RAM for computer ddr3. How important are frequency and other parameters? Memory type for older PCs

Memory DDR3 is gradually losing its position as the most widespread and is no longer recommended for assembling new systems. It’s another matter if the task is to modernize a slightly outdated computer, and within a limited budget. It’s clear that such conditions exclude maximally overclocked memory kits from the list of options, and they are not considered in our review.

It is noteworthy that within the platform Intel The race for megahertz doesn't make much sense either. The exception here is quite specific tasks that are not of interest to most users. On the other hand, the difference in price for memory kits of the same size but with different clock frequencies is vanishingly small (in the range from 2133 to 3000 MHz, of course). So why not choose a set random access memory more quickly, for the future?

The situation is completely different with the latest platform AMD. Due to the characteristics of its interior architecture, the performance of Ryzen processors directly depends on the operating frequency of the Infinity Fabric memory bus, and therefore its controller. In turn, the frequency of the latter is “tied” to the characteristics installed modules and can be increased by overclocking.

An extremely unpleasant nuance in choosing memory modules for Ryzen The problem is that not every kit will work in such a system even at its rated clock frequency. Here the problem lies in the architecture of the modules themselves. Briefly, the recommendations can be boiled down to two pieces of advice: focus on peer-to-peer memory sticks and the latest BIOS revision for motherboard. The newer the AGESA protocol is, the better. Keep in mind, dual-rank memory with Ryzen will always run at lower frequencies, and early versions The specified protocol is “friendly” only for modules built on Samsung chips. And not just any, but exclusively the B-Die generation.

Happy upgrade!

Story random access memory, or RAM, began back in 1834, when Charles Babbage developed the “analytical engine” - essentially a prototype of a computer. He called the part of this machine, which was responsible for storing intermediate data, a “warehouse.” Memorizing information there was organized even more cleanly mechanically, through shafts and gears.

In the first generations of computers, cathode ray tubes and magnetic drums were used as RAM; later magnetic cores appeared, and after them, in the third generation of computers, memory on microcircuits appeared.

Nowadays RAM is made using technology DRAM in form factors DIMM and SO-DIMM, is dynamic memory organized in the form of semiconductor integrated circuits. It is volatile, meaning data disappears when there is no power.

Choosing RAM is not a difficult task today; the main thing here is to understand the types of memory, its purpose and main characteristics.

Memory types


Memory of the SO-DIMM form factor is intended for use in laptops, compact ITX systems, monoblocks - in short, where the minimum physical size of memory modules is important. It differs from the DIMM form factor in that the length of the module is approximately halved and there are fewer pins on the board (204 and 360 pins for SO-DIMM DDR3 and DDR4 versus 240 and 288 on boards of the same types of DIMM memory).
In terms of other characteristics - frequency, timings, volume, SO-DIMM modules can be anything, and do not differ in any fundamental way from DIMMs.


DIMM - RAM for full-size computers.
The type of memory you choose must first be compatible with the socket on the motherboard. Computer RAM is divided into 4 types – DDR, DDR2, DDR3 And DDR4.

DDR memory appeared in 2001 and had 184 contacts. The supply voltage ranged from 2.2 to 2.4 V. The operating frequency was 400 MHz. It is still available for sale, although the selection is small. Today the format is outdated - it is suitable only if you do not want to update the system completely, and the old motherboard only has connectors for DDR.

The DDR2 standard came out in 2003 and received 240 pins, which increased the number of threads, significantly speeding up the processor data bus. The operating frequency of DDR2 could be up to 800 MHz (in some cases - up to 1066 MHz), and the supply voltage was from 1.8 to 2.1 V - slightly less than that of DDR. Consequently, power consumption and heat dissipation of memory have decreased.
Differences between DDR2 and DDR:

· 240 contacts versus 120
· New slot, not DDR compatible
· Less power consumption
Improved design better cooling
Higher maximum operating frequency

Just like DDR, it is an outdated type of memory - now it is only suitable for old motherboards, in other cases there is no point in buying it, since the new DDR3 and DDR4 are faster.

In 2007, RAM was updated to the DDR3 type, which is still widely used. The same 240 pins remain, but the connection slot for DDR3 has changed - there is no compatibility with DDR2. The operating frequency of the modules is on average from 1333 to 1866 MHz. There are also modules with frequencies up to 2800 MHz.
DDR3 differs from DDR2:

· DDR2 and DDR3 slots are not compatible.
· The clock frequency of DDR3 is 2 times higher - 1600 MHz versus 800 MHz for DDR2.
· Features a reduced supply voltage - about 1.5V, and lower power consumption (in the version DDR3L this value is on average even lower, about 1.35 V).
· The delays (timings) of DDR3 are greater than those of DDR2, but the operating frequency is higher. In general, the operating speed of DDR3 is 20-30% higher.

DDR3 is a good choice today. Many motherboards on sale have DDR3 memory connectors, and due to the massive popularity of this type, it is unlikely to disappear soon. It is also slightly cheaper than DDR4.

DDR4 - new type RAM developed only in 2012. It is an evolutionary development of previous types. Memory bandwidth has increased again, now reaching 25.6 GB/s. The operating frequency also increased - from an average of 2133 MHz to 3600 MHz. If we compare the new type with DDR3, which lasted on the market for 8 years and received mass distribution, then the performance gain is insignificant, and not all motherboards and processors support the new type.
DDR4 differences:

· Incompatible with previous types
· Reduced supply voltage - from 1.2 to 1.05 V, power consumption has also decreased
· Memory operating frequency up to 3200 MHz (can reach 4166 MHz in some trims), with, of course, timings increasing proportionally
May be slightly faster than DDR3

If you already have DDR3 strips, then there is no point in rushing to change them to DDR4. When this format spreads massively and all motherboards already support DDR4, the transition to a new type will happen by itself with an update of the entire system. Thus, we can summarize that DDR4 is more of a marketing product than a real new type of RAM.

Which memory frequency should I choose?

Choosing a frequency should begin by checking the maximum supported frequencies by your processor and motherboard. It makes sense to take a frequency higher than that supported by the processor only when overclocking the processor.

