It says usb device is not recognized, what should I do? The system freezes completely immediately after connecting the flash drive to the computer. How to detect a problem

These days, a computer has several USB ports to which you can connect a keyboard, mouse, and other USB devices. You can also connect a flash drive or external HDD to the USB port. After connecting the flash drive/USB drive, you may receive an error message like this: “USB device not recognized.” At this time, Windows displays a message that the USB device is not recognized in the form of pop-up notifications in the Windows taskbar area. Windows is showing an error message due to an unknown fault in the Windows operating system due to which the USB is not recognized and an error is thrown. What would you do in this case?

The error says:

On Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 –
The latest USB device is not connected to this computer correctly, and Windows cannot recognize it.

or, on Windows 7

The USB device is not recognized, or one of the USB devices connected to this computer is not working properly and Windows cannot recognize it. For help resolving this issue, click this message.

When the error occurs, Windows cannot show the USB storage device in the 'My Computer' section in the File Explorer area and if you can take a look at the Device Manager in Windows, then you will find a yellow triangular alert icon near this device, which is invisible in Windows. The yellow triangular logo helps you locate the device in the Device Manager list. The photo below shows if you have never seen this error.

The error is very common and has been discussed by everyone through web portals and forums for years. No matter which Windows OS and which version of OS (it could be Windows 7 OS, Windows 8 OS, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10) you are using, you can certainly get the USB not recognized message more than once in your life. by inserting a USB flash drive or external USB drive into your PC. Actually, there is no exact and specific reason for getting this error message. So, we have to identify the problem of such error and try to fix it manually step by step for troubleshooting. Removing a USB device is not always safe and can cause problems; there may also be another problem related to windows drivers or similar ones that cause the device not to be recognized by the system. Most of the time, users using USB and virtual Windows operating systems receive an error message, but there are quite a few cases that I have had when I connected a USB flash drive directly in the My Computer window.

How to resolve and fix the 'USB device not recognized' error in Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7

There are probably several reasons that cause Windows to not display the device and it is not recognized causing an error, so of course there are several possible solutions. Here, follow the guide to get rid of this error. This doesn't mean you won't get the same error soon. Since there are many reasons for causing an external drive to not recognize it, thus, you can get the same Windows errors any time you plug a USB device into a Windows USB port.

Step 1: Disconnect the USB device and plug it back into the same port

Once you receive the error notification, simply remove the USB device and reinsert it. Try the same method two or three times. If you are lucky, you may be able to get rid of a Windows error that is preventing you from accessing a specific USB device. If this remedy works for you, then it may be a problem loading the device driver in Windows at the time of introducing the external USB into your PC.

Step 2: Disconnect the USB drive and reinsert it into another USB port

Try another USB port while you keep getting the error message. There may be a problem with the USB port. The USB port can become mischievous or develop mechanical problems over time. Therefore, try to use a separate USB port to solve the problem, if this helps, then it is probably a problem with the USB port. Replace the USB port immediately so that you do not receive any errors in the near future due to the same reason.

Step 3: Restart your computer to fix the problem

When you start turning on your PC, all programs, drivers, processes, services start automatically in the background. But, if any important process or driver does not load at startup, your computer may act up and may result in a “USB device not recognized” error.

Step 4: Windows Device Manager Search Problems and USB Driver Problems

This step is the most important. Most Windows users who receive this error can fix it using Windows Device Manager. In Device Manager, you can find all the connected devices of your PC, including processors, printers, hard drives (internal and external), etc. So, how to find and fix the problem of recognizing the connected external USB device using Device Manager? Follow the steps as described below:

1. Press Windows+R and open the Run window, in the window run the following command devmgmt.msc to open the device manager in the Windows window.

When the scan is completed, the program will automatically load the usb driver. If the USB device is not recognized and fixed, then, of course, this is a problem in Windows driver synchronization.

A USB device that is not recognized by Windows is marked as ‘Unknown Device’. You can update drivers in Windows by right-clicking in the context menu. You need to select the unknown or unrecognized device from the list in Windows Device Manager and right-click on it. Select “Update Driver”.

After a successful update, you should no longer receive an error message with USB devices. If the error persists, you can disable the unknown device driver for a while and give it a chance to bypass the error. But, if the message still appears, it is better to uninstall the device driver and reinstall the latest drivers from the Internet.

Now select the USB Root Hub - Properties and under the ‘Power Management’ tab you will find the option “Allow the device to be turned off to save power”. Uncheck the box and see if it helps or not.

