What do bloggers live on? Travel content. Required channel criteria for earning money

How much can you earn from a blog? Actual question for beginner video makers or a whole army of fans of top YouTubers who are interested in counting other people's money.

Meanwhile, YouTube has long ceased to be an ordinary video hosting service, having evolved into a platform for interactive Internet television, where anyone can become a celebrity, making hundreds of thousands of dollars from their popularity, and this is far from the limit.

How do video bloggers make money on YouTube?

Video bloggers have at least four sources of income:

  1. Contextual advertising. Many users still believe that YouTube pays royalties based on the number of views of a particular video. But this statement is obviously incorrect. The fact is that a blogger’s salary depends on how many clicks on advertising banners and video screens the viewers of his channel make.

For example, famous YouTubers on the Runet manage to earn 50¢-$2.5 from contextual advertising within 1 thousand views of video content.

  1. Product placement. You've probably already come across videos in which, in the middle of the video, the channel host advertises manufacturers of goods and services. This is far from a cheap promotion, because the same EeOneGuy, Max +100500, Katya Klap and other equally popular YouTube stars cost advertisers from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Selling links that are placed under the description of the video – 5-20 thousand rubles.
  3. Partnership programs. In addition to standard privileges: free access to the media library, conducting training webinars and round-the-clock support, an affiliate program can increase a video blogger’s income from contextual advertising by 20%-40%.

How much do YouTubers earn?

Probably, each of us was interested in how much top video bloggers earn on YouTube? Naturally, none of them will tell you about the size of their official fees, since famous YouTubers are often bound by contractual obligations to affiliate programs, advertisers and Google Corporation. However, you can calculate the approximate earnings of a particular video maker yourself or by using special online services.

  1. We count on our own: (A x B) + C = D
  • A – number of views on the channel;
  • B – average income from contextual advertising – $1-$1.5/1 thousand views;
  • C – profit from the affiliate program, about 30% of earnings from advertising;
  • D – potential channel income.
  1. If you have the Internet at hand, you can find all the necessary information on portals such as SocialBlade, WhatStat, StatSheep, etc.

For example, to find out how much Sasha Spielberg earns on YouTube, you need to:

  1. Calculate using the diagram above.

(349.854 million x 1,500) + 30% = $682,215

  1. Or use the statistics of one of the above resources (using the example of the “StatSheep” service).

*– the numbers in both cases will be different, because StatSheep calculates the channel's potential profit at $2.5 per 1,000 views.

TOP 10 richest video bloggers in the Russian-language segment of YouTube

No. 1. Yuri “Frost” Freezer (Visiting FrostA).

  • Subscribers: 3.662 million
  • Views: 1 billion 452 million
  • Revenues: $3.629 million.

Yuri Frost began his career as a video blogger in October 2012. Popularity comes from Nizhny Novgorod brought let's plays to the game "Minecraft". In addition to reviews of video games, Morozilka diversified his channel with vlogs, challenges, and question-and-answer videos.

Frost makes huge money on YouTube not only thanks to his charisma, but also to his stunning performance. After all, as of October 2015, Yura managed to record 958 videos - this is three times more than Max +100500!

No. 2. Maxim Golopolosov (AdamThomasMoran).

  • Subscribers: 6.604 million
  • Views: 1 billion 250 million
  • Revenues: $3.126 million.

One day, Maxim Golopolosov got tired of working as a courier for a salary of 15 thousand rubles and began devoting almost all his free time to video blogging, a graduate of the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity. Subsequently, his project “+100500” conquered YouTube, which contributed to the release of the show on the country’s television screens in October 2011.

Max +100500 during 2011-2014. rightfully bore the unofficial title of the richest blogger on Russian YouTube just until Yura Frost began churning out videos on an industrial scale.

Nevertheless, to this day Golopolosov has no equal in terms of the number of subscribers. Therefore, it is possible that in the near future the famous YouTuber will return to the first line of our rating.

No. 3. Ivan Rudskoy (EeOneGuy).

  • Subscribers: 4.671 million
  • Views: 957 million
  • Revenues: $2.394 million.

Dnepropetrovsk blogger Ivan Rudskoy registered on YouTube in March 2013. Since then he has been recording videos on the most different topics. According to him, he adheres to the concept of “I shoot whatever comes into my head.”

Therefore, the content produced by Vanya may cause misunderstanding among the unprepared public. Especially videos like “Stoned up antics”, “How not to poop”, “Adventures of a big penis”, etc.

Most of Ivangay’s fans are schoolchildren, who often compare Rudsky with Swedish let’s player PewDiePie and Russian YouTuber Roma Zhelud.

No. 4. Stas Davydov (This isFine).

  • Subscribers: 5.128 million
  • Views: 938 million
  • Revenues: $2.371 million.

Former KVN player Stas Davydov hosts the show “This is Good” on YouTube, which is comparable in format to Golopolosov’s brainchild – “+100500”. However, unlike Max, Stas is not a fan of obscene language, but arouses the viewer’s interest in his channel due to his extraordinary facial expressions and extraordinary sense of humor.

No. 5. Oleg Brain (TheBrainDit).

  • Subscribers: 2.901 million
  • Views: 797 million
  • Revenues: $1.994 million.

Oleg Brain gained fame on YouTube playing Minecraft, GTA, Mortal Kombat, Mad Max. Recently, the star let's player has not limited himself in the pleasure of watching popular apps entertainment on iOS. Brain also has his own online store where he sells souvenirs from corporate symbols TheBrainDit channel.

No. 6. Roman Filchenkov (Mr. Lololoshka).

  • Subscribers: 3.810 million
  • Views: 782 million
  • Revenues: $1.955 million.

Roman Filchenkov became famous for filming let's plays and vlogs. From time to time he records videos with EeOneGuy. Many subscribers complain about Roma because of his arrogant attitude towards the channel's audience. However, this does not prevent him from remaining one of the most popular game reviewers on the Runet.

No. 7. Konstantin Ladanin (Jove).

  • Subscribers: 2.084 million
  • Views: 429 million
  • Revenues: $1.074 million.

Jov specializes in World of Tanks streams, but also sometimes posts videos of playthroughs of other equally popular games - CS, GTA, The Witcher, SOMA, etc.

No. 8. Dmiry Kuplinov (KuplinovPlay).

  • Subscribers: 1.274 million
  • Views: 356 million
  • Income: $889 thousand.

If you want to know everything possible about computer gaming, then don’t waste your time and quickly subscribe to Dmitry’s channel. However, in this case, be prepared to encounter Kuplinov's reckless humor in the style of PewDiePie.

No. 9. Katya Trofimova (The Kate Clapp).

  • Subscribers: 3.541 million
  • Views: 352 million
  • Income: $882 thousand

Katya took up video blogging at the age of 16. At first I recorded vlogs, then I started a sketch show, and on this moment continues to shoot videos about his personal life and travels. Klap is one of the most popular YouTubers on the Runet, which allows her to take part in many entertainment projects both on YouTube and on TV.

No. 10. Sasha Spielberg (Sasha Spielberg).

  • Subscribers: 2.543 million
  • Views: 349 million
  • Income: $874 thousand

There are conflicting rumors about how much Sasha Spielberg earns on YouTube. Evil tongues say that the video blogger’s income does not cover the costs of promoting the channel, which is sponsored by her far from poor father. It is also noteworthy that Sasha hides her real last name according to some agreement with her parents, who wished to remain incognito.

So, no matter how much bloggers earn on YouTube, you need to understand that this is a rather labor-intensive task that takes up all the free time of video makers.

After all, in order to remain at the peak of popularity, it is necessary not only to regularly release videos, but also to comply with trends, improve the quality of production, generate and implement new ideas, properly monetize content and be able to interact with the audience. And this is expensive.

The word “blogger” appears more and more often in the vocabulary of modern people. It is used in different ways and in completely different areas. Next we will talk about who these people are and how to become a blogger to earn good money. So, a blogger is a person who maintains a blog, and different types. He can shoot original videos, write articles or engage in other activities. But bloggers should not be confused with regular content authors. The former, unlike the latter, in their work do not simply describe some event, but express their personal opinion regarding it.

In fact, a blogger is a new level for such professions as copywriter, video author, etc. Of course, it is logical to assume that bloggers earn more than the above-mentioned professions. Today people are not interested in reading an ordinary description or statement of a certain fact; it is important for them to hear the author’s attitude towards it, agree with this opinion or challenge it. Therefore, blogs are much more popular than simple websites.

What does a blogger do?

1. The most traditional option for such individuals is to write their own articles. As I mentioned above, these texts should not just describe some event or phenomenon, but also express the attitude of the author himself towards it. This could be a forecast for the future, an original conclusion, criticism, advice, etc. As a rule, bloggers work in the political sphere and express their views on various laws, political parties or significant events in the country and the world.

