How to make a blog in Yandex. How to create your own channel in Yandex Zen. Micro-blogs - for those who do not like to write, but love money

Have you also heard the news that another 17-year-old blogger earned 20 million rubles in one year? Just for a second, an average person with an average salary would need to work 55 years (that is, their whole life) to earn the same amount.

What is a blog, why is it needed and how to create one? And is it possible to earn a few lyams a month from this? Or maybe everyone is lying to us?

In this article we will analyze all the options in simple terms. Maybe you will eventually become a successful 17-year-old millionaire blogger, who knows =)

To warm up, let’s take a brief look at what a blog is “in general” and why it is needed.

What is a blog in simple words, why and who needs it?

The word "blog" comes from the English " weblog" This literally translates as “a diary/magazine posted on the Internet.” That is, in Old Slavonic it would be called “zhurnet” or “interviewnik”. But let's use the term "blog" better.

The point is simple. You create an account for yourself on one of the platforms for creating an electronic magazine, and start posting something there every day. Depending on the site, these can be short text posts, long articles, videos, pictures, or all at once.

People don't become bloggers because they have a good life. If a person decides to start a blog, then he has at least two goals. The first is to become popular. The second is to make money on your popularity.

Each blogging platform has its own mechanism for collecting subscribers or “followers” ​​(followers/readers). The more interesting your posts are, the more people will gather around you to read you again and again.

  1. Advertising
  2. Partnership programs
  3. Selling your goods or services

Below we will analyze all these methods in detail, in the context of each specific site. For now, you just need to understand the direct connection - the more subscribers you have, the more money you can earn.

And in order to gather many subscribers, you need to create content that would appeal to a very wide range of people. How to do this correctly? This depends on the specific type of blog you will be running. For micro-blogs, topics and content need one type, but for youtube – a completely different one.

And let's, by the way, look at what types of blogs exist today and what their features are.

Classic text blogs – graphomania in its purest form

Initially, there was only one type of blog – text. People wrote quite large texts on these blogs. Today there are two main platforms for those who like to write. This is the good old LJ (Live Journal) and the new fashionable Yandex.Zen.

These platforms are best suited for expressing your personal opinion on some controversial issues. For example, you can write analytical articles about what is happening in society today. Or keep a blog with text notes about your (or someone else’s) family life.

The advantage of the text format is that you do not need any additional resources to start blogging. If you have a computer and you know how to type, then this will be enough for a start.

If you doubt your writing abilities, take our free training (opens in a new tab).

Please note - you don’t even have to be some kind of expert in the topic you are writing about. The text blog format means that you express your opinion on a particular issue.

What is better – LiveJournal or Yandex.Zen?

If you choose between LiveJournal and Yandex.Zen, then I personally would choose the second option.

Unfortunately, LiveJournal is almost not developing today. There is an established audience (since 2007), its own stars, who have already gained popularity with their posts. But it will be very difficult for a new author to break through there. Simply because the mechanisms for distributing content are poorly developed.

Yandex.Zen is a completely different story.

Here Yandex itself takes over the promotion of your new blog. You just need to start writing articles on some topic, and Yandex will show them to those people who might be interested (from its point of view).

In just a week, tens or hundreds of thousands of people may start reading your notes. Of course, Zen has its own characteristics. Read more about this in the article (opens in a new tab).

How to make money on a blog in Yandex.Zen

Yandex.Zen offers you a very simple and transparent way to monetize your blog. When you reach 7,000 reads of your articles in one week, you will have the opportunity to show ads to readers.

You won’t have to negotiate with advertisers or take money from anyone. Yandex has already taken care of everything. You simply check the box next to the “Simple monetization” option in the channel settings, and from that moment contextual advertising will begin to appear in your posts.

Every 1000 reads of your articles will bring you an average of 50 rubles. At first glance, not very much. But with an increase in your audience, you can reach quite decent incomes (say, from 30 thousand rubles per month).

Yes, not millions. And you will have to sweat a lot. Writing every day is not like moving bags (in the sense that writing is much harder). Thank God there are other interesting blog formats today.

Micro-blogs - for those who do not like to write, but love money

Micro-blogs are a conventional name for sites where it is not customary to write long texts. Today there are two main such platforms - Twitter and Instagram.

