Youtube create an account now. How to create a channel on YouTube yourself: step-by-step instructions. How to create your own YouTube channel right now

Step-by-step instructions for registering with Google and creating your own channel on YouTube video hosting.


With the advent of the Internet and video hosting YouTube For many people, television has faded into the background. In addition to the fact that this resource is filled to the brim with all kinds of videos, films and programs for every taste, it also gives its users the opportunity to create their own channel, where they can upload unique content, gather millions of viewers and earn good money from it.

If you have ever thought about trying yourself as a video blogger or host of an Internet show, then in this article you will find step-by-step instructions for creating your own channel on a popular video hosting site YouTube.

How to register with Google?

If you already have an account Google+, then you can skip the section with registration in the system and go directly to creating a channel. To register in the system Google do the following steps:

  • Step 1. Go to home page video hosting YouTube and in the upper right corner click on the button " To come in».

  • Step 2. On the page that opens, click the “ Create an account" A registration form in the system will open in front of you, where you must indicate your first and last name, email address, date of birth, gender and mobile phone number for the security of your future account.
  • The system will automatically prompt you to create a new mailbox on the hosting Gmail, however, this is not at all necessary. It is quite possible to enter the email address you already have on any other hosting. For example, on or Yandex.
  • A little advice about age. If you are under 18 years of age, it is still recommended to indicate your age as 18 or above. Otherwise, you may be denied access to some videos, which may not even contain any prohibited footage.

  • Step 3. After filling out all the fields, click the " Further» and accept the privacy policy. Then log in to the mailbox specified during registration and open the letter sent to you. Follow the link provided in it to confirm registration in the system Google.

Congratulations! You are now a user of the system Google and have full access to its services. Now you can proceed directly to creating a channel on YouTube.

How to create your own YouTube channel right now?

As you may have noticed, registration in the system Google quite simple and does not take much time. Creating your own channel on YouTube it happens even easier. It’s worth saying right away that many beginners are interested in the cost of creating a channel. We hasten to reassure you. Creating your own channel is absolutely free and in the process of its development they will not require any money from you. To make your own channel on YouTube do the following steps:

  • Step 1. Go to home page video hosting YouTube and in the upper right corner click on your account image to open the context menu. In the drop-down list, click on gear icon to go to settings.

  • Step 2. On the page that opens, in the “ general information» click the « button Create a channel" Next, in the pop-up window, enter the name of your future channel. If you want to make a personal video blog, you can leave your first and last name. If you are planning to develop a thematic project, it is recommended to come up with a beautiful, memorable name for it, which contains keywords for searching. If anything, the channel name can always be changed in the settings. After entering the name, press the button again Create a channel».

  • Step 3. Congratulations! You have just created your own channel on YouTube, where you can post your own videos or add existing ones on the hosting. On the page that opens, you can download the channel design and add an avatar by clicking on the pencils located in the upper corners of the header.

How to manage your YouTube channel?

Adding a video

  • Now that the channel is created, it won't hurt to get a little familiar with its management. There are quite a lot of nuances in this matter, but we will look at the most basic ones. Let's start by adding a video. The video upload button is located in the upper right corner next to your profile picture and is displayed on every page YouTube.

  • If you click on it, a video upload window will open, where you can select a file from your computer from the list or simply drag it to the specified area of ​​the page. You can also set the privacy settings for the added video in the drop-down list below. On the right side there is a menu with live broadcasts and importing videos from other services. Google and creating slideshows from photos.

Control Panel

  • As the name suggests, the control panel is used to administer the channel on YouTube. From it you can track the number of your subscribers, likes, views, add advertisements to videos and much more. To go to the control panel, click on your profile image in the upper right corner and in the drop-down window click on the button “ Creative studio».

  • The page that opens displays basic information about the channel. The right column contains view statistics, where in addition to subscribers and the number of views themselves, the total time that people spent on your channel is also displayed. The central block displays all videos and comments to them. If you click on the " Add widget» in the upper right corner, you can set additional page display parameters.

Video Manager

  • If in the left menu go to the tab " Video Manager", then you can see the list of added videos. From here you can manage your videos and create playlists from them. To create a new playlist, select the appropriate tab on the left and then click “ New playlist" In the window that opens, enter its name, set privacy settings and click " Create" Next, the page will refresh and you will be able to add videos to the newly created playlist.