To write articles, simple desire and a developed civic position are not enough. The ability to concisely and beautifully describe a circumstance and express one’s opinion so as not to offend the reader is very important qualities blogger-copywriter. If your articles are interesting both in content and in the manner of writing, then you will certainly become a successful blogger, whose opinion will be listened to by many.

2. The second option is to shoot own videos rollers. You can post them on your YouTube channel and promote it. An important point: if you want to become a blogger, then you should show yourself in your videos, and not a slide show, as many authors do. The fact is that if a company advertises its brand, then the blogger advertises himself. And if no one knows him by sight, then what’s the point of doing this? Once you change the site on which you post content, and no one knows you anymore, promotion needs to start from scratch. If you still need a presentation or slide show, you can film yourself at the beginning and end, and show your presentation in the middle. In this case, the audience will remember you, and you will be able to show all kinds of graphs, diagrams, photographs, etc.

3. Another option for a blogger is comments or posts on forums. This is suitable for those who like to simply express their attitude to a certain phenomenon, rather than write a whole article. You just need to go to the site where this article is available, read the material and leave a voluminous comment. However, it is very difficult to develop using such methods, and it is almost impossible to make money, so we are not interested in this option.

4. If you don’t want to film yourself, you can make an audio recording, however, this method is not so popular nowadays, and it will be difficult to promote yourself as a good blogger, because no one can see what you look like. Only radio presenters can be called such bloggers.

Blogs against the media!

Nowadays, people tend to trust popular bloggers more than journalists. The fact is that the media managed to discredit themselves several times by deliberately publishing false information. In addition, many understand that television channels and newspapers were bought by the government or private businessmen, which does not add objectivity to them. Bloggers, of course, can also be bought to post advertising material or propaganda, but the vast majority of Internet users do not yet understand this truth, and therefore believe everything that is written in popular blogs.

How do bloggers earn money?

The question of this article is how to become a blogger to make money, so now I will talk about how online journalists earn money.

As a rule, a blogger’s main profit is advertising on his website or YouTube account. Also, sometimes orders appear on content exchanges for the publication of an advertising post on a highly visited website or social network page.
The meaning of all income comes down to one word - advertising, and whether you like it or not, it will also appear on your blog if you strive to receive money.
There is also a type of income called “silence payment”. Its essence is that a politician or businessman pays a popular blogger money so that he does not advertise a certain event or fraud. True, there is also a danger here for the Internet journalist himself, because the methods of the “powers that be” can be more harsh. And although the 90s are long behind us, threatening letters and calls are still an integral part of bloggers' lives.

How to become a blogger to earn money? Practical advice!

1. The first thing any blogger needs is a formed worldview, which, by the way, most people lack. His thoughts and views should not be borrowed from somewhere, but be the result of his own mental work and careful rethinking of the facts. Otherwise, no one will be interested in your opinion. Moreover, it is not necessary that your views be accepted by readers. Popular bloggers also become those people who are constantly criticized by the masses. After all, a negative image is still the same as popularity.

2. Subjective civic position for a blogger is like a broom for a janitor, i.e. tool for generating income. Without it, blogging is impossible in principle, and an undeveloped position with many “blank spots” will not give you the opportunity to answer readers’ questions. The bottom line is that before you write your first entry or shoot your first video, you need to sit down and think about how you feel about this or that phenomenon, what you would suggest changing and what advice you want to give. You can also ask yourself questions regarding your chosen specialization, not only ordinary ones, but also provocative ones.

3. Popular bloggers often appear on various TV shows. This only adds to their popularity. As a rule, they act as experts, and sometimes even represent the interests of a certain group of people. Of course, no one will invite a little-known blogger on television, but if you achieve certain results, then do not refuse such offers.

4. It is advisable that you use several self-promotion tools at once. For example, you can write articles and post videos on YouTube, and the information in the article and video can be about the same thing. This way, you will attract many more viewers and readers, especially if you link the two tools with links.

5. Making posts and making videos is not everything. Sooner or later, questions begin to arise for any blogger. People leave their comments, make response videos, and some even openly “troll” you. At the same time, you must constantly respond to any praise, criticism or question. In this case, in the eyes of people you will be real person, with whom you can establish contact, chat, ask a question, etc. If you don’t do this, then at one point people will doubt that you are even a real person.


How to become a blogger to make money? I think the answer has now become obvious. You need to have a clear civic position, worldview, be able to speak or write texts well, and also constantly communicate with visitors to your blog. If all these conditions are met, you have a great chance of becoming popular person and make money from freedom of speech.

How to start blogging - Basic ways to make money blogging

Hello, my dear readers!

Today we will talk about and how they do it. One of the most profitable ways to make money on the Internet is by running your own blog.

With the development of social networks, every user has become a source of content and has the opportunity to earn money from it. You know many examples of how YouTubers and Instagrammers make money. These are very promising sites that can be turned into an excellent source of income.

Bloggers are people who keep their own “diary” on Internet sites. They regularly post various materials online about what is happening to them and how they spend their time. This could be a story about work, entertainment, travel, etc.

How does a blogger make money?

Eat different ways monetize your blog, but the main element is your audience. It should consist of live subscribers who are interested in what you do.

How much money does a blogger make?

Large channels with millions of subscribers on YouTube and IG bring enormous income to their owners. But there is one detail here - a large number of views and popularity do not guarantee that you will be swimming in money.

Not all channels can get big money for contextual advertising, which the user watching the video must click and follow in order for the money to drop into your pocket.

The main income of the channels is independent advertising. Direct collaboration is beneficial for advertisers because they can reach their target audience.

For example, you won’t try to sell a car on channels that show cartoons. The theme of the channels also affects profits. Some topics are expensive, some not so much.

Income of successful Russian bloggers

Understanding this issue is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. We can take as a basis the rate that YouTube offers - $0.7-1.5 per thousand views, and find in the public domain the price tag of any blogger for advertising.

Eg, Wylsacom (Valentin Petukhov) , recognized as the richest Russian blogger, runs a channel where he publishes reviews of gadgets and equipment. The channel receives about ₽5.5 million per month. The total is about ₽60 million per year.

Ivangay has a channel with 13 million subscribers and, according to some sources, he receives about ₽20 million a year.

Max +100500 with his funny reviews of videos, who has been running his channel for many years, earns about ₽15 million from it.

Children's channels Mister Max and Miss Katy, with a total of 15 million subscribers, brought their owners about $2 million.

What influences a blogger’s earnings?

A blogger's earnings depend on several things. In reality, this work is somewhat more complicated than the “withdraw - post - receive money” scheme.

So, what affects the channel’s income:

  • Image. How more promoted channel, the more effort and money it takes to maintain the quality of content and filming in a given format, not to mention the fact that a good blogger always strives to raise the bar. If the number of spectators increases, then you will have to change equipment and work more on sound and editing, otherwise the audience will begin to leave.
  • Team. Growing popularity not only brings more money, but also adds different tasks. Some responsibilities have to be transferred to someone else's shoulders. For example, hire a person who will do the editing or film everything that happens on camera.
  • Office rental and equipment. A solid project requires a separate production premises and workspace. There are always expenses for equipment, travel, props, etc.

It turns out that the net profit from the channel is advertising income minus the costs of creating content.

Service options for bloggers

Not as much depends on the platform on which you blog as you might think. The most important thing is how interesting and quality content you can offer the viewer.

Despite this, the popularity of the site also plays a big role. According to various studies, the most promising platform for blogging on the RuNet is YouTube.

Close to him. It is becoming increasingly popular and expanding the capabilities it offers. This became especially noticeable after Stories appeared.


How can you earn income working on YouTube?

  • affiliate program. This is the advertising that the service itself inserts. Payment is calculated depending on the number of views and transitions. A thousand views cost from $0.1 to 1-2.
  • Brand advertising. Bloggers negotiate this with companies themselves or through agents. The most popular channels charge up to ₽1 million for this. Those with fewer views and subscribers can charge different amounts - on average it’s ₽100 - 200 thousand.
  • Advertising your services and products. This is suitable for those who have their own business or skills for which they can pay you money. Bloggers can offer paid courses or goods.

Medium-popular YouTubers with less than 100 thousand subscribers can earn about $500 per month. To develop further and increase income, you need to invest more money and time.


A distinctive feature of this service is that it does not pay authors anything for views. You can earn money only from advertising in videos, photos or broadcasts.

The most popular Russian profiles bring owners millions. So, for example, Olga Buzova was able to earn ₽27 million in a year on Insta, and Ksenia Sobchak ₽20 million.

