What should be in the landing page. What should a selling landing page consist of - the correct structure

The landing page or landing page performs only one task - for example, filling out an application, purchasing a specific product to which the page or call is dedicated. If the landing page is executed correctly, then an online store or some small project will increase its sales several times, and it’s all about simple limitation the user, either he buys, or he leaves, but the owner is required to push him to buy, and not to leave.

Naturally, there is no one correct perfect solution for landing page design, which is due to the individuality of each client, and rules that work well with one product may simply fail in another area. But it also happens that a system that brought many clients yesterday completely fails to work today. For this reason, there is no magic solution to the problem of attracting clients, but there are rules that will help you start and constantly develop your own options, which, when experimented, can help increase sales of an online store or other project.

At the right approach one landing page will attract more clients than a large site crammed with a huge amount articles and goods. However, you should not rush into action and clean your site of information; such pages will help attract visitors from search engines, and then redirect them to the landing page, as well as bring it to the first positions search queries not just difficult, but practically impossible.

There are 15 blocks of information that must be present on the landing page, and besides, they must be correctly designed and correctly located, only after that should you direct traffic to the landing page and wait for customers to contact you. However, remember to experiment, make changes and look for positive results.

Structure of a selling landing page

1. A headline that should hook the client.

This is the most important element of the landing page. If it is done incorrectly or not installed at all, then the whole idea is simply pointless. It is usually written in the style of “unique selling proposition” or “biggest discounts”.

2. Correct contact information.

Here you should pay attention not just to setting the real phone number, but to the number itself. For example, if the number is toll-free, that is, 8800, then the chances that customers will contact you are very high compared to a regular number. There is also one very a good thing– ordering a call, when the client is asked to indicate his phone number and a convenient time for him, after which from your company to set time you should call the client. This method has a huge chance of increasing the number of sales, because many customers look at purchases in non-working hours, and besides, it’s easier for them to receive a call from you than to spend their money on calls.

3. Clear title and explanation in the subtitle.

These two sentences are a way to warm up the customer and should briefly but clearly state the reasons why buying from your company is better than the competition.
Some companies resort to little trick, giving the client something for free, for example “5 freestyle video lessons for free”, after which they continue to work with him and upsell the rest. Naturally, there are losses here. you lose by providing the client with 5 lessons completely free of charge, but after that it is possible to “put the squeeze” on the visitor and sell the rest of the product.

4. Real benefits for the client.

Here the situation may seem a little strange - the client himself must find the benefit, but he must think so. Conduct a survey in your area, then, based on the results, look at the main problems of clients and, when visitors subscribe, post the written articles on problematic topics. The client, having seen and read this, will understand what is bothering him and why he needs your product, and will also create benefit for himself and trust in the seller.

5. Home button.

The main emphasis should be on the button that is responsible for some action, for example, making a call or ordering a service, but remember that it should attract attention, but not be too flashy; the client must undergo training before performing the intended action.

6. Reflection of the product in a picture or video.

A picture or video allows you to increase the percentage of completion of the client preparation stage. The system is such that a video clip or, at least, a picture should reflect the client’s problem, which will push him to purchase the product, and there, of course, you need to express how the product will solve the client’s problem.

7. Visitor call to action.

IN in this case simplicity is the key to success. No matter how sad it is, a simple “click on the button and get 5 lessons for free” works better than beautiful description in the form: “Don’t know how? You don't know how, but you want to learn! It’s time to act and we will help you with this!”, or something similar. Make the appeal brief, write what the person should do, and that’s it. This will work better than the beauty and verbosity of the sentence.

8. Reviews about you.

Reviews allow the client to get to know your company in more detail. Show how well they treat you, how much they love your product, and they will develop trust in both the product and the company itself.

9. Guarantees!

Create a guarantee block where you indicate that the client will not lose anything or will receive something from above, for example free shipping, or talk about absolutely new technology. However, you should not limit yourself to just the phrase “ free shipping” or “new technologies”, expand your offer, put the “more details” button, but under no circumstances send the client to another page, let the explanation open on the same page as a hidden addition.

10. Get rid of water

You must arrange the above in such a way that the client sees it all as soon as he gets to your page. After that he will study, otherwise he will just leave. If, nevertheless, he scrolled down the page, then in this case he should see even more significant statements about the need for this product.

11. Timer for limiting time per action.

He must see that time is inexorably running away and he is losing time to think. Show it, set a timer countdown shares or receiving a gift.

