Instructions for working with Photoshop. Basic features of Photoshop CS5. Detailed study and independent work

I bring to your attention an excellent tutorial on Photoshop - "Official training course in Russian by Adobe Photoshop CS6".
This is the official training course for the program, part of the famous "Classroom in a Book" series.
The book will be useful for both beginners and experienced users who want to get the most out of Adobe Photoshop CS6.
The entire course is a series of simple, well-chosen step by step instructions, which are combined into 14 sections. Each section is a lesson on a specific topic, allowing you to practice Adobe tools Photoshop CS6 and learn how to work with keyboard shortcuts.
Everything is covered here - from starting to work with photos and working with layers, to using mix brushes and creating three-dimensional images, as well as working with video material in a video editor.

What is in the text file:
Beginning of work
1. Getting to know your workspace
2. Basics of photo correction
3. Working with selected areas
4. Working with layers
5. Correction and enhancement of digital photos
6. Masks and channels
7. Text formatting
8. Vector drawing technique
9. Creating compositions
10. Video editing
11. Painting with a mix brush
12. Working with three-dimensional objects
13. Preparing files for the World Wide Web
14. Printing and color management
Subject index

Name: Adobe Photoshop CS6. Official training course
Author: Adobe Creative Team
Publisher: M.: Eksmo
Year: 2013
Format: PDF
Pages: 432
Genre: Tutorial
Russian language
Size: 144.47 Mb

But since this guide is step by step lessons, equipped with theoretical information, then for those who want to repeat these lessons in practice, additional material will be needed. Links to download additional material are provided below. Each section has a corresponding link to the material with the corresponding number.
So, for example, if you decide to study section 10 - "VIDEO EDITING" -
you need to download the file, unzip it, open it Text Document in section 10, and also run Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended (since only the extended version has the ability to work with video).

Additional materials are image files, PSD files, video files, etc. necessary to complete the lesson.

Now about the Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended program itself.
Further, using the links according to the bit capacity of your system, you can download a portable full Adobe version Photoshop CS6 (Extended) with almost the latest updates.

I highly recommend downloading this guide and trying to study it. I assure you, you will definitely find interesting points for yourself in this manual. Adobe Features Photoshop CS6 is very big, learn as much as you can about it.
I had great pleasure working with lesson 12 "WORKING WITH THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECTS"
Using the materials for the lesson and standard 3-D shapes that are available in Photoshop, as well as the ability to create 3-D text and, following all the instructions from the manual step by step, I made this 3-D composition. During the lesson, I learned how to position objects on the stage, change the camera angle, move objects using the 3D Axis widget, apply materials to -3-d objects, and work with scene lighting. Here is my result for lesson 12

  • Cancel: Go back one step, in other words, cancel the last action.
  • Run again: Move one step forward, undo the undone step.
  • To help you work with undoing/redoing actions, there is a “Log” tab in the right corner of the window; by clicking on the lines with actions in this tab, you can move or return several actions forward and back, up to the initial state of the image.
  • Cut Copy Clear Paste: These actions are understandable to any computer user. If there is a selected area in the image, then actions are applied specifically to it.

  • Image Size: Allows you to change the dimensions of the edited image in pixels in width and height. Moreover, the size can be changed either with or without maintaining the original proportions, this depends on the checkbox next to the “Maintain proportions” parameter.
  • Canvas Size: The canvas is the area on which you can draw or edit an image. With this function you can zoom in and out. When you zoom out, part of the image will be cut off.
  • Items Rotate 180 degrees, Rotate 90 degrees clockwise And Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise understandable without comment.
  • Flip Vertical And Flip horizontally: Mirror the image.
  • Crop: Cropping the image, the cropping field is set using the mouse.

First, let's figure out what layers are in Photoshop?
The concept of "layer" in Photoshop has exactly the same physical meaning as in life - this is a layer or layer that is integral part something whole.
In Photoshop, as in other graphic editors, this is an extremely useful and irreplaceable thing; to some extent, layers are the main working tools in online photoshop. They allow you to work with each of the image elements separately, without affecting the rest of the image. They can be thought of as a stack of transparencies or tracings; you can draw on each of them, and if there is no image on the film, you can see through it the layers that lie underneath.

