How to speed up a slow Windows computer. Speeding up your Windows computer: a selection of the best programs for optimization and cleaning

An interesting topic and always relevant is how to increase the speed of your computer. In the modern world, the race against time is becoming more and more interesting, everyone gets out as best they can. And the computer plays an important role here. How can he infuriate you with his ridiculous brakes at a crucial moment! At this moment the following thoughts come to me: “Piss, well, I don’t do anything like that! where are the brakes from?

In this article I will look at the 10 most effective ways to increase computer performance.

Replacement of components

The most obvious way is to replace the computer with something more powerful, we will not consider it. But replacing some spare part (component) is quite possible. You just need to figure out what can be replaced while spending less money and getting the maximum increase in computer performance.

A. CPU It is worth replacing if the new one is at least 30% faster than the installed one. Otherwise, there will be no noticeable increase in productivity, and a lot of money will be required.

Extreme enthusiasts can try to overclock their processor. The method is not for everyone, but nevertheless it allows you to postpone the processor upgrade for another year, if the overclocking potential of the motherboard and processor allows. It consists of increasing the standard operating frequencies of the central processor, video card and/or RAM. Complicated by the individual characteristics of a specific configuration and the possibility of premature failure.

B. RAM. It definitely needs to be added if during operation all the memory is loaded. We look through the “Task Manager”, if at the peak of work (when everything that can be opened) is loaded up to 80% of the RAM, then it is better to increase it by 50-100%. Fortunately, it now costs a penny.

C. HDD. It's not the size of the disk, but its speed. If you have a slow economy hard drive with a spindle speed of 5400 rpm, then replacing it with a more expensive one with a speed of 7200 rpm and a higher recording density will add performance. In all cases, replacing with an SSD drive makes users very happy. The performance before and after is completely different.

You can roughly determine the bottleneck in the computer configuration using the standard Windows 7 performance tool. To do this, go to “Control Panel -> System” and click “Evaluate performance” or “Update”. The overall performance is determined by the lowest indicator, thus the weak link can be identified. For example, if the hard drive rating is much lower than the processor and RAM rating, then you need to think about replacing it with a more productive one.

Computer repair and cleaning

The computer may be slowing down due to some kind of malfunction, and a simple repair will help increase performance. For example, if the processor cooling system malfunctions, its clock speed is greatly reduced, and as a result, performance drops. It can still slow down simply because of the components of the motherboard due to heavy dust! So first, try to thoroughly clean the system unit.

Defragmentation and free disk space

If you have never heard of what it is or haven’t done it for a long time, then this is the first thing you need to do to increase the speed of your computer. Defragmentation collects the information on the hard drive piece by piece into a single whole, thereby reducing the number of read head movements and increasing performance.

The lack of at least 1 GB of free space on the system disk (where the operating system is installed) can also cause a decrease in overall performance. Keep track of the free space on your disks. By the way, for the defragmentation process it is desirable to have at least 30% of free space.

Reinstalling the Windows XP/7/10 operating system

Reinstalling 90% allows you to increase the speed of your computer by 1.5-3 times, depending on how dirty it is. This operating system is designed in such a way that over time it needs to be reinstalled. I know people who “interrupt Windows” several times a week. I am not a supporter of this method, I try to optimize the system, to get to the bottom of the true source of the brakes, but still, about once a year I reinstall the system, and only because some components change.

In principle, if I didn’t have such a turnover of programs, then I could live 5-10 years without reinstalling. But this is rare, for example in some offices where only 1C: Accounting and Microsoft Office are installed, and nothing has changed for years. I know such a company, they have had Windows 2000 for more than 10 years and it works fine... But in general, reinstallation is a good way if you don’t know how to increase the performance of your computer.

Using operating system settings optimizer programs

Sometimes you can significantly increase the comfort of work using special programs. Moreover, in most cases this is almost the only simple, fast and suitable method. I already wrote about one good program called earlier.

