How to disable Windows 8 update on a laptop. Using the classic Control Panel. Disabling “unnecessary” services

Updates operating system appear because the “eight” does not always work correctly, and developers make some changes to the operation of the OS to eliminate such shortcomings. But it is not always useful to install all the updates in a row. In this article we will talk about how to disable Windows 8 update.

Disabling automatic updates

As you already know, the “eight” has fundamentally new interface. Of course, it was designed more for devices with a touch screen. However, even on regular computers This operating system is very convenient.

In principle, all services and facilities have remained unchanged from previous generations, e.g. Windows Vista or 7. Therefore, the methods for disabling automatic updating of the G8 do not differ from how it was done in previous versions of the OS.

The only difference may be how the control panel opens, for example. In addition, Windows 8 added the Settings service, which allows you to customize the system. But it's simple additional method, which, according to the developers, is more convenient.

So, why might an update be needed, since it is necessary to fix errors, improve the interface and increase performance?

It is by no means always the installation Windows Update allows you to improve the performance of the OS. The fact is that there are quite a lot of updates and by installing them, you greatly clog up the registry, and a lot of new entries appear on the hard drive. . Because of this, to search the desired entry the computer takes longer, which reduces its performance.

That is why if your computer is working normally, without errors (or at least you simply don’t notice them and you are happy with everything), then you do not need to install all the offered update packages.

So how to disable automatic update Windows 8? Everything is quite simple. You can use two methods:

  • Through the control panel.
  • In system parameters.

Let's look at both of these options in more detail.

How to disable automatic updates in Windows 8: Video

Shutdown via control panel

First, we need to launch the control panel. Let's do this in the simplest and fastest way: press the [Start] (Windows) + [X] keys simultaneously. A menu will appear in which you need to select “Control Panel”.

Now go to the System and Security section. After that, open the “Windows Update” section.

In the left menu, select "Settings".

In chapter " Important updates"should be set to 'Do not check for updates (not recommended)'. Below, in the “Recommended updates” section, you need to check the box “Receive in the same way as important...”. After that, click “Ok” and you’re done - automatic check and installation of update packages is disabled.

Disable via system settings

If you don’t like the method described above or for some reason you can’t use it, then don’t be upset - there is alternative method, how to remove automatic updates in Windows 8. First you need to open the settings: move your mouse cursor to the right top corner. will appear sidebar, in which you need to select “Options”.

After this, another menu will appear. Here we need to click the “Change computer settings” button.

Here we go to the “Windows Update” section. Next, select “Select installation type...”.

Then everything is done as in previous method. That is, in the “Important updates” line, set the value to “Do not check for... (not recommended).” Below, check the box “Receive in the same way...”. After that, click on “Apply” and close all windows.

Now you know how to cancel a Windows 8 update. But that's not all.

In order to completely cancel the ability to search, download and install update packages, we will need to disable the service that is responsible for this.

This is done quite simply.

How to cancel Windows 8 update: Video

Disabling a Windows service

You can also do this in two ways:

  • Through system management.
  • In the system configuration.

Both methods work with the same service, so it doesn't matter which one you prefer. So, the first method is to press the key combination [Start]+[R]. In the window that appears, write “msconfig” and click “Ok”.

A console called “System Configuration” will open. Here we go to the “Services” tab, go down to the very bottom of the list and find “.” Your task is simply to uncheck this line and click the “Apply” button. Restart your PC and that’s it: the service will be completely disabled.

The second method will require you to start the Computer Management service. This can be done using the key combination [Start]+[X]. In the menu that opens, select the service we need, which is called “Computer Management”.

Now just open the Services and Applications folder. In it you will see the “Services” service. Click on it.

In the central part, a list of names of services that are in the G8 will open. Your task is to scroll to the end of the list, where you will find “Windows Update”.

Open the service double click left mouse button. Now in the “Startup Type” line set the value to “Disabled”. Below you should click on the “Stop” button. Now click “Apply” and close all windows.

