Where to make a landing page. Landing page - what is it? Full description with examples. Basic principles of landing page design

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about such an important thing as landing page , which is very often called landing page in a bourgeois manner (from English landing page— landing page). What is it and why is it so important?

Let's dedicate the current article to answering this question, and also consider in detail those points that are very important when creating landing pages, and consider all of this on specific landing examples page and the techniques that the best usability experts use to improve the effectiveness of landing pages.

What is a landing page and why is it so important?

Very often even with proper operation on attracting the right people (target audience) to your website (, etc.) you, as a business owner, will not feel any return on it. It seems that traffic is flowing, and the audience is target, but there are practically no sales or subscriptions (depending on what conversion action you chose as the main task in). Nothing works. What can be wrong?

Most likely, you forgot to think through and prepare landing pages, which are often called landing pages. What it is?

And this is very important point, which can significantly increase conversion (the number of purchases or registrations), because landing pages are designed guide the user to perform the target action as efficiently as possible. If you direct visitors from all advertisements, for example, to home page site, you can catastrophically reduce conversion and go down the drain.

The term “landing page” itself is derived from the English phrase “landing page”, which in translation means just the target, landing (landing) page. Landing pages are created not just anyhow, but taking into account the psychology of visitors. They must grab you and not let go them until the very moment of purchase (or registration), because it will be extremely difficult to re-attract the visitor.

It's like a hook on fishing gear - it must reliably pick up and confidently hold the fish caught on it until the moment you fix it with a bait. If the hook (laying) is unsuitable or does not exist at all, then all your efforts from baiting, setting bait and other shamanic actions will go to waste. You won't achieve your final goal.

The landing pages themselves are either individual pages an existing website, or one-page websites specially created for this purpose. In fact, once a user gets into it, it’s quite difficult to get out and he inevitably has to slide into it until he becomes your client. But this is ideal, and we will look at how to realize this ideal using various advertising tricks in the continuation of this publication.

Examples of landing pages

Depending on the goals you pursue, you can divide landing pages (landing pages) into several types:

12 steps to create the perfect landing page

You need to understand that the landing pages to which you will attract users from social networks (or from contextual advertising) must have a number of characteristics and meet certain requirements. So how? create perfect landing page paige?

  1. Each landing page should be tailored for only one target (conversion) action - either subscription or sales. There is no need to be greedy, because the user’s attention will be scattered and the likelihood of him leaving will greatly increase (without choosing anything from the proposed options). It’s better to force clients to think and choose as little as possible - the path to the landing page should be straight as an arrow (obvious to him) and without any branches.
  2. Must be present on the landing page call to action(with verbs in the imperative mood - call, buy, receive, come, etc.). Phrases should be short and motivating. For example, “buy now”, “get video course” or “subscribe and receive”.
  3. They also rule bright buttons and arrows, creating an emphasis on them. Buttons in red and yellow shades work well, because they are noticeable and contain a call to action.

    Well, arrows, as a rule, are designed to place even more emphasis on the button so that the user’s behavior on the landing page is as predictable as possible.

    Sometimes they work very well animated buttons(but in any case, it will be necessary to test the effectiveness of certain elements of the landing page):

  4. If the landing page uses(you can’t do without them on subscription landing pages, but they are also used quite often on salespeople), then make sure that they contain as few fields as possible. Ideally, the form should have only one field (for entering an email address), but for further communication (marketing) you will need to know the username, so two fields are the most common option. More fields can significantly reduce conversion. In addition, adding fields for entering a phone number or address makes users wary and can lead to abandonment of the target action.
  5. In the article about I mentioned that Internet users do not read texts - they view them. And the most important thing in this regard is the title. If it is not there (or it is not highlighted accordingly), then this will greatly reduce the conversion rate. On landing pages Headings must be catchy so that the user is inclined to read further or immediately take a conversion action (subscription, order, call).

  6. Your landing page should not only have calls to action and catchy headlines, but also argumentation of necessity subscription, purchase, order or call. In the case of a subscription page, this could be, for example, a short video with a description and content of the “freebie”, or the same thing can be presented in the form of a short list (list). In the case of a salesperson, this could also be a video with a product review, a list of the services you offer (including your competitive advantages).

  7. Works very well on landing pages reviews from existing clients, buyers or subscribers (it is better if some contacts of those who left these reviews are indicated so that everything looks believable).

  8. Also works well on landing pages before and after comparisons. This is not applicable for all topics, but in the field of weight loss, cosmetology, fitness and many other niches it can be used with high efficiency. For example, this is what a company providing restaurant services does.

  9. The landing page can be quite long, but when viewing the first screen(this is the area of ​​the page that is visible without scrolling) it should be completely clear to the user what exactly you wanted to tell him.
  10. To stimulate subscribers or buyers of certain products (for example), you can use the option additional bonuses, which the subscriber or buyer will receive when ordering. When the user is on the verge of making a decision, it is precisely such “buns” that can tip the scales in your favor.
  11. And, of course, it is worth emphasizing that “only here and only for a certain amount of time” the user will have access to all this splendor (subscription, special price for goods, additional set services). What's the best way to do this? That's right, put it timer counting down until hour X, when the given opportunity will be missed. Nothing stimulates a hesitant user to make a decision more than seconds literally running away before our eyes.

