What slows down Windows 7. The computer takes a long time to boot, what should I do? Heavy load on components

Updated: 02/23/2018 Published: 02/08/2018


Poor performance computer:

  • At boot (the system or desktop takes a long time to load)
  • Slows down from time to time
  • Frequently slows down and freezes
  • When starting games or demanding programs
  • After Windows reinstallation
  • When waking up from sleep or hibernation
  • Suddenly “freezes” for a few seconds
  • Stutters when scrolling the page
  • Programs take a long time to open
  • Low FPS in games
  • Slow Internet connection
  • Freezes tightly

At the same time, the computer used to work quickly. But it is possible that the problem occurs immediately after purchasing the PC.


There can be many reasons - from software errors, before hardware failure:

  • The presence of a process that loads the system;
  • Viruses or the presence of several antiviruses in the system;
  • A large number of programs in startup;
  • Problem with RAM;
  • Exit from building a tough disk or any other component;
  • Media logical errors;
  • Overheating (more often for laptops or all-in-one computers);
  • Problem with drivers (usually after reinstalling Windows);
  • Glitch at work peripheral devices;
  • System error;
  • Crooked update installation;
  • Computer obsolescence;
  • Inconsistency system requirements.

As a rule, it does not matter whether we have a desktop computer or a laptop/all-in-one computer. Most of these problems are true for any PC.

In this article we will try to consider the maximum possible options and solutions.


The article is largely focused on the Windows system, however, most of the recommendations are valid for other operating systems.

Before proceeding with the steps below, try simply restarting your computer. If it worked for a long time without restarting, this could be the reason. You can see how long Windows worked without rebooting using this article.

1. Check running processes

Opening Task Manager(Ctrl + Shift + Esc) - in the window that opens you can see the recycling of equipment as a percentage:

If your computer's resources are completely full (90% or higher), you need to find the processes that do this. This information can be seen in the same task manager, but more detailed information will be shown by specialized utilities, for example Process Explorer.

We accept the license agreement - the main program window will open with the processes running on the computer and information about the resources they occupy.

We sort the list by processor utilization:

* System Idle Process shows processor idle time ( free resource). The higher this indicator, the better.

We sort the list by memory utilization (actually allocated pages, excluding shared):

We sort the list by memory utilization (the sum of all memory pages):

If there are processes that load the system, we try to kill them:

However, when trying to stop the process svchost we will get an error:

Here we need to act differently. We hover the cursor over the name of the process and a pop-up window will appear with a list of services that hang on this process:

  • Cleaning your computer from temporary files. For this there are various utilities eg CCleaner.
  • cleaning the registry. The safest way to do this is with the aforementioned CCleaner.
  • We delete programs and games that we no longer use. This must be done using the Programs and Features tool, or, again, CCleaner.

On new computers with pre-installed Windows, especially on laptops, the manufacturer/seller considers it their duty to install all the programs in the world. Removing this “necessary” software can lead to the computer starting to boot and work more than 2 times better!

If the new one is slow Lenovo laptop, update or delete the previous installed antivirus.

4. Check the status of the HDD/SSD

a) Physical condition:

Installing the verification utility hard drive and displaying the S.M.A.R.T. status eg HD Tune or CrystalDiskInfo. If errors or warnings are detected, the media must be replaced.

The condition must be close to 100%, otherwise the disk may cause poor performance:

b) Free space:

Among other things, you need to make sure you have disk space:

If there is not enough space, the system will slow down.

c) Logical state:

If, when viewing the computer's load, the disk constantly shows 100% load, you can try disabling the page file. Read the article Disk is 100% loaded for more details. If you need to have a swap file, set static values ​​(the same for maximum and minimum - this will prevent its fragmentation):

5. Testing RAM

This is another component that is often the source of performance problems.

You can test your memory in different ways:

  1. If there are several slats in the computer, remove them all, leaving one. We test and move to another bar.
  2. We use a special utility, for example, memtest86.
  3. We try to insert memory into different slots on motherboard.

If problems are detected, we return the memory for warranty or replace it with a new one. You need to buy the same bracket as the others or read the motherboard compatibility sheet.

6. Check the condition of the remaining equipment

Download and install the AIDA64 program and conduct a system stability test:

If problems are detected, the program will generate an error. In this case, the faulty component must be replaced.

7. We evaluate the operation of the power supply and electrical outlets

Not always obvious, but real problem— lack of power supply for normal operation of components.

There are several approaches to testing this theory:

  1. Take the computer to a different power source, possibly in a different room.
  2. Replace the power supply.
  3. Use diagnostic utilities eg AIDA64.

On laptops, when running on battery power, the system may run slower to save power. IN in this case, connect the portable device to a power source or change the power mode from economical to productive.

8. Check the temperature

Overheating can cause poor performance - the system will run slower to prevent components from burning out.

To view the current temperature of the main components, you can use the above-described AIDA64 or SpeedFan.

