Installing windows 10 from scratch on a flash drive. Creating a bootable USB drive. Formatting your hard drive

Hello dear visitors. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install the latest Windows 10 on your computer or laptop. I'm glad that you came to this page and give me the right to teach you how to install Ten on your computer. Let's start!

We will install Windows 10 from a flash drive, because it is much more convenient and faster than using classic DVD discs. Using installation flash drive with Windows, we will be able to install the system on both computers and laptops and netbooks.

What do you need to do to install Windows 10 from a flash drive?

Creating a bootable USB flash drive

First of all, prepare an 8 GB USB flash drive and move ALL important files to other disks. Next, download the UltraISO program from the official website. We will use it to record the system. We will also need a Windows 10 image and preferably in ISO format. You can also download it from the Internet.

Download UltraISO and run it.

The program is paid, but fortunately Trial period will allow you to use it for free for 30 days. To install Windows 10 from a flash drive, we need UltraISO only once.

When you launch UltraISO, click the Trial button.

The flash drive should already be inserted into the computer.

Now in UltraISO program Click the menu File – Open.

In the window that opens, indicate where the Windows 10 image is located on the computer and click Open.

The image files were successfully opened. Now click on the menu - Write down image of a tough disk.

In the window that opens, it is important to make sure that in the paragraph Disk Drive the flash drive we need is selected. If this is not the case, then select it manually from the drop-down list. There is no need to change anything else. Click the Burn button to begin creating a bootable USB flash drive.

Windows entry 10 on a flash drive usually lasts about 10 minutes. Upon completion, close all unnecessary windows and let's proceed to the next step.

Install BIOS and boot from flash drive

When starting to install the system, we need to go into the BIOS and put booting from a flash drive in the first place. Turn on the computer or restart it if it is already turned on. To enter the BIOS, immediately start pressing DELETE key or F2 (depending on the motherboard) . Click the desired key a few seconds until we see the BIOS itself. This is roughly what it looks like:

We can navigate through this program using the arrows and the Enter button on the keyboard.

Go to the BOOT tab and find the item there Hard Disk Drives. Let's open it.

We go to the first item and press Enter.

In the window that opens, select your flash drive and now it will be in first place. Great!

Press the ESC key to return to the previous window. Now select the first item Boot Device Priority.

Go to the first item and press Enter.

We select the flash drive again and now it is in first place in the download priority.

Great! Now the computer will boot from the flash drive. To save the changes made, press the F10 key and press Enter.

The computer is rebooting...

It is worth saying that in some BIOSes the interface is slightly different. In this case, you will have to look for similar buttons.

Installing Windows 10 from a USB flash drive

If we did everything correctly, then after restarting the computer, reading data from the flash drive will begin. The following speaks about this Windows icon:

The start of the installation is indicated by a window in which we will need to select the system language, parameters and keyboard layout. Leave Russian everywhere and click Next.

In the next window, click the Install button, which is located in the middle of the screen.

On next step we need to select the installation type. Select the second item " Custom: Windows installation only". Just what we need.

Now it's very important point! We need to select the disk to which we need installWindows 10 . The disk on which the system was previously installed has type System. If you have other disks, then it is better not to install the system on them, so as not to lose important data.

As for the disk on which the system was already installed, it is better to format it, that is, delete old programs, Windows and other files. To do this, you need to specify the drive and select Format.

You can, of course, not format the disk, but in this case previous files from the system disk will be placed in new folder called WINDOWS.OLD.

I usually format the disk to remove all the junk accumulated on the old system!

Regardless of the choice you make, specify the disk for installation and click Next.

This is the main window where Windows 10 is installed in five steps. Here the files are copied and installed, that is, the process of writing the system to our computer occurs. You will have to wait 15 minutes.

Attention important point! When you see that the 5 steps are completed and after a few seconds the computer reboots, be ready to remove the flash drive from the computer.

The computer starts to reboot, and we immediately remove the flash drive! If this is not done, then Windows 10 installation may start again.

Fine. The system is almost ready for use. There are still some settings left to do. After the reboot we will be asked to connect to our wireless network. But note that you can skip this step. There is a link for this below " Skip this step".

I connected to WI-FI so on this step I'm still downloading and installing updates.

Finally, we need to select the computer type. Of course, select the item " This computer belongs to me".

Then enter the login and password for your Microsoft account, if you have one. Or just click " Skip this step".

We give the account a name and, if necessary, come up with a password for it.

Great! So we figured it out, how to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive and configure it before the first launch.


Let's sum it up summary. So to install Windows system 10 from a flash drive, we need to complete the following tasks:

1. Create a bootable USB flash drive
2. Set the BIOS to boot from a flash drive
3. Install the system from a flash drive

That's basically all. This concludes my lesson, I thank you for your attention and look forward to your comments.