    It would be a good idea to place a subscription, order form or contact phone number next to the timer. This will not always work, so you need to conduct tests (I’m thinking of writing a series of articles about conducting A/B testing - if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe to the newsletter), and it’s possible that such a simple and obvious method will allow you to increase the conversion of this landing page and more than recoup the money spent on promotion in in social networks or contextual advertising.

  12. Users also want to know who exactly is offering them this product, service, video course, etc., so it is necessary indicate information in the landing page about the author, store, company.

    Naturally, it would be good to mention merits, achievements, and competitive advantages, but do not over-praise yourself, so as not to cross the line beyond which trust in the published information begins to decline.

Examples of errors that make landing unworkable

In addition to those things that help the landing page work more efficiently, it is worth listing common mistakes when creating landing pages, which can neutralize all the above “ear tricks”, and you will not get the desired result from advertising or promotion in social networks (or context).

  1. Let me remind you once again that almost no one reads on the Internet (at least again open page), namely, views the information. If it turns out to be really worthwhile and requires more detailed study, then it comes to reading (in general, the same as with newspapers). That's why Don’t let your landing page become overloaded with information- this can disorient the user and cause a reaction of rejection even before the moment when he understands what is being said.
  2. The text should be small, as concise as possible and filled with information, not water. A couple of paragraphs “about nothing” will make the user strongly desire to close such a landing page. Small font also doesn’t work well on a landing page. In general, its use is not necessary, because many words are not required to convey the essence.
  3. Don't disappoint the user's expectations. If in an advertisement or in a post on a social network you talked about one thing, but when the user gets to the landing page they see something else, then there is a loss of trust and the conversion rate drops sharply. It is very important to monitor this compliance.
  4. Landing page design actually very important. If it is unfinished, made unprofessionally, or has a repulsive appearance for most users, then even following all the rules described above for creating a good landing page will not save you. If you yourself do not have the necessary skills and taste, or you do not have a designer on staff, then you can use numerous designers or ready-made landing page templates, which you only need to slightly modify to suit your needs.

    Again, testing and analysis of statistics, for example, will help you determine the best option (often not everything is as obvious as it might seem). This way, you can track the completion of the target action and understand which landing elements contribute to increasing conversion, and which are distracting and need to be changed.

Do you have some more time? Do you want to spend it usefully? Then grab some popcorn, sit back and watch a two-hour master class « Step-by-step algorithm Landing creation Page":

The best service for creating your first landing page. A set of a couple of dozen one-page templates will suggest the best options for designing and submitting a proposal. The editor allows you to assemble ready-made adaptive blocks in a matter of minutes effective page. The main thing is to arrange the sections in a logical order and present the offer beautifully. Images, tabs, a timer for promotions, reviews, a visual map, communications, including ordering a call back, and much more are present in full.

The landing menu supports anchor links for quick access to sections. The parallax effect, wide-format blocks with beautiful image presentation and video backgrounds will help create a rich and useful page. Pop-up windows will allow you to focus visitors’ attention on promotions. Free connection SSL will strengthen the trust of customers sending you personal information through a form. The optimal recipe: choose the template closest to the topic, fill it with your content and publish it without changing anything structurally.


  • Ideal for entrepreneurs who are far from website development;
  • Big set profile widgets;
  • Solid communications package: consultant, order a call, social networks, forms, pop-ups, mailings, CRM;
  • Adaptive templates, the structure of which is ideal for presenting landing pages;
  • Easy to learn - from 1 hour to 1 day;
  • Extremely affordable price.


  • There are no built-in tools for conversion analysis. Can be compensated by third-party analytics;
  • The tariff that allows you to accept payments online is significantly more expensive than “Premium”, which is great for assembling landing pages.
  1. Premium ($4/month) - a set of key features.
  2. Premium + ($8/month) - premium templates and advanced statistics.
  3. Shop ($9.6/month) - shopping cart, accepting payments.
  4. Pro ($12/month) - access to code editing.

Landing page builder uLanding → detailed review

Specialized landing page designer. Designed for testing marketing hypotheses, traffic arbitrage and making money on offers for web entrepreneurs. Suitable for both beginners and experienced users. The editor allows you to assemble pages from ready-made sections and widgets, adding them one after another. There is enough choice: price list, reviews, stages, timeline, timer, table, headers, button, gallery, custom HTML code, back call, live chat, social media panels and others.

Effective design structures for confident sales, flavored with transition effects, are displayed correctly on all types of screens. The highlight of the service is the excellent presentation of statistical information. Conversion percentage, sales drop points, traffic by source, etc. - everything is clear for beginners and detailed enough for experienced webmasters. Connection SSL free. Adding pop-ups will allow you to get even more leads. Easy to use and effective designer.


  • Presentation of statistical data that is understandable to everyone;
  • Convenient interface for simultaneous testing of several pages with detailed statistics on the results;
  • Ability to insert your own code into the page layout;
  • There is a built-in store (Ecwid);
  • Archiving of landing pages and fast recovery;
  • Creation backup copies in 1 click;
  • SMS notifications are free;
  • Integrated into the amoCRM control panel;
  • Easy to use editor;
  • Good quality adaptive templates, and separate editing of versions for PCs and smartphones is supported;
  • Good technical support.


Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Initial ($6.15/month) - 1 project, 5 landing pages, unlimited SMS notifications, 24/7 technical support.
  2. Business ($10.25/month) - 3 projects, 30 landing pages, live chat with technical support.
  3. Advanced ($17.10/month) - 10 projects, 1000 landing pages.

Wix Landing Page Builder → Detailed Review

Wix is ​​a designer for creating landing pages with rich, varied designs and full set marketing ploys. You can draw a memorable, unique template or use one of the many ready-made options - fill it with your content, and the page is ready for publication. A rich set of applications will allow you to add effects, timers, pop-ups, reviews, social network integrations, animated visitor counters, gift cards, beautiful shapes feedback, collecting subscriptions, making appointments, and so on within the meaning of the task.

Rich set of widgets, built-in graphics editor, animations, sets of icons, raster shapes and scrolling effects will allow you to create a bright landing page that claims to have high conversion rates. To work with the client base, there is a built-in CRM, the ability to set up marketing and trigger mailings, and to analyze the results - Google Analytics. Using Wix Code will allow you to set up a data output schedule depending on the time of day, region, and other things. The landing page structure is implemented through anchor links to layout areas.


  • Powerful page layout editor;
  • High quality and a variety of ready-made templates;
  • Lots of widgets, stock multimedia elements;
  • Ability to accept online payments;
  • Built-in CRM for contact processing;
  • Lots of marketing applications;
  • Automation of page behavior scenarios using Wix Code;
  • A complete package of applications for communications: chat, order a call, newsletters, pop-ups, comments, synchronization with social network feeds, etc.;
  • Ability to add your own code to the site: HTML/CSS, JavaScript.


  • Beginners will need time to master the bulk of the editor's capabilities - it is convenient, but not the easiest to use due to the number and depth of settings;
  • Some useful functionality is available only in the form of applications - it is not available out of the box in the editor panel, you need to select and activate the application;
  • There are no built-in tools for conversion analysis - sales funnels, A/B tests, monitoring by region/traffic sources. Compensated by connecting analytical systems to the page.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Connect Domain (123 RUR/month) - connecting a domain, key functionality.
  2. Combo (249 RUR/month) - domain as a gift, removal of system copyright.
  3. Unlimited (375 rub/month) - extended disk space, paid applications bonus.
  4. eCommerce (488 rubles/month) - a lot of disk space, a shopping cart, accepting online payments.
  5. VIP (751 RUR/month) - mailings plus site audit from a Wix expert.

Landing page builder LPGenerator → detailed review

LPGenerator is one of the most powerful specialized landing page builders. In principle, this is an ideal service in its niche. The relative complexity of the editor is compensated by the enormous possibilities for customizing the design and functionality of pages. Over 250 professional templates from 22 categories. A thoughtful and flexible process for drawing a page from scratch; you can edit the layout code manually and upload your own. There is a showcase of products with pagination - a high-quality mini-shop inside the landing page.

A full set of tools for conversion analysis and marketing (comprehensive statistics, A/B tests, sales funnel, traffic sources, conversion goals, CRM, mailings, etc.) allow you to get the maximum effect from your pages. The editor is visual, there are a lot of widgets, there is a convenient section designer, monitoring page versions with conversion analysis, etc. The audience of the system is web studios and experienced developers. For beginners, there is the Lead Generation Academy - a powerful course that will be useful to most users.


  • Large selection of templates and the ability to upload your own;
  • The ultimate set of tools for analyzing and increasing conversion;
  • Multiple support third party applications and synchronization with services;
  • Built-in high-quality CRM;
  • A well-thought-out one-page storefront with tons of settings;
  • Event notifications via SMS;
  • An excellent training program for beginners and more;
  • Optionally, you can order services from developers.


  • Expensive package tariff plans designed for professionals;
  • Comparatively difficult to use - too much stuff inside.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Basic (558 RUR/month) - 1 domain, 3 pages.
  2. Advanced (1662 RUR/month) - 5 domains, 50 pages.
  3. Unlimited (RUB 2,799/month) - everything without restrictions.
  4. Corporate, White Label (RUB 11,011/month) - your own branding for 15 accounts, improved technical support.

Landing page builder uCoz → detailed review

uCoz is a good choice for advanced developers. Allows you to work with code, there is a template designer in which it is easy to build a block structure of a one-page page. For beginners, the best option is to use a premium template, there are a lot of them and everything is there: beautiful design, correct structure, functionality (forms, ordering something, showcase, etc.). In addition, an advanced statistics collection system will help track the effectiveness of the page and promote, because contextual advertising can be controlled directly from the control panel.

The editor supports connecting third-party PHP scripts and loading own templates. If you have experience, putting together a landing page will take 1-2 evenings. The service supports synchronization with social networks, online chats, form designers, service calculator and other useful things. Page customization occurs mainly through code editing, although there is also a visual editor. This is an option for those who know how to design landing pages or for beginners who want to publish a page based on a premium gift design.