If overheating is detected, it is necessary to perform the following actions(not recommended for warranty computers):

  1. Disassemble the computer and clean it of dust.
  2. Depending on the overheating component:
    • Remove the processor cooler, remove the remaining thermal paste, apply new thermal paste and put the cooler in place.
    • Remove the video card cooler, remove the remaining thermal paste, apply new thermal paste and put the cooler in place.
  3. In the case of a desktop computer, install a cooler that blows hot air out of the case.
  4. Check the functionality of all fans (visually and using a program, for example, SpeedFan).

9. Install/update drivers

The problem is less relevant starting with Windows 10, since the latter can automatically update drivers (if there is an Internet connection), but does not exclude the possibility of a problem occurring.

And so, the absence of a driver for a device or the presence of a version with an error can lead to incorrect operation of the equipment and, as a result, to any problems, in particular, slow speed PC operation.

Go to device manager (command devmgmt.msc or right click on This computer in the conductor - Control-). Drivers must be installed for all devices (there should be no exclamation marks):

You can install or update drivers manually by downloading latest versions from the equipment manufacturer’s website or automatically using a special program, for example DriverPack.

10. Checking peripheral devices

Peripherals that work poorly or begin to glitch can lead to problems with the computer itself.

Disable all devices except the mouse. Remove the CD from the drive, if there is one. We check the functionality of the computer. Disconnect the mouse, connect the keyboard, continue the test. If the computer works well without peripherals, we connect one at a time additional devices to determine which one is the problem.

11. Network problems / slow Internet

The system may have software installed, the operation of which is highly dependent on the network. Subject to availability network connection, but there is no network as such (for example, due to a logical error), these programs may try to send requests with high timeouts (response waits). At the same time, while waiting, they create heavy load on the system, slowing it down. This most often leads to a deterioration in the computer's loading or attempts to launch various programs.

In this case, try to pull out network wire or turn off WiFi. If the problem is solved, try to figure out the network - it may be temporary failure or firewall malfunction.

If, by itself, the computer works satisfactorily, but the Internet speed is low, measure it using the corresponding article. At bad speed, try disconnecting the cable from the router and plugging it directly into the computer - if the speed remains low, contact your service provider. Otherwise, try connecting your computer to the router via wire rather than via WiFi. If it doesn’t help, reconfigure the router or replace it - quite often, switching to the 5 GHz frequency helps.

12. Make sure that the computer’s power meets the system requirements

If performance is poor when running certain programs or games, or after Windows changes for more new version, it is worth studying the system requirements of the data software products. It is quite possible that the computer should not work quickly with them.

If the problem only occurs with one specific program/game, try reinstalling it.

If the computer worked quickly with the same program/game before, try to analyze when the problems started. Also try disabling your antivirus program before starting.

We monitor the quantity at the same time running programs. In some cases, the computer may be running a browser with big amount open tabs + office programs. Every process requires resources. It is also worth knowing that each open tab browser is a separate process. We have to keep an eye on the numbers open source software and close everything we don’t use, otherwise, buy a more powerful computer.

If our computer has less than 4 GB of RAM and we do not plan to expand, we do not install 64-bit Windows - it consumes a little more resources. If more than 4 GB, install Windows x64, otherwise, all resources will not be used. This is also true for choosing a system edition: you should not install the maximum possible Windows, it is not a fact that all possibilities will be used, and resources will be wasted.

13. We use specialized software

There are utilities that can analyze your PC and report possible problem productivity. One such utility is Auslogics BoostSpeed.

However, this program requires a license, so we either buy it or use it as a source of information.

14. We evaluate performance

Beginning with Windows Vista There are system tools for general assessment of system performance. Based on this, we can conclude which component is outdated or slow.

To begin with, we perform the following check:

a) Windows 7:

Right click on Computer - Properties. In the window that opens, click on the link Windows Experience Index and press Rate your computer. The evaluation process will begin, which can take up to 10 minutes - wait, then we will receive the results, for example:

* V in this example It is clear that the weakest component is the video card. This computer must decide comfortably office tasks, but will slow down when starting demanding games. The maximum score is 7.9 points.

b) Windows 10/8:

Starting with Windows 8, the Experience Index assessment is run from the command line. To do this, open it as administrator and enter the command:

winsat formal -restart clean

We are waiting for the process to finish. Then open the folder \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore. In the list that opens, select the latest file by date whose name contains Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml and open it using any browser:

We are interested in the tag WinSPR:

For convenience, you can download a utility that allows you to see the assessment in a convenient form - Winaero WEI Tool. Download, unpack, run:

* note that maximum score 9.9 points.

I will also mention that in addition to the built-in tools, there are other utilities. For example, the free WhySoSlow.

15. Turn off visual effects

If graphics performance is weak, you should try disabling all the beauties of Windows.

