Misinformation (deception). See pages where the term false information is mentioned

Disinformation is a way psychological impact, which consists in deliberately providing the enemy with information that misleads him regarding the true state of affairs.

Disinformation includes the use of deliberately false data and information. In this case it becomes a deception. The line between misinformation and deception is difficult to distinguish.

In 1922, English psychological warfare experts spoke very frankly (in an article published in the second volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica) on the relationship between disinformation, truth and deception:

“The truth is valuable only when it is effective. The complete truth is generally unnecessary and almost always leads to misconceptions. It is possible to use the truth only partially. Although the truth is not at all necessary for the success of propaganda, it does not follow from this that those who engage in propaganda are confirmed liars. Of course, the work of influencing public opinion sometimes involves people who neglect evidence or believe that the end justifies the means.

But the more appeals to feelings are made, be it patriotism or greed, pride or compassion, the more the feeling of criticism is muffled.

The suspicion that any obvious propaganda arouses reduces its effectiveness; From this it follows that the bulk of the work should be carried out unnoticed."

One of the first historical examples of the use of disinformation for military purposes comes from the Mongol invasion of Hungary in 1241. Having defeated the Hungarians and their allies on the Shayo River, the Mongols found the royal seal among the captured booty. By order of Batu, literate prisoners on behalf of King Bela wrote a decree in Hungarian to stop resistance, copies of which, sealed with the royal seal, were sent to different parts of the country that had not yet been completely conquered.

The Soviet military command used a similar technique during the suppression of the Hungarian uprising in 1956. It arrested the Minister of Defense of the rebel government, P. Maleter, who had arrived to negotiate the withdrawal of Soviet troops, and through the contact he provided military radio station transmitted the “order of the Minister of Defense” not to resist the Soviet troops.

Disinformation activities were carried out quite successfully by Soviet special propaganda agencies during the war in Afghanistan.

Disinformation (deception) in psychological warfare should be characterized by the absence of a pattern in form and content. So, one day, two photographs accidentally landed on the desk of General W. Charters, who headed the English military propaganda agencies during the First World War. One depicted the corpses of German soldiers being dragged behind the trench line for burial, and the other depicted the corpses of horses on the way to a soap factory. The general suddenly came up with the idea of ​​replacing the signature under the first photograph with another one, which stood under the second, and placing the material edited in this way in the newspapers. The photograph “German corpses on the way to a soap factory” soon went around all of Europe and America, causing disgust and contempt for the Germans.

Disinformation activities must be carried out according to a single plan; with careful coordination of the proportions of truth and lies (with maximum use plausible information); with the obligatory concealment of the true intentions, goals and tasks solved by one’s own troops.

Disinformation is widely used in all types of psychological operations.

In strategic operations, the main areas of disinformation are usually:

Misleading the future enemy regarding the true time of the start of hostilities and their nature;

Creating the illusion of preparing large-scale operations in false directions;

Wide coverage of “intractable” problems in the formation and combat training of headquarters and troop units;

“leakage” of deliberately inflated (underestimated) data on the transfer of one’s troops to various operational directions;

Exaggeration of the negative impact of climatic and living conditions on the moral and psychological state of troops;

Criticism of the “low quality” of weapons and equipment of their troops, their combat effectiveness;

Significant exaggeration of the combat capabilities of the enemy’s troops and weapons (to create unjustified self-confidence of his command and personnel);

Demonstration on TV of video materials about the progress of combat training in “necessary” operational areas.

The main tool of disinformation in strategic psychological operations is usually means mass media- print, radio, television.

In operational-tactical psychological operations, the main areas of disinformation are usually:

Dissemination of false information about the places of deployment and the nature of the actions of one’s troops, their professional training, moral and psychological state;

Spreading false information about demoralization military units enemy;

Dissemination of false orders, false instructions, commands, etc.

In this case, the tools of disinformation are mainly radio and print.