  • Relatively high difficulty of mastering;
  • There are no one-page templates among stock templates;
  • The need to have knowledge of code at least at a basic level.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Minimum ($2.39/month) - smaller banner, FTP access, 1 GB of space.
  2. Basic ($4.79/month) - banner removal, 2 GB of space, premium support, HTTPS, Yandex.Feeds.
  3. Optimal ($6.39/month) - 10 GB of space, premium template and free domain.
  4. Store ($7.99/month) - 10 GB of space, online store module.
  5. Maximum ($12.79/month) - 20 GB of space, live chat technical support.

Landing page builder PlatformaLP → detailed review

PlatformaLP is a specialized landing page builder. About fifty cool templates, a bunch of standard widgets, as well as specialized ones like counters/tabs/decorations/spoilers, and a visual editor that allows you to flexibly adjust the structure and content of each section of the page for desktop and mobile formats separately. There is a basket - you can sell online. HTML code insertion and integration are supported third party services- Bitrix24, amoCRM, GetResponse, RoboKassa, MailChimp, Yandex.Kassa, JustClick, Mailer, Unisender, SendPulse and LeadVertex.

Multi-landing pages are supported: you can create several versions of the landing page for demonstration in different regions. Efficiency can be measured by A/B tests, and analytical data can be obtained from Google or Yandex. You can also add landing page reactions to visitor behavior - pop-up windows of various contents when leaving the page, scrolling to the footer, re-entering, submitting an application, filling out a form, etc. This is based on working with Cookies (there is a message indicating consent to their use). You can enable lazy load for images (speeds up page loading), add animations, use Google Fonts.


  • An excellent set of widgets and ready-made blocks of various functionality;
  • Convenience and flexibility of setting up sections;
  • Multilanding support;
  • Pop-up windows based on specified client behavior scenarios;
  • Built-in store;
  • Separate setup of meta tags for social networks;
  • Notifications about applications by email and SMS.


Cost per month:

  1. Micro (490 rub/month) - 1 domain, 1 page, alerts in Telegram.
  2. Economy (790 rub/month) - 1 domain, 10 pages, SSL, 100 SMS.
  3. Business (1390 rub/month) - 5 domains, 50 pages, multi-landing, A/B test, integrations, shopping cart, multi-user mode.
  4. Business + (1990 rubles/month) - 5 domains, 50 pages, accepting payments.

Expansion packages for business plans:

  1. +390 rub/month (Business) - +5 domains, + 50 pages.
  2. +590 rub/month (Business+) - +5 domains, + 50 pages.

Landing page designer Ucraft → detailed review

A service well suited for assembling landing pages. Two dozen profile templates good quality, a convenient visual editor plus the ability to publish a landing page on your domain for free. The set of widgets and ready-made blocks is sufficient for publishing pages with a classic structure, and in moderation flexible customization will help decorate the design. You can simply replace the stock content in the template sections with your own and publish the page.

16 integrations supported useful services(PayPal, Google, MailChimp, etc.), standard SEO settings and accepting online payments. You can significantly change the stock template using the included designer tools. Beginners will find it useful to have a site progress cheat sheet with a list of tasks and links to the areas of the control panel in which they are solved. There are also effects, the possibility of team development, flexible settings of fonts and site languages. All this is packaged in a nice and simple interface.


  • Possibility of free publication of a one-page website with your own domain and SSL;
  • Many ready-made blocks, adaptive design;
  • Support for multilingual websites and team development;
  • Possibility of accepting payments online;
  • Built-in logo maker, designer tools;
  • Progress cheat sheet for beginners.


  • Lack of built-in tools for collecting statistics and analyzing conversion;
  • Lack of some typical landing widgets like a counter.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. About Website (₽670/month) – 1 site, multilingual, blog, SEO, integrations, 24/7 technical support, removal of the Ucraft brand; adding HTML/CSS/JS, 50 products for an online store, 70+ payment and delivery methods;
  2. Pro Store (₽1400/month) – unlimited number of products, commission-free sales, multi-currency, real-time tracking, unlimited storage, discount coupons and wholesale discounts, store management via iOS and Android, the ability to disable taxes, reverse VAT charging;
  3. Unlimited (₽2600/month) – complete absence of a limit on everything, sales on eBay, Facebook, Yandex.

Landing page builder LPMotor → detailed review

LPMotor is a specialized service that offers the creation of a landing page from scratch, ready-made blocks or using adaptive templates (about 100 pieces, excellent quality). The visual editor allows you to edit each element separately, adjust positions, combine blocks, sections and section templates in any order, and customize them in detail appearance, create transitions between blocks (bevel, rounding, corner), add effects, and also hide individual blocks from being displayed on a PC or mobile devices. Convenient for beginners.

There is a built-in CRM of good quality, the ability to test variations of the same page (A/B test) and an auto sales funnel - an interface for setting up automatic actions if the user completes a given scenario (filled out a form - received a letter, etc.). Pop-up windows and many integrations are supported: Jivosite, VK, Facebook, MailChimp, UniSender, GetResponse, Yandex.Kassa/Money, JustClick, amoCRM, PayPal, RoboKassa, Bitrix24, Yagla and more. The built-in statistics collection system is decent. You can configure to receive notifications about applications via SMS via email or Telegram. There is anti-spam.