Let's go to Control Panel - system and safety - System- click on:

On the tab Additionally In the “Performance” section, click on Options- in the window that opens, set the switch to position:

16. Studying the system log

Based on the entries in the system log, you can try to draw conclusions regarding the operation of the PC. It is quite possible that this will help solve the problem.

The log can be opened with the command eventvwr or from the control panel.

It is necessary to pay attention to all errors and warnings, primarily for system events:

17. Trying to disable hibernation mode

If the hibernation file is damaged, waking up the computer will be accompanied by lags for several minutes. To solve the problem, turn off the power saving mode, restart the computer, and turn on the mode again.

To do this we open command line as administrator and enter:

Reboot the computer. Returning hibernation mode:

18. Software incompatibility

This is true in cases where everything works slowly when several programs are running at the same time.

As a solution, we try to update the program data. If add-ons (plugins, extensions) are used, we try to update them, reinstall them, disable them, remove them.

19. Reinstall Windows

If all else fails, the only option left is to reinstall the system. This is not the most The best way solve the problem and should be resorted to only as a last resort.

Perhaps before this you should try to perform a system rollback using control point at a time when the computer was working normally. And, if this does not help, copy the important data to another medium or to the cloud, and reinstall the operating system.

This extreme measure can be caused by various problems:

  1. The presence of a system error, which is very difficult to understand even for a highly qualified specialist.
  2. Update installation curve.
  3. Garbage that has accumulated over the years after installing/uninstalling various programs.
  4. Single or multiple overflow system disk by 87.5%. The problem is related to a feature of the file NTFS systems reserve 12.5% ​​of space for MFT (which is needed for normal operation of the file system). When space runs out, the system takes 12.5% ​​of the reserved space from the MFT, which can lead to fragmentation of the latter. Defragmentation won't help anymore.

On average, in my experience, the lifespan of an operating room Windows systems- from 2 to 5 years.

20. Update BIOS

But there is a nuance! If the computer starts running slowly on its own, updating the BIOS will not help. There is a need for this procedure only if the computer starts to slow down after replacing some equipment, for example, a processor, disk, memory, and so on.

21. Changing the computer

In the case when even reinstalling Windows and all of the above did not help solve the problem, and the computer continues to work slowly, it is time to change the computer itself.

Firstly, over the years, the physical properties of components deteriorate due to the appearance of microcracks and oxidation of contacts, and secondly, the software becomes more demanding and there is a need to increase capacity.

On average, the lifespan of a computer is from 3 to 7 years.

Severe performance degradation is one of the most common problems that computer users sometimes encounter.

There are many reasons that can cause “brakes” in the operation of the system. Fortunately, the user can fix many problems independently and quite easily.

The most common problem is overheating

Computer parts generate quite a lot of heat during operation. To effectively remove it, cooling systems are installed inside the PC. But their work can be disrupted due to dirt and dust, or they themselves can break, then overheating occurs. As a result, the computer begins to “slow down” or even turn off at the most unexpected moment.

Let's look at what signs may indicate overheating of some computer components:

  • The PC often freezes, especially when launching games and other resource-intensive applications;
  • a sharp decrease in productivity.

Users can fix this problem without the help of specialists, especially when it comes to stationary PCs. In this case, to troubleshoot problems, it is enough to clean the PC from dirt and dust.

Here is the procedure for cleaning the system unit:

  1. disconnect the power cord;
  2. open the block cover;
  3. remove dust and dirt;
  4. checking the cooling system;
  5. if necessary, replace thermal paste;
  6. assemble the computer and test its operation.

To clean your desktop PC, you don't need any special tools. It is quite possible to get by with a soft brush and a screwdriver; a vacuum cleaner will not be superfluous, since with its help it is more convenient to remove a large layer of dust.

Laptop users are less fortunate, despite the fact that the cleaning process is approximately the same as for desktop PCs, it is extremely rare to complete it on your own the first time. The first time it is better to use the help of professionals.

Video: Optimizing Windows 7

Problems due to incorrect update

Many updates are constantly released to the operating system that eliminate bugs found. Usually they are downloaded and installed automatically. In this case, installation of updates may various reasons pass incorrectly.

In this case, the following problems may occur:

If the user encounters any of the problems listed above after installing updates, he needs to perform the following steps:

  1. roll back the system to a point when no problems occurred;
  2. ensure availability free space on the hard drive;
  3. check your internet connection;
  4. try installing the update manually from the Microsoft website.

Lack of free space

If your computer starts to slow down, Windows 7 may simply not have enough free space on the system disk. The fact is that when the system and programs operate, many temporary files are created, and if there is not enough space to create them, the system begins to slow down. In addition, space may be needed for virtual memory.

You can free up space on your system disk in the following ways:

  1. removing unnecessary applications;
  2. transfer or erase large files, for example, films;
  3. cleaning temporary files.

The first two ways to increase free space usually do not cause difficulties for users. But when cleaning temporary files, questions arise regularly. Meanwhile, this procedure is also not complicated.

