Why can't I go to YouTube. YouTube is not working, what should I do? YouTube video hosting: current problems

YouTube is considered the most popular and convenient video— hosting, one of the most visited sites in the world. On this resource you can watch interesting films, new clips, news releases, programs, amateur videos and much more.
The main difference between YouTube video hosting and similar resources is its uninterrupted operation, as well as fast loading any videos. But despite this, there are times when it is impossible to open this video— hosting or watch videos on it.
What reasons can cause interruptions in the operation of YouTube and how to deal with them? If YouTube does not open, first make sure you have installed current version Adobe Flash Player, because without it you won’t be able to watch a single video. The outdated version needs to be updated. If the problem is due to Adobe Flash Player— after this manipulation, YouTube should start working.
If YouTube does not open, you can try accessing this video hosting from another browser. If everything worked out, it means that some errors occurred with the first browser. In this case, you need to clear the cache and check your browser settings. If this does not help, it is better to reinstall it again.
Another reason why you can’t access YouTube is incorrect work video card drivers. In this case, you can fix the problem by updating it to the latest version.
If even after these steps you cannot access YouTube, there are free anonymizers, one of which can be used. More and more often, situations are observed when a provider or network administrator prohibits access to certain sites by blocking them. IN in this case An anonymizer will help you successfully bypass the ban. To be able to use YouTube without restrictions in the future, call the provider.
The problem with loading YouTube may also be due to the tricks of viruses. To reveal this fact you need to check the folder at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. After all, some viruses can redirect official version YouTube to another place.
In rare cases, it is not possible to open YouTube as a result of possible server failures, hacker attacks, or the resource is included in the list of prohibited connections.
In this case, panic is not appropriate - you need to wait a little and try again in a couple of hours. If after performing all the described manipulations YouTube still does not open, contact support. YouTube users

, where you can bring your problem directly to the official representatives of this video hosting. If you can’t watch your favorite video, or download a new video, the question immediately arises: what to do if YouTube doesn’t work?

Before blaming the admins of the largest video hosting site for problems on the site, check to see if everything is in order with your PC. As a rule, YouTube problems can most often arise precisely because of problems with your device, rather than due to poor performance of the site. YouTube is the largest video platform in the world. Therefore, his administration and tech. support try to do everything possible for normal operation

resource. However, there is still a possibility that maintenance is being carried out on the site. work. To eliminate this, first of all, if you notice poor performance of YouTube, go to the host from your phone or tablet or ask your friend to do it. If everything works fine, then the problem lies in your PC.

YouTube does not work on the computer, what to do? What are the causes of problems and most importantly, what to do if YouTube doesn't work on your computer? First, try taking the simplest step possible - opening YouTube on a different browser. The main reason why the site froze is bad job

your browser. Install the latest version provided, restart your PC and log into YouTube again.

Also look at how well the Internet works. If its speed is low, which often happens on weekends, the videos will be difficult to load. Try contacting your ISP to find out this problem. Wifi works great, but you still can’t watch anything? Perhaps the YouTube address is on the list of prohibited sites that your PC is blocking. To eliminate this problem, go to the firewall and see if YouTube is included in the field of dangerous sites? If you are trying to access video hosting from desktop PC on each of them you can enter the YouTube address. These resources will automatically change your IP. You can continue to track And on your channel.

Also, the problem with accessing YouTube may be that your PC has picked up viruses. Scanning or a radical reinstallation of the OS will help here. If only the videos are not loading, you may be using an outdated Flash player. Restart it on the official website and visit the resource again. Also, some videos may not work because they are simply . The site administrators closely monitor that the posted clip does not violate anyone’s copyright. It should not only contain a unique record, but also . Those videos that don't match

this rule

, are permanently removed from YouTube. You can try to find them on other sites. Sound doesn't work on YouTube, what should I do? If

Sound doesn't work on YouTube

Before reinstalling drivers and looking for the cause in your PC, check your speakers. Open the mixer and make sure it displays a browser icon with an audio meter. If you haven't found it, most likely the problem is in your PC. If the icon is there and the sound slider is shown, return to the YouTube website. Open the volume in the video itself. Make sure there is no cross icon next to the setting image. Some videos are initially set up so that you have to turn on the sound yourself. Can't go to your favorite video hosting site and see what's happening on your channel? In this article we will look at the main reasons

Why won't YouTube open?

