Other social networks except VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Detailed catalog of social networks

This article discusses several key resources by functionality, target audience and main focus.


The essence

The main goal of such a service is to make Internet communication between users remote from each other as simple as possible.

Some of these sites operate only within one country or are popular with a certain language segment, others have an international format and people from different countries are registered on them.

Principle of operation:

  • Creating a page or account;
  • In it, he may or may not indicate his interests, hobbies, place of work and study, place of residence and other data;
  • Using site search, integration with or phone number, account in others, he can find other people he knows;
  • You can also find people who share the same interests and hobbies as the person you register;
  • Now you can easily communicate with these people, and to simplify this process, you can add them as friends;
  • After registration, he can also use other additional functionality.

Communication via CC is available only to registered members, although information from some groups is also available for reading by people who are not registered on the site.

Only the person who has an account, or only the one who is added to Friends (depending on the page), can write to you personally.

Advice. When registering, pay great attention to your privacy settings. It depends on them who will be able to see your page on the Internet, who will be able to write to you and see your photos.


  • Microblogging. The most famous option is where users make small text notes in real time. Sorting is carried out mainly using hashtags (keywords written in the #keyword format);
  • Acquaintance. Created for people who want to find a partner for one purpose or another. Examples are Tinder, Grindr, Mamba, etc. Depending on what type of dating she is targeting, her profiles may be detailed or contain only key information;
  • Photos. The services seem to be designed for posting photos; a profile in them requires a minimum of information. In addition to the function of posting photos, you can carry out personal correspondence. Navigation is also done using hashtags;
  • Video. Not too common yet, especially in Russia, most. It has the same operating principle as Instagram, but users post videos rather than photos. They are especially good because they are convenient for organizing live broadcasts;
  • Communication. Widespread in Russia (VK and are popular, at the global level -). They allow you not only to find friends and communicate with them, but also to post photos, videos, join groups, etc.

Depending on the type, they have one or another target audience.

Thus, it was statistically revealed that the majority of Snapchat and Instagram users are under 35 years old, while the majority of Odnoklassniki’s audience is 40+.


The main goal of SS is to organize convenient communication for people. This is achieved in several ways:

  • Dialogues is a format of personal correspondence in which you can write a message to any user who does not have this feature disabled. At the same time, such correspondence is strictly confidential and is seen only by you and your interlocutor;
  • Conversations or Chats– this is correspondence, created on the same principle as dialogues, but you can add an unlimited number of people to it;
  • Commenting– a comment can be left under any photos, microblog entries, etc., unless this option is disabled;
  • Microblogging, Walls and other services for posting posts on your account that all your friends see (or a specific list of them, depending on the settings);
  • Groups, public pages and other methods for uniting by interest, in which a topic is created for discussion (like outdated forums).

Almost any service provides the opportunity for personal correspondence, but it is social networks such as Facebook and VK that make such correspondence especially convenient.

Media files

Some services also allow you to upload and distribute various non-personal media files. Thus, VK actively operates the My Videos service.

The user can choose a movie that interests him among thousands of downloaded ones, save it to his page, tell his friends about it by sharing it on a microblog, etc.

Facebook carefully monitors compliance with copyright and does not allow the distribution of feature films.

You can only upload short videos that you have shot yourself; you can also share them from other services.

A similar situation arises with music.

While there is an extensive library of audio files, songs and audio books, it does not allow the downloading of non-personal audio recordings.

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without virtual communication. Proof of this is the numerous social networks in which more than 60% of all Russians are registered. Chatting with friends, business negotiations, watching movies and much more has now become available on one site. In this article you will learn about the most popular social networks on the Runet and how to create your own account on them.

What is a social network?

A site on which you can create a personalized page is called a social network. The first online communication resource was created in 1995 in America under the name Classmates. It became the prototype of the future Russian-language Odnoklassniki website.

The real boom of social networks began in 2003, when the most popular services appeared - Facebook and MySpace. This phenomenon came to Russia several years later under the banner of the well-known VKontakte website. Since then, the number of users who have created their own accounts has only grown, increasingly displacing real communication.