There are two ways to do it:

  • using system tools;
  • using third party utilities.

Usage special programs for deleting temporary files shows greater efficiency, but requires higher qualifications from the user. Therefore, let's look at how to get rid of temporary files using the tools built into Windows 7.

To do this you will need to do the following:

Advice. Deleting temporary files is much more effective special utilities eg CCleaner. They can often perform additional functions, allowing you to increase the speed of the system.


Computer viruses pose a big threat information security V modern world. They are capable of destroying important data, stealing payment information or have a significant impact on the speed of the computer.

Let's look at the main signs of a virus infection:

  • reduction in work speed;
  • appearance of strange files and folders;
  • disappearance of information;
  • error messages appear;
  • strange processes causing heavy CPU load.

At the first appearance of signs of infection, it is necessary to scan your PC to detect “infection” using installed protection means.

It is not always possible for an installed antivirus to detect all threats that have penetrated a user’s computer.

Difficulty using the browser

Often, users may experience decreased performance while browsing the Internet. It is most often associated with the installation of unnecessary extensions and toolbars.

Let's look at how to remove unnecessary panels tools inWindows 7:

Unused add-ons should also be disabled.

Do it inYandexBrowser can be done as follows:

In most cases, performing these simple actions allows you to significantly increase the speed of opening pages and working with the browser.

Hard drive problems

Having problems with hard drive very often this leads to a situation where the computer freezes completely or opening applications is very slow.

All problems related to the hard drive can be divided into the following categories:

  • hardware faults;
  • logical errors;
  • large data fragmentation.

The most difficult option is if bad sectors appear on the hard drive. They significantly slow down the operation of the entire system and may be evidence of imminent failure of the hard drive.

You can check for bad sectors using the built-in tools of Windows 7.

To do this you need to do the following:

During the troubleshooting process, bad sectors will be replaced with working ones from a special area of ​​the HDD. It should be taken into account that a large number of Bad blocks indicate the possibility of an imminent hard drive failure. It is better to copy important data to avoid its loss as soon as possible.

Many programs in startup

Many programs are included in autorun when installed. Of course, the user can refuse this option, but as a rule, they do not. At the same time, any application running on the computer reduces overall performance systems. Therefore, it is recommended to disable unnecessary programs in startup.

You can remove an application from autorun using standard means or using special utilities.

Let's consider how inWindows 7 remove an application from startup using the tools built into the OS:

Low hardware performance

On Windows performance 7 can also be influenced by the power of the computer hardware. This is especially true for PCs that were purchased 5-7 years ago.

The main components that affect the speed of the system:

  • CPU;
  • video card.

The easiest way to get rid of brakes due to outdated components is modernization. During it, outdated PC components are replaced with more modern ones. But it is always necessary to ensure that the parts you purchase are compatible with those already installed in the computer.

As a rule, problems that cause a decrease in performance are not associated with breakdowns of computer parts and therefore can be easily eliminated by the user. If this fails, it is better to contact a service center for help.

This article contains practical advice from personal experience, which will help the average user clean and configure their computer so that it runs faster. Maybe not exponentially faster (and don’t believe programs that promise multiple increases), but it will become noticeably more responsive. The tips are aimed at users who do not have particularly deep knowledge of working with a computer (or laptop - the principles are the same).

Often you have to deal with the same type of tasks to speed up your computer. Usually this has to be done for clients with a seemingly powerful machine, where there is fresh Core processor i3-i5 and 4-8 GB of RAM. Both are decent configurations. But such a computer does not work fast at all. Typical examples:

  • Windows startup takes about a few minutes;
  • “brakes” are visually noticeable when communicating with folders and menus;
  • launching programs and browsers is very leisurely;
  • Word takes half a minute to open.

All this is somewhat strange for the specified computer power. Such slowdowns are corrected quickly. The main thing is to know where to dig. So I’ll tell you exactly where...

This article describes common problems, if eliminated, Windows will begin to in a good way“fly” and delight, as before - as if only when purchasing/assembling. The instructions are intended for the average user. Each point below can be covered in a separate article, but, as a rule, such a detailed in-depth is not necessary for the computer to work faster.

So, let's figure it out common reasons because of which the computer starts to slow down, in order.

Problem 1. Overheating of the laptop (laptop), computer

Usually your pet starts to get too warm after a couple of years of use. This can happen for several reasons: the cooling system is not functioning well due to dust, or the thermal paste on the processor has dried out. As a result, the processor overheats and complex tasks and its performance decreases. The CPU “skips” some calculations and runs idle to cool itself.

How to get rid of overheating of the processor on your computer?

Cleaning from dust. Instructions for dummies

You need to remove the computer cover and check for dust on the heatsink in the center of the board (CPU heatsink). If there is one, then it needs to be blown out. It is advisable to blow with a thin and powerful stream of air; you can get this from a vacuum cleaner. However, you can use a vacuum cleaner to suction, but this is less effective... Before the procedure, clean the dust collector of the vacuum cleaner so that it blows more powerfully.

