Why does iPhone 5s turn on? Mechanical problems. Video: Short circuit detection method

IN Lately Apple devices are gaining more and more popularity. Original design, professional spare parts and support for many applications does not leave users indifferent. Unfortunately, even this reliable device how the iPhone can be subject to external defects. If you notice that the iPhone has stopped turning on and does not respond to charging, do not rush to write off the gadget. Perhaps the reason lies in a deformed socket or poor quality charger.

Causes of malfunction

The reliability of the iPhone has been proven over the years. The manufacturer cares about the quality of its gadgets, so manufacturing defects are practically excluded, but they are allowed. Many malfunctions arise due to careless handling of the smartphone, or smartphones from the first batches. Software failures also appear due to independent attempts to reconfigure the phone by resetting the factory settings.

Among the most common reasons why an iPhone stops turning on are:
  • deformation of the nest or contamination on its surface;
  • broken electrical outlet or non-working USB cable;
  • broken loop contacts;
  • using a cheap Chinese charging accessory;
  • firmware glitch;
  • problems with the internal components of the iPhone: battery, power controller, motherboard.

    Note! If there are problems with the power controller or battery, you will need complete disassembly phone. Do not try to do it yourself - you may damage the main contacts, which will lead to complete failure of the device.


    Many users rush to deal with the problem on their own, trying to find out the cause and eliminate it. Insufficient quantity and quality of knowledge sometimes leads to dire consequences.

    There are only a few methods that you can try to implement yourself before going to a service center or calling a technician to your home.

    Among all the recommendations given by many bloggers on the Internet, service center (SC) specialists consider it safe full reboot mobile device. It is carried out if the iPhone does not respond to the connected charger. To do this, pinch with two fingers Power buttons and Home, then wait 10-15 seconds.

    If the company logo appears, the phone will start to boot, and the problem with turning on will go away. After waiting for activation, connect the charger to the socket and fully charge the smartphone battery.

    If the phone does not turn on, it may be due to software glitch. To check and eliminate this defect, do the following (you must have a backup of your data):

  • connect the gadget to the computer’s USB cable;
  • wait for synchronization;
  • go to the iTunes program;
  • Click on the “Restore” button and select the latest backup.

    After all the manipulations, the data recovery process will start, and the iPhone should reboot and return to working condition.

    Solving the problem with the charger
    According to statistics, many iPhone users save on buying a charger if the original one was lost or broken. This is not surprising, because purchasing a “charger” from the manufacturer will cost 20 US dollars, and non-original components can be easily obtained through Aliexpress. affordable price.

    The solution to this problem is simple - just buy an original accessory and charge the device. If such manipulations helped, you can continue to enjoy the work of a high-quality mobile phone.

    Important! Carefully inspect the USB connector on the computer through which you most often charged your iPhone. It may be damaged or broken. To test this theory, just charge the device from a 220 V outlet.

    Problems with charging accessories are quite common, so before trying to “hack” the iPhone with screwdrivers or reset the settings, check the functionality of this attribute.

    Changing components and modules
    When changing the charger or rebooting the device does not help, it’s time to contact a service center. Only there will specialists carry out full diagnostics and find out which spare part needs to be replaced.

    For example, a power controller or battery often fails during operation. To replace these elements, it is necessary to completely disassemble the “apple”, during which the cables from the motherboard.

    Important! iPhone repair experts replace spare parts using special tools. If you use improvised means, you will completely “destroy” the iPhone.

    Also, the reason for not turning on may be damage to the motherboard, which can only be replaced by professionals.

    Your iPhone will last for many years if you follow a number of recommendations for using the device. They are also listed in the instructions for use, but many users do not pay any attention to the booklet included with the new product. Of all the manufacturer's comments, pay attention to the following notes:
  • do not allow or leave it in a damp room;
  • do not leave the device near heat sources or in direct sunlight;
  • use a cover to prevent dust from getting into the connectors, clogging them;
  • Do not drop or knock on the phone.

    If you use the gadget without a case, then after a certain period of time you will need to clean the connector. To do this, use a brush with soft bristles.

    Do not clean the connectors or speaker with a needle, toothpick or wire. This will lead to damage to the integrity of the parts and the need to replace them with new ones.