Today you should not choose memory with a frequency lower than 1600 MHz. The 1333 MHz option is acceptable in the case of DDR3, unless these are ancient modules lying around the seller, which will obviously be slower than the new ones.

The best option for today is memory with a frequency range from 1600 to 2400 MHz. A higher frequency has almost no advantage, but it costs much more, and as a rule, these are overclocked modules with raised timings. For example, the difference between modules of 1600 and 2133 MHz in a number of work programs will be no more than 5-8%; in games the difference may be even smaller. Frequencies of 2133-2400 MHz are worth taking if you are engaged in video/audio encoding and rendering.

The difference between frequencies of 2400 and 3600 MHz will cost you quite a lot, without significantly increasing speed.

How much RAM should I take?

The amount you need depends on the type of work performed on the computer, the operating system installed, and the programs used. Also, do not lose sight of the maximum supported memory capacity of your motherboard.

Volume 2 GB- today, it may only be enough to browse the Internet. More than half will be eaten operating system, the remainder is enough for leisurely work of undemanding programs.

Volume 4 GB
– suitable for a mid-range computer, for a home PC media center. Enough to watch movies and even play undemanding games. Modern ones, alas, are difficult to cope with. (Will be the best choice if you have a 32-bit operating system Windows system, which sees no more than 3 GB of RAM)

Volume 8 GB(or a 2x4GB kit) is the recommended volume today for a full-fledged PC. This is enough for almost any games, for working with any resource-demanding software. The best choice for a universal computer.

A capacity of 16 GB (or sets of 2x8GB, 4x4GB) will be justified if you work with graphics, heavy programming environments, or constantly render videos. Also perfect for online streaming - here with 8 GB there may be stutters, especially when high quality video broadcasts. Some games in high resolutions and with HD textures can behave better with 16 GB of RAM on board.

Volume 32 GB(set 2x16GB, or 4x8GB) – still a very controversial choice, useful for some very extreme work tasks. It would be better to spend money on other computer components; this will have a stronger effect on its performance.

Operating modes: is it better to have 1 memory stick or 2?

RAM can operate in single-channel, dual-, triple- and quad-channel modes. Definitely, if your motherboard has a sufficient number of slots, then it is better to take several identical smaller memory sticks instead of one. The speed of access to them will increase from 2 to 4 times.

In order for the memory to work in dual-channel mode, you need to install the sticks in slots of the same color on the motherboard. As a rule, the color is repeated through the connector. It is important that the memory frequency in the two sticks be the same.

- Single chanell Mode– single-channel operating mode. Turns on when one memory stick is installed, or different modules, operating at different frequencies. As a result, the memory operates at the frequency of the slowest stick.
- Dual Mode– two-channel mode. Works only with memory modules of the same frequency, increases operating speed by 2 times. Manufacturers produce sets of memory modules specifically for this purpose, which can contain 2 or 4 identical sticks.
-Triple Mode– works on the same principle as two-channel. In practice it is not always faster.
- Quad Mode- four-channel mode, which works on the principle of two-channel, accordingly increasing the speed of operation by 4 times. Used where needed exclusively high speed- for example, in servers.

- Flex Mode– more flexible option dual channel mode work when the bars are of different volumes, but only the frequency is the same. In this case, in dual-channel mode, the same volumes of modules will be used, and the remaining volume will function in single-channel mode.

Does memory need a heatsink?

Now we are long gone from the days when, at a voltage of 2 V, an operating frequency of 1600 MHz was achieved, and as a result, a lot of heat was generated, which had to be removed somehow. Then the radiator could be a criterion for the survival of an overclocked module.

Nowadays, memory power consumption has decreased significantly, and a heatsink on a module can be justified from a technical point of view only if you are into overclocking and the module will operate at frequencies that are prohibitive for it. In all other cases, radiators can be justified, perhaps, by their beautiful design.

If the radiator is massive and noticeably increases the height of the memory bar, this is already a significant disadvantage, since it may prevent you from installing a processor super cooler in the system. By the way, there are special low-profile memory modules designed for installation in compact cases. They are slightly more expensive than regular size modules.

What are timings?

Timings, or latency (latency)– one of the most important characteristics of RAM, determining its performance. Let us outline the general meaning of this parameter.

Simply put, RAM can be thought of as a two-dimensional table in which each cell carries information. Cells are accessed by column and row numbers, and this is indicated by the row access strobe RAS(Row Access Strobe) and column access gate CAS (Access Strobe) by changing the voltage. Thus, for each cycle of work, accesses occur RAS And CAS, and between these calls and the write/read commands there are certain delays, which are called timings.

In the description of the RAM module you can see five timings, which for convenience are written as a sequence of numbers separated by a hyphen, for example 8-9-9-20-27 .

· tRCD (time of RAS to CAS Delay)- timing, which determines the delay from the RAS pulse to the CAS
· CL (time of CAS Latency)- timing, which determines the delay between the write/read command and the CAS pulse
· tRP (time of Row Precharge)- timing, which determines the delay when transitioning from one line to the next
· tRAS (time of Active to Precharge Delay)- timing, which determines the delay between the activation of the line and the end of working with it; considered the main meaning
· Command rate– defines the delay between the command to select an individual chip on the module until the command to activate the line; this timing is not always indicated.

To put it even more simply, it is important to know only one thing about timings - the lower their values, the better. In this case, the strips can have the same operating frequency, but different timings, and a module with lower values ​​will always be faster. So it’s worth choosing the minimum timings; for DDR4, timings for average values ​​will be 15-15-15-36, for DDR3 - 10-10-10-30. It is also worth remembering that timings are related to the memory frequency, so when overclocking you will most likely have to increase the timings, and vice versa - you can manually lower the frequency, thereby reducing the timings. It is most beneficial to pay attention to the totality of these parameters, choosing rather a balance, and not chasing the extreme values ​​of the parameters.

How to decide on a budget?