The average account with up to 100 thousand subscribers charges up to ₽20 thousand for an advertising post. Our prices are lower than abroad. There, for a post on a channel with more than 100 thousand followers, they will take about $1 thousand.

Social media

You can also earn income on other platforms - Telegram. This is a different format, but the essence is approximately the same. The main income comes from advertising. You just need to create interesting and attractive content.

Own website

You can also maintain your blog on classic platforms such as LiveJournal or Blogger. However, there is a small drawback; your creations will not belong entirely to you.

It is best to start a blog on your own domain and hosting. The most popular system that enjoys great recognition among bloggers is. It is free, convenient for creating publications and has a clear interface.


Being a blogger is not as easy as many people think. You must constantly create content and work to improve it. As practice shows, becoming a blogger for the sake of making money is a mistake. You should like what you do, and profit will be your bonus.

The channel must benefit the viewers. And in order to regularly and well shoot videos or write articles, you need to truly love the chosen topic.

At first, earnings will be collected only from views. Over time, you will attract your target audience and be able to place advertisements that will generate real income.

Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.

We released new book"Content marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


Not only media personalities: presenters, musicians, actors, but also ordinary people can earn money on Instagram for a long time. Moreover, there are several types of earnings. We will talk about them, as well as the rules for maintaining an account, in this article.

Do you want to know who will succeed on this social network? If you have the following qualities, then feel free to register and start working.

  • Love and know how (or want to learn) to write texts and take photographs and videos.
  • Do not experience stress from written communication with people.
  • We are ready to work until the result is achieved, even if it does not appear immediately.
  • Don’t get discouraged when failures arise and react calmly to changes.

How to make money on Instagram as a blogger and more

The first method, which is talked about most often, is leading personal account. It could be information page on a topic that interests you (on Instagram today there is a wide range of profitable topics: from creative to serious scientific and social). On it you periodically advertise someone else’s product or offer your product or services.

An approximate algorithm of actions is as follows: you find the target audience, come up with a content plan, prepare interesting posts and attract new subscribers, communicate with them. As soon as you have the required number of people reading you, you can look for customers. They are searched for on special exchanges (we will provide a list below) or in competing profiles on their own, making commercial offers to brands they like. When your page becomes successful, advertisers will write to you themselves.

Ways to make money on Instagram

There are special platforms for searching for customers. Here are some of them:

This method is the most difficult, and you need to work for a long time to get your first money. But there are several more options for making money on Instagram:

  • Content creation. If you specialize in texts or photographs, offer your services to other profile owners.
  • Account administration. Popular bloggers sometimes have no time to answer questions from readers and customers, add new entries, and they delegate these responsibilities to other people. It is important to be responsible, punctual and be able to process texts, photos and conduct a dialogue with the audience.
  • Promotion of someone else's profile. This method is complicated, just like blogging. You need to know a lot and be able to sell your services. To do this you will need your own popular content and a large number of readers.
  • Paid likes, subscriptions and comments. Yes, you can exchange these simple actions for money. True, there will be few of them. From 50 kopecks for simple tasks and a little more (up to 10 rubles) for more voluminous ones.

For all these methods, it is also important to have a page on this social network and regularly fill it. It should demonstrate your skills in the chosen direction.

Sites that pay for activity on Instagram

Earnings for bloggers on Instagram

Famous personalities with millions of followers can receive more than one hundred thousand for one mention of a brand. The cost of a post or Stories depends on the number of the advertiser’s target audience, their likes, comments and density advertising messages. This means that you must have enough active readers who are interested in your customer's product or service. It is important that 80% of the content is original and not advertising.

Owners of small accounts with 2–10 thousand followers set the price at 500–1,000 rubles per post or Story.

  • 20–30 thousand –– 2,000–5,000 rubles.
  • 50–100 thousand –– 10,000-30,000 rubles.

Administrators receive from 5 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the number of responsibilities. The cost of content is estimated in different ways. The complexity of the order, the professionalism of the performer and the ability to sell play a role. Promotion is the services of an SMM manager - from 10,000 thousand rubles and more. Payment in the form of barter is also possible, when you mention a company for free and receive their services or goods in return.

How and what do bloggers earn on Instagram: reviews of different methods

There are many articles on the Internet about how to monetize Instagram, and account owners themselves often answer this question. Almost all sources say that it is difficult to promote your page. You need to devote time to writing posts, selecting photos and videos, and communicating with users every day.

Moreover, the first results will appear no earlier than six months later. You can make a profit faster in the sale of texts and visual content, as well as in administration. This is because in these cases, your profile will need to be completed and updated regularly, but the number of followers will not be an indicator of your skills.

How to blog on Instagram and make money from it

Growing an audience is not an easy task. The account should be interesting and beautiful. In this part of the article we will tell you how to fill out the page. You should start by choosing an idea. Lifestyle themes (photos from everyday life) are suitable if you live in unusual place or work in an interesting field. The pictures must be very beautiful.

At the same time, it is still advisable to choose some area that you will regularly write about. For example, raising children. Posting about everything at once is not a very good idea. But narrowly targeted content is also rarely liked by people. It is better to choose 2-3 directions and open them.

If the topics are popular, try to find your own feature to stand out from your competitors. Choose something you are good at and passionate about. This is important, since making money from a blog on Instagram requires daily work.

Visual account design

A person who visits your page should immediately understand what it is about. Therefore, create a bio – a few lines under your avatar. Write your name or brand name in them, describe the essence of your activity in two or three abstracts, leave contacts and links to other social networks and sites. Use emoji for emphasis.

Add a clear, eye-catching image to your profile photo. Think about how you will combine pictures in your feed. It is desirable that they are combined with each other. If you analyze popular blogs, you will notice that they have repeated details or colors. Sometimes they are staggered.

Be sure to look for new, original angles and take beautiful photos. Users decide very quickly whether to stay on a page. You have a few seconds to get them interested. Use different processing applications.


This short videos, which disappear after 24 hours. In them you can advertise, show your travels or everyday life, and announce new posts. To shoot a Story, click on the + on your avatar, select a simple broadcast or another format, add effects and masks. If you want to create a second or third Story, find the house icon in the lower left corner, and then the camera in the upper.


One post can contain 2,200 characters. To make a note easier to read, divide it into meaningful paragraphs, use emoji, create lists, highlighting them with dashes and arrows. Express your thoughts briefly and clearly, but do not forget about emotions and metaphors. If you have no experience writing articles, don't worry. This is a skill that any person can train if desired. Write every day, observe other authors and learn successful techniques.

  • Connect your business profile. To do this, go to settings. In this format, statistics will be available to you, and you will be able to adjust your promotion strategy.
  • Share the page on other social networks and ask your friends to follow it.
  • Try to promote yourself using hashtags.
  • Come up with a personal # that no one else has, and add a few more thematic ones.
  • Add geotags to Stories – this will attract additional traffic.
  • Promote with other bloggers and do targeted advertising to attract new audiences.
  • Hold competitions, sweepstakes, participate in SFS in other accounts. This also helps to increase the number of subscribers.
  • Do not advertise dubious projects and products. Your readers will remember this and can unsubscribe.
  • Communicate with users: answer questions, like, give detailed comments on your profile and on other people’s pages of similar topics, where there are many followers.

Tools for working on Instagram

The applications we will talk about make it easier to maintain and promote a blog.


A service where you can create beautiful publications for Instagram by adding various elements or text. A large number of layouts for collages.


Automatic, delayed publication of posts. It is possible to upload photos and videos from a computer, manage several accounts from one account, competitor tracking and analytics.

Plan + Preview for Instagram

Helps to plan a photo series so that the pictures fit together. In this application you can crop and fit images to fit the Stories format. Statistics also available: best color schemes, suitable posting time, effective #. The program is suitable for iOS and Android, there is a free version.


A service for creating Stories with effects and text in just a couple of minutes.

In this article we told you how to make money on a personal blog on Instagram. If you want to receive as much income as possible from this social network, develop your account: simply informational or building your personal brand as a specialist. This is more profitable than administration or other employment.

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine “site”. Today we will tell you how to make money on YouTube and how much money popular YouTubers earn, as well as other points regarding the earnings of famous and beginning bloggers.

YouTube- This special service containing great amount videos of various topics, which were created in 2005 year in the USA.

The word “YouTube” is an English expression that means “television production” or simply as “Your video content production.” By the way, this name for the site is understandable, because everyone who visits this hosting can completely for free look, leave comments under the video, rate the video different users and, importantly, upload And share your videos.

Since the topic of making money on video hosting is becoming relevant, we decided to write interesting and useful information for the majority of readers of the site.