For example, during the Arab-Israeli War of 1973, when the Egyptian 4th Armored Division was moving forward to launch a counterattack, the Israelis entered its radio network and transmitted a false order to withdraw beyond Suez Canal. The order was accepted as true, the division turned back and the counterattack did not take place. Even earlier, from a cruise in neutral waters Mediterranean Sea Liberty type transport, Israeli specialists transmitted coded false orders in Arabic. For example, in the El-Arish area, Egyptian troops tried to create a defense, but having received an “order” from on board this ship, they left their positions without resistance.

Often, in order to hide the true dislocation of their troops, to simulate their transfer to other directions, they use sound broadcasting means of psychological operations units. Sound simulation of the movement of columns of tracked and wheeled vehicles is especially effective if the enemy lacks aviation and other operational reconnaissance assets. This was once again confirmed during the war in Chechnya in 1995. By using imitation noise, it was possible to disorient the formations of Chechen militants about real direction upcoming attack.

In addition, upon hearing the “noise of approaching equipment,” local residents left combat zones, which significantly reduced the number of casualties among them.

Disinformation technologies at the state and army levels can be seen most clearly in the actions of the multinational forces (MNF) in the Persian Gulf against Iraqi troops.

The goals of disinformation were: concealing the timing of the strategic regrouping of troops; the scale and purpose of their operational deployment; misleading the enemy regarding the date of the start of hostilities, their nature and main directions; ensuring the surprise of the first and subsequent strikes of the MNF.

The organization of disinformation was carried out by the propaganda apparatus of the US State Department (i.e., the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and the psychological operations service of the Ministry of Defense. They carried out activities at all levels using various channels of transmitting false information. Using the dominant position of American news agencies, which supply the world with up to 70% of international information, the US military-political leadership managed to impose its point of view on the course of events on the world community. At the same time, in addition to the media, the Americans widely used international political, social, cultural and religious organizations controlled by them as their mouthpieces.

During the deployment of a group of troops in the conflict zone (Operation Desert Shield), disinformation activities were carried out according to special plan Committee of the Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces. Thus, after the start of the operation, the American command began to disseminate deliberately false information about the nature of the preparation of its troops for combat operations against Iraq. Disinformation was spread through radio, print and television channels concerning not only plans for combat operations, but also regarding the size of the Iraqi group. It was deliberately overestimated, according to some sources, by 1.5-2 times.

Printed propaganda served as a powerful means of misinforming the enemy regarding the true directions of attack of the 7th Army and 18th Airborne Corps. Millions of copies of leaflets depicting the emblems of these corps were dropped along Iraqi positions on the coast of occupied Kuwait in a place where the US command wanted to create the appearance of an attack.

The most important disinformation activities were carried out in the second half of August 1990 - during the period of intensive buildup of American troops in Saudi Arabia. At this time, everyone information channels inflated figures were transmitted of new forces and equipment deployed to the region, which made it possible to prevent an Iraqi attack on a group of American troops, which, according to General N. Schwarzkopf, was extremely vulnerable at that moment.

In order to mislead the enemy regarding the true timing of the start of the operation against Iraq, it was created special group journalists who have passed a loyalty test and signed a non-disclosure agreement. At the same time, the number of foreign correspondents accredited to the headquarters of the joint central command of the international group in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) was sharply reduced, and strict censorship was introduced on the information transmitted.

To monitor the work of the remaining foreign correspondents accredited to the headquarters, a special information bureau was created, which was given full responsibility for censoring information about the activities of the allied armed forces in the Persian Gulf zone. The bureau included representatives from all branches of the US armed forces authorized to support official contacts with journalists within their competence. This bureau established a list of information prohibited for publication, and also controlled contacts of foreign correspondents with American military personnel.

It is characteristic that access of foreign correspondents to American troops deployed in Saudi Arabia was limited to visiting small amount units, the list of which was approved by the American command. Only specially instructed and trained military personnel were allowed to communicate with journalists.

In order to conceal the group's combat readiness, the difficulties that the troops encountered during operational deployment in the conflict zone were widely publicized. Significantly exaggerated bad influence harsh climatic conditions, lack of water and domestic instability have an impact on the psyche of military personnel, the state of equipment and weapons, and on combat readiness in general. The press published speeches by senior officials of the US Department of Defense about the need to extend preparations for military operations until the end of February - beginning of March 1991.