Live broadcasts

  • Next on the list is the “ Live broadcasts" On it you can broadcast live from your own apartment and answer questions from subscribers in real time via online chat. Typically, live broadcasts are used for video game streaming, but if you have other ideas for using this function, you can try them out.

  • It is worth emphasizing that live broadcasting is only possible from a confirmed channel. This is necessary for the site administration to make sure that you are not a bot. If on the " Live broadcasts» press the button « Begin", then a message will be sent to the number you specified during registration. SMS message with a confirmation code, which will need to be entered in the appropriate field. After confirming your “humanity”, you will be able to broadcast live.


  • On the " Community» video comments are managed. Here you can set settings for adding them, deleting them, adding comments and blocking unwanted users. In addition, through this tab, communication with subscribers and partners of the channel is carried out. On the " Indication in credits» videos or channels in which you have been tagged by their creators will be displayed.


  • In this section you can set basic settings for your channel. Your “integrity” status is displayed on the main page of the section. If, during the development of the channel, you violate copyrights by using other people's content without permission and a link to authorship, then your rating will fall. In addition, for violating the rules of video hosting, the rating is also lowered. If it drops to zero, then your channel will no longer appear in searches.

" And " Form style" settings for downloading videos and channel design are set, and on the tab " Additionally» You can set keywords to search for your videos. For example, if your channel is of an entertaining nature, you can add keywords to search for “entertainment, humor”, etc... Users who enter these words in the search will end up on your channel.


  • Sections « YouTube Analytics" And " Localization and subtitles» we skip because they are very large and require a separate topic for discussion. If you go to the section " Create", then the first thing you can see is a page with music that you can download for free and use in your videos or clips. The list of works and performers there is simply huge. To make your search easier, you can sort tracks by genre, duration, artist, instrument, and even mood. To download the song you like, you need to click on the arrow on the right side of it. In addition to music, a variety of sound effects are available for download, which can also be inserted into videos to add zest to them.

  • Go to the " Video editor" Here you can process downloaded videos or create them from scratch using pictures and sound effects. Video editor YouTube very similar to most professional editors in its interface. It contains two tracks, one of which will display the video timeline, and the other audio. There is also a block with a video preview. Video editor features YouTube very large. In addition to trimming video and audio, the editor allows you to apply multiple special effects to the image, make the video black and white, insert an image into it, and much more. As the channel develops, we recommend that you take a closer look at this section.

VIDEO: How to create a YouTube channel?

YouTube has gradually transformed from a narrowly focused video hosting service into a resource that shapes trends and public opinion. Users who want to leave comments under videos, like/dislike and upload their own files need to create their own account.

To do this, registration is provided on Youtube, for which you will need to open Google mail and, if desired, indicate your phone number. Let's consider what video hosting requires from new users who want to register on YouTube in 2018.

How to open your YouTube account

You can create an account and use the site and account through a computer or phone in a browser, or using a proprietary mobile application, available for download in stores for each OS. All actions are performed free of charge. The account itself allows you to:

  • Subscribe to channels.
  • Chat with other community members.
  • Put likes and dislikes under each video, leave comments under it.
  • See which videos have already been watched.
  • Add videos to a list to watch them later (the “View later” function).

To register on Youtube, you will need to go online on your computer or phone and log in via g-mail. There is no registration on the site as such; the main page of the service only allows you to log in to Google Mail or open a new one.

Open the video hosting site and click on the “Login” button (blue).

Since YouTube belongs to Google, you will have to use g-mail, and not any other mailbox.

It is impossible to go through the procedure without an email, so first open an account in Google (click on “Create an account”) or log into an already created one (enter its address and click on “Next”).

If you are creating a new account in , you need to fill out the form below. It is not necessary to provide a mobile number.

To create an account on Youtube, you will need to indicate the Google email address to which the new channel will be linked. You will need to confirm your agreement with the service policy.

After this, a notification will appear indicating that your account can be used.

This completes the registration; all that remains is to enter your email address and password in the login form and use the system. Later, you can change some information about yourself and your mailbox settings, but this will not affect your YouTube profile (except for changing your account password).

