Multilanding or dynamic content: what is it? Multilanding: to be or not to be - that is the question. Development of landing pages for each offer

Hi all. I recently wrote an article about how to apply for landing page. In fact, we received UTM data from address bar, stored them in hidden fields and passed them to the handler, just like data from regular fields.

In a similar way, you can change the content on the page, depending on what phrase the visitor came to us with. Nowadays, a site with such a function is called multilanding, and today we will look at php script which will help us implement such functionality on our landing page.

Let's finally figure out how to make a multi-landing page yourself, without using third party services, for which you need to pay money. By the way, if you decide to implement it, please share your conversion results later. I would be very grateful for screenshots in the spirit of “Before/After” and if you want, we will post the screen along with a link to your landing page at the end of the article as proof of the functionality of the tool. I think this will only be a plus for your project (an extra natural link).

So, we need php to work, which means, if necessary, we need to rename your main page from index.html to index.php. This will not affect the performance of the landing page in any way.

Now, let's set ourselves a task. Let's say I want the title on my landing page to change depending on the request. For example, I selected the following queries:

And I want users to be shown the most relevant title when clicking on a specific request. Let's create a link for each request with . We will focus on the “utm_content” parameter (you can choose any one).

So, for the request “ ” - utm_content=sozdanie, for “Landing page layout” - utm_content=verstka, and for “Landing page development” - utm_content=razrabotka.

Now I’ll give you the PHP script itself:

creating a landing page"; ) ?>

As you can see, using _ Get request we catch the data we need (utm_content or any other parameter we are interested in), and then an elementary condition follows. If the value of the parameter is “sozdanie”, then we save the text “Creating a landing page” into a variable and output it to the right place like this:

website -

If none of the conditions worked, then we display the default value:

Else( $multiTitle = "Blog about creating a landing page"; } !}

To make it easier for you to understand, I have prepared a source code in which I specified links with a utm tag. This way you can easily see how it works.

This is the article that came out. Thank you for the idea. I thought that it was very difficult to create a multi-landing page myself and still couldn’t decide to understand this topic.

Some guys even suggested making a bunch different pages With different content and give a different link depending on the request. But this is too tedious. So here's the source. Use it :) in addition, you can change not only the text, but also pictures and other types of content. And that’s all for today! I would appreciate a retweet. Bye everyone!

Publication date: 06/30/2016 1213

What is multilanding?

Multilanding is a dynamic landing page that can change its content (text, headings, photos) depending on the user’s entered query on the Internet.

That is, if a person is looking for paving stones in St. Petersburg, then a correctly configured multi-landing page will show a landing page with contact information for St. Petersburg (if, of course, the site provides services in this city), even if the site provides services for selling paving stones throughout Russia.

For a specific request, a separate one is shown landing page with a specific title and unique offer depending on what keyword and from what location the request was entered. On a multi-landing page, everything can change: headlines, texts, prices, pictures. Because for each region price policy The discounts offered may vary.

How to create a multilanding page

As a rule, companies and agencies charge quite a lot of money to develop such a website. Creating a multi-landing page will cost from 60,000 rubles. We have developed a way to do this for free, but for this you must have an idea of ​​how it works.

◉ Preparatory stage.

  1. Before creating the site itself, you need to collect Yandex Direct key queries.
  2. The second step is to divide the key queries into groups based on the key root.
    For example: You offer the services of a fitness instructor in Cheboksary, in this case you will have the following key roots:
  • how to gain muscle mass,
  • how to lose weight,
  • how to do slim figure in 1 month.

We break down all ads by type into single campaigns. Everything related to gaining muscle mass is in one campaign, everything related to losing weight is in another.

You can also break it down in more detail. For example: lose weight by 5 kg. / lose weight by 20 kg. per month Everything will depend only on your imagination and diligence.

  • After we have identified the main groups of requests, we can begin to create a multi-landing page.

◉ Main stage.

◉ Technical stage.

  1. version 1. How to lose weight in 1 month. for 12 kg. Individual training.
  2. version 2. How to gain muscle mass 6 kg in 1 month.
  3. version 3. How to get a slim figure in 1 month without effort.

And put the corresponding pictures of the main image.