With a larger amount, you can afford more RAM. The main difference between cheap and expensive modules will be in the timings, operating frequency, and brand - well-known, advertised modules may cost a little more than noname modules from an unknown manufacturer.
Besides, extra money there is a radiator installed on the modules. Not all planks need it, but manufacturers are not skimping on them now.

The price will also depend on the timings; the lower they are, the higher the speed, and, accordingly, the price.

So, having up to 2000 rubles, you can purchase a 4 GB memory module, or 2 2 GB modules, which is preferable. Choose depending on what your PC configuration allows. DDR3 type modules will cost almost half as much as DDR4. With such a budget, it makes more sense to take DDR3.

To the group up to 4000 rubles includes modules with a capacity of 8 GB, as well as sets of 2x4 GB. This optimal choice for any tasks except professional work with video, and in any other heavy environments.

In total up to 8000 rubles It will cost 16 GB of memory. Recommended for professional purposes, or for avid gamers - even enough in reserve, while waiting for new demanding games.

If it's not a problem to spend up to 13,000 rubles, then the best choice would be to invest them in a set of 4 4 GB sticks. For this money you can even choose more beautiful radiators, perhaps for later overclocking.

I don’t recommend taking more than 16 GB without the purpose of working in professional heavy environments (and even then not in all), but if you really want it, then for the amount from 13,000 rubles you can climb to Olympus by purchasing a 32 GB or even 64 GB kit. True, this will not make much sense for the average user or gamer - it is better to spend money on, say, a flagship video card.

A lot of readers on our site are interested in questions one way or another related to the choice of RAM, and our site has a very strong desire to answer everyone. To make it interesting for you in the process of gaining knowledge, this article is presented by the author in the form of a fascinating story from which you will learn EVERYTHING about computer RAM!

You will learn not only how to choose and buy RAM correctly quality manufacturer, but also how to correctly install RAM modules in your computer and much more, for example:

  1. How much RAM does a modern computer need to comfortable work all resource-intensive applications, for example: modern games on maximum settings, video and audio processing programs, etc. How powerful should it be? modern computer?
  2. (follow the link and read a separate article).
  3. (follow the link and read a separate article)?
  4. What way out does the operating system find when there is not enough RAM?
  5. Is having too much RAM good for your computer?
  6. Do you need to completely disable the page file if you have a large amount of physical RAM, for example 16 -32 GB?
  7. How much better is dual-channel RAM operating mode than single-channel? What is better to buy, one 8GB memory stick or two 4GB sticks?
  8. How to choose the right RAM modules for dual-channel operation?
  9. What is the frequency of RAM and is it possible to install RAM sticks with different frequencies in a computer?
  10. What is RAM latency (timings)? Is it possible to install RAM sticks with different timings in a computer?
  11. What is the difference between the RAM sticks used on laptops and regular RAM?
  12. Nowadays DDR3 memory is actively used, are there any sticks available for sale? DDR memory 4?
  13. If you have old computer and you want to buy additional DDR2 RAM, then think several times, because DDR2 memory is expensive, maybe it’s better for you to replace the motherboard, processor and change the RAM to DDR3.
  14. How to choose a RAM manufacturer and is all RAM made in China?
  15. Is overclocking of RAM necessary and how much will RAM performance increase during overclocking?
  16. Is a heatsink really necessary for RAM?
  17. What is a RAM controller, why is it needed and where is it located?
  18. What does ECC RAM marking mean?

How to choose RAM

Friends, in the last article we discussed the issue of choice and I was thinking about what article to write next. It seems logical to choose a motherboard for it after the processor, but I usually do it differently. After choosing the processor, I choose the memory and video card, I don’t know why, it’s probably just easier and you can immediately estimate how much to expect, since choosing a motherboard is the most difficult part of choosing a computer configuration. In view of this, I decided not to deviate from my chosen tradition and devote this article to the choice of random access memory (RAM). Since this site is dedicated to repair personal computers, of course, the issue of choosing RAM will be considered not only for new, but also for older PCs.

Like choosing a processor, choosing RAM is not a difficult task at all. probably even easier. But, as with everything, there are some nuances. Often the choice of RAM comes down to its current price and the amount you are willing to spend. Recently, trends in price changes for RAM modules have been very ambiguous. Several years ago there was a real boom in increasing the amount of RAM in personal computers. And this was not even due so much to the growth of demands modern applications and operating systems, as many as with an incredible reduction in price.

A 4 gigabyte (GB) memory stick could be purchased for only $25 or even cheaper. As a result, solely for marketing purposes (to make computers more attractive and increase sales), this same memory began to be “stuffed” into new computers in huge volumes. Yes, the cheapest system unit, costing about $200-250, necessarily had 4 GB of memory, and the average one for $300-350 had all 8 GB. Salespeople in stores placed great emphasis on this, while keeping silent about the fact that this amount of memory would never be realized (fully used) by these PCs, since the rest of the “stuffing,” such as the processor and video card, left much to be desired. This, in essence, was a kind of deception of buyers or, to put it nicely, a marketing ploy...

Unfortunately, gone are the days when you could stock up on RAM for free without even playing around, and now the price for it has increased significantly. It seems that we have again been hooked on the needle of technological progress... But is a large amount of RAM really needed?

How much RAM does a modern computer need?

I must say that until recently, I was fond of modern computer games. Therefore, I always tried to keep my PC up to date technical condition. Probably, since I built my first full-fledged PC in 1997, not a single year has passed that I haven’t treated myself to purchasing new video card, processor or memory.

In those old (by computer standards) days, there was a certain division in how computers used operating system components. Games only needed a powerful video card, some RAM, and the processor almost didn’t matter, since all the calculations were performed by the video card, which has both its own processor and its own memory.

To encode video, on the contrary, it was necessary powerful processor and enough RAM, but the video card didn’t matter, etc. Modern gaming applications have “learned” to make full use of the previously “idle” powerful components of modern computers, such as the processor and RAM.

If we talk about using a PC as a gaming and entertainment platform, then, until recently, I had not come across games that could load at least 3 GB of memory 100% even at maximum graphics settings. But in some cases total load memory was approaching this figure, despite the fact that the game itself consumed about 2 GB, and the rest was consumed by other applications, such as Skype, antivirus, etc.