To ensure broad popular support for his course of confrontation with Iraq, President George W. Bush declared in November 1990 that Iraq was capable of producing a nuclear charge in the next 10 months (meanwhile, according to American experts, Iraq’s technological base could not allow this is earlier than in 5-10 years). Iraq's capabilities to use chemical and biological weapons were also significantly overestimated.

It has been repeatedly emphasized that Saddam Hussein’s regime will rely primarily on these types of weapons in order to deliver a powerful blow to Israel.

From the second half of December 1990, a regime of restrictions was introduced on information transmitted over open and closed channels military communications. Simultaneously in open press The United States and allied countries began the measured dissemination of false information about the numbering, strength, armament and combat readiness of the formations being transferred to the Persian Gulf zone. In particular, most of the articles about the scale of the transfer of troops from the United States and Western Europe to the conflict zone, about the quantity of delivered weapons, military equipment, ammunition and various materiel were false.

Disinformation activities were carried out simultaneously in the political, economic and military fields by organizing regular “leaks” of classified information and disseminating “personal opinions” of informed high-ranking representatives of the military-political leadership of the United States and its allies.

The basis of the disinformation plan on strategic level formed the idea that the transfer of troops to the Middle East region was carried out mainly to prevent Iraqi aggression against Saudi Arabia. At the same time, special emphasis was placed on reports of the troops stationed there practicing defensive actions to repel the invasion of Iraqi tank groups into Saudi Arabia.

To discredit the policy of the USSR among Arabs, the media aimed at them organized the publication of a series of articles about the alleged transfer Soviet Union secret information about Iraq and its armed forces to the West. And in articles intended for Western readers, the USSR was accused of violating the economic embargo, transferring tanks, spare parts and other military equipment to Iraq, and the presence of Soviet military specialists there. Finally, at a time when the American president had already given instructions to begin military operations against Iraq, the United States in every possible way promoted its support for the peace initiatives of the Soviet leadership.

A month before the start of hostilities, official Baghdad was bombarded with a mass of information from “competent sources” through the international media, the essence of which boiled down to one thing: the multinational forces would be ready for a “night” war only in early March, and for a “day” war - in best case scenario in mid-February. Similar information was received by the command of the Iraqi troops in Kuwait through army intelligence channels; they were casually mentioned by anti-government radio stations broadcasting from the territory of Saudi Arabia.

Beginning in early January 1991, disinformation began to spread through the tactical communications lines of the US armed forces. These actions were part of the American command’s efforts to conceal the real nature and content of the units’ activities during the operational deployment of troops arriving in Saudi Arabia.

A few days before the start of military operations against Iraq American television US Secretary of Defense R. Cheney spoke. He gave brief description activities of American troops during Operation Desert Shield and stated that the expiration date of the UN resolution (01/15/91) on the use of military force against Iraq does not mean an imminent outbreak of hostilities. At the same time, he made it clear that American troops in the Persian Gulf are not yet ready for war. This statement, according to independent military experts, was the culmination of all the activities of the American command to mislead the enemy regarding the start date of Operation Desert Storm. It was this that played a decisive role in achieving surprise during the first massive missile and bomb strike of multinational forces against Iraq on the night of January 17, 1991.

At the same time, one of the Western news agencies, citing “secret sources” in Washington, clarified, in turn, that President George W. Bush had not yet made a decision on war with Iraq, and that “every new day provides Baghdad with the opportunity to avoid war and choose a path peace."

"There is every indication that common sense will prevail and armed conflict will be averted," India's National Gerald confirmed, citing "irrefutable" evidence from Capitol Hill.

Great efforts were made to create a convincing illusion of preparing a large-scale amphibious assault on the coast of Kuwait. To give this plan maximum credibility, large forces of marines and air assault assets were concentrated in the Persian Gulf, a series of exercises were conducted on the coast of Saudi Arabia and Oman with practical testing of methods for breaking through anti-landing minefields, seizing a bridgehead and developing success in the depths of enemy defenses. . These exercises were described in detail in newspapers and shown on TV by Western and local Arab journalists.