    Help from service center specialists

    In case of malfunction iPhone any model, the right decision would be to contact the specialists of the service center. They will conduct diagnostics, which includes external and internal inspection of the elements, identify the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it. If you need to replace components, your smartphone will be equipped with original spare part from Apple, or a cheaper but high-quality analogue that is in no way inferior to original spare parts.

    The help of specialists will cost much less than buying a new iPhone after trying to repair it yourself.

  • The iPhone line is the most popular phones in the world, breaking all sales records. After purchase they become favorites.

    Agree, it will be unpleasant if one fine day your most beloved and expensive gadget stops turning on. How to turn on iPhone 5s if it won't turn on? Solution similar problem

    will be discussed below.

    Causes and solutionsCauses of malfunction:

    there can be many, but the most common

    Problems with the power controller The power controller is an element that is responsible for charging and correct operation device batteries. The cause of failure may be a low-quality charger (cheap Chinese fake original charger iPhone devices

    ), dropping the phone, getting water inside. The most interesting thing is that the failure of the power controller can be similar in symptoms to a battery failure, so many people buy. Imagine their surprise when the phone does not work even with a new battery!

    So, before doing anything, we strongly advise you to take the device to a service center, where they will determine the exact cause of the breakdown.

    If the controller does break down, it needs to be carefully re-soldered. It’s better not to try on your own; you might damage the board, and it’s not cheap, especially for the iPhone 5s.

    Video: iPhone 5s repair

    Water ingress If you manage to drop your phone in water or some other liquid, experts recommend immediately putting the smartphone in a plastic bag or container, and then transferring the container with the phone to the nearest service center as quickly as possible.

    If the gadget stops turning on after getting wet, then the chances of it being repaired are minimal. If service center

    1. is not nearby, then do the following:
    2. immediately turn off the phone and take it to the service center without turning it on;
    3. check the moisture indicator. It is located in the headphone jack. If water gets inside, the color of the indicator will change from white to red; If you notice that the indicators are red, immediately remove them from the phone battery

    . To do everything correctly, we recommend watching training videos from professionals on the Internet.

    If everything is done on time and correctly, then the chances of restoring your favorite phone increase significantly.

    Photo: location of the humidity indicator in the iPhone 5s

    It is worth saying that after the water it will no longer be possible to profitably resell the phone, except to an ignorant person.

    Voltage drops Apple technology is very demanding on the quality of the incoming current; accordingly, their chargers are made in a special way and have a complex design and operating principle. If you don't charge original device

    , then even a small voltage surge can damage the smartphone.

    Photo: original iPhone 5s charger

    When the voltage drops, the power controller mentioned above suffers. It can be replaced, the cost, thank God, is small, but an unpleasant aftertaste remains, and you don’t want to part with your favorite gadget for a long time.

    The battery is old

    A failed battery is another reason why the iPhone 5s won’t turn on. This happens rarely so far, since the phone went on sale relatively recently, but the further, the more often phone owners are faced with this problem. There is only one way out - replace the battery, you can’t do anything with it. Photo: original battery

    We recommend purchasing a new battery only from a licensed service center. Apple Center, so you can insure yourself against buying a fake.

    Before purchasing, be sure to take your phone for diagnostics to determine whether the problem is really in the battery. In official service centers, diagnostics are free.

    If the battery, after charging, holds a charge less and less, and one day the device simply does not turn on, then the problem is 99% in the battery.

    iPhone 5s won't turn on

    There can be many reasons why the phone does not turn on, and all of them relate not only to our today’s hero, the iPhone 5S.

    Won't turn on due to broken charging connector

    If the phone is discharged and does not turn on when charging, or does not react at all to connecting the cable, then most likely there is a problem with the socket. It breaks very rarely, but it gets clogged all the time. Those who just bought an iPhone 5S have not yet encountered this problem, but there is still more to come.

    The connector becomes heavily clogged with dirt, fluff, and other debris, as a result of which the clogs block the charging and connector contacts and they no longer touch.