Free social networks have helped take human communication to a new level, which is supported by high technology. After all, ten years ago no one could have thought that the Internet would replace real meetings and phone calls.

However, everything is not as rosy as it might seem at first glance. By registering on social networks, most people are running away from the real world. After all, in virtual reality you can put on a mask, try on a new role and be bolder. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this in everyday life. Just a few years after the advent of social networks, numerous cases of psychosomatic disorders were recorded among users.

In addition, the danger of communicating on the Internet lies in the dissemination of personal and contact information. After all, anyone can find all the information about another person and use it for their own selfish purposes. Therefore, before registering online and posting information about yourself, you should think about whether this is really necessary.

The most popular network on the Runet is VKontakte.

The most popular social network on the Runet was founded in 2006 by web developer Pavel Durov. However, for the first year, registration on the site was available only to university students at St. Petersburg State University after confirmation of real data. But after identification on the network, it became available to everyone. Every year VKontakte only becomes more popular, and today the number of daily visitors has exceeded 70 million.

In order to become a member of the largest portal in Europe, you need Internet access and a mobile phone. Registration is carried out on the official website "VKontakte". The social network offers you to fill out a short form containing personal and contact information, after which you need to confirm your actions with a one-time code from an SMS message. Previously, registration was available without entering a mobile phone number, but with the advent of a huge number of fake pages, some restrictions were introduced by the VKontakte administration.

The social network opens up enormous opportunities for its participants. Immediately after registration, you can fill out your profile, upload photos and start searching for acquaintances, friends, relatives and work colleagues. Thanks to the site, you can always stay in touch with loved ones, listen to music, watch movies and just have a good time.

At the moment, VKontakte offers its members not only new developments among popular applications, but also internal currency. This will optimize the work of numerous online stores and help develop an economic culture within the project.

Mail.ru, or "My World"

This social network was created based on the Mail.ru search engine in 2007. At the moment, the resource is one of the three most popular sites for communication in the Russian-speaking segment. In 2014, the list of social networks Mail.ru was supplemented by the VKontakte resource, whose shares were sold by Pavel Durov.

The advantage of the Mail.ru portal, whose social network is available for registration to everyone, is its many convenient functions. For example, a global search engine, a question and answer service, weather, news, browser applications and much more. All this makes staying on the project as convenient as possible for work and entertainment. But the first place among all the portal’s services is occupied by “My World”.

The social network offers not only communication with friends, but also finding new acquaintances in communities, keeping abreast of world events and listening to your favorite music. Statistics show that the site is visited by more than 30 million users every day. The list of social networks is rightfully headed by Mail.ru. After all, it was she who managed to gather the maximum number of users on one resource.

Odnoklassniki.ru - a social network for finding old friends

The Odnoklassniki social network also owes its appearance to the company Mail.ru, which created it based on the prototype of the American Classmates website of the same name. The project was launched in March 2006 and continues to operate successfully to this day.

The resources "VKontakte" and "My World" are very similar to the site Odnoklassniki.ru. The social network also allows you to chat with friends, share photos and read news feeds. In addition, the site has many applications with games that will help brighten up your leisure time and take a break from everyday worries.

However, the main difference is the contingent of OK users. The social network is aimed at finding old friends and acquaintances. Accordingly, finding an army colleague or a former colleague on the site will not be difficult. Statistics show that young people aged 14 to 30 prefer to use VKontakte, while the older generation spends time on the Odnoklassniki website. The network was originally created to search for those with whom a person once sat at the same desk or skipped classes a long time ago. Apparently, this is why an unspoken rule of age division has formed on the Internet. And if you cannot find any person on VKontakte, then use the search on the Odnoklassniki website. The network has a convenient filter that allows you to indicate age, place of residence and work, hobbies and much more.

Entertainment resource "Photostrana"

The entertaining social network "Photostrana" is more reminiscent of a dating site than a portal for finding friends and relatives. The project has about 50 million users, the vast majority of whom are residents of the CIS countries.

Many note that the design of the American resource Facebook became the basis for creating the interface of the Photo Country website. The social network is indeed similar to its Western counterpart, although it is not as popular among RuNet users.