That's it, the service is disabled and will not bother you anymore. Remember that if necessary, you can enable it in a similar way. Through the system configuration, you will just need to put a tick back in the appropriate line. In computer management, to enable the required service, open the required service and in the startup type set it to “Automatic” and click the “Run” button. Then we apply the changes, and everything works again.

Now you know how to disable Windows 8 update and how to enable it back. Everything is quite simple, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties. Moreover, on the screen you will see tips and a description of a particular service, which will give you an idea of ​​​​its operation and what it is needed for. Read them carefully and you will succeed.

What services can be disabled in Windows 8: Video

Windows 8 is completely new and different from its own previous versions operating system. Microsoft created the eight, focusing on touch devices, so many things that are familiar to us have been changed. For example, users were deprived convenient menu "Start". In this regard, questions began to arise about how to turn off the computer. After all "Start" disappeared, and with it the shutdown icon disappeared.

It would seem that it could be difficult to turn off the computer. But not everything is so simple, because the developers of the new operating system changed this process. Therefore, in our article we will look at several ways in which you can shut down the system on Windows 8 or 8.1.

Method 1: Use the “Charms” menu

The standard option to turn off the computer is to use the panel "Charms". Call this menu using a keyboard shortcut Win+I. You will see a window with the title "Options", where you can find many controls. Among them you will find the shutdown button.

Method 2: Use hotkeys

Chances are you've heard of the keyboard shortcut Alt+F4- it closes everything open windows. But in Windows 8 it will also allow you to shut down the system. Simply select the desired action from the drop-down menu and click "OK".

Method 3: Win + X menu

Another option is to use the menu Win + X. Press the indicated keys and context menu that appears, select the line "Shut down or log out". Several action options will appear, from which you can choose the one you need.

Method 4: Lock screen

You can also sign off from the lock screen. This method is quite rarely used and you can use it when you turned on the device, but then decided to put things off until later. In the lower right corner of the lock screen, you will find a computer shutdown icon. If the need arises, you can call up this screen yourself using the keyboard shortcut Win+L.

Also this button you will find on the security settings screen, which can be called by the well-known combination Ctrl + Alt + Del.

Method 5: Use the Command Line

And the last method we will look at is turning off the computer using « Command line» . Call the console in any way you know (for example, use "Search"), and enter the following command there:

And then click Enter.

The same command can be entered into the service "Run", which is called by the keyboard shortcut Win+R.

As you can see, there is still nothing complicated about shutting down the system, but, of course, it is all a little unusual. All of the methods discussed above work the same and will shut down your computer correctly, so don't worry about damaging anything. We hope you learned something new from our article.

Microsoft regularly releases updates for its operating systems. They are designed to eliminate the causes of any errors and introduce new ones. useful features, remove dangerous vulnerabilities through which viruses can damage your computer. However, many users are interested in how to disable Windows 8 system updates.

Updates are often useful. They install the most latest versions drivers, protect against damage and extend system life. But sometimes they cause problems. This occurs because users have failed to configure Windows updates.

Why is this necessary?

If for some reason you did not buy licensed version OS and you are using a hacked one - updates can cancel your activation. Developers protect their copyright, so they regularly release updates to protect against piracy. If you are using the program, it is recommended to disable auto-update.

Secondly, the system needs to download patches from the Microsoft server. And this is a traffic load. If you don't have enough Internet speed, or you pay for each megabyte, disconnecting is a great solution.

Thirdly, updates must be installed. From time to time your Personal Computer It will slow down and turn off for a very long time. Sometimes users need to quickly turn off the PC, change something (for example, install new disk or a stick of RAM), and then turn it back on. At such moments, it is very unpleasant to wait 10-15 minutes for the accumulated updates to be installed.

Control Panel

If you don't know how to disable automatic updates in Windows 8, follow the step-by-step instructions provided:

Disabling a service

If you are unable to configure Windows updates in the manner described above, you can approach the issue more radically. Responsible for updates special service operating system. You can turn it off, completely protecting yourself from intrusive patches.