Step 5: Disable USB - Selectively Pause Setup

There are various power options available in your computer's control panel. Select “Change Settings Plan” of your running plans and click on the “Change advanced power settings” option. Now scroll down to USB Setting >> USB Selective Suspend >> Install and force it to shut down. Laptop users should select the battery option and then make it disable.

Step 6: Change the registry to 'enhancedpowermanagementenabled' to fix the USB device issue

Many Windows 10 PC users may encounter the same problem. In addition, when connecting a device using a USB cable, the device remains disconnected. When you connect a USB device to a PC using a USB cable, the device receives charge from the PC. In this case, for Windows 10 users, when you connect the device to the USB port, the device gets charged, but the PC does not show the device in File Explorer. Sometimes, users receive a “USB not recognized” error message. The procedure to resolve the problem is described below.

Open Device Manager and go to the properties of the USB device that shows errors.
Switch to the ‘Details’ tab and select the path to the device instance from the drop-down menu.
Be aware of the corresponding instance ID.

Now open Registry Editor and navigate to the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\(Device Instance Path)\Device Parameters

On the right side of the device parameter, change the value of ‘EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled’ to ‘0’.

Restart your computer to receive the error message has been fixed.

Step 7: Remove existing hidden devices

Windows Device Manager does not show all devices in the list. It only shows devices connected to the PC. Devices that were previously installed and not connected to the PC right now do not appear in the Device Manager list. For example, a USB scanner after installation on a PC and if it is no longer turned on, it will not appear in the device manager list. However, some hidden devices may cause problems for modern USB devices and will result in an error message.

Now, let's see how to show hidden devices and remove them to avoid any conflict between them.

Open a command prompt as an administrator and run the following commands:


Once Device Manager has loaded successfully, in the top navigation pane, select View >> Show hidden devices.

Now, find and manually identify the list of unused drivers and remove them. You can check unknown devices, Universal Serial Bus controllers, etc.

New devices can now work perfectly after removing old devices and drivers. Thus, we hope that you will find a solution to fix “USB not recognized” in Windows.

Step 8: Try the USB port to troubleshoot the application

If the above methods did not work and your device still does not work for you, you should try the ‘fix’ apps from Microsoft. There is also another useful tool from Microsoft to do this kind of work. The instrument known as ‘ Fix It‘. Download links are given below.

DriverFinder is another third-party application that can fix Windows devices that are not recognized and are throwing errors on your PC. Simply install DriverFinder software and scan all applications installed on your computer. This useful application finds all the new drivers for your PC. This way, all USB devices including printers will be correctly recognized by your PC, laptop, etc.

Step 9: Other Possible Remedies

In the above steps, I have mentioned all the possible solutions to the “USB device not recognized” problem for Windows 10, 8.1, 7 users. If the problem occurs due to software or operating system issue, then of course, by following the above methods, you can solve the problem of.

If the problem persists, then there will most likely be a hardware problem. Either the USB devices are damaged or the USB port may not be working properly. So, first connect another USB device to this port to make sure there is nothing wrong with the port. Then connect the USB device to another computer and check whether it works or not. If you still get the same error again, then there is a serious problem in the USB drive. You can try a different USB connector.
Connect the USB flash drive to another PC and remove it if the problem occurs as a result of the disk being suddenly ejected.
Turn off your PC and unplug the power cable completely for 5 minutes. This motherboard USB hub reset may help resolve the driver issue. In case you are a laptop user, then remove the battery for at least a few minutes to reset the USB hub on the motherboard.
Update your BIOS and try to fix problems in Windows.

Hopefully this article will help you fix the USB device not recognized error in Windows and now you should be able to work normally with your USB device. Most USB device not recognized errors can be resolved by one of the above solutions. If you have any other solutions, or a USB problem that isn't solved by these tips, please leave a comment!

Every computer and flash drive user has at least once found himself in a situation where the flash drive failed. That is, it is impossible to view the information that is stored on it. The flash drive does not work, the computer does not see the flash drive, files are either not written, or are not transferred from the flash drive, or it shows a discrepancy in the storage capacity of the storage device.

But first things first.

The computer does not see the flash drive

In fact, there are a lot of problems that affect the computer’s detection of a flash drive - even the version of the operating system itself.

And so, you inserted a flash drive into the computer, it is not detected. How does this manifest itself?

The computer tells you what you need " insert disk" Even when you did.

The computer writes that the disk needs to be formatted because it is not formatted;

A data error has occurred;

The computer freezes when a flash drive is inserted;

The device is not recognized.