Note: Please note that we were not talking about 4 GB, but about 3. The fact is that 32-bit Windows operating systems (OS) do not know how to use more than 3 GB of RAM and therefore the “excess” is simply “not seen”... In fairness, it is worth noting that for 32-bit OS built on Linux kernel, there are no such strict restrictions. So, friends, there is no point in installing more than 4 GB of memory on a 32-bit Windows; they simply will not be used.

For not very new, but also relatively old systems, on which you can put a lot of memory, using a 64-bit OS, in some cases, can be problematic. Since 64-bit versions of drivers for some equipment may simply not exist.

Not so long ago, just at the moment of total reduction in the price of memory, I purchased the same amount in addition to my 4 GB. But this was not caused by its shortcoming, but by the fact that on my fairly powerful motherboard, due to some misunderstanding) there were slots for almost outdated DDR2 memory and I was afraid that a little more and it might completely disappear or wildly increase in price, and here is such a “freebie”... After that, I switched to a 64-bit operating system, since otherwise this purchase would not have looked so reasonable). You also need to take into account that I have a fairly powerful 4-core processor and an expensive modern video card, thanks to which I can play games at a very high settings schedules at which RAM consumption is maximum.

If you have an entry-level or mid-level PC, then 4 GB of RAM will be enough for you, because it is comfortable to play modern games You can only do it on low or medium settings, which do not require large amounts of memory. In such conditions, installing, say, 8 GB of RAM is wasted money. But if your PC is powerful enough and is a gaming PC, then I would still recommend installing 8 GB, since there is a tendency towards a gradual increase in RAM consumption by modern games.

For example, the recently released game Call of Duty: Ghosts simply refused to launch if it detected that you had less than 6 GB of RAM installed. Again, in fairness, it should be noted that folk craftsmen made a fix that allowed you to bypass this limitation at launch and the game worked.

Regarding 64-bit operating systems, then you should know that it, like all 64-bit applications, consumes exactly 2 times more memory than 32-bit ones. Here this is already fully justified by memory addressing technology and significantly improves performance.

What should a fast computer be like?

We will not go into details, but you must understand that in order to feel the increase in speed, the following conditions must be met:

The central processing unit (CPU) must have a 64-bit architecture, the operating system must be 64-bit.

The application that you want to use to improve the performance of certain operations must be 64-bit, the data that is processed must be streaming (video conversion, archiving), since the speed increase is achieved through processing in one pass more information. In this case, the increase will be very significant – up to 2 times. Under such conditions, using an Intel processor (with a longer pipeline) you will get the highest possible performance for such operations. But, as you know, in games data is transferred in small portions (since it is impossible to predict next step user), therefore, even in those games where 64-bit versions are available to run game engine there will be almost no growth. And yet the decisive role of the video card in them has not gone away.

As for professional applications, in areas such as video editing, 3D modeling, design, specialists in these areas know exactly what hardware and how much memory they need. Usually this is from 16 GB or more. And if, say, in 3D modeling there is no streaming data processing, then simply the volume and quality of models can be so high that a lot of RAM is “stupidly” needed to accommodate this model.

If you are not a professional, but really like to convert videos, then 4-8 GB will be enough for you.

Truly huge amounts of RAM can be in demand in scientific systems and highly loaded servers. In the latter, for example, a memory capacity of 64 GB or more is considered quite common. But the memory there is not cheap - server memory (with parity check and automatic correction errors), since failures on them are not allowed.

Well, as an example, I’ll give a situation from my real life. When I took training in networking technologies and system administration, I often had to emulate a large number of simultaneously running operating systems and network equipment. Such combinations as 5-10 operating systems running in VirtualBox (or VMware) + the same number of emulated ones network devices GNS can use up a decent amount of RAM. And it’s good if, in addition to the powerful “process” that supports modern technologies virtualization, there will be 8-16 GB of RAM, otherwise the brakes are guaranteed...

Why can't you disable the page file?

What happens when there is not enough RAM? Yes, it’s very simple - the OS, in order to compensate for the lack of memory, begins to actively use the hard drive (the so-called paging file). By the way, God forbid you turn it off. The operation of the system is very deeply tied to the paging file and disabling it will more problems than good. As a result, not only the processor slows down, but also the hard drive.

There is only one conclusion - there should be enough memory; if there is not enough memory, the computer starts to slow down terribly, but too much memory does not give any performance gain.

What types of RAM are there?

There is no such thing as memory...

A board with memory chips is usually called a memory module (or “stick”). There are single-sided and double-sided memory modules. On the first, the chips are placed on one side printed circuit board, on the second - on both sides. What's better? I don’t know) There is an opinion that double-sided modules “chase” better; read about what this means further in this article. On the other hand, the fewer chips, the higher the reliability of the module. I have seen cases more than once when one side of the chips on a strip failed and the computer saw only half of its volume. But now I would not focus on this.

The main thing you need to know is that if there are several memory modules in the computer, then it is desirable that they all be either single-sided or double-sided. Otherwise, the memory does not always get along well with each other and does not work at full speed.

Today the most modern memory is DDR3 type., which replaced the older DDR2, which in turn replaced the even older DDR. A new, more modern DDR4 memory has already been developed, but it has not yet reached the masses. We won't go deeper.

When building a new PC, you should only choose the latest memory standard. At the moment it is DDR3.

Sometimes replacing a motherboard and purchasing a new type of memory is equivalent in price to adding an old type of RAM to an old board.

The new memory will also be significantly cheaper than the older DDR2, which greedy manufacturers and sellers are “buying” (holding onto) high price, since there is little of it left and for those who want to upgrade their PC there is simply no other choice but to agree to such draconian conditions. In this case, it’s worth thinking about, maybe adding a little and buying more promising components? And if you sell the old one, you can actually get a profit, if you’re lucky, of course)

Laptop memory

Laptops use the same memory as PCs, but differ smaller size module and is called SO-DIMM DDR (DDR2, DDR3).