The inevitability and scale of the landing operation on the coast of Kuwait was emphasized by its name - “The Imminent Thunderstorm”. Representatives of the press were regularly informed of information about the alleged allocation of additional units of tactical, carrier-based and army aviation in the interests of air support for the landing operation.

All this forced Iraq to allocate 5 divisions for the anti-landing defense of the Kuwaiti coast. In fact, having carried out a covert transfer of the main part of the group to the west, the command of the multinational forces struck the weakest part of the Iraqi group in the south of the country. Moreover, at the first stage of the ground operation, one of the US divisions simulated the start of a large-scale offensive in the coastal direction. Then, having pinned down significant enemy forces, it retreated, regrouped, quickly redeployed in a western direction and began a real offensive on the right flank of the MNF.

And further, during the initial phase of Operation Desert Storm, when formations of the 7th Army Corps with a rapid flanking maneuver bypassed the grouping of Iraqi armed forces in Kuwait, the press continued to publish reports about the preparation of an amphibious landing operation. In particular, the British television and radio company BBC received supposedly reliable information that the US Marine Corps had captured one of the islands in the Persian Gulf and was moving its amphibious assault weapons to the coast of Kuwait. According to American experts, the Iraqi military leadership had no doubt about the reality of this threat at all stages of the campaign and was actively preparing to repel it, focusing on the Kuwaiti coast of the Persian Gulf in total up to seven divisions and placing at their disposal a significant amount of artillery and engineering assets.

The misleading of the Iraqi command regarding the direction of strikes by the MNF ground forces was also facilitated by the publication in the open press of various options for possible military operations by the MNF with the concentration of the main forces along the coast of Saudi Arabia.

The development of events in the Persian Gulf zone confirmed that coalition forces managed to seize the strategic initiative from the first hours of Operation Desert Storm. The highest degree of surprise was achieved.

The leadership of Iraq, as well as third countries, turned out to be completely disoriented regarding the true timing of the start of air raids and real plans multinational forces. This fact confirms the enormous importance of strategic disinformation.

“Everything happened more than unexpectedly,” wrote the Syrian newspaper Al-Saura. “S. Hussein and his entourage were in shock and confusion for almost five hours. There is a successful result of propaganda actions that were skillfully carried out by the military-political leadership of the United States."

To ensure maximum tactical surprise and reduce combat losses of MNF personnel, the dissemination of official information from the combat area completely stopped with the start of the ground operation. The UDC Joint Headquarters Command imposed a 48-hour moratorium on media reports and particularly stringent restrictions on any information regarding the content of operational plans and the location of troop groups.

Thus, disinformation measures in combination with other measures allowed the leadership of the MNF to keep secret the time of the start of hostilities. Meanwhile, the timing of both the air offensive operation and the ground operation was determined back in December 1990 and was not subsequently adjusted.

Summing up the disinformation campaign carried out by the United States and its allies, the French magazine Armée d'aujourduy (Army Today) wrote:

“If earlier a lot was said about General “Winter”, should we not now talk about General “Press”, whose influence on Iraq turned out to be more effective than the Gulf War itself?

deception, false information

Alternative descriptions

Injustice, evil, wrong deed

. "Where there is court, there..."