    Photo: example of how the charging cable connector can be dirty

    You can clean the connector with a regular toothpick, but it is not advisable; if you are careless, you can damage the contacts, and then you will have to replace the connector altogether, and this is already a considerable amount of money. Much would be better suited balloon with compressed air , but due to the fact that you only need to clean one phone, no one will buy it, except perhaps service centers. By the way, some service centers can clean the sockets with compressed air, thank you, they appreciate regular customers

    and they want there to be more of them.

    It is also worth noting that if you charge with a non-original charger, it can deform the socket, after which standard charging will not work correctly.

    After car charging

    The problem is that some people don’t know how to choose the right car charger for their iPhone. People are trying to save money, so they buy the cheapest options, which are not always of at least average quality.

    1. After using a low-quality charger, the following may fail:
    2. battery;
    3. charging connector;
    4. power controller;

    specific power supply circuit.

    As you can see, small savings on a charger can result in a decent amount of repairs. If the phone stops turning on after using a low-quality, there is nothing left to do but take it to the service center.

    There is no point in trying to determine the breakdown yourself, or, moreover, to repair the smartphone, since with inexperienced hands you can render the phone unusable.

    After the firmware

    iPhone is a very complex piece of technology; we do not recommend reflashing it yourself under any circumstances. If you make even a small mistake, you could end up with a phone that never rings again, or that never turns on again.

    1. There are a lot of reasons why the iPhone 5S does not turn on after flashing, but there are three most common: The Nor Flash chip is broken. She is responsible for normal work GSM module
    2. . Without this chip, the smartphone will not make calls, since the settings of all operators in the country are saved in it. The problem is solved by replacing the microcircuit at a service center; the microcircuit has failed NAND Flash . She is responsible for the safety of personal data, that is, programs, notes, contacts, photos, music, and so on. Solved as previous problem
    3. , replacing the microcircuit at a service center. Wrong installed firmware . Take the phone to an official service center, let them install a normal, working and stable version


    Unsuccessful updates can also be attributed to this section.

    Video: Short circuit detection method

    After the fall

    If your phone does not turn on after being dropped from a great height, take it to a specialist. There is no way to do this without diagnostics. If external damage does not have such a strong impact on operation, then internal damage is quite capable of completely destroying the phone. The most popular internal breakdowns during iPhone falling

    1. 5S: damage;
    2. printed circuit board

    disconnection or damage to the cable. In the first case, you cannot do without a specialist. Repairing a printed circuit board is very difficult, it is difficult for an ignorant person to get it necessary details

    almost impossible. As for the cable, it is enough to order an analogue of the damaged one and replace it. There is nothing complicated, you don’t even need to solder anything. In some cases, you can just put it in place and everything will work.

    The most important thing is to watch the corresponding master classes on the Internet before disassembling the phone, otherwise some elements may be seriously damaged.

    After replacing the display If the display is changed at a service center, then everything should be fine, but if you change it at home, and without much experience working with Apple phones, a problem may await you at any second. Something is slightly caught, and that’s it; when you try to turn it on, a “surprise” may await you.

    iPhone 5s won't turn on, apple lights up

    If, when you turn on your smartphone, it gives you the branded “apple” and does not want to boot further, this means only one thing – the firmware has failed. It is worth noting that in this case all your personal data from the phone will be lost. To prevent this from happening in the future, we advise you to constantly update backups

    . If the apple is on fire, your data is lost. This is to put it briefly.

    There is only one solution - take it to a service center to restore the firmware. In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what problem happens to your favorite iPhone

    5s, immediately take it to the service center! Do not try to fix the problem yourself, otherwise there is a high chance that you will have to buy a new phone.

    The iPhone line is the most popular phones in the world, breaking all sales records. After purchase they become favorites.

    Even if the breakdown seems insignificant, you should not take the risk, because the amount you plan to save may increase significantly to eliminate the breakdown after your repair.

    will be discussed below.

    Causes and solutionsHow to turn on iPhone 5s if it won't turn on? The solution to this problem will be discussed below.Causes of malfunction:

    there can be many, but the most common

    iPhone 5s

    The power controller is an element that is responsible for charging and correct operation of the device’s battery. The reason for failure may be a low-quality charger (a cheap Chinese counterfeit of the original iPhone charger), the phone being dropped, or water getting inside.