In the proposed article in more detail discussed how to install Windows 10 from a flash drive. A flash drive means not only a removable flash drive, but also a DVD disk, but due to the fact that CDs are going out of use, we will focus on a flash drive.

At the end the instructions are considered typical problems that the user is likely to encounter during the creation phase boot drive and installations operating system from it via the boot menu.

Note that when using a licensed edition of Windows 10, which was obtained during the free update process, before performing a clean installation of “tens”, mandatory you need to upgrade from the old system to Windows 10, and only then reinstall the operating system.

This maneuver is necessary so that the license of the previous OS is “captured” and linked to your computer and Microsoft account, so that after Windows reinstallation 10 it was able to automatically activate upon first connection with global network. It became possible thanks to the release of a large-scale update package for the “ten”, released in early August 2016.

In this regard, some messages for activation or performing operations to skip entering a key during installation of the operating system may be invalid, but are noted just in case.

The first step in preparing to reinstall the system is to create bootable digital media (in in this case USB flash drives) with a distribution kit (compressed installation files of the operating system). To carry out the action we will resort to official application from Microsoft, which can be downloaded at

Please note that the bitness of the downloaded utility must match the bitness of the installed edition of Windows 10. Information about the current OS edition can be obtained from the properties of My Computer.

When the application is downloaded, click on the “Create an installation drive for another computer” icon, then select the “tens” interface language and its version (you should select the one for which there is a license, because when switching to another edition of the OS, the license is not transferred). This does not apply to bit depth; when moving from x64 to x86 and vice versa, the license remains the same.

Then we connect the drive to a free USB port, check the “USB flash memory device” option and wait for the download to complete installation files to a computer and copying them to storage media.

This official utility from Microsoft will allow you to get a flash drive with the original Windows image 10. At the same time, you will be prompted to download the distribution kit for the specific edition of the OS to which you can upgrade on current computer(the box with the recommended operating system will be checked by default).

Please note that after updating the app, it does not prompt you to select Windows edition 10 (professional, home). This is already done during the installation process.

If you have an ISO image that makes sense to store on your hard drive, you can create a flash drive at any time to reinstall the system using any convenient method:

  • by simply deploying the image to a portable digital media if you are using a computer with UEFI, but the flash drive must be formatted in FAT32 in advance;
  • using the command line;
  • using specialized applications (Rufus, UltraISO).

For more information on methods for preparing a flash drive, see the adjacent article in the section.

Before installation

The most important thing that beginners forget about before formatting system partition Before copying the files of the new operating system to it, this is to save the files stored on it. All data from the desktop, “Downloads” and “My Documents” directories should be copied/moved to another logical or physical drive.

We set the computer to boot from a flash drive. There are two ways to go here:

  • Visit the BIOS/UEFI, find the menu or options responsible for prioritizing boot devices and install the USB device on which the setup files(ideally, other USB devices should be disabled) come first. But after the first reboot of the computer (it will happen automatically during the OS reinstallation process), the priority will have to be changed back in order to allow the computer to boot from hard drive and continue Windows installation 10. How to enter the BIOS and where to find the boot menu in it, look in the manual for the laptop or motherboard, or on the Internet.
  • Use the function quick access to the boot-menu and boot from any drive without changing the BIOS settings.

After this, an inscription will appear on a black background, requiring you to click on any keyboard key. Press any button and wait for the installer program to appear.

Direct installation of Windows 10

In the first window of the installer, you must select the version of the language to be installed from the list of supported packages, as well as the time format and input method. In principle, the default language should be Russian.

In the next interface, click “Install”.

Further windows in different situations(using an outdated image, for example, or license status), windows may differ. In one case, a tens release selection dialog may appear, but most likely, if you downloaded a new ISO file, there will be one of the following:

  • If there is a key for the “ten”, it must be entered in the text form that appears;
  • When license key no, for example, if you become the owner of a free update to Windows 10, we skip this action by clicking “No key” or “Skip”. In this case, the system will be installed, but will not be activated, which will entail the appearance of offers to purchase a key and will impose some restrictions on the functionality of the OS.
  • When upgrading to "ten" without it pre-installation in order to transfer the license key to your computer (the key will be linked to the unique hardware ID and Microsoft account, if you have one). Here you should refuse to perform next steps, upgrade from Windows 7-8, and only then take the opportunity to perform a clean installation of the new operating system.

Then we will read the new license agreement, where you should pay attention to the clauses on the collection of user data for their subsequent processing and the rest regarding confidentiality and data protection. Click “Next” if you agree with all the points.

We decide on the installation option:

  1. An update is actually the same as an update if you switch to Windows 10 from older versions of the OS - in this case, all system files along with programs, settings for them and user data will be copied to the Windows.old directory. The process is similar to a regular update, so we won’t consider it.
  2. Custom installation - will allow you to install a new operating system, deleting all user and system files and allow you to make changes logical structure drive. We will focus on this option, because it is more expedient.

