Remarketing is a Google Adwords contextual advertising tool. Examples. What is remarketing? Its goals and objectives

As it turned out, there are quite a few of them. And this time we will deal with remarketing.

What is remarketing?

Remarketingis a set of methods aimed at increasing falling demand. The demand for a particular product may fall for several reasons. In this situation, the manufacturer is required to apply and use a variety of marketing technologies to restore the previous level of demand.

For this purpose, the products are given any new characteristics or properties. Once admitted, they can put a toy in a bag of corn sticks. Now “old” products are able to satisfy other needs. Johnson’s Baby shampoo previously positioned itself as a children’s hair wash, but today, due to remarketing, this shampoo is aimed not only at children, but also at adults. Now, according to the advertisement, this shampoo will make your hair “baby soft.”

primary goal remarketing is to increase sales volumes. This is a kind of development of new ways of communicating with a potential audience to ensure a kind of sales, return former buyers to the necessary products to make a repeat purchase.

Key tasks remarketing is aimed at restoring or maintaining the relationship of potential consumers with a brand or specific product for further purchase. Remarketing is able to gain the attention of the consumer after a certain period of time, in a completely different place, to “catch up” with the alienating buyer and bring him back.

When is remarketing necessary?

Remarketing should be used in the following situations:

  • when demand for products decreases by reviving declining sales volumes;
  • when selling complex or expensive products that require repeated communication with potential consumers;
  • when there is a need for cross-selling and upselling to customers who previously made a purchase.

Using other methods of communication, remarketing provides the opportunity to continue consumer contact with the product. Let's say, through remarketing, a potential client will notice a new brand of car after visiting a car dealership, for example, in a newspaper with a mention that only during a specified period a car can be bought with a certain discount. Or, using the consumer’s interest in a specific product, you can convince him of the need to purchase any accessories or additional products. It is remarketing that will notify the consumer about the need to purchase this product.

In this article you will learn how to set up Google remarketing and what to consider when doing so. Here you will find useful tips with examples.

Standard remarketing

On the conversion path, the user added an item to their cart, visited the product page, but did not complete the target action. You show him advertising on other sites through the Display Network (Contextual Media Display) Google network) and in mobile applications.

Example - a user visited the webinar page, but did not register, or was distracted by something. After a while Google time reminds him of this clearly:

It’s not enough to attract, it’s important not to overdo it and not scare away the audience. Avoid advertising burnout. For this:

  • For one ad group, upload multiple images from different designs and the message that they alternate.
  • Limit the number of times an individual ad is shown. You should not show the same banner to the user more than 5-7 times a day.

  • Reduce the number of impressions to one per day if you are new to Display Network. This way you will reduce untargeted traffic.

Do some sites bring too expensive conversions or not at all? Minus them in the “Placements” report:

Turn off sites that do not work for your goals - and get more conversions with the same budget + this is prevention.

After removing ineffective sites, you can increase the frequency of impressions.

These users are similar in behavior or other characteristics to the target audience.

The principles and setup of similar audiences are in the article:

But this type of targeting is not enough for one campaign. Combine with other signs - online behavior, demographics, geography, etc. to target only those who are interested in your offer.

Another option is to target by . Google will only show ads on pages that are similar in topic to your offer.

Search remarketing

Types of Search Remarketing

1) Bid Only - adjust bids for different audiences from the remarketing list.

Raise them for former clients who are browsing your assortment. A person is more willing to buy where he has a positive experience.

Reduce the rate for those who have left the site many times without results. There may also be competitors among them.

2) Target&Bid - show the ad only to the remarketing list audience.

However, consider the following:

  • You shouldn’t take semantics from a regular search campaign. This reduces reach, clicks and conversions. Use keywords broad match and high-frequency phrases. Keep your list of negative keywords to a minimum. Since you limit the audience for impressions, you don't have to worry about attracting low-quality traffic.
  • Key phrase in the title and text is not enough. Offer a discount or promotion for B2C, a case describing the benefits of the product for B2B.
  • Exclude search remarketing audiences from regular search campaigns to avoid competition between different ads.

Remarketing lists for search ads Only available for Search Network Only - All Features and Search Network Only - Dynamic Search Ads campaigns.

Remarketing by email addresses (Customer Match)

You show ads to customers when they log in Google search engine, Gmail or YouTube.

This type of remarketing reaches users who have not been to the site for a long time.

