Personal landing page. Examples of selling landing pages. Landing Page Examples

A large number of The sites that are on the RuNet are very monotonous, and it is always necessary to create something new, unusual, and attention-grabbing. This time I decided to write an article not just about another effect on the site, but to show how these effects can be combined within one large project. It's very important that your site doesn't look like a collection of meaninglessly popping up different sides animations. I would like to present to your attention a selection of the 10 best interactive Landing Pages that are worth paying attention to.

I talked about where to start when learning how to create websites, and landing pages in particular, in a small mini-course: .

So, here is a selection of 9 landing pages where you can get inspiration:

Selection - the best interactive Landing Pages

1 Fixed Group

An excellent option for a site where you can’t even move the mouse, and you will immediately see the block with content distorted in response. Space slowly “floats” behind. Transitions also cannot leave you indifferent, because they all happen with interesting effect, and it seems that each of the blocks is “cut” into two halves.

2 Fubiz

On this site, nothing appears when you scroll, but there are a lot of elements here: drop-down lists, color changes, appearance additional elements and descriptions. No harsh effects, everything is done in uniform style. I recommend paying attention to the effects; some of them can be applied to your projects.

3 Vimeo

This project should already be familiar to you - it is a professional video hosting service. But this page talks about the possibility of editing video directly from mobile device. But I want to focus on the effects that occur when scrolling the page. First there is a decrease background image in the header, and then appears in the phone. Very attention-grabbing, isn't it?

4 Black Negative

A distinctive feature of this site over all others is its non-standard scrolling. As you may have noticed, it is horizontal. Also, movement occurs by dragging content to the left. But what’s even more impressive is the number of effects in each block: , , and vertical scroll blocks. The video in the background is a little confusing, but still everything is done quite original and unusual.

5 Super Top Secret

Here I want to draw your attention not to the hover effects, but to the background. After the site has fully loaded, when you move the mouse cursor, streaks appear in the background, like water. Also, with a click, stains are created, and this effect makes an excellent impression. You won't see this on every site.


As you scroll, various icons and headings appear (draw) on the page. Without realizing it, you begin to look at the drawing process and wait for what will appear there at the end, thereby reading the text that was drawn. If you are interested in how it is created this effect and you want to create the same effect on your website or landing page, then study these articles: and.



What attracted me to this site were the hover effects. Although the site was created in a modern minimalist style, 3D objects are very beautifully combined here: opening postcards, the movement of objects on the postcard. Also note

Design development landing page the “I want it like his” principle remained in 2014, when the effectiveness of the selling page was revealed to the maximum, and companies realized that with the help of a landing page they can not only quickly sell a product/service, but also reveal themselves from a creative point of view. Modern landing pages are not only a selling structure, but also an excellent opportunity to create a WOW effect in a visitor, to admire the idea of ​​the page and its implementation.

If you don't want to bother, you can download the prototype " perfect landing page page" and create a page based on the rules, write a title, offer, advantages and benefits, insert a trust block and a button with a call to action and go to sleep with the thought that the work has been done to perfection. But if you want to exceed the expectations of your target audience, and let’s face it, your own expectations too, then use the landing page examples that we considered the best.

All 9 examples, collected from the Internet, we thought were cool. Simplicity, consistent with the landing page principle, convenience and consideration of the basic requirements inherent in the landing page, make examples of selling Landing pages highly converting.

Example of a selling site No. 1

The first landing we'll look at has an incredibly attractive and stylish design, however, a poorly thought-out marketing component and copywriting. On the first screen we see a bright banner without any unique selling proposition, the emphasis is on a bright photo. When visiting a one-page website, it is initially unclear whether it is dedicated to one unique product or an entire series, which confuses the client at the initial stage.

Each person has a specific goal, why he needs a product or service. In this block we will observe dry selection criteria, but not the final need. At the same time, “from and to” indicators can confuse the client. In this case, it is better to focus on maximum characteristics. Describing a product in the style of “brevity is the sister of talent” raises a certain question about competence.

The essence of the block should be to obtain advice from a professional who knows everything about the product and is ready to give proper advice about the product depending on the client’s operating conditions.

It’s hard to imagine how the simplest landing block can be made so complex and incomprehensible. In addition, texts need to be written in the style of addressing the client. Not “leave a request”, but “leave a request”.

Landing page example No. 2

Cool landing page structure, corporate design and amazing work by the marketer made this landing page our favorite. It is clear that the client took a responsible approach to the selection of videos and photos for the development studio. On the first screen we see a unique selling proposition, several needs and criteria have been completed. The most powerful and beautiful element is video instead background, which reveals the essence of training and the equipment of the gym.

Interest is sparked by the criteria.

Professional and bright photos and video materials further fuel interest in the service.

We “pressure” the visitor with a number of advantages and cover the needs, arouse “desire”.

The logical final part of the AIDA structure is the “action” block.

Example landing page no. 3

Unique picture, stylish insert with USP, navigation menu, bright design the first block and a title in the style of an appeal in general combination make you want to sign up for a trial training session. A button with a call to action also contributes to this. The navigation arrow is missing, which should indicate that there is also new information below. The next block is advantages in the form of criteria. Made in the form of icons with a brief description.

An excellent solution was to place a block with a call to action with a discount offer and a time limit. Photos inspire confidence in the visitor, motivate, and are also an unusual and stylish addition to the design.

An excellent block with motivation for the first lesson. The big minus is the character of a different nationality.

An example of a landing page demonstrates the style and conciseness of the design, but, at the same time, motivates the reader to the main action due to the absence of distracting details and minimal colors.