Memory characteristics. Frequency and timings

Memory is characterized primarily by type. For desktop computers(desktops) memory types used today are: DDR, DDR2, DDR3.

The main characteristic of memory is its frequency. The higher the frequency, the faster the memory is considered. But this frequency must be supported by the processor and motherboard, otherwise the memory will operate at a lower frequency, and the money you overpaid will go down the drain.

Memory modules, as well as its types, have their own markings, which begin with PC, PC2 and PC3, respectively.

Today, the most common memory is DDR3 PC3-10600 (1333 MHz). It will work at its native frequency on any computer. In principle, the speed of the computer does not greatly depend on the memory frequency. For example, in games this increase will be absolutely indistinguishable, but in some other applications it will be more noticeable. But the difference in price, for example in comparison with DDR3 PC3-12800 (1600 MHz) memory, will be very small. Here I usually follow the rule - if the price is slightly higher ($1-3) and the processor supports a higher frequency, then why not - we take faster memory.

Is it possible to install RAM sticks with different frequencies into a computer?

The frequency of the RAM does not have to be the same; the motherboard will set the frequency for all sticks according to the slowest module, but very often a computer with sticks different frequencies works unstable. For example, it may not turn on at all.


The next memory performance parameter is the so-called delays (timings). Roughly speaking, this is the time that has passed from the moment the memory is accessed until the moment it produces the necessary data. Accordingly, the shorter the timings, the better. There are dozens of different delays when reading, writing, copying and various combinations these and other operations. But there are only a few main ones that you can use to navigate.

Timings are indicated (though not always) on the label of memory modules in the form of 4 numbers with hyphens between them. The first and most important is latency, the rest are derivatives of it.

Delays depend on the manufacturing quality of the memory chips. Accordingly, higher quality, lower timings, higher price. However, it is worth noting that timings have a much smaller impact on performance than memory frequency. Therefore, I rarely attach importance to this, only if the price is approximately the same, you can buy memory with lower timings. Typically, modules with ultra-low timings are positioned as top-end, come complete with radiators (which we’ll talk about later), in beautiful packaging and are much more expensive.

Marking of main types, memory modules, their frequency and typical latency (CL)

DDR – outdated (completely)

DDR-266 - PC2100 - 266 MHz - CL 2.5

DDR-333 - PC2700 - 333 MHz - CL 2.5

DDR-400 - PC-3200 - 400 MHz - CL 2.5

DDR2 - obsolete (sometimes still found and can be used to add to an old PC)

DDR2-533 - PC2-4200 - 533 MHz - CL 5

DDR2-667 - PC2-5300 - 667 MHz - CL 5

DDR2-800 - PC2-6400 - 800 MHz - CL 5

DDR2-1066 - PC2-8500 - 1066 MHz - CL 5

DDR3 – modern

DDR3-1333 - PC3-10600 - 1333 MHz - CL 9

DDR3-1600 - PC3-12800 - 1600 MHz - CL 11

DDR3-1800 - PC3-14400 - 1800 MHz - CL 11

DDR3-2000 - PC3-16000 - 2000 MHz - CL 11

Is it possible to install RAM sticks with different timings in a computer?

The timings also do not have to match. The motherboard will automatically set timings for all modules according to the slowest module. There shouldn't be any problems.

Memory operating modes

Yes, yes... Perhaps not everyone knew, but RAM can work in different modes, so-called: Single Mode (single channel) and Dual Mode (two channel).

In single-channel mode, data is first written to one memory module, and when its capacity is exhausted, it begins to be written to the next free module.

In dual-channel mode, data recording is parallelized and recorded simultaneously on several modules.

This, friends, is where using dual-channel mode significantly increases memory speed. In reality, the memory speed in dual-channel mode is up to 30% higher than in single-channel mode. But in order for it to work, the following conditions must be met:

The motherboard must support dual-channel RAM operation

There should be 2 or 4 memory modules

Memory modules must be either all single-sided or all double-sided

If any of these conditions are not met, the memory will only operate in single-channel mode.

It is desirable that all the strips be as identical as possible: they have the same frequency, latency, and are even from the same manufacturer. Otherwise, no one can give any guarantees about the operation of the dual-channel mode. Therefore, if you want your memory to work in the fastest possible mode, it is very advisable to immediately purchase 2 identical memory sticks, because after a year or two you will definitely not find the same one.

Another question is if you need to increase the amount of memory on an old computer. In this case, you can try to find a memory module that is as similar as possible to the one you already have. If you have 2 of them, and there are 2 more free slots on the motherboard, then you will have to look for 2 more of the same modules. An ideal, but not always economical, option is to hand over old memory as used and buy 2 new identical modules of larger volume.

Of course, if your old computer is very weak, then there may not be a big gain from the dual-channel mode. In this case, you can install any module, but it is still better to choose the most suitable one in order to eliminate a possible conflict with old modules and complete inoperability of the computer. Try to agree in advance with the seller about a return or bring the system unit to him and let him try to select a suitable module.

RAM controller

It should be noted that previously memory controllers were located in the chipset (logic set) of motherboards. In modern systems, memory controllers are located in processors. In this regard, the dual-channel memory mode now has 2 more submodes: Ganged (paired) and Unganged (unpaired).

In ganged mode, memory modules work the same as in old motherboards, but in unpaired mode, each processor memory controller (in modern processors there are 2 of them) can work separately with each stick. This mode can be set in the computer's BIOS, but is usually selected automatically by the processor. If the planks are identical, then Ganged (but not necessarily), if they are different, then only Unganged. In any case, the memory will operate in dual-channel mode. But I still recommend buying and installing 2 identical modules at once, this will eliminate distortions in their parameters and improve compatibility.

The dual-channel RAM mode has only one drawback - 2 memory sticks are slightly more expensive than one of the same size. Therefore, many stores and private collectors save money and set the same bar. As a result, we have a modern computer that does not work at full capacity.

Some modern expensive motherboards, which usually have 6 slots for memory modules, can even operate in three-channel mode.

By the way, if you have 2 or 3 memory sticks, then in order for the dual-channel or three-channel mode to work, all these sticks must be inserted into slots of the same color.