The Customer Match type is especially suitable if the user:

  • I opened the offer letter, but didn’t buy anything;
  • Read the email chain but it didn't work for him;
  • Doesn't open emails;
  • Unsubscribed from the mailing list;
  • Takes a long time to make decisions (for large purchases).

You don’t bore your potential client with letters, but at the same time you unobtrusively remind them of yourself.

Addresses of “established” clients should be excluded from campaigns so as not to waste your budget on them.

Dynamic remarketing

Suitable for companies with a wide range of goods or services (tourism, real estate, recruiting) and online stores. Automatic display ads catch up with the user after he has visited the product page.

To set up dynamic remarketing, create a basic feed in CSV format, TSV, XLS or XLSX. This is a list of all products with detailed information, For example:

  • Unique identificator;
  • Product name;
  • URL for posting;
  • Price;
  • URL of the image;
  • Final URL;
  • Tracking.

AdWords uses this data to calculate a more effective layout for specific user, placements and platforms.

Upload Feed: Shared Library / Business Data / Dynamic Display Ads Feed:

Read how to create a feed for Google.

An exception is that you upload the product feed of online stores to .

Next step- add a tag with custom parameters (Shared Library / Audiences) to the site pages.

For correct operation I need the dynx_itemid identifier. It shows users in dynamic ads the products they viewed on the site.

Example of an AdWords remarketing tag with special parameter in Google Tag Manager:

Remarketing for mobile applications

The principle is simple: visitors to your mobile site or application see ads on other mobile sites and in other applications.

For this, there are two types of remarketing lists (this is a list of identifiers mobile devices).

List of all application users

All you need to do is link your AdWords accounts and Google Play. Owner Google account Play approves the link and the remarketing lists appear in the shared AdWords library:

They update automatically every time someone installs or uninstalls an application.

List active users applications

How to create it - in the “How to set up remarketing” section.

Remarketing for videos

By analogy with Display Network and the search network: you create lists of users who watched videos on your YouTube channel. And you show ads to them in other sections of the video portal, on Display Network websites, in applications, etc.

You can set up impressions on one channel or on individual videos within it to reach a specific audience.

Let's say you're promoting online training. You can target those users who watched the speaker’s address, but have not yet seen the video advertising the training, where you offer to register for it.

The number of lists is not limited. You can also copy default lists.

How to set up remarketing

Step 1: Add remarketing code to your site

Install the Google AdWords remarketing tag or use a modified one Google code Analytics. If you use both methods, you can create audiences in both systems.

How to set up remarketing in Google Analytics

This allows:

  • Consider the behavior and goals of site visitors;
  • Quickly create audiences using scripts and ready-made templates"Solution Galleries".

Open the Admin panel in Google Analytics. From the Tracking Code menu, select Data Collection:

In the remarketing settings, activate data collection and save the changes.

If you installed Google Analytics using , enable data collection in your account settings. If directly on the site, after activating remarketing, replace the GA tag.

Go to “Tracking Code” and copy the script:

Insert it on all pages of the site before the closing tag.

How to do this in the new AdWords interface, see for more details.

Step 2: Create Remarketing Audiences in Google AdWords

Google offers these types of audiences:

Site visitors

In the window that opens, specify the conditions for selecting the audience for displaying advertising. You can customize lists based on browsing history, such as targeting ads to users who visited the Contact page.

You can estimate the size of the list. This means that the Display Network allows you to broadcast advertising to an audience of 100 active users over the last 30 days.

Application users

Fill out the listing information. Then upload the CSV file containing your mobile device IDs to your AdWords account. Format - CSV. File size - no more than 100 MB. Each line contains only one identifier.

Download and save the list. This takes up to 3 hours - it can be tracked in the “Audiences” section. Add a list of mobile app users to your campaign.

Update your mobile device ID lists at least once a week to keep them current.

List of clients

Upload your contacts file in CSV format:

Set the expiration date for the remarketing list. The system recommends 30 days, maximum 540 days.

YouTube users

First tie YouTube accounts and AdWords. Linked accounts/ YouTube Channels.

Then select the channel you want to link.

Once your video or channel reaches 100 users, you can use this list to display ads and target campaigns.

Step 3: Create Remarketing Lists in Google Analytics

For this you can use the data:

  • Visiting pages;
  • Conversions;
  • Demography;
  • Devices from which users accessed the site;
  • Behavior on the site;
  • Date of first session;
  • Traffic sources.