12. Confirmation of the veracity of the offer.

If possible, you need to indicate well-known partners or at least the number of users who have already purchased the product from you, but you don’t need to lie a lot, don’t cheat, for example, “222,000 customers have already purchased this product", it is better to show the truth, for example, "423 customers bought a laptop from us."

13. Now we come to the bottom of the page - the footer.

Here you need to show the client once again that you are real and not a scam, indicate various contacts, addresses, OGRN and other information, show copies of diplomas and certificates and the like, let the client know that your company is real.

14. Logo.

A logo can help if your company has already achieved some results in the market and some visitors may recognize you. However, remember that you should not have a menu in the site header. Again, I repeat, but the user should remain on one page, period.

15. Consultation.

If the client has the opportunity to communicate with a representative, ask a question and find out what interests him not from the text, but from communication with real person, then that's just great. Yes, the client will communicate through correspondence, but he will be talking with a real person, and this already gives you a big plus. If you do not have the opportunity to install a permanent employee for online communication, then it is possible to install a block with answers to frequently asked questions, naturally the effect is not as good as from real communication, but still. Of course, to compose such answers you will have to think about the questions, make a list of frequently asked questions, think through short and competent answers, but this is also a big plus, due to the fact that many refuse an application because of questions, and call and ask them either I'm lazy or I just don't have time.

Having thought through everything to the smallest detail and created one landing page, you should start experimenting, doing something new, changing and developing, because all clients are unique, and you are required to create a page that can satisfy the desires of, if not the entire flow, then at least his parts. And finally, watch the video about what a selling landing page should be like:

The task of every company that creates a landing page is to guide the user to a conversion action. According to the rules of consumer behavior, a potential buyer goes through 5 main stages: attention, interest, desire, action, satisfaction/dissatisfaction. But what kind of landing page scheme and block structuring will provide maximum return? Today we will try to understand this issue.

Any marketing campaign must begin with identifying the unique characteristics of the brand. It is necessary to clearly formulate how the product you offer differs from the solutions of competitors. Naturally, it is not necessary to invent everything from scratch: as a rule, the program has already been defined before the design of the web resource begins. If this moment was missed, then this is your first priority.

We recommend dividing the offer into several simple components, then describing why clients should choose you. A correctly formulated title and subtitle prevent the client's questions, eliminating all doubts.

The unique selling proposition of the landing page is contained in the title. We offer the following solution to express the USP as fully as possible:

  • main headline - laconic, attractive, selling;
  • a subtitle is appropriate when it is necessary to clarify and clarify the main offer. A subheading is often used to shorten the main heading.

A simple example from LPgenerator:

You can use this and other templates as a basis for creating your first landing page in:

Logo, company name, contacts

Let users identify you - be sure to place your company logo on the landing page. If your brand is popular or at least vaguely familiar to the visitor, this will increase their level of trust.

The presence of contacts is very important, even if there are enough communication elements presented on the page. Accommodation current number telephone, as well as real address is another tool of trust, because the visitor understands that they are working on the project ordinary people, available for communication, and they are waiting for the call without hiding.

Having figured out where he ended up and seeing your offer, the user will wonder how to purchase your product or service. That is why home page should be designed with a contact block, and most often a CTA button “Order a call” is placed here.

Introducing an example finished layout, where as many as two logos of companies presenting their services are placed. Even without being the main elements, logos definitely attract attention. On the right side of the page there is contact information, and just below there is a button offering a consultation:

Product/service demonstration

The purpose of the landing page is to demonstrate the product/service, as well as to make the site visitor feel as if he is personally testing the product. There are several ways to achieve this goal:

  • photograph - use large image for the header background, and then reveal the details with other thematic illustrations;
  • video - traditionally, users trust such content more.

Here's a good layout that combines both of these techniques:

Brand benefits

Detailed descriptions of the buyer's benefits from working with you (and, possibly, unique differences from competitors) must be present on the landing page.

First, we used a succinct commercial headline designed to “grab” the customer immediately after entering. Now we need to get ahead of the visitor’s question “Why do I need this?” Here it is important to find a balance between information content/volume, and not “spread your thoughts down the tree,” since the specifics of the landing page do not allow this.

We find suitable examples in:

Offer description

On the landing page it is also necessary to show the real value of the offer and provide a list of services that the customer will receive.

