Android update on smartphone. My opinion: why you shouldn’t take the device to a service center for updating. Firmware update via factory recovery

We decided to devote today’s material to answering the pressing question of many Android smartphone users: where to download and how to update Android? The operating system, which is being developed by the giant Google, appeared recently (about 10 years ago), but is developing rapidly. Now Android is one of the market leaders in terms of prevalence, receives updates with enviable regularity and has a lot of advantages that attract users.

How to find out what version of Android is on your smartphone

Before you start looking for the latest updates, you should find out which version of Android you are using.

The version is indicated by the manufacturer in a separate item in the device settings - “About phone”. Here you need to find “Android Version”, where you will see the version you are using. Also in this menu you can find out which shell is preinstalled by the manufacturer and the date of the last security update.

How to update Android

There are two ways to update the system:

  • through OTA updates (over-the-air updates), which are provided by the device manufacturer;
  • using custom firmware developed by ordinary users.

The first method of updating Android is preferable, as it ensures ease of installation and stable operation of the device on the new version of the system, which cannot be said about custom firmware. However, OTA updates are usually relevant for flagship smartphones, whose manufacturers take care of releasing updates for a long time after release. But the budget class often has to be content with a couple of updates, after which the manufacturer simply forgets about the device. In this case, custom ones are ready to help out.

Don't neglect backups before upgrading your operating system. Even in the case of an over-the-air update, errors are possible that will lead to the loss of photos, contacts and other information. Therefore, we recommend making backups of important data manually or using third-party software, which is available in abundance on Google Play (for example: SM Backup - Safe Cloud, App Backup Restore Transfer, G Cloud Backup).

Update Android over the air (OTA update)

The easiest way to update an Android phone or tablet, which requires a minimum of skills and knowledge from the user.

As already noted, official updates are released more often to popular devices. In addition, some smartphones (usually those ordered from China) can be flashed by the seller with custom firmware, which does not provide for over-the-air updates at all.

If you are one of the lucky ones, then:

  1. go to the device settings;
  2. at the very bottom find the item “About phone”;

A number of manufacturers bring the tool to update Android to the desktop to make this process even easier for the user.

  1. in the new window, at the very top, there is a “System update” button, which is what we need. Click on the button;
  2. in the menu that opens, click “Check for updates”;

On most devices, automatic updates are installed by default from the factory, when the phone or tablet downloads updates in the background (usually when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network), offering to install them afterwards.

  1. it will take some time (depending on Internet speed) until available Android updates are found (or not found);
  2. if there are system updates, you will be prompted to download them and then install them;

Be sure to fully charge your device before installing updates!

  1. now you just need to follow the assistant’s instructions and wait until the update installation is completed and the smartphone reboots.

As a result, you will receive a device with the latest updates, while your personal data will be preserved, as will installed applications.

Updating Android using custom firmware: where to download, how to install

Due to the abundance of phone models in their lines, manufacturers often do not have time to officially update all devices, and therefore enthusiasts take on this task, collecting firmware based on the latest versions of Android for a specific device. Custom firmware is distributed free of charge; installation requires additional software and some skills.

Note! Not every custom firmware is suitable for your device - only those that were developed for it. In exceptional cases, firmware from a smartphone whose characteristics are identical to yours may be suitable.

So, let's start with the search. You can download the updated version of Android on forums dedicated to the topic of flashing various devices. The most visited are the forums of the 4PDA resource, where using the search bar you can easily find a topic dedicated to your smartphone. Here you can choose the firmware you like (based on which version, from which developer, with which improvements), and also learn more about it from topic visitors.

It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the instructions for installing the firmware, which are located in the topic headers and are constantly updated by users. The fact is that all smartphones, albeit slightly, differ from each other, as does the process of flashing them, so it’s worth paying attention to the instructions.

When the firmware image is loaded into the memory of your phone or computer, you can proceed to the installation itself, but there are some nuances here too. First of all, you have to choose a method for installing custom firmware:

  • through applications that are installed directly on Android;
  • using a personal computer, special software and custom recovery.