For example, we set up a list based on the user's goal.

Administrator panel. From the Resource menu, select Audiences.

Add a new audience:

Select the Google Analytics view from which to pull your audience data. Next, specify which AdWords account to grant access to this data.

Can choose necessary condition in the Audience Editor:

In the window that opens, enter the retention period for data about audience members. Immediately you see the predicted coverage.

How to create remarketing audiences in the Solutions Gallery

Using the template from the Gallery, you can quickly create 20 remarketing lists at once.

To import ready-made templates:

  • Select the appropriate template from the list;
  • On the Audiences page, click the Import from Gallery button.

When importing a template, select the Google Analytics view in which you create your remarketing lists. Please tick the appropriate lists. Specify which AdWords account to create them in:

Import Google Analytics Lists into AdWords

Another step is the connection between the analytics system and advertising account in AdWords.

In the “Administrator” tab in the resource settings, click on the “Connection with AdWords” link.

Check the box required account and click Continue.

Enter a name for the account link, click “Select All” and link the accounts.

Data in your accounts will appear within a day after setup.

Step 4. Set up a remarketing campaign in Google AdWords

Campaign-level settings are no different from regular display campaigns: specify budget, bidding strategy, language and geotargeting.

Create an ad group and target your remarketing list.

The entire algorithm is described in the article.

You can exclude irrelevant audiences, for example, users who spent less than 10 seconds on the site. To do this, find the "Audiences" menu, go to the "Exclusions" tab and exclude audiences at the level of a specific campaign or ad group.

Now - tips for using Google remarketing.

Explore the Time to Conversion report

A tool for planning a remarketing strategy by audience and evaluating effectiveness. Before you launch remarketing, estimate the time between the first click and conversion. This will show how long you need to participate in a specific remarketing list in order to “catch people” and return them to the site faster.

Look for the report in your AdWords account: Tools / Attribution in search network/ Paths / Time to conversion:

He analyzes different types conversions separately from each other.

You can change the “History Window” for a different level of detail. Visit this tab a couple of months after launching remarketing and see if you were able to speed up the conversion process.

Eliminate RLSA listings

Typically, the idea of ​​not targeting users who have already taken steps toward conversion is daunting. However, this is an opportunity to focus on new visitors.

When registering, the user reaches specific page. If you create a remarketing list based on this attribute and exclude it from impressions, you will not pay for clicks from users who are already familiar with the site. They can visit it through advertisements if they don’t remember the address, and this is an additional unjustified expense for you.

Create remarketing lists with referral and mailing URLs

When creating a remarketing list, you can select the “Referral URL” option to create a list of users who came from other resources: VK, Facebook, Avito, etc.

Use this to track your conversion path and show users relevant ads.

Or track conversions to a specific mailing letter and create remarketing lists based on them.

Test smart lists

Smart Lists are a type of remarketing list that Google Analytics creates based on your conversion data. The service calculates how likely a particular user is to convert on a repeat visit.

How does this happen? Google analyzes locations, devices, browsers, referral URLs and other information daily and selects whose characteristics match the users who made a purchase/order.

This increases conversions and eliminates the need to revise audiences yourself.

Consider sharing audiences with other companies

This is done, for example, Insurance companies and tour operators. Agreeing to share remarketing lists between AdWords accounts is an additional strategic option. Google sends both parties forms to fill out and sign.

Do not forget to edit the personal data processing agreement so that users know exactly where you are using information about them.

Manage prices effectively

AdWords calculates the best bid for each impression based on online user data if you select an automatic bidding strategy. Shared Library / Batch Bidding Strategies:

This allows you to win ad auctions with favorable prices. Access to auctions is free.

Automatic update of application user lists

Add event tags to provide information about user actions joined AdWords. This allows you to create lists with automatic update. For example, users who opened the application in the last 7 days started performing an action, etc.

1) From the Tools / Conversions menu, select the in-app events that you want to track as conversions.

2) Make sure AdWords is serving your ads to the target audience.

Method 1: Set up a server-to-server feed in your analytics tool mobile applications or tracking package.

Method 2: Add new conversion tracking and remarketing tags to your app.

Available remarketing lists depending on the selected method of adding tags:

3) Check the functionality of the tags.

You can verify that tags have been added correctly using the Tag Checker tool in the Shared Library section. This tool shows you which apps send remarketing data to AdWords, as well as the data they send.

