How to transfer large files over the Internet. How to transfer files from computer to computer

Hello, readers of my blog!

Currently, to transfer any large file to a friend’s computer, you should not go to a party and take a flash drive with you. You just need to have an Internet connection.

I think you are aware that transferring large files takes a lot of time, but not always.

In this article I will share with you the secrets of how to quickly transfer large file through the Internet. The effectiveness and safety of the methods have been tested through personal experience.

Preparing for transfer

To instantly transfer a file, you need it first. Thanks to this you will be able to:

  • Reduce the amount of data transferred;
  • Speed ​​up transmission;
  • Put a password on the archive so that only the person to whom it was sent can see the transferred data.

Archiving is done using WinRar programs. First, select what you want to transfer, click right click mouse and select “Add to archive” in the drop-down menu. Next, select the format RAR archive(if you use it, the compression is much stronger).

To set a password, you need to go to “Advanced” and click “Set Password”. Enter the same password twice and check the box next to “Encrypt names.” Thanks to this, only those who know the password will be able to view the contents of the archive.

Read more about archives in these articles:


This service will allow you to quickly send data over the Internet, even if there are restrictions on the outgoing speed of your connection. Simply put, thanks to it you can increase your connection speed even if your connection speed is low. real speed deliveries up to 15 megabytes per second.

To send using, you need to go to the service and drag and drop what you want to send into the window using the mouse. There is no need to wait for full delivery. It is enough to send the addressee the link provided by the service, from which he will download everything.

There are also additional functions:

  • If you want to make the link one-time, then put a dot opposite the “One download” item. Then the data will be deleted immediately after the recipient downloads it.
  • It is also possible to set a password to protect against third parties.
  • give the link a digital ending (this is convenient if you are going to dictate the link, for example, over the phone).
  • send an email with a link or an SMS message

Files are transferred over a channel with 128-bit encryption, which guarantees absolute security and reliable protection. Data is transferred directly through the browser interface. The downloaded data is stored for a maximum of 14 days. The maximum transfer size is 50 GB. If the connection is interrupted during sending, then further transportation will take place from the place where the interruption occurred.

If you have problems using the service, you can contact the “Help” section located in the lower right part of the screen.

ICQ and Skype

Although ICQ and Skype are more used for delivering messages over the Internet, they are also quite suitable for quick exchange data between users.

For example, here are instructions for transferring via Skype

  1. Right-click on a person from your contact list.
  2. In the list that appears, click on “Submit”.
  3. Next, select what you are going to transfer.

Everything is very convenient and fast.

Important ! But to download the file to your recipient, you need to stay online, since data is transferred directly from one computer to another without the participation of a server.

And here’s an article in continuation of the Skype topic:

  • , for example, when reinstalling Windows.

ICQ works similarly.

Via P2P

P2P(from the English peer-to-peer, peer - equal) is a network consisting of many peer nodes (computers, tablets, etc.).

An extremely fast and simple method that does not impose any restrictions on the speed and size of sending. To use P2P networks you must first install the program Strong DC. Installation is easy, but setting it up will be more difficult.

After all this, go to some network. In the program you will find statistics containing data on the total volume of shared files, the number of users, etc. IN certain networks exist certain restrictions: for example, some of them can be accessed only after sharing up to 20 GB of data.

That's all! I wish you success in your planned endeavor! If you are completely “green” in computer matters and my recommendations seemed intricate and incomprehensible to you, I advise you to take the course “ Computer genius" The training course is intended for people of any age who want to receive a computer education.

Be sure to tell your friends about the methods of data transfer described in the article, and use them for your health! Share a link to this material on any social network. networks. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates, see you next time!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Online sizes. In fact, there are several ways here. They are all good in their own way. Some, however, depend on the characteristics of your connection and the recipient. However, this is not a hindrance for us. We will try to cover all the methods that can be taken into account.

