Creation of a landing page. Landing Page from A to Z. Selling with Landing Page

09/14/15 32K

Creating a landing page ( landing page) or landing page, landing page, simplifies the user’s path to your desired goal as much as possible. Such a page is designed to influence a person’s basic instincts, to encourage him to perform targeted actions: click, call, order, buy “right now”.

Landings the best way suitable for conducting advertising campaigns for a specific service or offer with a unique (low) price, as well as for attracting target audience from contextual systems Google advertising AdWords, Yandex.Direct, social networks and email newsletters:

What is Landing Page?

Landing page – separate page, which is used for:

  • sales of a specific product or service;
  • creating a subscription base.

When you decide to create a landing page, you must use the necessary influence triggers that push the user to quickly make a decision ( purchase a product, enter information to receive a discount, take a course, webinar, etc..).

From the user’s point of view, a landing page is the page on which he finds himself after clicking on an informer, banner, advertising post and so on. A landing page is fundamentally different from an online store. To sell one product and conduct one advertising campaign your own page is created and different influence triggers are applied.

Types of landing page:

  • Autonomous. This is the most common type of landing page. The main task is to encourage the user to buy or specific action, recommended by the page;
  • Microsite. A small, often separate website, consisting of no more than 5 pages containing information about a product or service;
  • Main site. For a landing page, uses one or more resource pages;
  • Lando website. A resource that consists entirely of independent landing pages:

Landing Page Types

  • Advertising. Contain a large number of text, graphic and video information about the service;
  • Viral. The advertisement is disguised as an article or game. It often involves email, social networks, chats;
  • Targeted lead pages. Designed to collect information about the target audience, as a rule, they contain a minimum of information.

A well-designed landing page can increase the conversion of visitors into real buyers.

Why do you need a Landing Page?

The main purpose of a landing page is sales. The landing page contains selling text, a presentation of a product or service, and a call to action. Landing page is great tool For quick start services or goods on the Internet. Landing pages allow you to collect subscribers and requests for services, etc.

If you present your product/service correctly, make good presentation, indicating strengths, and also configure the traffic flow ( advertising in in social networks, contextual advertising, etc.), all you have to do is collect applications from your customers and sell them the advertised product/service.

Benefits of using Landing Page

Landing page compared to regular pages resource offering services or goods has a number of advantages:

  • Targeting a specific audience. The landing page does not require multiple decisions requiring the user to choose, but one special offer, which is difficult to resist;
  • High conversion. According to statistics, using landing pages for advertising purposes can increase conversion by 10-15%;
  • Full information about the product/service offered, but without additional transitions and links;
  • Possibility of collecting contacts of visitors and replenishing the database potential clients, to whom you can later send information about upcoming promotions/sweepstakes;
  • Low cost of creating a landing page. Even novice businessmen can afford to create a landing page, thus testing product niches in order to start selling on the Internet:

Where and how are Landing Pages used?

You can make the landing internal or home page corporate resource, one-page website, page on a social network. IN Lately is becoming more and more popular ( offline pages) for key products, while the company already has a corporate website. This is what legal and medical companies, banks, mobile operators and many others.

Where are Landing Pages used?

  • In advertising campaigns using contextual advertising with payment and click (PPC) in Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords, Runner. In this case, traffic is redirected to landing pages optimized for key queries;
  • In banner advertising campaigns, provided that the graphic material is placed on thematic resources designed for the target audience. For example, banner advertising for new products in the electronics industry is placed on news portals in the segment for specialists in the field of IT technologies;
  • In newsletters and marketing letters containing a link to landing page. For example, newsletters for an online store that take into account previous purchases user;
  • Running blog campaigns that redirect the user to landing page resource with the owner of which the blogger previously enters into partnership agreement for placement banner advertising, guard, PR articles;
  • Social Media Campaigns ( VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or on popular media hosting sites ( for example YouTube, Flickr, etc.). Users are redirected to the landing page of the advertiser who has an agreement to place advertising materials with the selected media resource:

