How to develop a VKontakte group. Add useful links to the page. We create and design a public page

Good afternoon dear friends! Well, tell us how your progress is going with promoting your VKontakte business? Already have something to brag about? If yes, then you have perfectly learned my advice from previous articles, but if not, do not rush to despair! Today I have prepared for you a portion of fresh ideas and methods that will help you master how top in efficiency boosting subscribers to a VK group.

I think it’s better to do without long foreplay and get straight to the point. In my opinion, all of today’s content that I plan to give you will be more comfortable to perceive in a structured form. A kind of step-by-step guide will allow you to apply the acquired knowledge immediately as you read this post. If you are ready, then let's not hesitate!

Community promotion. Step-by-step instruction

Every business, both those that operate online and those that do not operate in virtual reality, presence of community on a social network allows increase sales and promote your brand. Here are a few tasks that creating a community solves:

  1. You will always be in touch with your clients and potential buyers.
  2. You can tell them important news at any time of the day or night, tell about promotions and discounts without spending extra money on advertising.
  3. You will have feedback has been established with your clients.
  4. You can create a whole community around the product or service you offer. culture.

If you also want to receive all these benefits that communities provide, then by following simple rules promotion of the VKontakte public, very soon you will be able to experience them by your own example.

Decide on the topic of your blog

Determining the target audience

Browse the communities of the largest competitors on the topic of your choice and talk to their administration about providing you with statistics these same groups. To get the necessary information, introduce yourself as an advertiser who is looking for platforms to promote their product. Based on the data received, you can conclude who your target audience really is.

Determining what content we will publish

I would like to remind you that users find the most attractive symbiosis of images and text. Therefore, the success of your community content will directly depend on how harmonious the pictures that you attach to each text will be. It is the graphic component of posts that attracts the attention of readers. If the picture is interesting and “catchy”, then the person will read what you wrote, but if not, he will scroll further through the news feed.

We determine what product or services we will promote

If you need a commercial page where you can sell your services or some products, then immediately think about how you will accept orders from clients and send them to customers. It is very important to think through moment of customer feedback and provide technical support to the group, which would help the user decide on the choice of a particular product (service, respectively).

We create and design a public page

To advertise to a group and attract as many subscribers as possible, it is important to take care of its design. Community design should be recognizable, original and exclusive.

You can make a page avatar either yourself in Photoshop, or, without the necessary skills, turn to a specialist for help and order a logo from a freelancer for money.

Promotion plan

  1. To recruit the first subscribers to the community, I advise you to use a service or program for sending out invitations to the group. With this clever method, you will need to subscribe to your community about 5,000 people.
  2. Daily post 5-6 original posts at the “hottest” time, while simultaneously increasing likes and reposts of these posts.
  3. Allocate some money for advertising. You can use like targeted advertising, which appears every now and then in the lower left corner of the site page, and turn to other people’s communities for help. In the case of the latter, it should be noted that the cost of advertising in different VKontakte groups will fluctuate depending on their popularity (number of subscribers). That is why this issue should be immediately clarified with public administrators.

Free promotion method

Perhaps the easiest and most reliable way to promote your group on a social network for free is to send out mass invitations to all your friends, acquaintances and interested people. You just need to find a suitable “victim” and send her an invitation. To do this, you need to go to a search engine and set the necessary criteria for people who may be your potential followers. Using my group as an example, I can imagine my selection parameters:

  • Age– from 18 years old;
  • Status- "Online now";
  • Job– “Earning money on the Internet.”

After that, add the person to your VKontakte friends list and send him an invitation to your group. By the way, a very good way to quickly promote a group is attracting people from communities with similar topics.

And the last thing I want to draw your attention to is safety regulations.

So that you, being blinded by the idea of ​​​​how to promote a VKontakte group on your own, do not get banned from the social network, remember 2 important points:

  1. Only those people who will join your community will join Interesting. Don't try to send out a million invitations for nothing.
  2. You can invite only 40 people per day. Therefore, remembering the previous rule, save your requests and spend them wisely. For cheating through software, I set a limit of 25 friend invitations from one account per day.

Paid methods

Despite the fact that free methods of increasing the popularity of the VKontakte community work and bring certain results, they still require a huge investment of time. Therefore, it seems to me that it’s time to talk about paid services that will do all the necessary work for you.

In order to make the right choice, I strongly recommend listening to my advice on choosing a quality promotion service:

  • do not try to save money by using cheap services;
  • use old and trusted sites and who have already received quite good reviews about their work, and do not run to invest in new, unknown services;
  • forget about free services, don’t even think about promoting your community with their help.

