Recover password in contact. VKontakte: quick password recovery is not available. Why? What to do? Restoring a VK page after a virus

The site administration has made this procedure quite simple, but at the same time absolutely safe. That is, it is not possible to gain access to someone else’s page.

Let's look at a few effective ways, which allow you to quickly solve the problem and regain access to your profile.

If you do not remember the phone number that was specified when registering on a social network or you replaced it, then the recovery procedure becomes much more complicated. In this case, you will only need to use personal data, that is, first and last name.

In any case, you need to remember some data associated with the page. For example, its id (link). Please note that if you don’t know or have forgotten the link to the page, you can find it inside the social network itself.

If you don’t have a bookmarks account and the link isn’t written down anywhere, it’s very easy to find it. Must be entered in search engine Yandex the following request: First Name Last Name. As a result, you can find your profile. But the easiest way is to click on the link shown in the image on the access recovery page.

Important! On next page you will be asked to download a photograph against the background of the monitor screen, as well as a photocopy of a valid passport. This is necessary in order to prove that you do not intend to gain access to someone else's profile.

Then, click on the submit application button. After verification, the administration will notify you of further instructions via SMS message. specified number phone within approximately one day. This complex procedure is designed for safety purposes.

How to restore a contact page by phone number?

This method is the simplest and most accessible. You need to go to the main page of the social network, and under the login data entry form, you need to click on the link “Forgot your password?” As a result, you will be redirected to the recovery page, where you must enter your current mobile phone number. Then click on the “Next” button.

As a result of such actions, a profile will appear, if it is yours, then you need to confirm this by clicking on the button. Within a few seconds, a message will be sent to the specified mobile phone with special code, which must be entered into the form, and click on the “Change password” button.

If the code is entered correctly, you will be redirected to a page where you need to enter New Password to log into your account.

How to restore a page on VK via email?

Those users who registered on the social network a long time ago know that during registration it was not necessary to indicate the number cell phone, and the address Email. Recovery procedure using mailbox similar the previous method so I won't repeat myself. If something is not clear, watch the video instructions.

Email is the most reliable way restore access to any site where you are registered. Therefore, you always need to remember the box on which you have a profile.

And the procedure itself is simple... You need to below the field where you enter your login and password, and follow the link - “forgot your password”, and there you should indicate your email instead of phone number.

Step one:

Step two:

It should be noted that in this case, you will need your phone in any case, otherwise, it will be impossible to restore access to your profile.

How to restore a VKontakte page if you don’t remember any data?

In this case, you can use the first method that I described in the article or contact technical support site. If the first recovery option is not entirely clear to you, you can watch the video:

But if the profile was blocked by the administration or you deleted it more than 7 months ago, then it is impossible to restore it. All that remains is to register new account and try to find all your friends.

Today we will discuss an issue related to the most popular and visited social network Russian Internet, namely, how to change the password in Contact? Indeed, if the password that is the pass to your virtual life not what it should be, too inconvenient to type on the keyboard or a “weak” password - it urgently needs to be changed! And now we will see that doing this is, in fact, as easy as shelling pears!

Changing your VKontakte password

If in currently If you have a VKontakte page open, go to the “My Settings” menu.

Find the subsection there called “Change Password”. It contains three fields. In the first one you should write the current password, and in the lower two - a new one (twice to make sure there is no possible errors). Before writing a new cipher, make sure that the "" key is disabled on your keyboard. Caps Lock" At the end of the procedure, click the button of the same name “Change password”.

Ready! As you can see, everything is simple.

Password recovery

But it may happen that you have forgotten your password and therefore I must show you how to change the password in a contact if you have forgotten the password for your profile. And in this situation this method will no longer work. Go to home page contact Under the “Login” button there is an inscription: “Forgot your password?” It is she who interests us. We click on it.

We get to the password change page There is an input field in the center. In it you should enter either the email address, or the phone number to which the account is registered, or your login. Depending on what you enter here, your actions will be slightly different. If selected e-mail addresses, you will receive an email with a link to a page for entering a new password. If you select a cell phone number as a password recovery method, you will receive a short a codeword in the form of an SMS, which will need to be entered in another input field that has appeared by that time on the site page.

To confirm that you are not a bot, but a real man, you will be prompted to enter the code from the picture:

In the screenshot below you can see what code I received when recovering my password.

But what to do if your memory decided to completely and completely mock you, and you forgot not only your password, but also your email address and your login, and your mobile phone number has recently changed? How to change the password in Contact then? In the current situation there really isn't much choice. After clicking the inscription: “Forgot your password”, the input field will no longer be useful to you. We carefully read the sentence that is located just below it: “If you do not remember the data or do not have access to the phone, click here.” Click on the link.