Now you will read a short instruction on how to solve the problem when the computer does not see the flash drive. But this does not mean that this instruction will help you 100%. If one method does not help, move on to another until the problem goes away.


The first thing you can do is check whether the utility sees " disk management» your flash drive. To do this, run this very utility:

Click StartExecute (Win+R)→ enter → diskmgmt.msc→ press Enter. OR

Control panelAdministrationComputer managementDisk management.

In the disk management window, pay attention to what happens when you connect and disconnect a flash drive to the computer - does the disk disappear and appear again, or not?

The best option is when the computer sees the flash drive, and all the partitions on it are in the “ OK" If this is the case, then do the following: right-click on it and select “ make the section active" You may need to assign a letter to the partition.

Well, in principle, this will be enough for the computer to see the flash drive.

Well, what if suddenly this utility displays the message “ Unknown" or " Not initialized", as well as one partition in the state " Not distributed", this will mean that the flash drive is damaged. Therefore, the computer does not see the flash drive. You need to perform data recovery (more on this later).

If you connect your flash drive through an extension cord or USB hub, then try connecting it directly. Also try connecting to all available USB ports. Next, as an option, you can turn off and restart the computer, disconnect other devices from the computer (well, except for the keyboard and mouse, of course), and then restart the computer. In this case, if the flash drive is detected and starts working, then the problem is obviously in the power supply to the USB ports, there is simply not enough power. There is only one piece of advice - replace the power supply with a more powerful one.

Option to remove old drivers

Use this option when the computer does not see the flash drive and writes “ Insert disc", provided that the flash drive is already inserted. This problem and more can be caused by old drivers that are available in Windows. For example, when you connect a flash drive to your computer, your PC turns off or reboots.

The reason is that Windows installs drivers for flash drives the first time you connect them to the port, and when you unplug the flash drive, the drivers remain in the system and do not go anywhere. Then you connect a new flash drive, a conflict arises, which is caused by the reaction of Windows when trying to use the old driver that was installed when connecting the first flash drive.

How to remove old drivers?

First, turn off the computer. Disconnect all memory devices and peripherals and accessories from it.

Turn on your computer.

Download the utility DriveCleanup.

We copy, depending on your version of Windows, a 32-bit or 64-bit version drivecleanup.exe to daddy C:\Windows\System32.

Launch the command line as administrator (right mouse button on the menu “ Start") and enter drivecleanup.exe . Click Enter and watch as the computer deletes all drivers and entries.

After the removal is complete, simply restart your computer, insert a new USB flash drive and Windows will install new drivers on it.

USB device not recognized

When you connect a flash drive, printer or any other device that connects via USB in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, and you see an error, an unidentified device - read these instructions and we will try to figure it out.

There are actually many reasons why Windows cannot recognize a USB device, and therefore there are also quite a lot of solutions.

The device is not recognized. What to do?

If you encounter a problem when you insert a USB flash drive and a message appears that you have connected an unidentified device when connecting any device via USB, make sure that the USB itself is in good condition. This will save you and me time. To make sure the USB plug is working properly, you can try connecting it to another computer or laptop. If everything also does not work, then the problem is in the device itself. If it works, read on.

This method is for those cases where the device previously worked without comment. Everything was determined.

We disconnect our USB device, which cannot be recognized by the computer, we disconnect all devices that are in this moment We don’t need time, so we connect a device that is not detected to the rear panel of the system unit and see if the problem is solved.

Correction of the message " Device not recognized" through Device Manager and USB Drivers.

Let's go to device Manager(press Win + R keys) enter devmgmt.msc what field do we click on? Enter.

The connected device will most likely be in the list USB controllers or Other devices(and be called " Unknown device»).

If it is in the list with other devices and you are connected to the Internet, you can right-click on it and press the button update drivers.

If an unidentified device is still in the list USB controllers, then right-click on it, and on the Driver tab, click the button roll back or Delete.

Another option is in the USB properties in the “ Power management» uncheck the box « Allow this device to turn off to save power».

You can also try for all devices that are in the " USB controllers» do the following:

Click " Update driver».

Click search for drivers on this computer.

Select a driver from the list of already installed drivers.

In the list you will see that there is a driver that is compatible with the device. Select it and click " Further" The driver will be installed, after which the computer may recognize the device.

In Windows 8.1, this problem occurs with external hard drives and flash drives that operate from a USB 3.0 port.

This problem can be solved in the menu for managing the parameters of the laptop power supply circuits.

