A way to make money. Provision of paid services. Typing at home

Hello, dear readers! With you is one of the authors of the business magazine HeatherBober.ru, Alexander Berezhnov.

In this article I will describe 10 surefire ways to make money. These methods are very simple and accessible to everyone. Many of them were tested by me personally in practice and gave good results.

I’ll say right away that most of these methods allow you to earn money from the first day after their implementation, so I wish you good luck and good earnings.

All of them are presented in the form of an overview with explanations.


  1. The truth about making money that is rarely spoken out loud
  2. A simple formula for making money
  3. How to make money for a beginner - 10 proven ways
  4. 7 common mistakes of beginners in making money
  5. How to make a lot of money - 5 main recommendations
  6. Conclusion

1. The truth about making money that is rarely spoken out loud

Friends, as paradoxical as it may seem, the truth about making money is that there are no freebies or quick ways to get rich.

If you are offered to participate in a dubious project with the investment of a certain amount of money, and they promise that in just a few days you will become rich - run away from such people with their offers!

If you look carefully at the content of the article, you will not see headlines like “We make a million in 3 hours on the project “Horns and Hooves”.”

The whole secret of making money is that you need to work hard, and not wait for manna from heaven, thinking about “high matters” and constantly putting off decisive action.

It is no coincidence that in this article I do not present ways to make money by investing money, much less large amounts of money, which would probably scare you away and make you wary. This is understandable, because the thought immediately creeps in: isn’t this just another scam they’re offering us?!

Wherever you invest something, especially large amounts, there is always a risk of losing money.

2. A simple formula for making money

It looks like this:

You do what you love (1), which is in demand on the market (2), you do it professionally (3) for a long period of time (4)

Let's take a closer look at why this formula works.

1) You are doing what you love

Obviously, if you try to make money by doing something you don’t like, then you simply won’t be able to achieve great results in it and will quit at the first difficulties.

2) Which is in demand by the market

Why do I say that this business should be in demand by the market?

Imagine that you love to lie on the couch or cross stitch. But it is obvious that such favorite things most likely will not bring in a lot of money. At least, if you can theoretically earn something from cross-stitching, I have not met specialists like “professional couch potato”. I think you will too.

3) Do it professionally

Doing your favorite thing, professionally demanded by the market, is perhaps the main problem of most people. After all, many, for example, love to sing or draw, but what percentage of these people produces a product that YOU are willing to pay for?

Obviously, the percentage of such specialists is extremely small. There are very few real professionals in any business and almost all of them earn decent money.

4) Over a long period of time

The final element of the simple formula for making money is the amount of time you devote to it.

A good example

Let's assume that you are good at repairing cars. Yes, this is a sought-after business, you love it and even make good money from it at the moment you provide such services.

But you do this only 3 hours a week for a month and a half.
It is obvious that your skills have not yet developed sufficiently.

And even if you have a natural talent for car repair, you work hard on yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle, in general, you’re a great guy with a capital letter.

At the same time, you have a neighbor who is not very talented and occasionally likes to drink, although he loves his job just like you.

But the whole difference between you and your neighbor is that he has been doing this for 15 years and over the years of his work he has developed good relationships with his clients, and in the field of auto repair he is like a duck to water.

It’s just that he started this activity much earlier than you, and even with all his positive qualities, you are unlikely to get ahead of him in the near future in terms of income and stability of earnings.

Dear reader, I hope that you now have a complete picture of the principles of making money and the basic essence of money.

3. How to make money for a beginner - 10 proven ways

If you were looking for an answer to the question “how to make money,” then most likely you need it now. Therefore, below I have described 10 proven ways to earn money with the fastest cash returns without investing your own funds.

Method 1. Earn online from $300 per month as a freelancer

Earning $300 or more online is not that difficult.

This has been proven by my own experience. I myself started working part-time as a freelance designer and text writer (copywriter), earning from 15,000 to 70,000 rubles and more, until my friend Vitaly and I started working closely on our website HeatherBober.ru, which is where you are now. Now this is our business.

Watch my TV interview about the possibilities and benefits of making money online:

During my work, I created more than 40 website designs and 100 texts for different customers.

Nowadays, many office workers and people in other professions choose the Internet as a part-time job or even their main job. This is not surprising, because here you can earn money from anywhere in the world, and even have a free schedule.

It's easiest to start earning an income if you already have some computer skills, creative vision, or experience with specialized software.

For example, you can:

  • write interesting texts;
  • create a design (photo retouching);
  • edit video;
  • program;
  • make up websites.

But even if you don’t have such skills, you can learn all this in two to three months with the help of free YouTube videos or articles.

When your experience is sufficient, turn to popular sites for freelancers work-zilla.com (for beginners), fl.ru (for more experienced ones).

You can start by completing small tasks for 200-500 rubles, and then, as you develop a name and portfolio, move on to larger and more expensive orders.

You can learn more about the possibilities of making money on the Internet from the article “Earn money on the Internet”

Method 2. We sell our own and other people’s things via the Internet (earn money on Avito.ru)

Surely you have things at home that for one reason or another are no longer needed. You don't need it! But I know for sure that someone is quite willing to pay good money for them.

All that remains is to find buyers and decide what we will sell.

The method works 100% - tested from my own experience.

So, we carry out an audit - we climb into closets, niches, disassemble the balcony, basement, attic, garage. In a word, we find everything that exists and has even the slightest value.

It is possible that while looking for things to sell, you will also find something valuable that will bring you significant profit in a short time.

It could be antiques, radio equipment with expensive components, and so on.

Then, with this idea of ​​​​selling unnecessary things, we go to our friends, acquaintances and relatives. We agree with them that you will sell their “junk”, but at the same time you will take a percentage for yourself.

Be sure that people will even give you some things for free, in exchange for the fact that you simply take them out, ridding your friends of junk they think is unnecessary.

Next, we place advertisements on bulletin boards on the Internet and free newspapers. In short, we advertise these products wherever possible. From my own experience, I can say that the site avito.ru works very well - this is an all-Russian free message board.

Next, we accept incoming calls, agree on the method of delivery of the goods and payment for it. If you find a buyer in your city, you can simply give him the goods when you meet. If your buyer is from another city, then delivery is usually carried out by Russian Post or transport companies, depending on the weight and dimensions of the goods.

You can accept payment for goods by cash on delivery if you send them by mail. If you send cargo by a transport company to another city, then payment can be accepted, for example, to a Sberbank card or electronic money (Yandex.Money, Webmoney, Qiwi).

If your buyer is in the same city as you, then he simply pays you in cash upon meeting.

With my friend Vitaly, we even managed to organize a small business on Avito.

We bought cheap Chinese goods and sold them through avito.ru. However, this requires money, and I immediately said that in this article we will look at ways to earn money without investments. I have already written a separate article about how to make money on Avito.

Method 3. Especially for women - money on your skills tomorrow

If you are a girl or woman with experience, then the methods described below will suit you best.

Idea 1. “Paid nanny”, housekeeper, assistant

If you are a woman, you may know people with children who, due to their busy schedules, cannot spend time with them. Talk to these people. It is possible that you will become an hourly nurse for their children, and it’s not far from being a private housekeeper.

Some rich families pay girls well for various help around the house, and sometimes they can earn money on a rotational basis. That is, for example, you work for a month and rest for another month.