Upgrade to 8.1

The OS also periodically prompts you to install new version Windows – 8.1. If it doesn’t suit you and you want to leave the classic “eight”, this function needs to be turned off. If you were unable to configure Windows updates to 8.1, follow these instructions:

Windows Automatic Maintenance is a process that takes place in background, aimed at maintaining the performance of the operating system, optimizing it for more fast work. Within automatic maintenance are being checked system updates, disk partitions are defragmented, individual ones are deleted temporary files, the system is scanned for malware. In this article, we’ll talk about why this process makes many people want to find settings in the system to disable it, and we’ll also look at the specific steps on how to do it.

1. Specifics of automatic system maintenance, starting from Windows 8

During the heyday of Windows 7, few people were interested in the automatic maintenance process, since it happened imperceptibly to users. Automatic system maintenance made itself felt after its release in 2012 year Windows 8. In this version of the system, its improved version 8.1 and new Windows 10, the automatic maintenance process can be launched not only while the computer is idle, as it should ideally be, but sometimes during its use. In this case, there may be an active load on the processor and/or HDD. And it is not necessary that the computer be old or low-powered. Active consumption of system resources during maintenance can be seen in various devices, with different power components, even in top laptops and on computers with advanced hardware.

The fact is that the Windows 7 system provided automatic maintenance with execution various tasks, for each of which was assigned its own special time, and it did not depend on whether the computer device was running on mains power or battery power. Windows 8, remember, was created primarily for the market portable devices such as tablets or laptops with touch screen. This fact necessitated the need to reduce most of the small tasks maintenance of the operating system into a single process, which should be performed only when operating computer device from the network, while maximizing the use of system resources in order to complete automatic maintenance as quickly as possible.

Let us remember again, the first time after Windows release 8 computer forums on the Internet were full of user messages about periodic loading of this system hard drive or processor at 100%, including when the computer is idle. Happy (or not so happy) owners of a new operating system at that time on board tablets or laptops purchased for a lot of money were perplexed why, as soon as they walked away from the device for a couple of minutes, the processor and hard drive began to overclock. But as soon as you move the mouse, touch the screen or touchpad, all activity disappears somewhere. True, it may not be right away, and for another minute or two the system will be terribly slow. Many people find the system maintenance process annoying. And this process is much more annoying when it starts not while the computer device is idle, but during its active use.

Automatic maintenance in Windows 8.1 and 10 systems is scheduled by default at night - at 2 or 3 o'clock. For these purposes, it provides for waiting for the computer to be idle for 21 hours and a preset permission to wake the computer from sleep mode. The duration of the planned maintenance process should not exceed 1 hour. If the computer is in use or turned off during the designated period, scheduled maintenance will be postponed to the next day. The constant transfer of maintenance naturally causes a backlog of scheduled tasks. Therefore, if the computer is mostly turned off at the default time of 2 or 3 am, in the morning after turning it on we can observe the same background maintenance with the absorption of system resources.

Disabling automatic maintenance is undesirable, but it can be resorted to in particularly critical cases. For example, when the computer constantly freezes during maintenance or to monitor the load on system resources without unnecessary background processes. But before we proceed directly to the instructions for disabling automatic maintenance, we first consider the possibility of reassigning time for scheduled processes.

2. Setting up automatic maintenance

If we are talking about the load on system resources immediately after Windows startup As a result of the fact that the computer is mostly turned off during scheduled maintenance, this time can be changed or maintenance can be started at right time manually. To do this, in Windows 8.1 and 10 systems, press the Win+X keys and select "Control Panel".

  • System and Security – Help Center

In this window we go down to the section "Service", where we will see a button to manually start system maintenance, as well as an option to change the parameters of this process.

In the panel Windows management 10 way is slightly different:

  • System and Security – Security and Maintenance

But directly in the window we will see the same “Maintenance” section, the same button to start the process manually and the same ability to change parameters.