Newspaper canard as disinformation

Newspaper canard as disinformation

Deza, false information

G. opposite sex Truth. These words are distorted in their meaning, almost in our memory, becoming one word with an expression. lies and truth; The root meaning of the words truth and untruth has been replaced, not entirely successfully, by the expressions: justice and injustice, justice and injustice. But truth relates only to mental concepts, and truth to moral qualities, which is why our first code, the laws of justice, was called Russian truth. The people remained faithful direct meaning words; for him there is untruth, all illegality, an act contrary to conscience, oppression, insult, crooked justice, an unjust sentence, a decision; lies in fact, crookedness, dishonesty, deceit. (Lat. injuria, injustum, improbitas, inaequitas). Any untruth is a sin. You will pass through the world by lying, but you will not come back. Every untruth will be remembered, not in this world, so in the next. Woe is from God, and untruth is from the devil. God helps in truth, but in untruths God hinders (or punishes). God will find out every untruth. Whoever lives in untruth will be killed by God. It’s dashing for someone who does lies to someone! People live in troubles, but disappear in lies. It is better to die than to endure lies. People lied, and we also told lies (we didn’t tell the truth). People live in lies and we won’t burst! The trial is not true, vm. true. The Greek, the Jew, the Armenian, the gypsy and the Poltava nobleman live in lies forever. Untruthful, deceitful, lying; prone to untruth, to all deceit; false, untrue. Untruthful judge, unrighteous. Untruthful repentance, insincere or sanctimonious. Untrue money, passport, fake. -ness, property, condition, quality by meaning. adj. Unjust, unjust, unjust, untruthful; accused, guilty, guilty. Wrong accusation. Wrong life. You are judging wrongly. He made money wrong. Your case is wrong, your claim is wrong. I don’t know which of you is to blame (the direct culprit); and both are wrong. His wrongness in this matter is obvious; wrong action, demand; wrongness the same, the property of the wrong; the same property in general view, as an ever-present accessory, is not true. We suffer from the wrongness of our superiors, from wrongdoing; wrongfulness makes more noise, that is, the wrong one, the wrong side, the offender. Wrong sib. unjust, crooked. You misunderstood us. Unrighteous, contrary to conscience, law, truth, duty, justice; esp. about self-interest, bribery, fraudulent business and any indirect action to the detriment of others, for one’s own benefit. Hell stands on the unrighteous (on the unrighteous). What has been unjustly acquired will not be used for future use, it will burn like fire, it will be thrown out sideways (edgewise). Unjust gain is not gain (not gain). The unrighteous creation (or acquisition) is dust. - quality, quality, property according to adjunct. Unrighteousness of works does not save. Unrighteous m. -nitsa f. untrue(u)ha vol. an unrighteous, hypocritical or bribery person who lives in untruth. Wrong, deviating from the rules, deviating from what is due, legal; incorrect, erroneous. An incorrect verdict, in which the legal order is not observed, although, in essence, it may be right. Wrong way of looking at the matter, wrong. Irregular verbs, grammatical. which are subject to withdrawal from general rule or a pattern of conjugations; not following the rules. Wrong equation, math. insoluble, due to lack of data, or due to an excess of controversial data. -nost f. property, quality according to adj. Irregularity of education, ugliness, or deviation from the conventional laws of nature. To be untruthful, to act or live untruthfully, to act untruthfully, unjustly, unjustly, unjustly. This steward has lied to us for many years. Untruthful, unjust, unfair, not real, not true; false, counterfeit, counterfeit, fraudulent. Difficult words, as: untruthful, untruthful, implausible, untruthful, -words, -words, etc. are understandable in themselves, and, moreover, explained without denial

False words

Not true

Not true

Deception, lies

Deception, fraud

Translate from bureaucratic language: “Information that does not adequately reflect the facts”

Complete lie

What is contrary to the truth

Fake information

. “Where there is court, there also...”

Translate from bureaucratic language: “Information that does not adequately reflect the facts”

Page 2

Non-absorbing state i3 - station B receives false information due to noise.  

If relay B is the first to operate, there will be no transmission of false information, since state 2 (only relay B operates) is not (used. This can be achieved, for example, by delaying relay A to operate. When released, the sequence should be reversed.  

This means that the diode in the communication circuit, while preventing direct false information, does not prevent reverse information.  

Irrelevant information can also have social significance, i.e. false information or insignificant (for the given state of affairs) true information. When false information is spread intentionally, it is called disinformation. Information noise (true but not significant information) and disinformation can significantly reduce the positive impact of information as a socio-economic resource and also contribute to the transformation of information inequality into social inequality.  

RES marks similar to target marks, but carrying false information.  

If the penetrant is left on a non-defective surface, it will give false information as if there is a crack or other defect in the surface. Then, developer 4 is applied to surface P, from which excess penetran has been removed (Fig. B.  

Fluid flows in the near-wellbore zone of a partially perforated formation introduce false information into the recording by the RGT-1 and STD-2 instruments. In such cases, it is necessary to conduct a highly sensitive thermometry method.  

