Where to look for subscribers? Why do you need a large subscriber base?

Email marketing is one of the relatively inexpensive tools for attracting new subscribers and increasing customer loyalty. On almost any Internet resource, regardless of the topic, you can organize a newsletter and offer readers useful information. Therefore, more and more budding entrepreneurs are interested in email newsletters, and online media are publishing more and more materials on this topic.

I recently answered questions about email marketing for Kontur magazine. And since this topic has been overlooked by you and me, I decided that this is a good reason to talk about mailings here too.

So, here are a few common questions from newbies about email marketing:

  • where to look for subscribers;
  • how to persuade them to leave contacts;
  • what should be the volume of the base;
  • from whom to send the newsletter;
  • how to work with negativity;
  • What mistakes are best not to make?

1. Where to look for subscribers?

Where they are found. :) Remember, we talked to you more than once. Where your audience spends time on the Internet is where the meeting with your newsletter should take place.

Subscription forms are placed on the landing page or website of the newsletter author, less often on third party resources. Traffic is attracted different ways. The main ones are affiliate recommendations, advertising in in social networks, SEO promotion, contextual advertising. Testing will help you figure out what works best for a specific project. In my case, it definitely comes first word of mouth and affiliate promotion.

2. We found a cluster of audiences - how to collect contacts now?

Let's be real: no one subscribes to a newsletter simply because the subscription page has a nice design. People want to benefit. What might it be like in your case? There are not many options, they all work:

  • blog updates if your content is very interesting;
  • an e-book or video tutorial, if the topic is relevant;
  • subscribing to information about new products, if customers in your business value them;
  • receiving discounts and gifts if subscribers are entitled to them.

3. How many subscribers should I get?

There is no clear recommendation on this matter. The size of the database is far from the most important indicator of mailing success. Although, of course, it’s cool to have a base of one hundred thousand. 🙂 But it’s still more important to know the indicators of email open rates, link clicks, and subscriber monetization. Marketing from the Basics has a relatively small base compared to some market players. However, other indicators allow us to consider the project profitable.

There is one more important point: recruiting subscribers is a permanent process. Any database becomes outdated over time, that is, the content becomes irrelevant for subscribers. My newsletter is read by people starting their own business. But rarely does anyone start a business 10 years in a row, right? Accordingly, our roads diverge sooner or later.

What the rate of recruitment of new subscribers should be also depends on the specifics of the project. Some databases become obsolete slowly. For example, an online store of professional cosmetics can work with its clients for years. But a lactation consultant’s database will become outdated faster: after all, children are growing, so the database should be replenished quite dynamically.

4. On whose behalf should I send the newsletter and how to sign?

If it is customary to put a signature during personal correspondence, then what to do with mass mailing? It all depends on the concept. The “From” field may contain:

  • the name of the company or project, if the audience is not familiar with specific individuals in the project;
  • the name of the newsletter author, if there is a personal brand;
  • the name of the company employee, if readers perceive such communication as more personal;
  • name of the employee/author + name of the company/project, just to be sure:) or if different employees are writing on behalf of the company.

Accordingly, if the mailing itself is carried out from a specific person, then the name and signature of the person is placed below. If information about promotions or discounts is sent out, for example in Yves Rocher or Bonprix, then the signature may be missing or look like this: “With love, company...”

Important! Regardless of who your newsletter comes from, people should be able to respond to the letter. Don't send emails with notes like " this address does not work, if you want to contact us, write to [email protected]» . The reader is pleased to know that “on the other end” there is not a robot, but a living person to whom you can ask a question or - which is also important -. Subscribers often write to me, I always read the letters and answer them.

5. How to deal with negativity and what to do with people who unsubscribe?

There are three types of negative reactions:

  • the “spam” button is activated;
  • unsubscribe (people are removed from your database);
  • angry letters to the author - mainly from those who cannot find how to unsubscribe.

In general, it is better to say goodbye to a subscriber than to try to impose uninteresting and unnecessary information on him. But there are nuances.

In the first case, it is better for the author of the newsletter to remove the subscriber himself, although this is difficult: everyone is attracted through considerable effort. But we must remember that mailing services have a spam rating. The more people in your database who click on “spam”, the worse your performance.

In the second case (when a person unsubscribes himself), you can try to unobtrusively return the subscriber using a new interesting offer. For example, as in the picture below: the example is not the most successful, but from those that were at hand.

If a person is bombarded with negative letters from the author of the mailing list, you can unsubscribe him yourself or try to communicate with him. In my practice, there was a case when, after communication, a dissatisfied subscriber came to personal consultation and turned into a loyal customer.