Finding a tag checking tool is very easy:

  • General Library/Classroom Manager;
  • “Audience Sources” tab;
  • Click Details to see what data the tag collects;
  • If it is not in the tool or the remarketing lists do not contain users, then the tag does not work and you will not be able to create a campaign. Follow steps in step 2.

High conversions to you!

Probably every Internet user has noticed that advertising is “getting smarter” with a frightening, almost supernatural speed. In fact, as soon as you visit the site once, its advertising begins to literally haunt you. Of course, there is no mysticism in this - it’s just effective application such a marketing technique as remarketing (or retargeting).

What is remarketing

Essentially, remarketing is personalized banner advertising, i.e. advertising aimed at a specific user after he visits some sites that use this technology. Remarketing allows you to show advertisements to users who have already visited your site or used your application in order to return potential customers. From regular banner advertising Remarketing technologies are characterized by deeper personalization, which is based on the user’s recent activity on the Internet. Thus, more likely to coincide with your latest interests.

The main goal of remarketing, like any other advertising technology, is to increase Important factor What makes remarketing effective is that such advertising is less likely to cause irritation or rejection.

How is remarketing different from retargeting?

In general, the concepts of “remarketing” and “retargeting” are identical. Both of these technologies are powerful online marketing mechanisms provided respectively by Google AdWords (in the case of remarketing) and Yandex. Direct (in the case of retargeting). The difference is only in the name and a little in the functionality, which is still broader in Google AdWords. But their operating principle is the same: you go to a site that uses technology AdWords promotion or "Direct"; then the advertising of this site begins to “pursue” you; You, unable to stand it, click on the banner and - voila! - become a client of this company.

How does remarketing work?

In order to use remarketing technologies, when developing a website, you need to embed a small piece of java code into it that does not affect the performance of the resource. This is necessary so that each time you enter the site, the server creates anonymous cookies and sent them to visitors' browsers. Users usually don't even know it, but as they continue to use the Internet, advertising providers place your ads on the pages they visit.

Remarketing technologies in practice

Here are some examples of remarketing. In 2016, a small hotel company halved its outdoor advertising costs and used the savings to use the remarketing services of the display network. As a result, the volume of orders increased significantly and profits increased. The interesting thing is that when investing in contextual advertising 28 thousand rubles, the company received more than a million profit.

In addition, to point out striking examples of remarketing, it is enough to recall any popular online store. In these cases, the use of this online marketing tool allows you to increase the popularity of the brand, stimulates multiple visits to the site, and also increases ROI.

Benefits of Remarketing

  • Attracting customers who are ready to make a purchase. AdWords services allow you to provide the user with information about your company either after he visits your site or after he enters search query, one way or another relating to the services you provide. In any case, he will most likely see your advertisement at the very moment when your ad can interest him as much as possible.
  • AdWords allows you to customize user lists based on the focus of your advertising. For example, you can select a separate list of visitors who added an item to the cart, but for some reason did not make a purchase.
  • Breadth of coverage. Google AdWords turns into yours potential clients users of more than 2 million Internet resources and mobile applications.
  • Effective price management. Using online auctions, AdWords technology calculates the most favorable price For advertisement taking into account information about the user who will see it. Access to auctions is free.
  • Access to campaign statistics allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising.

Depending on demand, marketing can be:







Supportive Marketing

Remarketing – marketing used to restore demand if it falls, changing the properties of a product, penetrating new markets.

The reasons for the fading of demand for a particular product or service can be either temporary - seasonal dynamics, fashion, or permanent - completion life cycle products.

Demarketing – is used in conditions of excessive demand for its product in a situation where demand exceeds supply, and there is no possibility to increase production volume.

Task: search and application of ways and methods that help reduce demand (increasing prices, temporarily stopping advertising).

Synchromarketing – used in the presence of seasonal, daily or hourly fluctuations in demand.

Task: smoothing demand through flexible prices.

17. Pricing policy of the enterprise. Types of prices. External factors pricing process. Pricing strategy.

Pricing policy of the enterprise– this is a set of activities and strategies for managing prices and pricing; the ability to set prices for goods and services that correspond to production costs and also satisfy the buyer, bringing profit to the manufacturer.