Here you should be warned that you install custom firmware at your own risk. In addition to the fact that the firmware may simply not suit your device, other problems are possible: errors in operation, inoperability of some functions, complete failure of the device, etc.

Update Android firmware using the application

An easier way to install firmware on Android, but it does not always guarantee success. To carry out the update we will need:

  • (not required, but recommended);
  • install the application on the device (recommended: Android Update Manager, ROM Manager);
  • download the firmware (save to SD card).

When all of the above is ready, move on to updating Android:

  1. launch the installed application;
  2. the application will require you to install ClockWorkMod Recovery (custom recovery for installing third-party firmware), agree with the proposal;
  3. Click on “Install ROM from SD card”, then specify the path to the firmware image;
  4. a new window will open in which you should click “Save current ROM” (in case of unexpected errors) and “Reboot and install”;
  5. All you have to do is wait (about 10-15 minutes) until the smartphone appears before you with an updated interface and functionality.
Updating Android firmware using a computer

This option is somewhat more complicated, but with more flexible options and guarantees of success. It will take a little more time and various software:

  • naturally, downloaded firmware;
  • client for installing firmware (it is different for each smartphone model, so search for your device in the appropriate sections of the forum);
  • ADB drivers for your device, a download link for which can also be obtained on the forum.

Now, in order regarding the update:

  1. We take the smartphone in our hands and go to “Settings”, where at the bottom we look for the “For Developers” item;

It may not exist initially. In order for it to appear, you need to go to the “About phone” menu and click on the “Android version” item several times.

  1. in the “For Developers” settings, check the box next to “USB Debugging”;
  2. install ADB drivers on the PC (so that it can recognize your device), and then connect the smartphone via a USB cable;
  3. launch the client to download the firmware to the smartphone;
  4. we indicate to the client the location of the firmware and proceed to the update process;

Each client is different, so you should familiarize yourself with their features in advance.

  1. we wait while the client installs updates without disconnecting the wire;
  2. The client will be notified of the completion of the update, as will the smartphone, which will begin to turn on.

The initial startup process may take quite a long time, don't worry.

What to do after updating Android

Now we figured out how to install Android, installed the latest version of the operating system with a bunch of new features (or with a minimum of these features), what should we do next?

If you carried out the update using the standard means of your smartphone, then you won’t have to do anything: you will still have all the applications, all SMS messages and other data (unless, of course, an error occurred during the update process). That is, you can continue to use your device without bothering with reinstalling applications.

In cases where the device is flashed, all data disappears. Whether you like it or not, you will have to re-login to your accounts, install the necessary applications and re-download your favorite music. Therefore, we always recommend doing Backup, which will greatly simplify these tasks.

How to disable Android updates

Along with the question regarding installing new updates, many users are interested in how to disable them. Some people simply don’t need them, others are already accustomed to the old version of Android and don’t want to change anything in their smartphone. So that the system does not pester you with constant offers to get updates, and also does not waste traffic on downloading them, you need to:

  1. go to “Settings” of your phone or tablet;
  2. go to “About phone”, then “System update”;
  3. Uncheck the box next to “Auto-update”.

Now only after your request the system will start searching for new versions to download.

Also, many users, as we have noticed, are hampered by automatic application updates, which often change the usual messenger or social network client beyond recognition and consume gigabytes of traffic. Here, too, everything can be turned off in a few simple steps:

  1. launch Google Play (Play Market);
  2. By swiping from the left side of the screen, we get to the side menu, where we find “Settings” at the bottom;
  3. go to “Auto-update applications”;
  4. Select “Never” from the list provided.

In the future, you will only be able to update the necessary applications manually.


Android update is a very useful thing. Regular updates correct errors, introduce many innovations to the system, and simply make it more pleasant to use. The updated smartphone is much less afraid of virus attacks and is “smarter” than its counterparts on older versions of the OS. In addition, the update process is not as complicated as it might initially seem. Just about thirty minutes of work and you have an updated device that can work with all the latest applications.

How to update Android? This question arises for many users of smartphones and tablets based on the Android operating system. In this article we will talk not only about how to update the Android operating system, but also consider the update system as a whole.

