Remarketing and its strengths. What is remarketing? Be attentive to buyers

Remarketing(from English remarketing- reorganization) is a marketing technique consisting in a way of setting up advertising to attract users who have previously viewed advertisement Online. Remarketing is used to stimulate sales if demand for a product or service begins to fall for some reason.

Setting up remarketing is an important and effective tool for website promotion. According to research, about 85% of users who visit a website for the first time leave it without making a purchase. About 15% of users view displayed ads, half of them prefer ads that match their interests. It is important for users to receive advertising that is relevant only to them (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Remarketing example

Remarketing objectives: maintain or restore the relationship between the target audience and the brand or product. With the help of remarketing, you can “catch up” with a client who once visited the site and bring him back in order to sell him a product or service.

The purpose of remarketing is to increase sales, return lost customers, and ensure repeat sales (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Scheme of remarketing work

Rice. 3. Example of a reminder about a product in the cart

Rice. 4. An example of remarketing informing about a promotion

Rice. 5. Example of a site with banner placement options

Rice. 6. Example of an upsell module, website

With remarketing you can:

1. Remind site visitors that they added an item to the cart, but did not place an order (Fig. 3). 2. Tell us about your ongoing or upcoming promotions and advantageous offers (Fig. 4). 3. Remind the visitor to follow the link from the e-mail if he opened a letter with an interesting commercial offer, but did not take advantage of it.

  • text blocks
  • graphic banners (Fig. 5).
  • teasers
  • videos

Roman Klevtsov, CEO company:

“An advertising banner increases brand awareness, therefore, the number of requests for the brand and the number of visitors who come through the so-called type-in ​​traffic increases, when the transition to the site occurs through manual input V search bar. This certainly has a positive effect on the site’s position in search engines.”

Remarketing is used if:

  • demand for a product or service has decreased;
  • it is necessary to sell an expensive product or service that requires repeated contact with the target audience;
  • it is necessary to ensure cross-selling (increasing sales by focusing on existing customers who purchased the product) and upselling (offers additional services) for part of the target audience who have previously made a purchase (Fig. 6).

What results can you achieve with remarketing?

  • Increased sales to already attracted visitors;
  • Involving new audiences;
  • Return of departed visitors;
  • Increasing the effectiveness of other advertising channels (contextual advertising);
  • Improvement behavioral factors website;
  • Increase conversion.

In this article you will learn how to set up Google remarketing and what to consider when doing so. Here you will find useful tips with examples.

Standard remarketing

On the conversion path, the user added an item to their cart, visited the product page, but did not complete the target action. You show him ads on other sites through the Display Network (Google Display Network) and in mobile applications.

Example - a user visited the webinar page, but did not register, or was distracted by something. After a while Google time reminds him of this clearly:

It’s not enough to attract, it’s important not to overdo it and not scare away the audience. Avoid advertising burnout. For this:

  • For one ad group, upload multiple images from different designs and the message that they alternate.
  • Limit the number of times an individual ad is shown. You should not show the same banner to the user more than 5-7 times a day.

  • Reduce the number of impressions to one per day if you are new to Display Network. This way you will reduce untargeted traffic.

Do some sites bring too expensive conversions or not at all? Minus them in the “Placements” report:

Turn off sites that do not work for your goals - and get more conversions with the same budget + this is prevention.

After removing ineffective sites, you can increase the frequency of impressions.

These users are similar in behavior or other characteristics to target audience.

The principles and setup of similar audiences are in the article:

But this type of targeting is not enough for one campaign. Combine with other characteristics - online behavior, demographics, geography, etc. to target only those who are interested in your offer.

Another option is to target by . Google will only show ads on pages that are similar in topic to your offer.

Search remarketing

Types of Search Remarketing

1) Bid Only - adjust bids for different audiences from the remarketing list.

Raise them for former clients who are browsing your assortment. A person is more willing to buy where he has a positive experience.

Reduce the rate for those who have left the site many times without results. There may also be competitors among them.

2) Target&Bid - show the ad only to the remarketing list audience.

However, consider the following:

  • You shouldn’t take semantics from a regular search campaign. This reduces reach, clicks and conversions. Use keywords broad match and high-frequency phrases. Keep your list of negative keywords to a minimum. Since you limit the audience for impressions, you don't have to worry about attracting low-quality traffic.
  • Key phrase in the title and text is not enough. Offer a discount or promotion for B2C, a case describing the benefits of the product for B2B.
  • Exclude search remarketing audiences from regular search campaigns to avoid competition between different ads.

