Find out online data by mobile phone number. A way to ensure your own safety. Use special services

There is no universal way to find a phone number by the owner's last name. There are two ways to solve the problem - the use of official information channels and private databases. Each option has its own characteristics.

Determining a cell phone number by last name in mobile companies

Visit the offices of mobile operators and try to convince the manager of the need to find out the mobile phone number by last name. The result will depend on your ability to convince your interlocutor, so come up with a convincing reason for your request in advance. Often office employees will grant requests if it is necessary to find out the phone number of the person who has stolen funds from a mobile phone account. Contacting a cellular company does not guarantee success in your search, even if the reason is serious.

Cell phone number by last name via contacting the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The staff will help with the visitor's request if there are important grounds, for example, crimes against him or relatives. The Ministry of Internal Affairs may authorize the seizure of data from mobile companies regarding telephone subscribers. Intelligence agencies can also use their own databases.

Using an Internet database to find out a cell number by last name

Search the Internet for current telephone directories; their content is constantly updated. You can download a subscriber database from the Internet, but you will have to pay a lot of money for it. Finding a reliable site with up-to-date information can be time consuming. Before concluding a transaction, make inquiries about the seller in advance, talk to him and make sure that he is a reliable person. Friends may have old databases downloaded several years ago on their computer. Often such information is outdated, but you can try to find the information you need.

Finding a cell phone number by last name from friends

Try to find out more about the person – where he lives, what he does. Chat with his friends and try to find out his phone number for free. Acquaintances will often accommodate you if you tell them that they want to give a friend a pleasant surprise. You can call your place of work on behalf of an employee of a bank or other institution and ask for a telephone number, for example, to clarify personal information.

Other ways to determine a phone number by last name

If you can’t find a phone number in mobile databases, use other options.

  • Search for a person by last name on social networks. Look at the profile on his page, sometimes his mobile phone is indicated there. In Skype, your phone number is often specified during registration.
  • Enter your last name into an Internet search engine. The person you are interested in can register on various forums, websites, blogs and indicate their number there.
  • Use the services of a private detective who will provide a phone number and a complete profile on the person.

Finding out a phone number through a person's last name without his consent is considered illegal. But if the end justifies the means, then you can try, just quietly and calmly.

You received a call from an unknown person, this is not the first time you have been harassed by calls and you would like to find out how to determine the owner for free by phone number?

But operators do not disclose information about their subscribers, either landline or cell phones, since this is punishable by liability.

There are methods for freely determining information about a subscriber: his personal data and location. Strangers are pestering you with calls and text messages - let's find out the owner of the unknown number!

Note that since there is a right to freedom, finding out whereabouts is available only to special control persons. However, anyone can find themselves in an emergency situation.

In contact with

Ways to find out the owner

There are several ways to identify who called:

  • call back;
  • call to the operator;
  • Internet;
  • calling an unknown number from another SIM card or from a landline phone;
  • telephone directories;
  • familiar;
  • contacting friends in the cellular services industry;
  • mobile operator website;
  • contacting your mobile operator.

Call back or call the operator

If the number is not hidden and you have caller ID, then calling back and asking who the owner is is the easiest way. Just call back and find out the owner!

To call the operator, prepare:

  • write the caller's number on a piece of paper;
  • use your mobile phone to call customer service;
  • give the operator a telephone number consisting of 11 digits;
  • if the subscriber has registered his data, then you will be told the initials of the caller, location and, possibly, address;
  • from the initial numbers, which are mainly three digits, you can determine the region in which the owner is registered;
  • You can also determine the mobile operator: Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele 2.

It would be nice if the operator could be identified by entering only one large database. The most common reference service today is the website You can find out the region of an unknown number or the region code of your chosen region.

This is what the site looks like:

You see that the first menu contains the numbers of all regions of Russia, the second - the phone number. It works quite easily. For example, we select a region with code 928, and think of a further number - 3579463.

The main points are highlighted:

  • area of ​​registration of the number: region and city - Mineralnye Vody, Stavropol Territory;
  • operator – Megafon, Caucasus branch;
  • The SIM card is valid from 08/01/2007 to 01/01/2038.

Use the Internet.

Most people leave contact details and brief information about themselves in electronic advertisements for purchase and sale or on social networks:

  • sometimes a surname;
  • your residential address.