By clicking the option "Change service settings", we will find a couple of positions that can be adjusted. In the drop-down list, we can select a convenient time and, if necessary, uncheck the box to allow the maintenance process to wake the computer from sleep mode. It is advisable to uncheck this box only if the computer has an excessively noisy power supply or hard drive, and their operation at night will interfere with sleep. Otherwise, it is better to leave this right to the automatic maintenance process.

3. Disabling automatic maintenance

Disabling automatic maintenance in the system Windows 8.1 carried out in the system task scheduler. To launch it, press the keys Win+R and in the command field "Run" enter:


In the launched scheduler window, expand the directory tree on the left:

  • Task Scheduler Library - Microsoft - Windows – TaskScheduler

Go to the center section of the window, click on the task Regular Maintance, call the context menu on it and select the item "Disable".

Regular Maintance is the task of daily scheduled launch of automatic maintenance, which can only be configured for a different time in the control panel settings. Once this task is disabled, maintenance will no longer occur automatically, but must be manually started periodically. As an alternative to disabling scheduled maintenance, in the context menu on the Regular Maintance task, you can select "Properties" and configure it individual parameters, in particular, set a frequency instead of daily, for example, weekly.

The same move in the system Windows 10 it will not be possible to do this, because Microsoft company deliberately hid the display of system maintenance tasks in the scheduler so that various clever people would not disable this process and, accordingly, would not add to the already long list of complaints against the software giant. But it is possible to disable scheduled maintenance; this is done using the system registry editor. To edit the system registry in order to disable and enable automatic maintenance, we will resort to the help of REG files posted on the Internet - special launchable files designed to quickly make changes to Windows registry. The archive in these REG files can be downloaded from cloud storage link:

Unpack the folder "automatic maintenance" and to disable automatic maintenance, run (with administrator rights) the REG file "disable automatic maintenance".

Click "Yes" to continue.

Changes in system registry entered.

For the reverse process - to enable automatic maintenance - use the same principle to launch another REG file in the folder "enable automatic maintenance".


Most Windows OS users are rarely satisfied with the speed of its operation, especially after some time after installing it on disk. So it was with me: the “brand new” Windows 8 OS worked quite quickly for the first month, but then the well-known symptoms - folders no longer open so quickly, the computer takes a long time to turn on, “brakes” often appear, seemingly out of the blue...

In this article (the article will be in 2 parts ()) we will touch upon initial setup Windows 8, and in the second we optimize it for maximum acceleration using various software.

And so, part one...

1) Disabling “unnecessary” services

By default, after installing Windows OS, services are running that most users do not need. For example, why does a user need a print manager if he does not have a printer? In fact, there are quite a lot of such examples. Therefore, let's try to disable services that most people do not need (naturally, it’s up to you to decide whether you need this or that service, that is, Windows 8 will be optimized for a specific user).

Attention! It is not recommended to disable services all at once and at random! In general, if you haven’t dealt with this before, Windows optimization I recommend starting with next step(and return to this after everything else has been completed). Many users unknowingly disable services randomly, leading to unstable work Windows...

To start, you need to go to services. To do this: open the OS control panel, and then search for “services.” Next, select “view” local services" See fig. 1.

Now, how to disable this or that service?

1. Select one or another service from the list and double-click on it with the left mouse button (see Fig. 2).

2. In the window that appears: first click the “stop” button, and then select the startup type (if the service is not needed at all, just select “do not start” from the list).

List of services that can be disabled* (alphabetically):

1) Windows Search (Search Service).

A fairly “hungry” service that indexes your content. If you do not use search, it is recommended to disable it.

2) Offline files

Service offline files performs the work of maintaining the offline files cache, responds to user login and logout events, implements the properties of common APIs, and sends those events that are interesting to them to those interested in the operation of offline files and changes in cache state.

3) Auxiliary service IP

Provides tunnel connectivity using tunneling technologies for IP version 6 (6to4, ISATAP, proxy and Teredo ports), as well as IP-HTTPS. If you stop this service, your computer will not be able to use additional features connections provided by these technologies.