Landing Page Example #4

A good landing page developed by our web studio, which can become a role model and inspiration for other developers and clients. The one-page website reveals the problem of the target audience (in our case, women with large breasts), and immediately solves it through a high-quality offer.

Each block is an exact hit to the pain of the target consumer. Immediately behind it is the correct and competent solution to clients’ experiences based on their discomfort.

A bonus for both the visitor and the landing page in terms of lead generation is a block of benefits and advantages, supplemented with real photographs that clearly demonstrate the result.

A great way to communicate benefits not only verbally, but also visually. Thus, all information is perceived better.

Social proof uses two powerful marketing elements. A video that once again puts pressure on the problem and talks about the benefits of properly selected underwear.

And a photograph of the company director with his address to the client.

A large amount of negative white space, due to which attention is concentrated on the content, as well as a fairly simple design of the content, create the impression of a stylish and modern design. The landing page is captivating with its concept and converts visitors into clients thanks to competent marketing.

Landing page example #5

A stylish example of a landing page focused on selling a service - the design and construction of luxury private houses and cottages. The landing page was developed according to the AIDA marketing strategy - a classic that tirelessly demonstrates its effectiveness.

Each block demonstrates A complex approach marketer, copywriter and designer. Powerful and motivating calls to action, original and stylistic graphic images and the selling text do not leave the visitor a single chance except to cause him to take the action that is expected of him.

The main goal of a one-page website is to form a positive impression of the company and its reputation, which becomes the main motivator for the target audience, which is wealthy consumers. This group of target audience is less interested in the issue of price, more interested in the image and capabilities of the performing company. Therefore, the landing page aims to highlight the benefits of a construction company.

In total, with the help of this selling one-page website, the consumer is provided with a solution to his problem in finding a reliable and professional contractor. The landing page fully reveals all the strengths of the company, which become a motivator for cooperation.

Example of a successful landing page No. 6

Here is an excellent example of a beautiful and functional landing page. Modern design with thematic pictures, designed in a combination of dark and light tones with bright accent inserts creates a pleasant impression of nobility.

This landing page has distinctive feature, which is rarely used by other developers. It reveals the issue of price as much as possible, inviting the user to independently choose the price range, having considered the options that he can afford.

This is a very convenient and practical function that visually shows the user online all the offers that are suitable for the price. Another advantage of a one-page website is its focus on all the requests of the target buyer. Using this landing page, a visitor can get advice, place an order, get an idea of ​​the cost of a kitchen set, and also receive an estimate for their order. Each opportunity comes with a call to action.

Overall, the project inspires confidence in the company. And this is the main thing that a one-page website offering services should form for a potential buyer. After all, it is based on trust in the performer that the client turns from potential to real.

Landing page example #7

We chose this landing page example because it is fundamentally different from the usual traditional one-pagers.

The site is dedicated to the milk delivery service. But it is made in a comic form and is aimed only at a small group of the target audience.

After reading the storytelling, which is where the one-page page begins, it becomes clear that it is aimed at young people who are interested in slang.

There is no selling structure and elaboration of problems here, as can be seen in the previous beautiful examples landing pages. However, the message of the site is clear and interesting, so the landing page itself has a place.

A large amount of information content, which is presented “for fun” to make you smile, is complemented by an audio playback function, which also adds humor to the page. But, scrolling a little lower, we see a block with a call to action, typical of “classic” selling landing pages.

There is no social proof, no block of trust, no blocks of advantages and benefits. But there is a recipe for cutlets :-)

It’s difficult to say about the effectiveness of this landing page. What is obvious is that the page is interesting, with excellent design and “school” humor. And despite the fact that such projects - a rare event in the field of Internet marketing, they are worthy of existence, as they will definitely find their audience.

Example of a selling site landing page No. 8

An example of another of our work that deserves attention. The landing page sells a service for selling or renting mobile stands/photo zones. With the help of this one-page page, a potential client finds all the answers to his questions.

An excellent solution for those who want to understand the service in detail. Eat unique photos for each category of service, the cost of each with the ability to immediately select the one you are interested in. For those who could not make a choice, the landing page offers an individual order service indicating personal requests, formatted as a call to action.

The benefits block focuses on the convenience of cooperation.

The block of benefits is complemented by a block of company advantages, which together create a powerful motivation for the client to act.

An interesting design decision that combines white and dark gray with red elements to create a stylish aftertaste when viewing the landing page. Unlike other landing pages that work on the problems of the target audience, offering their solution, this project reveals all the advantages of the company’s services, and also helps the client find answers to all his questions.

Example landing page No. 9

This landing page, which was developed by our web studio, holds the visitor’s attention from the first turn of the screen and motivates him to action. Landing page, dedicated to the sale of design and construction services, opens up a lot of opportunities for the client. This is confirmed by the form feedback, allowing you to immediately order an individual project or download free example project.

When choosing a contractor, a potential client needs the reputation and experience of the company. It is on this information that the consumer forms benefits for himself.

A special bonus for the visitor is real photographs of projects created by the company. Bright, beautiful and attractive photos become a plus for the visitor’s trust.

Next is the block of “goodies”. That bonus that competitors rarely offer is the opportunity for the client to look at the houses built by the company with his own eyes. This service does not oblige the visitor to order the service. But with the help of the feedback form, the visitor already becomes a lead.

As a result, the client is presented with a website with original design, thoughtful structure and concept, competent content, which has a comprehensive effect on page conversion, leading to high efficiency.