Idea 2. Specialist in manicure, pedicure, make-up

Do you like to look good and help others do the same? Of course, you are a woman! 🙂 Why not make money by providing such services?

The principle of finding clients is the same as in any other business - we notify our friends, create a group on VKontakte and/or Odnoklassniki, write to everyone who might be interested, put up advertisements, post information on free Internet boards avito.ru, tiu. ru. I wrote more about this idea in the article “business for women.”


If you have any special knowledge and skills, you can immediately offer them to your friends and earn money in an hour.

How else can a woman earn money?

For example, if you are a musician, offer vocal or instrument lessons.

  • Are you good at computer design? - create illustrations, websites and collages to order.
  • Do you know how to make interesting gifts with your own hands? - turn your hobby into a source of income!

In a word, look at what you can already do well and sell your talents.

Method 4. We engage in direct sales

Now in every small city there are a lot of commercial firms that will be happy to expand their market.

Here you can negotiate with the head of such a company and offer your services for selling anything - from advertising space in newspapers and magazines, to construction equipment and credit products of well-known banks.

Almost all companies will not mind working with a freelance sales manager.

All that remains is to find clients and receive your commissions. This method is especially suitable for people who know how to establish business contacts and present any product or service well.

Direct sales can also be done using the Internet; to do this, notify your friends on social networks about the goods or services you offer, and place ads on all possible free boards. Tiu.ru and avito.ru are best suited for this.

Method 5. We make money by selling our knowledge, organizing training courses

If you are passionate about something and do it well, for example, cooking, learning English, love photography, then it is quite logical that there are people who also want to learn how to do it as well as you.

You can start packaging and selling your knowledge by teaching other people. This way of making money is called selling information.

And I'll be honest with you, some people will make a handsome profit from this.

If you want to find out how you can earn from 80,000 rubles a month by selling information, then read this section of my article about ways to make money on the Internet. It describes examples of real people who have been receiving tens of thousands for a long time and sharing their knowledge.

By the way, educational courses are now a very popular type of business and if you really take this method of earning money seriously, then perhaps in a few months you will be able not only to earn money, but also to open your own profitable business without investments with incomes much higher than the average salary in your locality point.

Method 6. Become a personal assistant to an entrepreneur

Do you have business skills, organizational skills and a desire to learn new things quickly?

Then you can become a personal assistant to an entrepreneur. The fact is that businessmen are quite busy people and cannot always manage to do everything they planned in a day.

But they have money and they will be ready to pay you for carrying out business orders.

How to find a person with whom you can become an assistant?

As always, newspapers and the Internet can help you.

For example, I have repeatedly seen advertisements with the following content: “An entrepreneur needs an assistant” or “I am looking for a business partner, I am ready to consider various options for cooperation.”

Especially many personal assistants for entrepreneurs are needed on the Internet. If you are good with a computer and have a burning desire not only to earn money, but also in the future to start your own business from scratch, then I advise you to use freelance sites to find remote workers, such as fl.ru and work-zilla.com

These sites have a section with vacancies, where various entrepreneurs are looking for employees. You need to look for advertisements “looking for a personal assistant” or “project manager required”.

Method 7. We rent out our property

Remember, maybe you or your relatives have something that can be rented out and thus receive money in the form of passive income*? This could be a room or apartment, garage, equipment, car, etc.

* Passive income is a type of income that comes to you 24 hours a day and does not depend on your daily efforts.

Typically, such income can be received in the form of rent from the letting of property, dividends from investments, interest on deposits or profits from a business.

By the way, if you wish, you can even rent out furniture, a bicycle or a computer.

If you have things that cost on average more than 1 of the average salary in your city, then it can act as a rental property. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the methods of passive income described in my separate article.

Method 8. Borrow money as collateral for property

If you need money urgently and you are planning financial income in the near future, then you can borrow it by taking out a loan secured by property.

For example, if you have jewelry, you can pawn it at a pawnshop.

Nowadays, so-called car pawnshops have become quite popular, where you can borrow money at interest by mortgaging a car. Nowadays, you can even get a loan secured by an apartment. To do this, contact your nearest bank and its specialists will tell you how to do this.

As they say: “Any whim for your money (or rather for your property)!”

But I warn you, dear reader, that this method of “earning” money should be used only as a last resort, since if you don’t calculate something, you can lose your property or overpay a large percentage for using the loan.

However, there is a positive aspect here. If you still decide to use this method and borrow money, you can open your own microloan business.

Or perhaps time will pass and who knows, in a couple of years you will become the owner of your own pawnshop.

Method 9. Get a job in 1 day

A classic of the genre - the most famous way to make money all over the world is to get a job.

If you already have experience in something, then simply open a local newspaper or the Internet and enter the phrase “work as such and such a specialist” into the search bar, for example, in Yekaterinburg.

Here you will see various offers from employers with relevant vacancies.

Of course, in order to get a job you will need to write a professional resume.

My article “How to write a resume correctly - 10 simple steps” will help you with this. Also, as an example, in this article you will find a lot of ready-made resume samples for all the most common professions.

It is possible to get a job in 1 day if you have good recommendations from previous jobs and solid experience. Most likely, by sending a good resume to potential employers in the amount of 20-30 pieces early in the morning, you will receive several invitations for an interview on the same day in the afternoon, and if you successfully complete it, you will be able to start a new job tomorrow.

This way of making money is suitable for everyone who is used to following the beaten path and is not going to “reinvent the wheel.”

Earn money by finding a part-time job

This method is somewhat similar to the previous “getting a job.” This is not accidental, since when we work, we somehow provide certain services to someone.

So, the easiest way to find a side job is to do for others what you already do for yourself.

For example, you are a woman and you cook food for your family at home every day. Perhaps you have friends who also need to cook, but due to extreme busyness at work, they simply do not have time to do it.

The same applies to doing laundry, helping with your child's homework, ironing clothes, and so on. I think that the principle of this idea is clear to you.

If you are a man, then you can find part-time work as a night shift as a security guard in a private company, a waiter, a bowling club administrator, etc.

You can learn about other ways to earn extra money from our article on earning extra money in your free time.

Method 10. Earn money on the Internet: my experience - how to earn 250,000 rubles on the Internet in a few months

Let's start with the fact that you can make money on the Internet, I say this 100%!

I tested some of the ways to earn money from my own experience.

Therefore, I decided to talk about them here. These are the most popular ways that I and many of my friends are now making money on the Internet.

But before I describe the methods of making money on the Internet, I want to say that there is no freebie here, you will have to work hard and persistently to earn even the first thousand rubles. So don't expect a "magic pill" or a "super secret way to make a million in a week." There are no such methods!

So, now, how I personally managed to make money on the Internet:

1. Earn money by selling your own skills
You sell your skills by creating some kind of product for a client (in my case, graphic design) and get paid for it. At the same time, you work with different customers and projects.

2. Remote work (freelancing)
An analogue of a regular office job, where you perform certain job responsibilities, while being at home (or in any other place, since your employer is not interested in where you work, but the result of your work is important). Study our article on this topic - working on the Internet.

3. We organize the project and provide paid services
This is a more advanced version of Freelancing. Here you act as a firm (company), which in most cases provides comprehensive services and has the official status of a commercial enterprise, such as an individual entrepreneur. This allows you to legally work with companies and accept payments into your bank account.