Basic ways to create a Landing Page

  • Free landing page templates and generators. There are many options online now free templates and constructors that allow you to generate a landing page. The most popular service. This is an excellent option for companies with a limited budget, but with a staff of specialists versed in marketing and design;
  • Contacting specialists. You can order text for a landing page from a copywriter, design development from a designer, and integration with the engine from a programmer. At the same time, the company must have a marketer on staff who will monitor the project at all its stages. To the benefits this method relate relatively low cost and a fairly high result, the disadvantages are the risk of error in choosing specialists;
  • Agency outsourcing. This method of creating a landing page involves contacting an agency that will take on the analysis of competitors, select a concept, develop an advertising campaign strategy, resolve the issue of integration with the engine, and launch the project. All that is required from you is a brief for creating a landing page, and the agency will take over the development of a turnkey landing page. The advantages of this method include high efficiency and time saving, the disadvantages are higher cost than in previous options;
  • Maintain a staff of specialists who will deal with... This is the most expensive and most effective method. Your own team, consisting of a designer, copywriter, marketer and layout programmer, will allow you to fully promote your product/service to the market.

Is it possible to create a Landing Page yourself?

You can create a landing page yourself, but you will need to have certain skills in web development, analytics and design. If you don’t have such experience, use services that offer ready-made templates in which you only need to fill out the text and configure the domain and hosting.

Creating a landing page yourself will save money and time. You can find resources with templates online different topics, which come with quick installation instructions and software, allowing editing. The cost of such kits can be much lower than the price of developing a landing page in a specialized agency:

Is it possible to create a Landing Page for free?

Since interest in landing pages is constantly growing, developers are offering new and new tools creating a landing page based on templates. Here is a list of the most popular methods and services:

The third option is most suitable for beginners who have a minimum of knowledge and do not want to waste time studying complex systems web programming.

Landing page optimization

Creating a landing page is half the battle; it is important to optimize it correctly. One-page websites have one, but quite significant, drawback - it is quite difficult for search engines to find them. Multi-page resources have unique headings, proper linking and a complex structure indicating the weight of pages, etc.

The architecture of a one-page site does not allow for high-quality internal optimization in the classical sense, “tailor” the site to the requirements of search engines. A solution from Google allowed us to get rid of this problem - layout with using JavaScript and the PushState method.

To optimize your landing page, you should do the following:

  • break the landing page into blocks;
  • Each block must receive its own unique indicator, title, description and title, URL.

That is, each block must have the same properties as any individual page of the site, while search robot will perceive your site as several unique pages. Visitors to the landing page may not notice this solution; only the most attentive will notice that while scrolling along the page, the URL and title change. To implement such a project, you will need certain knowledge in the field of SEO and layout with JavaScript.

Hi all! Today I want to continue a series of articles devoted to the creation and on this page I will describe the creation process in as much detail as possible Landing Page with your own hands. But let me start my story with a little background.

In September 2015, I needed to make a landing page for my first info-product, and naturally I used Google search to find at least some instructions. But it just so happened that real information There was no one that any beginner could master. Everywhere I go, there are advertisements for some expensive services. I'm sure many of us are not yet ready to shell out a ton of money every month for... subscription fee, I’m also sure that many would just like to experiment, try their hand at the information business, for which, again, they wouldn’t want to pay extra. “We need to somehow correct this situation,” I thought, and decided to figure it out myself.

I think my learning process will not be so interesting, so we’ll get straight to the point and finally find out how to make a capture page with your own hands. Let's start with the basics:

LandingPage(capture page) is marketing tool, designed to convert visitors into clients. The more convincing, clear and concise your proposal is, the less likely you are to be refused. Landing - should encourage the client to take an action, for example, buy something, subscribe to a newsletter, install some software, etc.

Landing pages, as a marketing tool, have gained great popularity due to the fact that they are created for a certain category of people, which means they give large percentage conversions in your niche. Values ​​such as 10-20% are very good and properly made landing pages easily collect a subscriber base.