and doesn't want to work. Before blaming the site's maintenance, try to check if there are any problems with your PC. Perhaps YouTube does not want to work due to the fact that your wi-fi is frozen. Try rebooting and returning to the site again. YouTube has a large audience; people view the site every minute. great amount

  1. You are trying to access the site from your workplace. Most employers try to limit the operation of entertainment channels and websites so that people are not distracted from their main activities. Anonymizer Chameleon will help you overcome this difficulty. Enter the request into the search and open the first link that the browser shows. Insert the YouTube link into the only field on the site. Try accessing the channel through the resource.
  2. Various viruses that have accumulated on a PC can limit the operation of YouTube. Try running a scan, defragment the disk, removing all unused files and folders.
  3. Do you use outdated version browser.
  4. Download another browser and try logging in through it.
  5. Also, you can find a new version in your browser add-ons and update the existing one. Interruptions in the operation of YouTube and the inability to access the site occur if you are surfing the Internet using a proxy service. Disable the proxy in your network settings and navigate to the site again. Everything should work. Insufficient cache memory can also cause the service to shut down. Clear your history, delete all accumulated and unnecessary downloads. To go down in history

browser views And , tap the 3 gray lines icon in the top right in Yandex and on the left in Opera. Select "history". Delete all browsing information for the coming month.

If you haven't achieved any results after trying all the methods, you still haven't been able to go to the channel and watch

, then you need to call a specialist to help you solve this problem. Before that, you should really ask your friend to go to YouTube and see if the service works. Suddenly you find yourself on the very day when technical work is still underway here. Why YouTube won't open on my computer, So we found out everything possible reasons Why doesn't YouTube open on my computer? In most cases, it will take you no more than half an hour of your time to eliminate them. Of course, provided that you have not contracted a serious infection on your PC.

If you urgently need to access the site, do it from your gadget. YouTube provides users similar version , you will need to log in to Google mail. Then, just like on a PC, you will be able to view clips and upload videos. For greater convenience, you can find the surf & watch application in the app store. With this utility, you can watch videos in more high quality

, and also listen to your favorite tracks and concerts even on a locked screen.

One of the problems that a Yandex Browser user may encounter is a non-working video on the most popular video hosting site YouTube. In some cases, the videos may be slow, and sometimes they cannot even be played back. You don't have to change your web browser to watch videos comfortably again. It is much easier to find out the reason why playback does not work and get rid of it. There is no clear and specific solution to the problem that prevents you from watching videos on YouTube. For some people, just clearing the browser cache and cookies is enough to get everything working again. Other users will have to deal with viruses and their consequences. Don't forget that stable internet

can also fail. And if this is not so noticeable when going to sites with text and images, then the “heaviest” content - video - simply will not load. We will also briefly go through rare reasons

, which, nevertheless, can be encountered by any user of Yandex.Browser.

Cache full

Oddly enough, but the fullness of the cache of any web browser is the main reason why videos on YouTube do not work. The fact is that before playback, the service caches several seconds of the video so that the user can watch it without interruptions and fast forward. But if the browser cache is full, then problems with buffering may arise. Therefore, to get rid of junk in your browser, you need to clean it.

Removing cookies Sometimes deleting cached files may not help, then you should try clearing your browser cookies. In this case, you need to do the same as the first time, only you will need to check the box next to the “ Cookies».

and other site and module data

You can also clear both cache and cookies at the same time to save time and clean your browser at the same time.


Often the video does not play because virus or malware prevents it from doing so. In this case, it is enough to find the source of all troubles and eliminate it. This can be done with antivirus programs or scanners.

I would like to make a separate point about a common phenomenon - the traces that viruses leave behind. They change the content hosts file, which does not allow different actions, for example, watching videos on YouTube.

Low internet speed

If the video does start playing, but is constantly interrupted and takes a very long time to load, then perhaps the reason is not in the browser, not in the site itself, but in the speed of your Internet connection. You can check it using popular meters or.

Other Possible Problems

YouTube does not always work due to the above reasons. Sometimes the problem may be:

  1. YouTube interruptions.
  2. Problems in the browser itself, which can be resolved by updating/reinstalling.

So, today we will deal with a common situation where Youtube does not work. What to do in this case? There can be many reasons for this behavior. We will look at each of them, after which we will try to figure out how we can return everything to its previous course. So let's get started with today's problem.

