needs to be disabled. In any case, the decision will be correct and to some extent safe. By disabling an unused function, you can be sure that the neighbor behind the wall will not guess the password to an easily hacked router for the second year in a row. And having turned it on and configured it correctly, you don’t have to be afraid that friends and relatives who want to connect to the Internet will not look “where they shouldn’t.”

If you plan to initially use a WPS connection as a guest connection, then professionals recommend using this technology not to create connections between devices in the house, because all these devices will obey the configured network and, accordingly, will be visible to guests. It may take more time to connect a phone, speakers, TV or refrigerator to the router via Wi-Fi, but this will protect the owner from troubles in the future.