Most of the features on the site are paid. For example, in order to maintain your profile on the service, you need to constantly send paid SMS messages, otherwise your rating will rapidly fall. The system also offers you the opportunity to have your own pets and install various applications for communication and entertainment.

It should be noted that the resources “VKontakte” or “Odnoklassniki” are absolutely free, unlike the “Photostrana” site. The social network has not gained much popularity among Internet users. According to the majority, it is nothing more than another siphoning of money.

Blogging platform from Yandex

Social media lists generally do not include blogs. Although it was the blog that was originally created for online communication and information exchange. The Ya.ru service is a product of the largest search engine Yandex, which occupies a leading position in the Russian Internet.

Anyone can start their own online diary, to which only users of the system will have access. Thus, only his registered friends can read the author’s posts and leave comments.

A blog-based social network has its advantages, since a personal page is more like a full-fledged website. In addition, some blogging platforms allow users to subsequently purchase domains containing their content. This is especially true for bloggers with thousands of subscribers.

Registration on "Ya.ru" is free. After a simple identification procedure in the system, all functions from Yandex, including the electronic mail service, become available to the user.

Share your opinion on "Otzovik"

This project is a large social network for consumers. We all buy certain products every day, but we don’t even think that our opinion can help someone. The founders of the Otzovik project offer this opportunity to everyone. In addition, the opinion of each user is paid. This unique system has made the site very popular among housewives and young mothers who strive not only to communicate, but also to earn money on the Internet.

Registration on Otzovik is free. Simply indicate your mailbox address and WebMoney wallet number. Reviews with a large number of photos and voluminous text pay the highest.

On the site you can also invite acquaintances and correspond with friends, post personal photos and learn a lot of new things about products, services, new movies and music. For activity, the system accrues an additional coefficient, which subsequently affects the amount of payments. On average, active participants can earn up to 5 thousand rubles monthly, of which more than half of the amount will be passive income from viewing reviews by other participants. Today, not a single social network pays its members for communication on the site, so Otzovik is rightfully considered a unique resource.

Free social network "Privet.ru"

Not the most popular site for communication on the Runet, as confirmed by the official lists of social networks. However, those users who are registered on Privet.ru find the resource very convenient and functional. Lots of extensions, setting up a personal account, a lot of music and communities for communication - here there is everything that a real social network should have.

"My Page", which is the main section on the site, has various templates, which allows you to change the interface. This function is currently not available on any other communication resource. For example, to change the VKonakte interface, you need to install a special browser plugin. And even after installation, the changes will be visible only to the user himself, while on “Privet.ru” all friends can see the page design. The social network also allows you to share your news with the world, post photos and exchange comments.

Unfortunately, due to the unpopularity of the site, not many people register on it and the chance of finding a friend or former classmate is very low. If the project developers start promoting it and popularizing it among Russian-speaking users, then Privet.ru has every chance of becoming a popular social network in the CIS countries. It is possible that in the future the project will be able to compete with such social networks as VKontakte or Moi Mir.

Blog LiveJournal

The blogging platform LiveJournal, or, as it is commonly called, “LJ” (“Live Journal”), appeared back in 1999. Back then, no one knew about social networks, and people expressed themselves online through personal blogs. At the moment, bloggers not only share their ideas with the world, but also make good money from it by placing contextual advertising, referral links and affiliate program offers on their pages.

On the LJ website you can publish your own posts, create communities, share useful information and read articles from other users. Moreover, registration on "LiveJouranl" is absolutely free. When requesting popular phrases, almost all Runet search engines return articles with “LJ” on the first pages of the search. It should be noted that ordinary social networks are not so adapted to key queries, and it is much more difficult to find any information on them.

However, the site’s rating dropped significantly after 2011, when the resource administration began blocking users for biased reasons. Over the course of several years, the accounts of famous journalists, politicians and social activists were closed. High requirements for censorship of content on LiveJournal have caused users to switch to other resources, where control of the material posted is not so strict. For example, “My World” is a social network in which everyone can express their point of view on a particular issue. In most cases, the site administration will not ban him for this.