  • Cool editor, flexible configuration of individual elements and sections;
  • Supports a large number of integrations;
  • Built-in auto funnel designer, CRM, A/B tests and statistics collection;
  • Good templates, customization, tools for creating a design from scratch;
  • Possibility of separate editing of mobile and desktop versions of the page;
  • HTML code insertion supported;
  • There is a built-in store with a shopping cart and online payment acceptance.


  • Disabling the “LPMotor” signature in the footer costs an additional 600 rubles per year for each published page. This is a separate service and not included in package plans.
  • You cannot change the template while working;
  • The set of elements does not have a countdown timer;
  • The car funnel is connected separately for an additional fee.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Nano (360 rubles/month) - 1 domain, 10 sites, full functionality.
  2. Mini (540 rub/month) - 3 domains, 50 sites;
  3. Standard (720 rub/month) - 10 domain, 100 sites;
  4. Unlimited (RUB 2,400/month) - unlimited number of domains and pages, without service signature.

The cost of connecting a sales funnel ( trial period- 7 days):

  • Week - 990 rubles.
  • Month - 2390 rubles.
  • Year - 14990 rubles.

Flexbe landing page builder → detailed review

Flexbe is a service designed to assemble landing pages only from ready-made blocks. Suitable for beginners. There are about 20 templates, the quality is good, the blocks are adaptive. For each section, you can select a set of displayed elements and tweak the design a little. There are enough ready-made sections to assemble a landing page with a classic structure. Several font pairs are available for quick change, there are parallax and zoom effects, gradient and darkening settings, and menu anchors are supported. SSL connects

automatically when adding a domain. You can paste your HTML code into the page.
The service supports the integration of basic applications (amoCRM, Bitrix24, CallbackHunter, Jivosite, GetResponse, UniSender), the creation of multi-landing pages/geo-landing pages and provides access to the API. Reception online payments possible through Yandex.Kassa, RoboKassa and Tinkoff map. You can connect email Google services, Mail.ru and Yandex. In addition, there is a built-in mid-level CRM and a statistical data collection system. You can customize the page display format when sharing on social networks. Present mobile app iOS/Android and pop-up window settings.


  • Extreme ease of assembly/customization of pages from ready-made blocks;
  • Availability of built-in CRM, statistics, A/B tests;
  • Automatically connected SSL;
  • Interface for working with pop-up windows;
  • Support for integration of key landing services;
  • SMS and email notifications about new orders;
  • Ability to add page administrators.


  • A meager set of ready-made templates;
  • The built-in CRM is so-so;
  • Lack of individual elements/widgets (only ready-made sections);
  • Basic level design customization.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Starter (525 RUR/month) - 1 domain, 10 pages, 250 SMS, SSL.
  2. Business (1050 rub/month) - 5 domains, 50 pages, 500 SMS, multi/geolending, A/B tests;
  3. Ultra (2100 rub/month) - domains and pages are not limited in number, 1000 SMS, 5 additional. users.

Landing page builder Mobirise → detailed review

Mobirise- free program(Mac, Windows, Android), which allows you to assemble landing pages from ready-made blocks. Templates are represented by extensions - paid sets($20-40) blocks sharpened for specific task(business, store, lawyer, portfolio, restaurant, etc.). The box includes 4 free templates. There are also extensions for adding integration of social networks and commenting tools, a translator, Soundcloud, Google Analytics, SEO tools, and for paid ones - a package of icons, a shopping cart with payment via PayPal, a page code editor and an image slider.

The set of blocks (number, structure, purpose) depends on the selected template. Each section can be customized by choosing the elements to display, colors, effects, sizes, and more. In general, even on free template There are a lot of blocks - they are more than enough to assemble a normal landing page with all the features (reviews, benefits, columns, tabs, timelines, timer, multimedia, price list, map, social networks and everything else). Pages are responsive by default. Basic SEO settings are present. To publish pages you need to buy hosting and a domain. We recommend that you pay attention to the pack with all paid extensions.


  • The application is free for commercial use;
  • A rich set of adaptive blocks in stock delivery;
  • Easy to assemble and edit page designs;
  • Extensions significantly increase the scope of the program;
  • Built-in FTP interface for uploading/updating files on the hosting.


  • You must rent hosting/domain separately;
  • Updating the landing page will require working project files on your PC;
  • There is a complete lack of tools for collecting statistics and analyzing conversion due to the format of the site builder in the form of an application (you can connect the page to external services).


  1. The cost of a page is equal to the amount required to rent hosting and a domain name (approximately $20-30/year).
  2. Price complete package extensions is $197 - all templates and integrations.

Step-by-step action plan

The purpose of the landing page is to interest the visitor and encourage them to take the action you have planned. Based on this thesis, it is necessary to arrange the blocks in order leading to maximum effect in your specific case. Any of the landing page builders described above can implement this formula. Sometimes you can simply replace the demo content of a template with your own data and get a good page - the structure of these designs is not taken out of thin air, they are put together with skill.