You can also try a good PCMedic utility. It's paid, but that's not a problem. The highlight of the program is the fully automated process. The entire program consists of one window in which you need to select your operating system, processor manufacturer (Intel, AMD or other) and optimization type - Heal (cleaning only) or Heal & Boost (cleaning plus acceleration). Press the “GO” button and that’s it.

And one of the most powerful programs is Auslogics BoostSpeed, although it is also paid, but there is a trial version. This is a real monster that includes several utilities to increase the performance of your computer on all fronts. There is an optimizer, a defragmenter, cleaning your computer from unnecessary files, cleaning the registry, an Internet accelerator and some other utilities.

Interestingly, the program has an advisor who will tell you what needs to be done. But always check what is recommended there, do not use everything indiscriminately. For example, the advisor really wants automatic Windows updates to work. Those who have not bought licensed Windows know that this can end badly...

For optimization, there are also cleaning programs, for example CCleaner, which clean the computer of unnecessary temporary files and clean the registry. Removing junk from disks will help free up free space.

But cleaning the registry does not lead to a noticeable increase in performance, but it can lead to problems if important keys are deleted.

IMPORTANT! Before any changes, be sure to!

NECESSARILY view everything that cleaner programs want to remove! I scanned my computer with Auslogics Disk Cleaner and at first I was glad that I had 25GB of junk in my recycle bin. But remembering that I had recently emptied the recycle bin, I opened the files prepared for deletion in this program and was simply amazed! ALL my most important files were there, my entire life for the last few months. Moreover, they were not in the trash, but in a separate folder on drive D. That’s how I would have deleted them if I hadn’t looked.

In Windows 7, you can slightly increase performance by simplifying the graphical interface. To do this, go to “Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Settings” and disable some of the checkboxes or select “Ensure the best performance”.

Motherboard BIOS Settings

The BIOS stores the most basic computer settings. You can enter it while turning on the computer using the Delete, F2, F10 or some other key (written on the screen when turning on the computer). A strong decrease in performance can only be due to critical bugs in the settings. Usually it is configured normally and interfering there is not necessary and even harmful.

The easiest way to change the settings to optimal is to go into the BIOS and select an option like “Load Optimal Settings” (the spelling may differ depending on the BIOS), save the settings and reboot.

Disabling unnecessary services and programs from startup

Today, almost every second installed program sticks its nose into startup. As a result, loading the operating system is delayed for an indefinite amount of time, and the work itself is slowed down. Look at the system tray (near the clock), how many unnecessary icons are there? It is worth removing unnecessary programs or disabling them from startup.

This is easy to do using the built-in Windows System Configuration utility. To run it, press the combination “Win ​​+ R” and enter “msconfig” in the window. In the program, go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck the extra boxes. If after a reboot something is missing, the checkboxes can be returned. You should have an idea of ​​what programs you have installed and .

One strong way to increase performance is... disabling the antivirus. It’s bad, of course, but I sometimes disable the antivirus while performing resource-intensive tasks.

No need to do this while surfing the web or installing unknown software!

Installing the latest drivers

This can really help, especially if very old or default drivers are installed (by default from Microsoft). The motherboard chipset drivers have the greatest influence, but others can also reduce performance. You need to update drivers for each device, and you can find them on the manufacturers' websites.

It is better to update drivers manually, but there are many programs for automatically updating drivers. For example, a good one will scan devices and look for updated drivers.

Choose your operating system wisely

If you are still sitting on Windows XP, having 2 gigabytes of RAM, then I advise you to quickly switch to Windows 7, performance will increase. And if you have 4 GB or more, then feel free to install Windows 10 64-bit version. The speed of work will increase even more, but only in 64-bit programs. Video processing, audio and other resource-intensive tasks can be processed 1.5-2 times faster! It's also time to change Windows Vista to seven.

Do not use various Windows builds for installation, such as Windows Zver and the like. They are already crammed with necessary and unnecessary software, and they are often buggy.