    So, before doing anything, we strongly advise you to take the device to a service center, where they will determine the exact cause of the breakdown.

    If the controller does break down, it needs to be carefully re-soldered. It’s better not to try on your own; you might damage the board, and it’s not cheap, especially for the iPhone 5s.

    Video: iPhone 5s repair

    Water ingress If you manage to drop your phone in water or some other liquid, experts recommend immediately putting the smartphone in a plastic bag or container, and then transferring the container with the phone to the nearest service center as quickly as possible.

    The most interesting thing is that the failure of the power controller can be similar in symptoms to a battery failure, so many people buy a new battery. Imagine their surprise when the phone does not work even with a new battery!

    1. is not nearby, then do the following:
    2. immediately turn off the phone and take it to the service center without turning it on;
    3. So, before doing anything, we strongly advise you to take the device to a service center, where they will determine the exact cause of the breakdown.
    4. . To do everything correctly, we recommend watching training videos from professionals on the Internet.

      Photo: location of the humidity indicator in the iPhone 5s

      It is worth saying that after the water it will no longer be possible to profitably resell the phone, except to an ignorant person.

      If there is no service center nearby, then do the following:

      Photo: original iPhone 5s charger

      When the voltage drops, the power controller mentioned above suffers. It can be replaced, the cost, thank God, is small, but an unpleasant aftertaste remains, and you don’t want to part with your favorite gadget for a long time.

      The battery is old

      We recommend buying a new battery exclusively from a licensed Apple service center, this way you can insure yourself against buying a counterfeit.

      Before purchasing, be sure to take your phone for diagnostics to determine whether the problem is really in the battery. In official service centers, diagnostics are free.

      If the battery, after charging, holds a charge less and less, and one day the device simply does not turn on, then the problem is 99% in the battery.

      iPhone 5s won't turn on

      There can be many reasons why the phone does not turn on, and all of them relate not only to our today’s hero, the iPhone 5S.

      Won't turn on due to broken charging connector

      If the phone is discharged and does not turn on when charging, or does not react at all to connecting the cable, then most likely there is a problem with the socket. It breaks very rarely, but it gets clogged all the time. Those who just bought an iPhone 5S have not yet encountered this problem, but there is still more to come.

      Photo: example of how the charging cable connector can be dirty

      Before purchasing, be sure to take your phone for diagnostics to determine whether the problem is really in the battery. In official service centers, diagnostics are free.

      and they want there to be more of them.

      It is also worth noting that if you charge with a non-original charger, it can deform the socket, after which standard charging will not work correctly.

      After car charging

      The problem is that some people don’t know how to choose the right car charger for their iPhone. People are trying to save money, so they buy the cheapest options, which are not always of at least average quality.

      1. After using a low-quality charger, the following may fail:
      2. battery;
      3. charging connector;
      4. power controller;

      specific power supply circuit.

      A can of compressed air would be much better, but since you only need to clean one phone, no one will buy it, except perhaps service centers. By the way, some service centers can clean the sockets with compressed air for a thank you; they value regular customers and want to have more of them.

      There is no point in trying to determine the breakdown yourself, or, moreover, to repair the smartphone, since with inexperienced hands you can render the phone unusable.

      After the firmware

      iPhone is a very complex piece of technology; we do not recommend reflashing it yourself under any circumstances. If you make even a small mistake, you could end up with a phone that never rings again, or that never turns on again.

      1. If your phone stops turning on after using a low-quality car charger, there is nothing left to do but take it to a service center. There is no point in trying to determine the breakdown yourself, or, moreover, to repair the smartphone, since with inexperienced hands you can render the phone unusable. The Nor Flash chip is broken. She is responsible for normal
      2. GSM operation
      3. module. Without this chip, the smartphone will not make calls, since the settings of all operators in the country are saved in it. The problem is solved by replacing the microcircuit at a service center;


      Unsuccessful updates can also be attributed to this section.

      Video: Short circuit detection method

      After the fall

      The NAND Flash chip has failed. She is responsible for the safety of personal data, that is, programs, notes, contacts, photos, music, and so on. It can be solved, like the previous problem, by replacing the microcircuit at a service center.

