How to transfer from MTS to Rowling. Tariffs with cheap calls to Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other CIS countries. How to activate roaming on MTS - special options

The MTS company provides cellular communication services throughout Russia and in a number of CIS countries.

How to activate MTS roaming in Russia?

When a subscriber of an MTS operator travels outside of his “home” region, his phone or tablet automatically connects to the MTS network of another region through intranet roaming. MTS roaming in Russia, incl. in Crimea (intranet and national) is included in the basic service package and does not need to be connected. To reduce costs, use special services, e.g. “Everywhere is like home”(connection via MTS Bonus is possible).

How to call from MTS in Russia?

MTS subscribers can call other regions of Russia while within their own country without connecting to any additional services or options. If you make long-distance calls quite often, it is better to activate special tariff options designed to save on long-distance calls: "Hometowns" for calls to MTS phones throughout Russia or packages of minutes for long-distance calls. You can also purchase a special tariff plan for this "Your country".

How to call from MTS to other countries of the world?

To do this, you should activate the “International Access” service (on the “Your Country” tariff it is included in the basic service package) or “Easy Roaming and International Access”. Calls to other countries for MTS subscribers are for the most part very expensive. To reduce costs, you can connect the option "Favorite country", giving a discount on calls.

How to connect MTS international roaming and international access?

MTS provides two types of international roaming, thanks to which you will remain in touch with your usual phone number abroad (in Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.). With the “International and National Roaming and International Access” package, you will be able to make and receive calls, exchange SMS messages and use mobile Internet abroad. MTS’s lightweight version of such roaming is called “Easy Roaming and International Access”. With it, you can only make calls, receive calls, send and receive text messages in the networks of those operators with which MTS has a Camel roaming agreement.

MTS services “International roaming and international access” and “Easy roaming and international access” can be enabled in various ways:

  1. By visiting the MTS showroom and writing the appropriate application (a passport and the personal presence of the owner of the number or a power of attorney are required).
  2. Using the Mobile Portal service. To activate “International and national roaming” dial *111*2192# [Call]. To connect “International access” dial *111*2193# [Call]. Connecting "Easy roaming" - *111*2157# [Call] or sending a free SMS to 111 with the text 2157.
  3. Use the “Personal Account” self-service service, then go to the “Internet Assistant” tab (Services). This way you can activate roaming already abroad - do not forget to reboot your phone later to register on the network.
  4. Call the MTS contact center at 8-800-250-08-90.

Attention! Independent (remote) connection of international roaming (we are not talking about “Easy Roaming”) through self-service services or through the CC operator is possible if you have been an MTS subscriber for at least 6 months, and during this time your average monthly expenses for communication services have been over 650 rubles. Or if the subscriber has been using MTS services for at least 1 year. Otherwise, you can only activate “Easy Roaming” yourself; to activate a full-fledged service, you will have to visit an MTS salon, having a passport or power of attorney with you.

How to check if MTS roaming is connected?

To do this, send a free SMS message to the short number 8111 with the text 0.

Mobile Internet abroad in the case of GPRS roaming is a very expensive pleasure. To do this, it is better to buy a local SIM card. To prevent you from accidentally “getting money” due to your smartphone or tablet’s Internet connection abroad, activate the free service “Prohibition of GPRS roaming”. Or use exclusively “Easy roaming”.

There is no additional need to activate SMS roaming in MTS. You can only connect SMS packages in international roaming, which reduce their cost, incl. for bonuses.

You can call the MTS contact center for free from your mobile phone from any country in the world by dialing +7 495 766 01 66.

Registration in the network of a partner operator abroad can take quite a long time. If you are tired of waiting or want to change your operator to another, use the manual network search in the phone menu.

When roaming, telephone numbers should be dialed in international format. For calls to Russia it is +7 (not 8).

Everyone knows that the tariffs for calls, SMS messages and other services that a subscriber uses abroad differ from those that apply within the country. This is due to the presence of roaming - the provision of services in areas located far from the subscriber’s home network. Due to the fact that another operator is actually servicing the user, the cost of all services increases.

We will tell you more about how roaming works in this article using the example of the Russian mobile operator MTS.

Types of roaming

Let's start with the fact that there are several types of roaming available in MTS tariff packages. These are national, international, network and “Crimean”. Let's start with the latter, since it is easiest to explain how it works - these are tariffs for communication with the peninsula. Since, due to the geographical features of its location, Crimea is served by local operators, specialized tariffs are introduced for communication between Russian subscribers and Crimea. With their help, you can, for example, communicate with relatives who have gone on summer vacation.

Another type of roaming is network roaming. This is a term that characterizes the connection of a subscriber with users not related to his network. For example, if a MegaFon client calls a phone number served by MTS, this can confidently be called network roaming. Calls outside the network usually cost more due to the fact that the operator attracts another company to provide communication services.