High-quality markup services

I offer you a small list of the most accessible and proven resources that will help you promote your group:


Use Socelin to get public subscribers

Bots (software)

I think it’s no secret to you that today there are special programs like Brobot , which are engaged in automatic promotion of your public pages. You can find out more detailed information on this topic in, but for now let’s move on.

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot

You need to create several selling pages and fill out the wall according to the landing page principle. You can see an example here - .

It is important that when a person lands on your page, they immediately understand what you are selling. To do this, it makes sense to set up a selling avatar and fill the wall with relevant posts containing information about your products or services. Following these simple steps will allow you save a lot of time on regularly explaining to all interested users what you do and what you offer.

Reposts and purchasing accounts

Repost information posts from the main group to provide her with an organic increase in subscribers. Add 40 people to your friends every day (unfortunately, more than that is not possible due to contact restrictions). As my statistics show, out of this number, 2-3 people will actually be interested in your offer and will write to you in a personal message with their questions to which they want answers.

This technique works well in cases where we are dealing with products (or services) for which there is mass demand. This could be car accessories or monopods, or advertising settings, and so on.

All the above work should be carried out from specially created accounts to avoid banning the main profile/group. Thanks to this method, you will receive an increase in the “live” target audience in your group.

I repeat once again that you should add people to a group solely based on its target audience. That is, if you sell car accessories, then you need to search for subscribers in communities for motorists - car owner clubs, on public pages of car washes, services, and so on.

Ideally you need create about 50 such accounts and send 2,000 friend requests daily. Briefly speaking, massfall principle the same as in the case of Instagram. Agree, the work is quite simple, but very routine. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, delegate it to one of your employees or hire a special person for a fee.

By the way, the program can do all this work for you, which allows you to add as friends people from a list of contact IDs you have created from certain thematic communities; you can parse the ID in the services or VKParser , and the program called Brobot . You can buy it on the company's official website. Using the same software, you can send messages to all your newly made friends and invite them to the community or to a meeting.

Gather your target audience for your business with

Buy accounts on the website 10-20 rub. An example of a price list for pure accounts from this site:

Advertising in communities

Well, now that your public page is designed, provided with high-quality content and has an audience of 4000-5000 people, we move on to buying advertising in large communities. This can be done in several ways:

  1. By contacting Exchange VKontakte;
  2. Using the service SOCIATE ;
  3. Using Plibber .

So that your money is not wasted, remember the advertising rules. Do you need truly viral post, which will be remembered by the public. It depends on him whether the audience will respond to your offer or whether you will simply waste money. Here is an example of what a really catchy post should be

If the contact’s posts in my article do not load, it means that the owners have deleted them in their public pages. Let's not forget that everything is updated. Therefore, at the time of reading the article, you can look for the latest posts in well-promoted public pages where advertising posts are published or in well-promoted communities of goods or services.

The structure of these posts can be very diverse. Here are a few options you can use to design your advertising message:

  1. Text + Picture + Text;
  2. Picture + Text + Selection of pictures in the topic;
  3. Picture + Text + Audio recording;
  4. Picture + Text + A selection of audio recordings;
  5. A selection of pictures + A selection of audio recordings;
  6. Text + Video;
  7. Text + A selection of videos;
  8. Other combinations that can literally “blow up” a social network.

Types of Viral Posts

The topics of viral posts can be completely different. As for the most popular ones, here I would note:

Types of advertisements

Personally, I’m used to distinguishing three main types of advertisements:

  • Regular reposts from your community to the advertising public. Example: .
  • Reposts in addition to notes from the advertising public containing a link to your group. Example: .

You can use text on behalf of the advertising community as a template. For example:

“Do you want to know more about the world of investing and increasing capital?! Then subscribe to the young entrepreneur’s author’s blog “link to your community.”

At the end, add a repost from your resource.

As practice has shown, better conversion gives exactly third option, then comes the second, and in last place is the first method (regular repost). Prepare your public for advertising. Fill the last 2-3 posts with very high-quality, useful content so that a potential subscriber, going down the community wall, becomes interested and subscribes. I usually give some free software, a work plan, a set of rules, a book.

The main thing in this matter is to try, invent, be creative and bring the most profitable traffic to your resource.

How to choose a community for advertising?

Request statistics from the admin. We look at the indicators of attendance and coverage. The lines must be straight, smooth, no sudden jumps, this indicates the stability of the community. Next, we look at the age category and gender of subscribers, based on your target audience, decide what you need. If this is a blog, then the majority should be men 18 and older. Go to the advertiser’s public page itself, scroll through the wall, look for advertising publications, which ones and why get more likes and reposts, and which ones get fewer.