Even though they are in tenth place for me, this does not mean at all that you should not pay attention to them. Viruses can significantly slow down your computer or even freeze it. If there is a strange decrease in performance, then you should scan the system with one of the scanners, for example. But it is better to have a reliable antivirus installed, such as DrWeb or Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

In this article, we looked at the main methods of how to increase the speed of your computer. I hope this article helped you save the most important thing in our lives - time that should be used productively, every hour and every minute, and not wasted. In the following articles I will touch upon the topic of increasing computer performance more than once, subscribe to blog updates.

Interesting video for today - incredible ping pong!

Every user sooner or later faces the problem of PC stuttering and stuttering. This happens for several reasons, often independent of each other. Be that as it may, getting your computer to work correctly and quickly is not as difficult as you might think, you just have to take a few active steps. I would like to talk about them in a little more detail.

Cleaning your PC from dust

It's no secret that the system unit attracts dust no worse than a vacuum cleaner of some famous brand, so when you open the system unit, you may be very surprised. Dust accumulates on all elements located inside the system unit, which is why some of the components tend to overheat, which greatly affects the performance of the entire system. In the end, this can lead to a fatal outcome - one day the computer simply won’t start, for example, because the processor burned out. Now, I hope you understand why it is so important not to forget about dust cleaning?

As for the cleaning itself, there is nothing complicated about it. To do this, carefully open the system unit (remember: if the computer is under warranty, then the warranty is lost during this process, so think carefully about whether it is worth taking such a step), remembering to turn off the PC from the network and begin to carefully operate the vacuum cleaner, trying not to touch components. As is sometimes advised, it is better not to use brushes so as not to damage the parts. In addition, this way you will not get rid of the dust itself.

Here's a photo of a system unit full of dust.

Cleaning the registry

The registry needs to be cleaned. The registry is a hierarchically built database of parameters and settings of the operating system (in this case, Windows 7), although in fact this does not matter. The registry often stores so-called “tails” from previously deleted programs and applications. Oddly enough, but they can adversely affect the operation of the system.

In addition to this, you also need to get rid of temporary files, which often not only slow down your PC, but also clutter up quite a decent amount of space on your computer. For example, the volume of such files can be several gigabytes, and in particularly advanced cases - even tens of gigabytes.

I talked about how to do both operations in great detail on the pages of the site, so I won’t repeat myself. Let me just remind you that all this can be done using such an excellent program as.

Disable unnecessary programs

You probably already guessed that now I’m talking about programs that tend to load when the operating system starts. By default, for example, after installing Windows on a PC, in the startup section you will not find a single program that needs to be disabled. How then do they appear there, you ask? When installing other applications or programs. For example, the well-known iTunes. Along with it, a sufficient amount of completely unnecessary software is installed, which I prefer to get rid of or at least disable it. However, you need to remember that if you disable something, some programs may not work, be careful.

To look at the programs that load along with the operating system and disable some of them, you need to use the same CCleaner utility. If you don’t have it at hand or you decide not to install it, it doesn’t matter - we’ll use the built-in Widnows utility. To do this, go to “Start” and in the “Search programs or files” line, type the word msconfig and press the Enter key. A window will open in front of you, one of the subsections in which is called “Startup”. In it we disable unnecessary programs.

Checking your computer for viruses and Trojans

This is generally a prerequisite for many actions or operations performed on your PC. Let me briefly remind you that any nasty thing present on your computer will cause you trouble. So, in some cases, Trojans can steal data directly from the browser (this could be important logins and passwords), others spy on the keyboard (record everything that was entered on it), use your PC for a DDOS attack and simply slow down the system.

The antivirus works constantly and there is no simple way to disable it - this is a kind of protection against nasty things from outside. However, the program often misses various malicious files, so you must scan your computer at least once every one or two weeks.