To do this, go to the Windows Control Panel in the Power Options section, select the power plan you are using and click “Change advanced power settings.” In the USB settings, you need to disable temporarily disabling USB ports.

Quite often, a typical user is faced with the problem of a malfunctioning mouse. There may be several reasons for this, and it can be difficult to determine a specific one why the computer does not see the mouse. This article discusses the most common problems and breakdowns that arise with “rodents” of different price categories and technical features. So let's get started!

Why the computer “does not see” the mouse: how to determine the cause and solve the problem

Malfunction of any input device can generally be attributed to one of three reasons:

  • Broken USB port;
  • The device itself is broken (in our case, the mouse);
  • Device drivers are not installed or are not working correctly.

In addition to the above, there may be another reason. For example, in additional software or driver incompatibility. But first, let’s look at these three problems, because almost always they lead to the fact that the computer “does not see” the mouse.

USB port is faulty

Before talking about the failure of the mouse itself, it makes sense to check the USB port to which you connect it. Very often the mouse refuses to work because the port is physically broken. By the way, the same applies to the PS/2 port, which is used to connect older models to personal computers. So, first of all, let's check the connector itself.

Visual inspection of the connector

This is what a working USB port looks like

A working USB connector will work with other USB devices. So first of all, try connecting a flash drive or another mouse to it. If the computer “does not see” them either, then the port is broken or faulty.

First check for physical defects. To do this, carefully inspect the connector. It should look something like the photo above. Mainly check if the white strip is cracked (may be black or blue for USB 3.0). If possible, look deeper. You will see six golden contacts. The absence of any of them also indicates a breakdown.

If the USB port visually appears to be working properly, the reason may lie in the software.

Checking the software connection of the USB port in Windows and Linux

Since the computer does not “see” the mouse, it makes sense to check whether it “sees” the USB port itself. The easiest way to do this is through the BIOS. To enter the BIOS, you need to press a certain key (Del, F12, etc.) in the first few seconds after turning on the computer. You can usually see a prompt telling you which key to press.

Go to BIOS using the Del key

After entering the BIOS, find the menu item (moving with the arrow keys) “Integrated Peripherals” or “Advanced”. Enter it with the Enter key. On the screen that opens you will see the “USB Configuration” item. Enter it.

Setting up USB in BIOS

The “USB Functions” and “USB Controller” items must have the property. Otherwise, press Enter to switch mode.

Device Manager window

Now let's check the USB port drivers. To do this in Windows, follow the path: Start -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager. In the window that opens, find the “USB Controllers” item and double-click on it. The presence of a question mark next to any of the rows of the list indicates the absence of a driver. This means it needs to be installed. The driver can be located on the disk that came with the motherboard or (for laptops) on the manufacturer’s website. If there are no signs, right-click on each item and select "Update Drivers".

You can check the connection and USB port drivers on Linux with the command “lspci | grep -i usb". Its result will be a list of USB ports, the number of rows of which should correspond to the number of available connectors on the device. For example:

00:03.0 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems USB 1.1 Controller (rev 0f)
00:03.1 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems USB 1.1 Controller (rev 0f)
00:03.3 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems USB 2.0 Controller

So, if none of the above helped or did not occur, then the problem is still in the mouse itself.

Video: installing a USB driver

The mouse itself is broken

If everything is fine with the computer, you need to check the hardware and software of the mouse. Among the main hardware reasons for the malfunction of the input device are:

  • Sensor malfunction;
  • Broken cable or USB adapter;

Sensor malfunction

Very often the cause of a mouse not working is a broken sensor. It is quite easy to determine, but not always. On most modern optical mice, the sensor is illuminated in red. Just turn the mouse over (while it is connected to the computer) and check this fact.

Working sensor

But many manufacturers (especially laser “rodents”) make the sensor invisible, that is, without a characteristic glow. Then it is impossible to manually determine whether the sensor is working. In this case, move on to the next point.

What to do if the cable or USB adapter breaks

If you use a wired mouse, it makes sense to check the wire connecting the device and the computer. Strong bends can cause damage. In addition, check the USB output of the mouse itself (in the same way as you checked the computer’s USB port earlier).

Wireless mouse adapter

If you use a wireless mouse, check its adapter in the same way. If it breaks, the adapter can be replaced with a new one. But only a service center employee can choose the right one. So it's better (and cheaper) to just buy a new mouse.