In fact, multilanding is one of the landing page optimization tools. And in order to better sell your product, you need to target each buyer separately. Therefore, it is necessary to use geotargeting, in which, depending on the geographic location of the buyer, relevant content is displayed.

Try to speak the same language as the buyer. Write texts for different target audiences. More official language use for an adult audience, and more frivolous - for young people.

The same goes for design.

The headline makes 70% of a successful purchase. So pay great attention this block. In the title, be sure to indicate an offer that is beneficial for the buyer (promotions, discounts), or describe the advantageous advantages of the product/service.

It's no longer a secret to anyone that good landing page is a great way to increase conversions and capture the entire target audience with a precise and clear offer. But what to do if the target audience is divided into two groups with different interests and one landing page cannot offer both what they want? In this case, the effectiveness of a landing page decreases, unless you develop several for each group of the target audience, which is quite time-consuming and expensive.

But don't rush to despair. After all, there is an alternative way out. Yes, not simple, but super effective - create a multi-landing page with dynamic content, thus offering everyone potential client from different groups the target audience is what interests him.

Before we move on to explaining multilanding, we want to clarify. Surely those who have ever heard of and are interested in creating such a site have come across the statement that these techniques, namely dynamic substitution of content on the page depending on the user’s request, belong to black hat SEO methods - since the user is only exposed to information, but search engine - another.

In fact, dynamic landing pages have nothing to do with black SEO, since in the user’s browser, when he follows a specially specified link, the information will automatically change. If the user follows the direct link, he will see the same information as search algorithm. Therefore, discarding all thoughts about crime and punishment, let's move on to the explanations.

What is multilanding?

Multilanding is a landing page that adapts to a specific visitor by dynamic change content. Absolutely any information on the landing page can change: USP, headlines, information content, pictures, contacts, offers - depending on the interests and needs of visitors, their place of residence, age and gender, queries they entered and other individual parameters. It would seem that the main reason for the success of multilanding is the exact match of the user’s request with the search results. In fact, the psychological hook prevails here: the user is more loyal to what is at least in some way connected with himself and his needs.

Let's give an example

There is a landing page for delivery services Japanese cuisine(sushi, sashimi, udon, salads, etc.). The user types “sushi delivery” into the search bar and goes to a website where the entire Japanese menu is offered with delivery, most of which does not interest him at all, because he was looking specifically for sushi. If the site is a multi-landing site, then with an identical request the user will go to the site and see a clear unique selling proposition for sushi delivery. All other offers from the menu will be hidden or moved down. As a result, the user receives exactly what interests him, without wasting time on sampling.

One more example

The company offers the service price and some conditions, which depend on the city in which it is provided. And the landing page, depending on which city the visitor came from, displays a different selling text of the content, and they can change not only information blocks on the page and headings, but even background pictures, prices and conditions of the promotion.

In both cases, the key must be correctly identified by the multilanding site. Here you need to use UTM tags when setting up contextual or targeted advertising in in social networks. UTM tags are written in the URL, which reads the embedded script on the page and changes the content, USP, or even the page background depending on the key query.

So, for example, if we have a URL in a contextual advertising ad:


then the multilanding will clearly show the company’s offer for forged gates:

And if another ad contains a URL:


then the multilanding will clearly show the company’s offer for wooden gates:

It turns out that all types of users receive exactly the content they expect, and the same page gives it to them.

Multi-landing pages are used only if they are promoted and attract traffic using contextual or targeted advertising on social networks. It is this that allows you to accurately determine the interests of the consumer based on the key query that he entered into the search bar. It will be ineffective in other methods of multilanding advertising.

Develop multi landing pages possible in several ways. Let's look at each briefly.

Developing a dynamic one-page page using the constructor

The easiest way to create a multilanding page is to use special services. Since the topic of dynamic content appeared relatively recently, there are not too many similar services yet. However, there is already plenty to choose from. For example, LP Generator.

Similar constructors have ready-made templates designs, various icons and buttons. They integrate payment system services, analysis and statistics. From a budget point of view, this option is not the cheapest. On average, an investment of 10-20 thousand hryvnia per year will be required. In addition, you will need knowledge in target audience analysis and marketing factor analytics, plus template solutions are always two steps behind.