I have already talked about some of the antiviruses, in particular, the fairly well-known one. It is interesting because it can be obtained for free (a license for a year can be obtained on the official website) and copes quite well with various types of viruses.

In addition, I recommend using additional programs to periodically scan the system. This includes Dr. Web Cureit and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. The first one is distributed free of charge, the second one will have to be paid for, but it’s worth the money, believe me.

We defragment the hard drive and check it for errors

Just yesterday I talked about... You can read the entire article by following the link provided, but all I can do is remind you that disk defragmentation is the process of updating it and optimizing its logical structure in order to ensure that files are stored in a continuous sequence of clusters.

Defragmentation is a very important process and absolutely necessary for the operation of any computer. It really allows you to speed up the system, as you can see for yourself. The main thing is not to forget to defragment at least once a month.

As for checking for errors, they can occur in any case, especially if there is an operating system on the disk. In this case, it is advisable to check the box next to the “Automatically correct system errors” option, since otherwise the errors will not be corrected. This is also an important operation that needs to be carried out from time to time.

To start both processes (they must be carried out separately at different times), simply move the mouse cursor over the desired drive, click on the right button and select the “Properties” section, the “Service” tab.

Disabling visual effects in Windows 7

Windows 7 is characterized by the presence of visual effects that can really have a negative impact on the operation of the system. In principle, if you have powerful enough hardware, then you don’t have to disable any effects, because the “seven” looks very nice thanks to them. However, in some cases this action is definitely worth resorting to.

So, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Counters and Productivity Tools”. On the left side of the window you will see a link “Setting visual effects”, click on it.

A small window will appear with a choice of various effects. All you have to do is uncheck the effects you don’t need. After that, click OK. That's all, actually.

I talked about the most popular tools for speeding up a PC. If you have any ideas on this topic, be sure to let us know via comments.

We looked at the most convenient and simple ways to speed up your computer. Using the presented applications, you can easily defragment your disk, delete temporary files in a couple of clicks, edit the list of downloadable programs, and even check your system for viruses. All this will free up disk space, optimize memory performance and provide the system with the necessary performance boost.

How to speed up your PC manually?

If the proposed methods did not work, we recommend editing additional system parameters: increase the amount of virtual memory (expand the page file), disable visual effects, update drivers, open the system unit and remove dust from the motherboard (dust in the computer leads to overheating).

Also try removing unnecessary software from startup. For Windows 7: press the win + r key combination on your keyboard, enter the msconfig command. Go to the Startup menu and remove unnecessary programs from there (uncheck the boxes). For the Windows 10 operating system, everything happens a little differently: you must press trl+alt+delete, go to the Task Manager, find Autorun and select unnecessary ones from the list of installed programs, right-click on each one to select “Disable” in the drop-down menu .

If you couldn't speed up your PC?

When all the ways to ensure the best performance and stable operation of an outdated computer have not helped and it is still very slow, try updating the drivers for your video card and other PC hardware components. No result? The only remaining simple method is to reinstall Windows. A clean system does not have unnecessary files, so it begins to slow down over time as garbage accumulates in the temp folder, the registry and other places.

It is worth noting that by removing junk, fiddling with settings and the control panel, you still will not get a modern PC. If nothing else helps, but you don’t want to buy a new computer, or your budget doesn’t allow it, at least update the key components. Let’s make a reservation right away, taking into account modern realities, the clock frequency of the central processor must exceed 2GHz. It must have at least two cores. This is a greatly simplified definition, but at least more or less understandable to the average person.

Next, you just have to think about the upgrade. First, install an SSD and increase the RAM if its current amount is less than 4GB. A solid-state drive will allow you to speed up almost any hardware by increasing the speed of data exchange with the disk. Programs will open faster, and system boot time will be reduced. Increasing the amount of RAM will prevent freezes when using powerful programs and opening a large number of tabs in Chrome. Also, if you play games, buy a new graphics card. But don’t forget to read the reviews and system requirements of your favorite toys first.