Parting words

The modern user, sophisticated with the countless number of sales pages that catch his eye, is already tired of the same type. Today, uniqueness has come into fashion; the more interesting and unusual the landing page, the higher the likelihood that it will attract the user’s attention. In addition, good and exclusive design is always a plus: both to surprise the visitor and to please yourself. And a pleasantly surprised visitor is at least +10% to conversion. We wish you original and delicious ideas! And if you have any difficulties with this, you can always order a landing page from our web studio.

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What is a landing page and what are its features? How to quickly make a cool landing page yourself with high conversion? Which landing page builders are popular now?

Hello, dear readers! With you is one of the authors of the business magazine “” Alexander Berezhnov.

And I decided so - I’ll tell you about landing pages, about the main techniques that I used to create them. I will give examples of good one-page sites. And each of you will draw conclusions for yourself. Agreed? Then let's begin.

The topic of creating a landing page is not an easy one, but it is very relevant and interesting. Knowing how to do this will help you make money in a variety of ways, such as . Understanding this, you can start your own small business by simply selling goods or services through a landing page.

1. What is a landing page - an overview for beginners

Hundreds of articles have been written on the topic of creating landing pages. It’s difficult to cram all the advice and all the experience into one material. But I will still try to tell you about the most important thing regarding the landing page.

Landing is a one-page website or just a page, the purpose of which is to induce users to take some action: buy, subscribe, call, leave a request.

Landing page is literally translated from English: “target” or “ landing page».

You've probably seen such one-pagers on the Internet.

Why do they make landing pages:

  1. They motivate well visitor to take the desired action.
  2. They are quickly constructed. And they often cost less than a regular website. Another plus: you can create a landing page yourself.
  3. Landing page is easy to redesign– improve, change, add missing information.

Landing pages are created for:

  1. Product sales. For this purpose, calls are used: “buy”, “leave a request”, “call”.
  2. Collection of information. Here visitors are offered: “subscribe”, “find out more”.
  3. Software distribution- software sales.

Landing page and sales funnel

Funnelsales is the process of selling a product/service. At each stage of this process, some people are eliminated - potential clients commercial company. We have a separate article on our website about.

The sales process through a landing page looks something like this:

  • 100 people saw a link to the landing page;
  • 40 users followed the link;
  • 10 people submitted an application;
  • 2 people bought the product.

Out of a hundred - two sales. Return – 2%. This is a good option. Not perfect, but not a loser either.

A sales funnel looks like an inverted kitchen funnel: a wide base and a narrow neck.

The widest part is the transition to the page. At this stage, we test the operation of contextual advertising, messages on social networks, and publications on other sites. Determining CTR.

CTR– the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions. Measured as a percentage.

The middle part is the application. We analyze the effectiveness of the landing page - its design, text part.

The narrow part is processing applications and sales. Here we evaluate the work of living people - operators, managers.

When analyzing a landing page, another indicator is calculated - EPC.

EPC– this is the average earnings from one thousand landing page visits.

The higher the return rate, the higher the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.

In what cases is it necessary to create a landing page?

Below we will consider a number of cases when you may be faced with the need to create your own one-page website.

Case 1. Low conversion (sales) of the company’s main website

When a website shows a low conversion rate, that is, customers leave without purchasing anything. And there is no money to create a new working large website.

Calculation example: 300 people visited the site in 24 hours. Subscribed to the newsletter - 12 users. The conversion will be: 12 / 300 * 100% = 4%.

The average conversion of sites in zone.RU is 0.5%. Landing conversion rate is 5–10%. These numbers hide the whole truth about why entrepreneurs love to sell their goods and services through one-page websites.

Case 2. New product launch

When you are launching a new product and want to show it off at its best. When you need to focus contextual advertising on a new product.

Case 3. Solving a specific problem

When you need to solve a specific marketing problem. And the company’s main website is not suitable for this.

Creating a landing page without in most cases will help increase sales.

Just having a landing page will not attract a ton of customers right away. In fact, landing is just a tool. Even the most sophisticated drill will not drill a hole in the wall until you pick it up. So it is here.

For the page to work, you need to “turn it on”.

To do this, you can take the following steps:

  1. Launch contextual advertising to your one-page website.
  2. Launch e-mail newsletter based on a pre-collected subscriber base. In the letter, briefly describe the properties of the product and add a link to the landing page.
  3. Advertise a product on forums, partner sites, message boards. Add a link to the page everywhere.

It is a mistaken belief that a landing page can be the only place of communication between business and audience. If a company does not blog, does not develop its presence on social networks, or does not use email marketing, the landing page will be ineffective.

Case Study

The young man became interested in the offer of the Kverti company. The guy has never heard of this company before, and therefore is looking for evidence of its existence. Visits the company’s website and blog, joins a group on social networks.

He was convinced that the company was working. The blog content is constantly updated. On social networks, admins quickly respond to user questions. The client returns to the one-page page and makes a pre-order.

Now ask yourself a question: what would the guy do if he didn’t find traces of “Kverti” on the Internet? If the entire existence of a company began and ended on one single landing page. Would he order their product?

Takeaway from this example: use auxiliary tools to enhance the effect of sales through your one-page website.

2. How much does it cost to create a landing page and what does the price of a one-page website depend on?

The price of creating a landing page depends on whether you order one-pager or do it yourself.

  • The first option is expensive. Freelancers charge from 100-200 USD. for work, design studios – from 1,000 USD Cool agencies – from 5,000 USD
  • The second option is “almost” free. If you involve a programmer or copywriter in the development, if you use a paid template as a basis, the price of this method will be from 20 to 1,000 USD. and even higher. For a better understanding of prices different types websites and landing pages, read our article.