4. Create your own website and sell advertising on it
This method of earning money is clearly illustrated by the site “HeaterBober.ru”, where you are now reading this article. Such projects can bring in from several thousand to several million rubles per month.

I actually managed to earn more than 250,000 rubles in a few months using these methods.

4. 7 common mistakes of beginners in making money

What could be such mistakes? Here I will describe the main ones with explanations. As always, I will give explanations from my personal experience and the experience of my immediate circle.

Mistake 1. The desire to quickly earn a large amount of money

The most common mistake. Popularly it sounds like this:

“Greed ruined the brother” or “free cheese only comes in a mousetrap”

I don’t know about you, but I regularly receive offers to participate in such and such a super profitable project, where, of course, you first need to invest your money.

These are various financial pyramids, “mutual aid funds”, “investment projects” and other “loot generators” - a long-gone topic in which, by the way, a lot of money was lost due to inexperience several years ago.

If it seems to you that this is a gold mine where you will get rich in the blink of an eye, then in 99% of cases you will simply lose your money. Be careful!

Mistake 2. Trying to make money in cash-strapped niches

The second extreme is trying to make money where it is almost impossible to do so.

For example, you won’t make much money now by collecting and handing over bottles, although a few years ago this was still somewhat relevant.

You've probably seen grandmothers at crossroads selling herbs, seeds, indoor flowers, chocolates and cigarettes individually.

I think that it is unlikely that you will be able to earn money from this more than 2000-3000 thousand rubles per month in a small city, even devoting several hours a day to this.

Especially many people have problems making money on various services on the Internet that pay for completing tasks.

There, of course, it is possible to earn about 1000-2000 rubles a month, but at the same time you will devote almost the whole day to this.

When I say that it is impossible to earn money in this way, I do not mean that you will not earn a penny there, but that these efforts can be directed into a more monetary direction, receiving more income per unit of time.

Mistake 3. Making money dishonestly

This includes everything that is contrary to the law, and to universal human principles too. I also do not advise you to get involved with various casinos, slot machines and other gambling games, since statistics in this case work against you.

Mistake 4. Looking for too exotic ways to make money

Especially if you need money in the near future. Choose to earn money what is already working for other people, so it will be much easier to succeed and get your first income. The more complex the circuit, the more likely it is to fail.

Mistake 5. Trying to earn significant amounts without working hard

Otherwise, this can be called “lazy person syndrome.” Money pays for something, and as I already wrote at the beginning of the article - there are no freebies! Don't waste your time looking for the "field of miracles" where trees with gold coins grow.

Mistake 6. Listening to whiners, losers and slackers

Know that nothing ruins all good undertakings like pessimists.

If they tell you that it won’t work, that you are doing nonsense, take it as a challenge! Don't let the ignorant bury your dreams and aspirations. Methodically go towards your goal and with due persistence, success is guaranteed to you!

Mistake 7. Grasping at everything at once

Alya is a sort of “Swedish, reaper and trumpet player” all rolled into one. Like, “I dig potatoes and fly into space.” Stop at one thing and go deeper into it.

If other people are already making decent money doing what you're about to start doing, then it's only a matter of time before you reach the same level of income as them (provided you don't "merge" halfway)

Tip 1. Don't spread yourself thin

I assure you that concentrating on one thing and regularly working on it is guaranteed to bring your financial success closer, and adherence to this principle will give cosmic acceleration to all your affairs!

Tip 2. Make money on what is in demand
Improve your professional skills, be better than others in what you do. Then you will have no shortage of people wanting to pay you. Do something every day that will help you achieve your financial goals.

Tip 3. Strive to make money doing what you like
After all, if you can achieve this, then you will never have to “work” again. Yes, this is not easy to do and this is a big dream for most people, but if you are serious about changing your life, then do your best to make money doing what you love.

Tip 4. Save and increase
This is one of the essential qualities of wealthy people. Don't be a spender. Sometimes we ask ourselves where the money goes - I have no idea. Save part of what you earn and invest part of it in something that helps you earn even more money.

Tip 5. Be proactive
The city takes courage - says a well-known expression. If you are active and enterprising, then the money will come to you and you won’t have to run after it. This, by the way, is one of the iron principles on which not only financial success, but all other aspects of your life depend. Initiative is a basic quality that distinguishes winners from losers!

6. Conclusion

Take the time and definitely watch it, you won’t regret it!

Question for readers:

How do you make money? - tell us about it in the comments!

Share your ideas in the comments and don't forget to rate the article. Thank you in advance!

That's all, I wish you high income.

Almost everyone finds themselves in a situation where there is not enough money or no money at all, whether you are a schoolboy, a student, a mother on maternity leave, a retired person, or you have been fired. Then you start to wonder where to make money on the Internet?

After all, you don’t have much time to go full-time, and you won’t find work everywhere. And the first thing that comes to mind is the Internet! Previously, people sat in it for fun, but now you can not only earn extra money, but also turn it into your main source of income!

Just don’t forget that here, as in real life, there are a huge number of scammers.If you are offered to earn tens of thousands of rubles or dollars in a day, without really straining yourself, do not believe it.

You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

Therefore, in this article I will present the most reliable ways to make money on the Internet without investment, so it is with them. Now let's begin!

10 most popular ways to make money on the Internet for beginners and professionals

No. 1 Earnings on axle boxes

This method is considered the easiest way to earn money, so
Suitable for beginners, I think everyone started with this. Moreover, no investments are required.

You will need to browse websites, take tests and assignments.

I know some who manage to complete 3,000 tasks a month, taking into account the fact that their cost ranges from 0.20 to 400 rubles!

Here are the axle boxes that have proven themselves quite well:

  1. Seosprint
  2. SEO-fast
  3. Socpublic
  4. Profitcenter
  5. Wmmail
  6. Vip-prom

But I advise you not to stop at one axle box, it is better to sit at least on two to increase profits.
By the way, there is a foreign postal sponsor, if you don’t know much English, then it’s better to try, since they pay several times more than our axle boxes. The best foreign mailer -Neobux.

№2 Earning money on social networks

Did you know that on social networks you can not only communicate and have fun, but also earn money. There is an opportunity to earn more here than on axle boxes. To get started, you need at least a VKontakte account (it’s better to register wherever you can).

You will be offered certain actions, such as joining a group, liking, reposting, etc. All this is done on special sites like these:

  1. Vktarget
  2. Smmok

Today I will tell you about 10 surefire ways to make money. These methods are very simple and accessible to everyone. Many of them have been tested in practice and have given good results.

Hello, dear readers! The founder of the business magazine HeatherBober.ru, Alexander Berezhnov, is with you.

We will look at the most proven and reliable methods of making money. I’ll say right away that most of these methods allow you to earn money from the first day after their implementation, so I wish you good luck and good income!

Ready? Then let's go!

1. The truth about making money that is rarely spoken out loud

Friends, as paradoxical as it may seem, the truth about making money is that there are no freebies or quick ways to get rich.

If you are offered to participate in a dubious project with the investment of a certain amount of money, and they promise that in just a few days you will become rich - run away from such people with their offers!

If you look closely at the contents of the article, you will not see headings like “We earn a million in 3 hours on the project “Horns and Hooves””.