Based on the features of this blog format, an appropriate audience gathers there. These are people who don’t like “a lot of books”. Bright pictures, short entertaining videos shot on an iPhone - this is the basis of all content on such blogs. And, of course, beautiful girls in outfits that leave almost no room for imagination =))

Accordingly, the best topics here are about travel, beautiful lifestyle, sports lifestyle, healthy nutrition (with obligatory photos of containers with this very healthy nutrition).

Yes, by the way, all this now mainly applies to Instagram. Because nothing has anything to do with Twitter anymore)

Which is better - Twitter or Instagram?

The story here is about the same as with LiveJournal and Yandex.Zen. Twitter is more of an echo of the past than a real way to promote your blog.

Previously, it was really interesting to subscribe to a couple of dozen of your idols and receive news from their lives “first-hand.” Twitter was also often used as a kind of social “messenger”. Any news that appeared on Twitter immediately became very widespread, thanks to the peculiarity of the “following” structure.

But then Instagram appeared with its bright photos. Twitter came under close surveillance by intelligence agencies (to ensure that only the right news was spread). And in general, as it turned out, it is very difficult to make money there. The 140 character limit per post is strict.

Here you can’t even express one thought properly, and you still need to somehow squeeze in an advertising message (if suddenly someone orders you an advertisement). In general, boring and inconvenient.

Another thing is Instagram. There you can literally gather tens of thousands of subscribers in just six months and become a local star yourself. And here I will order advertising for you a lot and with pleasure.

This will be direct advertising from direct advertisers. That is, you will just have to independently negotiate the price, timing, formats, etc. But “Insta-chicks” today charge 10–100 thousand rubles for one advertising post in their feed. There is something to try for.

For more information on this topic, see the articles - and (will open in new tabs).

To be fair, it must be said that creating a high-quality channel on Instagram is not as easy as in article blogs. Here you already need to take beautiful photos in beautiful and interesting places (at least).

But there are even more demanding blogging platforms.

Video blog - here it is, big money

If you don’t like writing or taking photos at all, then perhaps the video blog format is suitable for you. Unfortunately, there is no choice here at all - there is only YouTube.

Today, viewers are becoming more and more demanding of the quality of content. For video, this means good sound, bright picture, high resolution, dynamic video. That is, you won’t be able to take pictures of yourself on the front camera of your iPhone like on Instagram, post it on YouTube and collect millions of views (of course there are exceptions, but we’re not talking about them now).

If you enter the world of video blogging, you must be prepared to bear the associated costs. You need a room for filming, you need powerful equipment for video processing, you need professional lighting. Yes, a lot of things are needed so that your video does not look like footage from a family archive, shot on film in the 90s.

Just keep in mind that not all topics are suitable for the video blog format. It should be something that people would rather “see once than hear a hundred times.” Travel - yes. Review of technical innovations – yes too. Review of new products on the car market - yes again. But for example, “the general political situation in the world” is probably not the case anymore.

When is it better NOT to start a YouTube channel?

If you can simply write about something without losing its meaning, then it’s better to write. I'll tell you a secret - people don't really like watching videos (surprise!) Do you want proof?

Why do you think videos have practically disappeared from entertainment public pages on VKontakte, and only “gifs” with automatic inclusion remain? Yes, because no one turned on the video anymore. The same explanation is why in all social networks the video now starts automatically when scrolling. This is the only way to preserve the chance that at least someone will watch this video (since it has already been played for them).

This is how it turns out that they watch videos only if they absolutely cannot do without it. Keep this in mind when choosing a topic for your vlog.

As for making money on YouTube, this is a separate big topic. In short, you can enable monetization through contextual advertising (as in Yandex.Zen). But this is a cheap method. Direct advertising will bring in the most money.

For starters, here are a couple of options for creating blogs that aren’t actually blogs.

Blogs that aren't really blogs

Today there is a little confusion in the concepts of what is a platform for a blog and what is a social network. Actually, these are different things, and they have different tasks and tools.

It's the same with Twitter and LiveJournal. They all have some signs of a social network, but they are not. It also works the other way around.