If you decide to order a landing page, you will be asked to fill out brief– a special questionnaire: answer questions about what you would like to see on the site.

Your answers will be the basis for the contractor when determining the price for the work.

The more “tricks” and “bells and whistles” you want to see on your one-page website, the more expensive the landing page will cost.

The price will depend on:

  • unusual structure and unique design will cost 7 00 USD;
  • contextual advertising and its setup – from 100 USD per month;
  • text from a good copywriter – 50-100 USD, from an excellent commercial writer – from 1,000 USD;
  • unique pictures and icons (not downloaded from stock) – that’s at least another 100-200 USD.

In addition, the price of a landing page is influenced by analysis of the target audience, selection of key phrases, testing of the page structure, constant monitoring, etc.

I've seen landing pages whose conversion rate was 50–60% . That is, every second visitor left their details or sent an application to purchase a product. The secret to such great returns was two factors:

  1. Came to the page mainly the target audience– that is, people who were interested in this product.
  2. The developers adhered to the traditional rules of creating an effective landing page.

I will tell you about these rules.

Tip 1. Place one product on your landing page

If they fail to hook you, the reader will not reach the treasured “buy” button.

Follow these rules:

  1. Focus the client's attention on one thing.
  2. Tell him about the benefits of only this version of the program.
  3. Offer him a discount on one product.
  4. Get him interested in sending out newsletters on a specific topic.

If you place ten products within one screen, the visitor’s attention will be scattered. He will scan the entire page. Perhaps he will pay attention to a huge discount or some funny picture. And then closes the tab. In five seconds he will have forgotten about your existence.

The user visits the site. The first thoughts that come to his mind are: where did I end up, why am I here? If he doesn’t find an answer in the next few moments, you will lose the client.

According to statistics, 80% of potential buyers leave the page in the first fifteen seconds. And here are the main reasons:

  1. They didn't find what to do here. The site does not have a specific call to action: “subscribe”, “order”, “find out more”, etc. Remember, if there is no “big red button” on the screen labeled in a simple word“buy” - this is a bad landing page.
  2. Visitors do not understand what is offered to them here. They are irritated by dozens of details splattered on each other, flashy gifs and continuous Caps Lock. Awkward elements compete for the visitor’s attention, distracting him from the main thing – making a purchase or subscribing.

These tips will help you increase sales of your product:

  1. Our everything– a rectangular red button with a capacious verb in the center. Place it not only at the end, but also at the beginning of the page.
  2. Be clear. Speak directly: what the user must do and what he will get for it.
  3. Remove everything that distracts from the main idea. Incomprehensible graphics, neutral pictures, stupid headings, left buttons, huge banners advertising other people's products.
  4. Convince the visitor with an example of the exclusivity of your product. When praising a product, use more numbers, comparisons. Place a red button next to the belief.
  5. Show specific benefits, that the client will receive from using your offer.

But don't be overly passionate in your desire to intoxicate the client. Excessive pressure and an overabundance of advertising conditions only makes readers nauseous.

Tip 3. Use selling headlines

Selling fluorescent lamps? Here's the headline: "Save energy 4 times more efficiently."

Do you invite fatties to the fitness center? Hit the heart: “Who else wants a TV star figure?”

When laying out headings, be sure to use h1 and h2 tags. If possible, include them key phrases– those words and phrases by which clients will find you through a search engine.

Tip 4. Write high-quality selling text

The text is the first priority. Until you have a fully formulated proposal, don’t even think about ordering a landing page design.

For the text to be first-class it is necessary:

  • First- know who the person is who needs your product. Create a portrait of your “ideal buyer.”
  • Second- read books about marketing and sales psychology.
  • Third- be able to involve the client in a conversation. Even if this conversation is actually a monologue. Imagine what questions arise in the interlocutor’s head. Write your answers logically into the text. Write until you tell everything about the product. And don't get hung up on the number of characters.

I noticed how internet marketing gurus like to criticize big landing pages. If you take a closer look at the object of criticism, it will become clear that they condemn tedious and uninformative texts. For some reason, critics avoid interesting and worthwhile long landing pages.

Don't be afraid of large texts if:

  1. The product is complex and unfamiliar. The client will have to chew on every advantage of the product. Provide many examples to prove its benefits.
  2. The product is expensive. To get a response, you will have to use all the superpowers of the landing page - reviews, guarantees, cases, discounts, post-warranty service, gifts.


70% visitors won’t even read the halfway point of your tortured landing page. Don't blame yourself. Try to grab the attention of others 30% – that’s not bad either.

Tip 5. Avoid aggressive advertising!!!

How do you like three exclamation point at the end of a sentence? Maybe we should have added CAPS LOCK?

These things are a sign aggressive advertising. A normal person looks capital letters and three exclamations causes panic attacks: “They want to sell me some nonsense,” “This again intrusive adware!”, “I always said that the Internet is a garbage dump.”

And for good copywriters, editors, content managers, this is also a sign of parochialism, unprofessionalism and sometimes, excuse me, idiocy.

I also recommend excluding the following cliches from the text: “flexible system of discounts”, “leader in the field”, “ high quality And low prices", "vast experience", "individual approach". Without regret, delete all crude and unsupported phrases.

This stage is very important for the successful promotion and sale of goods and services.