However, the topic of our article today will not be these two types of roaming, but national and international. It is to them that we will pay attention.

Roaming within the country

Within Russia, given its size, there are also different mobile network coverage areas. Due to this, in the process of moving a subscriber between them, he is served by different operators. For this reason, when traveling around the country, remember: in some cases, communication may cost more. Keep in mind that you are calling people from other places, and therefore different companies may service these calls or messages, which increases the cost of services.

Previously, MTS roaming in Russia consisted of several tariff plans, which could be selected based on their cost and conditions. However, now everything has changed somewhat - the company’s tariff line still includes a package that reduces the cost of calls on its network. At the same time, the company has disabled roaming within the country.

MTS innovation

This was written about on the operator’s website on May 25, 2015. The news is that MTS has canceled roaming in Russia, making the conditions for calls outside the region the same as “home” tariffs. We are now talking about Smart plans - in them the cost of calls, messages and the Internet is equated to what the user receives when serviced at home. This, of course, is a very attractive innovation in the eyes of subscribers, because other operators still continue to serve customers at a cost that depends on the location of the person.

Due to this, MTS roaming in Russia has actually ceased to be such. This, according to a message on the company’s website, will take the service both in quality and price to a completely new level, due to which new subscribers will be attracted. And the reduction in price will facilitate communication between people.

So far, MTS cannot reconnect roaming in Russia - the action has acquired too wide a resonance. And, apparently, this is beneficial to the company if the operator can keep prices at this level.

Overseas roaming

Of course, this won’t work with communication outside the country. The cost of services provided abroad will always remain quite high. You can verify this by looking at the tariffs that are set on the company’s website to this day.

MTS sets prices for international roaming depending on the country in which the subscriber resides. You can view the cost of MTS roaming on the official website by first selecting the country where you intend to go. It also describes how to use the services provided by the operator, as well as some tips that will make service in another country easier and more convenient.

How to use the services?

Let's start with the fact that before using all the possibilities of communication abroad, you need to connect two services provided by MTS - “International and national roaming”, as well as the “International access” option. They are connected by a single command, provided that the user has been served for more than 6 months and makes contributions to the mobile account of at least 550 rubles monthly, or has been a subscriber for more than 12 months and simply makes some kind of top-up (regardless of the amount). If you are unable to activate the service in this way, MTS roaming abroad is provided through the “Easy Roaming and International Access” service. Unfortunately, the site does not really indicate what the difference is between them. Both service packages are mutually exclusive, so it’s quite difficult to really understand how they work.

Let's put it this way: if you are looking for how to enable roaming on MTS, both of these services are suitable for you. You can try to activate the one that works with higher requirements; If the service life of the number is shorter, you can try to activate “Easy roaming”.

How to find out prices?

To find out about the cost of services and how to enable roaming on MTS, check out the list of countries and find yours there. On the operator’s website you can easily and simply find out at what price calls (incoming and outgoing calls), SMS messages, as well as Internet access services will cost you at the time when you are within a foreign country.

The cost is calculated depending on the terms of cooperation with the operator of a particular country. A list of companies that work with MTS can be found here. Judging by it, MTS international roaming extends its coverage to a fairly large number of countries. In some, the operator has several partners, which obviously makes the service cheaper.

The page also includes pre-travel advice for users looking for information about roaming. The most useful ones include recommendations to top up your account in advance so as not to look for places where this can be done abroad. In addition, MTS recommends studying in as much detail as possible the prices for communication services in your country and calculating approximately how much you will spend for each call. It should be understood that the time spent is rounded up (in favor of the operator). For example, if you talk for 2 minutes 2 seconds, the system will count that you spoke for 3 minutes.

The operator also recommends not to forget that data on spent funds is updated with a delay. If you see that less was withdrawn from your account than you expected, you should not continue the conversation and think that you deceived the operator. Then it turns out that you lost your balance, and it will be a shame.

"Help me out"

Finally, so that users know how to enable roaming on MTS, employees also talk about additional services available to customers. One of them is “Help Out”. It is useful for those whose phone was blocked due to a negative balance, which is why there is simply not enough money for an urgent call.

There is no need to activate this option separately - just if your balance shows “zero”, dial the combination *880*subscriber number#. After a few seconds, he will receive an incoming call, during which the robot will invite the person to contact you at his own expense. This way, he will have a choice - to accept a call from you or refuse.

"Your expenses on foreign trips"

The second interesting service that you also need to remember when you are looking for how to enable roaming on MTS is “your expenses on foreign trips.” This option allows you to receive messages when communication costs reach certain amounts - 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 rubles. Apparently, these amounts are fixed, which means they cannot be changed.