To the region pricing policy enterprises included:

1. Issues of wholesale and retail prices.

2. All stages of pricing.

3. Tactics for determining the initial price of a product.

4. Price correction.

Types of prices: 1. Wholesale prices of the enterprise – these are the prices at which an enterprise sells products to a wholesale buyer (consists of the cost of production and the enterprise’s profit)

2.Wholesale trade prices – these are the prices at which a wholesale intermediary sells goods to a retailer (includes cost, profit and supply and sales discount)

3.Retail price – This is the price at which the product is sold to the final consumer.

External factors in the pricing process include:


Market environment (characterized by competition in the market)

Pricing Strategy – This is the choice by an enterprise of a strategy according to which the initial price of a product should change with maximum success for it in the process of conquering the market.

There are different strategies:

1. Skimming strategy - involves first selling the product at a very high price. high price, then for the middle class, and ultimately for the mass consumer level.

2. The price increase strategy is effective when the demand for the product is growing steadily, competition is minimized, and the buyer recognizes the product.

3. Strategy of strong penetration, sliding price and preferential price.

Determining the original price of a product includes 4 main methods of determination:

1. Cost method - based on the orientation of prices on production costs.

2. Aggregate method - this method calculates the price as the sum of prices for individual elements of a product, as well as the price of a common block and a premium (discount) for the absence or presence of individual elements.

3. Parametric m. - the essence is that from the assessment and correlation of the qualitative parameters of the product its price is determined.

4. Pricing based on current prices (price is set depending on prices for similar products)

Types of marketing: conversion, stimulation, development, support.

Conversion– used in conditions of negative demand, when a significant part of the market does not accept the product and may even pay a certain price for refusing to use it. The task of conversion marketing is to change the negative attitude of consumers towards a product by redesigning the product, making it more effective promotion and price reduction.

Stimulating- associated with the availability of goods and services for which there is no demand due to complete indifference or disinterest of consumers. The incentive marketing plan must take into account the reasons for this indifference and identify measures to overcome it. They use sharp price reductions, increased advertising campaigns, PR

Developmental– used in conditions of hidden demand.

Objective: Estimate the size of the potential market and develop effective products to turn potential demand into real demand.

Supportive– is used when the level and structure of demand for goods fully corresponds to the level and structure of supply.

The main types of marketing: undifferentiated, differentiated, concentrated, complex and interconnected (communicative).

Undifferentiated– marketing, developing in the 50s of the XX century. – did not provide for dividing the market into segments, i.e. produced goods for the entire population.

Differentiated– developed in the 60s of the 20th century, provides for dividing the market into segments.

Concentrated– its meaning lies in placing emphasis on the least studied and covered market segment, trying to satisfy its needs as much as possible.

Complex– marketing mix, it is considered as a management system by elements (product, price, product, place, promotion)

Interconnected (communicative) – Attention is drawn to the fact that the marketing function should go far beyond the marketing service and extend throughout the organization (covers all personnel).

The role and types of situational factors in purchasing decisions.

All consumer situations can be divided into three main groups: communication situations, purchase situations and purchase use situations.

Communication situations is the exchange of information in personal or non-personal communications.

TO personal communications refers to the exchange of consumer information with a seller or other consumer. Advertising and press publications are non-personal communications.

Purchase situation- these are the circumstances of consumers purchasing a product.

Situational factors at the time of purchase are very important. When considering the influence of the purchasing situation on consumer behavior, it is first necessary to determine what role plays information environment and time.

Use situation are the conditions in which consumption occurs. For a number of products, purchase and use occur almost simultaneously - these are transport, hairdressing services, fast food services.

For other products, consumption is separated from purchase physically and in time.

Situational factors influencing consumer behavior:

The main situational factors are:

Physical environment;

Social environment;

Purpose of consumer behavior;

Previous condition.

Physical environment– this is the geographical location, design, sounds, lighting and color design, weather, appearance goods.

Social environment – it is the presence or absence of other people during consumer decisions. Interaction with other people influences the purchase of clothes, drinks, and food.

Temporal characteristics of the situation associated with the moment of behavior (for example, time of day, day of week, month, season). The choice of store depends on its opening hours and the time the buyer reaches it.

Purpose consumer is what a person must achieve or accomplish in a given situation.

Previous condition- These are transitory states of the individual.

The buyer's needs are stimulated by mood. Good mood associated with active shopping around the store and impulse purchases. The current condition of the buyer can be assessed by the degree of fatigue, illness, presence large quantities money or, conversely, lack of it. The buyer's condition depends on the events that preceded the situation, for example, from visiting other retail outlets on the way to a specific store.