In order to understand how Android is updated, you need to start with theory. The Android operating system is developed by Google and a consortium of interested companies called the Open Handset Alliance. The Android operating system is completely free and open source. Naturally, all Android updates are also free and open.

But there are also pitfalls in the Android operating system update system. Before an update reaches a user's phone or tablet, it must go through the device manufacturer. In other words, the manufacturers who produce these devices are responsible for Android updates directly on the devices themselves.

Google and Open Handset Alliance logos

For example, in order for the Android 4.4 update to reach the Samsung Galaxy S4 mini smartphone, Samsung must receive this update from the operating system developers and optimize it for the Samsung Galaxy S4 mini smartphone. At the same time, Samsung has hundreds of different models of Android smartphones, each of which needs to be updated. All this takes a huge amount of time. As a result, this leads to many months passing from the moment an Android update is released until it appears on users’ smartphones. Some Android updates appear after a year or even later.

And in some cases, the update does not come out at all. Some time after the release of a new smartphone or tablet model, the manufacturer stops releasing updates. This is due to the technical obsolescence of the device and the company’s reluctance to spend resources on releasing updates. In addition, an outdated operating system is an excellent reason to buy a new model, so manufacturing companies are not interested in releasing updates for a long time. As a rule, flagship models receive Android updates within 1.5 – 2 years. Models from the middle and lower price ranges stop receiving updates even earlier. As a rule, manufacturers update them within 1 year, after which they are successfully forgotten about.

How to update Android through official updates

In order to check if there is an Android update for your smartphone, you need to open the Android settings and go to the “About device” section (in some cases, this section may be called “About the tablet” or “About the smartphone”).

After this, you will be taken to a section with information about your device. Here you can find out the version of Android that is already installed, as well as other information about the firmware. To check for updates for Android, go to the “Software Update” section (in some cases, this section may be called “System Update” or simply “Update”.

After this, the system will check for Android updates for your device model. If there is such an update, you will be prompted to install it; if there is no update, you will see a message stating that you have the latest version of Android installed.

How to update Android using unofficial firmware

If the speed at which updates are released for your device does not bother you or updates do not appear at all, then you can install non-official firmware based on a newer version of Android. But installing non-official firmware is quite a troublesome and risky business.

If you decide to install non-official firmware, then be prepared for a long study of various instructions that explain how this can be done. Moreover, these instructions may vary greatly depending on the model of your device and the firmware that you want to install.

In addition, you need to understand that if you make an error when installing non-official firmware, you may end up with a completely non-functional device. Even if the installation is successful, there is no guarantee that the installed firmware will work as you expect it to.

You also need to take care of the safety of all contacts, photos and other data stored in the device’s memory. When installing non-official firmware, they will all be deleted.

Therefore, before deciding on such a risky move as updating Android by installing non-official firmware, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Smartphones and phones account for a significant share of the global mobile device market. Reaching record sales levels, these stylish and convenient gadgets may eventually begin to function incorrectly, causing user anxiety. Most modern mobile gadgets run on the Android operating system, and if problems occur, then it’s time to think about updating and how to reinstall Android on your phone?

Why update your Android operating system

The need to monitor new OS versions for a mobile device is caused by the specifics of its operation. In order for a smartphone or mobile phone to function smoothly and maintain a high level of performance, it is necessary to periodically update the operating system, and this is not the same as a computer or laptop. The Android OS is constantly being improved, developers are trying to improve its performance and functionality, so from time to time your gadget needs optimization to make its operation more convenient.

Is it possible to reinstall Android

Some manufacturers equip their products with additional unnecessary features, which leads to slow Android operation, and after some time they stop supporting updates. But without new firmware versions, a smartphone, phone, or tablet begins to slow down! In order for your favorite device to work without failures, with only the necessary software, you need to resort to a radical measure - reinstalling the operating system.