Disadvantages of the method: not applicable in the presence of significant leaks; False information is possible when the product pumping speed is more than 2 m/s; there is no continuous remote information about the location of the autonomous device and the results of monitoring the tightness of the pipeline; not applicable for pipelines with pipe sections of different diameters.  

Malfunctions of telemechanics devices in certain cases can lead to the transmission of false information about the condition of the equipment and, as a result, incorrect decisions can be made regarding the management of the oil pipeline. Therefore, when malfunctions of automation and telemechanics devices are detected, urgent measures are taken to investigate and restore the functionality of these devices at any time of the day.  

With a wide range of vibrations affecting a person, the vestibular apparatus can provide false information. This is due to the peculiarities of the hydrodynamic structure of the vestibular apparatus, which during biological evolution did not adapt to functioning under conditions of high-frequency oscillations.  

The Iron Curtain policy allowed functionaries to manipulate and fool the population in any way they wanted with false information about the state of affairs abroad.  

Another way to protect against MERGE: before uploading the program to tape, give false information that supposedly the first line of your program is excessively long.  

Incorrect action plans necessarily arise if the employee has insufficient or false information at his disposal. In addition, there may be cases where, if there is sufficient and correct information Errors still appear in the formation of action programs.  

Among the answers there should not be those that require automatic actions, you cannot give false information, for example, give the formula of a non-existent salt.  

False information For every 0.15  

The head of the unit is obliged to report on the completion of the task to his superior, and also notify the authorized SBT. If the work is not completed on time, the authorized person is obliged to immediately inform the manager who submitted the document for control and file a corresponding claim with the contractor. If false information is identified, the culprit is subject to a claim for False Information.  

Irrelevant information can also have social significance, i.e. false information or insignificant (for a given state of affairs) true information. When false information is spread intentionally, it is called disinformation. Information noise (true but not significant information) and disinformation can significantly reduce the positive impact of information as a socio-economic resource and also contribute to the transformation of information inequality into social inequality.  

A leader in his work must be guided by such ethical standards as humanism, politeness, mutual assistance, and objectivity. At the same time social status The manager also determines the specific ethics of the inadmissibility, for example, of providing false information, violating state standards, SNiP, etc.  

The available alternative information is a tax report submitted to the Internal Revenue Service. Some experts question the reliability of such reports, arguing that they underestimate income. However, such reports are prepared for the Internal Revenue Service, and providing false information is punishable by law. Based on the reliability of the report, it contains important information for tax purposes, which must be certified, agreed upon or accurately copied.  

Not only is the Fed secretive, but it also makes statements or announces forecasts that seem incredibly favorable compared to private views on the economic outlook. They are known as empty promises, that is, Fed officials often give information that is false or not believed.  

The objectives of developing public relations are studying public opinion in relation to the issuer and its activities, refuting distorted or false information about the issuer, humanizing the business through its personification (in particular, through periodic speeches by one of the issuer’s representatives to the public), ensuring support from various layers or population groups. These goals are very relevant, since its position in the securities market and, accordingly, its financial success largely depend on the issuer’s public reputation. The main criteria for determining the issuer's reputation are the level of innovation, financial stability, environmental responsibility, efficiency of capital use, quality of management, quality of services provided, ability to attract talented specialists, volume of long-term investments and their profitability, etc.  

Fake information. On the other hand, the unemployment rate may be overestimated. Some unemployed respondents claim that they are looking for work, although this is not true. These individuals are classified as unemployed rather than as not in the labor force. Respondents give false information because unemployment or Social Security benefits are sometimes dependent on such imaginary job searches. The shadow economy (Chapter 7) can also contribute to an overstatement of the official unemployment rate. It is likely that a person involved in the drug trade in South Florida or working for the Chicago Mafia will call himself unemployed.  

The legal norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation protect the legitimate interests of consumers. Thus, knowingly false advertising is the use in advertising of knowingly false information regarding goods, works or services, as well as their manufacturers (performers, sellers), committed for mercenary reasons.  