Why VK and FB are not platforms for blogging

Formally, you can also write some notes there, post photos, even videos. But in fact, the number of your subscribers does not guarantee that all of them will see your new notes.

For example, VKontakte introduced a new algorithm “Prometheus”, which shows people only those posts that may be interesting to them (from its point of view).

That is, if you have, say, 10,000 “friends,” but the topic of your new post is interesting to only 5% of them, then only these 5% will see it in their feed.

  1. Communication with friends (or with those they want to meet);
  2. Entertainment.

Of course, there is an option to create your own community (public) or a separate page on Facebook. Then your regular posting of new posts will become more like blogging. There are people who even manage to write blogs on their VKontakte wall (see in the new tab -). But think about whether you should fight all the restrictions of social networks if there are other, more convenient options.

Do you want to go free and not depend on any blogging platform at all? There is one cool option.

The coolest way to create your own blog and make money (hardcore!)

Do you know what the main disadvantage of all these blogging platforms is? You will have to create a really lot of content every day. If you decide to “rest”, you will very quickly lose ratings and subscribers. Blogging requires you to work every day.

In addition, each site has its own limitations. And your content doesn't actually belong to you. With your efforts, you promote the platform you have chosen to work on. For violating the rules, you can simply be banned - and you will lose everything you worked for so long on.

It's another matter if you make your own website. It’s that simple - buy a unique domain name, buy a place on some quality hosting, install regular WordPress (an engine for creating blog sites), and write a couple of dozen high-quality articles.

The main advantage of your own website

If you write the right articles for specific search queries, people will start coming to you from search engines (such as Yandex and Google). You won't have to write every day anymore to stay afloat.

You write 30-40 articles one time - and this will be enough for your site to become a “thousander” in just six months or a year. That is, more than a thousand unique visitors will read it every day.

And here you will set your own rules - which advertisements to place and which ones not to. What to write about, what format to choose. This is my favorite version of work, when the result of your work accumulates.

Important! If you now have a vague idea of ​​what it’s like to make your own website (why, on what topic, how to make money from it later) - download my free book. There I tell you my experience of creating a popular and profitable blog.

I recently wrote a very long article about media platform “Yandex-Zen” . Since that moment, the service’s management has published several posts in its magazine on the topic of priority ranking and improving user experience. It was as if they had listened to what I said. Joke. This time I decided to discuss whether it is possible and necessary to create a blog on the platform.

Blog is a cool thing. And starting a blog is a great idea from many points of view. A blog allows you to speak out on a specific topic, improves your writing skills, and is a way to showcase your portfolio. For example, I was hired for my current job after becoming acquainted with this blog.

But there are a lot of nuances that are worth mentioning.

There are several possibilities to create a blog. It can be organized on one of the large blogging platforms like LiveJournal, you can register a separate domain and install the WordPress engine. I opened the topic in this post , I won’t repeat myself.

Yandex Zen today is an extremely promising platform for authors. It allows you to instantly get attention, since the material will be displayed in the general Zen feed and it will definitely hook someone. Zen has an excellent article editor and easy navigation. Becoming an author and registering your account couldn't be easier. In my opinion, Yandex.Zen is an excellent platform for revealing popular topics that are of interest to the female audience of 30+.

But if you are going to create a highly specialized blog, Yandex. Zen I wouldn't recommend the following reasons:

    The main core of the service's readers are women.

    Articles in Yandex Zen are poorly indexed by search engines, especially Google. This means that your materials will be difficult to find through a search engine - the main traffic channel for any Internet project.

    The articles and the blog itself do not have SEO optimization capabilities. You cannot fill in key meta tags or correct the article URL. Changed the title, the address changes too.

    There are no tools for subscribing or tracking new articles.

    The main thing: there is no guarantee that the efforts to write articles will be returned at least in terms of traffic.

From my point of view, for a blog with a highly specialized topic, a separate blog with its own domain on the same WordPress is best suited. Why?

    Blog content will show up well in search engines. People interested in the topic will find the material faster.

    The Standalone blog has functions for SEO optimization.

    The blog develops a loyal audience.

    A separate blog does not depend on company policy. You can’t close it as long as you pay for hosting and domain.