With the right approach for 100,000 rubles you will create a resource with a target audience of approximately 30,000 subscribers. And then your income will depend on your imagination. You can achieve a monthly income of both 10,000 rubles and 100,000. Go for it!

How can I negotiate with the group admin about advertising without intermediaries?

For anyone who wants to reduce the cost of advertising to 2-4 rubles for each living subscriber, the following method will be useful. I’ll make a small remark right away and say that this method is only suitable for those whose group is at the start of development or has a modest advertising budget.

So let's call this method " Admins are people too" We will consider its main advantage to be that for each new subscriber we will pay on average only 3 rubles. As for the minuses, here we are waiting very long promotion process.

The “Admins are people too” method is based on the fact that the administrator of each group is a simple person who is ready to make concessions and compromises, with whom you can and should negotiate. This method works especially well with small groups. who really need extra money.

In general, everyone who is looking for how to pay for VKontakte advertising with minimal costs will have to find communities on the required topic, the number of subscribers in which ranges from 150-200 thousand people. Make a list of administrators in these groups(the larger the list, the higher the chances that they will cooperate with you) and send them your business proposal in private messages.

You can use this template as an example:

“Greetings, Name! I want to work with you. Interested in the long term. I am ready to pay 3 rubles for 1 live subscriber. I pay immediately from 1000 subscribers! You repost my posts until we reach the agreed volume. If you agree, then I will work only with you! I have an author's blog. The content is interesting, the response is good"

This is an example of a message that could be sent out. Out of 40-50 administrators, three to five people will agree to work, which can already be considered a very good result. From the communities that responded, we select the most active one and pay it 3000 rubles for getting 1000 subscribers. Twice a day, your advertising post is published in several public pages across the network that belong to the same administrator. In a little less than a month you can get the required (paid) number of followers.

As you understand, disadvantage of this method The point is that while working with one admin, you cannot collaborate with others. However, at the start, this arrangement may be quite suitable if you are not in a hurry.

Next step. Admins are people too and, of course, they are also looking for advertisers.

Once they see your ads, they will start sending you offers in a personal message. You should always bargain, take wholesale at a price 2 times lower than the price list. For example, for 1 post, which costs 200 rubles, take 10 posts for 100 rubles. remember, that bargaining is ok! Reduce the price to the last! This way you can start working with 3 or 4 public pages at once. On average, one subscriber will cost 3-5 rubles. The growth rate will be somewhat higher, but it still leaves much to be desired.

How can I negotiate with the admin to buy advertising at a price lower than the listed price?

I’ll say right away that this method works in the vast majority of cases. All you need to do is buy advertising through an intermediary - the VKontakte exchange. Oddly enough, for some reason the admins don’t want to talk about the possibilities of such a purchase.

But why is it cheaper on the stock exchange? Yes, because according to VKontakte rules you can post daily 3 advertising posts directly through the admin and 2 through the exchange! And it is through the exchange that advertisers are reluctant to make purchases, although I personally really liked it, and I consider it a very effective advertising tool. I strongly recommend that you understand its functionality once and save on subsequent advertising purchases.

You can find the VKontakte Exchange by following this link - .

Now let's move on to choosing communities

So, as for choosing a group, I personally filter out publics through the exchange. To advertise my community, I select only those sites whose topics relate to finance and business. From this variety I spend strict selection based on 4 key parameters.

Kef must be above 25

Kef= record coverage/price

For example, we go to the stock exchange and select the topic “Finance”. Immediately the first position in the list is occupied by a public page called “Sofa Analyst” . The coverage of this community’s post is 35,000 people, and the price of the post is 899 rubles. Based on this, it turns out that odds = 35,000/899 = 38.9. You may ask why the odds should be higher than 25? The fact is that the higher this indicator, the more profitable the advertising.

As for the question of why I use post coverage for calculations, and not daily coverage, everything is extremely simple here. Let me give you an example: on the VK advertising exchange, the very first public page at the moment “ Ward №6", in the "coverage" column there are two numbers - 520 000 And 2 700 000 . The first number is the reach of the post, the second is the daily reach. Previously, I calculated the effectiveness of advertising by the second number, but, as it turned out, it was necessary to do it by the first. That is, the correct odds = 520 000/66 375= 7,8 .

Let me explain why. If an advertising public publishes 5 posts per day, then its daily reach will be less than a similar one that publishes 10 posts. But the first public will have a higher coverage of each post! Did you get the point?! This is exactly what we need. Our task is to ensure that as many people as possible see the post., and if after our advertising 20 posts suddenly appear, our post will quickly end up in the archive.