Some memory modules for desktops have the abbreviation ECC in their markings.

This is memory with parity, a technology used in server systems. You should not pay any attention to this, since on desktop PCs this technology is not critical and, in most cases, does not work at all. It's still the same marketing ploy.

Memory connectors

There's nothing to talk about here at all. Each type of memory DDR, DDR2, DDR3 has its own connector on the motherboard of the same type (DDR, DDR2, DDR3). You will not insert memory of one type into a slot of another type, since there is a special protrusion (key) in the motherboard slot,

Which should coincide with the slot on the memory module board. This was done precisely so as not to accidentally confuse and install the bracket in the wrong connector and, as a result, not damage both the memory and, possibly, the motherboard. When purchasing memory, you need to know exactly what type of memory the motherboard supports.

About RAM heatsinks

Some memory modules are equipped with so-called heatsinks, which are linings made of aluminum plates, sometimes painted copper or other colors, on both sides of the board. These pads are connected to the memory chips through special thermal pads that are designed to best transmission heat from chips to radiators. Radiators can have additional fins to increase the cooling area and even better heat dissipation.

In practice, memory chips heat up slightly during normal operation and do not require additional cooling. Gaskets between chips and heatsinks do not transfer heat as well as thermal paste between the processor and cooler. In addition, in the free space between the board and the radiators there is an air gap that interferes with natural cooling and over time becomes clogged with dust, which is difficult to clean out. This design provides active cooling using an additional fan or good air flow inside the case. In addition, such modules can often cost more.

So who needs such joy, you ask? Well, ask me)

Answer: for enthusiasts who never have enough of everything, who want to speed up everything, overtake everyone, etc. Besides, it’s just beautiful) Yes, friends, if you consider yourself to be in this group of users, then this memory is for you! Because such a cooling system will be effective only with sufficiently high heating as a result of overclocking with increased voltage and mandatory additional airflow. Remember - regular memory, working in normal mode no radiators needed.

Example correct use memory with heatsinks in a powerful system

Overclocking RAM

Overclocking is a slang word in the computer lexicon that means manual installation more aggressive operating parameters of electronic components, such as processors, memory and video cards, than those provided by the manufacturer. Such parameters are usually the frequency (in processors there is also a multiplier). At particularly high acceleration for relatively stable operation These components also increase the voltage. As a result, higher heating of the elements occurs, requiring improved cooling. The so-called overclocking itself is possible thanks to a certain margin laid down by the manufacturer so that the product works stably, and not at the edge of its capabilities, or especially for advanced users) In any case, this event makes the operation of the entire system less stable and shortens the service life of overclocked components . If you still decide to experiment, then first thoroughly study all aspects and act strictly according to the instructions. By the way, if components fail as a result of overclocking, you may lose your warranty.

RAM Manufacturers

Like other components, memory modules are manufactured by many manufacturers. And, as always, they have different quality. I recommend paying attention to the following brands that have optimal ratio price/quality: AMD, Crucial, Goodram, Hynix, Kingston, Micron, Patriot, Samsung, TakeMS, Transcend.

Enthusiast brands include: Corsair, G.Skill, Mushkin, Team. These companies produce a wide range of modules with radiators and increased technical characteristics. I recommend avoiding cheap ones Chinese brands: A-Data, Apacer, Elixir, Elpida, NCP, PQI and other little-known manufacturers.

Memory modules that are not manufactured in China deserve special mention. Currently, there are not many of these, for example, modules that are labeled as Hynix Original and Samsung Original are produced in Korea. The quality of such modules is considered higher; they cost a little more, but usually have a longer warranty (up to 36 months).

To be fair, it should be noted that even if you purchased memory from a well-known and reputable brand, this, unfortunately, does not mean that you will not encounter defective modules or modules damaged during transportation. Of course, products from top brands in individual packaging will have fewer defects (damages) than the cheapest modules that are transported and sold in bulk.

Memory module in individual packaging

How to choose memory for a new computer

First of all, choose the most modern type of memory used. Today it is DDR3. Decide on the volume you need. To briefly summarize this article, I will give general recommendations according to the minimum amount of RAM for PCs of different purposes:

For an office or weak home PC – 2 GB

4. It is better to select the most identical strips (single-sided or double-sided), with the same frequency and latency. The ideal option is to sell the old memory as used and install new memory in the required volume.

5. If you install memory with a higher frequency than your processor or motherboard supports, it will operate at a lower frequency.

Do right choice friends are with us, and no dust or breakdown for you)

In order for your home computer to work really quickly and cope with its tasks perfectly, you should be as careful as possible in choosing its components. RAM plays a very important role in any computer, so the question is how to choose RAM? This is a very pressing issue for many people. Let's try to answer it in as much detail and as clearly as possible.

What is RAM?

Before choosing the right RAM for your computer, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what it actually is. RAM is a computer component on which the performance of the entire system largely depends.. This component is used to store temporary information that is necessary for proper operation certain programs or all of them.

If we speak in simpler and more understandable language, we can say it as follows. RAM is an intermediate link between the processor and the hard drive. As you know, the hard drive stores all the necessary information, the processor acts as the brain of the computer, that is, it is constantly processing certain data. But RAM acts as a kind of connecting link in this system, which works with temporary data that should get into the processor after all processing.

Many people may probably wonder why use this at all. connecting link? Why not immediately transfer the data to the processor? The fact is that thanks to this design, you can significantly increase the speed of your computer, since RAM usually works much faster than a hard drive.

What are the types of RAM (random access recording device).

Once upon a time, when they were not yet as fast as they are now, all RAM was divided into two types: SIMM and DIMM. Much has changed since then, and when it comes to types of RAM, you can forget about them, since they have not been produced anywhere for a long time and have not been used anywhere for a long time.

At the moment, there are different kinds random access memory. In 2001, DDR type RAM was invented; at one time it was a very good component for any computer, however, nowadays it is almost never found anywhere, so information related to it is also not relevant. But it can be noted that the main difference between this memory and DDR2 and DDR3, which are now much more common, is the number of contacts on the board itself; in DDR there are very few of them, to be more precise, 184 pieces.