Instead of a vacuum cleaner, you can use a rubber bulb. And not all vacuum cleaners have a blowing mode. Go to the pharmacy and buy an enema bulb.

You can also use an ordinary hair dryer with a narrow nozzle.

Important! Be careful not to get carried away and damage anything on the board during the blowing or suction process!

Replacing thermal paste

If the computer has been running without changing the processor for more than a couple of years, then the thermal paste needs to be replaced. This is a viscous “gasket” between the processor cover and the heatsink. The purpose of thermal paste is to effectively transfer processor heat to the radiator cooler.

To do this, you need to have thermal paste available or purchase one. It is best to take ALSIL-3, TITAN-silver, or the cheapest one from ebay - HY510. The price is 3-4 dollars per syringe with a capacity of 3-5 grams. This amount is enough lubricants for 5, no less. At the same time, you can replace the thermal paste on the video card, although this procedure is somewhat more complicated than with the processor.

Although there is advice on the Internet on the topic “don’t buy KPT-8 - it was good before,” this is not entirely true. Its cost is around 110-140 rubles per syringe. It is, of course, worse than more modern analogs, but the difference is expressed in 2-4 degrees Celsius (and, perhaps, in fragility - it will last for a year or two, and then you will have to lubricate it again).

Next, you need to remove the radiator from central processor, wipe off the old thermal paste from it (with regular cotton wool), apply new one and install the radiator back. There is no need to remove the processor itself. Watch the video to see how this is done:

How to get rid of overheating processor on a laptop?

Dust removal

With laptops, everything is a little more complicated, because to fully clean it you need to open it (disassemble it). One example of how to do this is in the video below.

A next instruction for housewives, but it’s worth noting that it works, albeit not 100% of the time:

  1. We turn off the laptop and open it (or don’t close it).
  2. We find a hole for ventilation. As a rule, it is located on the left side.
  3. We draw more air into your lungs and blow into it very sharply. Yes, yes, we blow with our mouths! You can also blow with a vacuum cleaner, wearing a blowing attachment (it narrows the air flow and makes it stronger)
  4. If dust starts to fly out, then do everything correctly and blow until you get tired - you need to blow it properly. If there is no dust, then either the laptop is clean, or you need to blow into another hole.

Opening the laptop: cleaning dust and replacing thermal paste

Each laptop opens differently, but there are still some things in common. Every laptop is designed to be easy to clean. Therefore, it has a cover that is easy to remove (by unscrewing a few screws) and after removal you will have access to the fan (cooler) and the processor.

Those. To clean the laptop and change the thermal paste, you need to remove the cover and clean everything. For an example of how this is done, see the video below. For other laptop models, everything is done similarly.

Thermal paste

The laptop needs better thermal paste. I would recommend Ice Therm-2, Arctic Cooling MX-4, Arctic Cooling MX-3, Arctic Cooling MX-2. KPT-8? It's outdated, but it more or less works. It’s far from the best option, but in the absence of anything more interesting at hand, she can handle it.

Problem 2. The operating system is clogged

What exactly is the problem? When using a computer every day, a lot of our actions are saved on disk, system files etc. For example, we visited a website, pictures, and cookie data from this website were saved in temporary files. The same can be said, for example, about Word or many other programs - they all save something somewhere, for a while. Has your favorite program been updated? Hundreds of files were erased and written back from the disk - and not all of them correctly. Errors and clogs accumulate, just like in a regular drain pipe. And so, after several years of using the computer, such temporary storages become full (or there are a lot of errors), and it becomes difficult for the system to work - hence the slowdowns.

Cleaning the operating system

  1. Agnitum, Russia
  2. Avast Software, Czech Republic
  3. AVG Technologies, Czech Republic
  4. Avira, Germany
  5. BitDefender, Romania
  6. Doctor Web, Russia
  7. Emsisoft, Austria
  8. Eset, Slovakia
  9. F-Secure, Finland
  10. Kaspersky Lab, Russia
  11. McAfee, USA
  12. Microsoft, USA
  13. Panda Security, Spain
  14. Check Point, Israel
  15. Comodo, USA
  1. Avast Free Antivirus - free
  2. 360 Total Security - Free
  3. Panda Antivirus Pro - paid
  4. AVG Anti-Virus Free - free
  5. ESET NOD32 Smart Security - paid
  6. up

    Problem 6: Manufacturer's Software

    This item is most relevant for laptops Samsung, Asus, Acer, Lenovo.

    There are programs on the computer that were installed not by you, but by the manufacturer or by the person who installed the OS (operating system). Sometimes there are a lot of such programs and very often they are not needed! But they start during system startup and always work, which slows down the computer. It's about about all sorts of things: YAC, regoptimizer, Amigo, etc.