Here is an example of another template from:

Mutual communication

Lead form

A potential buyer should be able to easily find the field feedback among other content of the Internet project. We will now talk in more detail about where to place such a form.

Right or left? Our answer is on the right. Many experts argue that this way you can get more requests. The reason is simple: the Western world reads from left to right, and the lead form located on the right side of the page seems to be the logical conclusion of the offer. If you place it on the left side, then it looks more like an unreasonable imposition of action.

You can see for yourself: the vast majority of one-page website layouts in Photoshop are made according to the principle described above.

Now let’s talk about where the optimal place for the lead form is: on the first screen or after the “fold line”. The answer came from expert Michael Aagaard from ContentVerve. He conducted an entertaining split test: he compared two versions of the field layout. The first option is above the “fold line”, the second is below.

The results revealed that the second option increased the conversion rate by as much as 304%.

Experts made the following conclusions. The main parameter that determines the placement of an offer that is competent in all respects is the structure of the landing page. If the page needs to be detailed, then require instant active actions- stupid. Give necessary information and the ability to evaluate benefits.

Add a custom lead form to landing page in very simple. To do this, you can use the ready-made sections constructor:

“Why do I need a landing page?” question from the creators: “What are the advantages of a landing page?” and “What are the objectives of the landing page?” We answer these questions in one article.

In this article we will write only to the point. The tips have been verified by extensive experience and cases. And at the end of the article we have prepared a surprise.

Landing pages are developed in such a way as to briefly but succinctly explain to a person the benefits of cooperation with you. On promotional pages, it is necessary to interest the visitor so that he takes a targeted action, for example, sends an application.

Landing allows you to collect phone numbers and addresses Email interested people. In the future, this data will be needed to establish contact with them and lead to a purchase.

Many of our clients, when filling out a brief for developing a landing page (or during a meeting), mention that it will need to display all 270 types of slate and concrete. A sales page is not a company website on which it is advisable to display all your products or write the history of your company’s development. The main thing for us to get hooked on is potential client beneficial USP for him (unique trade offer) and get his contact information in order to sell further. To do this, a one-page website must have calls to action (call-to-action, CTA).

To get as many visitors as possible to complete it, offer value for filling out the form, for example, a 5% discount, important and useful information, advice and so on. A striking example is the Lamoda website.

According to research from many marketing agencies, calls to action have a high conversion rate if they include a name. This is because people like to be called by name.

If you want a website with full catalog your products, then no one forbids you to have both a landing page and a corporate website.

There are types of landing pages where the target action is one click: going to the main site, catalog, etc. Their task is to stir up interest and desire to buy. Below we will talk about this type of landing page.

Who is Landing page suitable for?

  • Businessmen who have not yet completely determined their audience or do not know which niche to choose;
  • For those who want to increase sales;
  • For those who want to increase brand awareness;
  • For a business that does not yet have a website;
  • Online store how separate page for certain key products;
  • Businesses with a high check, where you need to first attract interest and then sell;
  • Those who conduct various promotions, give gifts, etc.

The main task of the landing page

The main task that a landing page solves is attracting leads. With the help of a landing page, you can make dozens or even hundreds of sales a day!

A sales page allows you to tell the most important things about the benefits of your company, service or product in a few seconds.

The purpose of the landing page is not a direct sale. The purpose of the landing page is to interest the client and “force” him to fill out and submit a form with his contact information. Next, your managers sell.

How to use landing pages?

  1. Landing is ideal for advertising campaigns in Yandex or Google.
  2. Landing pages are used for various promotions, competitions, concerts, and conferences. They will help the best way convey to the consumer the terms of your promotion or competition.
  3. In Email Marketing. Through email marketing, you can increase customer loyalty, increase sales, make upsells to those who have already bought your product and stir up interest among those who are in doubt.

What should the landing page be like?

There are no rules that say how to develop a landing with a conversion rate of 20%. But there are small tips for increasing sales, proven by dozens of cases and experience.

  • The title should be catchy. Its task is to keep the visitor on the site, to tell how bad he will be without your product. If we fail to interest the client in the first seconds using the first screen, then he will leave.
  • Product image, service visualization. This helps the user make a purchasing decision. It is important not to use stock images from the Internet, they have the opposite effect.
  • Call to action is required.
    Keep your call to action simple. If your call is “buy” or “order”, then expect a small conversion. If you work in the B2B segment, then the call may be “Get CP” (commercial offer), and if in the B2C segment - “Book a discount”, “Get a discount”, “Find out more”, “Consult”, etc.
  • There should be no advertising and unnecessary links. One page - one sentence.