The whole secret of making money is what you need work hard , and not wait for manna from heaven, thinking about “high matters” and constantly postponing decisive actions.

It is no coincidence that in this article I do not present ways to make money by investing money, much less large amounts of money, which would probably scare you away and make you wary. This is understandable, because the thought immediately creeps in: isn’t this just another scam they’re offering us?!

Wherever you invest something, especially large amounts, there is always a risk of losing money.

2. A simple formula for making money

It looks like this:

You are doing what you love (1) which is in demand by the market (2) , do it professionally (3) over a long period of time (4)

Let's take a closer look at why this formula works.

1) You are doing what you love

Obviously, if you try to make money by doing something you don’t like, then you simply won’t be able to achieve great results in it and will quit at the first difficulties.

Read articles about the most profitable types of business on our partner website startapoff.ru - only verified, relevant and expert information.

2) Which is in demand by the market

Why do I say that this business should be in demand by the market?

Imagine that you love to lie on the couch or cross stitch. But it is obvious that such favorite things most likely will not bring in a lot of money. At least, if you can theoretically earn something from cross-stitching, I have not met specialists like “professional couch potato”. I think you will too.

3) Do it professionally

Do your favorite thing that is in demand in the market professionally- perhaps the main problem of most people. After all, many, for example, love to sing or draw, but what percentage of these people gives out such a product for which exactly YOU ready to pay?

Obviously, the percentage of such specialists is extremely small. There are very few real professionals in any business and almost all of them earn decent money.

4) Over a long period of time

The final element of the simple formula for making money is amount of time, which you devote to this activity.

A good example

Let's assume that you are good at repairing cars. Yes, this is a sought-after business, you love it and even make good money from it at the moment you provide such services.

But you do this only 3 hours a week for a month and a half.

It is obvious that your skills have not yet developed sufficiently.

And even if you have a natural talent for car repair, you work hard on yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle, in general, you’re a great guy with a capital letter.

At the same time, you have a neighbor who is not very talented and occasionally likes to drink, although he loves his job just like you.

But the whole difference between you and your neighbor is that he is already 15 years is engaged in this and over the years of his work he has developed a good relationship with his clients, and in the field of auto repair he is like a duck to water.

It’s just that he started this activity much earlier than you, and even with all his positive qualities, you are unlikely to get ahead of him in the near future in terms of income and stability of earnings.

Dear reader, I hope that you now have a complete picture of the principles of making money and the basic essence of money.

3. How to make money for a beginner - 10 proven ways

If you were looking for an answer to the question “how to make money,” then most likely you need it now. Therefore, below I have described 10 proven ways to earn money with the fastest cash returns without investing your own funds.

Method 1. Earn online from $300 per month as a freelancer

Earning $300 or more online is not that difficult.

This has been proven by my own experience. I myself started working part-time as a freelance designer and text writer (copywriter), earning from 15,000 to 70,000 rubles and more, until my friend Vitaly and I started working closely on our website HeatherBober.ru, which is where you are now. Now this is our business.

During my work, I created more than 40 website designs and 100 texts for different customers.

Nowadays, many office workers and people in other professions choose the Internet as a part-time job or even their main job. This is not surprising, because here you can earn money from anywhere in the world, and even have a free schedule.

It's easiest to start earning an income if you already have some computer skills, creative vision, or experience with specialized software.

For example, you can:

  • write interesting texts;
  • create a design (photo retouching);
  • edit video;
  • program;
  • make up websites.

But even if you don’t have such skills, you can learn all this in two to three months with the help of free YouTube videos or articles.

When your experience is sufficient, turn to popular sites for freelancers work-zilla.com (for beginners), fl.ru (for more experienced ones).

You can start by completing small tasks for 200-500 rubles, and then, as you develop a name and portfolio, move on to larger and more expensive orders.

You will need to promote entrepreneurs and their businesses online, receiving a percentage of sales or a subscription fee for running their advertising campaigns.

This is all great - you say, but where can you learn this?

Dmitry himself opened a remote Internet marketing agency, where 19 people work, and in 2 years the income from this activity allowed him to visit 32 countries and live the life of his dreams in travel and constant development.

So if you are a freelancer or want to start earning good money on the Internet without leaving home, learn from the best the most promising professions. Internet marketer is one of them.

Method 2. We sell our own and other people’s things via the Internet (earn money on Avito.ru)

Surely you have things at home that for one reason or another are no longer needed. Not needed TO YOU! But I know for sure that someone is quite willing to pay good money for them.

All that remains is to find buyers and decide what we will sell.

The method works 100%- tested from my own experience.

So, we carry out an audit - we climb into closets, niches, disassemble the balcony, basement, attic, garage. In a word, we find everything that exists and has even the slightest value.

It is possible that while looking for things to sell, you will also find something valuable that will bring you significant profit in a short time.

It could be antiques, radio equipment with expensive components, and so on.

Then, with this idea of ​​​​selling unnecessary things, we go to our friends, acquaintances and relatives. We agree with them that you will sell their “junk”, but at the same time you will take a percentage for yourself.

Be sure that people will even give you some things for free, in exchange for the fact that you simply take them out, ridding your friends of junk they think is unnecessary.

Next, we place advertisements on bulletin boards on the Internet and free newspapers. In short, we advertise these products wherever possible. From my own experience, I can say that the site avito.ru works very well - this is an all-Russian free message board.

Next, we accept incoming calls, agree on the method of delivery of the goods and payment for it. If you find a buyer in your city, you can simply give him the goods when you meet. If your buyer is from another city, then delivery is usually carried out by Russian Post or transport companies, depending on the weight and dimensions of the goods.

You can accept payment for goods by cash on delivery if you send them by mail. If you send cargo by a transport company to another city, then payment can be accepted, for example, to a Sberbank card or electronic money (Yandex.Money, Webmoney, Qiwi).

If your buyer is in the same city as you, then he simply pays you in cash upon meeting.

With my friend Vitaly, we even managed to organize a small business on Avito.

We bought cheap Chinese goods and sold them through avito.ru. However, this requires money, and I immediately said that in this article we will look at ways to earn money without investments. I have already written a separate article about this in more detail.

Method 3. Especially for women - money on your skills tomorrow

If you are a girl or woman with experience, then the methods described below will suit you best.

Idea 1. “Paid nanny”, housekeeper, assistant

If you are a woman, you may know people with children who, due to their busy schedules, cannot spend time with them. Talk to these people. It is possible that you will become an hourly nurse for their children, and it’s not far from being a private housekeeper.

Some rich families pay girls well for various help around the house, and sometimes they can earn money on a rotational basis. That is, for example, you work for a month and rest for another month.

Idea 2. Specialist in manicure, pedicure, make-up

Do you like to look good and help others do the same? Of course, you are a woman! :) Why not make money by providing such services?

The principle of finding clients is the same as in any other business - we notify our friends, create a group on VKontakte and/or Odnoklassniki, write to everyone who might be interested, put up advertisements, post information on free Internet boards avito.ru, tiu. ru. I wrote more about this idea in the article “”.


If you have any special knowledge and skills, you can immediately offer them to your friends and earn money in an hour.

How else can a woman earn money?

For example, if you are a musician, offer vocal or instrument lessons.