    Problem 7: Hard drive problems

    This topic is quite extensive and deserves a separate article, but here we will talk about it very briefly.

    The problems here are divided into 2 types:

    Just problems

    Such problems are usually not accompanied by the symptoms described below when the disk "dies". But at the same time you notice slowdowns when opening folders, perhaps frequent freezing systems. This is not always a symptom of a fatal disk failure, and it can sometimes be treated.

    Such problems are usually solved like this:

    • Go to “My Computer” and hover your mouse over drive C:
    • Press right button mouse > Properties > Tools > Run check.
    • Wait until the computer reboots and during the reboot process it checks the disk for errors. Errors will be corrected automatically. This process is not fast and takes from 0.5 to 5 hours.

    The hard drive is dying

    This point refers to that sad moment when your hard drive (hard drive) has malfunctioned and is gradually dying. Something can be done, but it is most likely temporary and not reliable. The best and probably the only recipe in this case is to copy the data to a working disk and replace the non-working one.

    Symptoms of a serious disk failure when it needs to be replaced:

    1. Periodic " complete freeze» systems, it is also called “dead freeze”. This is when the system just freezes and absolutely nothing works: neither “Ctrl+Shift+Esc”, nor “Ctrl+Alt+Del”. Most reliable way To check whether the system is really asleep, press the " Caps Lock"and look at the lights on the keyboard, if none of them react, then this is a complete end and the only help here is the "Reset" button on system unit, which will forcefully reboot the system.
    2. Clicks loud noises, creaks, buzzing, ringing"harda". When HDD It is in working order, it may make a little noise, but not buzz or squeak in any way.
    3. Severe overheating of the disk. In normal condition, the hard drive should be slightly warm or warm if you copy something from it, but not hot. If the case is hot, then this is serious and the hard drive is most likely faulty. The problem can be solved by installing additional cooling (fan). But all this is temporary, because overheating is a clear sign serious failure somewhere inside the disk.

    IMPORTANT! If you observe the symptoms described above, then urgently copy all files to working hard disk, because you can lose data at any second.

    IMPORTANT! Do not try to open and repair the hard drive - this is simply a useless exercise, because in 99% of cases nothing can be done there, especially without special equipment and special conditions.

One of the most relevant and probably eternal problems all PC users - why does the computer slow down? After all, when you bought your brand new computer, it didn’t even show any signs of slowing down. There are many reasons that cause your computer to freeze, and that’s what I’ll write about today. I will also write methods for dealing with the most common problems.

In fact, there are even more reasons why your computer may slow down; if such a need arises, I will write the second part of the article. Now let's look at each of these points in more detail.

Computer slows down due to viruses

– Problem This is one of the main reasons why your computer has become noticeably slower. You may not even think about the existence of viruses on your computer until you see the first reasons for their existence. such prerequisites may be:

  • Computer freezes
  • Files or folders are not deleted
  • Error messages appeared
  • Intrusive advertising appears while the browser is running
  • Computer startup time has slowed down significantly
  • Will not start individual programs and folders won't open
  • Task Manager does not open (ctrl+alt+del does not work)
  • CPU usage up to 100% with closed applications

At the first symptoms of a computer infection, you should take a number of steps to protect yourself from viruses:

– Solution If you suspect that your computer is infected with viruses, you should follow these steps:

check it for viruses with a scanner, for example, and don’t forget that you need to use . After checking with the scanner, it will show whether there is malware and scanners on your computer, if there is, we will treat/remove it, then install the stationary version of the antivirus. I can recommend a pretty good and free antivirus.

Enable the firewall (firewall) built into the operating system and configure it to work only with certain programs that use Internet access. A combination of antivirus and firewall will provide fairly strong protection against most threats.

Another very important advice! Most viruses and Trojans can be picked up on porn sites. So, if for some reason you visit such sites, be careful and do not click on all the windows that appear in a row. For example, a proposal to update flash player, will most likely trigger the installation of malware.

System disk is full

– Problem A very common situation when the system disk of your computer (drive C:\) is full, and when you try to access the desired entry, the system is waiting for memory to be freed on the hard disk.

The problem is relevant in those computers in which the system disk and the data disk are separated (on disk C and D, for example). In my experience, I often came across a situation where too little was allocated for the system disk hard memory disk and as it filled up (installing updates, installing programs, temporary files), the space on drive C tended to zero.

– Solution To solve the problem with the volume of the system disk, you should perform the following steps:

  • Clear the disk of temporary files. The program copes well with this task
  • Remove programs you don't use
  • Clear the desktop (many people don’t even suspect that the desktop stores information on drive C)
  • Empty the recycle bin (I encountered a situation where the size of the recycle bin reached 10 GB when the size of the C drive was 50 GB.)

Computer slows down due to overheating

– Problem Unfortunately, this is a very common and very dangerous problem for your computer. You need to monitor the temperature of the components! Moreover, if your computer is a storage facility important information. I think you will not be happy if your computer fails due to overheating and as a result of the failure you will lose all information from your PC.