Types of landing pages

We are all used to the fact that a landing page is a long one-page website with 5-7 blocks. But there are other types of landing pages:

One step to stir up interest - there is only one call to action and there are no feedback forms, “leave a request” or “order”. The purpose of such a landing page is to tell as much as possible about your product, to interest you and to tell you that you can order in our catalog, for example. An ideal example of such a promotional page is the practice of car dealerships. They are developing a separate one step, where they describe a specific brand of car. And in conclusion they offer to sign up for a test drive, for example.

Squeeze Page- another type of landing page, the goal of which is to receive an email in exchange for some kind of interesting information or a discount. This type is popular among marketers who are involved in email marketing, as it is easy to get a base. The main thing is to offer something really useful and not spam in order to get a loyal subscriber base.

Single screen landing page- a promo page consisting of just one block. On such a site you can find out the benefits and why this product is worth buying.

Selling pages- the most common. Their goal is to tell the user how to more benefits about the product. You can see examples of selling landing pages.

Video presentation of the selling website we developed

Advantages of a landing page over a website

Let's look at the main advantages of landing page.

  • The advertising offer that contains the landing page is specific. This increases the likelihood that the visitor will be interested and order from you.
  • Unlimited content. When we create websites for companies, we make sure to write content taking into account everyone keywords so that there will be traffic from organic search results in the future. This prevents titles and descriptions from going wild, since we have regulations for SEO texts. But this is not the case on one-page sites. Landing pages are usually not promoted through SEO, so it is not necessary to use keywords when writing content.
  • Navigation is simple, there are no transitions to other pages.
  • Landing page loading speed is slower.
  • Landing development takes less time compared to corporate development.
  • Several landing pages can be hosted on one domain. Thanks to this, you can launch several promotions with different offers for different target audiences (for example, if your company simultaneously provides services or supplies goods in the B2B and B2C segments)
  • On single-page websites it is much easier to conduct split tests and track their performance.

What should the conversion be?

There is no clear answer to this question. The fact is that each niche has its own optimal performance conversions. This depends on many factors, for example, design, competent copywriting, good layout and desired action. We talk about conversion in more detail in.

Traffic for landing page

After developing a sales page, it is important to promote it in order to receive traffic. There are a few effective channels promoting your website, which will bring you leads in the first days after development.

The most popular sources of promotion are contextual and targeted advertising. Read more about them.

  • contextual advertising- advertising in search engines. Payment is made according to the PPC (pay per click) type - pay per click. The type of promotion depends directly on the goals of your landing page: if the goal is to collect a customer base, then it is better to go for targeted advertising, and if the goal of a one-page website is to increase the number of leads, then the context is your battlefield. It is suitable for attracting people who have already decided that they need your product. That is, if a person enters the request “buy a table,” then he is hot, he already understands that he needs a table. And if a person is looking for “where to put notes and textbooks,” then it’s warm - he has a problem, you offer a solution - buy a table and put everything there. Target is suitable for this.
  • Targeted advertising. As we wrote above, this type of promotion is suitable for offering solutions to warm customers. By advertising on VKontakte or Instagram, you can target as accurately as possible and get 100% into target audience. And then the cost of attracting a client will be tens, or even hundreds of times less than in context.

Based on our experience, we will give you some tips on creating a landing. They do not concern the technical side of the issue (layout, programming, design). They are about more important things.

  • Preparation - important stage. We are often sent briefs for the development of a landing page, where there is not a word about the audience and positioning. Companies simply don't know their audience and who they are selling to.
    The key point in developing any website is determining the audience and positioning.
    It is also necessary to identify the pain points and needs of customers, analyze competitors and find their advantages and disadvantages. This will help create a killer USP.
  • Advertising. Landing pages are mainly created for contextual or targeted advertising. Therefore, the proposal in advertisement must match the landing page, for example, prices and delivery terms.
    If a person sees a price of 500 rubles in an advertisement, but the website says 3,000 rubles, then he will immediately leave, and you will waste your money. Advertising message in contextual advertising must correspond to the message on the site.
  • Content. The content writing style should also be based on the portrait of the target audience. It should be written in a language that she understands.
  • Testing. Success of website and advertising in A/B testing. You need to test images and USPs on the site to understand what is most suitable for your customers and increase conversion. In advertising, we test the ad itself to increase CTR.