However, we hope that you can optimize your PC using simple, semi-automatic methods, and you won’t have to make changes to the system configuration. If the hardware configuration is not the most advanced, after cleaning one of the proposed programs, the computer will work faster. The increase in speed will be felt with 100% probability!

Good day, dear readers. Today I would like to look at how to speed up your computer.

For a long time now, productive, multi-core computers have come into our lives, with which there seemed to be no bugs or glitches. Windows XP is not scary.

But this did not save users from the most basic problem: the brakes and instability of the system itself.

I also want to note that any computer, from old single-core ones to more powerful four, six and eight-core ones, can be optimized for stable and relatively fast operation.

The same applies to slow operation; any computer can slow down greatly due to overload, incorrect installation, removal and use of programs.

It's not uncommon for me to watch a 5-minute download Windows XPSP3, despite the fact that the computer is equipped with a powerful 4-core processor and 4 GB of RAM. At the same time, the users themselves say:

- The computer is probably weak, maybe add more RAM.

Yes, probably, if instead of 4 GB of RAM there were 16 GB, then everything could be shoved onto the processor🙂

This article will be designed for two categories of computers.

1. Multi-core.

2. .

Later you will understand why I drew such a parallel. Now let's look at“Optimizing Windows XP to speed up multi-core computers” .

2 Speed ​​up your computer

2. A rare, but quite unpleasant situation is when you purchased a computer with a pre-installed operating system, but the optimization of Windows XP is frankly lame.

For example, the drivers are incompatible or not all OS (Operating System) components work normally.

In this case, either reinstall the operating system yourself or contact the store. Personally, I am inclined to the first option because... it is faster and more efficient.Because in a store, it is unlikely that they will reinstall the system for you normally if they gave you a computer with such an OS.

To reinstall Windows correctly, I recommend that you read the article -.

Initially, the computer may take a long time to boot due to incorrect settingsBIOS.To get everything back to normal, reset the settings toBIOSdefault. More about the correct ones.

3 Speed ​​up loading windows xp sp3

3. Now the situation is more common, when at first everything was in order, but after some time (usually 3-6 months) the computer begins to slow down, takes a long time to load and produces some errors.

1) The first thing you should do is check the list of installed programs and if you don’t use some, you should completely remove them. article on how to properly conduct a complete .

2) The next point is to check the disk for fragmentation and errors.

If you have a lot of fragmented files on your disk, you should immediately do this, then check your hard disk for errors; if there are any, they need to be corrected.

3) Keep control of the free space of your HDD, especially your system drive. Conduct an audit every month for unused programs and other files. Any excess must be removed immediately.

Very often, after uninstalling unused programs, a bunch of unused files accumulate in the registry. will help speed up your computer.

Remember, the fewer files on your hard drive, the better. Try not to let the system partition of your hard drive become more than 90% full.And also do not forget about hard drive optimization - .

4) Reboot your computer more often. This may be unexpected advice for some on how to speed up your computer, but it is very important.

If you have 1-2 GB of RAM on your computer, and you are working in resource-intensive applications, you have several dozen windows open at the same time, etc. If there is not enough RAM, it will be taken from the hard drive.

And this greatly slows down the operation of the HDD and all programs running using its swap file. Perform Reset (reboot) more often, give your computer and your eyes a rest.

5) If your computer has 2GB or more of RAM, I recommend disabling the page file.

To do this, go to the properties of my computer, go to the advanced tab, and click on the first button settings in the performance section.

In the new window that opens, click on the additional tab, and at the very bottom, in the virtual memory section, click change.

Here you are asked to configure the virtual memory parameters, you can increase its volume, change its location, but now we are interested in something else. At the very bottom, you need to check the “Without paging file” option, then click set and OK.

After this, you will be prompted to restart your computer. We reboot and now the swap file will not slow down your system.