Via Skype

Well, if you are wondering how to transfer a file big size via the Internet, then you can take advantage of the relatively convenient and quick method. For example, if your friend is online, and your World Wide Web speeds are quite fast, then you can try making a transfer via Skype.

To do this, simply drag the required object into the field where you are writing a message, and then wait for your interlocutor’s response. It will accept the request and the sending will begin. Is it true, this method not particularly popular. Different types of files are transferred different quantities time. If you are going to transfer about 10-15 GB, or even more, then you can leave this scenario and not think about it at all.

If you are thinking about how to send a large file to your interlocutor (for example, a photo or video), then you can still try this method. When it comes to toys or anything else, it's best to stay away from it. Instead, we will offer you a couple more ways.


Well, now it’s worth considering with you such an option as archiving. He can help answer you how to transfer a large file over the Internet. Moreover, you can put several documents into one archive. This will allow you to transfer several objects at once.

The thing is that archiving can compress the size transferred documents. After this, you can, for example, download the resulting file to email and send it to a friend. True, here we're talking about about medium-sized documents. That is, it is useless to download the game.

Just select the files you need and then right-click. Click on "Add to Archive", and then specify the desired name of the result, as well as its location. So you can combine different types files in one object. After the process is completed, upload the resulting archive to Skype or email. That's all. Is it true, listed methods somewhat similar. Let's look at more effective options.

File sharing

Well, now let's take a closer look interesting way. Moreover, it is one of the most popular. If you are thinking about how to transfer a large file over the Internet, you can try using a variety of file storage services.

In order for the user to have this opportunity, he needs to register on a special “exchanger” website. The most popular now: “Deposit Files”, “Mega”, “Rapidshara”, “Lightbeat”, “Turbobit”. Once you have decided where exactly you will go, all you need to do is complete a short registration. You will receive an account in which you will be able to upload documents. All you need to do is upload a large file and receive a link to access it. Next, you send the address to your friend, and he downloads the document.

It is best to use data archiving before uploading. This will help speed up the process of downloading the final document and make it a little smaller. Sometimes this approach can save 1-2 GB.

True, this method has a number of disadvantages. The first is a bunch of advertising when downloading a document. Unfortunately, there is no escape from it. The second minus is low speed download a file from a friend when selected free method. So let's see what else we can do.


Another quite interesting way is to use so-called cloud services for For example, you can use Google. Files from there, as users have noticed, are downloaded quite quickly. However, you can use Yandex.Disk as a “place of learning”. It is with him that we will now work.

If you are thinking about how to send a large file to your friend, then you can completely use this service. To do this, you will have to register an account, and then “upload” the object we need there. As a rule, there are also small restrictions here. For example, a large size is available for free, not exceeding 10 GB. This is enough for a small toy. In addition, you will not be able to store many documents. Each cloud has its own limits on the total volume. In principle, for paid services you can increase the limit to 1 TB.

When you download the document, you will receive special link. Your friends and acquaintances will be able to download the file using it. You just need to give the download address. Nothing complicated. But how quickly the transfer to a friend’s computer takes place depends on his Internet connection. However, these are not all the ways. Let's see how to quickly transfer a file over the Internet without clouds.

Special programs

Now progress has reached the point that each user has the opportunity to use a variety of services for their own purposes. If you are wondering how to transfer a large file over the Internet (up to 5 GB inclusive), you can use interesting utility. It's called "File Dropped".

This service is something like our usual “Rapidballs”. It’s just that working here is several times easier. Moreover, you will not have to register. First of all, go to home page site. A window will appear in front of you, in which you will be informed that sending large files (up to 5 GB) is carried out in literally 2 steps. The first is uploading the document to the server, the second is receiving the final link for you and your friends.

Click "Upload". Now find required document and download it. When the process is complete, in a special window you will receive an address where you can find your file. Then you can copy it and pass it on to your friends. They will figure out how to get the document. However, things are not always that simple. And, not everyone is happy with the constant exchange of links. Thus, we have to think what else can be done.