Script integration

You can't do this without the help of a programmer. The design principle is to insert into source a script that will be responsible for updating the content. Its replacement is performed by identifying the key query that the user entered into the search bar.

This is a fairly simple option for creating a dynamic web resource, subject to specialized assistance.

Development of landing pages for each offer

Several selling one-page pages are created for various offers and placed either in different folders the root directory of the website, or on different subdomains. The scheme works the same way as with a script - the page opens in accordance with a certain key query. This method can become simple and cheap if the developer provides flexibility and ease of editing when creating pages. If the developer is not very competent, the client will need time and money to develop high-quality landing pages.

Creating a dynamic website from scratch

Perhaps the most complex and time-consuming process is creating dynamic landing page from scratch based on CMS. All modern engines provide the ability to install a multi-landing script or create several landing pages at once. But since all CMS do not allow you to develop a website in just two clicks, you will have to rewrite and change the code.

Each of the methods of developing a dynamic website is effective. Their choice depends on your budget and capabilities. If you are confident in your abilities, you can try to develop a dynamic one-page website yourself using special services. In other cases, it is better to contact specialists.

It is important to understand that regardless of the method of creating a multi-landing page, it is necessary to adjust contextual advertising to it so that the site can show personalized advertising offers for each user.

The versatility of dynamic content

Ordering a multi-landing page automatically implies the presence of dynamic content in it. Personalized offers are a very popular trend that is being shown everywhere. By the way, it can be used not only on landing pages, but also on other blocks: subscription forms, pop-up windows, etc. Let's look at a few examples of dynamic content in addition to multilanding pages, which are widely used on the Internet.

Personalized content on website pages

Among large commercial portals, personalized content is very developed. It shows every user own version the main page of the site or any internal page, depending on his gender, preferences, etc. For example, on Amazon, although it opens home page the same for everyone, the “recommended for you” block changes, which has a positive effect on conversion, stimulating its growth.

Dynamic banners

You can keep your potential buyer's attention by using other sites where you can place dynamic banners, such as social networks. Similar advertising banners are shown to each user individually based on past interactions with the company’s website. They serve as an excellent reminder of yourself and help maintain the client’s relationship with the company. Such banners usually indicate active link to the site precisely to those sections that may be most interesting to him.

Dynamic calls to action

An effective method of increasing conversion is dynamic calls. With their help, a new motivation for the user’s action is formed. For example, if a client is already subscribed to a newsletter, then it makes no sense to display a call for him to subscribe on the site. In this case, the call to action may have a different purpose, the benefit of which is obvious to the company.

Popup windows

Dynamic pop-ups will become great addition and personalization for a specific visitor. With their help, you can make suggestions for the user based on his place of residence or interests.

Email newsletters

The more personalized the appeal email newsletter, the higher the likelihood that the user will make a purchase. Segmentation by age, gender, interests, and place of residence can significantly increase the flow of targeted traffic.

Using dynamic content in any area of ​​online marketing comes with a number of pros and cons.

Benefits of Dynamic Content

  • Increased conversion. Dynamic loading content turns user experience into a more understandable and relevant one. It improves the user’s convenience and can also help in creating user responses (for example, subscribing to a newsletter, etc.);
  • Dynamic content attracts and keeps the user on the page. All information: blocks, USP, content, calls to action are formed exactly according to the interests of the user, while the content hits the target, even if it does not fully correspond to the initially entered request. This takes personalization to the extreme. new level. That is, the site’s content shows the user exactly what interests him;
  • Content can be adapted to any type of data. It can be used based on users' geolocation, their behavior style and preferences. As a result, each client feels special, perceiving the information provided as a detailed understanding of his desires.

Disadvantages of Dynamic Content

The main disadvantages of a dynamic landing page or any other site with dynamic content include only the higher cost of development, since it is necessary to contact specialists for writing several versions of content, development additional tools on display and transmission of content CMS systems. It is worth noting that such content requires more attention to security, since it interacts with your personal databases, and is also quite limited in design. Such a site should not contain complex elements, as they can create difficulties when replacing content.

Are you unsure about your landing page design? See examples of the best landing pages from with detailed analysis their features.