  • On a Samsung Galaxy smartphone, you can optimize the OS version through the system itself by going to the “Settings” section. If you check the box “Auto update”, then in the future the device will do this automatically. You can also flash the device through the official Samsung Kies program (similar to iTunes), and it is recommended to use third-party resources to reinstall the system only after the warranty period has expired.
  • On a Fly phone, new versions of Android are not available to the user, with the exception of some system applications. Only a few years ago, the manufacturer provided the ability to update and reinstall the most popular OS for its smartphones, but only versions above 4.x.x. on devices with MediaTek processor.
  • On Sony Xperia, you can reinstall the OS if you follow certain features. Find Bridgefor PC Companion or UpdateServic on the Internet, download the software to your laptop or PC from here, and then follow the instructions while waiting for the new version to be installed.
  • On Lenovo, Android updates are available through the official website; manual reinstallation is available to all owners of mobile devices from this manufacturer if they have a computer. The method for flashing a phone, smartphone or any other device under the Lenovo brand depends on the processor architecture, so you need to read the instructions, which indicate the procedure specifically for your device.
  • On HTC, optimization can be done through the OS itself or the manufacturer’s official website, but to completely reinstall the system you need a computer, knowledge of the features of the recovery program, availability of drivers and a little free time.
  • On a Chinese phone, you can reinstall Android using the Research Download program or SP Flash Tool. The peculiarity of this category of gadgets is that they do not have a “boot” sector, although there are exceptions, so you need to remain vigilant when flashing the firmware. If there is not enough knowledge or experience in this matter, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​reinstalling the OS on them yourself.

Preparing to reinstall the operating system

You can reinstall the operating system in different ways: through the device itself, the ODIN program, through a connection to a PC, or with the help of a specialist. If you are confident in your own abilities, then the preparatory stage of the independent method includes the following points:

  1. Study the mobile phone instructions, which contain useful tips.
  2. Familiarization with the course of action when reinstalling the OS, memorizing the algorithm.
  3. Preparation of the necessary equipment, availability of up-to-date drivers, programs, and firmware itself.
  4. Create a backup copy of existing files so as not to lose them during the reinstallation process. It is not possible to restore data even through the BIOS.
  5. A mandatory point in preparation for flashing the firmware of many devices is the fact that it is fully charged.

How to update Android firmware yourself

There are several options for flashing, which can be done by the user himself, without resorting to outside professional help. Having understood simple operations, you can update your device and use all its functions at the desired level without any problems. So, automatic and manual operations for updating the system: read and try!

Automatic reinstallation

You can set up automatic optimization of the OS firmware yourself by following the following instructions:

  1. Check your Internet connection, go to the “Settings” section, and check the Auto-update box.
  2. In order for the mobile phone OS to be updated automatically and not through the operator’s traffic, but via a Wi-Fi wireless connection, you should activate this item in the settings.

Manual update via computer

More labor-intensive and requiring a serious approach to the process is a manual update using a laptop or computer. The user must be well versed in this issue, because the further operation of the mobile phone depends on this, since it is possible that it simply will not turn on. For those who are confident in their abilities, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Check your gadget for update capabilities, since there is a possibility that it is not available at all, as for devices based on Android version 2.3.
  2. Download the firmware that is suitable for a specific phone from the official website or in the Play Market to your computer.
  3. Open the update program on your PC and follow the instructions to run it.
  4. Connect your mobile device to your computer using a USB cable and agree to the request to install updates.
  5. Upon completion, reboot the phone to complete the update manually.

Video instructions for flashing phone firmware on Android

Not every detailed instruction can serve as the basis for flashing an Android phone; the best assistant is video. This option remains relevant due to its clarity and useful recommendations, the need for which arises at almost every step, especially if the user has to do this for the first time. With the help of the presented video, mastering the reinstallation of the operating system will be faster and easier, which will speed up the update process itself, learn about the different methods of doing it, the intricacies and common errors.

The question “how to update the Android version” on a phone or tablet with an installed operating system from Google is not at all idle, as it may seem to many users. There are many cases in life that require you to flash a new version of Android on your device.

When might you need new firmware?Android:

1. Very often, when launching a new model for sale, the manufacturing company is in such a hurry to do this that it does not have time to correct all the flaws in the software and the firmware with many errors may be installed on the smartphone.

2. Mobile equipment manufacturers who value their reputation consider it good practice to update the firmware of their devices, adding improvements to it, or doing this with the release of each new version of the Android OS with additional functionality.