Remarketing lists for search ads Only available for Search Network Only - All Features and Search Network Only - Dynamic Search Ads campaigns.

Remarketing by email addresses (Customer Match)

You show ads to customers when they log in Google search engine, Gmail or YouTube.

This type of remarketing reaches users who have not been to the site for a long time.

The Customer Match type is especially suitable if the user:

  • I opened the offer letter, but didn’t buy anything;
  • Read the email chain but it didn't work for him;
  • Doesn't open emails;
  • Unsubscribed from the mailing list;
  • Takes a long time to make decisions (for large purchases).

You don't get boring potential client letters, but at the same time unobtrusively remind you of yourself.

Addresses of “established” clients should be excluded from campaigns so as not to waste your budget on them.

Dynamic remarketing

Suitable for companies with a wide range of goods or services (tourism, real estate, recruiting) and online stores. Automatic display ads catch up with the user after he has visited the product page.

To set up dynamic remarketing, create a basic feed in CSV format, TSV, XLS or XLSX. This is a list of all products with detailed information, For example:

  • Unique identificator;
  • Product name;
  • URL for posting;
  • Price;
  • URL of the image;
  • Final URL;
  • Tracking.

AdWords uses this data to calculate a more effective layout for specific user, placements and platforms.

Upload Feed: Shared Library / Business Data / Dynamic Display Ads Feed:

Read how to create a feed for Google.

An exception is that you upload the product feed of online stores to .

Next step- add a tag with custom parameters(Shared Library/Classrooms).

For correct operation I need the dynx_itemid identifier. It shows users in dynamic ads the products they viewed on the site.

Tag example AdWords remarketing with a special parameter in Google Tag Manager:

Remarketing for mobile applications

The principle is simple: visitors to your mobile site or application see ads on other mobile sites and in other applications.

For this, there are two types of remarketing lists (this is a list of identifiers mobile devices).

List of all application users

All you need to do is link your AdWords and Google Play accounts. Owner Google account Play approves the link and the remarketing lists appear in the shared AdWords library:

They update automatically every time someone installs or uninstalls an application.

List active users applications

How to create it - in the section “How to set up remarketing”.

Remarketing for videos

By analogy with Display Network and the search network: you create lists of users who watched videos on your YouTube channel. And you show ads to them in other sections of the video portal, on Display Network websites, in applications, etc.

You can set up impressions on one channel or on individual videos within it to reach a specific audience.

Let's say you're promoting online training. You can target those users who watched the speaker’s address, but have not yet seen the video advertising the training, where you offer to register for it.

The number of lists is not limited. You can also copy default lists.

How to set up remarketing

Step 1: Add remarketing code to your site

Install Google AdWords remarketing tag or use modified code Google Analytics. If you use both methods, you can create audiences in both systems.

How to set up remarketing in Google Analytics

This allows:

  • Consider the behavior and goals of site visitors;
  • Quickly create audiences using scripts and ready-made templates"Solution Galleries".

Open the Admin panel in Google Analytics. From the Tracking Code menu, select Data Collection:

In the remarketing settings, activate data collection and save the changes.

If you installed Google Analytics using , enable data collection in your account settings. If directly on the site, after activating remarketing, replace the GA tag.

Go to the “Tracking code” item and copy the script:

Insert it on all pages of the site before the closing tag.

How to do this in the new AdWords interface, see for more details.

Step 2: Create Remarketing Audiences in Google AdWords

Google offers these types of audiences:

Site visitors

In the window that opens, specify the conditions for selecting the audience for displaying advertising. You can customize lists based on browsing history, such as targeting ads to users who visited the Contact page.

You can estimate the size of the list. This means that the Display Network allows you to broadcast advertising to an audience of 100 active users over the last 30 days.

Application users

Fill out the listing information. Then upload the CSV file containing your mobile device IDs to your AdWords account. Format - CSV. File size - no more than 100 MB. Each line contains only one identifier.

Download and save the list. This takes up to 3 hours - it can be tracked in the “Audiences” section. Add a list of mobile app users to your campaign.

Update your mobile device ID lists at least once a week to keep them current.

List of clients

Upload your contacts file in CSV format:

Set the expiration date for the remarketing list. The system recommends 30 days, maximum 540 days.

YouTube users

First tie YouTube accounts and AdWords. Linked accounts/ YouTube Channels.

Then select the channel you want to link.

Once your video or channel reaches 100 users, you can use this list to display ads and target campaigns.