Examples of multi-landing pages with different dynamic content options

Thanks to dynamic content technology, one multi-landing page can solve a number of problems. Instead of dozens or even hundreds of duplicate pages that contain various queries with relevant content, you can get by with just one multi-landing page. For example, when the meaning of the service is the same, but at the same time the target audience may call it differently.

For example, a multi-landing page for the request “Site Promotion” is displayed like this

When you replace the request with “Increase site traffic,” the content immediately changes

Multilanding can be created even if there is one product, but there are different conditions its purchase, configuration, etc. For example, plastic windows to the dacha

and the same landing page for the request “plastic windows in installments”

Here is a vivid example of a dynamic site that, depending on requests and target audience, changes the background and title (in in this case the offer is shown differently depending on the user’s interests)

As you can see, multilanding pages are becoming universal solution if you want to increase the conversion of your landing page.

Need more examples? Read the article with examples of high-converting landing pages.

Multilanding: to be or not to be - that is the question

In practice, personalization and dynamic content on multilanding they provide excellent result. Such trends provide the user best experience, guessing his desires and mood. Consequently, owners of multi-landing pages always win.

But do not forget that a good dynamic website requires a competent and in-depth analysis of the target audience, as well as knowledge in the software part. Therefore, if you decide to create such a resource, be sure to seek help from specialists.

The effectiveness of landing pages is achieved primarily due to its rigid structure and emphasis on a specific offer. A one-page website will be bad at selling several different products or services; it is unlikely to replace a full-fledged online store, and not always such landing page can be adapted for several categories of buyers, because each may have their own interests, and you can cover them all on one page, but you will have to pay for the ease of perception of information, which will have a bad effect on conversion. What is the solution if you need to achieve several goals at once? Make several landing pages? It's possible, but expensive. There is a more inventive option - multilanding.

What is multilanding

Multilanding is a website whose content is dynamic, that is, it changes depending on which visitor gets to it.

What can be customized to the user on a multi-landing page? Yes, anything:

  • texts
  • offer
  • Contact details
  • Images
  • whole blocks, etc.

Examples when you can use multilanding

You are engaged in car selection services. The main segments of your users: selection of economy class, mid-range and luxury cars. If a person wants expensive car, would he be interested in looking at pictures of budget domestic cars on the website? No, he will be shown photos of expensive cars and the offer will focus on the elite segment.

Do you have several classes per course? foreign language, which are located in different parts of the big city. If a person, when looking for courses in his area in Yandex, sees an address that is too far from him, then he will not even be interested in your offer. If you immediately indicate on the main screen the address that is closest to him, the likelihood that he will stay on the page is much higher.

You are engaged in finishing houses and apartments. If you are looking for contextual advertising, then in the title you can indicate only apartments, without mentioning cottages at all. And vice versa.

It should be noted that the advisability of creating a multi-landing page does not always exist. It’s completely up to you to develop a multi-landing page no need, If:

  • You are not going to drive traffic to it from
  • Your target audience is homogeneous and there is no point in splitting it into small segments
  • The products or services that you sell on the landing page are very close to each other and can all be useful to any of your visitors

How to make a multilanding

There are three main ways to create a dynamic landing page. It is impossible to say unequivocally which one is better or worse; it all depends on the specific goals of the landing page.

  1. Inserting a script. You need to insert a special script into the site that will change the content depending on the user’s request. This is done through communication with UTM tags. For example, you can completely insert a key query into an offer.
  2. Creation of several landing pages. It's about not about pages that are radically different from each other, but about landing pages with minimal changes. Typical example– pages separated by subdomains, targeting different cities. All content will be identical, but the title and contact details will be different.
  3. Using services for creating multi-landing pages. There are a number of special services that help you quickly and conveniently create multi-landing pages (of course, not for free), but they have different useful features, significantly expanding your capabilities. A couple of options for such services: Yagla or PPC-help.

Before creating a multi-landing page, think about how much you need it and what you might need for it. On the one hand, you may need the help of a programmer if you want to implement special scripts, on the other hand, you will need to conduct audience research and understand how appropriate the use of dynamic content is. If you have already done research and know how you can use multi-landing pages for your own purposes, then make proposals for each group of visitors and start testing!

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