So we have come to perhaps the most popular and widespread method, which will allow us to quickly transfer and receive large files. This is nothing more than a torrent. The point is that this option we will pay Special attention. We will analyze in detail how and what needs to be done to get maximum efficiency.

In general, now this particular method is used everywhere to transfer huge and weighty documents. Particularly popular here professional programs and new items computer games. The download speed increases with the number of users who download the file. That is, you may not even have time to blink your eyes before the document is already in operating system. Very convenient and simple.

In order for you to be able to work with torrents, you will need a special program. You can find several such applications on the World Wide Web. We will try UTorrent in action. Thus, let's begin our work.

Preliminary work

Well, now we will prepare our file for sending and, in fact, for receiving. First of all, we will need to download and install the torrent program. As we have already said, we will review Utorrent with you. We "extract" it from world wide web and install it on your computer. Now you just need to launch the application.

You'll find yourself in a program where there's nothing special on the right side right now. This is where the documents that we have “uploaded” and downloaded will be displayed. Let's start working with you as soon as possible. Click on "file" and then "new" new torrent". A menu for selecting an object will open in front of you. Here you can either add a specific document or folder. There are separate buttons for this idea.

Next, when you find required file, just click on “Create and save to...”. A window will open in front of you, where you just need to click “yes” and then select the location where the so-called torrent file will be placed (we will learn how to work with it later). Once you have completed this task, you can move on to the next stage.

We make you work

Now we’ll see how to transfer a large file over the Internet using the torrent we just created. Let's start the Utorrent client again. Click on "File" and then click on "Add New Torrent". Next, a familiar window will appear in which we will have to find the previously created document. Found it? Then select it and click on "Open".

Look at the program window. On the right side there will be a line with the name of your document, as well as the inscription “Distributed”. This is a sign of right action. Now right-click on the line and select “Force Run” from the list that opens. All you need now is to transfer the created small torrent file (which we just downloaded) to your friend. He will save it for himself, and then use the same torrent client to download it.

For the lazy

True, if you yourself downloaded a game or program using a torrent tracker, then, most likely, the most convenient and quick option The next move will be: find the address from which you downloaded the torrent, and then pass the link to a friend.

Ultimately, your friend will download this or that document faster than you could imagine, especially if we are talking about a toy. Each downloader gives others a little download speed. Due to this, users do not have to wait for several days in front of the computer waiting for the result.

An Internet connection allows people located thousands of kilometers apart to communicate with each other. Users can easily communicate with each other and exchange photos by mail. However, what if you need to send a fairly large amount of data? This article provides guidance on how you can transfer a large file to another user over the Internet.

Shipping large files may be needed if you want to transfer an archive with big amount photographs, database, film in Blu-ray quality or ISO image some program or game. The volume of such archives can reach a gigantic size, and it is simply impossible to send them by mail. Below we consider several services through which you can send a similar amount of information at once.

Cloud storage

Clouds can also be used to transfer files to another user through them. Some clouds are in free access(for example,, others must be rented. This article discusses the popular Google service Drive, which provides 15 gigabytes of space for free to any registered client.

First, you need to go to your drive. To do this, go to Right-click on any free space window and select the “Upload files” or “Upload folder” action. Specify the object you want to send, after which it will be uploaded to the cloud.

Now you need to configure file access. RMB click on the object and in the context menu select the action " Sharing" Select "Enable link access". The object reference will be copied to the clipboard. Now you can send it by mail to another person, and he will be able to download data from the site.


The popular program for messaging and video conferencing on the Internet also allows you to transfer any amount of information. Open a chat with the user and click the Send icon. You must select “File” from the list and specify the path to it. The transfer speed will not be very high, but the system is very easy to use and works with files of any size.


For this method you will need to download the UTorrent utility.

Finally, there are many specialized Internet resources specifically for these activities. You can upload your content to them and send links to your friends or colleagues. The advantage of the system is that you do not need to keep your PC turned on, as is the case with cloud storage.