To make it easier to work with layers, there is a “Layers” tab on the right side of the program’s working window; it is shown in the figure on the right. The active layer in this tab is highlighted in blue. The visibility of a layer is regulated by the presence of a checkbox on the right; to turn off visibility, you need to uncheck the checkbox. Layers can be dragged up and down using the mouse. The purpose of the buttons at the bottom of the panel, from left to right: changing opacity, turning on a layer mask, adding layer styles (outer shadow, inner shadow, bevel, external glow, internal glow), new layer, delete the active layer.

For now, let's move on to the "Layers" menu items.

  • New layer: Creates a new layer.
  • Duplicate layer: Duplicates the active layer and places it above the active layer.
  • Delete layer: Deletes a layer.
  • Open image as layer: Opens an image from your computer and displays it as a layer, placing it above the active one on this moment layer.
  • Open image URL as layer And Open from library as layer performs the same actions as previous point, only the image is taken from a third-party site or online library.
  • Merge Layers: Merges the active layer with the layer below it.
  • Merge visible layers Merges the currently visible layers of the document; they are marked with a checkmark in the layers tab.
  • Move Layer Up, Move Layer Down Moves the layer's position in the layers tab.
  • Layer Styles Allows you to add decorations for the layer, such as:
    • Cast a shadow
    • Inner shadow
    • External glow
    • Inner glow
  • Rasterize layer Converts vector objects, such as text, into a regular image made of dots.
  • Add Layer Mask, Remove Layer Mask, Apply Layer Mask Working with masks is similar to layer masks in Photochop.

With other points Rotate layer..., Reflect... everything seems clear.

● Correction

This tool gives us the opportunity to change the brightness and contrast of the image, its color saturation, tonality, and also change each color level of the 3 primary colors separately.

Another one useful feature, which is called Automatic levels will allow you to do automatic correction Images.

Below in the menu there are a number of options with pre-configured and changeable parameters. For example, they allow you to turn a photo into a negative or apply a sepia filter to the image so that the photo looks like old photograph in light or dark brown tones.
An interesting option called Cross process. She gives digital photography kind of “photos from the 80s”, i.e. taken with a film camera.

● Filter

IN this menu There is a rich set of various filters for processing and applying them to an image or photo. Moreover, the very names of all these filters will eloquently tell us what will happen to the image if we apply them.

● View

  • Zoom in, zoom out Increase/decrease the image display scale.
  • Actual pixels Display the drawing in real size.
  • Show all Display the image scaled to fit the window.
  • Navigator Show/hide the navigator tab located on the right top corner window.
  • Layers, Journal Show/hide tabs And Magazine located on the right side of the window.
  • Tool Options Show/hide the tool options tab located at the top of the window, below the main menu.
  • Full screen mode Very useful option. Allows you to position working window editor across the entire monitor window.
  • Change the location of the palette The option is still under development.

There is a toolbar on the left side of the editor window.
It is on it that all the most basic and frequently used tools for working in online Photoshop are located.
The functions of the tools are similar to those in regular Photoshop.

Here is a series of lessons that teach you how to use the Photoshop graphic editor - an incredibly popular and indispensable tool in web design, with the help of which not only buttons, banners and logos, but even entire layouts are created for the site. The design of almost any website you visited was originally drawn in Photoshop, so knowledge of this program will definitely be useful for the webmaster, although the skills of image processing and creating your own drawings to a simple user PCs won't be harmed either. Digitizing photographs, retouching old photographs, creating postcards and collages - this is just the beginning of a long list useful actions, which the editor allows you to do, and a series of lessons will help you get used to it.

Add this page to your bookmarks so you don’t lose the table of contents and consistently study article after article, learning more and more new techniques for working in Photoshop.

But what will you learn in these lessons?