  • Are you good at computer design? - create illustrations, websites and collages to order.
  • Do you know how to make interesting gifts with your own hands? - turn your hobby into a source of income!

In a word, look at what you can already do well and sell your talents.

Method 4. We engage in direct sales

Now in every small city there are a lot of commercial firms that will be happy to expand their market.

Here you can negotiate with the head of such a company and offer your services for selling anything - from advertising space in newspapers and magazines, to construction equipment and credit products of well-known banks.

Almost all companies will not mind working with a freelance sales manager.

All that remains is to find clients and receive your commissions. This method is especially suitable for people who know how to establish business contacts and present any product or service well.

Direct sales can also be done using the Internet; to do this, notify your friends on social networks about the goods or services you offer, and place ads on all possible free boards. Tiu.ru and avito.ru are best suited for this.

Method 5. We make money by selling our knowledge, organizing training courses

If you are passionate about something and do it well, for example, cooking, learning English, love photography, then it is quite logical that there are people who also want to learn how to do it as well as you.

You can start packaging and selling your knowledge by teaching other people. This way of making money is called selling information.

And I'll be honest with you, some people will make a handsome profit from this.

If you want to find out how you can earn from 80,000 rubles a month by selling information, then read my article about ways to make money on the Internet. It describes examples of real people who have been receiving tens of thousands for a long time and sharing their knowledge.

By the way, educational courses are now a very popular type of business, and if you really take this method of earning money seriously, then perhaps in a few months you will be able to not only earn money, but also open your own profitable one with incomes much higher than the average salary in your locality.

Method 6. Become a personal assistant to an entrepreneur

Do you have business skills, organizational skills and a desire to learn new things quickly?

Then you can become a personal assistant to an entrepreneur. The fact is that businessmen are quite busy people and cannot always manage to do everything they planned in a day.

But they have money and they will be ready to pay you for carrying out business orders.

How to find a person with whom you can become an assistant?

As always, newspapers and the Internet can help you.

For example, I have repeatedly seen advertisements with the following content: "Entrepreneur needs an assistant" or “I’m looking for a business partner, I’m ready to consider various options for cooperation”.

Especially many personal assistants for entrepreneurs are needed on the Internet. If you are good with a computer and have a burning desire not only to earn money, but also in the future, then I advise you to use freelance sites to find remote workers, such as fl.ru and work-zilla.com

These sites have a section with vacancies, where various entrepreneurs are looking for employees. You need to look for advertisements "I'm looking for a personal assistant" or "project manager required".

Method 7. We rent out our property

Remember, maybe you or your relatives have something that can be rented out and thus receive money in the form of passive income * ? This could be a room or apartment, garage, equipment, car, etc.

* Passive income- a type of income that comes to you 24 hours a day and does not depend on your daily efforts.

Typically, such income can be received in the form of rent from the letting of property, dividends from investments, interest on deposits or profits from a business.

By the way, if you wish, you can even rent out furniture, a bicycle or a computer.

If you have things that cost on average more than 1 of the average salary in your city, then it can act as a rental property. I also recommend that you read the ones described in my separate article.

Method 8. Borrow money against property

If you need money urgently and you are planning financial income in the near future, then you can borrow it by taking out a loan secured by property.

For example, if you have jewelry, you can pawn it at a pawnshop.

Nowadays, so-called car pawnshops have become quite popular, where you can borrow money at interest by mortgaging a car. Nowadays, you can even get a loan secured by an apartment. To do this, contact your nearest bank and its specialists will tell you how to do this.

As they say: “Any whim for your money (or rather for your property )!»

But I warn you, dear reader, that this method of “earning” money should only be used as a last resort , because if you don’t calculate something, you may lose your property or overpay a large percentage for using the loan.

However, there is a positive aspect here. If you still decide to use this method and borrow money, you can open your own microloan business.

Or perhaps time will pass and who knows, in a couple of years you will become the owner of your own pawnshop.

Method 9. Get a job in 1 day

A classic of the genre - the most famous way to make money all over the world is to get a job.

If you already have experience in something, then simply open a local newspaper or the Internet and enter the phrase “work as such and such a specialist” into the search bar, for example, in Yekaterinburg.

Here you will see various offers from employers with relevant vacancies.

Of course, in order to get a job you will need to write a professional resume.

My article “” will help you with this. Also, as an example, in this article you will find a lot of ready-made resume samples for all the most common professions.

It is possible to get a job in 1 day if you have good recommendations from previous jobs and solid experience. Most likely, by sending a good resume to potential employers in the amount of 20-30 pieces early in the morning, you will receive several invitations for an interview on the same day in the afternoon, and if you successfully complete it, you will be able to start a new job tomorrow.

This way of making money is suitable for everyone who is used to following the beaten path and is not going to “reinvent the wheel.”

Earn money by finding a part-time job

This method is somewhat similar to the previous “getting a job.” This is not accidental, since when we work, we somehow provide certain services to someone.

So, the easiest way to find a part-time job is do for others what you already do for yourself.

For example, you are a woman and you cook food for your family at home every day. Perhaps you have friends who also need to cook, but due to extreme busyness at work, they simply do not have time to do it.

The same applies to doing laundry, helping with your child's homework, ironing clothes, and so on. I think that the principle of this idea is clear to you.

If you are a man, then you can find part-time work as a night shift as a security guard in a private company, a waiter, a bowling club administrator, etc.

You can learn about other ways to earn extra money from our article.

Method 10. Earn money on the Internet: my experience - how to earn 250,000 rubles on the Internet in a few months

Let's start with how to make money online Can, this is what I say 100% !

I tested some of the ways to earn money from my own experience.

Therefore, I decided to talk about them here. These are the most popular ways that I and many of my friends are now making money on the Internet.

But before I describe the methods of making money on the Internet, I want to say that there is no freebie here, you will have to work hard and persistently to earn even the first thousand rubles. So don't expect a "magic pill" or a "super secret way to make a million in a week." There are no such methods!

So, now, how I personally managed to make money on the Internet:

1. Earn money by selling your own skills

You sell your skills by creating some kind of product for a client (in my case, graphic design) and get paid for it. At the same time, you work with different customers and projects.

2. Remote work (freelancing)

3. We organize the project and provide paid services

This is a more advanced version of Freelancing. Here you act as a firm (company), which in most cases provides comprehensive services and has the official status of a commercial enterprise, for example. This allows you to legally work with companies and accept payments into your bank account.

4. Create your own website and sell advertising on it

This method of earning money is clearly illustrated by the site “HeaterBober.ru”, where you are now reading this article. Such projects can bring in from several thousand to several million rubles per month.

I actually managed to earn more than 250,000 rubles in a few months.

In addition to the above, you will find out by reading our new article.

4. 7 common mistakes of beginners in making money

What could be such mistakes? Here I will describe the main ones with explanations. As always, I will give explanations from my personal experience and the experience of my immediate circle.

Mistake 1. The desire to quickly earn a large amount of money

The most common mistake. Popularly it sounds like this:

“Greed ruined the brother” or “free cheese only comes in a mousetrap”

I don’t know about you, but I regularly receive offers to participate in such and such a super profitable project, where, of course, you first need to invest your money.

These are various “mutual aid funds”, “investment projects” and other “loot generators” - a long-gone topic in which, by the way, a lot of money was lost due to inexperience several years ago.