We calculate the coefficient based on the ratio of post coverage/price. Choose odds of at least 25! Personally, I choose at least 30. Then filter by the following criteria and create your list. Before launching an advertising campaign, I test the ad on several small publics, usually the Typical Billionaire public (it meets all the criteria, and its odds are 36). The price/quality ratio of this public is at the level, and there are only one or two such communities. If the ad justifies itself, I can check it on another small public page and only after that I actively jump into advertising. This approach will save you money if your ad is unsuccessful. Therefore, I rarely buy odds below 25. Using odds is a trick taken from a more experienced public owner. I liked it because it’s more convenient to filter communities in order using a regular calculator, I highly recommend it.

Audience age

So, you have found a very profitable high odds. Now you need to look at the statistics and age of the audience (there is a corresponding button opposite each community on the exchange). For example, kef public "100% Man" = 38,7 ! But statistics show us that there is only one insolvent student there.

Therefore, this option can be immediately discarded. Personally, I allow no more than 20% of the audience under the age of 18, but it is better that these users be within 10%. The more even the distribution, the higher the quality of the public!

Percentage of sexes

So, you have found a profitable odds, and the number of non-paying users is less than 20% of the total number of subscribers. Now we need to evaluate group sex ratio. For example, kef public “Successful person” = 37.3, there are less than 5% of insolvents here, but the female audience predominates in it (75% women, 25% men). In practice, the situation is as follows: Women buy less financial products than men. This is logical, because it is the stronger sex who should think about making money. Yes, I think it's acceptable ratio 50% to 50%, but it is better for the male audience to predominate.

Let's look at the coverage

The more stable and uniform it is, the better.! The schedule should be without sharp jumps and declines. If there are any, it means that the public has been inflated with advertising, and its actual coverage is much lower.

Profitable publics, proven in practice for whom it will suit BUSINESS subject:

  • Typical Billionaire
  • MEAT | Men's kitchen
  • The man who changed everything
  • Empire
  • Kneel only before God

All of the above points can be modernized and adjusted to absolutely any topic of the public. They will work both in the case of groups selling women's cosmetics and in the case of affiliate programs for gaming applications on a smartphone. Don't be afraid of innovation, take risks!


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Which modern user does not know the most popular social network “VKontakte”? Every day the number of people registered in it is constantly growing. The history of this site began back in 2006, when its first version was created, and already in the same year free access to registration on this social network was opened. Over the course of several years, the site's popularity grew at an astonishing rate, and this trend has continued. Millions of people visit this social network every day. Undoubtedly, its success began to arouse the interest of numerous entrepreneurs, and at the same time it became necessary to promote groups registered on the site.

How to quickly promote a VKontakte group for free?

With its growing popularity, the social network VKontakte has also become an excellent place for trade, advertising and various transactions. To advertise your product using this social network, you just need to create a group where you will talk about your offers and attract customers. Many successful business projects were carried out using the Vkontakte website.

However, creating your own group is not everything. The main difficulty in this matter is attracting users to your page, increasing its popularity and getting good reviews about it. The success of all advertising depends on this, because the more popular your group, the more potential clients will be interested in your activities.

Self-promotion of groups can continue for a very long time without bringing tangible results. What to do in this case? The answer is simple, and it lies in the fact that promotion of a group in VK can be carried out using special services. In this case, promoting VKontakte groups for free will lead to positive results in the shortest possible time.

So, you have decided that you need a quick way to increase subscribers, which will not require any financial investment from you. Our website for promoting VKontakte groups for free is the most effective help for all entrepreneurs and simply Internet users who need promotion of groups on VK. On our website we guarantee you safety, quality service and friendly attitude. In addition, a simple and intuitive interface will greatly facilitate your interaction with our site.

When the service site began its activities, we were sure that our services would be in demand. More and more people are resorting to our services, and this is easy to explain: our promotion of VKontakte groups is carried out as conveniently as possible for our clients. With our help, you can bypass your competitors who did not think of using our extremely convenient and simple service.

Who needs VKontakte group promotion and why?

Quick promotion of VK groups is necessary for everyone who is interested in effective and affordable advertising of their goods or services and wants to get effective PR on VKontakte. Compared to other advertising methods, using social networks has the following advantages:

  • the opportunity to advertise your activities absolutely free of charge;
  • the effectiveness of advertising due to its placement where it will be noticed by a huge number of potential customers;
  • speed and ease of promotion of goods and services.