A much more progressive invention was DDR2, which was made in 2003 and which significantly influenced the speed of many computers. This type of RAM already contained 240 contacts. Increasing the number of contacts had a very positive effect on the speed of data transfer to the processor, which also affected the overall performance of the entire system.

The most recent invention that has gone on mass sale in this direction is DDR3, which has the same 240 contacts; DDR2, however, has a number of advantages. One of the innovations that was used in this type of RAM is electrical incompatibility of contacts. This move made it possible to significantly increase the maximum frequency, which was 2400 MHz (DDR2 has 1066 MHz), as well as increase bandwidth and make the component more economical in terms of energy consumption.

As most tests show, DDR3 is about 15-20% faster than DDR2.

Amount of RAM.

The amount of RAM is one of the main parameters of this device. It should be noted that development in this direction is proceeding very quickly and rapidly. If in the last century the volume of a particular RAM was most often measured in either kilobytes or megabytes, now it is measured in gigabytes.

The number itself, indicating the amount of RAM, indicates how much temporary data can fit in the device. When choosing this option, do not forget that the operating room itself Windows system, consumes at least 1GB of RAM, therefore, for normal operation there should be more computers. Let's look at the most common options for our time:

  1. 2 GB – this amount of RAM may be suitable for budget computers. If you do not use anything other than the Internet and programs for viewing photos and movies, this amount of memory should be enough for you. This amount of memory may also be enough for older games that were released before about 2005.
  2. 4 GB - this amount of RAM is already enough for many modern games; if you are more demanding of computer power than in the previous case, then this is the choice for you.
  3. 8 GB is already very serious, with this amount of RAM, almost all modern games can be run at maximum quality settings.
  4. 16 GB is the dream of any gamer, with this amount of RAM, even the most demanding cutting-edge games will “fly” at the highest video quality settings and everything else.
  5. 32 GB - that much memory may not even be needed, at the current level of development computer technology, if you are not engaged, for example, in complex mathematical computational experiments that require enormous computing capabilities.

It is important to remember one very significant point. If you have a 32-bit operating system, it will not be able to accept more than 3 GB of RAM. If you have more than 3 GB of RAM, then you must install a 64-bit operating system.

RAM frequency.

Very often, many people pay attention first of all to the amount of RAM. This is of course quite reasonable, since the volume is the most important parameter In such a device, however, the frequency of the RAM is no less important, because it determines the speed at which data will be exchanged with the processor. Therefore, it should be approached no less carefully.

For proper operation of the entire system, the RAM frequency should not be higher than the frequency of the motherboard. If this rule is not followed, this can lead to various kinds of failures in the system, which is very undesirable.

Many modern processors operate at a frequency of 1600 MHz, so it is better to buy RAM with the same frequency, or a slight deviation from it, but preferably not higher.

There is also RAM with a frequency ranging from 2133 MHz and even higher; such components are quite expensive, much more expensive than regular RAM. In order for them to work properly, you need to buy special motherboards, which are also very expensive. big money, so they are not very popular yet. In addition, a motherboard alone is not enough; here you should also buy a processor that has an unlocked multiplier, and as you know, this also costs a lot.

In addition to all this, using RAM cards with a frequency of 2133 MHz and higher can lead to very high heating of the entire computer. Therefore, while it doesn’t make much sense to buy such equipment, perhaps after a while it will become popular, but for now it can only give +20-30% to productivity, which is not commensurate with the amount of money spent on it. Only the craziest gamers can decide to do something like this.

RAM timing

Typically, RAM timings are not particularly mentioned; this parameter is not as well known as memory size and frequency. However, it is very important and therefore you should definitely take a closer look at it when choosing a RAM.

What are RAM timings? Timing is the time delay of a signal, which is measured in clock cycles and can have a value from 2 to 13. This parameter primarily affects the bandwidth of the processor-memory channel; it also slightly affects the performance of the system, but this influence is not very significant and strong.

The lower the timing of the RAM, the faster it will work. Therefore, if you are building a computer for gaming, you should pay attention to this important parameter.

RAM voltage

Voltage, like other characteristics of RAM, also have an impact on the operation of the entire computer. The voltage parameter primarily tells you how much energy the component must receive in order to operate normally. This parameter also affects the heat emission of the device. In most cases, for DDR3 this parameter is 1.5 V. However, recently a considerable number of memory models have appeared that may have a higher parameter than 1.5 V. Of course, the increased requirements for energy consumption also affect the heat dissipation, Therefore, RAM chipsets with a voltage parameter of more than 1.5 V usually have additional heatsink plates. This approach reduces heat generation.

The BIOS has the ability to control the supply voltage, however, it is best not to perform such operations, as this can negatively affect the RAM, to the point that it may fail.

The main RAM manufacturers at the moment

Of course, it is impossible to choose a good RAM without paying attention to its manufacturers. At the moment, there are a considerable number of different manufacturers of RAM on the market, many of which quite often release newer and newer models of these computer components.

If you are looking for high-quality RAM modules that will work well and for a long time, then you can pay attention to the following manufacturers:

  • Corsair;
  • Transcend;
  • Kingston;
  • Samsung.

These companies have proven themselves very well in this market and have been producing a truly high-quality product for many years. What is also very important about these manufacturers is that they always indicate frequency parameters that fully correspond to reality, which many other companies do not always do, trying to embellish the reality and thereby attract large buyers. That is, if you purchased an operational samsung memory, and it indicates a capacity of 8 GB, it will be real 8 GB and nothing else, this also applies to kingston RAM and RAM from other manufacturers in the list presented above.

Therefore, if you are planning to buy RAM in the near future, it is best to choose one of these 5 manufacturers. For example, Kingston hyperx RAM can be very good choice if you want to use your computer for gaming. In addition, a very important point in this case may be the correct reading of the RAM markings, as this allows you to find out all the most important characteristics of the RAM.