1. How to create a landing page yourself

Firstly, it is important to understand that a landing page is not only a beautiful design, but also the correct arrangement of elements, the right words, correct calls and dozens of other marketing rules. Even an inexperienced person can notice the structural similarity of many subscription pages and this is not an accident. The saying: “Why invent a new bicycle?” describes our situation perfectly. Therefore, before designing, you need to understand at least the operating principle of our bike.

1.1. Basic principles for creating a landing page:

  • Each landing element must fulfill one, most main goal: Get the visitor's action. Therefore, you should not add a bunch of little things that may seem to you just “cute”, “pretty” and the like.
  • Use marketing tricks. It's mostly about urgency and scarcity. Almost all landing pages have a timer countdown or a mention that there are only so many copies left before the price increases. It works, tested on personal experience, and it works so effectively that the result is sometimes amazing.
  • Freedom for your eyes! - Nobody limits us in size; we shouldn’t pile elements on top of each other. I decided to mention this because I have seen examples more than once where the authors apparently do not know what “indents” are.
  • Bright and modern design. During creation, open 3-4 examples of landing pages that you really like. See what they did and repeat until ideas in your head begin to generate on their own. For example, this was exactly the case for me.
  • After completing the work, ask your loved ones to look at the result. Any question they may have should make you think that the landing page is not perfect because good job In the end, it should leave the visitor without questions.

1.2. Elements that every landing page should have

  • Let's start at the very top, where we usually have the heading. Naturally, it should be attractive, interesting and as intriguing as possible; in general, its goal is to capture attention from the first seconds and at the same time, your proposal should be clear from its content.
  • Trade offer. It should be described in such a way as to convey the essence; the juice itself should not be overused with repetition. Also, don’t think that if you instead two or three times repeat your arrangement, this will increase the conversion; on the contrary, you need to act gradually along the entire page. In this part of the landing page, I prefer to simply talk about what exactly the product will provide and list a few advantages that are important specifically for my audience.
  • If the landing page is small, then immediately place a call to action button next to it, such as: “Get”, “Pick up”, “Buy” and the like. Here I use bright red or contrasting colors to the background. After all, our main goal is to get the client to click here.
  • Tell us about the advantages of your product over other similar ones, why are you better than others?
  • Post an action card that details the process for solving the problem, indicating each step from the moment of purchase.
  • Next you should post some reviews. It is advisable not to invent them, but to find out from those people who have already purchased the product. Well, if there aren’t any, then you’ll have to scribble it yourself, and don’t give ten out of ten points, write reviews for a seven or eight. You can give the product a try to people well-known in your field so that they can give their feedback, preferably in video format.
  • Be sure to indicate guarantees of payment security, anonymity, conditions for returning goods and money, and so on.
  • Well, at the very end, in the footer - indicate your details, a link to the affiliate program, you can put social buttons tell about yourself as the author, indicate contacts, and so on.

2. We make a landing page with our own hands

After reading the tips provided above, we can proceed directly to creating the page on which we will have a landing page. We will use the webcontractor program: WYSIWYG Web Builder version 9. Although now there is already a 10th version, there are problems with Russification, so if you are not an experienced webmaster, I recommend using the 9th version. We will also need:

  • Photoshop image editor;
  • Client for working with FileZilla hosting;
  • The hosting itself;
  • Well Domain name.

You may have a question about where to get these programs for free? I can only advise you to google it well; giving links to sites with pirated content is against my own convictions.

“We make a turnkey landing page” - such advertisements are not uncommon on the Internet. In fact, you don’t have to turn to freelancers or web studios to create a landing page. Creating landing pages yourself is now possible thanks to the service ready-made solutions 1C-UMI! All you have to do is choose a domain name and a template, and then populate the site with content. The 1C-UMI constructor is a kind of landing page generator. You do not need to install the landing page plugin on your website, as many content management systems offer - just register.

Let's take a closer look at how to create a landing page.

Go to the 1C-UMI main page and register. Define the name of your site, then the service will redirect you to a page with design templates. Landing page generator 1C-UMI offers a number of adaptive templates, which means that your site will be displayed correctly on both mobile devices and computer screens. Once you choose a design that suits your area of ​​business or just likes the colors, you will be taken to the landing page control panel.