Foreign social networks

The lists of Runet social networks are also supplemented by foreign resources, on which a huge number of Russians are registered. The most popular of them is Facebook. It was this site that was taken as the basis for the current VKontakte. Facebook is an international social network where users from all over the world communicate. Registration in the system is free, but activation of the phone number and confirmation of passport data is required.

The MySpace website does not have a Russian interface, like, for example, Mail.ru. The social network is aimed exclusively at the English-speaking segment of users. Therefore, Twitter and Instagram are more popular among the Russian-speaking population. These resources allow you to post your photos and short posts online, which only your friends can see. The social network Instagram, for example, has gained enormous popularity thanks to filters that allow you to transform any image into colorful pictures. Registration on both sites is absolutely free and does not require user identification, as on “OK”.

The social network opens up many opportunities for Internet users. Now you can contact anyone via the Internet, and you don’t even need to know their phone number. Thanks to social networks, users open online stores and run their own businesses, find distant relatives and forgotten friends, make acquaintances and even start families. However, despite all the conveniences of high technology, we should not forget about real communication, which no computer program can replace.

Social networks have become a part of the lives of Internet users. Many people have no idea how they lived before they appeared. And now they devote all their free time to communicating with virtual friends. Therefore, startupers and developers are trying to create new ones, become leaders in the network and even overtake Facebook. Every year new projects appear, both for mothers and housewives, as well as for admirers of literature and music. Today there are six interesting social networks that are worthy of your attention.

And although it seems that existing social networks will always be popular, in reality this is not true. For example, not long ago the social network Instagram was created and in a short time it gathered a huge audience. By the way, instead of Instagram you can use an interesting online service. A large number of interesting online services are gradually being created around popular sites.

New social network #1 - Bookish.

On the social network you can discuss your favorite literary works and buy books. The network was created with the support of large publishing houses - Simon & Schuster, Hachette Book Group and Penguin Group. The main goal of the project is to unite the author of the book and the reader. On the social network you can read excerpts from books, interviews with authors, as well as user reviews. If a user is interested in a book, he can purchase it; he just needs to follow the link to local stores or Amazon. The network interface is very convenient, which allows you to find the author you like by any means. But Bookish will only be useful for English-speaking users and “reading enthusiasts.”

The network database consists of two million books, as well as four hundred thousand pages with information about the authors.

New social network No. 2 - Fancy.

While this social network is popular in the United States, few people know about it in other countries. However, this service is growing quickly. And this is expected, since the creators and. Users are encouraged to search for unique items online, collect them in a specific location, and make purchases. Thus, the Fancy network is both a blog, an online store, and a community of like-minded people who follow fashion, buy designer items and jewelry, and also collect photographs of exotic countries. The user can not only exchange images, but also buy those things that are captured on them. There are not many visitors yet, only about 250 thousand registered users. However, the popularity of the network is growing, as the team has developed not only a web interface, but also mobile applications for iOS and .

New social network No. 3 - Icebergs.

For now, the service is just getting ready to launch, so if you want to become a member of the network, leave a request for testing. But it is not yet known when the project will start.

New social network No. 4 - Medium.

Twitter developers decided to open a new social network. It was created so that each user can evaluate their information contribution. That is, you offer content to the network, such as photos, and Medium collects similar data from other users. Anyone can add information or view it. The network issues messages by rating, and not in the traditional chronological order. The content is divided into collections, each with templates and themes for downloading materials. Authorization occurs via Twitter. Therefore, any microblog user can place a post in a thematic collection.

New social network #5 - Vine.

So far this service does not look like a full-fledged social network, but perhaps it will soon become so. Currently, this is an application for mobile devices with which you can create short six-second videos. This service was acquired by Twitter back in October last year, but it only launched in January 2013. About 100 thousand users use the service. But it also appealed to corporate clients. Popular brands are starting to take a closer look at the new service.

New social network No. 6 - Zeen.

Interesting video about new social media.

Communication on social networks has long become commonplace for modern Internet users. In the vastness of the global web, people solve many issues, share their experiences, demonstrate joyful moments, and follow the events taking place in the lives of their family and friends. This demand for social networks has not gone unnoticed by software developers. It’s not surprising, because everyone wants to promote their product, get a decent profit and universal recognition.