You can go directly from your email to the Youtube website by clicking on the corresponding icon.

What's next

Next, you should set up an account and enter information about yourself directly in your profile, and not in Google Mail. This will help the system select suitable content for the user. Click on the account icon and click on “Change”.

Now you can upload any avatar you like, enter your first and last name, date of birth and a number of other information. By clicking on the lock, all specified data will be displayed to other users who decide to view this profile.

Important point!

  • There are two types of accounts:


The latter is paid and is not available to ordinary users. It allows you to use paid channels by watching videos without advertising.

In the privacy item, you can configure who and when will view the user’s uploaded videos and information about his subscribers.

If you don’t want to subscribe to channels and videos you like, you need to disable these settings.

You can also set up notifications about actions taken on your channel, as well as about new videos published on channels to which the user is subscribed.

Notification letters will be sent to the g-mail specified during registration.

Who doesn’t know about YouTube video hosting now? Yes, almost everyone knows about him. This resource has long become popular and from that moment on, without slowing down, it becomes even more famous and in demand every day. Every day thousands of new registrations are made, channels are created and millions of videos are watched. And almost everyone knows that you don’t have to create an account on YouTube to watch them. This is true, but we cannot deny the fact that registered users get a lot more features at their disposal than non-registered ones.

  • So, as already mentioned, a registered YouTube user receives a number of benefits. Of course, their absence is not critical, but it’s still better to create an account. Registered users can:
  • create your own channels and upload your own videos on hosting.
  • subscribe to the channel of a user whose work he liked. Thanks to this, he will be able to monitor his activities, thereby knowing when new videos of the author are released.
  • leave your comments under the videos, thereby communicating with the author directly.
  • influence the popularity of the video by liking or disliking. By doing this, you promote a good video to the top of YouTube, and a bad one beyond the users’ field of view.
  • carry out correspondence between other registered users. This happens in much the same way as exchanging regular emails.

As you can see, creating an account is worth it, especially since this is not all the benefits that registration provides. In any case, you should familiarize yourself with all the advantages.

Creating a YouTube account

Once all the benefits that are provided after registration have been discussed, you must proceed directly to creating your account. This process may differ from person to person. One option is insanely simple, and the second is quite difficult. The first implies having a Gmail email account, and the second - not having one.

Method 1: If you have a Gmail account

Unfortunately, email from Google is still not very popular in our territory; most people get it only because of Google Play, but do not use it in everyday life. But in vain. If you have an email on Gmail, then registration on YouTube will end for you a few seconds after it starts. You just need to log into YouTube, click the button "To come in" in the upper right corner, first enter your email and then your password. After this, you will be logged in.

The question may arise: “Why do you need to specify all the data from Gmail to log into YouTube?”, but everything is very simple. Google owns these two services, and to make life easier for its users, they have the same database in all services, therefore, the same login data.

Method 2: If you don't have a Gmail account

But if you didn’t set up an email account on Gmail before you decided to register on YouTube, then things are a little different. There will be many more manipulations, but there is no need to panic, following the instructions, you will be able to create your own account quickly and without errors.

Now you have to fill it out. In order to do this without errors, you need to understand each individual data entry field.

  1. You need to enter your name.
  2. You must enter your last name.
  3. Advice. If you don't want to use your real name, you can easily use a pseudonym.

  4. You must choose a name for your mail. The characters typed must be in English only. The use of numbers and some punctuation marks is allowed. It is not necessary to enter at the end
  5. Create a password that you will enter when logging into Google services.
  6. Repeat your chosen password. This is necessary so that you do not make a mistake in writing it.
  7. Enter the date you were born.
  8. Please indicate in what month you were born.
  9. Enter the year of your birth.
  10. Advice. If you do not want to disclose your date of birth, you can change the values ​​in the appropriate fields. However, please note that persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to watch videos that have age restrictions.

  11. Select your gender from the drop-down list.
  12. Select your country of residence and enter your mobile phone number. Enter the correct information, as registration confirmation notifications will be sent to the specified number, and in the future you can use the number to recover your password.
  13. This item is completely optional, but by entering an additional email address, if you have one, of course, you will protect yourself from losing your account.
  14. By checking this box, GOOGLE will become the main page in your browser (this is the one that opens when you start the browser).
  15. From the drop-down list, select the country in which you currently reside.