However, there are generally accepted guidelines for collecting landing pages. Everything has been verified a long time ago - what works and what doesn’t. Although for each specific case you need to test individually, polishing the nuances to shine (switched buttons/blocks, accent color, main font, offer wording, number of fields in the form, location of the social media block - all this can play a role, you need to look good combination). In general, the scheme for creating a landing page in all constructors is approximately the same:

Landing page creation algorithm

  1. Registration in the constructor.
  2. Selecting a template with a suitable theme and/or structure.
  3. Adding missing and removing blocks that are unnecessary for your task.
  4. Editing stock content to suit your needs (texts, numbers, images, links) and filling in newly added sections from scratch.
  5. Customizing the design - colors, effects, fonts, backgrounds, element shapes, etc.
  6. Filling in SEO parameters.
  7. Connecting the necessary integrations ( payment systems, social networks, newsletters, analytics, statistics, live chat, call back, etc.).
  8. Pay for a tariff plan and connect a domain.
  9. Publishing a page.

What should it be?

The nature and order of the sections is of great importance. The point is that as you scroll through the page, your visitor should be inspired to follow your offer. And do it. What blocks should be used to achieve the goal? In what order? There is no 100% recipe for the success of any page from any niche, but something can be outlined:

  • A cap - high quality image or a video background on the topic, a title that conveys the essence of the proposal, a logo, an anchor menu, and perhaps a button here (CTA - Call-To-Action, call to action) - subscribe, purchase, download, go somewhere.
  • The second block could be a countdown timer until the end of some promotion with a CTA button. You can also put a description of your offer here (and then a CTA) - text plus an image or video. The order depends on how clear the essence of the offer is from the header - is it necessary to additionally show the essence or is it time to call for action.
  • Block of proposal advantages - shootouts. Can be designed as a slider (carousel) or icons with succinct, precise descriptions strengths offer. Better icons with text captions - this way information is perceived faster, there is no need to scroll through.
  • Images or videos of the product in a format that suits the style of the page.
  • There may be a timer until the end of the offer (if it was not at the top) or tariffs, if we are talking about a service. Or a short price list in tabs (2-5 positions) for products. In general, price display.
  • Next, you can add a block of customer reviews in tab or carousel format.
  • There may be some numbers here that demonstrate the popularity of your product: the number of downloads, satisfied customers, subscriptions, money saved, benefits received (depending on what we are talking about), kittens saved, and things like that.
  • Form - for making an order, subscription, survey or something else.
  • Map of the geographic coverage of your activity - advertising of the scale of popularity (you can do without it).
  • A call to action is a CTA button next to a summary of the offer, a suitable illustration, or in another appropriate format.
  • Footer with a logo, a summary of the offer, office address, phone number, instant messengers, links to social networks, the main website, blog and anything else like that.

Depending on the nature of your offer, you can use event schedules, food menus, answers to popular questions, team photos, a display basket, and more. It is important to respect the anatomy of the page. For example, the cafe menu is part of the offer and should go slightly above the middle of the page, the team photo should be closer to the footer, just like the FAQ. Everything is logical, but the essence is the same.

Thanks to the designers, anyone can quickly publish a landing page that can generate income. It’s not just about the convenience of the format, but also about other nuances: correct templates, functionality tailored to the solution of the problem, ease of collecting statistics, availability of technical support, FAQ, and so on.

The optimal ones for most beginners will be uKit, uLanding and Wix - they provide good landing pages. Inexpensive, fast and beautiful. The most powerful profile service is LPGenerator. The following PlatformaLP and LPMotor are somewhat inferior to it. uCoz can do everything well, including landing pages. Ucraft is a good option, Flexbe is nice and simple, Mobirise is not for everyone.

You shouldn’t count on publishing a full-fledged landing page for free. Whatever service you choose, pay the appropriate tariff - this will give you a lot of advantages, save you from problems and ultimately increase conversion. There is no universal recipe for the perfect page, but you can focus on the weighted average structure and make a good profit.

A properly created landing page will significantly increase the efficiency of a webmaster. But in order to truly create quality page, you often have to turn to the services of professionals. Not everyone has the opportunity to pay for such services, so now we will look at how to make a landing page yourself.

But before that, you need to understand a few basic terms and concepts.

Landing page is a page with specific content where the webmaster directs visitors. This landing page contains various tools, scripts, as well as an invitation to visitors to take a certain action. It could be:

  • Buy any product.
  • Subscribe to the e-mail newsletter.
  • Download the program or install the extension.
  • Use the service.

The sales text tries to interest the visitor, and various tools (timer, reviews, bonuses, pop-ups, etc.) increase trust and “hurry up” potential client take the action we need.

How to make a landing page using online services

This is the easiest way to create a landing page. Here the webmaster will not need knowledge, because the services will provide him with a convenient and understandable constructor.

Platformalp.ru – the resource is free for 14 days. Here, the webmaster does not even have to create the page himself, since he can choose a ready-made template provided by the service.

Leadkit.ru - this resource has not only templates, but also a list of scripts necessary for work (timers, pop-ups, etc.).

Lpgenerator.ru – has great amount opportunities for customizing and creating a landing page. The webmaster can adapt the design, create a mobile version, add his own materials (photos, videos) and much more.

Programs for creating Landing Page

Webmasters who decide to take this matter more seriously can try various professional programs for web development.

DreamWeaver is a designer that supports all the necessary web programming languages. Knowing how to use this program, you can give the site almost any look.

Adobe Muse – no less famous program For quick creation sites.