You should not lose sight of the fact that promoting VKontakte groups not only allows you to advertise any product, but is also an effective way to make a name, brand or someone else’s work more popular. With the help of your well-promoted group, you can become a famous person and announce yourself to the whole world. At the same time, promotion of a VKontakte group is carried out for free and in a short time, which allows you to quickly get excellent results without spending extra resources.

Effective paid promotion of a group in VK

The service provides the opportunity to provide paid services if you need promotion and results immediately. The prices for our promotion services are more than reasonable, as we strive to simplify the process of advertising their products and offers for thousands of users and entrepreneurs. The service gives you the opportunity to purchase 100 likes for a price starting from 5 rubles.

Promotion of the VKontakte group— this is a quick filling of a community or group with subscribers with minimal financial costs. Characterized by the use of gray and black promotion methods. Most popular in the initial stages of development of pages on a social network.

Since the beginning of its development, VKontakte has come a long way in the fight against spam promotion technologies within the service. Literally 7 years ago it was possible to register dozens and hundreds of accounts without much effort, and you didn’t even need a separate phone number. Making friends was also not difficult, and then there was a massive bombardment of public pages and other users with spam, which bore fruit in a matter of weeks.

In 2017, the situation has changed dramatically. Accounts can be blocked for just one spam link, and users themselves will be happy to check the “spam” box next to your comment or friend invitation. However, this does not mean at all that gray methods are gone completely; they have evolved, become much subtler and even more interesting. In a word, you won’t get bored when you start to figure it all out.

How to quickly promote a group on VK

No matter what methods you are going to promote the group, first you need:

  1. Create a group, not a public page
  2. Add an avatar
  3. Come up with a clear and memorable name
  4. Add description and status
  5. Create at least 10 posts

Ready! Your community does not look empty and will be clear to guests. Now you need to decide what strategy you are going to follow. Methods can be divided into free, shareware and paid. To be honest, there are no free methods for promoting a group; in any case, you will have to spend a lot of personal time, buy SIM cards or resort to promotion services.

To resolve the issues, let’s compare the advantages and disadvantages of promotion using gray technologies and promotion using white technologies.

Promotion Promotion
Subscriber price from 20 kopecks from 3 rub.
Content Typical (copied) Unique and interesting
Specialist On your own Experienced specialist
Regularity of publications From time to time Regularly
Probability of blocking High Very low

If you still think that promoting a group is right for you, move on.

Free promotion of VKontakte group

You may not need real investments, but you will have to spend your personal time. Let's start with step-by-step instructions:

  1. Since we created a group, we have the opportunity to invite 20 friends to it every day
  2. To make friends, we go to thematic communities on VK itself. We go to the group search, type “add as friend” and see a lot of publics we need
  3. Register additional accounts and repeat the above steps
  4. In the accounts themselves, we imitate active activity, repost from third-party public pages, write our thoughts, and also repost from our group. Everything should look as natural as possible so that robots don’t block pages
  5. We find public pages with similar topics and leave spam comments. We try to do everything naturally. We bypass large communities; they often have moderators working online who will not only delete your comment, but also block you

The last point is considered the most dangerous, so approach it with the utmost caution.

Despite the fact that this technique is considered free, you will have to spend many weeks repeating the same steps. Calculate how much an hour of your working time costs and you will get a picture of whether this approach to promoting a group is justified.

Paid group promotion

The best way to promote a VKontakte community is to allocate a small budget and use the services of promotion services. Most resources work according to this system:

  • you register in the system and top up your balance;
  • create a task to attract subscribers to the group;
  • real users join your community for points.

Such services have two disadvantages: many users become dogs that have to be cleaned, and if the approach is incorrect, the group can be blocked. Follow two rules:

  • the number of dogs can be 10% of the total number of subscribers;
  • do not gain more than 50 subscribers per day.

Here are some of the most successful promotion services

It’s worth highlighting freelance exchanges in a separate column, where you can order subscribers.

Such services offer more features, but the fees will be appropriate:

  • To add a task you will have to figure it out a little;
  • you can attract the audience you need (city, gender, age, number of friends);
  • price from 2 rubles;
  • the percentage of dogs is very low.