Step 3: Create Remarketing Lists in Google Analytics

For this you can use the data:

  • Visiting pages;
  • Conversions;
  • Demography;
  • Devices from which users accessed the site;
  • Behavior on the site;
  • Date of first session;
  • Traffic sources.

For example, we set up a list based on the user's goal.

Administrator panel. From the Resource menu, select Audiences.

Add a new audience:

Select the Google Analytics view from which to pull your audience data. Next, specify which AdWords account to grant access to this data.

Can choose necessary condition in the Audience Editor:

In the window that opens, enter the retention period for data about audience members. Immediately you see the predicted coverage.

How to create remarketing audiences in the Solutions Gallery

Using the template from the Gallery, you can quickly create 20 remarketing lists at once.

To import ready-made templates:

  • Select a suitable template from the list;
  • On the Audiences page, click the Import from Gallery button.

When importing a template, select the Google Analytics view in which you create your remarketing lists. Please tick the appropriate lists. Specify which AdWords account to create them in:

Import Google Analytics Lists into AdWords

Another step is the connection between the analytics system and the advertising account in AdWords.

In the “Administrator” tab in the resource settings, click on the “Connection with AdWords” link.

Check the box required account and click Continue.

Enter a name for the account link, click “Select All” and link the accounts.

Data in your accounts will appear within a day after setup.

Step 4. Set up a remarketing campaign in Google AdWords

Campaign-level settings are no different from regular display campaigns: specify budget, bidding strategy, language and geotargeting.

Create an ad group and target your remarketing list.

The entire algorithm is described in the article.

You can exclude irrelevant audiences, for example, users who spent less than 10 seconds on the site. To do this, find the "Audiences" menu, go to the "Exclusions" tab and exclude audiences at the level of a specific campaign or ad group.

Now - tips for using Google remarketing.

Explore the Time to Conversion report

A tool for planning a remarketing strategy by audience and evaluating effectiveness. Before you launch remarketing, estimate the time between the first click and conversion. This will show how long you need to participate in a specific remarketing list in order to “catch people” and return them to the site faster.

Look for the report in your AdWords account: Tools / Attribution in search network/ Paths / Time to conversion:

He analyzes different types conversions separately from each other.

You can change the “History Window” for a different level of detail. Visit this tab a couple of months after launching remarketing and see if you were able to speed up the conversion process.

Eliminate RLSA listings

Typically, the idea of ​​not targeting users who have already taken steps toward conversion is daunting. However, this is an opportunity to focus on new visitors.

When registering, the user reaches specific page. If you create a remarketing list based on this attribute and exclude it from impressions, you will not pay for clicks from users who are already familiar with the site. They can visit it through advertisements if they don’t remember the address, and this is an additional unjustified expense for you.

Create remarketing lists with referral and mailing URLs

When creating a remarketing list, you can select the “Referral URL” option to create a list of users who came from other resources: VK, Facebook, Avito, etc.

Use this to track your conversion path and show users relevant ads.

Or track conversions to a specific mailing letter and create remarketing lists based on them.

Test smart lists

Smart Lists are a type of remarketing list that Google Analytics creates based on your conversion data. The service calculates how likely a particular user is to convert on a repeat visit.

How does this happen? Google analyzes locations, devices, browsers, referral URLs and other information daily and selects whose characteristics match the users who made a purchase/order.

This increases conversions and eliminates the need to revise audiences yourself.

Consider sharing audiences with other companies

This is done, for example, Insurance companies and tour operators. Agreeing to share remarketing lists between AdWords accounts is an additional strategic option. Google sends both parties forms to fill out and sign.

Do not forget to edit the personal data processing agreement so that users know exactly where you are using information about them.

Manage prices effectively

AdWords calculates the best bid for each impression based on online user data if you select an automatic bidding strategy. Shared Library / Batch Bidding Strategies:

This allows you to win ad auctions with favorable prices. Access to auctions is free.

Automatic update of application user lists

Add event tags to provide information about user actions joined AdWords. This allows you to create lists with automatic update. For example, users who opened the application in the last 7 days started performing an action, etc.

1) From the Tools / Conversions menu, select the in-app events that you want to track as conversions.

2) Make sure AdWords is serving your ads to the target audience.

Method 1: Set up a server-to-server feed in your analytics tool mobile applications or tracking package.

Method 2: Add new conversion tracking and remarketing tags to your app.

Available remarketing lists depending on the chosen method of adding tags:

3) Check the functionality of the tags.

You can verify that tags have been added correctly using the Tag Checker tool in the Shared Library section. This tool shows you which apps send remarketing data to AdWords, as well as the data they send.