      1. Incorrectly installed firmware. Take your phone to an official service center and have them install a normal, working and stable version of iOS.
      2. printed circuit board

      The most popular internal failures when an iPhone 5S is dropped:

      almost impossible. As for the cable, it is enough to order an analogue of the damaged one and replace it. There is nothing complicated, you don’t even need to solder anything. In some cases, you can just put it in place and everything will work.

      The most important thing is to watch the corresponding master classes on the Internet before disassembling the phone, otherwise some elements may be seriously damaged.

      damage to the printed circuit board;

      iPhone 5s won't turn on, apple lights up

      If, when you turn on your smartphone, it gives you the branded “apple” and does not want to boot further, this means only one thing – the firmware has failed.

      . If the apple is on fire, your data is lost. This is to put it briefly.

      It is worth noting that in this case all your personal data from the phone will be lost. To prevent this from happening in the future, we advise you to constantly update your backups. If the apple is on fire, your data is lost. This is to put it briefly.

      5s, immediately take it to the service center! Do not try to fix the problem yourself, otherwise there is a high chance that you will have to buy a new phone.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what problem happens to your beloved iPhone 5s, immediately take it to a service center! Do not try to fix the problem yourself, otherwise there is a high chance that you will have to buy a new phone.

    Articles and Lifehacks Sometimes iPhone owners

    They are faced with a problem when the iPhone suddenly turns off and does not turn on.

    If you do not consider trivial options, when you simply forgot to charge the battery in time, then, most likely, the problem is that the boot partition of the device is damaged. Problem mentioned

    can be solved if you try to restore the partition by connecting the device in DFU mode.

    • So, step by step instructions
    • You need to connect the gadget to your computer using a USB cable.
    • Then the smartphone must be completely turned off. button Power must be kept pressed about three seconds . button Home button without letting go , need to press And hold during.
    • 10 Seconds button Then the button . button you can release the button continue.
    hold for 15 seconds After performing these manipulations, nothing should be displayed on the iPhone screen. If there is USB cable

    or logo, the process must be repeated.

    After its completion, the operating system of the PC or laptop will inform the user that a new device has been detected. If all the steps described are completed correctly, you can try to boot into normal mode . For this you need hold for 10 seconds button press . button buttons button.

    . When they are released, you can turn on the device with the usual press

    After this, the problem when it turns off and refuses to turn on usually disappears.

    What to do if the device still does not turn on after the steps taken This is usually due to the fact that recovery running operating system If all of the above measures were unsuccessful, and the iPhone does not want to function normally, you will have to use the services of a specialist. The service center will try to solve the problem.

    Even Apple gadgets are susceptible to software glitches. If your iPhone 5 s or iPad suddenly does not turn on, what should you do in such a situation? The action plan depends on the cause of the problem, which we will now examine in detail.

    When the iPhone turns off and does not turn on, most likely the device is simply dead. This can happen even with a recently fully charged battery - if the device spent a lot of time in the cold or one of the running applications froze, the batteries discharge very quickly. In this case, connect your smartphone to the charger and leave it for 15 minutes or longer, the battery will gain some charge and the iPhone will automatically turn on.

    When the phone starts charging, you can press any button and an image of a battery with a red stripe will appear on the screen. This means that the battery is being powered normally, even if the device is not yet turned on while charging. If, after connecting the wire, you only see a black screen for a long time, check that the cable and iPhone connector are working properly. Try using a different one original cable, clean the connector from small debris and dust.

    If the device shows that it is charging, but does not turn on, try restarting it. Immediately hold down the “Home” button and turn off the power; on iPhone 7/7+ – instead of “Home”, use the volume down key. Hold both buttons for 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the display. Press the keys and wait for iOS to load.

    Doesn't respond to buttons

    If your smartphone is frozen so that the display shows running application, but the gadget does not respond to buttons, even to physical keys, give it a hard reboot. Press and hold “Home” (on iPhone 7/7+ – volume down key) and the power button – the screen should go dark. This means that the iPhone turns off, then it automatically boots up, and the screensaver of the phone turning on appears.