3. There is a huge army of third-party developers in the world who do not work for mobile device manufacturers and produce their own, unofficial (so-called “custom”) firmware for many models, which can sometimes be of better quality than the Android version from the phone or tablet manufacturer.

4. And finally, you may need to update the firmware on a Chinese device that simply does not have normal localization.

In all these cases, the user needs knowledge of how to update the Android version, and whether this can be done in each specific case. We will tell you about this in our article today.

Find out your firmware version

Before upgrading to a new version of Android, information about the firmware that you already have installed may be useful. Here is an excerpt from

To find out your Android version, follow these steps:

1. Go to the main program menu;

2. Select the “Settings” menu item;

3. The last item in this menu is usually the item “About the phone”, “About the tablet”, or simply “About the device” (in the case of an anonymous Chinese without Russian language support, look for the item “About tablet” or “About phone”);

4. Somewhere in this menu item you will find the version of your Android operating system, as well as information about the build number, etc.

Knowing the current firmware version can help you understand whether there are newer versions of software for your smartphone and whether they can be installed.

How to update your Android version using the official update

Official firmware updates for phones or tablets with Android OS are released quite regularly, at least this applies to products from well-known manufacturers and more or less popular device models. For little-known Chinese smartphones, the situation with new firmware can be much worse; sometimes their basic firmware is not updated at all.

Firmware from the manufacturer can be updated completely free of charge, and this operation does not require any special knowledge from the device owner. Note: To check for the availability of new firmware and its update, the Internet must be turned on on the smartphone.

To check if you can update the firmware on your Android phone or tablet, do the following:

1. Activate your Internet connection in any way;

2. Go to the “Settings” menu item of your device;

3. Go to the very bottom to the item “About phone” (sometimes “About device”);

4. Find the “System Update” (sometimes “Software Update”) item in the menu;

5. Click the "Check Now" button.

If a new version of Android is available, you will receive a system message about this, after which your system will update itself and you will be able to enjoy the new functionality of your mobile friend.

How to Update Android Version Using ROM Manager

It is not always possible to download an official update via the Internet, and, in addition, you will not be able to install unofficial (custom) firmware on your phone or tablet this way. In this case, applications from third-party developers will help us update the Android version.

We have already reviewed one of the best programs for working with the firmware of mobile devices on the Android OS, ROM Manager, when we studied. In addition to creating a backup copy of the entire system, ROM Manager can help us manually update our version of Android if we need to install firmware from third-party developers or in our unnamed Chinese smartphone, official updates over the air simply do not work.

To run the R programOM Manager You must first obtain root rights on your phone or tablet, if you have not done so yet. How to get root rights, read this article on our portal:

Before starting to work with ROM Manager, the program will ask us to install ClockWorkMod Recovery, which is a more advanced version of the standard Recovery mode of the Android operating system. Agree with this proposal. Next you will need to perform the following sequence of actions.

1. Download the firmware in zip archive format that you want to install to the flash drive of your device;

2. Launch the ROM Manager application and select the menu item "Install ROM from SD card";

3. Using folder navigation, specify the path to the archive on your SD flash card;

4. Select the “Reboot and installation” item, and also check the “Save current ROM” checkbox in case you don’t like the new firmware and want to roll back to the previous version;

5. Agree to the reboot, after which ROMManager will reboot your device in ClockWorkMod Recovery mode and install new firmware.

In addition, this application can independently search for firmware for your device. Select the "Download firmware" menu item, and perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself.

How to Update Android Version Manually Using ClockWorkMod Recovery

The ROM Manager app is a great tool for installing unofficial firmware, but sometimes things can go wrong, especially on a Chinese smartphone or tablet from a little-known manufacturer. In this case, there is no need to be very upset, because you still have the opportunity to try to manually update the Android version using the ClockWorkMod Recovery menu mentioned above. Install it using the ROM Manager program, copy the archive with the firmware you need to the SD flash card of your Android device, and follow the instructions below.