Many file hosting services work only with authorized clients. However, there is a popular resource that does not require registration. Go to the page and click the “Create” button.

Quite often, users are faced with the need to transfer data from one PC to another. What are the available and simple ways exist? We will look at several options in this article.

Exists a large number of methods for transferring data from one PC to another. This article will cover 3 categories. The first consists of methods using Internet services. The second group is based on the use of standard physical media(for example, portable hard drives). Last resort Our list will include Windows home networking technology.

Method 1: uTorrent

You can easily transfer data of any size using a popular torrent client.

  1. Launch the application.
  2. Open the folder with the required file V "Explorer" Windows.
  3. Left click on the desired object and, holding the button, drag it directly into the torrent client.
  4. The link creation window will appear.
  5. Press the button "Get Link" ("Create link").
  6. After some time, the distribution will be ready. A message appears indicating the operation was successful.
  7. Close this window by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner.
  8. Go to uTorrent. Opposite the distribution we created will be written "Seeding" ("Ranges out").
  9. Right-click on our distribution and select “Copy Magnet-URI”.
  10. Now the magnet link will be in the clipboard, from where you can paste it anywhere: into a message, email, etc.

The person you gave the torrent address to will need to do the following:

Method 2: Cloud services

Today there are many cloud services with easy to use: , MEGA, Cloud They all use the same principle in their work.

Yandex Disk

Limit on maximum size The file for downloading via the web interface is 2 GB. But using the application, you can send data bigger size. Volume of free available space does not exceed 10 GB.

The other one is quite convenient cloud service- Mega. In free mode, the user is provided with 15 GB of disk space.

Method 3: Email

Almost all services Email allow you to send files along with the message. The disadvantage is that attachments attached to the letter cannot be large. Often the maximum allowed limit is 25 MB. Let's use an example to show the procedure for sending attached data via Email.

Method 4: TeamViewer

Method 5: Bluetooth

Using Bluetooth wireless technology, you can copy files from one PC to another. Many computers (including most modern laptops) already have a built-in bluetooth adapter. Transferring data between machines in this way requires that the function itself be enabled on both sides.

A simpler option for sending data this way is as follows:

Method 6: External storage

One of the simplest and most popular ways to transfer files between computers is to use external drives. For this, DVDs and portable hard drives are most often used.

Data transfer to flash drives and external hard drives occurs in a standard way using "Conductor" or third party file managers. DVDs require special procedure and software for your recording. Once the operation is completed, the media is transferred to another user.

You should focus on the features file systems when using flash drives.

Maximum size separate file on a FAT32 system is approximately 4 GB. NTFS theoretically has no limitations. This means that to transfer sufficiently large single data (for example, distributions modern games) you should set the appropriate markup of the flash drive. Information about current parameters formatting the drive can be accessed by clicking in the context menu "Properties" in the window "My computer".

For using NTFS on flash drives you should:

Method 7: “Home Group”

"Home group" called a collection of computers Windows control, which provide resources for sharing.

  1. In the search bar we type "Home Group".
  2. Next, click on the button "Create a home group".
  3. In the next information window, simply click "Further".
  4. We mark (or leave as is) those elements that will be available to participants « Home group» , and click the mouse "Further".
  5. We are waiting for the completion of the permitting process.
  6. The next window will display the password to access shared resources. It can be printed.
  7. Click "Ready".
  8. Let's launch "Conductor" and click on the shortcut below "Home Group".
  9. To provide access to certain resources on the local PC, right-click on it and select any of the options. You can open or block access to any item from the selected folders for "Home group".

There are many different ways to transfer files from computer to computer. Some of them require access to the Internet, for example, copying files using a torrent client. The main advantage of such methods is the ability to transfer data over unlimited distances. On the contrary, when using external media As a rule, file transfer occurs by transferring the device itself from hand to hand. The most popular of these methods is the use of flash drives. Such media are cheap, compact and mechanically stable. Organization public access For computers on a network, it is most often used if multiple file exchanges are required.