Therefore, it is easy to find a phone number using various search engines: Google, Yandex. To do this you need:

  • enter the phone number in the search bar;
  • analyze the information returned after the search.

Let's enter the number: 89283579463 in the Yandex search. Let's enter the same number: 89283579463 into Google search.

No information available. The analysis did not produce results.

Information can be presented in two forms:

  • entering a number and displaying the owner's last name;
  • entering a surname and issuing all numbers matching this surname.

The minimum you can find out is the country, region and city of the owner.

Expert advice: you need to look for information in various search engines, since the results may be different.

This method is ineffective, since nowadays there are few fraudulent resources. We would like to warn you that when searching on the Internet, you need to be very careful. Some sites may ask you to do the following to obtain information about the owner of an unknown phone number:

  • register on the site via message;
  • confirmation of your number via SMS.

Fraudsters are trying to scam you by withdrawing money from your phone account. You should not perform these steps, as a certain amount will be debited from your mobile phone account. These are scammers. If you did not find any information, this means that the owner does not leave information about himself on the Internet.

You can introduce yourself as an employee of the cellular center and ask the person a couple of questions, finding out his last name and first name. Call like a cell center employee.

Telephone directories

If the unknown number was generated from a landline phone, then there are telephone directories where the minimum information is indicated:

  • First Name Last Name;
  • address.

Online telephone directory. We dial any number, for example, 50890. Ask your friends, maybe they know the phone number. According to the theory of 6 handshakes, every person through acquaintances knows all the inhabitants of the planet.

Try contacting friends who work in government agencies or in the field of cellular services. They must have access to an open database of numbers.

Mobile operator website

Run the phone number through the subscriber database on the mobile operator’s website, which can be found by the first digits. This is an ineffective method, since you may not receive an answer at all.

There are a number of problems:

  • databases are incomplete;
  • databases are updated extremely rarely, that is, they are outdated;
  • all mobile operators keep contact information in the strictest confidence because it is confidential;
  • results can only be expected if the subscriber has been using the number for more than a year.

Contacting your mobile operator

You can contact the office of your mobile operator. This path can be a failure, since the presentation of information by the consultant promises him responsibility.

Try to press for pity and explain the situation, complain that other methods did not help you.

Remember that a mobile or landline number may be registered to another person who may not even know that the number belongs to them.

Now you know how to identify a person using both a landline and mobile phone number. The main thing is to use free methods and not fall for the scams of scammers.

How to find out information about the owner of a landline number or any mobile operator, see the instructions in the following video:

There are times when you need to find a person knowing only his mobile number. This is possible in Russia. And it’s not even very difficult, since SIM cards are linked to the owner’s passport data.

How to find out the owner of a cell number?

There are many different ways to find out the owner of a cell phone number. Below are the most common:

  1. Submit an official request to the mobile company office indicating the reasons why you want to receive the data of the owner of the phone number. This option will work if you or your family are in a dangerous situation, for example, you are being threatened.
  2. You can contact law enforcement agencies (FSB, FSO). In this case, we submit an application in which we describe all claims and demands. If the claims are significant, then a criminal case is initiated, in which mobile operators are obliged to provide information about the owner of the number.
  3. Ask a search engine (Yandex, Google, etc.) If the owner sold, bought, or gave any private advertisements in which he indicated his cell phone number, the search program will find this information.
  4. Contact a private detective. The method is not cheap, but reliable and fast.
  5. You can be cunning and call the number you are interested in and introduce yourself as a sociologist/volunteer/utility worker, in general, whatever your imagination allows. It’s worth coming up with a legend and questions in advance that will look plausible.
  6. You can find a database of mobile number owners. This can be done by doing a good search on the Internet. However, such a database is a pig in a poke.
  7. Go to the account replenishment point and, showing ingenuity and acting skills, try to get the necessary information. There is a small chance that you will be lucky and the employee will tell you the necessary information. In addition, if you desperately need to know the owner, you can even get such a job - then you will get access to the data.

It is worth noting that you should not contact dubious sites and send paid SMS for the service of providing data by number. Most likely, this is another type of fraud.

The modern rhythm of life is inextricably linked with numerous connections, contacts, and communication. In the process of work or in everyday life, we are faced with the need to establish the owner of a particular phone number. There are several options for answering the question of how you can find out the owner of a phone by MTS number.