So, from this article you will learn:

  • Why is a channel created on video hosting and what is the essence of making money on YouTube?
  • How to make money from your videos on YouTube (YouTube) from scratch;
  • How much does YouTube pay for views and how much do they pay for 1000 views on Youtube for beginners;
  • 10 most popular channels that make money on YouTube.

About how to make money on YouTube from scratch, what is making money on YouTube - read the article, which also describes real examples of income of video bloggers

Every person who starts his own channel has a rough idea of ​​why he is doing it.

Practically all new channel owners are driven by inspiration , which they received by looking at success of popular video bloggers And desire to express oneself by creating your own videos. This is a very common and interesting goal.

Subsequently, such a hobby as video blogging can grow into something more and, for example, bring popularity and an army of fans. Although, I must admit that it will not be easy to be truly remembered and gain fame in the YouTube community now.

Incredible, but every month approximately billion videos . It is clear that in order to stand out among other video makers, you need to create something creative and different from other videos.

Some channels are being created exclusively for advertising your products and services offered.

There are also people who create their own channel on YouTube just to subscribe to other people's channels they like, follow their new videos, and also comment on them.

The fourth attractive goal for creating a channel is the opportunity to earn money. Many users are captivated by the idea of ​​working without leaving home and they consider YouTube a suitable place for enrichment.

Indeed, you can help out on YouTube a certain amount for posting your unique content, however, for this you need to have some knowledge and minimal equipment for filming.

In addition to the technical component, it will be useful to be able to express yourself concisely, behave correctly in front of the camera and be able to edit video.

The last point will be discussed. Why do many registered users create their own channel on YouTube and upload their videos there?

The fact is that anyone who has their own channel on YouTube has the opportunity monetize your videos, in other words, receive money from the site for views. And the most important thing is that starting to work on video hosting is very simple and interesting.

In fact, video blogging is a hobby from which you can make good money. Quite a large number of people use this method of earning money.

For some, income from YouTube is a pleasant bonus, for others it is income that allows them not to get a job. In any case, you can try to prove yourself in this area and gain new, valuable experience.

But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just dreams of making money on YouTube. You need to gain inspiration, determination and start taking action. After all, in order to turn your ideas about income on this popular video hosting into reality and fully unleash your creative potential, you need to have an idea of ​​how to do it correctly.

Without the technical component, you won’t be able to record videos, and without useful tips and accessible explanations, you won’t be able to find your way around and create your own channel.

Just for this purpose, this article contains everything you need. detailed information to help people who want to make money on YouTube without leaving home.

How to start making money on YouTube from scratch - step-by-step instruction YouTube earnings

2. How to make money on YouTube from scratch - step-by-step instructions for making money 🎬

As mentioned earlier, a person who wants to create his own channel has many different goals that he pursues.

The main goals are: self-expression, advertising your services, the ability to “follow” the activities of other bloggers and, naturally, the desire to earn money for views. It is the last point that will be discussed further. Most of the time, a new blogger doesn't know where to start. Below, all the information of interest will be laid out in detail and on the shelves.

So, when the purpose of creating a channel is clear, that is, the future video maker wants to monetize his videos, you need to sort out in order the main components that guaranteed will help you make money on your videos:

  1. search for a creative idea;
  2. direct shooting of an interesting video;
  3. purchasing advertising from fairly experienced users with a large audience;
  4. become a member of the YouTube partner program (subject to all necessary conditions);
  5. shooting new videos, attracting subscribers through entertaining content.

First of all, you need to find an idea and theme for future videos, and you should also think about what style the videos should be designed in.

It is very important to grasp here main YouTube trends: choose something that will be popular, but that few people have filmed about. This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Plus, experienced users YouTube with a large number of viewers confirms that the visual component of videos and previews matters a lot.

To make things easier for beginners, to give ideas and inspire, we can say that main directions for shooting video can be:

  • author's programs;
  • exciting shows;
  • vlogs about your life;
  • reviews and unboxing;
  • let's plays and much more.

The more interesting the chosen direction, the more likely it is that people watch the video And subscribe to the channel. As mentioned earlier, deciding on winning topics for video shooting can be very difficult.

It is worth recalling that the main priority is to choose a video blogging niche that attracts viewers with its information content, but at the same time is relatively new and free.

But even after defining the current formats on YouTube, there are several mandatory rules without which the channel is unlikely to thrive.

Only if you regularly shoot new videos of interesting topics on your channel, you can achieve popularity and a large number of subscribed people in a fairly short time.

1. Registration on YouTube or how to create a channel on Youtube?

Before you start shooting videos, you need to comply with some formalities.

So, first you need to start registering your channel on YouTube. Creating a channel will not take much time.

To do this, go to the main page of the site, then find the button “ to come in", click on it and follow all the instructions sequentially, create your account . Just a few clicks.

Instructions on how to create a channel on Youtube

After which you can go directly to creating a channel by clicking on the inscription “ my channel"and filling in all the required fields personal information. Each step is clear, so in a few minutes the channel will be created.

It is worth noting one very convenient and useful detail: special options It is possible to change some details, thereby customizing the channel for your convenience. After any changes you need to click on the “save” button.

Monetization Youtube video, video manager, settings

Also for people who want make money on YouTube, the “video manager” section will be very useful. Here you can find out all the information about comments left, likes, and also here even after downloading the video you can edit its description.

On YouTube there are a huge number of channels of bloggers who conduct vlogs, blogs, show, remove let's plays, transfers And much more.

Every video maker, even beginning , should know that in order for the viewer to focus his attention on his channel out of all the variety, it is necessary different ways to attract an audience.

There are many ways and ideas to make your channel stand out from the rest. One such way is original design " hats» . Here you can try and experiment. At the top of the channel you can give free rein to your imagination and creativity, express yourself as a creative person and, most importantly, indicate general direction and the style of the videos being released.

Bright And unusual the design will definitely attract the attention of random channel guests and, perhaps, motivate them to subscribe.

2. What should I use to shoot the video?

When all the formalities have been completed, an account and channel on YouTube have been created and an idea has been found, then you can begin to implement it, that is, shoot a video.

Many newcomers to the field of video blogging wonder: “ What's the best way to shoot your first videos?».

It is believed that the first videos can be shot on a phone with a good camera. If you are shooting in one place, then it would be a good idea to buy an inexpensive tripod and attach your phone to it for convenience. So, the image will not shake, and watching the video will be much more pleasant.

A little advice from popular bloggers: even if there is financial opportunity To buy professional equipment for high-quality filming of your projects, it is still recommended to start small.

There's always a chance that shooting videos will get boring, too difficult, or simply not enjoyable. At a later stage, you can think about purchasing inexpensive cameras GoPro.

3. Where to shoot videos?

Regarding the shooting location, the video can be recorded as on the street, so in room. Before shooting a video indoors, you need to make sure that the background is in order and it would be useful to add some decorations.

Just watch videos of popular bloggers with large audiences to see how they decorate the background. The main thing is not to overdo it with this point. You need to try not to overdo it with decorations, so that the viewer’s attention is directed, first of all, to what is said in the video.

Plus, to make the video enjoyable to watch, you need to choose the most illuminated place in the room, because, as mentioned earlier, a lot depends on the quality of the video. Potential subscribers will be more pleased to watch a video where every little detail is thought out and everything looks aesthetically pleasing.

At a later stage, you can purchase special lighting or soffits who are good for what they give directional light to where it is needed.

If you are recording video outdoors, you should use some tips to help improve the quality of the video.

Every blogger who respects his subscribers tries to shoot videos in as much time as possible. good quality, because subscribers are often attracted by the professionalism of the shooting and the aesthetic component.

So, here are some tips that will help you when shooting videos for your channel.

Firstly, it is best if the video is filmed in sunny weather and there is no precipitation outside. However, on a sunny day, you should not shoot in such a way that the sun shines in your eyes and makes you squint. It's better to shoot video in the shade, but not too dark.

Secondly, it is advisable that it is not windy on the day of recording the video. On many blogger channels you can find videos that were recorded in windy weather. At the same time, the sound quality leaves much to be desired, since the wind creates additional noise, and it is difficult for viewers to understand what is being said.

AND, Thirdly, you need to decide on the shooting location. The ideal option would be a place where you can record video against a picturesque background. To do this, you need to try to find a beautiful place, away from city noise and people. Passers-by can distract a novice blogger, confuse him, and the video will not turn out as sincere as planned.

It is especially important that when shooting the very first videos for your channel, nothing distracts you from this exciting but difficult process.

4. Video sound

In addition, you should not lose sight of such an important component of filming as the sound with which the video is recorded. Of course, for a beginner in the field of video blogging, a phone with high-quality recording sound.