The service must be activated: this is done in the “Personal Account”, by sending SMS 588 to 111 or via the USSD command *111*588#. This opportunity takes into account only those expenses that were made after leaving the territory of Russia. It is valid for only 30 days, but is very convenient because it helps control the tariffs served by MTS. Roaming can be very expensive, so it's best to have SMS messages like this to keep you up to date on what's going on with your bill.

Thanks to the capabilities of modern mobile communications, MTS allows you to make calls throughout Russia, even if the subscriber is in a foreign region. But the cost of calls in this case increases significantly. Therefore, before going on a trip or a long trip around the country, you should first activate the MTS roaming option in Russia, so that when you are away from home you do not pay exorbitant prices for communications.

You can check the status of connection to MTS networks through the settings menu of your mobile device - select the MTS network. One of the available connections should be displayed: RUS, RUS 01, MTS, MTS RUS, RUS MTS - all of them belong to MTS and can work in other regions. If there are none of the above connections with a cellular operator, then you will need to manually install the desired connection - select from the list and activate the “Connect” option.

At the moment, MTS provides favorable conditions for making calls throughout Russia using the “Like Home Everywhere” tariff option. The offer stands out with the most optimal prices for voice communications and messages.

Important! The service does not affect mobile Internet, only the cost of calls and SMS messages changes. If you need Internet while roaming, activate the “SuperBit” option, which is described below.

What's included in the option:

  • Free incoming calls throughout Russia.
  • Reduced cost of outgoing calls in roaming. One minute of telephone calls costs 3 rubles.
  • A package of 100 SMS messages that can be sent throughout Russia.

How to activate roaming Everywhere is like home? To do this, the user must use one of the following methods:

  • Put the phone into dialing mode. Enter the USSD request * 111 * 3333 # and press “call”.
  • Use the short number 3333 to which you need to send an SMS with code 111.
  • Log into your personal account on the operator’s website and use the “Internet Assistant” section to activate the service.

The cost of connecting the option is 30 rubles, but the size of the daily subscription fee depends on the region in which the number is registered, for example, for Moscow it is 7 rubles.

If you no longer need this roaming tariff, then you need to have knowledge of how to disable roaming on MTS. This is done in the same ways as enabling roaming. We reviewed them above. That is, the same combination of numbers, service number for sending SMS or personal account functionality is used.

Internet roaming in Russia

Not all Internet options from MTS can work correctly in roaming. For example, the “BIT” option will not work in another region. Therefore, depending on the device you are using, before your trip you need to connect MTS Internet while roaming in Russia. In this case, as mentioned above, everything directly depends on the device used - a smartphone or a tablet computer.

For smartphone

If the Internet will be used on a smartphone, then you need to activate the “SuperBit” service. It provides the user with 3GB of traffic at maximum speed, which can be used throughout the country.

To connect to the service you need:

  1. Put the phone into dialing mode.
  2. Enter USSD request * 628 #.

The cost of the monthly subscription fee depends on the region. For example, in Moscow it is 350 rubles.

For tablet

If the Internet will be used on a tablet, then a special tariff called “MTS Tablet” is provided for this case. Thanks to this tariff, the user receives not only high-quality Internet within the network, but also mobile TV.

To activate the tariff, you need to send a request * 835 # from your device. To disable * 111 * 628 * 2 #.

Monthly subscription fee – 400 rubles. The amount of available traffic at maximum speed is determined by the region of the SIM card, for Moscow - 4 Gigabytes.


If any problems arise with roaming connection or its operation, they can always be solved by using the MTS customer support hotline - 7 495-766-01-66.

Megafon roaming is a very profitable service for those who want to stay in touch with their family and friends while traveling around Russia or around the world. In this article we will tell you how to enable roaming on Megafon and how to disable it after returning home.

So, today the Megafon company offers its customers the following roaming services:

1. For calls

— In Russia

Title and short description
1. “All Russia” All incoming 0 rubles, outgoing calls and SMS 3 rubles. Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *548*1#
- any SMS to number 0500975

— command *548*0#
2. “Trave without worries”
30 minutes and 30 SMS per day for free
Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *186*1#
— any SMS to number 0500991
Disable roaming on Megafon:
— command *186*0#
— SMS “STOP” to number 0500991
3. “Moscow Everywhere”
Pay for calls and SMS at the Moscow rate throughout Russia
Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*167#
— any SMS to number 000105167
Disable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*167*0#