  • 1 Getting started in Photoshop - quick selection and fill

    Here you will get acquainted with the program interface, find out what the main interface elements are for, learn how to create documents and save them, and master selecting areas on the canvas. Also from the lesson you will understand how to fill areas with color, and you will understand the principles of working with the program. After mastering the information, you will learn to perform simple steps and you can independently explore other editor tools.

  • 2 Layers and text

    All Photoshop images are built on layers. This is why editing in the program is so convenient. The lesson will tell you what layers are, why they are needed and how to work with them. In addition, it describes techniques for creating and processing inscriptions, as well as moving objects located on the canvas. After completing this lesson, processing multilayer documents will not be a problem for you.

  • 3 Filters

    You will get acquainted with a huge library of picture-changing scripts. Editor filters can not only give finished image this or that effect, but even create new objects and frame photos.

  • 4 Working with images

    The article provides the basics for processing existing graphic files. Editing several images at once, moving objects from one picture to another, changing sizes and removing unnecessary parts - this is just an incomplete list of lesson topics.

  • 5 Transformation

    The lesson will teach you how to scale image elements, change proportions, tilt, distort and deform them

  • 6 Drawing - brush and pencil

    The first in a series of articles talking about tools for creating your own masterpieces. A long time ago Computer techologies have evolved to the point that they can simulate drawing on paper. You will learn to create using a virtual pencil and brush - sketches and watercolor paintings can now be easily drawn and distributed on electronic media, making an unlimited number of copies and without worrying about the safety of your work.

  • 7 Drawing - shapes

    Creating objects by hand is one thing, but accuracy and speed are sometimes paramount. The lesson talks about tools with which you can create perfectly smooth images in just a few clicks. geometric figures specified sizes. From simple square to an ellipse, a star and even a musical note - the article covers everything.

  • 8 Drawing - outlines and bitmaps

    You will remember once and for all how a vector differs from a raster, what the pros and cons of both approaches are, and you will also learn why shape contours are needed in Photoshop and what the pixel mode does.

  • 9 Drawing - Pen tool

    Continuing to work with contours, we study the tools of the Pen group. Purpose, method of application, description of parameters, and as a result you will learn to draw atypical contours and create complex geometric objects.

  • 10 Drawing - Magnetic pen tool

    The Magnetic mode of the Freehand tool has become so popular that it is called the Magnetic Pen, although there is no such separate tool in Photoshop. What this function allows you to do, why users love it so much and how it will help you personally - read the article.

  • 11 Image Retouching Tools

    To use these editor functions for the Internet, you don’t need to be a layout designer, a designer, a webmaster, or anyone at all. It's enough to be active user social networks. How to make your face more beautiful, remove moles and freckles? How to process an old scanned photo so that the colors become brighter, and scratches, stains and specks of dust are not so noticeable? How to carefully cut an object, move it or clone it? Where is the tool that will help you remove the red-eye effect from a photograph in just a couple of minutes? Find answers to these and other questions in the article.

  • 12 Image correction tools

    You already know so much that learning new tools is not a problem. All I had to do was make a review describing the possibilities to improve the quality of pictures - lighten where it is too dark, darken where it is overexposed, blur and add sharpness, mix and smear colors. All in all, Additional Information How else to make an image better is waiting for you in the lesson.

    The pinnacle of creativity for the web is drawing website templates. When you have mastered most of the tools and have enough skills to draw dividers with shapes, buttons for menus, logos, and beautiful inscriptions, nothing prevents you from creating a good, complex layout. The article explains what it consists of standard template, describes the principle of creation, and also teaches how to cut the layout using tools previously unfamiliar to you.

  • Having paid attention to each of the lessons, analyzing practical examples and by experimenting on your own, as you master the course you will go from beginner to advanced user Photoshop programs and you can go deeper into it yourself by going to new level mastery, and a strong and reliable foundation laid by a series of our articles will help you in this.

Beautiful photographs and spectacular compositions from them - good way tell about yourself on social networks, decorate the family album. For these purposes there are many convenient graphic editors, but the leading place rightfully belongs to Photoshop. In version CS6, the developers worked hard and enriched the program with new functions and convenient features. Now work on photo correction and editing beautiful collages became more interesting and comfortable.