Once the channel has a hundred or several hundred subscribers, you can consider purchasing an inexpensive buttonholes attached to clothing. It improves the sound many times over, so it will be more pleasant for viewers to watch the videos being released and more people will start subscribing to the channel, and, consequently, the number of views will increase.

The cost of the above-described lavalier microphones today is set at 200 -300 rubles. Lavaliers at these prices are affordable for everyone, so they are perfect for YouTube newbies.

4 ways to promote a channel on YouTube (Youtube)

3. Promote your channel on YouTube - 4 simple ways

It is absolutely natural that every person, a novice Internet user who wants to make money on YouTube, wants to achieve popularity And attract a large number of viewers to your channel.

How more subscribers on the channel, the more likely it is that the blogger’s videos will be viewed regularly. Earnings directly depend on the number of views.

In order to quickly acquire a large audience, you need to know what are free ways to promote your channel.

To help a novice blogger, here are some ways to help:

  1. use annotations;
  2. ask to subscribe to the channel;
  3. advertising through other channels;
  4. commenting on videos of famous bloggers.

Information about all these points is very important for anyone who plans to really seriously and consciously begin filling their channel with content. After all, the more resources a blogger has, the higher his earnings will be and the larger the “army” of fans (subscribers).

Now, in order to explain how this or that method works in the YouTube community, we need to explain a little more about each point.

Promotion method No. 1– use annotations

Each video is accompanied by an annotation. It is located under the video itself. Here you can specify short description to the video, leave a call to subscribe to the channel, and it’s also useful to leave links to previous videos here.

There is a possibility that after watching one video, the viewer will want to watch the previous ones, and as you know, than more views on the channel, the more you can earn. So by this point better not to neglect.

Promotion method No. 2- please subscribe to the channel

The second point on the way to attracting new viewers to the channel is to ask them to subscribe to it in the video itself. This can be said simply in plain text, or it can be said in an unusual way.

If you show creativity and imagination, you can make it interesting, which will further increase your chances of getting a subscription.

Promotion method No. 3– advertising through channels of other bloggers

The third tip experienced bloggers with large audiences give is to collaborate with other YouTube personalities. Before you shoot your video, you can invite interesting bloggers to your channel.

Shooting videos together with more popular bloggers will help draw the attention of their viewers to your channel.

Promotion method No. 4– commenting on videos of famous bloggers

The fourth method is not as effective as the previous three, but nevertheless, beginners who want to promote their channel for free also need to know about it. It consists of commenting on videos of popular bloggers.

Often interesting comments attract the attention of other YouTube users, collect a lot of likes and rise to the TOP. They can get to the channel of the person who left the comment by clicking on his nickname.

If users like the content of the channel, then in the future they will be able to subscribe to it and watch new videos. Must be remembered that in the field of video blogging, every view and every viewer is important.

7 ways to make money on Youtube

4. 7 ways to attract subscribers and earn more on YouTube

Of course, every owner own channel Those who want to achieve its prosperity are looking for different ways to achieve this faster. Exist paid And free ways.

Beginners in the field of video blogging can be advised to choose free ways , since they do not require costs.

For the convenience of those interested in making money on YouTube, several main methods will be described in detail below.They are the ones who will help you enough attract an audience in a short time And start earning money on YouTube without leaving home.

So, here are these 7 ideas that will allow you to earn more:

  1. take into account the interests of the audience;
  2. "better less, Yes, it’s better”;
  3. the title matches the content of the video;
  4. regularity of video releases;
  5. responsible approach to video blogging;
  6. channel monetization;
  7. partnerships and receiving money from advertising.

Method No. 1 - Consider the interests of the audience

Before deciding on the topic of the videos to be released, you need to take into account the main trends on the YouTube platform (trends). After this, you need to choose the most profitable direction of video blogging.

Note to video makers: Today, such areas are considered business, medicine, construction And earnings. Personal Vlogs of bloggers are very popular.

These topics are profitable for two reasons.

First : Not many people fill their channels with videos like this.

Second: The most expensive advertising is advertising of medical drugs, sites where you can make money, and so on.

Method number 2 – “Less is better”

A novice video blogger first needs to understand what YouTube users have huge selection channels on various topics, and they will not stop their attention on where the videos were hastily recorded.

It's worth choosing quality videos, and Not their quantities. Viewers will always prefer interesting videos, in which the soul was invested, to others that were filmed " on a quick fix " There is no need to be lazy adding various effects, suitable music, captions, or writing the script correctly. Fortunately, bloggers now have a large number of programs for editing and editing videos.

Every video maker who respects his subscribers and potential viewers has a structured script prepared in advance with introduction, the main part and with ending.

By the way, at the end of the video you can remind those who watched it in an original way to subscribe to the channel in order to follow subsequent videos.

Method No. 3 - Match the title to the content of the video

If you look at videos of famous YouTube personalities, you can see that the title of the video exactly matches its content. To find videos with specific content, users enter keywords into YouTube search bar.

Among the proposed videos, they select the most interesting ones and watch it. However, if the title of the video differs from what is shown in the video, then the viewer is unlikely to be satisfied, put dislike and, perhaps, bad comment.

The reputation of the channel is very important, so you need to come up with a title for the video based on what it is about. Thus, people interested in the table of contents will not be disappointed by its content, they will like it and perhaps subscribe to the channel.

Method No. 4 - Regular release of videos

Yes, posting a video “through I don’t want to” is not an option, because the viewer will see and feel everything. Many bloggers sin by “abandoning” their business for a while and not posting videos. for weeks or even for months. Just don’t be surprised later by the large number of unsubscribed viewers and the small number of views.

Videos on the channel should be released regularly. However, you must comply golden mean and do not strive to “upload” as many videos as possible onto the network, because as was said earlier, it is better to give preference to the quality of the videos rather than their quantity.

Viewers are more likely to subscribe to the channel of a person who always sticks to a video release plan and announces the release of the next one, than to one where videos are released at different intervals.

Method #5 - Responsible approach to video blogging

So, as it became clear from all of the above, by regularly releasing high-quality videos, you can gain a large number of subscribers in a fairly short time. But the most important thing is that the videos will gain more and more views.

As is known, A blogger’s profit depends precisely on the number of views of videos over a certain period of time. This figure can be seen under the video. Also, advertising income depends on how many people visit the channel and watch videos.

Many people have heard that on YouTube there is such a thing as “ viral video" Such videos because of their eccentricities or creativity, behind as soon as possible gain millions of views, naturally generating income for the channel on which they were published.

It follows from this that serious work on videos and interesting content will bear fruit in the form of views and earnings.

Method number 6 - Channel monetization

When a blogger has several hundred subscribers and shooting videos has turned into a real inspiring hobby, you can think about making money from the channel.

Even if a channel has several videos with a decent number of views, we must not forget about its timely monetization. After all, the videos of a person who wants to make money should bring him profit.

How can a newbie in the field of video blogging earn his first money?

Firstly, YouTube itself offers advertising that will run before the start of the videos and bring in a pretty penny. It is not so expensive, but as a nice bonus you can agree to it.

Secondly, in the videos themselves you can mention your services or products. There is a chance that people will become interested in this and this way you can attract clients or buyers.

Method No. 7 - Partnerships and receiving money from advertising

In this paragraph we will talk exclusively about the financial side of video blogging. In YouTube video hosting, there are many opportunities for making money in addition to profit from views. Finally, you need to have knowledge regarding different channel monetization mechanisms.

For example, the following will help you earn money:

  1. direct advertising in videos;
  2. advertising from YouTube;
  3. partnership programs;
  4. advertising your goods or services;
  5. filling your channel with other people's videos;
  6. integration with other social networks.

A little more detail about each monetization mechanism.

1. Direct advertising in videos

When watching videos on YouTube, you can notice this particular monetization mechanism. It lies in the fact that in the video itself the blogger presents various sites, products or services and, as a rule, leaves a link to them in the description.

2. YouTube Ads

You can agree to advertising from YouTube video hosting itself (Google Adsense) by indicating this in a special menu. This method of earning money is small, but for a novice blogger, you should not neglect any legitimate opportunity to earn money, because this is one of the main goals of creating your own channel.

3. Affiliate programs

It is with the help of affiliate programs that you can officially become a partner of the YouTube community. You should not miss the opportunity to earn money by becoming a partner of different companies that you can trust.

Profitable partnerships, for example, with private programs, directly affect the amount of money earned from each video. Any YouTuber can choose a direct partnership or a partnership through media intermediaries ( VSP Group and etc.)

4. Advertising your goods or services

In fact, this is very convenient and profitable, since a blogger can make money on views from a video and at the same time attract clients or buyers, and absolutely free.