Let's get straight to the rules:

  1. Readable font – 16 point. I recommend: Georgia, Open Sans, PT Sans, Arial, PT Serif, Clear Sans, Garamond.
  2. Up to 80 characters per line.
  3. Every 3-5 lines – a new paragraph.
  4. Every 2-4 paragraphs – a new subheading. Subheadings should be composed in such a way that the reader, after skimming over them, can easily understand what is being said.
  5. Required: lists, quotes, tables.

Consider which path the visitor’s gaze will follow. When all the elements are in place, a person easily perceives information. And if the client understands your product, there is a chance that he will immediately buy it.

Use visual navigation: arrows, icons, pictures. Attract attention with contrasting shades: highlight the headings in color, use a red (yellow, orange, green) button.

A relevant landing page is a page that meets the user’s expectations.

Another example

If the user clicks on the banner “buy new iPhone with a 10% discount”, then on the landing page there should be an offer specifically to buy this phone and with this particular discount.

Create your own landing page not only for each marketing campaign, but also for each traffic source. For example, clients come from the social network VKontakte - this should be reflected on the website.

90% of buyers think before they buy something. People are afraid of fraud and fear for their safety. Many people do not want anyone to know about their purchase. Fears give rise to objections: “I’m afraid of losing money,” “I don’t believe that the price can be so low.”

Since you cannot personally reassure the client, take care of the answers to their objections in advance. Formulate convincing arguments and insert them into the text.

I'll give you some hints:

  1. 1-2 week money back guarantee."If you don't like the product, we'll refund your entire investment."
  2. Offer to try the product for free.“A 2-week trial period will help you decide.”

Such marketing moves have been and remain relevant when creating landing pages.

Be careful with deficits. Few people now believe in countdown timers. Moreover, when the counter is constantly updated when the landing page is reloaded.

Be smarter. Indicate the quantity of remaining products. Constantly and manually update information. The user must see that the goods are being dismantled.

Make the buyer think so

“Yesterday there were 74 microwaves with a 50% discount, this morning there were 23, and by lunchtime there were only 7 left. We need to take it urgently!”

Tip 11. Convince the user that you are reliable and safe

Place trust elements close to the call to action.

  1. Use social media buttons– tweet feed, likes on Facebook, list of subscribers in a group on VK.
  2. Post reviews with links to people or the company that left them.
  3. Display awards and certificates. Documents should open at full size and be easy to read.

Tip 12. No complicated forms to fill out.

The data entry form itself does not cause unpleasant emotions in visitors. The majority of your target audience is ready to interact with you. If necessary, they will write their name, occupation and e-mail.

The difficulties begin when, at the registration stage, users are asked to talk about their lives in more detail. I advise you to postpone the moment of closer acquaintance until later - when the visitor confirms the fact of registration.

Another problem is a complex captcha.

Captcha- a pop-up form in which the user enters a set of characters (numbers and letters in blurry pictures), confirming that he is not a robot.

Everyone is stuck over deciphering symbols, solving puzzles and riddles. Therefore, not everyone passes the test - about 30-40% will close the tab and immediately forget about your offer. Forget about captcha. Leave it to your competitors.

This advice brings the essence of all previous paragraphs. Order a simple Landing page.

The page should be:

  1. Without unnecessary graphics and text
  2. With a proposal to perform only one action: buy one product, subscribe to one newsletter, and so on.
  3. Looks free, spacious and not overloaded

The ideal landing page is a logo, a clear title and a button. If your product allows you to create a one-page website in a minimalist style, use it.

4. What is better: order a landing page from professionals or make a landing page yourself?

The command needed to create a landing page from scratch:

  1. Marketer. Develops a strategy. Forms a proposal. Tests the results. Creates a website prototype.
  2. Copywriter. Writes texts. Creates headers.
  3. Web Designer. Based on the prototype, he makes a layout. Implements special effects.
  4. Front-end developer. Programs and typesets. Tests the landing page display on different devices. Sets up a feedback form, call button, etc.
  5. Director, specialist contextual advertising. Analyzes semantic core. Picks up keywords. Sets up contextual advertising.
  6. Manager. Supervises the work. Calculates the payback of the project. Makes key decisions.

The services of six specialists will cost you from 3,000 USD. This is the price for a landing page that will work.

If you plan each stage of work correctly and find in advance good people– the landing page will be ready in 2-3 weeks.

Now let's move on to the second one - "independent" option .

If you are an “ordinary” person, you will most likely fail in programming, design and layout tasks. There is nothing left to do but download the finished one free template or use a paid landing page constructor.

You will have to take on the work of a copywriter, manager, contextual advertising specialist and marketer. Here rough diagram actions:

  1. Come up with an idea. Formulate a proposal - a message to the audience who needs your product or service.
  2. Break your idea down into logical blocks. If you ask a question in the first block, the second or third block should be the answer.
  3. Develop a teaser*– picture or text. Make it catchy and concise.
  4. Work on the main text. Here you will act as a copywriter.
  5. Come up with headlines. It is desirable that they are not heterogeneous and form a story.
  6. Call to action. On your selling website you should have the phrases and words “order now”, “call”, “subscribe”.
  7. Get into design. Choose a suitable landing page template. Edit it to fit the structure you came up with. Look for photographs and illustrations in stocks. Or take a camera and shoot the material yourself.
  8. Launch the landing page. Set up contextual advertising.

Hard? But it's free! True, you will spend a lot of time on this: probably no less than 4-5 weeks.

Let's look at a table of ways to get a ready-made one-page website.

5. Popular landing page designers - TOP 3 best

The popularity of landing pages gave impetus to the emergence of a number of website builders. I will now tell you about several - Russian-language and the most popular.