Engineering works

The first reason why you may experience problems with a popular video site is when technical work or implementing updates. In this case, YouTube does not work not only for you, but for all users in general.

As a rule, it is customary to warn about such things in advance. You can check the news on the Internet to see if everything is okay with the site. If you have been notified of preventive work, you will have to be patient and wait until all the manipulations come to an end. Only then will you be able to fully use the hosting.

Fortunately, prevention and renewal are not very common occurrences. In this case, the waiting time for the site to resume operation may be no more than a few hours. The administration always tries to bring its resource back to life as quickly as possible.

No program

YouTube is a video hosting service that requires a special program to operate. Basically, like any other multimedia files, videos cannot be displayed on a computer without a so-called Flash player.

It can be noted that the absence this application entails not particularly pleasant consequences for the modern user - you won’t be able to view pictures or download a movie. Don't be surprised if your YouTube videos don't work on your brand new computer. Simply download the required “player”, install it and restart the browser. After these steps, the problem will disappear by itself. True, there are a number of exceptions. Now we will find out why YouTube does not load on the computer.

Hacker attack

It may also happen that our current video hosting will simply be attacked by hackers. In other words, they will try to hack it. As a result, the site will stop working for some time.

In order to understand what exactly caused the hacker “attack”, you can use special service"Current YouTube problems." Here you can see information about events that have occurred related to system failures.

Unfortunately, nothing depends on the users here. All we can do is just sit and wait for YouTube to be returned to us. As a rule, they try to bring video hosting back to life in the first hour. Usually the attempts are successful. A little patience and everything will return to normal.

Browser problem

Now that hacker attacks behind, you can use the site to its full potential. Or... not really. Sometimes users experience problems where YouTube does not work in a certain browser.

What to do in this situation? Just change the program you are using to access the Internet to a new one. Sometimes an update can help existing browser. True, in most cases it is necessary to completely change this program.

This kind of problem can occur even due to minor glitches in the system. For example, power surges (lights out in the apartment) or incorrect emergency shutdown of the computer. Predict behavior installed applications it can be very difficult. So don’t worry about how to set up YouTube in a broken browser. Just download the analogue, install it and enjoy life further. True, if this does not solve your problem, then you should think carefully about what else could be the matter.

No access

Quite often, users wonder why YouTube won’t load when one video works for them and another doesn’t. The thing is that hosting channels have so-called privacy settings.

They are the ones who can block access to strangers. True, then the system will give you a corresponding message about the reason why playing the video has become impossible.

In this case, you have no choice but to search for videos in open access. Or subscribe to the channel and receive permission to watch the video. Not the best the best option, if, for example, you are just having fun and watching funny and short “gags”. But in the case when access to important information is blocked, you can subscribe to another user’s channel.


YouTube also does not work for some users due to the presence of viruses. operating system. Some computer infections can block access to certain resources or addresses.

Just 6-7 years ago, viruses blocking access to websites sowed panic among users. Now this is not a problem. Even a novice user knows how to deal with this kind problem.

First, you will have to thoroughly clean your computer of viruses. It will help you with this antivirus program. Update the database, run deep check and then just wait for the results. Heal everything you can. Remove “unruly” objects. But that is not all.

Now you need to find in Windows folder file called host. It is in it that all prohibitions on sites are prescribed. It is located in the etc folder, which is located in drivers. But where to find this place? Of course, in System32. Open "Host" with notepad. After this, erase everything that was written in this file. Save the changes. If this is not possible, simply delete this file from a computer. This is done by holding shift and del. Restart your computer and try watching a video. Happened? Then all that remains is to adjust the YouTube quality during playback (if it does not suit you), and then safely download movies and videos.

Not enough space

True, among all the problems that can arise with YouTube, as a rule, there is one interesting “little thing”. It's about about a banal deficit free space on drive C.

Arises this problem because of modern users They completely forget about maintaining the operating system. Because of this, she begins to accumulate temporary files, which are not erased on their own when the computer is restarted. At one point, your photos, videos, and music stop loading. As a result, YouTube does not work. More precisely, it seems to be functioning, but cannot download this or that video for you.

In this case, there is nothing left but to try to free up space on your computer. For example, by cleaning the operating system registry. A special one will help you in this matter free utility called CCleaner. Just one click and you will start analyzing the state of your computer. One more click - and literally in a matter of seconds several gigabytes will be freed up in the operating system. And even more. After you put things in order on your computer, everything will return to normal.