4) Secondary login

Allows you to run processes as another user. If this service is stopped, this type of user registration is not available. If this service is disabled, other services that explicitly depend on it cannot start.

5) Print Manager (If you don't have a printer)

This service allows you to queue print jobs and communicate with the printer. If you turn it off, you won't be able to print or see your printers.

6) Client for tracking changed connections

Supports links between NTFS files moved within a computer or between computers on a network.

7) NetBIOS support module over TCP/IP

Provides support for NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution for clients on the network, allowing users to receive general access to files, printers, and also connect to the network. If this service is stopped, these features may not be available. If this service is disabled, all services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.

Provides support for file, printer, and named pipe sharing for of this computer through network connection. If the service is stopped, such functions cannot be performed. If this service is not allowed, any explicitly dependent services will fail to start.

9) Windows Time Service

Controls date and time synchronization across all clients and servers on the network. If this service is stopped, date and time synchronization will not be available. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it cannot start.

10) Download service Windows images(WIA)

Provides services for acquiring images from scanners and digital cameras.

11) Portable Device Enumerator Service

Applies group policy to removable storage devices. Allows applications such as Windows player Media and picture import wizard, transfer and synchronize content when using removable storage devices.

12) Diagnostic Policy Service

Diagnostic Policy Service helps you detect problems, troubleshoot problems, and resolve operational issues Windows components. If you stop this service, diagnostics will not work.

13) Program Compatibility Assistant Service

Provides support for the Program Compatibility Assistant. It monitors programs installed and launched by the user and detects known issues related to compatibility. If you stop this service, the Program Compatibility Assistant will not work correctly.

14) Windows Error Logging Service

Allows the sending of error reports if the program stops working or hangs, and also allows the delivery of available solutions to problems. Also allows logging for diagnostic and recovery services. If this service is stopped, error reporting may not work and results from the Diagnostic and Recovery Services may not be displayed.

15) Remote registry

Allows remote users change registry settings on this computer. If this service is stopped, the registry can only be modified local users running on this computer. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it cannot start.

16) Security Center

WSCSVC Service (Center Windows security) monitors the performance parameters of the security system and logs them. These settings include the firewall status (on or off), antivirus program(enabled/disabled/outdated), antispyware (enabled/disabled/outdated), Windows update (automatic or manual download and installation of updates), User Account Control (enabled or disabled), and Internet settings (recommended or not recommended).

2) Removing programs from startup

A serious reason for the “brakes” of Windows 8 (and indeed any other OS) can be the startup of programs: i.e. those programs that are automatically loaded (and launched) along with the OS itself.

Many people, for example, launch a bunch of programs every time: torrent clients, reading programs, video editors, browsers, etc. Moreover, interestingly, 90 percent of this entire set will be used from one occasion to another. The question is, why are they all needed every time you turn on the PC?

By the way, by optimizing startup, you can achieve more quick start PC, as well as increase its performance.

Most quick way open startup programs in Windows 8- press the key combination “Cntrl+Shift+Esc” (i.e. through the task manager).

Then, in the window that appears, simply select the ““ tab.

Rice. 4. Task Manager.

To disable a program, simply select it in the list and click on the “disable” button (bottom, right).

Thus, by disabling all programs that you rarely use, you can significantly increase the speed of your computer: applications will not load your RAM and load the processor with useless work...

(By the way, if you disable even all applications from the list, the OS will still boot and will work in normal mode. Tested on personal experience(repeatedly)).

3) OS settings: theme, Aero, etc.

It's no secret that compared to Winows XP, the new Windows 7, 8 operating systems are more demanding system resources, and this is largely due to the newfangled “design”, all sorts of effects, Aero, etc. Many users do not need this excess. Moreover, by disabling it, you can increase (albeit not much) performance.

The easiest way to turn off the newfangled "things" is to install the classic theme. There are hundreds of such topics on the Internet, including for Windows 8.