Mass mailing is the main tool for online sales, whether you have an information business, an online store, offer services, or work with affiliate programs. To successfully run a mailing list, you need a subscriber base, some of which will become your clients in the future.

Now you will learn how to quickly gain subscribers, get acquainted with the main mailing services and find step-by-step instructions for creating them. Technically, creating mailing lists of letters and SMS are not fundamentally different, so we will consider mailing list:

The whole process comes down to three points:

  1. Creating the newsletter itself.
  2. Compose a letter or series of letters (SMS messages).
  3. Generating a subscription form.

After that, you just need to place the subscription form on the site. It can be placed on each page of the site (as an option - a pop-up window), or you can create a separate one subscription page or several, for different mailings. We’ll talk about how to quickly build a subscriber base below, and now let’s talk about mailing services. Naturally, newcomers are interested free newsletter.

Here you will find step by step instructions By creating a newsletter in Smartresponder. This service allows you to send a newsletter for free until the number of subscribers exceeds 1000, and send up to 50,000 letters per month. Smartresponder has advanced tools and a clear interface.

If the letter contains many links, it may end up in spam. Therefore, experienced information businessmen create a closed section on the website for subscribers, which contains the promised materials in unlimited quantities.

I recommend the “MemberLux” course, which comes with a script that allows you to create a closed section of the site, and the video instructs in detail how to install it and configure everything. The script is paid, it is intended for professional conducting information business. Integrates with payment systems and the main mailing services.

But you can make a closed section yourself or order it from a specialist, which will allow you to use another method that will speed up the recruitment of subscribers. As a bait magnet you can use jQuery slider with many pictures, and this ensures maximum growth of the subscription base. It doesn't get any faster.

Note to newbies: 1) on the above-mentioned services it is possible to export and import the subscription database, which allows you to retain your subscribers when “moving”. 2) There are two types of mailings. Automatic— consists of a series of letters that are sent at a specified time interval. For example, a subscriber receives the first letter immediately after subscribing (interval - 0), and subsequent ones - once a week. Instant— allows you to send an “unscheduled” letter to a specific segment of subscribers or all at once.

Here is located detailed instructions to create your own subscription forms, and we just have to figure it out last topic- writing a letter. The best way to do this is to use typical pattern a “selling” letter that can be transformed for different situations.

Letter template with “selling” text

  1. Hook - the headline should immediately attract attention, promising a visible result.
  2. Problem - describe the buyer’s difficult situation, saying you were in the same situation yourself. But I found a way out, and now it’s a completely different matter: the problem is gone.
  3. The solution is to demonstrate a product that combines your experience and work. This is an instruction that will solve a “painful” problem.
  4. Evidence is provided by statistics and favorable reviews from the lucky people who have used the product.
  5. The price is more of a justification here, they say, for others it is higher, but the quality is higher for me. And I put more of my soul into it.
  6. Guarantee - technical assistance and a money-back guarantee if the product does not solve the problem. You can be generous - less than 1% of buyers require a return.
  7. The incentive is to receive a bonus if you manage to order today. Moreover, tomorrow the product may be snapped up.
  8. Order - an offer to buy right now, indicating how to pay and receive the order. The goal is to turn the client away from thinking and making a purchase later.

The letter template is very approximate, it can be rearranged: add and remove points. Don’t try to write lengthy texts - no one reads them. You need to clearly formulate proposals, and not spread your thoughts “on the asphalt.” The tone of the letter should be confident - you clearly know what you are offering, and it will undoubtedly benefit your recipient.

The key concepts are competence and trust.
Here is an adapted example of a letter (comic):

  • How to get a jacket for dad Carlo in 1 day

  • Hello, rich Buratino!

  • Your dad probably doesn’t have a jacket and is very cold. I, too, once worried about my dad, but now he’s no longer cold.

  • It is enough to plant 5 gold pieces on the Field of Miracles and say a spell, and the next morning a beautiful golden tree will grow there. This will give you the opportunity to buy as many as 100 jackets. I will tell you this secret.

  • The fathers of many theater workers have not suffered from cold for 7 years.

  • Think about it, 5 coins for a golden tree is not a price. Other experts ask to bury 8-10, and their tree grows unsightly.

  • If for some reason the tree doesn't grow, you can dig the coins back up. A certificate for the tree and a tram ticket are included.

  • This must be done tonight while the moon is full. And we get a free dinner: 6 fried crucian carp, a smaller fish.