How to determine if your computer is slowing down due to overheating? Very simple! If when you turn on the computer everything is fine and loads quickly, but when you start programs or games, the computer starts to slow down and reboot, then in 95% of cases the problem is with overheating

– Solution You need to pay attention to the temperature of the processor, chipset, video card and hard drive. You can monitor the temperature of components using special programs (for example Aida or Everest).

Periodically clean the system unit from dust. Yes yes, it needs to be cleaned! In my memory, there have been instances in which not only the color of the motherboard was not visible, but even the processor heatsink was not visible due to a dense “crust” of dust. Dust causes failure of coolers (fans), which disrupts heat exchange and raises the temperature.

You should periodically check the condition of the thermal paste between active elements and their radiators. I advise you to do this once every 2-3 years. But, if the sensors show that the temperature of your elements (processor, chipset, video card) is normal, then everything is in order with heat transfer and, therefore, there is no need to change the thermal paste.

Computer slows down due to hard drive problems

– Problem Few people know that hard disks tend to exhaust their resources. This is not about the size of the disk (I wrote about this above), but about its life cycle, which unfortunately is not as big as we would like.

The speed of the operating system and programs depends 70% on the quality of the hard drive. I myself didn’t understand before how a computer with 4 GB could slow down. RAM, 2x nuclear processor 3.2 GHz, good video card? And during operation, significant slowdowns are noticeable. Only when replacing the hard drive was there a significant increase in operating speed.

The thing is that a hard drive consists of many layers of mirrored disks, all of these disks are divided into sectors. If, when accessing a certain sector, the hard disk controller does not receive a response, it marks this sector as “broken”. The more bad sectors– the closer the end of your hard drive.

– Solution Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever! But life can be extended! Same with hard drives. If you follow the rules described below, you can significantly extend the life of your hard drive, and therefore your computer.

  • Defragment your disks periodically (at least once a month)
  • If there is any suspicion of work hard disk, carry out a set of measures to check and restore the hard drive (good tools are available at)
  • Eliminate any physical influences to the hard drive. Do not hit the system unit, do not knock on the table if there is a system unit or laptop on it
  • When cleaning the system unit from dust, clean the hard drive thoroughly, as it tends to heat up

Small amount of RAM

– Problem One of the most common reasons why a computer slows down a lot is a small amount of RAM. Progress does not stand still and with new software new hardware is coming out that provides comfortable work these programs.

You can see the RAM load in the task manager (ctrl+alt+del), in the “Performance” and “Processes” tabs.

However, not everyone can afford to upgrade hardware, and in particular RAM. After all, to find memory for an old computer (DDR), you will have to work hard. And the price of the planks old memory, significantly more expensive than memory of the same size, but of a new type (example DDR2 or DDR3).

And to install memory new modification, you need to change the motherboard and, in most cases, the processor.

– The solution is the most banal! Increase the amount of RAM. I also advise you to pay attention to running processes; perhaps most of the memory is being “eaten up” by processes that you did not start (for example, viruses).

– Problem Just like RAM, the processor directly affects the speed of the computer. Strongest of all insufficient power the processor is noticeable when working with a browser and when running high-quality HD video.

The processor load can be seen in the task manager (ctrl+alt+del), in the “Performance” and “Processes” tabs.

– Solution The solution is to install a new, more powerful processor.

There is a lot of unnecessary stuff in startup

– Problem As you work at the computer, you often have to install various kinds of programs; some of these programs are installed in startup so that they load when the computer is turned on.

I doubt that you often look into startup and remove unnecessary programs from there. But it would be worth it, because by cleaning startup, you can significantly increase the speed of turning on the computer and starting the operating system.

– Solution You need to open “System Configuration” and in the “Startup” tab, uncheck the programs you don’t need.

To open “System Configuration”, click “Start” - “Run”, for Windows XP, or for Windows 7, “Start” - and in the “Search programs and files” line write msconfig and press Enter.
Afterwards, go to the “Startup” tab
In my case, you can safely disable the “Intel”, “ Adobe Reader", "Java". You may have an office there, Winamp, various kinds of instant messengers.

Cleaning the registry from garbage

– The Registry problem is the most mysterious and little-studied ordinary users, area of ​​the Windows operating system. The registry contains the parameters of all installed applications. And in case incorrect deletion applications, entries remain in the registry.

Over time, due to such entries, the registry grows to indecent sizes. And when contacting him, operating system spends more time than I would like.

– Solution Cleaning the registry with a special utility, for example, there are no other options.

The computer slows down when using the browser

– The problem is also very current problem. It occurs mainly when opening several dozen tabs at once, or when launching an HD quality video in the browser.

Also, don’t forget that each open tab is a separate running process, which “eats” part of the RAM and part of the processor.