If it seems to you that this is a gold mine where you will get rich in the blink of an eye, then in 99% of cases you will simply lose your money. Be careful!

Mistake 2. Trying to make money in cash-strapped niches

The second extreme is trying to make money where it is almost impossible to do so.

For example, you won’t make much money now by collecting and handing over bottles, although a few years ago this was still somewhat relevant.

You've probably seen grandmothers at crossroads selling herbs, seeds, indoor flowers, chocolates and cigarettes individually.

I think that it is unlikely that you will be able to earn money from this more than 2000-3000 thousand rubles per month in a small city, even devoting several hours a day to this.

Especially many people have problems making money on various services on the Internet that pay for completing tasks.

There, of course, it is possible to earn about 1000-2000 rubles a month, but at the same time you will spend almost the whole day on this.

When I say that it is impossible to earn money in this way, I do not mean that you will not earn a penny there, but that these efforts can be directed into a more monetary direction, receiving more income per unit of time.

Mistake 3. Making money dishonestly

This includes everything that is contrary to the law, and to universal human principles too. I also do not advise you to get involved with various casinos, slot machines and other gambling games, since statistics in this case work against you.

Mistake 4. Looking for too exotic ways to make money

Especially if you need money in the near future. Choose to earn money what is already working for other people, so it will be much easier to succeed and get your first income. The more complex the circuit, the more likely it is to fail.

Mistake 5. Trying to earn significant amounts without working hard

Otherwise, this can be called “lazy person syndrome.” Money pays for something, and as I already wrote at the beginning of the article - there are no freebies! Don't waste your time looking for the "field of miracles" where trees with gold coins grow.

Mistake 6. Listening to whiners, losers and slackers

Know that nothing ruins all good undertakings like pessimists.

If they tell you that it won’t work, that you are doing nonsense, take it as a challenge! Don't let the ignorant bury your dreams and aspirations. Methodically go towards your goal and with due persistence, success is guaranteed to you!

Mistake 7. Grasping at everything at once

Alya kind of "Schwetz, reaper and trumpet player" in one person. Like “I dig potatoes and fly into space”. Stop at one thing and go deeper into it.

If other people are already making decent money doing what you're about to start doing, then it's only a matter of time before you reach the same level of income as them (provided you don't "merge" halfway)

Tip 1. Don't spread yourself thin
I assure you that concentrating on one thing and regularly working on it is guaranteed to bring your financial success closer, and adherence to this principle will give cosmic acceleration to all your affairs!

Tip 2. Make money on what is in demand

Improve your professional skills, be better than others in what you do. Then you will have no shortage of people wanting to pay you. Do something every day that will help you achieve your financial goals.

Tip 3. Strive to make money doing what you like

After all, if you can achieve this, then you will never have to “work” again. Yes, this is not easy to do and this is a big dream for most people, but if you are serious about changing your life, then do your best to make money doing what you love.

Tip 4. Save andmultiply

This is one of the essential qualities of wealthy people. Don't be a spender. Sometimes we ask ourselves where the money goes - I have no idea. Save part of what you earn and invest part of it in something that helps you earn even more money.

Tip 5. Be proactive

The city takes courage - says a well-known expression. If you are active and enterprising, then the money will come to you and you won’t have to run after it. This, by the way, is one of the iron principles on which not only financial success, but all other aspects of your life depend. Initiative is a basic quality that distinguishes winners from losers!

6. Conclusion

Take the time and definitely watch it, you won’t regret it!

Question for readers:

How do you make money? - tell us about it in the comments!

Share your ideas in the comments and don't forget to rate the article. Thank you in advance!

That's all, I wish you high income.

    • Method No. 1. Resale of goods
    • Method No. 2. Sale of goods from China
    • Method No. 3. Provision of services
    • Method No. 4. Earning money on a website or blog
  • 2. Additional part-time work
    • Opening an online store
    • Handmade
  • 4. Earning money from real estate
  • 5. Conclusion

Today, all people want to earn a lot of money, and this is not at all strange, because with money you can afford whatever you want. Some people need a lot of money to start a business, while others need it to purchase property. The reason is not important at all, the result is important. There are many proven methods for doing well in real life.

1. How to make a lot of money: ideas and methods

Method No. 1.

Resale of goods

How to make a lot of money by reselling For example , the seller needs to sell his product as quickly as possible, so he puts a fairly low price on it. In this case, you can buy, write a new description and take high-quality photographs , and then put it up for sale on the same Avito at an average price

. And there is a high probability that sooner or later they will buy it from you, and you will earn money.

It may be a relatively small amount, but it is made from practically nothing.

Method No. 2.

Sale of goods from China This option for selling goods can be quite profitable., On Chinese sites"Taobao"


You can buy very cheap goods and sell them on our websites at an inflated price. It is very convenient to work with them, because the goods can be ordered to any country and city. Delivery may even be free, but in this case you will have to wait for the order

14-60 days

, which is not suitable for everyone.

You can buy anything there. These are household appliances, electronics, clothing, sports items, jewelry, watches, and so on.

There are often discounts up to 90%, which is very profitable.

Method No. 3.

  • Provision of services
  • Do you know how to do something and feel that your services can be useful to other people? Then you can safely create a simple website and describe the services you provide on it.
  • It could be:
  • car repair,

plumbing repair,

2. Additional part-time work

Learning foreign languages,

website creation and so on. The list of such services is very large, but it is better to concentrate your attention on one area., If you have free time after school or work, you can find additional part-time work., There are quite a few such options on job search sites or in newspaper advertisements. You can get a job loader

Opening an online store

If you have successfully resold a large number of goods on Avito or other sites, then you can try opening your own online store.

This will be a great business that brings income to many people today.

But, before you open it, you need to accurately decide on the goods that you will sell. After all, there are a lot of online stores today, so you should expect a lot of competition.

It is necessary to qualitatively distinguish your service from a large number of others so that customers are primarily interested in it.


For people who know how to make something with their own hands, we can advise selling such goods on the Internet.

It can be:

  • embroidery,
  • wood or metal crafts,
  • paintings and other handmade products.

3. How to make a lot of money freelancing

There are a huge number of sites and services on the Internet where you can make money.

For example:

  • registration on sites,
  • reading letters,
  • passing tests and so on.

Below are more ways:

1. You can write articles to order or put them up for free sale, which can also make great money.

Watch the video - Work for teenagers 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 years old

2. You can write (create) websites for clients or promote them in search engines.

3. It is also possible to earn money on social networks by liking or joining groups.

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of options, and everyone will definitely find something suitable for themselves.

Selling other people's services or goods

People who know how to sell well can work for large companies or firms selling their goods or services.

The scheme is very simple: You are provided with a list of products, their descriptions, you sell them and receive a certain percentage of the amount of all sales.

An excellent option for those who know how to beautifully present a product and have competent speech.

How to make a lot of money by reselling, you can get a job as a sales agent at a bank and sell bank cards in your free time.

If you already have an earned or accumulated amount of money, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following material -.

4. Earning money from real estate

Undoubtedly, the biggest money can be earned these days in the real estate market. Housing is an asset that is always in high demand, always goes up in price and can bring huge profits if you organize a business in real estate.