WordPress Landing Pages– plugin for CMS WordPress. With this plugin, you will be able to create landing pages in the admin panel.

Main components of a landing page

Almost any page consists of the following parts:

  • Attractive title.
  • Selling text. This is a description of a product or service. Write really good text is not so easy, so this work is often entrusted to professionals.
  • Video . Most often, it is used to review the product being sold.
  • Call to action.
  • Bonus. If it is proposed to do email subscription, then often a free book is offered as a bonus.
  • Form of payment or order a call.
  • Positive reviews. They need to be made as natural as possible, since artificial ones are easily identified.
  • Footer. Here I add contact information, links to profiles (groups) on social networks, etc.

The content directly depends on what exactly is offered on the page.


It is not always possible to create a landing page the first time. Therefore, you need to experiment and constantly improve your skills.

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A modern business can hardly be called successful if it relies only on banal advertising in the form contextual ads or leaflets, when almost every entrepreneur today, from a blogger to the largest holding company, has one or whole line one-pagers for different products.

The most advanced marketers have been unanimously saying for several years that landing page is the most effective network sales tool, and they are certainly right. In this article we will help you figure out how to do it yourself for free (and at the end of the 7-day trial period - for a very affordable price) create a landing page with your own hands using a special LPgenerator constructor.

Why is landing page effective?

Despite the fact that the landing page (from the English landing page - “landing page” ) is a single page, which, based on external signs and material costs, seems far from being as significant and effective as a multi-page site, but in reality such brevity is its main advantage.

However, in fairness, it should be said that the main purpose of a landing page is to promote a specific product, service or a small number of products, while for the sale of many products it will be much more effective to create a realonline store.

As you know, the main purpose of any selling website is not to attract a large number of visitors, but an indicator such as conversion, that is, what percentage of these visitors will ultimately turn into real buyers.

This indicator is the goal of any landing page.

The conversion of a standard online store in most cases is no more than 2-3%. This is due to the fact that the site offers a large amount of different information, detailed catalogs with countless product items making it difficult to choose, as well as a huge number of other elements that distract attention.

For example, if a person goes to a home appliances website to buy a TV, he has to scroll through a significant number of “top” offers, choose among countless different brands, categories and diagonals to find exactly the option that will the best way to suit him.

Unlike the usual (but not the most convenient) online stores, the landing page is filled exclusively with information that will provide maximum efficiency sales Descriptions, pictures, videos - everything is aimed at making a person understand what the advantage of this particular product is and why he needs to buy it here and now.

But the most obvious advantage is that even if the landing page design is not done by a professional, it can be done in just a few hours, and at the same time achieve a conversion, which is at least 4%. If a qualified specialist (or a whole team) is involved in the development, then in the end you can achieve simply incredible indicators, often more than 50% of total traffic. No distractions, just targeted sales of specific products.

How to create a one-page website yourself

Among modern design studios and individual web designers, the service of creating a landing page is one of the most common, and its cost is quite high. Besides that in this area there is a great demand for rendering, layout and the code takes a lot of time, as a result of which you have to wait for your landing page for several weeks, and sometimes even months. AndConsidering the fact that the creation of such sites occurs quite often in order to quickly sell a certain product, invite people to a webinar or hold a promotion, a long wait is unacceptable. It turns out that ordering a landing page from web designersis not nearly as effective a solution as it seems at first glance.

Using a landing page builder with a gallery of ready-made templates, in turn, provides the following advantages:

  • speed;
  • simplicity;
  • efficiency.

This is why many entrepreneurs increasingly prefer to create a landing page with their own hands, without turning to third-party contractors, especially since today this is available to absolutely everyone, even if you do not have any specialized knowledge in the field of programming or layout.

Such a constructor is LPgenerator platform, where anyone can choose a suitable one-page website from and try to make a perfect landing page with their own hands free of charge - for the duration of the test period, and then (if successful) - for a very affordable price, without involving additional people.

It is worth noting the fact that self-creation Do-it-yourself landing in the end turns out to be even more profitable, because in this case you can, if necessary, make any changes yourself, without turning to others for help each time.

Instead of a conclusion

Few people know that paying for design development, layout and back-end is only the first step. Successful and long-term use of a landing page requires its constant change in accordance with user behavior, regular split testing, content updates, and all the work in this case can be carried out by a designer or studio, who, accordingly, will require an additional fee for their services.

In the case of using the designer, you get your own landing page for a minimal cost, which will pay off in the first days, and you don’t have to wait - all the templates are as simple and easy to edit as possible, due to which you can completely independently make various adjustments to it, whenever you want.

Well, if you still don’t want to deal with the editor and want to get a ready-made “turnkey” result, then the LPgenerator team will be happy to develop an individual landing page design for you, for this it is enough.

  • 2. Types of landing page
  • 4. Landing page features
    • A/B testing of landing page
    • What a selling landing page should look like and what it should contain
  • 5. Landing page taxes
  • 6. Conclusion

Landing, what is it? Many aspiring entrepreneurs and people who are going to sell something are interested in this term. In short, a landing page is regular internet page on your domain, subdomain in format by type html/css or in another format. We have heard about such pages, but most likely we have never delved into their essence and purpose.

The main task of such a page is for the page visitor to leave a corresponding request, contact by phone, subscribe or purchase a product.