Constructor 1. “Flexby” (

- a very simple and reliable landing page builder. Free version valid for 14 days - enough time to understand whether the designer is convenient and suitable for your business.

The cheapest tariff is 750 rubles per month. This amount includes: one domain, 10 pages, 250 SMS notifications, technical support, your Mailbox and other “goodies” up to free domain in the zone.RU.

The most expensive tariff is 3,000 rubles per month. This is an unlimited number of domains, as many pages as you like, 1,000 SMS notifications, and so on.

The downside is that you won’t be able to create something incredibly cool. A no-frills Flexby tool set.

The advantage is incredible speed. In 10 minutes I created an acceptable one-page website. It looked good on mobile device screens.

Constructor 2. LPgenerator (

Let's imagine that you have already downloaded the template you like. What do you have hosting and Domain name. What to do next?

Landing page installation instructions

Some simple steps how to install a one-pager:

  1. Go to your hosting provider's website. Go to your account control panel.
  2. Find root folder website (it must be empty). The name of this folder is the domain you purchased in advance.
  3. Click the download button, in the window that appears, select the archive with the template.
  4. When the archive is copied to the domain folder, click the “Unpack” button next to it.
  5. Wait 20 seconds for the operation to complete. Refresh the page.
  6. Landing page installed!

To edit the landing page, go to the root folder of your domain and search for required file. Change text, pictures, insert videos. You can learn this: read a couple of articles on the topic - and go ahead, make money.

7. Real examples of working landing pages

About 15-20 years ago, landing pages were created for impulse purchases. In the old days, people were still influenced by acidic colors, crazy GIFs and other rubbish. Now we have become more discerning: we pass by empty promises, we trust a calm tone and convincing evidence.

“Those” days have passed, but there are still people who believe that a landing page should be “screaming.” I created this section to convince them otherwise. Here are examples of landing pages. Let's look at their pros and cons and understand why they work.

Example 1. Master Climate - a company for the installation and sale of climate control equipment - we made this site with a friend when we were still studying.

The site has a clear structure and a pleasant design in the “ventilation and air conditioning” style. Also implemented on this landing page Adaptive layout, that is, the site adapts to any screen size, including mobile devices.

Example 2. Alfa-Bank vacancies - we scroll through the site and see how a young man’s career starts at Alfa-Bank. After some time, having looked at the tempting visualization, site visitors finally see the letters. The page contains decent text – its quality is no worse than an animated picture.

A description of new vacancies is posted right on the surface, and an opportunities section is published. For applicants - a small and very simple form.

Action button: at the top there is a small and barely noticeable “send resume” button - this is a minus; at the very bottom of the page there is a bright link “view vacancies” - this is a plus.

Globally, you can make money on landing pages in three ways:

  1. Creating landing pages to order, that is, being a web studio, designer or manager of the entire project, having found the right team.
  2. Using one-page sites as intended, that is, sell goods and services through them.
  3. Engage in lead generation. Leads - contacts of potential clients. These are “warm” applications that can be sold to target companies. For example, you can create a landing page “Sliding wardrobes in Samara”, drive traffic to it and sell the generated applications to the companies that manufacture these cabinets.

Which method to choose is up to you to decide. In the first case, you will receive money from clients who need the sites themselves, and in the second - the money that landing pages will bring from sales to end consumers.

9. Conclusion

The truth is, people are tired of landing pages. They are tired of the same tricks - countdown timers, crazy discounts, " unique offers", static reviews that have not changed for 2-3 years.

To prevent visitors from closing your landing page, make it unconventional. No, you can use templates, but fill them out wisely. Don't lie, don't chase fleeting benefits. Think about the client and his needs.

Let's summarize:

  1. Landing- This great tool to attract new subscribers and buyers.
  2. Don't rely only on the landing page. To communicate with your audience, develop other areas - blog, main website, groups on social networks.
  3. You will always have time to order a landing page. So try to do it yourself first. They will help you with this ready-made templates and designers. All you have to do is develop a marketing strategy, write text, and set up contextual advertising.

At the end of the article, there is a video on the topic of making the perfect landing page:

I wish you good luck in business, launch your landing page and increase your sales!

Selling sites. What it is? Every second person will say: “Of course, these are landing pages!” They are one-pagers, they are landing pages, they are selling pages.

I will not convince you otherwise, because there is a great deal of truth in these words. Therefore, in this article we will analyze which landing pages can be called the best and why.

That's why I started looking for the best selling sites. Where to see their examples, ratings and how to evaluate them in principle. After all, a one-page website was originally invented in order to increase company sales.

Lately, a lot has changed. Gone were the ones that were relevant before, websites began to be made of higher quality, more beautiful, with big amount animations, pictures and various enticing features.

Evaluation criteria are questionable

By what principle to evaluate? Which ones to take as a basis? How to rank the TOP 10 sites?

Where can I get websites for the competition? All this makes it difficult to create a real and honest ranking of the best sites.

In addition, we do not know how many sales companies make through such sites. You can’t call them and ask: “What is yours?” or “How many applications do you receive from?”

I am sure no one will answer such a question, since either no one believes or will say that this is confidential information.

Yeah, we're daydreaming!

So I made it simpler. I started searching and viewing ratings and selections of the best landing pages. And guess what?

The site takes a long time to load, and this can greatly affect the bounce rate. That is, people will leave it faster than they see the offer.

2. Workshop “Dinero”

This is not a website, it’s a whole film about one “character” - a wooden wallet. If it had cost 1,000-2,000 rubles, the site would have failed.