There are many options for making money outside of real estate. This can be a banal purchase and sale of objects, for example, purchasing housing at an early stage at a discount and selling the object after the house is commissioned. And you can really earn big by investing in the most profitable and promising objects on the market. Of course, taking the first step in the real estate market is sometimes difficult, so we recommend that you first watch a course from investor Anton Murygin, who talks about real estate business and earning up to 150 thousand rubles per month.

The secret to making money is not in a well-paid job, but in finding creative ways to solve other people's problems. You don't need a degree to do this.

To put your out-of-the-box thinking to work, read about these famous and not-so-famous ways to boost your budget. In this article you will find many ideas on how to make money quickly, as well as some financial tips.

The article is quite lengthy, if you don’t have time to read, save the PDF and read it when you have time.

Resale of goods and services

Reselling articles

You don’t have to write articles yourself to make money. It is enough to study how copyright exchanges work, where they pay and how much you can earn by reselling texts. Read about it -

Selling used books

Perhaps you, or your parents or friends have a bookshelf with old books.

Such books can be sold profitably. I have collected all the information on this topic in this article -

If you speak English, then you should take a closer look at foreign online auctions, where books published in the USSR and pre-revolutionary Russia are readily bought.

Auctions of pledged and seized property

Many banks conduct auctions of collateral. Here is a link to the auction site.

The seized property is also sold by the bailiff service.

And Mikhail buys cameras with good optics and resells the optics separately. Receives a good income. Here is his story - .

Earning money through mediation

Andrey Timoveev explained in his article how he made money through mediation.

He sold pallets, was an intermediary for a team of finishers, was an intermediary for companies involved in removing snow from roofs, and resold trenning shoes.

If you are interested in intermediary business, then read -

Real estate agency

If you communicate easily with people, then you should pay attention to an interesting business based on renting out rooms or apartments.

By collecting applications from landlords and reselling this information to tenants, you can make good money, and you can work without an office.

Read this true story -

Participation in research

Sign up for focus groups

From time to time, advertisements appear on the Internet seeking participants for various studies.

This could be focus groups on testing hair dye or, for example, testing e-cigarettes.

Be careful and choose your employer carefully, there are many scammers in this area. Good vacancies can be viewed.

Participation in medical research

If you are not afraid of doctors, you can make money this way.

Some studies may ask you (especially if you have a medical condition) to test new treatments or medications that may have negative side effects.

Other studies may ask participants to exercise without any long-term side effects.

You can find a job through a search engine, there are many vacancies. Here is an example of such a vacancy:

Participation in marketing research

Become a secret shopper

This means evaluating the products and services of companies and organizations without their knowledge.

Photographing goods

The millionagents company is constantly recruiting secret inspectors. Upon receiving the assignment, you will need to go to specified stores and photograph certain products, sometimes fill out a questionnaire and answer questions.

You can read more about this method of earning money in my article -

Taking online surveys

Unleash your artistic potential

Selling photos

If you have a camera and a good sense of light, color and composition, you can take and sell stock photos, which are ordinary images that are used in many places, usually to illustrate online articles.

Selling drawings

If photography is not your thing, then you can try your hand at creating caricatures and caricatures of famous people. Such works sell well on photo stocks.

Mikhail Vetyutnev draws cartoons and sells them. Read about it in his article

Sale of sketches for tattoos

Do you like creating designs for tattoos? You can make money from this. There is a special website where you can sell your works. You can get $300 for one sketch, how do you like this prospect?

Creating T-shirt designs

We come up with a print design for a T-shirt, post it on a special website, and receive a percentage of sales. Even I, having no drawing skills, created several prints and made money from them.

If you are familiar with the English language, you can earn more:

Handmade (handicrafts)

If you have any crafting skills, consider selling your crafts online.

For people who know how to work with their hands, the Internet is a great place to sell their work.

I have a series of articles in which craftsmen tell how they make money from handmade products. Choose the method that suits you and earn money:

Make money from your hobbies

Create a blog

Of course, there is a lot of competition in the online world, but one thing that makes a good website or blog stand out is the dedication and enthusiasm of its writer.

Many website owners focus too much on SEO and keywords, but if you write about what really matters to you, you will be far ahead of your competitors.

I have prepared several articles for you on this topic:

Earnings from games

Earning money on video

If you are truly passionate about something, then create a YouTube channel and tell others about your passion.

Over time, popularity will come to you, and with it big earnings.


If you like to be creative and come up with something new, then try your hand at naming. Coming up with names and slogans for websites, companies and organizations.

Film Comments

This method of earning money will be of interest to those who like to watch movies on the Internet. Some online cinemas pay several rubles for a commentary on a film.

You can combine business with pleasure -


Do you like taking photos? Do you have an Instagram account? Turn it into a profitable business. I translated an article by a famous American marketer, in which he explains in detail how to turn your Instagram account into a profitable business.

Selling your recipes

Do you love to cook? You can make money from this. Take photographs of the process and send the photos along with the recipe to special sites.

Writing product reviews

Many online stores willingly pay for such services. Product reviews are a great way to make money and the job does not require much artistic talent or literary training, which makes it different from many other article writing jobs.

Here are some articles on this topic – –

Write sales texts

There is a huge demand on the Internet for high-quality texts on various topics. Start working as a copywriter. You can read about how much you can earn from rewriting.

Part time job

Walking pets

Walking a few dogs at the park during the week is a good way to have fun, get some exercise and meet new people, and make a little extra money on top of that.


If you are young and full of energy, you can work as a promoter. You will need to distribute leaflets and participate in product presentations.

All the subtleties and difficulties of work in this article -


You can earn some money in your free time from study or work by becoming a courier.

You can register as a courier on the Deliveryist website and you will receive tasks on your smartphone. What you need to do and how much they pay you will learn from this article -

If there is no Delivery Service in your city, then you may be interested in working as a courier in a pizzeria. Do you want to know the whole truth about this work?

Minor repairs

Whether you are good with computers or know how to fix plumbing, there are many people who need your help. I described where to find orders in this article -

Growing and selling your products

If you have your own plot of land, you can arrange

Or you can rent several hectares and organize

Become an entrepreneur

From the outside, all this seems very complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact, entrepreneurship is an ordinary job with its pros and cons.

Anyone can become an entrepreneur if they have the desire.

I have several articles on my website in which entrepreneurs talk about their experiences.


A simple cleaning business can bring in 120 thousand rubles per month. And you won’t have to drag out a mop, everything will be done by hired employees.


Another variant. You can take courses as massage therapists and earn 60 thousand rubles a month. How do you like this prospect?

Mikhail Vetyutnev kindly shared his experience as a massage therapist -


Maybe you have a good camera? You can make good money from photography. Yes, there is fierce competition now, and everyone has cameras in their smartphones, but there are still free niches where you can make money.

Own coffee shop

You probably thought, well, no, this is not for me, it requires a lot of money. You are wrong.

To start a mini-coffee shop you will need no more than 200 thousand rubles.

Andrey Timofeev says -

Profit per month reached 42 thousand rubles. After half a year, he recouped all costs.

Home business - manicure

After the divorce, the woman did not give up, but trained as a manicurist and created a successful home business.

Own pizzeria

Serious business with serious income.

