How to find out which processor is 64 or 32. Compatibility of old PCs and new OS. How to find out the processor and OS bit depth - a few simple rules

IN Lately You can increasingly hear from manufacturers computer components and creators software mention that their creations support or are designed for 64-bit. All this makes ordinary users who do not want to lag behind the avant-garde trends of the global IT industry, are interested in whether their computers can work in this mode? Answer to this question will entirely depend on the answer to another question: “How to find out the bit capacity of the processor installed in the computer?”

What is bit depth? First, let's once and for all define the concept of bit depth. The term “bit capacity” is commonly used to define the number of bits that are simultaneously stored, used, or transferred for processing to other devices.

The first microprocessors - the progenitors modern processors worked in 4, 8 and 16-bit. Then for a long time 32-bit architecture was developed and used. And now it’s the turn of 64-bit. What is the reason for the need to increase the simultaneously processed amount of information? First of all, with the limited number of addressable (supported) random access memory.

What restrictions the processor bit size imposes on the amount of RAM used can be found in the following table.

* For comparison, the total volume of all information accumulated by humanity is currently estimated at approximately 500 exabytes.

That is why, users who install 4 GB of RAM or more in 32-bit operating systems are faced with the fact that the computer recognizes them, but uses only 2.8 to 3.5 GB. It logically follows that if you plan to install more than 4 GB of RAM in your computer, then you cannot do without a 64-bit operating system. Of course, the central brain of the computer, the processor, must also support 64-bit mode.

Since 2003, all processors produced by two world industry leaders - Intel and AMD - are exclusively 64-bit, but with support for operation in 32-bit mode.

If you really want to look at the bit depth of the processor installed in your computer “live”, then you can use the free CPU-Z utility, which can tell you a lot about computer hardware. To do this, download the utility from the official website, install it on your computer and run it.

We immediately get to the first tab containing all the information about the processor. In the Instructions line, look for the presence of one of the following entries: EM64T or X86-64. They both say the processor is 64-bit. Only in the first case it is a processor from Intel, and in the second from AMD.

After you are convinced that the processor supports 64-bit instructions, you can install a 64-bit operating system on your computer, increase the amount of memory and experience the main advantage of the x64 architecture - increased stability when working with resource-intensive applications.

By the way, today there is no need to be afraid that you will not be able to find programs of the appropriate capacity. Many applications can be run in backwards compatibility with 32-bit mode. The problem may only occur with some drivers of older, unsupported devices.

Bit depth central processor is the number of bits that the CPU can process in one cycle. Previously, 8 and 16 bit models were in use, today they have been replaced by 32 and 64 bit ones. Processors with 32-bit architecture are becoming less and less common, because... they are quickly being replaced by more powerful models.

Finding out the processor bit size may be a little more difficult than expected. To do this you will need either the ability to work with « Command line» , or third-party software.

One of the easiest standard methods Finding out the bit depth of the processor means finding out what the bit depth of the OS itself is. But there is a certain nuance here - this is a very inaccurate method. For example, if you have a 32-bit OS installed, this does not mean that your CPU does not support 64-bit architecture. And if the PC has a 64-bit OS, then this means that the CPU has a 64-bit capacity.

To find out the system architecture, go to its . To do this, just click right click mouse by icon "My computer" and select from the drop-down menu . You can also right-click on the button "Start" and select from the drop-down menu "System", the result will be similar.

Method 1: CPU-Z

- This software solution, allowing you to find out detailed characteristics processor, video card, computer RAM. To see the architecture of your CPU, you just need to download and run the necessary software.

In the main window, find the line "Specifications". At the very end the bit depth will be indicated. It is designated as follows - "x64"- this is a 64-bit architecture, and "x86"(rarely comes across "x32") is 32 bit. If it is not indicated there, then see the line "Set of Instructions", an example is shown in the screenshot.

Method 2: AIDA64

is a multifunctional software for monitoring various computer indicators and conducting special tests. With its help, it is quite possible to find out any characteristic of interest. It is worth remembering that the program is paid, but it has a demo period, which will be quite enough to find out the bit capacity of the central processor.

Instructions for using AIDA64 look like this:

Method 3: Command Line

This method is a little more complicated and unusual for inexperienced users PC, compared to the first two, but it does not require installation third party programs. The instructions look like this:

It is quite easy to find out the bit depth yourself, but do not confuse the bit capacity of the operating system and the central processor. They depend on each other, but may not always be identical.

Sooner or later, every user is faced with the question of the bit capacity of their own processor and operating system. Despite the fact that both are determined quite simply, the issue of choosing the bit depth of a new operating system is very confusing and primarily depends on the user’s requirements for his computer.

What is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit

The system bit depth, also sometimes called “bit depth,” does not necessarily have to correspond to the processor bit depth and modern computers has only two main types: 32 and 64.

Difference between architecture and bit depth

Despite the external similarity of the values ​​86 and 32, the difference between them is large.

86 is a processor architecture, correctly written as x86, and defines the microinstruction set of the processor. The number 32 is the processor bit, which is correctly written as “32-bit”. It determines the register width of the processor.

Typically, the x86 architecture is 32-bit oriented, and the x64 architecture is 64-bit oriented. However, this statement is not always true. For example, there are 64-bit processors based on the x86 architecture and 32-bit processors based on a third, completely different architecture. But still, these cases are very rare and you can remember that x86 corresponds to 32 bits, and x64 is oriented to 64 bits.