6. Project “Big Drying”

Most women (their target audience) have heard about the “Mad Drying” project. Their launch ads are flooding the internet. And this is not surprising when millions are invested in traffic.

But without a good website, you won’t be able to get tens of millions in revenue, so their website is also included in our TOP.

Project “Big Drying”

It is clear that the creation was approached thoroughly, as the texts alone are worth. But they just made one big mistake - they didn’t make a call button at the very end.

And this affects the outflow of visitors, due to the fact that they do not see the logical closure of the whole story.


We ourselves use the Bitrix24 customer relationship system. But since our topic is not “,” the Megaplan system website exceeded all expectations.

Through it they conveyed all the main points of their system, after which you understand that this is the best thing for business.

CRM “MegaPlan”

Our wish for improvement is to add a video review of the system, since all direct competitors have it. And also do more clear calls, namely, replace the headings (not the buttons) with “Start using for free” or something like that.

By the way! If you want to use it as your CRM system, then I advise you not to forget the promo code “Megastart”. This way you will receive a 10% discount on your first purchase and 14 days of free use.

8. Bank for entrepreneurs “Tochka”

Another landing page from the bank. He wins a prize for his originality. This page sent to your friends as a referral link.

To enhance the effect, we would add a few more blocks that put pressure on the logic. Since now the site is more focused on emotions. In some cases, this could be the right decision, but since we have a choice of bank, emotions alone cannot do it.

Bank for entrepreneurs “Tochka”

9. “Goodfit” gym equipment

An interesting transition of the site from black to white and blue. But in addition to an interesting design solution, this landing page uses an excellent title game.

In this design, they are not a connection to the block, but independent elements, after reading which you can already create a complete picture.

For a complete package, a video presentation from a person is not enough general director. Surely he is in excellent physical shape.

And it would also be great to add numbers to the cases. That is, how much does the hall the client received cost? But this is not critical, but desirable.

Equipment gyms“Goodfit”

10. Shopping center “METROPOLIS”

This is by far the best shopping center landing page I've ever seen. The colors are beautifully chosen, the main meanings are conveyed, and the usability is excellent. This is all immediately visible when you go to this landing page. So click and explore.

Although I'll put in my 5 cents. I, of course, understand that people who are familiar with this center should get to this site. But it will also attract people who will be seeing it for the first time.

This means it was logical to make a small description (a few words about the company) so that the visitor would immediately know where he was and what awaits him there.

Shopping mall“METROPOLIS”

Only Russia!?

Yes, in my review I mainly concentrated on the best one-page sites on the RuNet, although there are many worthy, good options in the world.

Moreover, the most important thing (and also the most surprising thing) is that the landing page in the burzhunet is used not only by small businesses, but even by large businesses.

For example, one of the most famous taxi services in the world, Uber, took the following option as its main website - a multifunctional landing page or, as they also say, a multi-page landing page.

This is a site consisting of many landing pages. Almost a multi-page site. But still a landing page.

But, I don’t specifically post their landing page here, because they are different. Let everyone say that we are repeating everything after the West, but in this case I think differently.

We Russians are different. We have a different type of thinking because we live in a different country.

For example, an American has almost no fears in his head that the company will take the money and dissolve. Since they have everything protected for ten rows, it costs only one PayPal.

Here in Russia, this fear is at the forefront. That’s why they have few blocks on their website that convince people to trust the company, while we have a ton of them.

I can give dozens more arguments that we will have different best landing pages. Therefore, I apologize, but their options will not be here.

Better enjoy our Russian solutions. Model our texts and blocks. And in foreign sites just take good ideas for design.

Briefly about the main thing

Now that you have looked through all the applicants, I do not urge you to blindly focus on them, but take a look best landing page for an example is definitely worth it.

At a minimum, you can take an idea from someone for an interesting animation. Or, for example, one of the creators knows theirs perfectly and uses it throughout the entire landing page. In general, it’s worth studying, drawing conclusions and adopting.

And by the way, if you are looking for ideas for your first landing page, you can try to create it yourself. So you will understand what you need and that it is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Use for this, for example, the LP Platform. And only then, we are waiting for you to visit us for joint development.

Collected 14 excellent landing pages. I collected more than one day, but on March 17, 2017, they could all be visited by clicking on advertisement in the search results of Yandex or Google. As a rule, in special accommodation.

That is, just a couple of days ago they were alive. Unfortunately, most of the previous examples of landing pages are already dead. I tried to explain why they die. I hope that most of the landing pages in this collection will live longer than a year.

As always, I remind you that you can click on every picture on the first screen of the landing page. This will load the full version of the landing page. If you are reading this post from a smartphone, then keep in mind that some of the landing page screenshots exceed 10MB.

1. Science children's show

Landing page for a children's party

When I first saw this landing page, I thought that this was an excellent example of a business that could not be ruined by any errors on the landing page. The show is hosted by TV presenters, among the customers there is a whole Hollywood star- Steven Seagal. Well, the idea itself is very bright. So the conversion rate of this landing page is probably very high. But. Quick search brought this delightful copy:

2 Educational holiday

Alternative landing page for the holiday

This is essentially the same business. Maybe even the same owner. Or one of the businesses operates as a franchise. Personally, I would open my wallet to get a bank plastic card on the second landing page. Why? And then they showed more details on the video, worked on objections (calmed the reptilian part of the brain, if we use neuromarketing terminology) and showed prices. And there are celebrities among the clients too. Let others too.

3 Landing for well drilling - glamorous

Glamorous landing page for well drilling

I will not comment on this landing page. It should only be considered in conjunction with the following. He was included in the list for contrast.

