Is it possible to access a deleted page on VKontakte? Effective and working ways to view a deleted VKontakte page

It may happen that the user’s page, which you calmly visited a couple of days ago, turns out to be deleted. Question: is it possible to somehow view this page and if so, how to do it?

You can view the deleted page, but not in all cases, so we will not give a guarantee. There are two ways to see it.

Internet Archive

There is a so-called Internet archive - this is a site where pages of many sites are saved, including those that continue to work and those that have not existed for a long time. It is quite possible that the page of the user you need was loaded into this archive.

Go to A search form appears. Enter the page address and press the Enter key. As an example, we will use Pavel Durov's page.

If the page is in the archive, you will know about it: the system will show all saved versions of the page as of a particular date. Simply click on the desired date, for example, the latest one available in the archive, and look at the page. The dates are highlighted in blue in the screenshot.

Just remember that even if the page is in the archive, but it is only available to VK users for viewing, you will see the following:

Search engine cache

You can try viewing the page through the search engine cache. We recommend using Yandex or Google.

Open the search engine and enter the address of the user’s page, then click “Find”.

As you can see, the page has been found. You need to click on the button highlighted by the arrow, and then click on the “Saved copy” link.

The saved page opens in the search engine cache.

The procedure for viewing a deleted page is the same both when the profile was erased on one’s own initiative and when it was forcibly blocked.

If you delete a VKontakte page on your own, the user is given 6 months to change his decision. To restore your profile, log in and restore information in one click.

For VK pages that have been frozen due to suspicion of hacking, instructions with restoration are displayed upon login. This mainly happens through a code that is sent to the linked phone. Pages blocked by the site's decision are restored only after a certain time.

An alternative method is to write to VK technical support to resolve the issue urgently.

Viewing a saved copy in search engines

In cases where you need to view a deleted page of a user who does not want to restore it, use the saved copies. Information from the network does not disappear without a trace. There are resources that store data about each site in a cache. Such services, as they are now, do not help in searching for pages from social networks, so the use of popular search engines remains.

It is convenient to view such information through Yandex. The address of the desired profile is entered into the search bar, after which the results are displayed.

In the list, select the “Saved copy” item, after which a copy of the profile saved some time before its destruction will be opened in a new tab.

This method allows you to still view posts and photos that users have previously erased. Similar actions are performed in other well-known search engines, such as Google or Bing.

The Internet is absolutely not a constant thing. Any site due to various circumstances (broken power lines, bankruptcy of the hoster, non-payment of the domain) may stop working. After this, users’ browsers will only display messages about the unavailability of their favorite resource. If the site changes beyond recognition, and the administration deletes the page with important information, the resource will continue to operate, but the end consumer cannot avoid trouble in this case.

There is no need to worry and curse evil fate. Perhaps the portal is temporarily unavailable, and specialists are busy restoring its operation. In addition, each user of the Global Network has a powerful tool that will allow him to obtain the necessary information - a site cache.


Google is a mega-corporation, the power of its servers has the ability to constantly scan the Internet for the appearance of new pages and changes in old ones. By adding resources to their database, the algorithms not only take pictures of them. To put it bluntly, Google creates backup copies of the Internet in case the original material becomes unavailable.

Google's site cache is available to everyone without exception. To access any indexed page, you need to enter the following query into the search bar: . A copy of the page will appear on the screen, with the following information displayed at the top of the screen:

  • The date of the last save, which will make it possible to judge whether the information presented may have changed.
  • There is also a link to the image, which contains only text.
  • Another URL will show the full source code, which will be of interest to webmasters.

Owners of Internet resources need to know that Google's site cache is a voluntary system. If you need to exclude any pages of your portal from the list of saved ones, you can disable taking pictures. To do this, you need to add a meta tag to the page. . You can also disable or enable caching in your account if you have the appropriate account.

If you need to delete already saved photos from the Google cache, you will need to send an email with the request, and then confirm your rights to the site.


In second place in the list of companies storing site caches is a domestic industry giant. Yandex's coverage is much smaller, so you should look here mainly for images of large, highly trafficked resources.