Let's start creating

A simple collage of several photos can be made quickly and easily using only Photoshop features(based on the Russified version of the program). No need to download additional backgrounds or fashionable ones scrap kits. If you have a series of photos with a single theme, you can get by with fills, geometric highlights, layer styles and a few simple fonts.

First you need to set new document. The initial parameters are determined taking into account the use final result. Let's say you need a photograph 13x18 cm for printing. correct operation with an image it is better to use resolution 300 pixels per inch , and set the length and width in centimeters. At lower resolutions, the quality of photos noticeably deteriorates.

The CS6 version provides several organization options working environment : for working with photography, drawing, 3D modeling, and "movement" and "typography". Each option implies convenient layout tools in the chosen activity. For the work presented in this lesson, just switch to the “photo” mode.

Fill the background with gradient fill selected color (radial fill from primary to transparent).

Note: All experiments - filling, corrections, drawings - are best performed in separate layers. Compile the document at the end of editing, when the result is completely satisfactory. If you work in one layer, it will be difficult to correct a bad move. List history menu limited, only saving operations in different layers allows you to fully control the process.

Gradually create new layers and use the Rectangular Area and Fill tools to lay out colored rectangles. They will play the role of a kind of frame for photographs. You can add to the resulting figures shadow, stroke or any other stylistic “goodies”. Rectangles can be placed obliquely, scattered randomly, or created in an orderly composition. You can use any shapes as a base.

We continue to surprise

The composition as a whole is formed, you can add photographs. To create dynamics, it is better to place the photo at an angle to the corresponding figure. Assigning styles: clamp Alt, grab the name of the effect(eg shadow) in the rectangle layer row and drag the effect onto the layer line photos. The shadow is duplicated and assigned the same properties as on the original layer. Very convenient way, allows you to drag and drop any effects and not waste time on additional settings.

It is better to make the photos different in size to emphasize depth and dynamics. For a small composition, use 3-4 images, one of which can be made background.

Note: CS6 adds a great feature for image correction. To correct the tone or texture of the skin, there is a Flesh Tones tool (in the Selection menu - Color range). Gives a very accurate result and saves retouching time. It is better to edit photos for a collage in advance in separate documents.

Place a background photo. Insert it between the bottom layer and the gradient fill. The face shows through the fill, as the method was used from basic to transparent. You can play with the intensity and opacity of the fill for the most interesting result.

Eat interesting way image processing: make the photo black and white, and leave any significant part in color. To do this, create a duplicate layer, desaturate the top one (Image – Adjustments – Hue\Saturation, reduce the saturation slider to -100 ). Add to the decolorized layer layer mask , draw in it with black color in the place that we want to color. IN in this case The red color of the tie shows through the hole processed in the mask. If the edge turns out to be inaccurate, change the brush color to white and adjust the borders in the same mask. A very convenient way, you can perform precise fitting of parts.

Sign and exhibit

To enhance the emotional impact, we add text chips. With even a lot of help simple fonts You can achieve interesting decorative effects. Letters can not only be painted in different colors or gradients, but also assigned the same styles as regular layers. Or “punch” holes in the image. The inscription “USSR” is made in this way: the text is first typed, then rasterized, and by clicking on the icon (with Ctrl held down) the outline is selected. By using Delete keys the corresponding area is removed from the gradient fill layers. The result is nice holes in the shape of letters, through which the polka dots in the background of the photo charmingly shine through.

The highlight of a thematic signature can be a small photograph inserted into the text. It is convenient to place images in round letters or make them “peek out” from triangular holes. You can select a fragment of a photo using oval area and drag it into the collage. In our case, the round fragment is assigned the corresponding shadow and stroke.

If you want to create a non-template text fill, you can use the following technique. We create an inscription and assign a color. Make a copy of the text layer and assign contrasting color. We rasterize the copy and use a soft eraser to randomly erase sections of the inscription. In the proposed example the word nostalgie created in two colors – burgundy and white. You can use more shades, it depends desired effect. After adjusting the color transitions, combine the layers, add a shadow, stroke, etc.