5. Filling your channel with other people's videos

Surely everyone has come across channels with “ re-uploads" If not, here's a little description of how people can make money without producing their own videos.

A channel is created, designed, and then filled, as a rule, with entertaining content from various programs or videos of other people. However, this method of earning money can easily be questioned by the administration of the YouTube community. for non-compliance with copyright with further deletion the entire channel.

6. Integration with other social networks

On VKontakte, on Facebook and other social networks, you can advertise not only your YouTube channel. In addition, you can motivate people to subscribe to various communities, channels, show. It is for placing such advertising that money will be paid. We talked about how to create a VKontakte group, gain subscribers on VK and earn real money in the article.

Thus, knowing the main money directions, regularly releasing high-quality videos and using different ways to monetize your YouTube channel, you can start earning money without leaving home.

Read below how much you can earn on Youtube with 1000 views

5. How much can you earn on YouTube?

Today the topic is making money " without leaving home"and, in particular, on such a popular platform as YouTube, is quite discussed. People who have their own YouTube channel with a large number of subscribers seem to deny themselves nothing.

How much do they earn on YouTube?

Therefore, without exception, all newcomers to video blogging and simply visitors to video hosting are interested in: “How much do they earn on YouTube?” This question is not so easy to answer, since many factors influence the amount of money earned. This and how much you can earn on YouTube will be discussed below.

What does a blogger’s total earnings from his videos consist of? As you know, video makers often advertise various goods and services and for this they receive a certain percentage. Each of us has seen contextual advertising.

Sometimes, before watching a video on YouTube, an advertisement from the site itself is turned on and the video will not start until the advertisement ends. This advertising is called contextual advertising and for it the channel owner receives a profit, depending on how many views his video gets.

So, how much can bloggers earn from their videos?

Russian YouTube personalities are lifting the veil of secrecy and sharing information that interests them so much with their viewers. Of course, all numbers are relative, since even bloggers themselves cannot predict their exact monthly income.

On average, popular Russian bloggers earn from their videos per month 50 -100 thousand rubles income. This figure really motivates beginners to develop their channel and fill it with interesting content.

What affects earnings?

As mentioned earlier, even if you regularly release videos that gain a large number of views, you cannot accurately predict your income for a certain period of time. The fact is that a YouTuber’s income is influenced by several factors, which will be discussed below.

First, you should familiarize yourself with the entire list of these factors:

  1. video content;
  2. number of videos on the channel;
  3. skillful implementation of advertising;
  4. collaboration with other bloggers;
  5. what language are the videos filmed in?
  6. partnership programs.

Now we can move on to a more detailed description of each factor that affects the profit of both a newbie in the field of video blogging and popular bloggers.

Also if there is in the videos commercial advertising in any form, it is paid in large amounts and brings the blogger more money.

2. Number of videos on the channel

The main income of a video blogger consists of the number of views of his video over a certain time period. It follows from this that the more videos a blogger has on his channel, the greater the total number of views he can collect during this time.

However, you should not chase the number of videos. If you need to post a video, it’s better to work on it a little, and only then “upload” it to the network.

3. Skillful implementation of advertising

These include For example, advertising other channels or offering your goods and services. If you need to subscribe to advertising from YouTube, you can indicate your consent to this in a special menu. Of course, this way of making money on advertising from YouTube is small, but for a novice blogger, you should not turn a blind eye to any opportunity to make money.

After all, this is one of the main goals of creating your own channel. Typically, advertising either appears before the YouTuber’s video, or is presented in the video itself with a link to the advertised item in the description.

4. Collaborate with other bloggers

Don't neglect the opportunity to collaborate with other YouTube personalities. Making videos with other bloggers can help attract their viewers to your channel and, as a result, increase the number of views and money earned. Plus, collaborating with other people in the video creates more interest.

5. What language are the videos filmed in?

Many people know that in the English-language segment of YouTube there are a larger number of potential viewers and any advertising there pays more. Therefore, when filming a video internationally, English language, the overall influx of subscribers increases and the development of the channel as a whole accelerates.

6. Affiliate programs

You shouldn’t focus your attention only on YouTube affiliate programs. After all, profitable partnerships, for example, with private programs, directly affect the amount of money earned from each video.

It is for this reason that you should not miss the opportunity to earn money by becoming a partner of different companies that you can trust. Any YouTuber can choose a direct partnership or a partnership through media intermediaries, but what this is will be discussed a little later.

What videos can be made for YouTube - a list of examples of what videos to shoot for YouTube

6. 5 best ideas: how to make money on YouTube

The fact is that anyone who has their own channel on YouTube has the opportunity to monetize their videos, in other words, receive money from the site for views.

There are several ideas for successfully developing your own YouTube channel. The fact is that a lot depends on the thematic content of the videos: from the number of viewers to the cost of advertising on the channel.

Therefore, experienced video makers advise listening to the main trends of today's YouTube. This will allow you to receive as much fan recognition, views and, as a result, money.

So, what kind of videos can be made for YouTube, and in what directions should a novice blogger move?

List of ideas for videos on YouTube:

Idea 1. Travel content

Perhaps the most interesting And profitable The videos turn out to be about travel. Everyone is interested in watching travel: be it TV Broadcast, or channel famous blogger.

By the way, video bloggers who fill their channel with travel content earn quite a decent amount.

Why are these videos highly paid? The secret to the success of travel videos is that travel bloggers can make good money from airplane ticket advertising or for trains those companies that offer to mention their services in the video.

Plus, not all people have the opportunity to travel to different parts of the planet and experience the culture of other countries. But everyone, without exception, can observe the life of a blogger with great interest.

Idea 2. Unboxing + technique review

It is indeed a very profitable idea that has become popular especially recently. Today, a huge number of technological innovations are being produced. Again, you can make good money on such videos.

This is easily explained, because every person before making an expensive purchase wants to make sure that they make the right choice. In the video you can see in great detail with your own eyes whether it is worth buying equipment or not, without spending a penny and without leaving home.

Unboxing and reviews of technology will always be there, it seems. popular And in demand.

Idea 3. Beauty blogs

Beauty blog (from English - blog about beauty) is another profitable niche for video blogging. In the vast majority of cases, they are led by girls, girls and women. However, with rare exceptions, you can also find men's blogs of this type.

In order to run your own beauty blog, you need to have a small arsenal of cosmetics, be able to do makeup correctly and, most importantly, beautifully, and also share with your audience little secrets and tricks of perfect makeup.

Idea 4. Video blog of an expectant and young mother

The title fully reveals the content of such videos. In such videos, expectant mothers talk about how pregnancy should proceed, how to eat properly and take care of themselves. And after giving birth, young mother bloggers share their useful tips on feeding and caring for the baby.

As the baby grows and develops, more and more new topics for discussion and video recording appear.

Therefore, we can say that there will always be ideas for videos. This blog is very useful for women preparing to become mothers and psychologically also helps them a lot. And for the blogger– this is another opportunity to make money by advertising hygiene products and food products for babies.

Idea 5. Program review videos

Why not record a video talking about how to install correctly various programs on computer? Moreover, a channel with such videos will certainly gain a large audience and will be very popular among viewers.

Plus, there are not many real professionals in this field on YouTube, which means this niche is relatively free.

All you need is a little time, a good microphone and, of course, the ability to clearly explain to beginners and clearly understand even the most complex things.

These are the main ideas for successfully promoting your channel and making money on it.

Newcomers to the vlogging scene can take a closer look and perhaps find themselves a high-paying video idea based on their passions. All that remains to be added is that with inspiration And painstaking work can truly be achieved impressive results.

7. How much does YouTube pay for video views?

In our time information technologies many people find different ways to earn money, including without leaving home. On the most popular video hosting site, YouTube, you can find an endless number of videos for any request in different genres and categories.

YouTube is constantly updated with new videos, especially active recently. Every day approximately 1 million videos. By creating their own channel and uploading their own videos to it, almost every user wants to become famous and earn a little money.

In this regard, newbies in the field of video blogging have an interesting question: How much does YouTube pay for views?

Of course, making money on YouTube depends on many factors. The main ones include: video content And number of views below this video. However, if we talk about the so-called “ viral videos ”, then the content in them, as a rule, will not matter.

YouTube video hosting is ideal for realizing your creative potential, and for good earnings and advertising promotion.

8. How much do they pay for 1000 views on YouTube?

On average, a blogger can earn per thousand views from 2 to 5$(English speaking audience). If the video is aimed at a Russian-speaking audience, then 1000 views YouTube pays on average 1,5 $ .

A real example of a live video channel on YouTube. Topic – Finance, money, business

However, in this case, a lot depends on the content, language of the video, audience reach, etc.