Just enter the URL of the desired page into the search bar and press ENTER. The search results will show the site you need in the first place in the search results. There will be a triangle icon next to the link to it. By clicking on it and selecting the “saved copy” menu item, you will open the last available snapshot of the page.

The Wayback Machine

In 1996, Brewster Keil started a nonprofit organization that is now called the Internet Archive. The company collects copies of web pages, videos, graphics, audio recordings, and software. The collected material is archived, and anyone can have free access to it.

The main goal of The Wayback Machine is the preservation of cultural values ​​created by civilization after the widespread spread of the Internet, the creation of the most complete electronic library of humanity. The Archive currently stores more than 10 petabytes of data, allowing users to view 85 billion web pages. This means that the Archive is the most complete cache of sites. is the organization's website, where you can try to find a snapshot of the required page. Since not only the latest copy is saved, but the bot scans resources periodically, you can examine all the changes made to a particular page over time, even if the site no longer exists. It is advisable to use the WWW prefix in the search string.

Dead URL

Dead Address provides similar options for users. Copy the non-working URL and paste it into the input field on the site. The service will think a little and produce several results. Some of them will link to a Google resource. The other part will take the user to the Archive pages. What’s important is that the site cache is sorted by date, which is very convenient.

Down Or Not

If you need a cache of sites on the Internet due to the unavailability of a particular resource, but searches do not lead to anything, it is worth checking if there is a problem near you. For example, an Internet provider performs technical work or replaces outdated equipment. To check who is to blame, it makes sense to use the Down Or Not service.

Enter the address of the portal you need in the search bar and press the ENTER button. After a short analysis, the service will display the result. The word DOWN indicates the unavailability of the resource (temporary or permanent), but if the word UP appears on the screen, it means that everything is in order with the portal.

Down Ot Not acts as a third party and unbiased expert to determine what exactly is causing the problem.

How to view a deleted VKontakte page? 3 options, you can also view deleted accounts of any social networks, photos, websites. Simple ways without any hassles!

Hi all!
In this article I will show 3 options for viewing everything deleted on the Internet.
Be it Twitter, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, any other social network. net.
In addition, you can see a resource that, for one reason or another, is no longer on the World Wide Web.
You can just look at what the blog was like, say, 5 years ago.
A very exciting activity).
Also, it is possible to view deleted VKontakte photos by the user.
From words to deeds.
Method 1.

How to view a deleted VKontakte page - copy in Yandex and Google

An excellent option, more suitable for social network accounts, or if you are wondering how to view deleted VKontakte photos.

I’ll show you using the example of the first deleted VK page I came across.
You can look not only at erased ones, but also at those blocked by social network administrators. networks.
This is what she looks like now.

What do we need to know in order to view deleted photos on VK of this user?

1. Go to the page or portal you need.
2. Copy the address (right-click on it - copy).
3. Go to the search engine Yandex, Google.
4. Paste the copied address (url).
5. Click on the triangle, the inscription “saved copy” will appear, click on it.

6. The page we need opens.

As you can see, the account has already been deleted, but you can see a copy of it).
By the way, if your page was accidentally blocked, you erased it yourself, maybe scammers have opened your account, are sending spam to acquaintances, friends, asking for money, you took it and deleted it and you have no way to restore it, but you have valuable photos there , which are only there and you are wondering how to look at old VKontakte photos that you deleted, it is done according to the same scenario).
Perhaps the only “-” of this is that if you recently registered on VK and you are left without an account, most likely the search engines did not have time to index it, that is, they may not find it.
Let's move on to the second method.

Browser cache

All sites that you view on the Internet are saved in the browser cache.
The less often you clean it, the slower your computer runs, but the more information is stored in it.
If what you need has been removed from the Internet recently, you can use this simple option.

To do this, you need to go into it and find this page.
I show it on the Google browser.
1. Click the 3 dots located in the upper right corner of the browser.
2. Go to the “history” tab, in it you can find what you need.

Internet archive

There is a portal on the Internet that stores almost the entire history of the Internet.
If you are interested in how to view old VKontakte photos that you have deleted, he can easily handle it.
Another option is to look at a blog that was deleted by the owner, the domain or hosting was not paid for, or the hosting provider was blocked for violations.