With this article I do not want to convince anyone. I believe that Yandex Zen will develop and many functions will appear over time. But for now the situation and my opinion is this. There was an attempt to create a specialized blog on Tumblr and Medium (which also lured with tricks), but the traffic did not exceed 5-10 people per day. A separate blog would be guaranteed to give me more traffic. Amblog an example of this.

We have opened applications for the Ilya Segalovich Scientific Prize. Yandex established the award to support young scientists and their mentors who are engaged in research in areas of computer science relevant to our company. The size of the bonus for undergraduate and graduate students is 350 thousand rubles, and for scientific supervisors - 700 thousand rubles.

Station Mini is a compact smart speaker with voice assistant Alice. It will fit in any corner of the apartment and will replace several devices at once, from the remote control and radio to the alarm clock. The Mini station not only plays music, but can also turn into a musical instrument itself. You can control the speaker either by voice or in a new way - gestures.

In the summer of 2022, the International Mathematical Congress, the largest and most famous conference of mathematicians, will take place in St. Petersburg. The Congress meets every four years and attracts scientists from all over the world. Yandex has become a technology partner of ICM 2022 - this means that our services and products will help participants and organizers of the congress.

We made a game for travelers and scholars - in it you need to guess countries from photographs uploaded by users to Yandex.Maps. As in our other game about cities, Alice will compete with you in guessing the countries. To keep things fair, we forbade her from looking into the Yandex.Images database and asked her not to pay attention to car license plates and state flags.

Now there are more than twelve thousand Yandex.Drive cars on the streets of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan. Almost all cars available in the application are refueled - there is enough fuel in the tank to get to any point within the rental end zone, even if it is on the other side of the city. In this post we will tell you how Drive fuels cars.

Mobile Yandex.Disk can show selections of photos from the past. It will remind you of what happened last winter and how you spent the May holidays the year before last. Now, Disk has begun using computer vision technology to compile such collections.

We continue to enroll in the next School of Interface Development. Education at the School is free. The program consists of two stages: lecture and practical. For beginning specialists, SRI is an opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of industrial front-end development and work on real projects in the same team with managers and designers from Yandex.

Drive can store not only files, photos and videos, but also notes. The notes section comes in handy when you need to write down a phone number, a pie recipe, a class schedule, or any other information you might need later. Entries are synchronized between devices: you can start making a to-do list on your computer and continue on your smartphone.

Today, Yet Another Conference, a large Yandex technology conference, took place in Moscow. This year the theme of the conference is “The future is in the details.” At YaC we talked about new Yandex developments that are bringing the future closer or are creating it right now. The module, a new version of Yandex.Auto, a personal video channel, cloud restaurants and other YaC news are in this post.

Yandex presented a smart home controlled by the voice assistant Alice. The platform can connect dozens of devices, from light bulbs to coffee makers. There is no need to look for remote controls and press buttons - just say: “Alice, make it cooler in the living room,” and the voice assistant will fulfill the request.

The Yandex Store and Museum is participating in the “Night of Museums” this year and will be open all night from May 18 to 19. Visitors can enjoy excursions around the exhibition of old computers, tournaments for Mortal Kombat 3 and other retro games, lectures about the past, present and future of computing, and night tea drinking on ottomans. All computers in the museum are working: you can touch them, turn them on and run programs.

What's the best way to spend your weekend? You can gather all your friends and rush somewhere to the islands. Or is it better to stay at home and read a book, or maybe just sleep? To remember and analyze their experiences in connection with such events, people came up with the idea of ​​keeping diaries, hiding them under the pillow or burying them in the garden to preserve the secret.

But time passes, and with it human needs change. People get bored of simply writing words on paper, knowing that no one will read it. There was a desire to find out the opinions of others, but at the same time preserve all the mystery of keeping a diary. The Internet has given such an opportunity, because now you can do it the way you want:

What is it and why

An online blog is a place where a person can freely express his worldview in any accessible form.

  • Text entries. Initially this was the only way, but even now it remains the main one;
  • Images. Pictures can perfectly capture what's important;
  • Audio and video. Why not fill your blog with pleasant music and beautiful videos.

After paper diaries were replaced by online counterparts, many more opportunities opened up for people.