4 Landing for drilling wells - brutal

Brutal landing page for drilling

Tricky question. Who will you take your money to: virtual girl with a glass of water or a bunch of real men with at least five drilling rigs in the Urals and a Kamaz to boot?

Now it’s clear why it’s harmful to get carried away stock photos? There is also a drilling rig on the landing page with the girl. One. And at night. Somewhere deep at the bottom of the landing page. But not every bird will reach this screen.

5 Landing page for custom kitchens

Landing kitchen page to order

The designer gets a solid B for the landing page. Rate the marketer yourself. I will only note the lack of ideas of the 20% discount on the first screen. A kitchen can cost 10,000 rubles, or it can cost more than a million. Different price segments. Therefore, a 20% discount is either 2,000 rubles or more than 200,000 rubles. I'm not even talking about the fact that this is usually a discount on yesterday's markup.

There are a couple of suitable marketing solutions, but we still need to get to the bottom of them. On the website, not on the landing page. In general, the furniture business is extremely difficult. High competition with little variety of facades.

6 Tailoring suits to order St. Petersburg

Landing page of custom suits

My favorite landing page in today's collection. You can call it a landing page in St. Petersburg. There is nothing superfluous. Asian screaming. Window to Europe 🙂 The only drawback is the formatting of reviews. But the Instagram account saves me.

Yes, they won the battle for my wallet.

7 Tailoring suits to order Switzerland

Landing page for tailoring suits from Switzerland

This is the losing landing page in the battle for my wallet. However, I am adding it to this review to show you two features. The first is how to do reviews correctly.

The second feature is called emotional involvement of the client. It has a dramatic effect on both conversion and positions in search results. In this case, it is a costume designer.

Don't burn the chips too much! 🙂

8 Repair and decoration of apartments

Landing page for apartment renovation and decoration

If you came here to look at beautiful pictures, then you can say wow, what nonsense. But this is an excellent example of an entrepreneur working with his head in a very, very competitive market. Okay, not great, but definitely good. In 99.9% of cases, repairs are much more neglected.

And this is the (not very frequent) case when investing in landing page design will be justified. Repairs are still chosen with the eyes. But handling objections is worthy of respect.

9 excursions around Moscow

Landing page for Moscow excursions

The longest landing page. I liked the business idea. It’s difficult to comment on the landing page itself. Unless you ask Blok:

Millions of you. We are darkness, and darkness, and darkness.
Try it and fight us!
Yes, we are Scythians! Yes, we are Asians
With slanted and greedy eyes!

The difficult legacy of the Byzantine Empire.

10 Cookies

Loyalty cookies

Business idea - five. Execution...

One day I received these cookies. The whole box. Reading messages is fun. The problem is that the cookies themselves - it sucks. Probably because they waited too long in the wings. Or maybe they were just so nasty to begin with.

By the way, in Italy, the manufacturer of chocolates, in which notes with predictions are inserted, makes sure that warm time years, sweets under his brand were withdrawn from sale in all stores. Cares about his reputation.

What I liked about the landing page was that the main character, a cookie, was present on almost every screen. As a result, even reviews seem reliable at first glance. And at second glance, no one reads them. So that's it.

11 Delivery service

Delivery service landing

The entire landing page, just like the business, looks well thought out. But with the first screen there is complete... fulfillment. Never, I emphasize again, NEVER do not use words on the landing page that are terms known only to a narrow circle of people.

Moreover, full is complete. The oil has come out. The content of this service (is it a service?) is not clear. And among potential clients there are definitely a lot of people who will see this word at the boarding gate for the first time in their lives. So this is a direct loss in conversion.

Well, right under the call to action button there is a serious design mistake. From the contents of the landing page it follows that refunds are made without commission. But from the first screen we can assume that the return costs 0.5%. The designer simply placed two unrelated sentences side by side. The word Return is written with capital letters? Written. And the fact that it reads as one sentence - who cares?

And did you notice the video play button? I saw it only when I looked at the screenshot for the 3rd or 4th time.

In general, if you throw out almost all the inscriptions from the first screen, replacing them with the most important one from the 4th screen (about exclusive delivery conditions), you will get a landing page that is close to ideal.

12 Alignment of mustaches and beards


This is a service whose meaning I will never understand. On the advice of Dmitry Puchkov (aka Goblin), I have been cutting my hair to zero with a clipper for many years. And I won’t make Heisenberg from Breaking Bad. Except Jessie. Therefore, I will not undertake to evaluate the selling qualities of the landing page.

I took it into my collection out of respect for my entrepreneurial spirit. The owner of this barber shop understands that the service is essentially glamorous, and bearded people do not want any associations with Conchita Wurst. Hence the attempt to add a slight touch of brutality to the image of the business.

13 Sandwich

Landing page of the sandwich.

The business idea is great. Design too. Marketing efforts on the first page are worse than in the case of full fulfillment.

Selling cakes by the kilo, like fattening pigs, is worse than ever. I understand that the teachers at the culinary college taught it this way, because they themselves worked or studied back in Soviet times. But you have to use your head!

Cakes are eaten in portions. A serving is approximately 200 grams, which means there are 5 servings per kilogram, the cost of a serving is 220 rubles. So why not write: from 220 rubles per serving, minimum size 10 servings of cake?

However, these are all minor quibbles - much can be forgiven for the freshness of the approach.

14 Ideal landing page

Ideal landing page

Firstly, the guys who made this landing show it at their training webinars. Secondly, I know at least two businessmen who “write off” from this landing page. So I'll also pretend that I think he's perfect.

He is really very, very good!