Problem with the software

If none of the causes of the hardware failure are identified, most likely the problem is in the software. Namely, in the drivers. First of all, if the mouse suddenly fails, restart your computer. Sometimes this helps, but not as often as I would like.

The main problems with driver operation can be classified as follows:

  • The driver is not installed;
  • The driver is not suitable for your device;
  • The driver is out of date;
  • Program conflict.

Driver not installed

Logitech Mouse Driver Window Example

The reason may be obvious, but not always. The fact is that not all manufacturers put a driver disc in the box with the mouse. If you don't have it, go to the official website of the mouse brand and look for the driver there. After installation, you may have a special program for setting up the mouse (as, for example, in the photo). Launch it and follow the internal instructions.

To check whether the mouse driver is installed on Windows, go to “Device Manager” (the transition process is described above). There, find the item “Mice and other pointing devices.” The absence of question marks indicates that the driver is working correctly. You can immediately update it, as we did earlier for USB ports. To see installed drivers on Linux, enter the command "lspci".

By the way, most manufacturers load a basic driver into the USB adapter or output, so you don't need to worry about installing it. In this context, we are talking more about special driver programs.

Not suitable for your device

If you downloaded the driver yourself, there is a high chance that it simply does not suit your device. In this case, it is better to remove it. If the mouse does not work either with or without a driver, contact support on the manufacturer’s website. They will help you choose the right software.

It is likely that the driver version for your mouse is not compatible with your specific operating system. For example, older programs are not supported on Windows 10, or not all manufacturers produce drivers for Linux-like OSes. You can find out about compatibility on the manufacturer’s website or on the box with the mouse. IN in this case Only reinstalling the operating system or replacing the mouse will help. Remember that you can return the item to the store up to 14 days after purchase.

Video: installing the driver through the device manager

The driver is out of date

It's unlikely that the old version of the driver suddenly stopped working, but it is still possible. Just find the update on the manufacturer's website or simply reinstall the driver.

Program conflict

This problem quite often causes many programs to not work correctly. Its essence is that some applications may enter into a “conflict” - prevent each other from executing their code. A conflict most often occurs when two programs are similar. For example, if you installed additional software to control or configure your mouse, it may conflict with the main driver. As a result, the mouse stops working altogether.

On Windows you can easily determine if there is a conflict. To do this, restart your computer in safe mode. Now click “Start” and place the cursor in the “Search programs and files” line. Type "msconfig" and press Enter.

msconfig utility window

On the Services tab, check the box next to the words “Do not display Microsoft services.” Now uncheck all services in the main window. Restart your computer. If the problem is truly a program conflict, your mouse will work in this mode. Go back to "msconfig" and restore all the markings.

Knowing that the problem is a program conflict, you need to try to remove those applications that you installed recently. If you remember at what point the mouse stopped working, there will be no problems at all.

Video: how to determine what is missing in the software

Other problems

If none of the above helps, it is likely that your mouse is simply dirty. If you have been using it for a long time, take it to a service center. It is not recommended to disassemble the mouse yourself, because most of the latest models do not have obvious screws or fastenings.

It is worth noting that if you recently purchased a mouse, there is no need to try to fix it yourself. You can only make the situation worse. While it is under warranty, you have the right to demand assistance from the manufacturer. In addition, the work of a mouse specialist is usually not expensive. So, if in any doubt, it is better to contact the service center.

A computer mouse is a precision instrument. Its operation directly depends on various parameters, including accuracy of use. Any mechanical damage often causes a breakdown, so be careful.

Note that most often problems with the mouse are associated with the software part. Checking the system for viruses, as well as periodically cleaning out unnecessary “garbage” can help avoid malfunctions not only in the operation of the mouse, but also in the entire computer.

Problem: an error appears when connecting a device to a USB port

USB device not recognized One of the USB devices connected to this computer is not working properly and Windows cannot recognize it.

This error can occur when connecting any device: flash drive, external hard drive, Wi-Fi adapter, smartphone, printer, scanner.

First of all, you need to try to understand whether the device is working properly. If possible, connect it to another computer. If the device works correctly on another computer, read further about the possible causes of the error.

Causes of error and solutions

1. Poor contact

This often happens when connecting old phones with old data cables, because... contacts on connectors and plugs oxidize over time and simply become dirty.

Tip: clean the gadget connector and the connecting cable plug.

2. The device is connected via a poor-quality (or too long) cable or via a USB extension cable

Most often, Hewlett-Packard printers do not work well with cheap cables (usually gray, thin and without ferrite filters). And in offices, they also love to use long cables.