Go to the main page of the site. Here is your free landing page, almost ready to launch - the 1C-UMI designer offers the best landing pages on the RuNet. Creating a landing page for free on 1C-UMI is best suited for you if you are not a programmer, and the words “html” and “development” mean little to you.

How to make your website interesting for customers? Fill it out unique content. Landing page constructor 1C-UMI contains all the necessary blocks.

Content blocks

This part usually contains information about the advantages of your product or reasons why the client should contact your company. Add images, videos and text and arrange them as you wish.

Feedback forms and call back

As you know, landing page pages are created, among other things, to collect a database of clients or subscribers. Depending on your activity, place one of the forms. This could be registering for an event, subscribing to news, ordering a consultation or product, and much more. The free landing page on 1C-UMI also contains the following form: back call. Clients send you contact information and you contact them by phone. The program works as follows: when customers fill out any of these forms, you will receive the information they left.

How to make the buyer buy the product as soon as possible? Of course, you need to show what it looks like. You offer tourist packages, publish photos of resorts. Do high quality images and place them in this block. If you offer any services, upload photos of company employees who will advise the client.


Add customer opinions to your landing page - someone will probably appreciate the services you provide. Post a photo of the client and some text. Users always trust sites that contain opinions about a company or product more.

Block categories

Here is a card with an illustration, title and brief description. Tell us about your organization's activities and services here. If you are selling a product, list its benefits or characteristics. Texts can be provided with suitable icons or images.

You don't need to search for and implement counter code on your website. Creating landing pages on 1C-UMI is much easier than developing landing pages yourself. The service includes an editable countdown counter for days, hours, minutes and seconds. Use it if you need to draw the client’s attention to the time remaining until the end of a promotion or, conversely, before the start of an interesting event.


Place Yandex.Maps at the bottom of the page or Google Maps and indicate the exact address, for example, “Moscow, st. Panferova, 8, office 206.” Let customers find you quickly and easily.

That's all! Creating landing pages for free on 1C-UMI does not require any additional knowledge from you. Just register and choose a template.

If you think that developing landing pages should not take a lot of time and money, choose 1C-UMI - creating landing pages yourself has never been so simple and convenient.

Landing is a special page that is needed to encourage a visitor to buy a product or service or leave a request. In order to create high-quality landing page you don't need to be a marketer. It's possible to an ordinary person. Today we will tell you how to do this.

Briefly: what is a landing page and what is it for?

Unlike a multi-page site, a landing page does not have difficult navigation, large layers of text, banners and extra menus to go to other pages. Navigation on such a site is carried out either by scrolling or by special menu, with which you can easily get to the point of interest on the page.

Synonyms: one-page site, one-page website, landing page, landing page, landing page, target page.

A landing page is used to promote a product or service; it is designed to “direct” the visitor to perform a certain action:

  • requesting a free consultation;
  • application for the purchase of goods;
  • seat reservations;
  • subscription to the newsletter;

Do it yourself or order turnkey work?

So we've got the basics covered. The next question that will definitely arise in your mind is whether you should make a landing page yourself or order it from a freelancer or a web/design studio.

Common Myth: It is very difficult to develop a high-quality, high-converting landing page; only professionals do this, and it is inaccessible to the average person.

Reality: making a good, working landing page is no more difficult than creating a page on a social network.

Of course, a landing page designed by a professional marketer will most likely show higher conversion rates. However, the difference in conversion will significantly affect income only at high turnover.

What is the best thing to do if you:

  1. you are new to business;
  2. want to test a new niche;
  3. you have small starting capital.

If you fall into one of three categories, then you should consider launching a landing page yourself. It will be much faster and cheaper.

In the future, when things go uphill, you will receive your first orders, working capital and, most importantly, statistics. Then you can think about “pushing” conversions at all stages of the sales funnel, including the landing page. You can turn to professionals and make another landing page (or even several) and test their conversion compared to the first one to choose the best one.

The only thing you really need is knowledge of your product: its advantages, disadvantages and target audience.