- Around the world

Title and short description Numbers for connection and disconnection
1. "The whole world"
All incoming in any country 0 RUR
Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *131*1#
- any SMS to number 0500978
Disable roaming on Megafon:
— command *131*0#
2. “100 minutes – Europe”
Package of 100 minutes for a month in all European countries
Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*765#
— any SMS to number 000105765
Disable roaming on Megafon:
- not available
3. “30 minutes – the whole world”
Package of 30 minutes for a month in all countries of the world
Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*766#
— any SMS to number 000105766
Disable roaming on Megafon:
- not available
4. "Far Countries"
All incoming calls in international roaming – 6 rubles/min.
Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*760#
— any SMS to number 000105760
Disable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*760*0#
5. "Around the World"
Favorable prices for incoming calls and SMS in countries around the world
Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*708#
- any SMS to number 000105708
Disable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*708*0#
— SMS “STOP” to number 0500978
6. “25% discount on outgoing calls to Russia and all incoming calls” Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*626#
— any SMS to number 000105626
Disable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*626*0#
7. “50% discount on outgoing calls to Russia” Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*627#
Disable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*627*0#
8. “50% discount on all incoming items” Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*628#
Disable roaming on Megafon:
— command *105*628*0#
9. “Extended international roaming”
Roaming in networks where there is no online tariff
Enable roaming on Megafon:
- only in Megafon offices using a passport
Disable roaming on Megafon:
- only in Megafon offices using a passport

- Around the world

Title and short description Numbers for connection and disconnection
1. “50 SMS Europe”
Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *114*1*1#
— SMS with the text “50 Europe” to the number 0500989
Disable roaming on Megafon:
- not available
2. “100 SMS Europe”
Package of 100 SMS for sending to any mobile numbers
Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *114*1*2#
— SMS with the text “100 Europe” to the number 0500989
Disable roaming on Megafon:
- not available
3. “50 SMS Whole World”
Package of 50 SMS for sending to any mobile numbers
Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *114*2*1#
— SMS with the text “50 World” to the number 0500989
Disable roaming on Megafon:
- not available
4. “100 SMS Whole World”
Package of 50 SMS for sending to any mobile numbers
Enable roaming on Megafon:
— command *114*2*2#
— SMS with the text “100 World” to the number 0500989
Disable roaming on Megafon:
- not available

When going on a trip around Russia or around the world, we want to stay in touch anywhere, with our own number. This becomes possible thanks to intranet, national and international roaming services. They allow you to use your own phone when traveling, business trips and business trips without changing the numbering. But before you go, you need to check the availability of these services. How to find out if roaming is enabled on MTS - our review will give the answer to this popular question.

Intranet roaming

Taking into account the features of modern tariff plans, we can travel with an MTS number throughout Russia without experiencing any special difficulties or serious financial burdens. Having chosen the appropriate tariff, we will receive:

  • Free incoming calls throughout the Russian Federation;
  • Internet access at home rates;
  • Cheap outgoing calls throughout the country and to your region;
  • Inexpensive sending of SMS within Russia or to home network phones.

For example, such tariff plans are available in the popular “Smart” line.

If you want to check whether roaming is enabled on MTS before traveling within Russia, then there is nothing special to check here. The thing is that its intranet version is available to every subscriber without any conditions. Although there is still one condition - your personal account balance must be positive, otherwise you simply will not be able to use communication services. Now you can safely buy tickets and hit the road - don't forget to take your charger with you!

International roaming

Let's now see how to find out if international roaming is enabled on MTS. In this case, we travelers really need a set of certain services. There are two such sets:

  • “International access” and “International and national roaming” - suitable for traveling to any country in the world, including the most remote corners and unpopular destinations;
  • “Easy roaming and international access” - will allow you to use communication services in countries with which an online roaming agreement has been signed (real-time charging is implied, it works on most popular destinations).

It's very easy to check if any of these services are connected. Method one - call 0890 and ask the corresponding question to the MTS help desk consultant. If you can't get through by phone, you should visit the “Personal Account” located on the operator’s website– here you can check whether the roaming services you need are connected. You can also go to the nearest MTS service office, taking your passport with you in order to puzzle the office specialists with this question.

How to activate roaming

Now you know how to find out if roaming is enabled on MTS. If you have never traveled outside the country before, we recommend checking the availability of relevant services. Otherwise, your phone simply will not be able to register with the guest network. If roaming is enabled, you can safely go abroad. If there are no roaming services connected, they should be activated.

The easiest way to connect roaming to MTS is using the “Personal Account” - this is the simplest and most visual tool. If you do not have access to a computer, perform similar steps through the My MTS mobile application. After some time, you need to check whether the connection has occurred– we have already told you how to find out if roaming is enabled on MTS. If you do not use a smartphone or computer, feel free to go to the nearest service office, where experienced specialists will assist you.

USSD commands are also provided:

  • In order to activate the “International Access” and “International and National Roaming” service package, you need to dial the USSD command *111*2192#;
  • To activate the “Easy Roaming and International Access” service, dial *111*2157#.

Now everything is ready to hit the road.