Unusual places on Google maps. Very Curious Coordinates in Google Maps Airplane in the forest Google maps

Material published today about coordinates in Google Maps, I prepared it a long time ago and it relates, so to speak, to my “spare” articles, it does not relate to it, but my initial goal was not to make a blog only about investments, I would like it to be useful, interesting, and exciting for readers. Moreover, now there is a relaxed spring pre-holiday mood...

Therefore, sometimes I move away from the main topic and introduce you to entertaining information (such as or ), and also do reviews on useful and motivational ones, by the way, you can watch them over the coming holiday weekend, if you have time to break away from the beginning of the summer season 😉

One day I came across some interesting and curious information, maybe you, of course, are already familiar with it, but if not, then also study it with interest. We will talk about the Google Maps application, or rather, about the things that can be found out thanks to this application, and to be even more precise and add a little mystery, then about secret coordinates in Google Maps.

Google Corporation never ceases to amaze with its techno-Internet developments; their capabilities are very extensive.

In fact, this information may be not only entertaining for you, but also educational; with the help of Google Maps, you can view objects by address, which means you can check the addresses of their offices and calculate their coordinates in Google Maps.

You can also travel using this application, enter the name of a country, city, or even a specific address into the search bar, get as close as possible (using the plus sign) and transfer the little yellow man to the map and keep twisting, turning, moving along the streets of different cities. Of course, this can mostly be done with large cities; it’s unlikely that Google specialists filmed and made a 3D map of every corner of the world, but still I managed to visit where I had in mind 😀

Yes, well, perhaps it’s worth warning that Google Maps and such trips require a decent high-quality Internet connection and greatly “eat up” traffic

To start getting acquainted with the curious coordinates of Google Maps, the first thing you need to do is go to the application website www.maps.google.ru.

If you have a registered Google account, you will immediately see your location, and to see the desired object, all you need to do is:

  • enter the address or coordinates in the search bar,
  • then choose in what form you want to study the object (bottom left):
  • or on maps
  • or as a satellite image,
  • Also, using the lever on the right, you can zoom in or out on the visibility of the object (“+” “-”).

So, let's get to the interesting stuff...the secret Google Maps coordinates:

♦ If you enter coordinates 37.7908, -122.3229, you can see the plane after the accident:

♦ And here 45.408166,-123.008118 the plane lies in the thicket of the forest:

♦ And again the theme of aircraft: 51.362428,7.557928 military aircraft in the parking lot. People were surprised when they found such a swallow next to their car :)

♦ According to these coordinates, we will see a landed UFO 45.70333,21.301831, but, in my opinion, this is something similar to an unidentified object, but in fact, something very terrestrial, something like an arena or an observatory, there are already trodden paths there:

♦ 36.949346,-122.065383 A huge bone model, next to the Discovery Center. If you enter the coordinates in Google Maps and use the lever to zoom in on the picture, the layout will be visible from above, and if you click on +, where the yellow man is depicted, then the skeleton can be seen in such a projection, as if you were really looking at it:

♦ 38.85878007241521,111.6031789407134 Somewhere in an uninhabited place in China, some strange hole with smooth edges:

♦ 19 56’56.76″S, 69 38’2.08″W Something like crop drawings, but not circles, but an unknown creature:

♦ Here is also a giant image, but already familiar to everyone 18 31’45.15″S, 70 15’0.0″W

♦ Here is a satellite image showing the Italian Pink Hare 44 14’39.45″, 7 46’10.32″

♦ And this is greetings from Russia 53 20’26.15″, 87 10’32.86″

There are some other coordinates, but I picked up the most unusual secret places in Google Maps, the rest are not so mysterious, just lines and circles. Surely, over time, many of the listed coordinates will become irrelevant, for example, after a gradual update of the databases, so have time to look.

This is some interesting information :-), I hope it turned out to be interesting.

That's all, good luck and see you later.


Google Maps is the most popular mapping service that was developed in 2005. But we will not delve into the history of its creation, advantages, etc. We'll talk about what secret places there are in Google Maps. Interested? Then read this article.

Google Maps - what is it?

As you may have already understood, in this article we will look at secret places in Google Maps. But first, for those who are not in the know, it’s worth briefly explaining what Google Maps is. Essentially, this is a map that covers the entire Earth (for those for whom this is not enough, you can additionally look at the map of Mars and the Moon). Thanks to Google's high-tech satellites, this map very accurately and clearly displays even the most remote corners of the planet.

But, perhaps, let's return to our sheep. Want to know where the secret places are in Google Maps? Read this article!

Secret places in Google Maps

As you know, Google employs some very funny people. Developers are constantly adding some features, Easter eggs, and secrets to their software. For example, did you know that if you type the phrase “Google gravity” into the Google search bar and open the first link, you can observe how it affects the links, icons and pages of your browser.

And this is just one of thousands of examples. Google developers constantly insert some funny features into their creations. The mapping service from this company was no exception. The developers have also added so-called secret places to Google Maps. secret and interesting locations that are marked on the map. In this article we will talk about how to find them.

Secret places in Google Maps: coordinates and their descriptions

Well, let's not drag our feet and let's jump right in. Below we look at the strangest places on Google Maps.