On the other hand, if you have good capital to start and do not want to spend extra time creating landing pages, you can always turn to specialists. For my part, I can recommend the web studio Divly. They have fairly reasonable prices and good reviews.

Remember that if you decide to order a turnkey landing page, you need to draw up the most accurate technical specifications and agree on all the details with the developers.

So, if you decide to do everything yourself, then your next step is choosing a quality platform. I have selected 4 of the most convenient and functional services to create a landing page, and made short reviews to help you choose.

LPMotor - the best one-page website builder

An excellent platform for both novice users and advanced webmasters. It stands out for its simple and intuitive interface, affordable prices for services, a set of necessary functions for creating a one-page website, and a selection of ready-made templates.

As for templates, the site offers users 90 ready-made options registration For ease of searching, all templates are divided into categories (photographer, beauty and health, events, information business, holidays). In addition, you can make a page from scratch from ready-made blocks and sections.

For each template you can additionally connect mobile version, which can be edited separately.

Another one distinguishing feature— availability of high-quality training materials. There are step-by-step training videos for each stage of work (creating and launching a website, working with design, connecting a domain, optimization and promotion, sales management, increasing conversion).

There is no free plan on the site. It is possible to connect four paid tariffs (prices when paid annually):

If you pay annually, you will receive a 40% discount.

You can pay for platform services and tariffs using bank card, through Sberbank Online, Alfa-click, through transfer through Svyaznoy, Euroset, MTS, Tele2 and Beeline. Supported electronic wallets: Yandex.Money, QIWI, Webmoney.



  • No free plan

Bloxy - stylish and modern

Bloxy is a builder for creating one-page websites that came to the market not so long ago, but has already earned popularity among webmasters.

The main feature of the service is the absence of ready-made templates; instead, the user is offered a special designer that allows them to create their own one-page website from various sections (header, main content, footer). Each section offers hundreds of options from which you can choose the one that best suits your topic.

The user is offered three tariff plans:

In addition, each user is given a free test period 7 days.

The service allows you to integrate your one-page website with popular services: amoCRM, Bitrix 24, Robokassa, Yandex Cashier, Google Analytics, Yandex Metrica, Mail Chimp, etc.



  • No ready-made templates
  • Costs more than competitors

LPgenerator - the most functional constructor

LPgenerator has it all necessary tools to create a one-page website. Mostly this resource designed for professionals who have experience working with similar platforms. This is probably the most “powerful” and multifunctional construction set of all those presented on the market.

The site contains more than 300 templates (all adapted to mobile platforms), from which you can always choose something to suit your needs. If necessary, you can use the built-in designer, which allows you to create your website from various blocks absolutely from scratch. The company also offers users ready-made one-page websites for an additional fee.

The site contains the necessary tools for creating and managing a landing page: traffic channel management, detailed analytics and statistics, convenient split testing, sales funnel building, own CRM and LP Telephony, etc.

Additionally, you can integrate lpgenerator with various online services: Robokassa, Bitrix 24, AmoCRM, Megaplan, Dropbox, SmartResponder, etc.

Designed for beginner users special system training - materials have been collected that will help you understand complex terms and organize the process of creating a one-page website from choosing a design to attracting the target audience and completing the transaction.

Free plan is missing, you can evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the service using a seven-day free trial period. Next, connect to one of the paid tariffs (prices per month): “Basic” (799 rubles), “Advanced” (2375 rubles), “Unlimited” (3999 rubles), “Corporate” (15730 rubles).

When paying annually, you get a 30% discount:

You can pay tariffs in the following ways: cashless payments, Web Money, Visa cards, Maestro and MasterCard, Sberbank Online, Mir, Alfa-Bank, Yandex.Money, Qiwi Wallet, Tele2, Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Euroset.


  • A huge selection of ready-made templates that are adapted for mobile platforms
  • There are tools for creating your own one-page page from scratch
  • Detailed site analytics
  • Available telephony for customer communication


  • High prices for services
  • No free plan (free trial period within 7 days)
  • The interface may seem complicated to a novice user

Ucraft - free landing page builder

The service is suitable for both beginners and professional webmasters. Using the platform, you can not only create a one-page website, but also a business card, as well as an online store. The user has access to 19 ready-made templates, all of them adapted to mobile devices.