In general, there is often another problem.
The portal you need exists, but it is blocked in your country.
To solve this problem, you can use

For other cases, we will use internet archive.

To do this, follow the link.
Enter a page or resource.
You will be shown a calendar of days of information changes.
I'll show you using this blog as an example.
Click on “browse history.”
A graph of the number of changes to this blog that have been archived will appear.
This is what it looks like.

I can see, for example, what he looked like on May 2). A funny story happened there).
I saw a great programmer in myself!
That day I cheated a little, as a result of which I erased the fuck out of it).
I click on May 2nd.
That's the kind of guru I was then).

As a result, I had to restore it throughout the May holidays).
This way you can view any information of interest, for example, what it was like 5 years ago, respectively, if it existed then).

These guys can do it in simple ways).
There are, however, disadvantages of all these methods (.
This is especially true for social network accounts.
If they were young (1-5), there is a possibility that search engines did not have time to index them, that is, they do not exist.
This, however, does not happen often, most likely in 1 of the 3 described cases, you should find what you need.

This concludes the article.
Still have questions?
Write in the comments to the article!
I undertake to answer).
Good luck!

Sometimes, by going to (previously existing) page, we get 404 error - page not found. This page has been deleted, the site is not accessible, etc., but how to view a deleted page? I will try to answer this question and offer four ready-made options for solving this problem.

Option 1: Browser Offline Mode

To save traffic and increase page loading speed, browsers use a cache. What is cache? Cache (from English cache) — disk space on a computer allocated for temporary storage of files, which include web pages.

So try viewing the deleted page from your browser cache. To do this, go to offline mode.

Note: Offline browsing is only possible if the user has visited the page before and it has not yet been removed from the cache.

How to enable offline browser mode?

For Google Chrome, Yandex browser etc., offline mode is available only as an experiment. Enable it on the page: chrome://flags/ - find “Offline cache mode” there and click the link “ Turn on».

Turn offline mode on or off in the Google Chrome browser

IN Firefox(29 and older) open menu (button with three lines) and click on “ Development" (wrench), and then the item " Work autonomously».

Turn offline mode on or off in Firefox

IN Opera Click the “Opera” button, find the “ Settings", and then click the item " Work autonomously».

How to enable or disable offline mode in Opera?

IN Internet Explorer- press the Alt button, (in the menu that appears) select " File" and click the menu item " Offline mode».

How to disable offline mode in Internet Explorer 11?

Let me clarify - in IE 11 The developers have removed the offline mode switch. The question arises - How to disable offline mode in Internet Explorer 11? Doing the opposite will not work, reset your browser settings.

To do this, close running applications, including the browser. Press the key combination Win + R and (in the “Run” window that opens) enter: inetcpl.cpl, press the Enter button. In the "Internet Properties" window that opens, go to the "Internet" tab. Additionally" On the tab that opens, find and click the button “ Restore advanced settings", and then the appeared button " Reset..." In the confirmation window, check the box " Remove personal settings" and press the button " Reset».

Option 2: copies of pages in search engines

Earlier I told you that search engine users don’t need to go to sites - just look at a copy of the page in a search engine, and this is a good way to solve our problem.

IN Google— use the info: operator, specifying the desired URL. Example:

IN Yandex— use the url: operator, specifying the desired URL. Example:

Hover your mouse over the (green) URL in the snippet and click the link that appears " copy».

The problem is that search engines only store the last indexed copy of the page. If a page is deleted, over time it will become unavailable in search engines.

Option 3: WayBack Machine

The WayBack Machine service is an Internet archive that contains the history of the existence of sites.

Viewing site history on the WayBack Machine

Enter the desired URL, and the service will try to find a copy of the specified page in its database with a date reference. But the service does not index all pages and sites.

Option 4:

A simple and (unfortunately) passive service for creating copies of web pages is You can access a deleted page if it was copied by another user to the service archive. To do this, enter the URL in the first (red) form and click the " submit url».

After that, try to find the page using the second (blue) form.

I recommend! I thought: What should I do if the page is not deleted? It happens that it is simply impossible to access the site. Found an article Victor Tomilin, which is called “I can’t access the site” - where the author not only describes 4 ways to solve the problem, but also recorded a visual video.
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