As a rule, you can't make very much money from entertainment content. But, for example, on a channel that covers the topic business, medicine or finance, you can earn a lot of money.

But if several thousand people are subscribed to a video blogger’s channel and they regularly watch new videos, then, if you do the math, the blogger can earn a good amount of money per month.

It turns out that this is not entirely true.

The fact is that impossible accurately calculate the amount of expected earnings, since for the same number of views in different months you can get different profits.

9. YouTube Affiliate Program

In order to make money on this popular video hosting site, you need to follow some rules.

Firstly, be a registered user on YouTube, secondly, have your own channel with videos and the most important – be able to monetize your videos. Just to monetize your videos, you need to join an affiliate hosting program.

It is necessary to understand that entering into a partnership with YouTube brings not only pleasant bonuses in the form of regular earnings, but also imposes a certain responsibility on the creator of the channel.

Below you can find out all the details regarding the partnership with YouTube.

YouTube Rules

For any video maker who has his own channel, produces videos and has entered into a YouTube partnership, there are some rules that must be followed simply necessary. All these community rules are directly related to the content, that is, the content of the videos produced.

So, a video blogger should not fill his videos with explicit sexual content, do not produce material capable of incite ethnic hatred, show scenes of violence and what's even worse call for their repetition, is also not allowed express insults against people, with the aim of motivating them to commit violence, videos must not violate copyright or contain threats.

The video blogger is responsible for failure to comply with these rules.

In case of violation of the rules

What responsibility can a person bear if he tries to circumvent these simple rules are they the same for the entire YouTube community?

In case of violation of the rules, YouTube has the right and even must stop cooperating with this blogger, delete his channel or simply restrict his rights.

The best solution for a video maker who has signed a partnership agreement with YouTube would be to impeccably fulfill all requirements in order to avoid unpleasant situations. YouTuber's reputation– this is, in fact, the face of his channel. This is why every person in the video hosting community carefully selects acceptable content for their videos.

10. How to become a YouTube partner?

Now that the basic mandatory rules of YouTube have been announced, you can proceed directly to the beginning of a partnership with YouTube. How to do it? It will take very little time.

First you need to log into your account, select “ settings” in the menu, and then “ monetization”. After this, you will need to submit an application for consideration.

Eat little trick, which video bloggers share: if you specify other countries, for example, the USA, in the settings in advance, then there will be no need to submit an application. The earnings will be the same as if you indicate Russia and no one will check the accuracy of this information.

Benefits of cooperation

In addition to the main advantage - the opportunity to earn money from an affiliate program, there is another significant advantage. The fact is that the YouTube community itself will subsequently offer the content of its official blogger partner to its viewers, and absolutely free.

What is a direct partnership?

Now it’s worth touching on the issue of choosing a partnership. Exists two methods entering into a partnership deal with YouTube.

The first is direct partnership, the second is through media intermediaries. First, it’s worth understanding what a direct partnership is and what its basic principles are. This method of cooperation does not depend on third-party agencies and companies.

Undeniable dignity– receiving the full amount from the profit without giving interest to the media network. Accordingly, when concluding an agreement through intermediaries, you will have to give them part of your profit from watching videos.

Is it worth working through media intermediaries?

In some cases, it still makes sense to formalize a partnership with YouTube through intermediaries. As mentioned earlier, media networks will need to give some percentage of their earnings, but sometimes this is not significant.

Preference for partnerships through intermediaries should be given to those bloggers who fill the channel with videos other than their own. Such a channel is created, it is beautifully designed, and then filled, as a rule, with entertaining content from various programs or videos of other people.

However, you should be careful, because you can get caught for not respecting copyright, and this is one of the basic rules of the YouTube community, as mentioned earlier. Until then, you can work through intermediaries and monetize each “your” video.

11. How much do YouTubers earn - TOP 10 most popular video channels on YouTube Russia

Many Russian newcomers to the field of video blogging are inspired by the examples of the most successful video makers in the YouTube community in the Russian segment.

In most cases, the channels of bloggers who are part of the TOP 10 the first popular video channels. They gather a huge audience of subscribers and viewers, and their creators receive large income from views.

What exactly " hooked» top ten bloggers their target audience? Below are the statistics of YouTube channels, where each channel will be described and approximate figures of their income will be given.

1st place - EeOneGuy

EeOneGuy or Ivan Rudskoy Today he is the most popular Russian video blogger. The guy is only 19 years old, but he has already achieved a lot and there are hardly anyone on YouTube who have not seen a single video of him.

At the very beginning, when the EeOneGuy channel was just created, Ivan uploaded walkthroughs to YouTube various videos with the most primitive camera and sound recording device.

Later they added vlogs with everyday life, challenges and many other funny videos. Then the video quality improved. EeOneGuy edits videos himself and adds bright effects, since he was interested in this back in school.

Now on Ivan Rudsky’s channel there are approximately 7.5 million people, and his income for the entire existence of the channel is 533 – 667 thousand dollars.

2nd place - AdamThomasMoran

Second place goes to the channel of Maxim Golopolosov, which produces a popular program +100500 . In each episode, Maxim first shows and then comments on funny videos, while being in front of the camera and thus contacting the viewer.

The program contains jokes below the belt and profanity. Some episodes of Maxim's show were broadcast on TV, naturally, subject to censorship, so almost every person has seen or heard about this program at least once.

The +100500 project has gathered an incredibly large audience. To date, the number of subscribers to the AdamThomasMoran channel has reached 7 million 340 thousand people. Over the entire history of the channel's existence, approximately 457 – 572 thousand dollars.

3rd place - Get Movies

This is a YouTube channel where you can find episodes of your favorite children's cartoons, as well as family films. An excellent analogue of television episodes. Get Movies channel currently subscribed 6 million 725 thousand subscribers. From the beginning of the creation of the channel until today, we managed to earn about 2.8 – 3.5 million dollars.

4th place - Masha and the Bear

The channel with the popular children's cartoon about Masha and the Bear takes an honorable fourth place. This channel releases episodes of the animated series, which in total attracted an audience of 6 million 182 thousand people.

As for the money earned, the Masha and the Bear channel collected approximately $2.6 – $3.2 million.

5th place - This is Good

The This is Good channel ranks 5th in popularity on Russian-language YouTube. The format of the This is Good program is the same as that of the +100500 program. The main difference is the absence of profanity.

This is Well led by the presenter Stas Davydov, which also became very popular thanks to its activities on video hosting. According to the latest data, people have already subscribed to this channel 5 million 450 thousand people.

In total, from October 2010 to the present day, the This is Good program has helped its creators earn about 347 – 434 thousand dollars.

6th place - FROST

In sixth place in the list of the most popular YouTube figures in Russia is the position of Yuri Morozilka and his channel FROST.

The channel publishes videos on various topics: Frost’s famous let’s plays, videos from life, blogs and much more.

Now the blogger has an audience of 4,909 thousand people and income 637 -797 thousand dollars.

7th place - SlivkiShow

An interesting channel that releases interesting and, most importantly, educational videos every week is the key to the success of SlivkiShow.

Today, almost 4.5 million viewers. During its existence, the creators of the SlivkiShow channel earned about 172 – 215 thousand dollars.

8th place - TheKateClapp

If you delve deeper into history, Katya Klap’s channel was one of the very first channels created on Russian YouTube. More precisely, Katya’s first channel, FoggyDisaster, was created back in 2008, but was abandoned. Later, in 2010, Katya started a new channel - TheKateClapp, where she began uploading her videos, which would later gain a multimillion-dollar army of fans and admirers.

In her videos, Katya shares her experience with the viewer, makes blogs, motivates to improve and simply makes you smile by filming funny videos.

To date, TheKateClapp channel has 4 million 368 thousand subscribers. During the existence of the second channel, Katya Klap allegedly earned 146 – 183 thousand dollars.

9th place - TheBrainDit

The creator of the channel, Oleg Brain, is currently one of the most popular Let's Players on Russian YouTube. The blogger also records playthroughs of games in collaboration with other charismatic let's play players. (We also recommend reading the article about, where they described how the author can gaming channel Earn Money)

Subscribers to TheBrainDit channel regularly receive a dose of humor and high-quality video walkthroughs of popular games. By the way, subscribed to TheBrainDit channel 4 million 139 thousand users. Speaking about Oleg Brain's profit for the total time, we can name the figure in 412 – 515 thousand dollars.

10th place - MrLolololoshka (Roman Filchenkov)

Rounding out the top ten bloggers is Roman Filchenkov and his MrLololoshka channel. On this channel you can find a huge number of reviews of walkthroughs popular game Minecraft. Its audience is just over 4 million subscribers, and earnings over the entire existence of the channel are 317 - 396 thousand dollars.