And if you overdo it with windows, you will receive a warning that there is not enough memory, this will mean that you need to reboot the system, turn off and then turn on the program again, or.

In any case, now your HDD will have no reason to growl🙂due to heavy load, and the computer will work faster.

By the way, if the paging file cannot be completely disabled, since there is not enough RAM, then I advise you to read the article on how to set it up.

6) Turn off visual effects. It is possible that after disabling the paging file, when running just a few programs, a low memory signal may pop up, although you have 2 GB, and the programs require only 1 GB, well, 1.5 GB at most.

What then eats the rest? The answer is simple. Visual effects. Those who completed the previous procedure to eliminate the page file probably noticed the visual effects tab, which we bypassed.

This is exactly what interests us now. I recommend keeping only two visual effects, styles and shadows.

This way the design will not suffer much, and the memory will feel more comfortable. You can remove them all, but then the design of Windows XP will be no different from Windows 2000. In general, experiment and see what you like best.

7) No more startup programs. Since we touched on the question of where the memory goes. Then we simply have to control autoloading.

The thing is that most programs, after installation, have the property of auto-launching every time you start them Windows without our permission.

At the same time, the OS loading time increases, because you need to load all the programs that are available in startup.

Then each of these programs takes over a certain amount of RAM and waits for people to access it. Which is most likely unlikely.

To disable programs from startup, you need to click on the start button, select run and enter the command "Msconfig". If everything is done correctly, the following window will open for you.

and disable everything except the antivirus (we will need it later).

Click OK. We will be asked to reboot, to which we confidently answer yes. If you had a lot of programs in startup, then you will immediately feel an increase in the speed of loading the operating system.

In fact, these are just the basics of quickly increasing your productivity. I hope optimizing Windows XP will benefit your computer.

In the future, we will look at a lot of interesting tips that will allow you to speed up your computer significantly. If you don't want to miss the next article,

Expert: Victoria

Over time, any PC begins to work slower. In most cases, it is not at all necessary to reinstall the operating system in order for the computer to start “flying” again. All you need to do is delete a few things and run a few programs.

Remove unnecessary programs

Open Control Panel and go to Programs and Features. Review the list of installed programs and games and remove those you don't need. This will free up space on your hard drive, causing your computer to run a little faster.

There is an even more effective way to remove programs - using utilities like YourUninstaller - they clean up all the traces that deleted programs may leave in folders and the system registry.

Clean your hard drive and registry

Install the CCleaner utility and run Disk Cleanup - junk files, caches and other trash will be deleted. CCleaner also allows you to clean up the system registry - remove unnecessary entries and file associations.

Remove unnecessary things from startup

Launch the “Task Manager” (Ctrl+Alt+Del), open the “Startup” tab and see which programs start automatically when the operating system starts. If you don’t need any of them or are completely unknown, disable their autorun. To do this, click on the line with the name of the program, and then on the “Disable” button. If you wish, you can always launch any of these programs manually or return startup.

Close programs in the notification area

The notification area shows icons for programs that are running in the background. See which of these programs you really need. Leave them and the rest can be closed. If you remove these programs from startup, they will not start after you restart the computer.

Get rid of animation

Open Control Panel and go to System > Advanced system settings > Performance > Settings. Select the “Ensure the best performance” option and see how much faster your computer runs. You can experiment with the parameters, for example, return font smoothing, without which the text is difficult to read.

Inspect your browser

Go to your browser settings and see what extensions are installed. It is not necessary to delete those that you do not currently use; you can simply disable them until they are needed.

Defragment your hard drive

On older versions of Windows, you need to periodically defragment the hard drive in order for its speed to become higher. Windows 8 and Windows 10 can defragment magnetic hard drives in the background, but solid-state drives do not need this at all.

PC upgrade?

If even after all this, your computer continues to slow down ungodly, perhaps it should be upgraded - buy a new motherboard with a high-performance processor, add RAM, or replace the slow magnetic hard drive with a faster solid-state drive.