After that? Once all the input fields have been filled in, you can safely press the button Further.

However, be prepared that some data may be incorrect. In this case, repeat their introduction again, taking a closer look so as not to make a mistake.

After completing the instructions, you will be redirected to the YouTube main page, only now you will be there as a registered user, which, as mentioned earlier, introduces some differences, for example, in the interface. You now have a panel on the left side, and a user icon at the top right.

As you might guess, registration on YouTube is now complete. Now you can fully enjoy all the new features that authorization in the service gives you. But, in addition to this, it is recommended to set up the account itself so that watching videos and working with YouTube becomes even easier and more convenient.

YouTube Settings

Once you have created your own account, you can customize it for yourself. Now we will discuss in detail how to do this.

First of all, you need to directly enter the YouTube settings themselves. To do this, click on your icon in the upper right corner and, in the drop-down window, click on the gear icon, as shown in the image.

In the settings, pay attention to the left panel. This is where the categories of configurations are located. All will not be considered now, only the most important ones.

In general, that’s all, important YouTube settings were discussed. You can take on the remaining two sections yourself, but for the most part they do not carry anything important.

Opportunities after registration

At the very beginning of the article, it was said that after registering a new account on YouTube, you will receive new features that will make it much easier for you to use the service. It's time to talk about them in more detail. Now each function will be analyzed in detail, each action will be clearly demonstrated so that anyone can understand the details.

The emerging functions can be roughly divided into two parts. Some appear directly on the page of the video you are watching and allow you to perform various kinds of manipulations with it, while others appear on the already familiar panel located at the top left.

So, let's start with the ones on the video page.

  1. Subscribe to the channel. If you suddenly watch a video and you liked the work of its author, then you can subscribe to his channel by clicking the appropriate button. This will give you the opportunity to monitor all his actions on YouTube. You can also find it at any time by logging into the appropriate section on the site.
  2. “Like” and “Dislike.” With the help of these two icons in the form of a thumb, lowered or, conversely, raised, you can, in one click, evaluate the work of the author whose work you are currently viewing. These manipulations contribute both to the promotion of the channel and, relatively speaking, to its death. In any case, the next viewers who come across this video will be able to understand before starting watching whether it is worth including the video or not.
  3. Watch later. This option is rightfully considered the most valuable. If while watching the video you need to be distracted or go away on business for an indefinite period of time, then by clicking Watch later, the video will be placed in the appropriate section. You can easily play it back later, from the same place you left off.

    Friends, Hello!

    Of course, the first lesson in the school of video bloggers is about how to create your own channel on YouTube. The channel is created for free, because... it is tied to a single Google account. Yes, friends, YouTube is one of Google's services.

    If you go to YouTube without registering, then you have only one option - watching the video. After registration (and authorization), all YouTube features are available to you, such as adding your video, creating playlists, the ability to leave comments under videos, subscribe to any channels and, of course, like.

    Create a YouTube channel step by step

    1. Open your favorite browser (for example, Google Chrome) and go to the website

    2. Click “Login” (top right)

    4. Now fill out the fields of the registration form:

    First Name Last Name

    Username, this will also be your email account

    Create a password

    Date of Birth. YouTube only allows people over 18 years of age to register. If you are under 18 years old, ask your parents for permission and register an account with them.

    Then fill out the captcha (checking that you are not a robot)

    Check the box “I accept the terms and conditions...”

    5. Great, account registration was successful! Write down your email address and password on a piece of paper and stick it on your computer monitor so you don’t lose it)

    6. Now click on the icon with ten small squares, select YouTube and click on it

    7. We switched to YouTube. In the upper right corner, click “Login”

    9. And of course “Create a channel”!

    10. Now add your photo (or any other image for the channel) and click “Continue”.

    11. Congratulations, you have created your own YouTube channel! Now you can add your videos and use all the features.

    Friends, I hope this step-by-step instruction answered the question of how to create a channel on YouTube and you easily created your first channel! :)

    And then you will need to properly set up and beautifully design your channel. But more on that in the following instructions. Subscribe to my channel to be the first to know about new videos!