Each template is built on the basis of blocks that simple drag and drop The mice can be swapped and removed if not needed.

TO ready landing page you can connect the following services: Google Analytics, Mail Chimp, Google Maps, Twitter, Instagram, You Tube, Disqus.

It differs from its competitors in that it has a full-fledged free plan:

Paid plans can be paid using Visa, Mastercard, Pay Pal.


  • Convenient editor to create your own one-page website
  • Free plan with hosting and 3rd level domain
  • There are tools for collaboration on the project
  • Ability to integrate a one-page website with popular services


  • Few ready-made templates

Approximate structure of a one-page website

Now that we've chosen a platform for our landing page, it's time to dive into the theory for a bit. Let's talk a little about the landing page structure.

1. Heading

The header should display information indicating the unique characteristics of the product or service being offered. It is advisable to outline all the characteristics that distinguish your product from competitors.

It is permissible to use a subheading to clarify to users the information provided in the heading.

2. Logo, company name and contact information

A logo allows users to identify your company and increase trust.

The second important element of a one-page website is the presence of contacts. It is advisable to post not only the work phone number, but also the company address. Contacts are the main tool of trust; the user subconsciously understands that if a project has a physical address, then professionals are working on it.

3. Data about the product or service provided

To give the user the impression that he is personally testing the product, it is advisable to place on the landing page:

  1. Real product photos;
  2. Video recording ( this content potential consumers trust the most).

4. Brand benefits

It is advisable to place the brand’s advantages in a block that will stand out with a catchy and exciting headline. Next we compose detailed list benefits for customers from cooperation with your company. All benefits should answer the visitor’s question “Why do I need this.”

5. Description of services

In this block, the real value of cooperation is conveyed to the user in the form of a list of services.

6. Customer Feedback

A feedback form with which the client can contact you and leave a request.

An example of creating a landing page with your own hands using the LPmotor service

Let's try to create a simple landing page in the LPmotor constructor as an example.

The first thing we need to do is register with LPmotor.

IN personal account click on green button"Create a website".

Now you will be offered 3 options to choose from: create a website from ready-made blocks, from a template or from scratch. The simplest and quick option- create a website based on ready-made template, so we choose this option.

Now we need to choose a template that will best suit your niche. For convenience, all templates are divided into categories: goods, services, information business, beauty and health, etc.

As an example, I chose a landing page that would be suitable for a wedding photographer. Immediately after you select the appropriate template, the system will ask you to leave a phone number to which notifications about applications will be sent.

If you haven't found a suitable template, don't worry. Just go back a step and try to create a website from ready-made blocks or from scratch. You may have to spend more time, but you will get a high-quality and unique landing page that is 100% suitable for your product or service.

Now you can edit the template to suit yourself: change photos, write suitable text, contact information, list of services, advantages, etc. In order to edit an element, you just need to click on it with the mouse. Everything here is quite simple and clear, so no questions should arise.

In the lower left corner there is an "Add Element" button. You can use it to add to the template additional block, section or basket.

In the top right corner you will see a green “View Site” button. Here you can see what your landing page will look like.

At the top left, you can select a landing page display option: computers, mobile devices, and edit each option individually.

On the right top corner There is an icon with a gear. If you click on it, a drop-down menu will appear. Here you can select “Manage” and you will be taken to the administrative part of your site.

From here you can manage all landing page functions.

The very first thing to do is change the domain.

You can choose any third-level domain ( or buy a second-level domain ( If you already have a domain name registered with a third-party registrar, you can connect that domain to your site.

The next step is to connect Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics traffic counters.

To do this, you need to have accounts in Yandex and Google. Counters are created in one click and do not require any special knowledge.

In the notifications section, you can configure notifications about received applications via SMS, e-mail, in Telegram or VK.

In the “Analytics” section you can see website traffic by different channels traffic and conversion funnel.

In the “Extensions” section you can connect the necessary additional services and widgets: shopping cart, geotargeting, CRM, Yandex checkout, etc.