By entering coordinates 66.266667, 179.250000, you can observe an unknown area of ​​​​Siberia, located near Alaska. What's there? This question excites the minds of many Russian residents.

By entering the coordinates 37.7908, 122.3229 into Google Maps, you can observe a real plane crash. The map shows a plane broken in two. It is not known for certain whether this is a real disaster or an ordinary production.

At coordinates 36.949346,122.065383 you can see a skeleton of quite impressive size. It’s creepy to even imagine what animal these bones belong to.

If you're a conspiracy buff, this next location is sure to pique your interest. By entering the coordinates 32.664162, 111.487119, you can see the secret BBC base, which is located in the United States of America. What they do at this base is not known for certain, but if you wish, you can find a lot of the most fantastic theories on this matter.

By typing 54 28"6.32", 64 47"48.20" into the coordinate line, you can see a rather interesting picture. At this location, the inscription “Lenin 100 years”, which consists of trees, is clearly visible.

Sci-Fi lovers should type 19 56"56.76"S, 69 38"2.08"W into Google Maps. At these coordinates there is a drawing that strongly resembles an alien. Is this really the work of an extraterrestrial civilization?

Well, since this is the case, let’s not stray too far from the topic of aliens. At coordinates 45.70333,21.301831 you can see a real UFO hiding among the trees.

By entering the coordinates 45.408166, 123.008118, you can see the plane “parked” in the middle of the trees.

Remember how in childhood, when we played on the beach with a shovel and a bucket, our parents told us something like: “Wow, what a deep hole, just a little more and you’ll dig all the way to China!” We took it as a joke, but apparently it was a very real warning. Don't believe me? Then enter the coordinates 38.85878007241521,111.6031789407134 into Google Maps and see a giant hole right in the middle of China!

At coordinates 44 14"39.45", 7 46"10.32" you can see a huge pink hare. It’s scary to imagine the “little” girl who played with him.

We've all probably heard and read about the notorious Area 52. By typing the coordinates 37.401437, 116.86773 into Google Maps, you can also look at this top-secret base.

Did Google Maps help you solve a murder?

There is also one interesting story that deserves special attention. At coordinates 52.376552, 5.198308 you can see the reservoir of the city of Almer. The pier, the trees, the beautiful landscape - everything would be fine if not for one detail. In the photo you can see a man dragging a corpse to the lake. The Google satellite captured a small pier, several figures and a suspicious trail that could be mistaken for blood. But everything is not as it seems at first glance. In fact, there was no murder.

As one reputable publishing house later found out, the card depicted the retriever Rama, who went for a walk with his owner Jacqueline Kenen. The dog simply jumped into the water and then ran to its owner, who was standing on a wooden pier. The frame left behind a wet trail, which Internet users mistook for blood.

The owner of the dog, who saw the photo on the Internet, helped shed light on this “murder.”


Making money on the Internet is good, but sometimes you need to take a break from work.

There is a lot of entertainment on the Internet, starting with and ending with social networks. But there are more interesting options for spending time, for example, you can “walk” around the world using Google maps.

In this article we will introduce you to interesting places in Google Maps, although you can also see panoramas of your city or even your home there.

All this is quite interesting, but not many people use this useful tool. Why is it needed at all? For example, you can easily view the work schedule of a particular establishment.

Secret places in Google Maps

Google has always been distinguished by a creative approach to its work. Their maps have become very popular, as you can find a lot of interesting things on them.

Even a virtual walk around your city will turn out to be interesting and unusual, because it’s always interesting to look at familiar places through some tool.

When you go to the Google maps site, you can enter the name of your city and select any street on the map:

When you find your street or an interesting place, select the little man in the lower corner and drag him to some place:

This will activate Street View mode. From time to time, a Google car drives through cities and towns, recording surrounding objects. When viewing streets in this mode, you can even make out signs:

The license plates of cars and people's faces are hidden, but even without this it is interesting to observe what is where and what it looks like. Be sure to try to look for something, it’s addictive and for several hours, you definitely won’t be able to tear yourself away from this task.

Strange places on Google Maps

There are also places on the maps that are shrouded in mystery. It has been said more than once that inexplicable things can be found on this site.

We invite you to look at the TOP 10 secret places in Google Maps (just enter the coordinates in the search form):

  1. Broken plane and scattered things (37.7908, -122.3229).
  2. A man drags a corpse on the pier (52.376552, 5.198308).
  3. Military base in the states (32.664162, -111.487119).
  4. The plane is in the middle of the forest (45.408166,-123.008118).
  5. 40 years of victory in the forest (53 20’26.15, 87 10’32.86).
  6. Fighter in a regular parking lot (51.362428,7.557928).
  7. Abandoned alien saucer (45.70333,21.301831).
  8. Huge skeletons (36.949346,-122.065383).
  9. FireFox logo in the field (45.123656, -123.114767).
  10. Lenin is 100 years old from the trees (54 28’6.32, 64 47’48.20).

These secret Google Maps places are open to everyone. Perhaps you will find many other interesting things.