You can find information about the owner, establish his first name, last name, place of residence, using the official databases of the cellular operator. In this case, you can be guaranteed to receive reliable information from an official source. You can also access public databases of telephone numbers posted on the Internet. This method cannot be called official, since the origin and veracity of the information they provide

How to find out the owner by MTS number in an official way?

To establish the identity of the owner of the phone number, you need to contact the MTS cellular company directly. Fill out an application clearly stating the circumstances and reasons for your application. Your request for information will only be satisfied if it is appropriate and sufficiently justified.

If a crime has been committed against you, the owner of the phone, you have the right to contact government law enforcement agencies. For example, write a statement to the police. State in it all your complaints and claims to the subscriber. After considering the application, law enforcement officers may decide to send an official request to the cellular company MTS.

In this case, according to federal laws, the operator cannot refuse to provide information.

How to find out the owner of a phone by MTS operator number without official requests?

If you don’t like the official approach or you don’t have time for it, then you should use other ways to find out the owner of a phone by MTS number.

Contact the phone shop with a request to top up your account. Dictate the combination of numbers you are interested in. Ask the operator to dictate the owner's name. Tell them that you are topping up a friend or godmother’s account and want to make sure the number is correct.

This little trick may not be successful the first time, but don’t despair, there are many communication shops.

Using MTS telephone databases from Internet resources

Do not try to find data using telephone databases that are replete with Internet sites. Since they will not help you find out the owner of the phone by MTS number. Moreover, they can harm your computer’s operating system, withdraw money from your mobile account, and not provide the necessary data. Do not send any SMS messages to the specified numbers to receive a registration code. All these are tricks to lure money for a non-existent service.

Use only those databases that offer a free determination of the subscriber's region of registration. These databases are publicly available and do not require additional payment.

Other ways to search for data about the owner of an MTS phone number

If all of the above methods do not suit you, then you should try your luck and use the simplest method. Enter the phone number into the search engines you know. Maybe your subscriber recently purchased or sold something over the Internet and his phone number and personal data may have been saved.

To summarize, it is worth saying that only representatives of the cellular company and employees of the relevant government services clearly know how to find out the owner of a phone by MTS number. Alternative attempts to search for data may result in fraud and loss of your funds.

How to find out the owner's name by cell phone number for free?

    To find out for free who the owner of a cell phone number is, it is advisable to have a friend at a cell phone store who will try for you and dial the number you need. Or contact the communication salon with a complaint against the owner of this number, that he is bothering you with frequent calls, insulting you, you can find another reason and ask for his details. You can contact any law enforcement agencies, get advice, ask for help or write a statement; such opportunities should also be available to them. Simply searching through the database of telephone numbers is also possible, but you can determine the exact number only if you are lucky, because the databases are usually outdated, inaccurate, paid and useless. If the number is registered to another person, then you will not be able to find out the real details of the person calling you. There are scammers who make money by asking you to send an SMS to a short number and promising to send you an accurate database, but they will simply withdraw money from your phone. Don't get caught! Try entering a phone number in a search engine, and maybe you’ll get lucky and the number is known on the Internet.

    For free find out the owner's name by his cell phone number You can use several methods:

    • The first thing is to download the database of cellular operators. Although, most likely, it has lost its relevance, it is possible that the desired subscriber registered his number quite a long time ago and the information about him will be reliable.
    • second, you can look for free services on the Internet. For example this one
    • third, you can formally submit an application to the office of the cellular company, writing the reason for the application (for example, if a person is being threatened and is afraid for the lives of family members, perhaps company representatives will provide the necessary information after reviewing the application.
    • fourth, information about the owner of the phone can be obtained by contacting law enforcement agencies with a statement, where you need to describe the claims and demands. During the consideration of the application, a criminal case may be initiated and a request may be made to the cellular operator.
    • fifth - you can try, for luck, to enter the phone number into a search engine, and if a person sold something via the Internet, rented it out, or performed other actions, his phone number may be published on the sites where transactions were made.

    However, a method that guarantees the possibility find a person by phone number via the Internet for free, No. You should not believe calls and promises to find a person by number by sending an SMS; as a rule, this is a deception and a siphoning of money.