Tip: use only high-quality and original USB cables. If possible, connect the device directly to the port; avoid using extension cords.

3. The additional power cable for the hard drive is not connected

An external 2.5-inch hard drive can work in half the cases without connecting an additional device. nutrition. However, to ensure trouble-free operation, it is recommended to connect both plugs.

Tip: connect additional power.

Remember that 3.5-inch external hard drives work with a power supply!

4. The device is connected to the port on the front panel

This item applies only to desktop computers, because... There is no difference in ports on laptops.

Devices that are particularly sensitive to the quality of the connection and the stability of the port voltage do not work well in the front ports.

Tip: Connect the device to the back of your computer and check its operation.

5. Too many USB devices connected to the computer at the same time

This can cause both a voltage drop on the ports and conflicts between devices.

Tip: turn off all devices. Restart your computer. Connect only the problematic gadget to the port on the rear panel and check its functionality.

6. Compatibility or device driver issue

This sometimes happens when connecting old mobile phones (drivers for which are only available for Windows XP) to modern computers.


  1. Make sure that the device is designed to work with the current OS. Download the driver from the official website and install it on the system. In Windows 7-10, you can try to automatically search for drivers ().
  2. Prohibit temporary disabling of the USB port.
  3. Prohibit the USB device from being disconnected.

How to prevent a port from being temporarily disabled


  • Control Panel
  • Power supply
  • Setting up the power plan (current profile)
  • Change advanced power settings.

In the window that opens Power supply:

  • Expand the item USB Settings
  • IN The option to temporarily disable the USB port select value Forbidden
  • Click OK:

How to prevent your device from turning off to save energy

  • Open device Manager (win+r, devmgmt.msc, enter)
  • Expand section USB controllers
  • Call properties USB root hub or Generic USB Hub:

  • Uncheck Allow this device to turn off to save power
  • Click OK:

So you connected something to your computer, or just turned it on and at the bottom you saw the inscription, “usb device not recognized.”

What to do? Don’t panic, there may be several reasons, but they are all solvable. To find out why the usb device is not recognized in your windows 7 or XP, first check out what it comes with.

In simple terms, the operating system sees that something is connected to it, but cannot determine what it is or make it work. These are two main circumstances.

What to do with a usb device

Let's start in order. First reason, your usb device is not working. To do this, you need to check it. It’s very good if you have 2 computers, but this rarely happens, so we go to a friend, take his laptop or netbook and check whether the error “usb device not recognized” pops up (if it’s not big, then we take it to friends).

Find another one or try if it is possible to connect other devices through it. As before, we consider the result to be positive, but this did not bring any results.

I don’t want to rewrite this, but at first (before contacting your friends) you should have paid attention to the operating system, in most cases it is the one to blame for the fact that your usb device is not recognized. Turn it off and on again, or reboot your computer. This usually helps.

The second reason is the driver. If there are no corresponding ones, your usb device will never be recognized. How to fix this problem is described in detail in the article. Therefore, I will not describe this issue here, but move immediately to the next point.

At the bottom of the screen, the inscription “usb device not recognized” must appear if the USB port or controller on the motherboard is burned out. It’s better not to put your hands into the motherboard yourself, but the port can be replaced. Just make sure that he was the cause. However, this is easy to check, use another one; today PCs with one port are not released.

Rare reasons why a usb device is not recognized

Sometimes the culprit for not recognizing a usb device may be the BIOS. The entrance to it is not the same, depending on the manufacturer. The most common is f2, Del or f10. You just need to press these keys immediately after turning it on, otherwise it won’t work.

So, you're in. At the very top, click “advanced” (in the BIOS, press the “enter” key and navigate with the “arrows”). Next, find USB configuration. Now look as shown in the picture, only if this option does not help, return the settings to their previous position. The settings are saved by pressing the F10 key.

The largest number of usb device not recognized errors occurs with flash drives, modems and printers. Sometimes the controller driver may crash, then do the following:

If this doesn't help, there is another option. Click on start at the very bottom on the left side and at the very bottom (find program files) paste this text: eventvwr.msc, a utility will appear at the top, click on it and you will see an event log that describes everything that happened to your PC (in Everything is always recorded and recorded on it: errors, malfunctions, etc.)

First, on the right side, click “Windows Journal”, then “System” and look at the top of the large window for “information” indicated by a red icon (there is no red icon in the figure).

Then click on it and read what happened below. In this way you can find out the exact reason why the usb device is not recognized and what to do.

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