Lifehacks for cheating

  1. If you are building a group through invitations, but later expect to transfer it to the community, do this at the milestone of 9,000 subscribers, otherwise you risk attracting the attention of the administration.
  2. Combine promotion with the purchase of advertising posts, this will reduce the percentage of the group getting banned, and will give you the opportunity to see whether guests like your group.
  3. Combine promotion in services with promotion on exchanges. Exchanges make it possible to come up with different models of user behavior before they join your group. For example: “indicate in the task that performers go to the community not through a direct link, but through an advertising post.”
  4. If you managed to promote the group to 10,000, do not tempt fate and switch only to “white” methods of promotion.
  5. Write it down in a separate document for communities on topics that are friendly to you. At the stage of 2,000-3,000 subscribers, start establishing friendly connections with the administrators of these groups. Many groups are suitable for mutual PR, others will offer discounts on advertising.
  6. While you are working on cheating, learn the following things:
  • how to set up targeted advertising;
  • how to choose the right community for advertising;
  • how mutual PR works;
  • how to properly administer a public page;
  • how to conduct VKontakte competitions;
  • what is SEO optimization and how it can help promote a group;
  • how to add a VKontakte widget or social buttons to your website.

Common Misconceptions

1) If I gain a lot of subscribers, then soon real people will begin to be interested in my page.

Despite the fact that behind each fake subscriber there is a real person, his behavior model is fundamentally different from that of an ordinary user. He visits his account only to complete tasks, and his friends are the same bots. Only live subscribers will give you an impetus to organic growth.

2) Cheating is dangerous and will ultimately lead to the blocking of the group.

This is true, but only partly. Practice and observation show that cheating on VKontakte has become commonplace; it is used by both large communities (they boost behavioral factors and likes) and young groups. The main rule is “don’t overdo it.”

3) All fake subscribers are computer bots.

Yes, it is true that some services provide the opportunity to cheat such users, but the social network’s algorithms have negated the effectiveness of such services. In most cases, fake subscribers are real people, but their accounts are fakes that were created specifically for making money.

4) If I recruit enough people, advertisers will come to me.

You are interesting if your group is visited by real people who will bring sales to advertisers and help promote their resources. Before ordering posts, you will be asked for statistics and if it turns out that there are no unique visitors and no one will be interested in such a platform.

In fact, promoting a group in contact is not so difficult, much easier than promoting a website. But again, it all depends on the theme of the group.

When promoting a VKontakte group, first of all you need to take into account the interests and requests of potential subscribers; the future success of the group depends on this.

What does it mean?

1. Demographics of group subscribers – age, place of residence.
2. The purpose of joining the group.
3. Interests of subscribers.

Let's look at each point in detail with examples.

Demographics of the group's subscribers. You most likely know that there are special services for getting subscribers. On them I often came across tasks that were logically completely unrelated. For example, the group “Photoshoot in Moscow” attracts absolutely any subscribers. The question follows: why the hell does a user from Vladivostok need you? Will he come for a photo shoot, or will he pay for your flight to take some photos? It seems to me that Vladivostok has enough of its own photographers. the oldest service for getting subscribers.

The second nuance is the age of subscribers. You can notice that mostly the younger generation hangs out in VKontakte, and the older generation hangs out in classmates. I'm not talking about all, but about the majority of users.

Consequently, if you create a VKontakte group “Life after 40,” it is unlikely to be as popular as some youth entertainment group, for example, “SMS jokes.”

To confirm my words, let's check it out. Here is the group “Life after 40”. It would seem that there is some kind of promotion, more than 1,000 subscribers are visible, but...

Having looked at several dozen subscriber profiles, it is clear that no more than 5% of people are over forty, and I very much doubt that these young people are interested in life after 40. And looking at the group wall, you can see that group users do not share posts. This proves that the number of subscribers is not at all an indicator of promotion; they could even be bots. It's better to have 200 active subscribers than several thousand dummies.

Now take a look at the youth entertainment group “SMS Jokes”. The posts are actively liked and shared; the audience includes only young people.

The purpose of joining the group. Ask yourself, should the user follow you? To promote your group in contact? I doubt.

The user has a specific goal and needs to be given the opportunity to achieve it.

Here is an example of a group aimed exclusively at a target audience.

The user’s goal when joining this group is to be the first to know about new KDK hits and the opportunity to win a ticket to the group’s concert.

The administration of the group fully satisfies the needs of its users. There is no spam or advertising on the wall, only its own theme - new music hits, videos and announcements about ticket draws.

And now a negative example. I am interested in the topic, I found the VKontakte group “SEO Webmasters Club”. I look at the wall and see that mixed with the main topic there are advertisements and outright spam.

Do you think I should join this group? Definitely not. My goal is SEO, not the best honey :)

Interests of subscribers. What is the first step a group administrator takes when promoting it? The answer is obvious, invites your friends. But do they need your group?

I have 220 friends in contact, but only 10 people are interested in SEO and blogging. If I invite everyone to my group dedicated to website optimization, at best they will join it out of politeness, and there will be no more activity from them.