Now you can create a blog on the Internet not only to publish your most intimate experiences. Below are the main reasons why people keep online diaries.

  • Advertising something. A blog can be dedicated to a specific company or product. In this case, all entries are connected by one theme, and there is a high probability that the readers of such a diary are the target audience;
  • News. For journalism, a blog is also an excellent platform, because people are only interested in the latest events, and in most online diaries the latest entries are displayed at the very top of the page;
  • Traditional use. On the World Wide Web, you can create a personal blog, and this is still extremely relevant for many people. The advantage over the paper version is the ability to receive comments from other users while maintaining complete anonymity;
  • Earnings. If the blog is popular, it can generate good income. Advertising has become the goldmine of Internet business, and the goal of many online diaries is to attract as many visitors as possible.

What is the most convenient way to create

If any of the above reasons motivate a person to action, then he will first think about where it is better to create a blog. The Internet will offer a great variety of options, but in fact, they can be divided into two categories: paid and free. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach should be considered.

Using the free option means choosing one of the many services that the World Wide Web provides. In this case, you just need to register – and your blog is ready. The advantages of this approach include:

  • Ease of use. You don't need to know the technology on which the blog is based, it only requires you to add new posts;
  • A large number of "neighbors". Millions of people are interested in the most popular blogs, and among them there are likely to be like-minded people;
  • Rapidity. From the thought " Where to create a free blog?“It may take about five minutes before the first post.

However, this approach also has some disadvantages.

  • Your options are limited by the functionality of the service. It is difficult to fully express your ideas when the means of expression are clearly defined;
  • You don't fully own the blog. It's difficult to try to make any money from your online blog if advertising is strictly prohibited. In addition, blog owners can add their own advertisements, but this is unlikely to decorate your page.

The paid version of online diaries involves purchasing hosting and creating your own blog site. You can write everything from scratch or use existing content management systems.

The positive aspects of paid blogs include:

  • Unlimited functionality. You decide for yourself: how and what will happen on your blog. Completely new ideas can be brought to life;
  • Income. To create a blog to make money, it is better not to resort to free services. You can place advertisements in any form and quantity.

The disadvantages are:

  • The need to pay for hosting and domain name;
  • You will have to know the internal structure of the blog, and not just publish new posts.

Google and Yandex blogs

In 1999, the ambitious company Pyra Labs launched the first service of its kind, Blogger. However, in 2003, Google turned its attention to this popular project and acquired Pyra Labs along with all the technologies that the company was developing.

To date, the service is operating successfully. Creating a blog on Blogger is as easy as typing a query into a search engine, and millions of users can attest to this.

For the domestic search giant, things turned out much sadder. Since 2007, Yandex has supported the service, and at first, things were going quite well for this blog hosting service. But in recent years, the popularity of the service has dropped significantly, and in June 2014, Yandex announced the closure of and the transfer of user materials to LiveJournal:

Where to create a free blog?

There are many online services where you can create a blog completely free of charge. Let's look at some of the most popular options.

- One of the most popular platforms for creating blogs. Provides a huge number of functions both to ensure the appearance of the online diary and to improve technical parameters:

- Blog hosting from Google, already discussed in this article, is extremely popular among Internet users. It is simple and easy to use:

- Popular service from a domestic manufacturer. The blog contains elements of a social network that expand user capabilities:

— Twitter This service belongs to the category of microblogs, since the length of messages is strictly limited. However, we cannot fail to mention this incredibly popular and fast-growing project:

How to make money on a blog?

In order for an online diary to bring in real money, you need to follow certain rules when creating it.

  • Stop using free services. Registration in five minutes attracts with its simplicity and speed, but it is better to immediately abandon this option, since subsequently the opportunities for earning money will be significantly limited;
  • When choosing hosting, carefully check the reputation of the providers. Don't immediately rush to the cheapest options. After all, it’s not very pleasant when, at the most crucial moment, you are overtaken by technical problems;
  • Choose a suitable domain. The domain name should reflect the topic of the blog, then visitors are more likely to pay attention to your blog.

In order to attract advertisers, you need to have a significant ( and more or less permanent) the number of unique visitors, and for this you will have to promote your blog. To do this correctly, you need to follow basic recommendations.

  • Keep your information up to date;