Now you must enter your ID for the VKontakte page. If you don’t know him, then read my article: “”. You can also call your friends so that they go to your page and tell you your ID. Again, read all the information about how the ID is recognized at the link above.

After this, you will be redirected to the technical support page.

Next, you will be asked to provide the data that was used for this page. Enter carefully and without errors, because this data will be used to decide whether this is your page or not. It is worth noting that there is large percentage that it will be possible to restore the page, so there is no need to worry prematurely. The article can be finished, because I talked about all the points on how to change the password in a contact.

In the end, I can advise you to write down important passwords on paper if you don't trust your memory.

They are practically no longer used to communicate with a person located in another part of the world. Cell phones. They were replaced social media, which have a clear advantage - they are free. In addition, on a social network you can not only communicate with a person using messages, but also send him photos, videos and various documents. Users can play games together, participate in community discussions, and comment on wall posts. Without personal page on any social network it is simply impossible to imagine modern life.

The most popular social network in Russia is VKontakte, which appeared back in 2006, and after 10 years the daily number of site visitors reached 64 million. Despite the fact that there are sites such as Odnoklassniki or Facebook, Russian users prefer VKontakte. Registration on the site takes only a few minutes and only requires a valid phone number. It is during registration that the user indicates his login and comes up with a password, which will be required in the future to enter the site. It should be remembered that you can restore your VKontakte page if you have forgotten your login and password only if you have access to the phone number specified during registration.

Quick navigation through the article

Password recovery

The user can use a phone number or email address as a login to enter the site, which is why it is simply unrealistic to forget the login. But here's the problem with forgotten password occurs frequently. In order to recover the password from your personal VKontakte page, you must:

  • Go to the official website of the social network at
  • Click on the “Forgot your password?” button, which is located under the login form.
  • Enter the email address or phone number associated with your account in the appropriate line, and then click on the “Next” button.
  • Enter the code from the picture and click on the “Submit” button.
  • Confirm that this is the page you need by clicking on the “Yes, this is the page you need” button.
  • Enter the code that was sent to your phone, and then click on the “Change password” button.
  • Create a new password and click on the “Save” button.

No phone access

If the user does not remember the phone number that he linked to the page or he does not have access to it, he needs to log into the official VKontkte website at, and then click on the “Forgot your password?” button. After this, you need to find the inscription under the form for entering your email/login/phone number, the inscription “If you do not remember the data or do not have access to the phone, click here” and click on “Click here”. Copy the link to the page into the appropriate field and click on the “Next” button. On the next page you need to enter the following information: old number phone number, available phone number, email address and Old Password, and then click on the “Submit Application” button. If some data is unknown, then leave the fields blank. Please note that access to the page can be restored only if the page contains Personal Photos. Otherwise, the user will have to create a new account. After the application has been reviewed, a response will be sent by email.

Every day, thousands of VK users are faced with the problem of accessing their profiles. Their social network pages are hacked, blocked, deleted. To correct the situation, it is often enough to enter verification code, sent via SMS. But what if mobile number Is it unavailable for some reason, or has the attacker already changed it? Let's consider both situations in more detail.

SIM card recovery

The easiest way to return a page on a social network is to restore the SIM card. If the number was registered to you or your friend/relative, contact the communication salon for help. Don't forget to bring your passport so that the employee mobile operator I was able to identify you without difficulty.

Note! If a SIM card was purchased in one region, and you try to restore it while in another, the operator may refuse to provide you with the service. In this case, you can either go to the issuing region yourself or order courier delivery.

Instructions for restoring access to the page without a phone number

If the page was stolen by an attacker (who changed the number associated with it), or for some reason it was not possible to restore the SIM card, use one of the methods suggested below

Option #1. Create a request for restoration

  • Let's move on link.
  • In the window that opens, indicate the address of the page to which access has been lost, and click “Next.”
  • We check that the correct profile is displayed. If not, we look for it through the search.
  • We enter the phone number to which you have access, and to which the operator will send an SMS notification.
  • Click “Next” and fill out the form provided.
  • We send the application and wait for the specialist’s decision.

The main disadvantage of the described method is that it can only be used by those who have clear photographs on the page by which the user can be clearly identified. All other requests receive standard replies.

Option #2. We contact those. support

To quickly go to the application creation page, you can use direct link or do the following:

  • We go to VKontakte from another page (you can create a new one, you can ask a friend for help).
  • Go to the “Help” section (in the 2018 design it was removed in the drop-down list under the avatar in the right top corner pages).
  • In the window that opens, type “How to ask a question in Support?”, and then “This does not solve my problem.”
  • A list of three items appears, in which we are interested in the last one, “I still have questions,” and then “Ask a question.”