Difference between x86 and x64

As mentioned above, the processor architecture mainly determines its bit depth, and the bit width determines the register width. The register width determines the amount of data to be processed at a time and the amount of RAM that the computer can use. A 32-bit register is capable of simultaneously interacting with 2 32 addresses (covers 2 32 bits of information flow, which is equal to 4 gigabytes), and a 64-bit register can interact with 2 64 (covers the previous information flow squared, which is impossible to implement even on the most powerful computers).

To make it clearer: the register width is like the throughput of an intersection, RAM is like the number of cars, and the processor is a traffic controller. A processor with x86 architecture can easily control an intersection with throughput 4 gigabytes - so many machines can be run on it. A processor with x64 architecture is theoretically capable of controlling an extremely large intersection. In computer language, this means that such a processor can ensure the correct operation of computers not only of its own, but also of the future generation. At Windows installation there is a choice between x86 and x64

Thus, installing more than 4 gigabytes of RAM on a computer with an x86 processor will not lead to its practical expansion.

Despite the extremely large and unclaimed register width for 64- bit processors, creating an intermediate stage between 32-bit and 64-bit processor bits is almost pointless. In general, there is not much difference in implementation complexity between the x86 and x64 architectures. It's just that when developing the 32-bit registry, which is still used by most programs, RAM amounts beyond 4 gigabytes seemed impossible, as 2 64 seem to be now.

How to choose the system bit size

Continuing the above allegory, we can say that the bit depth of the operating system determines what kind of intersection will be created.

All x64 processors support a 32-bit operating system as well as a 64-bit operating system, but x86 processors only support a 32-bit operating system. bit systems.

If you have a processor with x86 architecture, then you have no choice. If you have an x64 architecture, it's worth installing a 64-bit system, even if you don't have 4 gigabytes of RAM. The reason for this choice is simple: most new programs and extensions are released exclusively for 64-bit systems, and 32-bit systems are unwittingly being forced out of the market.

In fact, 64-bit systems have only two significant advantages: support for more than 4 gigabytes of RAM and support for 64-bit operational support. All 32-bit programs are also supported without any difficulty.

Yes, positive points little, but there are almost no downsides. The only exception is if you are using some very old hardware that does not have a 64-bit driver. For example, 32-bit drivers that will not work on a 64-bit system.

The difference in performance between systems of different capacity is a myth. It arose due to different requirements from operating systems, but they wear exclusively conditional character. In addition, some programs or games have settings that are only available on x64, which is why performance comparisons for different games arise on the Internet. If there are such functions or settings, then they are all disabled and in fact there is no difference.

Video: Differences between 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems

How to find out the system capacity

Many users do not even suspect that they have been using a 64-bit system instead of 32 for a long time. This is very easy to check.

Checking through Computer Properties

Checking through the root directory

Checking via the command line

Video: how to find out the bitness of a Windows system

How to find out the processor bit depth

Before installing the 64-bit version, you should make sure that its installation is possible and find out the architecture of your processor.

Processor size on the command line

Find out the bit depth through the BIOS

Find out the bit depth via the Internet

Open any browser and type “find bit depth online.” Links to many sites will appear, go to any of them. The site will automatically detect the bit size of your processor.

The bit-processor website can automatically determine the bit size of your processor

Video: how to find out the processor bit depth

How to install a 64-bit system

All licensed editions and most torrent distributions include a 64-bit version of the operating system by default, and you will only need to select at the beginning of installation which option you want to install.

At the very beginning - before starting the installation - you will see a choice of bit depth.

The choice of bit depth at the very beginning of installation does not matter

At this point it doesn't matter what you choose. This is an overhead of your BIOS and all modern installers have a procedure that allows you to select the bit depth during the installation process.

If you have an installer with two versions, but at this stage there is no choice between bits, then you have an x86 architecture and installing the 64-bit version is impossible.

After this, there will be a short download of the installer, then the selection of the region and the stage of selecting the system bit size.

The choice of system architecture at the end of the installation will determine the capacity of the installed system

This choice will decide which version will be installed. Although the difference is represented by the choice between architectures, it is actually the system bit depth that is chosen. Select x86 - a 32-bit system is installed, select x64 - a 64-bit system is installed.

If you are unable to select a version or there is simply no choice, there are only two possible reasons: you downloaded the installer image with only one bit version or you have an x86 architecture and your computer does not support 64-bit systems.

Video: how to install a 64-bit system on Windows 7

Recently, 64-bit systems are increasingly displacing their competitors, and processors with x86 architecture are moving to mobile devices. This is another step towards progress and you shouldn’t resist it.

How to find out what bit processor (32 or 64-bit) your computer has
First, let's define what bit depth is and why this data may be useful to you. Bit capacity shows how many bits the processor can process simultaneously.

All Linux systems are available in two variations - for 32-bit processors and for 64-bit processors. Of course, this division did not appear just like that. Some of the most important differences that any user may encounter are:

  1. Maximum amount of RAM used
    It so happens that 32-bit systems simply cannot “see” the amount of RAM that goes beyond 4 gigabytes. This difference can be called the most significant and important. On 64-bit systems, the system can “see” and work correctly with 192 gigabytes of RAM. Therefore, before increasing the amount of RAM, you should find out whether they will be available in the system.
  2. Processor size
    The processor capacity allows you to install operating systems of a certain capacity. To install a 64-bit system, you must use a 64-bit processor.
  3. Operating system bit size
    Externally, operating systems of different bit levels are no different. There are only minor technical differences. The main thing concerns, again, RAM, its volume and correct operation with her. Also, in a 64-bit system you can run both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, which a 32-bit system cannot boast of.

Commands to display information about the processor:

If you work in Linux system, then you can easily find out the bit capacity of your system and processor. To know exactly what bit size your processor is, enter the command in the terminal.