To start, you will need about 400 thousand rubles. If you do everything correctly, you can count on a net profit of 120 thousand rubles per month.

Creation and distribution of advertising leaflets

You can offer companies the service of distributing advertising leaflets to the mailboxes of city residents.

It seems that this business is not very profitable, but in fact you can earn up to 70 thousand rubles a month from this.

Unusual ways to make money

What people don't make money from. Let me give you a few examples.


The work is not easy and requires certain character qualities from the sitter. But you can earn money quickly and no special knowledge is required.


There are meteorite hunters. Meteorites are very expensive and there are people who search for them.

If you are a creative and creative person, then these ways of earning money will be interesting to you.

Creative competitions

You can make short videos on a given topic and win cash prizes.

eYeka website

It is a free site with a community of over 250,000 authors from 154 countries. The site holds creative competitions in various fields: animation, video, graphic design, label and packaging design, illustration, script writing, creative writing, photography.

There is a lot of competition, but the prizes are very good.

For example, a competition:

Assignment: How can we convey the idea to Chinese youth that they can get a powerful boost of energy by taking a shower!


  1. Prize 4000 €
  2. Prize 2000 €
  3. Prize 2000 €
  4. Prize 1000 €
  5. Prize 1000 €

Ideas for cards

There are sites that pay for original card ideas.

If your idea wins, you will receive from $50 to $500.

Competitions on the Internet

You can find and participate in simple competitions held by site owners.

Most often this is a competition for the best commentator. Usually the winnings range from 100 to 300 rubles.

Model for Titigram

The startup Tittygram sells photos with messages on girls' chests. Naturally, female models also earn money.

The fee record set by one of the models is 15,000 rubles in one day.

What criteria are used to select models and technical requirements for photographs can be found in my interview with the founders of the service -

Web model

Working as a web model on a special website where female models communicate online with registered users and receive money for it.

Most of us are familiar with the law of supply and demand - if a product (or service) is available in large quantities, then it is cheaper and, conversely, the more unique the product (or service), the more expensive it is.

We don't apply the law of supply and demand in our own lives - in particular, our careers. For example, if you strive to do something that many other people are already doing (and doing it for free, as a hobby), then it will be more difficult for you to make money from it.

On the other hand, if you do something that most people don't want to do or do it better than everyone else, then you can make a lot more money.

If your goal is to earn enough money to retire early, you need to make earning money a priority, not job satisfaction.

If you plan to leave the rat race early, then you will have to do it anyway.

You should take a closer look at those types of jobs that pay a lot, but with difficult working conditions. If you can control your expenses while keeping them low for 10 years, you can build savings for a modest, early retirement or supplement your income. You will do what you really love and not have to worry too much.

But keep in mind that to achieve this, you will need clear goal setting and a strong will.

Recognize that time is money

This important advice was given by Benjamin Franklin, who was a talented American inventor, journalist, writer, diplomat and statesman.

Your ability to manage your time (and avoid wasting it) is an important component in your ability to make money.

If you are self-employed or employed, track what you spend your time on. Ask yourself: “Which of these activities help me make more money and which of them are a waste of time?”

Do more of the former and less of the latter, it's simple. When you focus on completing priority tasks, you will get the job done well and quickly.

By working efficiently, you give your employer or clients more time and they will appreciate you for it. Remember that time is a limited resource.

Raise your prices

If you provide a unique service (or product) that is in high demand, you should make good money. Unfortunately, there are many people who are too modest or afraid to demand appropriate compensation.

If you work for someone else, ask for a raise or a promotion, and if that doesn't work out, reconsider your career.

If you work for yourself, the first thing to do is make sure your clients pay on time - this in itself can significantly improve your income.

Check your prices and rates, compare with your competitors - are your prices lower? Why? If you provide a superior product (or service), you should charge at least an average price if your profitability depends on mass production.

Remember Murphy's Law: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” Make a plan, include all the calculations possible, then you can anticipate everything that can go wrong.

Then make a backup plan for each scenario. Don't leave anything to chance. If you're writing a business plan, do your best to estimate when you'll reach your break-even point, then multiply that timeline by three to get a more realistic date.

And after you have identified all the costs, add another 20% for costs that you cannot foresee.

Your best defense against Murphy's Law is to assume the worst and be prepared for it.

Redefining Wealth

After studying the lives of millionaires, people are surprised to learn that most millionaires are not doctors, lawyers and corporate bosses with big houses and expensive cars, but people who live below their income and invest their excess in assets rather than liabilities.

As you use the money-making techniques described above, keep in mind that increased income does not necessarily coincide with increased wealth.

Most people who flaunt their wealth actually have a low net worth because their debt ratio is high—in other words, they owe a lot more money than they actually have.

All the previous steps describe aggressive “how to make money” strategies, but you will never make money anywhere if you have holes in your pocket.

A ruble saved is a ruble earned

In fact, when you consider that you pay taxes on every penny you earn, you'll actually make more money by saving than by increasing your income, especially if the additional income dramatically increases your tax rate.

For example, let's say you have a choice between saving $100 or earning an extra $100. If you pay 10% tax, then when you earn $100, you may only receive $90.

But when you save $100 from your existing budget, you get the full $100.

Another opportunity to earn money is to take advantage of compound interest in savings accounts.

Over time, you will begin to earn money on your initial amount plus saved previous interest on that amount. It will be pennies at the beginning, but in the end the amount will increase exponentially.

Understand the difference between an asset and a liability

The dividing line is whether you put money in or out of your pocket. No matter how much you love your home, it is still a liability, not an asset, because you are putting more money into it than you are getting out of it (unless, of course, you resell or rent it out).

Regardless of the amount of money you manage to save, invest it in assets such as stocks, mutual funds - anything that generates interest or royalties.

Eventually, you may reach a point where your assets do all the work for you, and all you have to do is sit back and count the money!

Watch inflation, it gradually destroys your assets

Inflation makes today's money less valuable in the future. To win the race against time and inflation, learn to invest your money in the right places.

Savings accounts can help you keep up with inflation, but to stay ahead, you should invest in bonds, stocks or other investment vehicles that return funds above the average rate of inflation.

  • Save money. All the extra money you earn won't do you any good if you can't save.
  • Work to eliminate any debt you may have. If you have a large debt load, you are making money for someone else. The sooner you pay off your loans and debts, the sooner you will stop throwing money away
  • Start analyzing your decisions from the perspective of a business firm. In economics, the goal of a firm is to increase profits. Well-run firms spend money only when they expect a return on their investment and they allocate their resources to the most profitable niches. Of course, you are not a company and you think differently, but if you spend most of your money on investments that will give you a high return, you will earn more money and that is good news for the shareholders (you and your family).


  • Beware of schemes that promise instant riches! Millions of people still fall for such tricks. If something sounds too good to be true, it really is bad.
  • Don't lose sight of what's truly important to you in your quest for money. Sure, you can earn more if you work more, but will you and your family get satisfaction from that extra money?

Money can do a lot for you, but don't forget about your health - it's priceless.

useful links

In addition to the information above, I would like to recommend that you read the book by Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad, it is guaranteed to change your worldview and attitude towards money.

I also recommend subscribing to the channels of two millionaires - Oscar Hartmann And Evgeniy Chernyak. They interview successful entrepreneurs. See how people on the Forbes list act and think.