Google Maps (formerly Google Local)- a set of applications built on the basis of a free mapping service and technology provided by Google. Created in 2005. The service is a map and satellite images of planet Earth. For many regions, highly detailed aerial photographs (taken from an altitude of 250-500 m) are available, for some - with the ability to view at an angle of 45° from four cardinal directions. Additionally, photographs of the Moon and Mars are offered.

The most shocking coordinates and secret places in Google Maps. Save it and share it with friends.

Just copy the coordinates into the Google Maps search bar.

The most shocking coordinates

  • 37.7908, -122.3229 If you enter these coordinates into Google maps and zoom in, you will see the plane broken into pieces and things scattered on the runway.
  • 50.213829, 8.870022 This image can be seen in the Google Earth program installed on your computer. Coordinates (entered in the search field)
  • 38.226567, -112.29892 This image can be seen in the Google Earth program installed on your computer. Coordinates (entered in the search field)
  • 32.664162, -111.487119 Secret US Air Force base.
  • 45.408166, -123.008118 Airplane among the trees.
  • 51.362428, 7.557928 Fighter in a parking lot with cars
  • 45.70333, 21.301831 UFO
  • 36.949346, -122.065383 Bones
  • 38.85878007241521, 111.6031789407134 An incomprehensible hole in China
  • 54 28"6.32", 64 47"48.20" The inscription "Lenin is 100 years old" made of trees
  • 19 56"56.76"S, 69 38"2.08"W Incomprehensible creature
  • 44 14"39.45", 7 46"10.32" Pink Hare
  • 37.401437, -116.86773 Zone 52
  • 52.376552, 5.198308 A man drags a corpse to the lake... But in reality this is not so... Internet users mistook a satellite photo of a walk with a dog for a murder scene, The Sun reports. The reason for suspicion that the murder scene was captured on Google Maps was a satellite photograph of a pond in the Dutch city of Almere. It shows a small pier, several figures on it and a trail that can be mistaken for blood. For the first time, a link to this place in Google Maps appeared on the Reddit website; possible versions of what happened in Almere were widely discussed on social networks. As The Sun managed to find out, in fact, the person responsible for the appearance of the “murder scene” was a golden retriever named Rama, who was walking with his owner Jacqueline Kenen. The dog jumped from the pier into the water, swam to the shore and ran along the wooden flooring towards its owner, leaving a wet trail behind it. Due to the coloring of the pier, the trail resembled blood. Rama’s owner herself helped solve the “murder” by finding the photo on the Internet. According to Kenen, Rama loves to swim. She also noted that now her dog has become known throughout the world.
  • Australia, Sydney Opera House: 33°51"24.34"S 151°12"54.17"E
  • Australia, flying car: 32° 0"42.42"S 115°47"10.49"E
  • Argentina, Buenos Airos, one strange flying object similar to a boat: 34°36"29.85"S 58°21"52.79"W
  • Africa. Border of Zambia and Zimbwabwe. Victoria Falls 17°55"26.62"S 25°51"29.32"E
  • Belarus, Brest Fortress - 52° 4"57.00"N 23°39"20.00"E
  • Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Moroccan Stadium: 22°54"43.51"S 43°13"48.33"W
  • UK, London, “Big Ben” 51°30"3.34"N 0°7"28.72"W
  • UK, London, Heathrow Airport: 51°28"39.16"N 0°29"2.50"W
  • UK, London, Bigben, Westminster Abbey: 51°29"59.60"N 0°7"27.46"W
  • UK, London, Towerbridge: 51°30"19.56"N 0°4"32.00"W
  • UK, Stonehenge: 51°10"43.88"N 1°49"35.01"W
  • Hawaii, Oahu, Pearl Harbor - 21°21"10.00"N 157°58"0.00"W
  • Germany, Cologne Cathedral: 50°56"29.21"N 6°57"30.58"E
  • Germany: Berlin: Reichstag: 52°31"7.20"N 13°22"33.94"E
  • Germany: Huge monsters are already here! 48°51"27.80"N 10°12"19.06"E
  • Greece, Acropolis: 37°58"16.69"N 23°43"34.10"E
  • Himalayas, Everest - 27°59"19.80"N 86°55"30.49"E - looks beautiful when viewed from different angles and from different directions
  • Egypt, Cheops pyramids: 29°58"41"N 31°7"53"E
  • Spain, Barcelona, ​​Stadium for 120,000 people: 41°21"52.94"N 2° 9"20.71"E
  • Italy, Rome, Colosseum: 41°53"24.65N 12°29"32.85E
  • Italy, Venice, St. Mark's Square - 45°26"2.06"N 12°20"19.78"E
  • India. Agra. Taj Mahal 27°10"30.89"N 78° 2"34.44"E
  • Kazakhstan, Baikonur Cosmodrome (one of the launch sites): 45°59"46.06"N 63°33"50.18"E
  • Mexico, Cuicuilco: 19°18"5.73"N 99°10"53.14"W
  • Mexico, Teotihuacan (Aztec city): 19°41"33.17"N 98°50"37.63"W
  • Monaco, Monte Carlo, embankment - 43°44"4.54"N 7°25"17.34"E