  • We can meet today at 17:00 at the Three Minnows tavern and don’t forget 5 gold. Winter is just around the corner and putting off purchasing a warm jacket is simply stupid.

  • Your friends, Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat!

Both services, Smartresponder and JustClick, have a tool for split testing messages. You compose two versions of one letter, and the system randomly sends them to a certain percentage of subscribers. Based on the statistics received: the number of emails opened, links clicked, the system selects the best option and sends it to other subscribers.

This can be done many times, “polishing” the text of the letter and bringing it to perfection. The activity is creative and interesting. Good luck!

Review of mailing services- comparison by price and features!

How to collect a subscriber base? 4-step algorithm Reviewed by https://plus.google.com/u/0/106316628551306822086 on Oct 27 Rating: 4.0

Greetings, dear friends and colleagues!

How can you build a subscriber base? How to do this as quickly, efficiently and in some cases without investment?

If you have started to engage in information business or are just thinking about it, you undoubtedly have these and similar questions.

Eat great amount ways to collect your subscriber base. I won’t be able to talk about them all in one article, but about the most basic options For quick start I'll be happy to tell you.

*All the methods that will be listed below imply the fact that you already have a subscription page on which you give away a useful product for a subscription. If you don’t have one yet, then you can create one according to the lesson.

Make a note for yourself small algorithm:

  1. Social networks
  2. Email newsletter:
    • Partners
    • Buying advertising in mailings
  3. VK targeting

Let's go through each point separately and analyze it.

How to build a subscriber base for free

Method number 1 – post a subscription page on a social network.

When you have a product and have something to give for a subscription, the first thing you need to do and something that absolutely does not require money from you is to place information on Your accounts on social networks.

Method number 2 – post it on your website: in the sidebar, in the article, make some kind of corner, for example, like I have at the top, or a pop-up window, or a line that comes up from the bottom and invites the visitor to subscribe.

Paid methods of recruiting a subscription base

The good thing about targeted advertising is that you know exactly who the ad is going to. You are painting a portrait of yourself potential client and in the settings for targeted advertising you set the parameters. For example, that this will be a woman from 45 to 60 years old, who is interested in psychology, she is married, she has children. And you clearly show this advertisement to this target audience.

Apply at least this and you are guaranteed to have 10,000 subscribers. There will already be something to work with...

Constantly test and find the most effective ways specifically for your sales funnels...

Make something unique and interesting photos graphies This may seem too obvious, but one of the better ways get followers on Instagram - take interesting photos. Instagram is filled with photos of food and cats, so fill your page with quality photos.

  • Try to take photos that interest you target audience. If you get it right with the chosen direction, people will be more willing to follow you.
  • A good photo does not mean “perfect”. Good ones are ordinary photos, the flaws of which make them even more interesting and capable of evoking feelings.
  • Reduce the number of selfies to a minimum. Everyone loves to post a selfie from time to time, but you shouldn't let those photos dominate your page. Most followers don't want to see you, they want to see your photos. By constantly posting selfies, you can earn a reputation as a narcissist and lose followers. There is one exception - you are attractive in appearance. In this case, you can attract subscribers by publishing a large number of beautiful selfies. But even under such conditions, they should not dominate!

Add filters. Instagram has become popular due to its filters option. With these filters you can adjust the color of your photos, thereby bringing them to life. Instagram offers a variety of filters, so don't be afraid to try it out. all sorts of options until you find one that suits your photos.

  • Don't use the same filters or your photos will become too similar.
  • If a photo looks great without a filter, there is a popular hashtag #nofilter. Use it!
  • If you can't find good filter, use a third party editor, e.g. Google Photos, which has many different filters not available on Instagram.
  • Make a title for each photo. Good title can turn an ordinary photograph amazing, and if you manage to make people laugh with your headline, it will attract more people to subscribe. Jokes or cute headlines are especially popular.

    Use apps to expand your editing capabilities. Instagram only allows for some minor editing, while the variety of apps for both iOS and Android can greatly increase the number of tools you can use. Use these apps to brighten, darken, crop, add text, and many other effects.

  • Create collages. Great way show a gradual action, or a collection of photos - make a collage and post it on Instagram. There are several apps that allow you to do this, including PicStitch, InstaCollage, and InstaPicFrame.

    Post your photos to the right time. Instagram is an incredibly popular service, and your followers' news is constantly updated. If you want your photos to be seen as much as possible large quantity man, you need to post them at the right time. Best time for photos - morning or time after the end of the working day of most of your subscribers.