    The police will help you find out this information and the prosecutor's office can. How many mobile phone stores do we have around the country? And all employees there can find out such information. So all this is conditional, all secrecy. But there is no guarantee that the person calling you is the one for whom this SIM card is issued.

    Hello, now I will answer your question as detailed as possible, to the best of my knowledge.

    You can find out at the police if you have a friend there, or download the telephone service database, but there may be outdated data, you can, of course, do this when a person puts money on the phone and just walk by, but if he puts it into an ATM, you can, of course, beg the operator through which your victim put the money in, so to speak.

    I hope I answered the question as thoroughly as possible.

    I once worked in a mobile phone store. and I can assure you that we were strictly forbidden to disclose such information! there were even huge penalties for this, including dismissal. even for example, when a client came to do any service, the same details of calls, first he presented a document proving his identity, and if suddenly he was not the owner of the number, even if he was a close relative with the same last name, even in this case we couldn't do any service....

    Sometimes people believe that through databases by phone number you can find out information about a person for free, but this is not so, the system will write to you that yes, there is information about him, city and last name, and social networks where the person is registered, but you must send an SMS, So here it’s already a money scam and it will fly away from your balance.

    To find out information about the owner of a phone in your region for free, you need to download the entire database and search for the person in it by number; this can be successful, but painstaking work.

    Of course, if you are really looking for a person for an objective reason, then you can with a passport

    contact the office of the mobile operator company and if the reason is quite compelling, they will help you with it.

    You can file a report with the police if there is a threat from the number you called from and they will investigate the matter.

    As far as I know, the easiest and most reliable way to find out the owner’s name by cell phone number is to dial and ask.

    Since a lot of phones are not registered to the person who owns them, no contacts in the FSB or in the offices of cellular operators will help you.

    if you have no connections in law enforcement agencies or in the employees of the operator to whom the number belongs. It’s not realistic to calculate. Of course, you can also look at the database yourself, but for this you need to buy it. There is no free option. This information is confidential, and therefore has value, it is not prudent to throw it out to the masses just like that. (I don’t see the point in this)

    Just finding out the name of the owner of a cell phone is not entirely simple, because personal data is protected by the state. You can simply rummage around on the Internet and find telephone databases, but they may be outdated and irrelevant. You can, of course, download various databases of cellular operators for free, but they are usually shareware. You can contact law enforcement officers, but only in case of danger emanating from the owner of the number you are looking for...

    I’ll tell you how some people calculate a subscriber’s name for free using their phone number or cell phone number. And you think about how you can protect yourself from this if you don’t want to be found by your number)))

    Well, firstly, it is possible to download cellular databases for free. But the information in these databases may already be out of date. The only possibility is that the desired subscriber registered his number a long time ago - then you might be lucky.

    You can also turn to free services like this one or this one. By the way, when using some sites for searching (and there are many of them), do not give in to persuasion to send an SMS with a certain message, supposedly to pay for a service, as this can turn out to be a very expensive pleasure.

    There is another semi-legal method that people use - and here it is unknown what can be done for self-defense. The fact is that when we deposit money into our mobile phone account and call our number, the manager who accepts payment for cellular services at the payment point sees our personal data that we specified when we entered into an agreement with the cellular operator. And some cunning people use this fact for their own purposes. They come up with stories that can pity the manager - for example, they say that they want to top up the mobile phone account of their beloved and very sick grandmother, who is not able to do this herself - but, unfortunately, they have forgotten the last digit of the mobile phone. And then they ask the manager to help them, since he is able to name the owner of the room. Of course, not every manager will fall for this trick, but there are also actors who achieve their goal. If he is not successful, he tries further in another communication salon - and there are a dime a dozen of them in every city.

    If you have connections in law enforcement agencies, then at their request you can find out the name of the owner of the number. If you yourself work in a communication store, then this information is also available to you. Remember what Edward Radzinsky said:

    In Russia, everything is a secret and nothing is a secret!

    Only the number can be registered to one person, and someone else calls you.

    I believe that such a service cannot be found for free on the Internet. After all, this is the personal contact information of each subscriber. And as you know, personal information should not be disclosed. This is the law! Even police officers and law enforcement officers do not always have the opportunity to obtain information about a particular subscriber. And I fully support this. I don’t want some random and unpleasant people to know about me.

    You can at least try entering the number into the search bar of the same Yandex. Some advertisements of this subscriber or a page on a social network may appear.