Suppose there is such a RAM chipset KHX 2000C9AD3T1K2/4GX, what can it tell us? Let's take a closer look:

  1. KHX is the model and manufacturer of this RAM.
  2. 2000 – operating frequency.
  3. 9 – timing parameter.
  4. D3 – type of module used.
  5. 4G – memory capacity.

As you can see, everything is not that complicated, so when buying a chipset it is very important to pay attention to the markings in order to make the right choice.

There is one more important point, some people prefer to install more than one RAM chipset on their computer, thereby achieving greater system performance. This is a very common practice among many gamers. In the case when you plan to install two such chipsets, you need to take into account that they must be from the same manufacturer and from the same batch, and also have identical clock frequency, workload and timing parameters. Only when both components meet all these parameters will the RAM compatibility be perfect.

Do not think that other RAM manufacturers that are not represented in the list above are bad manufacturers. This is far from true, for example, hynix RAM can be a very good solution in many cases, just like amd RAM which very often has very good parameters and favorable price. However, it often happens that Kingston RAM is a more reasonable and rational choice in many cases, both in terms of its operating efficiency and its cost.

Is there a difference between PC RAM and laptop RAM?

Everything that applies to RAM on a PC also applies to RAM for a laptop. The only difference that exists between PC RAM and laptop RAM is the size, usually laptop RAM is shorter than PC RAM.

How to choose the right RAM?

If you rely on everything described above, you can make the right choice of RAM. In addition, you should, of course, take into account your own needs; first of all, you must determine for yourself for what purpose you need a computer. If, for example, you are not going to use it to play the latest games at maximum quality settings, in this case you can even try to save on the amount of RAM.

However, it very often happens that a person initially did not want to use a computer for games, but then he was faced with such a need, and the RAM had already been purchased. In order to avoid such problems and not have to pay twice, it is still better to initially take a sufficient amount of RAM, moreover, recently the prices for it have decreased significantly. In addition, it is very important to pay attention to the clock frequency of the RAM, which should not be higher than the frequency of the motherboard, as well as some other parameters, such as timing. This is simply necessary if you want to achieve really fast and quality work this component, and also want the RAM installation to be successful.

Of course, the manufacturer is also of great importance. A good and well-known brand, such as hyperx RAM, is always a very good solution, since usually such a brand is associated with real quality, and you will be completely confident in the reliability of the RAM you purchased.

How to choose RAM for your PC? was last modified: April 29th, 2016 by MaximB

Is DDR4. This is what current Intel processors support (although they also left partial support for DDR3). New boards for DDR4 will also be released for AMD processors, which will appear in early 2017. This article will help you find out how to choose DDR4 for building or a new PC or upgrade, and how RAM for laptops differs from it.

Before choosing DDR4 memory, you need to familiarize yourself a little with the features of this type of RAM. Essentially, DDR4 memory is a surface-mount BGA (solder ball array) chip, which makes it universal for all types of electronics, from routers to servers. However, for ease of installation, as well as maintaining the possibility of upgrading, increasing the available amounts of RAM and overall unification, PCs usually use a modular design.


DDR4 memory chips are soldered onto small boards, in quantities from 4 to 16 pieces. Such boards are called DIMM (Double In-line Memory Module - double-sided memory module) and are equipped with 284 contacts. They have same sizes(5.25″ or a little more than 13 centimeters), but are physically incompatible with DDR3, since the latter’s DIMM module has 240 pins. In addition, the modules have different locations of a special key cutout that prevents the board from being installed on the wrong side or in an incompatible slot. DIMMs are the main type of RAM memory for desktop computers and servers.

For laptops with increased requirements for compactness, SO-DIMM modules (Small Outline DIMM - double-sided memory module with small pins) have been created. Also, similar boards are used in monoblocks, nettops and other types of compact personal computers. They are half the size of DIMMs (6.76 cm) and have only 260 pins.


The second criterion by which DDR4 memory can be classified is its performance characteristics. The main ones are: clock frequency(and the bandwidth directly associated with it), latency and voltage.

Clock frequency and bandwidth characterize the performance of memory in sequential reading and writing mode. DDR4 RAM is available with support for frequencies from 1600 MHz (very rare in practice) to 3200 MHz. The most common frequencies at the moment are 1866 MHz (bandwidth - 12800 MB/s), 2133 MHz (17064 MB/s) and 2400 MHz (19200 MB/s). Most computers are designed to work with them.

CAS latency is the delay (measured in the number of working cycles) between submitting a request to read/write data and completing this operation. This parameter characterizes memory performance in random read/write mode. The lower the latency value, the more responsive the memory. At equal frequencies— the faster module will be the one whose delay duration (latency) is lower.

Voltage— module supply voltage. At the moment, the only common value is 1.2 V. There is also LPDDR4 (low power DDR4) memory that uses lower voltages. It is not yet popular, and is used only in compact devices (ultrabooks, tablets, smartphones) that do not support its upgrade. The disadvantage of this type of memory is its reduced performance for the sake of efficiency.

Choosing DDR4 memory when building a new PC

Choosing DDR4 RAM for a computer that is being built from scratch is the easiest way. As of late 2016-early 2017, the only platform supporting this memory is Intel SkyLake (Core i3-i7 6xxx, Celeron and Pentium of this family). The base memory frequency for this platform is 2133 MHz. Higher frequencies are not supported by all boards and are only achieved during overclocking.

When purchasing a board equipped with two memory slots, it is advisable to purchase one large-capacity stick (8 or 16 GB). This will leave the possibility in the future to add another one to it and double the amount of RAM. For boards with four DIMM slots, you can choose a set of 2 smaller strips. In this case, the possibility of an upgrade remains, and the performance is at least slightly increased due to the dual-channel mode.

Heatsinks on DDR4 memory sticks are more a decorative element than a functional one. The energy consumption of this generation of RAM is tiny (about 0.5-2 W), so additional cooling there is no need. In a case with a transparent wall and backlight, heatsinks on the memory strips will decorate the inside of the PC. However, if the choice is between planks with the same parameters, and the aesthetic component fades into the background, there is no point in overpaying for radiators. They are really useful only for overclockers who overclock RAM much higher than factory frequencies.