Landing Page- a powerful weapon if used correctly. It is suitable for both large and small businesses. With its help, you can increase the number of leads and attract traffic to your main site. The landing page also helps to collect a base for further email marketing and upsells.

And the gift is a 7% discount on s contextual advertising, individual design and texts. We will analyze the niche, competitors and conduct A/B testing after launching the landing page. To receive a discount, please tell us that you have read this article.

I wish you good health, comrade Reader!

Why do you need landing pages with 10 blocks if important information is on the first screen and you can limit yourself to the sections “About Us”, “Services”, “Prices” and “Contacts”? The answer is simple: to absorb attention buyer and motivate enter into a relationship with the product and encourage you to buy a product.

Most used visitor engagement techniques in the process of purchasing a product - this is AIDA(from the English Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) and PMPHS(Pain-More Pain-Hope-Solution). Guided by these techniques, we build logical structure landing page and determine the blocks that will be present on the landing page.

I collected for you 20 illustrative examples blocks, performing a specific informative function. Examples will be useful if you, as well as will facilitate communication with the designer and designer of your landing page.

In this post you will get acquainted with the first half - 10 blocks. Look out for the remaining 10 examples in the next article in August.

20 landing blocks - choose yours

  1. Block components of the product, complete set;
  2. Block guarantees (triple);
  3. A block about the achievements/advantages of your company;
  4. Block about company employees;
  5. Block about company services/departments;
  6. Block about partners/clients;
  7. CTA (Call-to-action, call to action);
  8. Block benefits of the client from using your product (“Why us?”);
  9. Block about the process of providing the service (delivery, method of transaction);
  10. Block Calculator;
  11. Block with promotion + time limiter;
  12. Block with a gift + conditions for receiving the gift;
  13. Block with a map of the company’s location (“How to get there”);
  14. Block with contact information;
  15. Block comparison table;
  16. Block identification “For whom?”;
  17. Block FAQ.

*The numbering of blocks is approximate - the order of blocks on the landing page depends on the niche. You can determine the order of blocks using the same Yandex Metrics tools (scroll map, click map) this article will help you.

Contains key information for the landing page visitor, the USP of your company. It is desirable that this information also be competitive. Depending on the niche, such information may be: product price (from 488 rubles for 1 piece), delivery time (delivery in 2 days), place of production (directly from Germany). You can find out more details from the previous article.

Suitable for: wholesale topics; niches where the buyer is not sufficiently aware of the benefits of the product (mainly the product).

The block can be the answer to the buyer’s question “Why is it so expensive?” if the characteristics of the product are described in detail on it. This is necessary to create a clearer picture of the object of desire in the head of a potential client.

3. Block components of the product, complete set

Suitable for: descriptions comprehensive services; niches for organizing leisure time; descriptions of the product configuration.

If the block about the characteristics of the product demonstrates the product in its entirety, then the block about the components breaks down the product (product or service) into components.

4. Block guarantees (triple)

Suitable for: any landing page.

Most often it is located after the block with the cost of the product. It is built on the basis of the objections of the target audience and closes them, demonstrating the advantages of the service in your company.

5. Block about achievements/benefits

Suitable for: any landing page; branded product from famous company; especially important in a highly competitive niche.

Particularly important for businesses in a highly competitive niche. For example, if several companies offer the same product, then the one who provides the most will win over competitors. convenient conditions for a transaction and will show the competence of your company (since what year the company has existed, the number of completed projects, discounts and gifts for regular customers, the number of points of sale, etc.).

6. Block about company employees

Suitable for: service niches

Application is advisable in situations where it is important not WHAT the buyer will receive, and HOW the result will be achieved.

7. Block about the services/departments of the company

Suitable for: topics of complex services; landing pages with several products in one application area.

8. Block partners

Suitable for: any landing page.

The block increases visitor confidence if you use logos of famous clients.

Suitable for: info-business; service sector; niches where process is important (HOW) getting the result.

A great addition to cases is a visual demonstration. WAS/HAS, as well as infographics and print screens with statistics.

Niches where demonstration is important:

10. CTA (Call-to-action, call to action)

Suitable for: any landing page.

The phrases “Leave a request...”, “Get advice from a specialist” have already become so familiar that no matter what contrasting color no matter the button, the landing page visitor will simply automatically scroll through this block. Be original: enter into a dialogue with the next client, unobtrusively clarifying the details that he wants to discuss with the consultant. Or even better - right inside the block demonstrating your product, put a button so that he doesn’t scroll across the landing page in search of information, but asks his question right now.