We present the rating of the most popular social networks that have a large audience of users in the world for 2017. In the ranking, I mainly refer to statistics from gs.statcounter.com, which tracks such sites as: Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, StumbleUpon, YouTube, Twitter, reddit, Digg, MySpace, NowPublic, iWiW, orkut, Fark, Delicious, VKontakte, Hi5, Yahoo! Buzz, Vimeo, Mixx, FriendFeed, Hyves, Bebo, Tuenti, Kaboodle, Odnoklassniki. To learn more about their methodology, go to.

Since some sites (for example Odnoklassniki), taking into account their methodology, do not fall into the charts, the article will also use statistics for the Runet gs.seo-auditor.com.ru. Attention! Their statistics vary greatly. This is due to different methodology. The former measure social media usage based on page views (rather than unique visitors).

The second graph shows the numbers as of June 2017:

We see that the VKontakte indicator has dropped significantly. Interestingly, according to these statistics, Twitter took its place. See how the statistics changed during the year.

  • Ukrainians.co
  • Nimses.com
  • WEUA.info

TOP popular social platforms in Russia

As of June 2017:

According to gs.seo-auditor.com.ru, whose methodology is different, the popularity figures as a percentage are:

The most popular social networks in Belarus

There are also two leaders in Belarus: VKontakte and Facebook.

Moreover, at the end of the year, VK lost to FB and they swapped places.

Statistics on the popularity of social networks in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan's users spend most of their time on Facebook:

Moreover, VKontakte also lost a little position here at the end of the year:

Kazakh Internet users are consistently loyal to the video aggregator Youtube.

Figures and trends in the World

The permanent world leader in statistics gs.statcounter.com is Facebook again:

Pinterst takes second place and is actively gaining popularity, primarily due to its new feature.

Twitter is as always positively stable. Although his news feed is much more attractive now.

According to the table, the number of network users around the world per month is:

Social network Monthly Visitors
Facebook 2,000,000,000
YouTube 1,000,000,000
Instagram 700,000,000
Twitter 313,000,000
Reddit 250,000,000
Vine (In January 2017, The Vine became the Vine Camera) 200,000,000
Pinterest 150,000,000
Ask.fm 160,000,000
Tumblr 115,000,000
Flickr 112,000,000
Google+ 111,000,000
LinkedIn 106,000,000
VK 90,000,000
ClassMates 57,000,000
Meetup 30,300,000

As you can see, the leaders have a big lead.


Almost 2 billion visitors per month.

The social network, founded by young businessman Mark Zuckerberg, is a confident leader among similar services. Every month, about two billion people from different parts of the planet use this resource for various purposes. Such demand among the world's population obliges Facebook to adapt to each user. Therefore, today there are more than 60 language versions of this web resource so that people from different countries have the opportunity to communicate with each other. Despite any ups and downs and financial crises, Facebook is successfully developing, attracting an increasing number of subscribers. And the founder of the Internet network, taking advantage of the growing popularity of his brainchild, never tires of donating the proceeds to charity, thereby further winning the love of Internet users.


(more than 300 million visits per month)

Interest in Twitter is explained by the ease of use of this service, as well as the speed of display of messages. There is nothing easier than registering on a social network page and immediately getting into the thick of things, learning the latest news, sharing your opinions with other people, etc. Twitter was founded two years later than Facebook, but is already confidently breathing down the back of the recognized leader. This social network is popular in many countries of the world, not only in the vast expanses of post-Soviet states, but also far beyond their borders.


(more than 100 million users per month)

This web-based system is especially in demand among businessmen. This love of entrepreneurs from all over the world can be explained quite simply: using this online resource, you can successfully promote your business, make useful contacts, look for employees in different parts of the world, and also receive orders from partners living far from them. Here you can easily post your resume or job advertisement, find companies whose job profile matches your interests, and much more.


(approximately 150,000,000 monthly)

In this ranking of world leaders, Pinterest occupies a worthy position. Although, according to the number of Pinterest users in the 7th position in the table, it is quickly gaining popularity. And most likely, residents of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries will soon include this social network in the leading list, since it has sufficient potential.