Consider the interests of users. Only the target audience will bring both traffic and profit.

How to promote a group in VKontakte for free?

There are several ways to promote a group for free:

1. Inviting your friends.

Your friends can be the first to leave comments, likes and reposts. To the posts on the group wall.

2. Repost posts from your group to communities of similar topics.

Of course, not all groups provide the opportunity to leave posts on their wall, but I think it’s worth looking. Even if the group is limited, but you have incredibly interesting information, you can offer news in this group. Any adequate administrator will publish it.

Just do not confuse such innocent free advertising on VKontakte with spam. These are completely different things.

3. Mutual cooperation with thematic groups in contact.

Everything is simple here, look for thematically similar groups, and share each other’s posts on the wall, as well as links.

4. Optimization of the group for search in contact.

Optimize the group name for the search query, then more users will find it when searching.

5. Conducting competitions.

Everyone loves competitions, and this is a good way to spread the word about your group. Announce some interesting competition and tell your friends about it.

6. Blatant spam.

This is an extreme method that should not be resorted to, but it is still a free way of promotion.

You can create several fake accounts and invite users to the group from them, but I will immediately warn you that in this way you can get the group blocked. Do you need it?

How to advertise a group in contact?

Setting the target audience deserves special attention. You can configure the geography of users to whom the ad will be shown, down to a specific street.

In the price settings, you can specify payment for impressions or payment for transitions. Payment for clicks will be more expensive, but only interested users will click on the ad.

But recently, it has become easier to select advertising platforms. Now you can simply select “Advertise in communities” in the “Advertise a community” section and create an advertising post.

Group administrators will find you themselves and offer to place advertisements in their group.

Promotion of a group on VK is not SEO optimization for robots, but the use of human “live” resources. Correct and consistent actions, knowledge of how to promote a group on VK, will allow you to find a highly effective tool in a social network for promoting a business or brand, for popularizing ideas, creativity or a name, for making a profit from advertising. The main thing is to highlight what is important for yourself, choose the optimal one and not stop acting!

It is difficult to find a person now who does not know about the social resource VK. Thousands of accounts are registered on the social network every day. VKontakte launched in 2006 and its popularity grew very rapidly and has not subsided to date. Millions of people visit their pages every day, VK life is in full swing.

And naturally, the large circulation of users could not help but attract enterprising people. The ability to create thematic groups on the resource allows you to promote goods and services and earn money. This is usually the main goal, but sometimes communities are created for the sake of interest, fun, as a hobby. So, if the user is serious, then he is faced with the question of how to promote a VK group.

To start promoting a VK group, you first need to create it and make it presentable by choosing a good cover and avatar. The public should be filled with sections, links, pictures, reviews, contacts for communication.

In order for the group to later attract an interested audience, it needs to be engaged in it - to promote it. And communities are created based on interests and as a hobby, as a tool for selling goods and services, or as a promoter of ideas and creative endeavors. There are many tools for promoting VKontakte public pages: paid and free, effective and not very effective.

The main goals of promoting groups in VKontakte

The main goal is to promote yourself, and this can be done very effectively and with the following advantages:

  • advertise your product or activity for free;
  • constantly find potential clients and buyers;
  • quickly develop business;
  • increase the number of visitors to your site by redirecting users.

Also, promoting VKontakte groups allows you to popularize a brand, name, creative activity, etc. You can also sell advertising in the community. Publics with a large number of visitors are used for reposts of other groups, or they contain links leading to online stores, for example. The size and activity of the audience works here, traffic is monetized.

Today, there are many techniques and methods to promote the VK group. There are “white” and “black” schemes, for money and for free.

In black

Another unclean way is to create a group with an interesting topic, where participants actively communicate, exchange information, and then artificially boost them by sending out invitations. The popularity of the community increases, and its owner takes and fills interesting feeds with advertising information.

This scares users away; due to complaints, the owner may be fined and the page blocked.

In white

If you take your VK page seriously, if you really need to promote your business, brand, etc., then it is unacceptable to use “black” methods. Although they may seem simpler and cheaper. It’s better to consider how to promote a VK group legally. The most popular methods are as follows.