To be continued…

Today we discussed the first 10 blocks for the landing page, we will publish more in the near future - stay tuned!

What should the structure be? good landing page that turns guests into buyers? This is not the simplest, but it is extremely important question. In the pursuit of powerful conversions, the structure of the sales page is critical. Let's talk about the main principles of building a Landing page , typical mistakes and main blocks.

Give the benefit in the title

Write simply and briefly

Blocks - blocks, but the text itself should be in moderation. People read little. Today, brevity has, in fact, become one of the selling elements of a landing page. A copywriter must be able to emphasize the advantages of a thing (or service) in a few simple words.

The web page guest will not be read. It will quickly scan the text! Write simply. A drawn-out, complex text will instantly work against the product, no matter how wonderful it may be.

Limit your choices

Again, the simpler the better. Maximum simplicity of actions is one of the ways to increase conversion. The correct landing page structure should take this into account key factor. Limit possible choice. Registration in 1 click. . One natural call to action.

Eat important principle: how more action you ask to do, the less likely they are to be done. People don't like difficult choices.

Show 2-3 possibilities - a person will easily choose something. Provide 8 options - the guest will feel discomfort and leave.

Remove unnecessary elements

Remove everything that doesn't work. Landing Page high conversion consists of iron essential elements. Look at the prototype. Isn't there extra menus or buttons? Are there any left links? If you find it, remove it immediately.

The guest's precious attention should not be captured by anything other than the advertised product. The structure of a working landing site resembles a straight section of a railway - you can’t turn right or left.

Place a convenient subscription form

Another embodiment of simplicity. To subscribe you need a minimum of information - just your name and don't ask for anything more. People are reluctant to share their personal information. The structure of a sales text for a landing page usually includes a large, visual subscription form.

It should stand out well among other blocks on the landing page. If your landing page is quite long, duplicate this form again or place a scroll button at the very bottom of the page.

Don't forget about brand design

When developing a landing page, you should not forget about the distinctive design of the brand. It is important. Corporate colors, fonts, logos - all this should be uniform. This way people will begin to recognize you faster. trademark.

Typical structure of a sales landing page:

  • A headline that attracts the target audience. This also includes a subtitle that helps you understand the essence and benefits of the offer, as well as an image of the product itself and corporate logo companies.
  • Call-to-Action. This critical block is usually repeated several times. Call-to-Action is often given in the form of an extension across the entire width of the web page.
  • List with bullets (small schematic icons). Well illustrates the key advantages of a product (or service).
  • Carousel. A dynamic block used to display customer reviews or product design options.
  • Block for closing objections. This vital block is most often isolated. It is given in the form of answers to natural questions (concerns and anxieties) of the target audience.
  • Tariff block. Set if the buyer needs to choose from 2-3 different tariffs.
  • Feedback form. It is better if it contains no more than 3 fields to fill out.
  • Footer. The final element of the landing page, in which you can place general information About company.

with high conversion?

  • Navigable menu - the visitor must focus on only one offer.
  • Links to your corporate website - a guest may simply get distracted and forget about a specific product.
  • Distracting illustrations that are not related to the advertised product.
  • The font is too small and difficult to read for people with low vision.
  • Buttons and links like “click here to learn more.” The structure of a good landing page
  • implies scrolling instead. Scrolling down is always better than a button to go to the next page.

Volume perfect landing page stems from 3 main factors:

  • Buyer's level of interest. It's one thing when the client is already warmed up. A cold, weakly interested guest is something completely different.
  • The degree of trust in the brand itself and the products it produces. It is much easier to promote a long-known brand.
  • Prices of goods (or services). How more money need to spend, the longer it will take to persuade the buyer.

Short landing pages of 1-2 screens are better suited for relatively cheap, simple products, or products that immediately evoke strong positive emotions (for example, jewelry for women). It's much easier with them.

Longer landing pages are used for expensive and technically complex products.

Check the quality of your landing page

The structure of an ideal landing page is built on sufficient strict principles. They have been tested many times in practice. Of course, these are not the laws of the Universe. You can apply different schemes landing page structures and objectively test them. Real test- the best adviser.

However, before reinventing the wheel, it doesn't hurt to test your landing page against these principles. It is quite possible that such analysis will help increase conversion. Create your dream landing page and get big profits!