Finding a tag checking tool is very easy:

  • General Library/Classroom Manager;
  • “Audience Sources” tab;
  • Click Details to see what data the tag collects;
  • If it is not in the tool or the remarketing lists do not contain users, then the tag does not work and you will not be able to create a campaign. Follow steps in step 2.

High conversions to you!

Surely you have already encountered similar situation: you visited one online store, and now, when searching online for the necessary product (for example, a refrigerator), you began to be pursued by promotional offers from this site - related products, another cheaper refrigerator, promotions, and so on. Offers appear in the form of banners, contextual advertising and even videos. And if you also made a purchase on this site, then offers are pouring in not only throughout the network, but even by email and telephone. This “attack” is possible using a tool called “remarketing.”

So, what is remarketing? This is a powerful mechanism internet marketing, the main purpose of which is to re-appeal to users who have already visited your site, but for some reason left the site without completing a specific targeted action. Remarketing makes it possible to finalize an unfinished target action and even stimulate a repeat action.

If you dig deeper, this tool is the strongest means of influencing interested audience. But in order to really effectively manipulate visitors, you need to pull the right strings! To do this, you need to clearly understand: why, to whom, how and when yours should be shown advertising message. Otherwise, you can cause a negative reaction from users to your offer and the brand as a whole.

With development information technologies remarketing has penetrated our phones, email and to all corners of the Internet. There are a huge number of ways to use each of these areas. This article will talk about Google service AdWords, which allows you to run remarketing advertising campaigns in contextual media Google network on tens of thousands of sites with multi-million audiences, and more recently on the Google search network. Detailed instructions You can read how to set it up in the Google AdWords help.

It all seems so easy: read the help, set up remarketing advertising campaigns and you’re done – sales come one after another. Not so! Simple internet user will not always be able to distinguish remarketing from regular marketing advertising campaign, but professionals very often encounter mistakes made by advertisers in using this tool.


We have already looked at the main problems of remarketing in the article “”, but now we propose to analyze each of them in more depth.

  1. Often advertisers they forget to set a limit on impressions for one user. Let's say you had the temerity to accidentally click on a real estate site for sale in Kaluga. You realized that you were mistaken, you immediately left the site - but for a whole year they have been trying to sell you a wooden house on the street. Gas. Of course, such advertising begins to evoke negative emotions on the part of the user.
  2. Excessive intrusiveness in completely inappropriate cases. Let's say you bought a smartphone Samsung Galaxy S3 in one of online stores, and for some reason the marketers of this store think that one phone is not enough for you, and they offer exactly the same one. And if it’s also for a promotion, then it becomes completely offensive. In such cases, remarketing has the exact opposite effect. However, if this online store offered you a special case for a purchased smartphone, then perhaps he would have acquired a regular customer.
  3. It is also a common case when advertising offer is completely irrelevant. For example, in October 2012 you chose a New Year's tour to ski resort in Bukovel, and in the summer of 2013, when it’s time to bask on the beautiful beaches of Bulgaria, you are persistently lured to celebrate New Year in some fancy restaurant. The demand for this offer is already zero, and advertising is still ongoing. Thus, the advertiser not only works at a loss, but also causes surprise and then irritation on the part of users.
  4. Sometimes advertisers choose incorrect time period in remarketing lists. A remarketing list is a set cookies those users who have already visited your site. Let's say you buy an expensive designer bag: you saved for a year, took out ten loans, and finally make the purchase. And the very next day they try to sell you a magnificent bag that you have always dreamed of, but at an even higher price. The average person can’t pamper himself like that every day. But if they offered you small accessories until your next paycheck, and a month or two later they offered you a newfangled collection of bags, the store would gain the trust of another customer.
  5. It is also a serious mistake using one common remarketing list for all site visitors. For example, if you chose spare parts for a KIA car, then, most likely, in the future you may again need parts for this particular car, but for some reason you are directed to a huge catalog of spare parts for completely different cars. And again you have to search for the required brand on the website. It turns out that the advertiser is not at all interested in your preferences.

© Thongwattana

There are still many errors that can be found, but for Ukrainian advertisers there is still a small excuse - in our country, the options for setting up remarketing are limited. In order to set everything up correctly and take into account the preferences of almost every site visitor, it is necessary to manually enter each list in a long and tedious manner. Often the above errors arise due to the patience of the advertiser for such painstaking work.

However, in some countries, for example, in Russia, it has already become possible to automate this process. Moreover, some Ukrainian companies found a way to bypass the system and using foreign accounts carry out remarketing in Ukraine with all the functions and advantages available in it.