    Application frozen

    What to do if only one application freezes or stops working? You need to unload it from memory, because in iOS, when you click on “Home”, programs do not turn off, but only minimize. Quickly tap Home twice, scroll through the list of apps that are stuck, and swipe up to close them. The same method helps when the device slows down - periodically close everything unnecessary programs, to free iPhone memory and slow down battery drain.

    Freezes on loading

    When the iPhone 5 does not turn on completely - the device starts loading, but does not complete it, remaining with a red or blue screen, repeat the following steps:

    1. Connect your phone to your PC with a cable and launch iTunes.
    2. If the gadget does not turn on, force restart it - hold down the power and Home buttons (on iPhone 7 - mute and volume down), wait for the apple to appear on the screen.
    3. Hold the buttons until the iTunes icon appears on the display.
    4. The program will ask you to update or restore your smartphone; click on “Update”. The reinstallation of iOS will begin, but the user data will not be destroyed.

    In the fourth step, you will need an Internet connection to boot the system. If you have a slow channel and the download lasts longer than 15 minutes, you will have to reboot the device again, which will have time to exit recovery mode.

    After update

    If your iPhone does not turn on after the update, you yourself uploaded the latest firmware to the phone, but it turned off and does not respond to any actions, you will have to update it again. For the iPhone to boot, press “Home”, connect the gadget with a cable to the computer and wait for the iTunes icon on the display - then release the button. Open iTunes on your PC, click on the only button - restore device. Finally, reboot your smartphone.

    After the fall

    If the iPhone is dropped and does not turn on, although there is no visible major damage, most likely one of the cables came loose when it fell. Try rebooting the device, if this does not work - it is better to solve this problem at a service center, especially if the phone is still under warranty. But mechanical damage are not warranty cases, so you will have to pay for repairs.

    At complete shutdown you can spin your smartphone yourself, remove back cover and inspect the contact - but only if you are confident enough that you will not damage the microcircuits even more by your actions.

    After drowning

    If water gets on your phone - it doesn’t matter whether it fell into a puddle or it was a few drops of condensation - how to turn on your iPhone? The main rule in such a situation is to never try to turn on the device. Otherwise, a short circuit will occur, and even the service center will not be able to help you.

    • Use paper towels to thoroughly wipe the iPhone, thoroughly blot all connectors.
    • Take a bag of dry rice, put your smartphone inside and close it tightly. It is advisable to remove the battery before doing this and place it in the figure as well.
    • After a day, take out the device, wipe off dust and leave it to charge. After 15 minutes, try turning on the phone again.

    If the iPhone 5s does not turn on after all the steps and does not charge, take it to a service center. Do not try to dry microcircuits with a hairdryer or in the hot sun - you risk overheating and melting the contacts.

    “Eternal apple” mode

    iOS crashes - as a result incorrect update, firmware or jailbreak – sometimes they put the device into “ eternal apple" At the same time, you see a dark black screen on which the apple periodically lights up and goes out. If normal restore via iTunes does not turn on and attempts are unsuccessful, try hard reset settings.

    Withdraw iPhone 5s or other Apple device firmware will help you out of this situation Recovery mode mode or DFU. In the first mode it will happen full reset gadget settings, it will return to factory settings. In the second, a deeper update is launched, with restoration system components iOS. Both modes can be launched if you have forgotten the device password.

    DFU mode solves the most difficult problems. To get into it, hold down the device's power off key after 3 seconds. Additionally, press “Home” or volume down – for iPhone 7 – for 10 seconds, release the power, and hold the second button until the boot sound. Connect to iTunes, start recovery.

    Complex problems

    There are a number additional problems problems that cannot be dealt with on your own - they can only be resolved at a service center:

    • The screen went blank and does not turn on after charging and rebooting.
    • The phone turned on, it works - you can hear alert melodies, there is vibration, but the display goes out and remains black.
    • The screen does not respond to touches.
    • Physical buttons are broken.
    • The device is frozen with the Apple logo on and is not detected in iTunes.

    Experts will determine why the gadget does not turn on and how to fix it.


    Now you know what to do if your iPhone won't turn on. Complex problems It’s better to entrust it to the service center specialists, but small ones can often be cured by recharging, rebooting or flashing the firmware. Therefore, if the iPhone 6 suddenly stops turning on, this is not a death sentence; you can perform most of the recovery steps yourself.