The second group of charges related to the provision of false information and  

Consumers, of course, do not always behave rationally, but my experience shows that they are still more likely to use common sense than product manufacturers. Many companies spend a lot of money on trade advertising trying to convince consumers that there are significant differences between manufactured products when in reality there are none. Interestingly, these efforts are much more likely to convince manufacturers themselves than consumers. Often, companies themselves begin to believe false information that they pay to disseminate.  

In the 90s, the first steps were taken in Russia to develop and apply antimonopoly legislation. In addition, the new Criminal Code includes monopolistic actions and restrictions on competition as crimes. It's about about monopolistic actions that are carried out by establishing monopoly high or monopolistically low prices. It is also criminally punishable to restrict competition by dividing the market, limiting access to the market, eliminating other economic entities from it, and establishing or maintaining uniform prices (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 178). Crimes include coercion to complete a transaction or refusal to complete it (Article 179), illegal use of someone else’s trademark (Article 180), use in advertising of knowingly false information regarding goods, works or services, as well as their manufacturers (performers, sellers), committed out of selfish interest and causing significant damage (Article 182).  

Russian legislation provides for a number of measures to promote the protection of consumer rights. Thus, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 1095) provides for compensation for damage caused due to defects in goods, works or services. According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, knowingly false advertising is the use in advertising of false information regarding goods, works or services, as well as their manufacturers (performers, sellers), committed out of selfish interest and causing significant damage (Article 182). In Art. 200 it is a crime to deceive consumers by measuring, weighing, calculating, misleading regarding the consumer properties or quality of a product (service) or deceiving consumers in organizations that sell goods or provide services to the population, as well as by citizens registered as individual entrepreneurs in the field of trade ( services), if these acts are committed in a significant amount. The Consumer Rights Protection Law regulates relations between producers, sellers and consumers, and also provides a mechanism for protecting the rights of the latter.  

But which one? professional choice we can say that in most domestic publications about PR its interpretation allows for deliberate manipulation of public consciousness, propaganda and dissemination of deliberately false information. Everything is almost according to Zhvanetsky, friendship allows for betrayal, and love allows for betrayal.  

Non-standard transactions are checked by the trade organizer for actions taken by the trading participant(s), including submitting an application, completing a transaction, disseminating false information that creates the appearance or contributes to a real increase or decrease in prices and (or) trading activity on the securities market, which introduces misleading securities market participants, investors, issuers regarding price levels and (or) market liquidity (hereinafter referred to as price manipulation), for violation of requirements for mandatory actions in the event of a conflict of interest, or for the use of proprietary information when making transactions.  

So far we have been talking about conducting competition within the framework of the law and ethical standards. However, there is also unfair competition. Unfair competition - methods of competition associated with violation of the norms and rules of competition accepted in the market. Such methods include dumping, establishing control over the activities of a competitor with a view to stopping those activities, abusing a dominant position in the market, imposing discriminatory prices or commercial conditions, making the supply of specific goods or services dependent on the adoption of restrictions on the production or distribution of competing goods, collusion in tenders and the creation of secret cartels, dissemination of false information and advertising, borrowing trademarks, copying (imitation) of competitors' products, violation of quality, standards and conditions of supply of goods and services. Unfair competition in most industrialized countries is prohibited by relevant laws against illegal business practices, consumer protection, monopoly control, and civil criminal codes.  

Depending on the possibility of using and the value of information for making management decisions, it is divided into useful, redundant and false. Useful is characterized by reliability, completeness, timeliness, and accessibility for processing. False information occurs when there are errors in the collection, processing and transmission of data. See also Redundant information.  

Does the proposed project involve manipulative actions based on unreliable (or even deliberately false information)  

Under the Securities Act, securities held for public sale in multiple states may be offered to the public only after the SEC has filed a special registration permit and prospectus containing detailed information about the nature of the activity, the financial condition of the issuer, about the prospects for the development of production and about the securities being issued. The Commission makes this information available to everyone. In accordance with the consumer protection laws of each state in which a new issue of securities is proposed to be issued, the issue must also be registered in each of those states. An application must be submitted to register the issue, after which the Commission verifies the application within 20 days. The deadline may be extended. During this period, the issuer and underwriter