So we looked at the statistics of YouTube channels on requestTOP 10 the most popular video channels on YouTube Russia.

Each of the described bloggers started small, and today they are the most popular and their favorite activity brings them a good income and recognition from fans.

Watching how bloggers develop, start small and reach unprecedented heights, you can’t help but be inspired by their example.

Watch also the video - how much do successful YouTubers earn?

12. What are the pros and cons of working on YouTube?

In general, working on YouTube can hardly be called such. The fact is that all bloggers who post videos do it voluntarily and for their own pleasure. You can clearly see all the advantages of making money remotely, which video bloggers use.

Advantages and benefits (+)

Let's consider positive sides cooperation and work with YouTube hosting.

1. Independence

Bloggers do not have specific deadlines or strict restrictions on the content they produce. Of course, there are basic community rules that everyone must follow.

In case of violation of the rules, YouTube has the right and even must stop cooperating with this blogger, delete his channel or simply limit his rights. But all these rules are fair and not difficult to adhere to.

2. Pleasure from “work”

Also, bloggers do not need to travel to any place for work and get up early for work. It is on the video blogger that his earnings, reputation and the number of subscribers on his channel depend.

We can say that what a blogger does is an exciting hobby that allows you to improve your skills and also earn money.

All the video content they produce is done with passion, the blogs with sincerity, and the shows with genuine passion.

3. Loyal fans

It is also worth noting that often bloggers who become popular have a countless army of fans. It’s always nice, because it’s clear that other people like everything you do.

Many subscribers, looking at the example of more popular bloggers, are inspired by their example, which they constantly write about on social networks. It’s also nice that fans recognize the blogger right on the streets anywhere, ask to organize so-called “gatherings” in their city, give gifts, and ask to be photographed.

All these attributes of popularity attract the younger generation of bloggers and motivate them to follow in the footsteps of their idols.

4. Useful contacts

In addition, YouTube stars often know each other, share valuable experience regarding the intricacies of filming, record joint videos and just have fun.

Sometimes it seems that all bloggers are... it's one big group of friends, because in the video of one video maker you can see others. Close cooperation, but at the same time competition, helps set new goals and achieve them.

5. Opportunity to express yourself

It happens that a person has some natural abilities and inclinations that can easily be realized by becoming a blogger.

Be a blogger is a creative path that helps directors, make-up artists, designers, animators and many other people prove yourself And Express yourself to the whole world.

Plus, if such a blogger is noticed by some successful company, then a lucrative contract may be concluded in the future. It's no secret that many YouTube stars are invited to appear on television.

6. Self-improvement

When filming your videos and posting them on YouTube video hosting, you can and even need to read comments under the videos from other bloggers or simply registered users. It happens that you can find constructive criticism in the comments. There is no need to be offended by her.

If a person has more experience in video blogging, it is worth listening. This will help you make better videos every time, and you will also have the opportunity to improve yourself, which is very important for personal development.

7. Earnings

Many bloggers admit that they do not have a job, because with the advent of making money on YouTube, the need for it simply disappeared. As you know, a blogger’s profit depends on the number of views of videos over a certain period of time.

If a blogger responsibly approaches the release of each video, shoots high-quality videos, and regularly fills his channel with these videos, then popularity among grateful viewers will not take long.

8. Additional income

You can also make money on YouTube with the help of your authority. Different companies, the shops, agencies, others less popular bloggers They will contact you and ask you to advertise their services for money.

Plus, you can get some money from advertising from YouTube itself. This method of earning money is small, but a novice blogger should not neglect the opportunity, because generating income from your channel is one of the main goals of creating it.

9. Expressing your point of view

You can express your opinion if the video content does not contradict one of the basic rules of YouTube.

It's worth reminding that the blogger should not fill his videos with explicit sexual content, not produce material that can incite ethnic hatred, demonstrate scenes of violence or even call for their repetition, it is also not allowed to express insults against people in order to motivate violence, videos should not violate copyright and contain threats.

Apart from these rules, a blogger is not limited in any way and can share his thoughts and experiences with the whole world.

Disadvantages (−)

However, video blogging also has a downside. The main disadvantages of working in this area will be listed below.

1. Time costs

While gaining your audience and becoming popular, you must not forget that you always need to create your own YouTube channel. fill with interesting content.

Naturally, for this you need think over And write script, choose a beautiful location for filming, record a video, mount it, add effects, write a description and only after that upload it to your channel.

If you don’t regularly upload videos, your audience will gradually unsubscribe and views will drop.

2. Haters

Of course, in any job you can meet those who will unreasonably criticize others. But on YouTube this is especially noticeable, since any authorized user can leave a negative comment anonymously, without fear of condemnation.

13. Some technical issues

Before making money on YouTube, you need to have some basic skills, for example, how to download videos from hosting, how to create a channel, etc.

Question 1. How to download videos from Youtube (fast and free)

There are several ways to download videos from YouTube. But we will look at the simplest and fastest one.

To quickly download a video from YouTube, you need to open the video that interests you and address bar, add Latin letters to youtube "ss", so that it turns out like in the screenshot and press “Enter”.

A simple example of how to download videos from YouTube using the savefrom service.

You can look for other ways to download YouTube videos to your computer for free on the Internet.

Question 2. How to create a channel on YouTube?

Creating your own channel is very simple, you need to register with hosting, create a Google email and beautifully design the channel. To do this, download the required size “Header” channel, write a description of the channel and upload interesting content to your channel. We wrote in more detail about how to create a channel above.

Question 3. Is it possible to use audio/video of other bloggers (YouTubers) in videos on YouTube?

You can use copyrighted audio and video elements in your videos if you have the rights to commercial use. This applies to both your original materials and the materials of all other copyright holders. Typically these are icons and logos, background music(final, introductory, etc.), interfaces of programs, games, etc.

To add materials from another blogger (YouTuber) to your video content, you must obtain permission from them for use and monetization on YouTube. To avoid any problems in the future, it is better to obtain written permission from all copyright holders whose materials you use in your videos.

Question 4. How to get subscribers on YouTube?

There are many services for increasing views and subscribers on YouTube. All these services, as a rule, are promoted in other social networks. For example, through them you can get “likes”, subscribers to a group, etc. These include qcomment , user etc.

It is highly not recommended to increase subscribers on YouTube, as well as video views. Google Analytics - Google Analytics has all the capabilities and parameters for identifying fraud. This may include “Watching time” in minutes, “Audience retention”, etc.

From these characteristics it is immediately clear that cheating is taking place. Those. if views are being increased, then the “Watching time” parameter shows that the user visited the video, watched a few seconds and left.

We recommend record interesting, unique video content for a large audience. This is the only way you can attract subscribers to your channel, increase video views, thereby increasing your earnings on YouTube.

Question 5. How much does it cost to buy advertising from YouTubers? How to advertise your channel (video)?

You can order advertising from many popular video bloggers for your YouTube channel, website, group, etc. Each popular channel sets its own advertising prices.

  • A separate video about the channel, community, website, etc.;
  • Link in the video description in the blogger's new video;
  • Issue sponsor (Regular and standard advertising);
  • Sponsor of an exclusive video release (competitions, challenges, etc., paid for by the advertiser);
  • Adding a channel to " interesting channels"(subbox);
  • Adding an advertiser's playlist to the blogger's home page;
  • Like on a video (sometimes “like” + blogger’s comment);
  • Advertising in the group (community) of the channel itself;
  • Video on making (describing) your product, product (service) at home;

In order to find out how much it costs to buy advertising from YouTubers (what is the price for this or that type of advertising), you need to go to the channel itself where you want to place your advertising and find the owner’s contacts or YouTube channel. Similar information can be found both in the “About the channel” section and in the channel header, where there are links ( group or page VK, OK, Google+, Instagram, etc.)

14. Conclusion + video on the topic 📽

Video blogging is a real calling, it is a sincere desire to share your experiences, thoughts And creativity. Moreover, they will be rewarded with material well-being.

Therefore, if workload and negative comments from envious people do not force you to quit the right path This means that this interesting hobby can eventually develop into something more - into the work of a lifetime.

We hope we were able to answer all questions regarding YouTube video hosting, namely, how to make money on YouTube from scratch, what you need for this, how much YouTube pays for video views, how much they pay for 1000 Youtube views rollers, etc. But the most interesting answer we got to the questions was “How much do YouTubers earn?”

After reading this part of the article, you understand that many have already started trying to make money in this way. Therefore, we recommend creating original and unique video content that will be yours and immediately recognizable.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about making money on YouTube:

P.S. If you have any questions about making money on YouTube or suggestions on the topic, then leave them below in the comments after the article.