  1. Design of the group's main page: it should attract, stand out, and interest.
  2. Manual sending of invitations, according to the number in accordance with VK rules, 40 for every 12-14 hour period. Not many people join the group based on them, but it all depends on the topic of the community and on how interested those invited may be in the material offered.
  3. Paid advertisements prepared according to VK rules, they must fully comply with the requirements for groups.
  4. Link exchange with friendly and loyal communities. You will have to pay for this, or Quid pro quo, when groups have similar themes and advertise each other on their sites.
  5. Banners on the walls of other large public sites or on third-party sites. It will be necessary to negotiate with resource administrators on the location and cost of such advertising.
  6. Information on the walls of other groups or in the profiles of promoted pages. In this case, you need to show information rather than advertise. Otherwise, it will be spam, and the community that agreed to cooperate will ultimately suffer.
  7. Interaction with members of your own group. Here you need to interest users: conduct competitions, voting, surveys. In this way, it is possible to increase the number of visitors, constantly attracting new ones.
  8. You can search for your audience manually. If you sell services or goods, offer them to interested parties.
  9. Websites and blogs outside of VK can also be used to promote groups. Place banners on them to transfer users to the community and back.
  10. High-quality, interesting content to promote a VK group also works well. Announcements of posts and articles will be of interest to visitors, the main thing is that they correspond to the topic of the community.
  11. Hashtags – tags in the form of # make it easier to find posts on similar topics. They are inserted into texts on group walls to take visitors to the right place. It is important to correctly determine the key highlighted by the hashtag. For this purpose, there are systems for identifying popular queries.
  12. Promotion of a group in contact via Youtube. Interesting videos are created with redirection to the public.
  13. When using various bots that imitate human actions, help, advise, redirect, take orders, etc.
  14. You can also promote a group in contact using comments on forums, websites and portals with similar topics.

What is the best way to promote the VK group: independently or involve specialists

When creating a VK group, you need to think about the content. The material must be interesting, high-quality, thoughtful, and consistent with the topic of the page. How to promote a VKontakte group yourself? To do this, they gain subscribers, make reposts, increase comments and likes. A lot of time and work will have to be invested. Content for visitors and subscribers should be as interesting and useful as possible, so that they want to read and repost further.

But in order to quickly and effortlessly get a significant influx of subscribers, it is better to use the services of special resources. Many of them work for free, and there is a system of useful mutual exchange. This means you need to like, repost, join groups, comment and get points by adding bonuses to your public.

Popular VK promotion services

Multifunctional, high-quality, well-optimized service, but does not like bots. Quickly adapts and reconfigures to VKontakte innovations. Among its advantages are the following advantages.

  1. Stability and speed. With it, in the first minutes the community will already have more subscribers.
  2. All tasks of participants are necessarily checked by moderators in order to block the actions of scammers, their accounts are deleted from the service instantly.
  3. The service has an excellent design, pleasant and understandable.
  4. All Bosslike users are real people with “live” and not fake accounts.
  5. If you create an account in Bosslike, you can act on all social networks, using earned points from one group for promotion in another.
  6. Good deductions. You can promote your VK group faster if you attract partners and also receive income from them, and this is half of what the service takes.
  7. The support service is excellent, always pays attention to any user and responds very quickly to questions and signals. The specialists in the system are highly qualified.


A respected, stable and popular service with a high-quality, beautiful design and high speed, promotion on social networks is very fast. Promotion of a group on VK with its help is very fast.


  • reasonable prices;
  • settlements with clients in real money, easily withdrawn from the account;
  • convenient and intuitive interface;
  • high speed of wrapping.

But VkTarget also has disadvantages:

  • sometimes bots appear in the system from hacked pages, but this phenomenon is extremely rare;
  • Customer support doesn't answer questions very quickly.


Using the site, you can attract subscribers without investing money, but in exchange for return services. Users need to complete tasks to earn system currency in order to pay for the promotion of their public pages.

  • exclusively live participants;
  • high-speed promotion of the VK group;
  • beautiful, clear and convenient interface.

The disadvantage is that there is a limited number of tasks that can be completed according to the instructions, only 200 per day if you use the LikesRock service for free.


A service for promoting VKontakte public pages for those who have little time and money. The services are mostly free, but there is a category for money. It’s convenient to work with the site, but sometimes the resource slows down - this is a fight against bots.


High-quality promotion service, but not very fast. The prices are moderate, but there are a lot of bots among the users. And the interface is too modest.


Nowadays, social networks are great opportunities for users. You can communicate there, have an interesting and useful time. And also successfully develop your business, promote your name or brand, show your creativity, etc. For many, VK is the only place where they can show themselves or their goods and services. You can also create groups of like-minded people on social networks based on interests and hobbies.

There is no special secret on how to promote a VK group. It is clear that you will have to work hard, be active, analyze a lot, test, spy on competitors and take some ideas on board, be creative. You need to immerse yourself in the field headlong, spend a lot of time, energy and effort.

There are plenty of arguments and materials for thought and action! Go for it! May good luck accompany you!