Such a page differs from the mass of other Internet pages in that it does not contain unnecessary, distracting advertising, unnecessary text, various flashing banners and pop-up menus.

From this article you will learn:

  • Landing what is it;
  • What types of landing pages are there;
  • How to create a landing page yourself and for free;
  • Everything about doing business and taxes from the landing page;
  • etc.

1. What is a landing page on the Internet

In the Internet sphere, such pages have different names, in particular, they are called: landing pages, landing pages, capture pages, one-page sites, landing pages, etc.

With the help of such landing pages on 20-30% the level of sales increases compared to regular online stores or just advertising sites.

As for Russian-speaking companies, it should be noted that such a tool as a landing page is just beginning its development in the post-Soviet space, but every year it is rapidly gaining momentum.

From Russian companies, you can highlight winlanding.ru. We tried many companies but finally settled on them. All sites that winlanding creates are created from scratch, templates, functionality, and constant communication with the client are developed, which is important in our time. And you will know for sure that they will not get lost, like many freelancers with your prepayment.

Here are some works from them:

  • http://olymp.winlanding.ru
  • http://verserb1.bget.ru/dom
  • http://autogazkz.kz
  • http://zub.winlanding.ru

And the entire winlanding portfolio can be viewed here.

The use of landing pages is especially beneficial for the following organizations:

  • Any companies involved in sales;
  • Companies engaged in wholesale sales;
  • MLM leaders;
  • Manufacturers of various types of products;
  • Info-entrepreneurs;
  • Companies selling particularly valuable, unique goods;
  • Companies specializing in the sale of training programs;
  • Travel companies;
  • SPA salons, fitness clubs.

An ideal example of a LANDING

Thus, the landing page is beneficial for many who are interested in increasing customer base and a significant increase in the target audience.

The main goal of such pages, as already mentioned, is to encourage targeted action:

  • Apply for a free consultation;
  • Purchase a product;
  • Submit an application for various calculations (calculations);
  • Subscribe to any newsletter;
  • Register to participate in the promotion;
  • Apply for a price list;
  • And many more different options...

The landing page can also be used by those involved in real estate. This page will increase sales of any real estate. After all, now the Internet plays an important role in choosing any product or service. And by the way the site is made, people evaluate you, you can immediately understand that your property is not a decrepit house, but a beautiful estate. And if you haven’t yet connected your life with real estate, or rather don’t know how to do it, then download a video course from a specialist who knows a lot about his business.

2. Types of landing page

There are four types of “sales page”:

  1. Long page: landing page – is long page landing. These are the types of landing pages that prevail on the Internet.
  2. Short: landing page is short page landing. Its function most often is to redirect to collect email addresses and increase the subscriber base.
  3. One step: landing page – is a one-step page;
  4. Two steps: landing page - such a page, accordingly, is a two-step one. The essence of the page is that on the one step page the client’s interest is warmed up, and on the two step page the required action is directly completed.

By its nature, a landing page acts as a specific mini-site, which may not even be related to the main type of your activity, but works as an independent page.

Examples of conversions: in the field of tourism services (a popular and in-demand area of ​​business), a conversion rate of 9-14% is a good indicator, but in the field of sales of luxury cars, a conversion rate of 4-14% is not just a good, but an excellent conversion rate in landing page.

The minimum landing page conversion, as a rule, ranges from 1-4%, but does not exceed 30-45%. Achieving conversion in practice 25-30% is a good indicator.

A good conversion rate is considered to be 5-10%. In the case of information business, conversion can reach 25% - 30%.

These include the following:

  • Rejection rate;
  • Average time a visitor spends on the relevant page;
  • Map of clicks on the page, etc.

There is no average conversion. This is due to the fact that conversion directly depends on three things:

  1. The immediate quality of your landing page;
  2. Quality of traffic landed on the relevant page;
  3. Features of the business, level of competition.

Now, having heard the word “landing”, you will already know very well what it is.

3. How to create a landing page for free

We present popular services where you can create a one-page landing page for free:

  1. www.setup.ru;
  2. landingi.ru;
  3. ru.wix.com;
  4. lpgenerator.ru;
  5. freelancing sites - where for 1500-2000 rubles, freelancers will make you a landing page to order.

Having driven in search bar request - “create a one-page website (landing)”, the search engine will return a large number of services and sites that already have either ready-made pages, or you can create it yourself thanks to the designer. The same can be done if you have extra left. questions - what is a landing page.

The ideal “landing page” - video

Algorithm for creating Landing Page - video

But what is free will not always be of high quality. Free services are needed more topics, who have a very limited budget or just want to understand the principle of creating these pages. If you want your company to acquire a large number of clients, to reach the top in popularity, then we advise you to order websites from professionals who will tell you exactly what and how to do, and will take into account your wishes. For example prices of the company we work with.

4. Landing page features

  • Typically, this is a business card site that is not overloaded with files ( graphic arts, video etc.). Due to the minimalism of the page, the text on it is easy to read.
  • The landing page should not contain advertising; it is already an advertisement for your services and products.
  • The landing page should not contain unnecessary information that is not related to the product or service being sold.
  • The landing page must have a certain structure: advertising text , Pictures, minimal page navigation,