To carry out the firmware process, you first need to get into this very ClockWorkMod Recovery mode. This can be done by turning off your smartphone and then simultaneously pressing some combination of its hardware keys. This combination varies depending on the device manufacturer, but usually you need to press one of the following:

- "Power on" and "Add volume";

- "Power on" and "Lower volume";

- “Power on”, “Lower volume” and “Add volume”.

- “Power on”, “Home” and “Lower volume”.

To clarify this question, it is better to ask the all-knowing Google by entering a query for the name of your model. After you have entered the ClockWorkMod Recovery menu, look for the item “install zip from sd card” or something similar there. Moving between menu items in ClockWorkMod Recovery is carried out using the volume down and up keys, the selection of the item is confirmed by the power key of the device or the Home key. In some mobile device models, this menu may be touch-sensitive.

1.Select the menu item "install zip from sd card";

2. In the “choose zip from sd card” menu item, specify the path to the new archived firmware saved on the SD flash card;

3. Confirm your choice by clicking "Yes";

4. Wait until the system installs this firmware.

After the update, the system will reboot, and all you can do is enjoy the new version of Android.

Today we learned how to update the Android firmware (version) on your mobile phone or tablet. This operation is nothing scary, and there is no need to be afraid of it. Even if the manufacturing company does not release any more operating system updates for your device, or you have a smartphone in which half the menu is in Chinese, you can always improve the situation using unofficial firmware.

There are no universal recipes for flashing mobile devices with the Android operating system, so read specialized sites, study forums dedicated specifically to your model, try different firmware options, and you will definitely find the optimal one for yourself. Good luck!

It is possible to reflash your Andriod device, even if there is no official new version released for it. This is a rather lengthy and complex procedure, however, if you follow the instructions exactly, you will succeed. It often happens that older versions of smartphones and tablets no longer receive updates at all. Meanwhile, the newer the Android system, the more comfortable and functional it is, so many users tend to update the firmware version manually. Thus, you have two options: perform an official device update that is available on your phone or flash the device yourself. You can read more about these methods in this article.

How to change firmware on Android via update

  • First, it's best to check if your device has the ability to download the official update. If you find it, you can download and install it directly from your phone. The whole procedure will take about ten minutes, no more.
  • Open the device tray and go to settings by clicking on the gear icon at the very top of the screen.
  • Scroll down the list to open the “About device” item.

  • You need the very first item “Download updates manually” at the moment. Click on it.

  • The search for new updates will take a few seconds, wait and do not close this window.

  • If updates are found, the device will prompt you to download them immediately. Agree with this and just wait - the installation will complete itself.
  • But when you see the message “The latest updates are already installed” on the screen, you can only resort to the second method.

How to change firmware on Android manually

Have some free time and patience. This article will use the example of Samsung J5. You will need the following software:

  • Latest version of Odin program for computer.
  • Firmware file downloaded from the Internet.
  • Latest drivers for your phone.
  • Installed Samsung Kies or other software for your model.

In addition, you will need your phone or tablet and a USB cable.

  • Make sure your device is readable on your computer and has drivers and Samsung Kies installed. You can download the software from the official website at

  • Now download the latest version of Odin, which is specially designed for flashing devices. Go to and download the version that says “Latest”.

  • Here you can download the latest drivers for Samsung.

  • You can download the firmware on the website, where registration is required. But the easiest way is to go to the service and search by your phone model.

  • Once all components are downloaded to your computer, you can begin installation.
  • Open the archive with the Odin program and double-click on the file with the extension .exe

  • The program will open instantly. You just have to wait.

  • Now unzip the phone firmware file. Specify any directory you wish.
  • Click on the “BL” button in Odin.

  • Select the firmware file for Android among the directories. Once you find it and select it, click “Open”.

  • Connect your phone to your computer via USB. If the drivers are up to date, you will see the connection in the Odin program on the left side of the screen.
  • You need to put your phone into boot mode. Each device has its own combination, it is better to check it on the Internet.

  • Once everything is ready, click “Start”. Your phone may restart several times during the update process. Do not touch the device or click on anything in the Odin program. You will see a notification on the screen when the firmware is installed.
  • If you encounter any problems during the process, try resetting your device. You will learn how to do this in the article.