Note: good news was the introduction of autosave and background document saving. Now you don't have to wait for Photoshop to think about the file, you can continue working. IN previous versions The lengthy saving process made users very nervous. There is no need to be afraid that the result of painstaking work will suddenly be lost due to a banal program failure, since after equal intervals time, the file is carefully backed up.

As a result of simple operations, a bright and characteristic composition was obtained.

Of course, it is impossible to show all the new features of Photoshop CS6 within the framework of one work. For example, a text generator has been created - a convenient template for filling part of an image with alphabetic characters. This function can be found through the Font menu - Insert Lorem Ipsum. In total, the program has 27 improvements and new products - from changing the interface color to processing video clips. This is a wide field for creativity and independent search. After all, the truth is well known: it is completely impossible to learn Photoshop. You can only have fun along the way of learning it.

There are probably no people who have not heard about this wonderful computer program, which allows you not only to transform photographs, but also to create various pictures, banners, collages, etc. You can learn how to work in Photoshop for yourself to edit your photos. Also, mastery of this skill is quite beneficial, since many employers welcome knowledge of the basics of this program. You can also use Photoshop to work from home: freelance, create website layouts, etc. So developing creative skills and exploring this computer program will only benefit you.

How to learn to work in Photoshop

Don’t think that you will master all the tricks of Photoshop in a day: real masters of photo transformation have studied this program for a long time. So you must have patience, and most importantly, the desire to learn how to make a miracle out of a simple picture. This article will tell you a lot quick basics Photoshop that a beginner needs to know.

If you are just going to install this program on your computer, then version CS5 or CS6 is suitable for you. They weigh about two gigabytes. Initially, beginners are lost in this program, since the interface contains a bunch of tools that also have English names. But don’t be scared: you can simply open any image in Photoshop and try to click on all the existing tools - this will make further actions easier.

To open an image you can use quick command by using Ctrl keys+ O. Just press the buttons and try to remember what they are for. Special books and video courses, which can easily be found on YouTube for free, will also help you learn how to work in Photoshop.

Basic tools of Photoshop

At first, you'll be using mostly the stamp, brush, healing brush, highlight, burn, and dodge.

Removing facial imperfections using Photoshop

Even a beginner can do this procedure because it is very easy to disguise an unwanted pimple on the face.

  • To do this, select the Healing Brush Tool in the toolbar.

  • Find a clean area of ​​skin on your face that will match the color of the area of ​​the face where the flaw is located and press the Alt button on the selected area so that the brush copies the color.

  • Next, press the treatment brush onto the area with the pimple.

That's it! The same procedure can be done using the Clone Stamp Tool, thanks to which you can copy a selected area of ​​a photo and “multiply” it.
Using the Brush option, you can change the size, as well as adjust the softness and hardness of the brush. But it’s very convenient to just press Alt key together with right click mouse and drag the mouse from right to left to decrease and, conversely, to increase. Do the same trick to change the hardness, only moving the mouse up or down.

How to move an image to a different background

Let's say you want to paste your photo onto a different background, for example, using Photoshop you can put yourself in an exotic tropics or far from a volcano to show off to your friends.

  • Choose two photos of the same size.
  • Use the Straight Line Lasso button or the Polygonal Lasso Tool to select an area (in particular, your image). You can zoom in on your image in a special window to make the selection clearer. Copy the selected image using the famous CTRL+C command and paste it into our background image using CTRL+V.

Tip: For this trick, use a clear image of yourself, not one taken with a 2 megapixel camera. mobile phone, otherwise the pictures will not match in quality, and the resulting photo will not look natural.

Working with image color in Photoshop

If your photo has red tones, but you want to give the picture a cool tint, then you can play around with the editing panel, which is located in the upper left corner. In this panel, look for color balance and try one or another scale.

As you can see, using this program is very simple, the main thing is to want to and devote at least half an hour a day to the lessons. And then you will surely create masterpieces!