– Solution If your computer freezes when working in the browser, pay attention to the task manager to see which process is taking up the most resources. Perhaps this is some application running in web page, or a frozen script. Do not forget that the browser may freeze due to a full cache, which is necessary.

If your computer slows down when watching videos on the Internet, the problem is insufficient processor resources; only a replacement will help.

Let's sum it up!

As you can see there is great amount problems that can cause your computer to freeze and slow down. If you haven’t found the answer to your question or have tried everything but nothing helps, write your problem in the comments, we will try to help you. By the way, here are some more tips on

Now I suggest you watch a video on the topic “What to do if your computer is slow”:

Very often, many users who for some reason had to reinstall the “seven” complain that afterward the computer slows down so much that it is simply impossible to work. Let's see what this might be connected with and discuss how to get out of this situation.

Why does my computer slow down after reinstalling Windows 7?

We will not dwell now on the reasons that prompted the user to install the “seven” again. Let's look at the problems that arise after this. Sometimes there is a very strong slowdown, the Internet does not work after reinstalling Windows 7, there is an increased load on system resources or too frequent access to hard drive etc. What could cause this?

The very first thing landline users need to do is computer terminals, - check the RAM strips and the density of the cables on the motherboard. You never know, maybe a lot of dust has collected in the system unit, which leads to the system slowing down and freezing.

On the other hand, it may very well be that the user mistakenly installed the 64-bit version of the “seven” instead of the 32-bit one (alas, this also happens), and the computer or laptop itself uses outdated hardware, which hardly meets the minimum system requirements. So it turns out that after reinstalling Windows 7, the computer slows down only for the reason that 64-bit Windows is much more power-hungry than the 32-bit version. But this is, so to speak, general case. Now let's move on to finding out the specific reasons.

What drivers are needed after reinstalling Windows 7?

The presence of outdated drivers in the system can be called a fairly common phenomenon, because pure “seven” is also not the latest product. In addition, if the user does not have the original driver disk, which is mandatory should be supplied when purchasing a computer or laptop, the system installs the most suitable ones from its own database, which, to put it mildly, is completely irrelevant.

In this case, there is no need to rush after completing the OS installation process (sometimes some drivers may not work). It is better to use special releases or update programs. For example, very good option may become a driver database that it is advisable to always have on hand.

On the other hand, it “weighs” quite a lot. In such a situation, a free search utility called Driver Booster. It works just fine, and it updates the drivers of absolutely all devices only when you go to the official resources of the manufacturers, where, as a rule, the most current versions such software.

But there is one catch: if 7, install this utility It’s simply pointless, since no update will occur if there is no connection (more on that later).

The load on system resources is too high

Now we need to pay attention to one more point. Quite often there is an increased load on the processor and RAM, which is the cause of braking or freezing. What to do? See what process is causing maximum consumption resources (as is known, in any Windows versions a huge number are running by default unnecessary services, which can and should be stopped).

First, call the standard “Task Manager”. This is done with the help of a friend combinations Ctrl+ Alt + Del or by entering the taskmgr command in the special “Run” menu bar (Win + R). Here you need to sort the contents in the processes and services sections by maximum load, and then see which component is loading the system.

Next you need to configure autoload. For this we use msconfig command all in the same “Run” menu and on the corresponding tab we turn off everything unnecessary. You can only leave the antivirus, if one is already installed, and the keyboard indicator (ctfmon process). We uncheck all other services without a twinge of conscience (most users don’t need them at all anyway).

Internet problems

Now let's see why problems with Internet access are sometimes observed. First of all, if you are using, say, Wi-Fi, you should make sure that the corresponding module is enabled on your computer or laptop (the latter have special combination keys (most often this is Fn + some kind function button, say, F5 - it all depends on the model).

If everything is fine here, you need to look into the settings of the TCP/IP protocol, which can be accessed through the Internet properties menu. In most cases, it helps to set the IP address to be obtained in auto mode and disabling the use of proxies for local addresses, unless otherwise provided by the provider. If all the parameters are entered manually, you just need to check that they are correct.

Finally, it may very well be that LAN card It has outdated driver. Therefore, it needs to be updated. To begin with, you can use the system’s own tools located in the “Device Manager”, or, which is much better, install the driver from the package described above. As a last resort, you can copy the DEV and VEN values ​​in the list of equipment IDs on the description tab, and then use special sites to search for a driver using these values, and then download it from another terminal that has access to the Internet.

What's the result?

Here, in fact, we have looked at the main reasons why the computer slows down after reinstalling Windows 7. Of course, not all situations that may arise are given here. However, these are the most common. As for what programs are needed after reinstalling Windows 7, this issue has already been partially addressed. However, you can also add an antivirus, an archiver, office suite, video and audio codecs and decoders, etc. But here the choice is up to the user himself. By the way, as an option, you can install some kind of automatic optimizer that will monitor the state of the system in real time and promptly unload unused or unnecessary processes from memory.