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      5 ways to promote a YouTube channel from 0 to 160K subscribers and 10M views (2019)

YouTube video hosting has seriously established itself in the life of every modern person. It's no secret that with his help and your talent you can even earn money. What can I say, by watching people’s videos, you bring them not only fame, but also income. Nowadays, some channels earn more than some hard worker in a mine. But no matter how you look at it, you can’t just start getting rich on YouTube; at a minimum, you need to create this very channel.

The instructions that will be attached just below are impossible to follow if you are not registered on the YouTube service, so if you don’t have your own account, then you need to create one.

For those who are already on YouTube and are logged into their accounts, there are two ways to create one. First:

The second one is a little more complicated, but you need to know it, since it will be useful in the future:

This could be the end of the article, because after completing all the above steps, you will create your new channel on YouTube, but it’s still worth giving advice on what you can call it and for what purposes you should do it.

  • If you want to create it for personal use, that is, you don’t want to promote it and promote to the masses all the content that will be on it, then you can leave the default name - your first and last name.
  • If in the future you plan to diligently work on it, so to speak, popularize it, then you should think about giving it the name of your project.
  • Also, special craftsmen give the name, taking into account popular search queries. This is done to make it easier for users to find them.

Although naming options have now been considered, it is still worth knowing that the name can be changed at any time, so if you later come up with something better, then feel free to go to the settings and change it.

Creating a second channel on YouTube

On YouTube you can have not one channel, but several. This is very convenient, because you can create one for personal use, and promote the second in every possible way, while simultaneously posting your material there. Moreover, the second one is created absolutely free of charge and in almost the same way as the first one.

That's all, you have successfully created your second channel. It will have the same name as the +page. In order to switch between two or more (depending on how many you have created), you need to click on the already familiar user icon and select a user from the list. Then, on the left panel, enter the section My channel.

Creating a third channel on YouTube

As mentioned above, you can create two or more channels on YouTube. However, the method for creating the first three is slightly different from each other, so it would be reasonable to describe the method for creating the third separately so that no one has any unnecessary questions.

That's all. By following these instructions, you will create a new channel – the third. If in the future you want to get yourself a fourth one, then simply repeat the instructions just given. Of course, all the methods are very similar to each other, but since they have slight differences, it was reasonable to clearly demonstrate step-by-step instructions so that every new user could understand the question posed.

account settings

Having talked about how to create new channels on YouTube, it would be foolish to remain silent about their settings, because if you decide to seriously engage in creative activities on video hosting, then you will need to contact them anyway. However, now there is no point in going into detail about all the settings; it would be more logical to briefly describe each configuration so that you know for the future in which section what can be changed.

So, you already know how to enter YouTube settings: click on the user icon and select the item of the same name in the drop-down menu.

On the page that opens, in the left panel you can see all the categories of settings. It is they who will now be dismantled.

general information

This section is already painfully familiar to you, it is in it that you can create a new channel, but besides this, there are many other useful things in it. For example, by following the link Additionally, you can set your own address, delete your channel, link it to Google Plus and see the sites that have access to the account you created.

Linked accounts

In chapter Linked accounts everything is much simpler. Here you can link your Twitter account to YouTube. This is necessary so that when you post your new works, a notification is published on Twitter about the release of a new video. If you don’t have Twitter, or you are used to publishing news of this kind yourself, then this function can be disabled.


In this section everything is even simpler. By checking boxes or, conversely, unchecking them, you can prevent the display of various types of information. For example: information about subscribers, saved playlists, videos you liked, and so on. Just read all the points and you will understand everything.


If you want notifications to be sent to your email that someone has subscribed to you or commented on your video, then go to this settings section. Here you can specify under what circumstances notifications will be sent to you by email.


There are two more items left in the settings: playback and connected TVs. There is no point in considering them, since the settings in them are quite meager and are of little use to anyone, but you, of course, can familiarize yourself with them.

As a result, we figured out how to create channels on YouTube. As many may note, this is done quite simply. Although the creation of the first three has some differences from each other, the instructions are very similar, and the simple interface of the video hosting itself ensures that every user, even the most “green” one, will be able to understand all the manipulations being performed.