Most last step— publication of the site.

To do this, go to the “Desktop” tab and click the “Publish” button. From now on, your site will be available to users around the world.

I only talked about the most important functions designer. Surely, you still have questions: what are A/B tests, what are they for? SEO settings, how to set up an anti-spam filter, etc. In this case, training videos are provided. You can view them using the “Training” link in the upper right corner of the screen. If you have any questions, feel free to contact support. In addition, you can also write in the comments to this article. I will definitely answer everyone.


Today we looked at the most optimal platforms for creating your own one-page website for promoting goods and services. Remember that the effectiveness of the project will depend not only on the platform, but also on the correct location of the blocks, as well as the information posted.

Friends, I welcome you again! Now I’ll tell you how to make a landing page yourself. This article will step-by-step instruction in which you can easily handle this matter on your own.

And so, you must have your domain installed wordpress engine. If anyone now doesn’t understand what is being said here, then at the end of the article you will download the video course and you can easily purchase a domain and install WordPress there.

Now go to the WordPress admin area and install a plugin there, with which you can create a landing page yourself for free and quickly. It will take you a maximum of 10 minutes to create a one-page website.

Hover your cursor over it and click on “add page” in the menu that appears. A page will open in front of you where you can create a one-page website right now.

First of all, write down the title. This is necessary for you personally to understand what landing page you have about what, this is when there will be a lot of one-pagers.

Immediately create a beautiful and easy-to-look link. To do this, click change, erase what appears there and write your own. At the same time, you will have constant YOUR-DOMAIN/wppage/, and then you can write your word.

After you have written the title and made the link, you can start creating the landing page. You can write text in an empty field, but above this field there are many different tools that are necessary for a sales or subscription page.

I’ll tell you in order what functions there are for creating landing pages. First there is a long button for adding pictures. Everything is simple here, click on it and look for the picture either in the media storage or on your computer.

Our next button is for adding an audio recording. Next comes adding video. Moreover, video clips can be added from any video hosting sites, such as YouTube or the like, and there is also the opportunity to put your video in a frame.

Here big choice frames, this will make the video more attractive. And I would also like to note that by clicking on any button, at the top you can watch a video instruction on how to install this function on the landing page.

For example, I clicked on the following “Google form” icon and turned on the video to see what it is and how to install this form on the page.

After installing the subscription form code on the page, scroll down to insert the code itself that you created on your service.

In the picture I show where your code is inserted. By the way, as you can see, you can also insert statistics code to track this site there by going to “scripts”.

We click on the next icon with a dollar sign and here we get numerous buttons “buy”, “order”, “get access”.

Next we have a variety of tapes on which you can write texts. I always put the feed at the very top and write the title. As you can see, making a landing page yourself is not at all difficult using this plugin.

Our next icon contains a huge set of arrows that look great on the site. Be sure to remember to use them.

The next feature is ready-made colorful headings. See for yourself how they strongly attract the attention of customers.

And of course, you can’t do without a timer on the sales page. Huge collection timers that can be configured at your discretion are on the next button.

After all the listed functions, we have two lines of text settings. Here you can make very beautiful and colorful texts. You can easily figure it out on your own, it’s very simple.

To make a quality landing page yourself, you need to be able to design the page well. To do this, we go down, under our page and click on the “design” button.

Here you either select a background color or set your own background by placing a link to it in the field on the right.

Next, the body of the page is configured. Here you need to choose a color that will fill the page, frame and shadow. When choosing the color of the frame or shadow, do not forget to set the number of pixels, otherwise they will not be visible. Next, if necessary, you can create a header and footer.

What’s most interesting is that you can even configure it right away SEO promotion your landing page. To do this, click on SEO and enter a title, description and keywords. This is necessary for robots search engines to show your site in searches.

Friends, now you know how to make a landing page yourself from scratch, now go ahead follow this link and download completely free step by step videos lessons with all the necessary links. Here you will download the plugin and, if necessary, register a domain and install WordPress.

Write in the comments how you liked quickly creating sales and subscription pages yourself, I’ll be waiting. See you in the next articles.