700,000,000 visitors visit Instagram every month.

The Instagram resource gained popularity thanks to the thoughtful management of Facebook owners. They were the ones who bought the rights to this social network and made it one of the favorites.

In addition to those already mentioned, I would like to pay special attention to other social services that are included in some lists of the most popular social networks. We are talking about the Youtube web resource (a billion registered users), which ranks second. In addition, it is worth mentioning VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, one of the most favorite communication platforms used by residents of the CIS countries. Now Ukraine is not included in their list, since the mentioned social networks are blocked by providers on the territory of the state; such a decree was signed by the president of the country.

It is also worth mentioning Viber, WhatsApps, Telegram and other social resources, which are present in various ratings.

A large selection of all kinds of social networks forces their owners to constantly develop, and users only benefit from such competition. The main thing is that the competition is fair and healthy, using only open (and legal) methods of fighting for a place in the sun. And consumers will decide for themselves which social network to give preference to.

Social networks with the largest number of users

  • Created: October, 2010
  • Founders: Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger (later joined by others)
  • Number of accounts: 200,000,000

Brief Description: It is said that some normal people use this application to share their photos and videos with their friends. However, overextended guys with an inflated sense of self-importance were even more delighted with the new enticement, which allowed them to share with the whole world the appearance of their lunch, dinner, carpet, toilet and slippers.

9th place. Classmates

  • Created: March, 2006
  • Founders: Albert Popkov
  • Number of accounts: 205,000,000

Brief description: they say that among domestic social networks, Odnoklassniki ranks first in terms of the amount of downloaded pornography. Odnoklassniki is also remembered for its paid registration from 2008 to 2010 (you could only create a stripped-down demo version of the account for free). Average age of users: about 30 years.

8th place. Tumblr

  • Created: 2007
  • Founders: David Karp
  • Number of accounts: 210,000,000

Brief description: social network for bloggers. You write a blog, post pictures and reveal your amazing inner world to others. Your friends do the same. To encourage each other in this difficult task, you can like and comment on individual elements of revealing individuality.

7th place. Badoo

  • Created: November, 2006
  • Founders: Andrey Andreev
  • Number of accounts: 220,000,000

Brief description: perhaps the most popular international dating site, which includes all the elements of a social network.

6th place. LinkedIn

  • Created: May, 2003
  • Founders: Reed Hoffman
  • Number of accounts: 225,000,000

Brief description: business social business network. The site interface is available in 20 languages. Representatives of about 200 different countries are registered on the network. Users have the opportunity to leave a resume, find a job, publish lists of available vacancies, search for information about various enterprises, establish business contacts, share information about upcoming conferences, business meetings, visits, etc. In a word: boring. And no "Funny Farm".

5th place. In contact with

Brief description: of course, this social network is no worse than others. But it is annoying solely because of the meaning it plays in the minds of schoolchildren and teenagers: in the most clinical cases, you can admire real network addiction. Zhiza... Characteristically, the creator of the century, Pavel Durov, retired in the spring of 2013 and now has only a “historical” relationship with Vk.

4th place. Sina Weibo

Brief description: It’s easy to be a popular social network if your homeland is China. Sina Weibo combined the functions of Facebook and Twitter, targeting Chinese audiences. The Chinese said “Ni hao!” and since then they have been living together. By the way, this is the only social network from our rating that does not have a Russian interface.

3rd place. Twitter

2nd place. Google+

Number of accounts: 540,000,000

Brief description: the funny thing is that many of your opponents of social networks have become involved in the Google+ sect. And it all started harmlessly: with the acquisition of a tempting mailbox from Google. Its attractiveness lies in the following: firstly, it ends on kosher worldwide.com, and secondly, as a nice bonus, each user receives virtual storage on Google Drive.

And so you use your email, upload a couple of photos, +1 the posts of your friends and quietly laugh at the losers who have been sucked into social networks.

What’s interesting: Google named privacy as one of the main principles of its work (this is already funny). At the same time, the information that the user posts, sends/receives by mail, directly affects the results of search queries. Google says it's personalization, but George Orwell says big brother is watching you O.O