The good thing about this method is that you can leave a request, even for those whose page was initially fake. They will answer you one way or another, although (in case of a positive decision) they may be forced to change contact information to correspond to reality.

Let’s say right away that the described method only works for those pages where the user’s real data is indicated and there are his photographs. If you have lost access to the “fake” page, go straight to the last paragraph.

So, to restore access to the page:

  • Describe the problem in as much detail as possible.
  • Enter your details.
  • Please include a recent photograph in the background of your application.
  • If there have been changes on the page (photos have been deleted) or some information is outdated (you changed your last name, but left the same one on the page), do not forget to mention this in the description.

As a rule, this information is enough, but sometimes the consultant requests a scan of a passport or other document to clarify controversial issues.

What to do if the photo is uploaded in poor quality

One of the main weak points mobile application VKontakte - uploading images. The quality is cut so much that it’s not very good initially good photo I can't make out anything at all. So that when contacting technical support, this fact does not work against you, do the following:

  • Click on the gear icon.
  • Open the “Basic” tab.
  • Find the “Media” section and disable the “Compress sent photos” function.

If you encounter similar problem When working in a browser, follow these recommendations:

  • Open the photo in Photoshop.
  • Sequentially click “File” - “Save for WEB”.
  • In the window that opens, set the settings as in the screenshot and click “done”.

It is better to upload an image to VKontakte as a document, or by manual dragging (since the standard uploader also reduces the quality).

Why was my application rejected? What to do in this case

Those. support does not always resolve the situation to the benefit of the person contacted. Often, applications are rejected for the following reasons:

  • There are no photographs on the page that can clearly identify its owner.

If all your photos are in the “Saved” / “Photos from the Wall” album, or you have not uploaded them to your profile, specialists will not be able to verify that the request came from the profile owner (even if there is a passport scan).

What to do: Attach to your application a photo of yourself in the background of the appeal and links to photos in your friends’ albums where the page is tagged. Emphasize that the marks were made before you lost access to the page.

  • The information provided on the page is not enough to identify the user

By not filling out your profile completely, you risk getting into a situation where it will be impossible to unambiguously link this profile to your page. Just your first and last name will clearly not be enough, since the owner of the page may turn out to be your full relative.

What to do: if the refusal occurred precisely for this reason, send the consultant scans of documents confirming the information on the page. For example, if a school is indicated and the year of its graduation is a certificate, the first place of work is a scan of a work record book, etc.

  • The information provided on the page is not true

Many users hide their real names and surnames, preferring to use pseudonyms. Therefore, if you are known on a social network as “Abvgdeyka Abvgdeykovna,” it will be difficult to prove your rights to the page.

IN last years social networks are extremely popular. Unfortunately, users sometimes have to deal with minor problems. Today we will tell you where to contact a person who has forgotten his VKontakte password? What if you want to recover data using email or phone number? We will answer these questions in detail in this article.

Restoring access to the page

First of all, calm down and answer the following questions:

  • Perhaps you are typing Russian letters instead of English?
  • Did you have the CAPS-lock button turned on when you entered your password?

Just in case, type the required letters and numbers into text editor, then copy them and transfer them to the “Password” column. If these steps do not help, then carefully read the information below. Here we will describe how to remember your VK password.

How to recover your password

To begin, open the site page and carefully study the login form. Here you will need to enter your phone number or email, as well as your password. Under the form you will see a button “I don’t remember my password” - you should click on it.

So, how to recover your VK password:

  • After clicking the button, you will be redirected to a page where a window will open.
  • In the empty field, enter your phone number, email address or login under which you were registered.
  • Click "Next".

How to recover a password on VK via email? If you want to receive a recovery code with a letter, then write an e-mail instead of a phone number. After this, the system will notify you that the letter has been sent to specified address. Next, you will need to log into your mail and find a message from technical support. Follow the link provided and come up with new code from Latin letters and numbers.

We told you how to recover your contact password via email. However, you can do this in another way:

  • The system will prompt you to enter the last name indicated on the page.
  • After that, you need to confirm that the system found desired profile or go back.
  • The final step is to enter the code that will be sent to your phone via SMS into the empty box.

Come up with a new number or letter code, write it down and repeat it to check your spelling.

Advice: if you don’t remember any data, contact the social network’s technical support for help.

Sometimes, in order to prove the authenticity of your identity, you have to take a photo with your passport in your hands and send it to the administrator.