Let me note right away: it doesn’t matter whether you want to transfer large files from PC to PC, from laptop to laptop, from PC to laptop, or vice versa. And it doesn’t matter - via the Internet or via Wi-Fi (it’s the same thing). To you Any will do from the options described below. Therefore, choose the one that is most convenient.

Transferring files from laptop to laptop or from PC to PC is no problem. But transferring a large file is already a problem. Why?

  1. Postal services can only send small documents. For example, using you can send files up to 25 MB in size by mail. Anything more will be transferred via a link (which is valid for a month).
  2. Skype, ICQ and other instant messengers are also not an option. Even a 1.4 GB movie will take forever to transfer. And then you may see the message “Oops, download interrupted. Sorry, we're not in business."
  3. Various file hosting services have long been outdated. And the speed of 30 Kb/s is just ridiculous. You will download the picture for half an hour.

Today there are much better options. Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest and most popular.

How to quickly transfer a large file via µTorrent?

If you are an active Internet user and regularly download movies, games, music and anything else, then you know 100% what µTorrent is. Most likely, you even have it installed.

You must also have this program enabled, otherwise your friend will not be able to download anything.

The speed in µTorrent is limited only by your tariff, so if you have 100 Mbps, then large torrent file downloads very quickly.

How to use Yandex Disk for transfer

This is a cloud service: simple, convenient and free. Plus you don't have to install anything. All you need is to have your own mail in Yandex.

If you don’t have it, then you have 2 options to choose from: register it or choose another method of transferring a large file over the Internet.

Instructions in in this case also very simple:

Ready. Now your friend can download a large document at any time. You don't have to be online at all.

There is one caveat here. In this way, you can transfer files up to 2 GB in size to Yandex. If they weigh more, then use special program for Windows. You can download it from the link provided by the service. The program is very easy to use, so understanding it will not be difficult.

Large sizes are not a problem Google Drive

Google also has a similar cloud service (how could we live without it, right?). But he is many times better. Judge for yourself:

  • you can upload files of any size (for Yandex – up to 2 GB);
  • 15 GB of free space (Yandex has 10 GB);
  • You can share the folder with any number of users.

Thus, Google Drive– an excellent option for transferring large files up to 15 GB in size over the Internet. The download speed is amazing, you won't have to wait long.

By the way, here you can create a folder and share it with any number of friends. To do this, you just need to select it, right-click and select “Sharing”.

Enable access via link (and send it to all people) or add them e-mail address and in the field below. As a result, all documents uploaded to this folder will always be visible to them. They themselves can go to Google Drive at any time and download them.

Huge files can be sent from Cloud

Another way is to use the service of our domestic developer.

Everything is done exactly the same here:

  1. Go to (you must have your own mail on
  2. Move a large document to the Cloud.
  3. Select it, right-click and select “Get link”.
  4. Copy it and send it to your friends.

A big plus of the service is 100 GB of free space. But there is a limit on the size of documents - no more than 2 GB (like Yandex).

Transfer files via P2P

AND last method quickly transfer large files over the Internet – via P2P networks. This is the only option where there are no restrictions on document size, transfer speed and free space. The only thing you need is to install popular program. It is through it that the transfer of Internet files will be carried out.

Of course, you must be online at the same time.

And one more great service for transferring large files – Dropmefiles (thanks Vladimir for advice).

Main advantages:

  • transfer files up to 50 GB;
  • shelf life – up to 14 days;
  • fast download speed;
  • absolutely free.

Using this service is very simple:

  1. Upload any file.
  2. Specify the storage period (1 download, 7 or 14 days).
  3. If necessary, you can set a password.

You wait for the file to be processed, then copy the link and send it to your friends. You can enter their e-mail address here, in this service.

That's all. Good luck, and cosmic speed racing!