Be attentive to buyers

Despite the complexity of setting up remarketing, to begin with it is better to focus only on the target audience and gradually segment it depending on their behavior on the site and interests. In the future, you can use secondary audiences. You need to have a clear remarketing strategy and a number of unique trade offers for each audience segment. In this case, you can use this tool really effectively. Let's give an example of a successful remarketing strategy, focusing on the experience of Western advertisers.

The visitor came to online store, and he was most interested in three things. That is, he spent the most time on three sites, studying information about three specific products. But for some reason he left without making the purchase. Information about the preferences of such a visitor was included in the remarketing list. Then, when visiting other sites on the Internet, he is shown a banner with exactly those products that interested him most. This presentation of information unobtrusively encourages you to make a purchase. This scheme most effective for goods with deferred demand. If within a few days the specified visitor has not made a purchase of one of the advertised products, the banner stops pursuing him. And through certain time he will be offered new products and current promotions. In such a situation, the user subconsciously develops trust in online store, since the appeal goes specifically to him.


This strategy is implemented using dynamic remarketing, which automatically “pushes” products to the banner based on certain criteria of visitor behavior on the site. In Ukraine, unfortunately, this function is not supported. To implement a similar strategy for online store with traffic of more than 100 people per day, it is necessary to develop many unique banners daily and register many unique lists, which for some topics will never collect the number of cookies required to run (more than 100 for one list). Therefore, most Ukrainian advertisers have to create general lists with one or two general promotional offers, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of this tool internet marketing.

Despite all the power of remarketing, it must be handled very carefully, since if configured incorrectly (or inappropriate web analytics), it can work not to benefit the advertiser, but to the detriment. Therefore, before using this tool in practice, you need to carefully consider the strategy for its use so as not to harm your business.

According to MasterCard statistics, about 70% of visitors leave the site by abandoning their cart. The reasons may be different: something distracted you from making a purchase, the Internet froze, the person did not want to fill out a long registration form, etc. But internet marketers have powerful tool, allowing you to return lost customers. It has two names - remarketing and retargeting. In essence, they are the same thing, with almost imperceptible differences in functionality.

Both tools solve the same problem - reapply to the user of your resource with a reminder that he has already visited your site and encourages him to commit certain actions. Moreover, ads are shown on sites that the user visits, in mail, and on social networks.

Remarketing is set up in Google, and retargeting in Yandex. It is quite natural, given that Google and Yandex still differ from each other, the algorithm and forms for applying each of the functions are also somewhat different.

Features of setting up remarketing and retargeting

Google Adwords

IN Google Adwords You can set up search and display remarketing. To enable remarketing, you need to collect a database of users who visited the site, but for some reason “forgot” to perform the action expected of them, for example, make a purchase. Google Adwords allows you to collect such lists. You can select all visitors at once or only those who visited only a specific section or page. You can create multiple lists.
Setting algorithm:

  • In the “Shared Library” panel, select the “Audience” section.
  • In the “Site Visitors” menu, select “Set up remarketing” and enter the parameters you need.
  • Select “Remarketing tag” - “Tag information” - “Settings”.
  • Copy the tag code in the “View AdWords tag for websites” subsection and add it to the pages of your site.
  • In the “Campaigns” section, select “Create a campaign” - “+campaign”.
  • Select “Contextual display advertising only” and check “No marketing purposes” and save the settings.

Remarketing starts working as soon as the audience reaches 100 people.


Retargeting in Yandex.Direct can be configured for each ad separately. But we recommend creating separate campaigns for retargeting to make it more convenient for you to view statistics in Direct, Metrica and Callibri.
To use the tool, you need to link your Yandex.Metrica and Yandex.Direct accounts and install a Metrica counter on each page of the site.
Retargeting setup algorithm:

  • Create goals in the Metrics counter. They depend on the type of your business and challenges. For example, you sell spare parts for foreign cars and have launched a promotion for the sale of summer tires. The target will be all users who visited the page “ Summer tires" You can create up to 200 targets for one counter.
  • Create in Metrica the audience segments to which you want to display ads. Proper use of this setting allows you to highlight your target audience. There are more than 50 of the most different conditions, attributes and criteria: transitions by traffic sources, geography of visits, age of visitors and their interests, having achieved a certain goal, etc.
  • In the Direct interface (under the list of campaigns), click “Audience selection conditions” + New condition and select the Metrics segment or create a segment right here, selecting achievement/non-achievement of Metrics goals.
  • On the ad creation page, in the “Audience selection conditions” section, select the created segment.