By clicking on the custom installation option (for experienced users), we find ourselves in the interface for selecting the future system volume with the ability to change the disk structure (re-partitioning).

Here you should not be alarmed if the number of disks is several more than you are used to seeing them in Explorer or file manager. Let's briefly look at the proposed options, their consequences and cases of application.

  1. If the operating system has already been installed (you are using a purchased computer without an OS, which is practically impossible to encounter now), in addition to the partitions created by the user, several more will be shown additional volumes, with a capacity of hundreds of megabytes, as well as reserved by the system disks. It is better not to touch these partitions, unknown to a beginner: one of them stores the bootloader, the second contains a copy of the “ten”, which allows you to reset the OS to its original state.
  2. Select the current system partition or volume to which you want to copy the installation files Windows files 10. To format it (clear the table of contents in order to get rid of all files), select the disk and call the “Format” command by clicking on the corresponding button. Then click on the “Next” icon to continue the installation without changing the structure of the logical volumes. If present on the disk that will be the system disk, another Windows versions(it doesn’t matter whether it was “seven” or XP) should be deleted system volume and create it again in an unallocated area to automatically form the missing volumes with a bootloader or a future image to perform a tens reset.
  3. If you choose the option without formatting and deleting, the operating system will be installed on the current system partition, if there is the necessary free space on it. The old OS will completely fit into the Windows.old directory, as discussed above, thus saving all the user’s files.
  4. If you use a separate drive for Windows 10, for example, an SSD, or there is no important data on it, you can delete all partitions, format the disk, and then recreate its structure (or format each partition separately) and select the desired volume as the system one .
  5. By selecting a partition that does not have an operating system, you can install two versions of Windows on your computer that will work properly, and a window for selecting them will appear when you start the computer. All user data will be saved in this case.

It may happen that when you select a volume to install Windows 10 on it, a window will appear with information that it is impossible to install the operating system on the selected partition or something like that. In this case, you will have to convert partitions from MBR to a new one - GPT. For solutions similar problem exists separate instructions, and there is no point in repeating myself.

After you have decided on the option and solved the problem, click “Next”. As a result, the installer will start the process of copying files to system disk, after which it will restart the computer.

If a message appears asking you to click on a key, you should not do this. The next time you restart your PC, you will have to go into the BIOS and change the priority of boot devices, selecting the HDD with the new operating system first. If you wish, you can restart your computer when help Reset and perform the suggested actions now, but it is not recommended to interrupt the system in this way.

After this, the installer will prepare files for installing the operating system, as well as configure system components. At this stage, the screen may flicker and the computer may restart. No action should be taken in such cases, just wait.

After unpacking is complete system files and other operations with them, you will be prompted to connect to the Internet via the radio interface via WiFi technology. If you have and subsequently use a Microsoft account, it is recommended to connect, otherwise it is optional.

Next we carry out the primary Windows setup 10. To use the proposed configuration, click “Use” standard parameters", which is strongly not recommended. To make all settings manually, click “Settings”.

How to implement correct setting is also described in one of the articles, but you can confidently disable most of the parameters, nothing bad will happen in this case. Almost all of them are responsible for Windows 10's privacy and user tracking. If you have any questions or doubts, it is better not to touch the option.

After this, the installer will prompt you to log in using an existing Microsoft account or add and configure local account on the current computer. If there is no Internet connection yet or it is not active, you can only use a local account. This will not affect the status of the license in any way.

Here is the final stage - configuring and installing classic applications and preparing the “ten” for the first start. As a rule, the process takes no more than or about 10 minutes, but with older PCs it can take half an hour. Make sure that during this time period the computer’s power supply is stable and nothing interrupts its operation.

After some time, the login animation will appear and the desktop will load.

Additional information for beginners

After installing Windows 10, you should ensure that drivers for all devices are up to date. Although “Ten” copes with their installation, the automation of the process is far from ideal, which is associated with many problems: the installation is not the best latest version drivers, the most suitable product is not installed, the OS uses unofficial version drivers, the device is not detected or does not work correctly, etc.

First of all, you should get drivers for the motherboard, chipset and video card by downloading them from official resources. No driver packs should be used. For laptops, you can visit the support site and download everything necessary programs, computer owners will have a more difficult time. If problems occur during the video adapter software update process, use Display application Driver Uninstaller.

If everything is in order, we carry out the installation necessary software, customize the system for yourself and create an image to restore it, for example, using True Image, although Windows 10 offers a simple tool for this. Thus, installing Windows 10 from a flash drive next time will turn into simply deploying the created image to the system partition.


Despite the fact that many users criticize Windows 10, it is nevertheless gaining popularity. New computers and laptops – so often everything comes with Windows 10 (and they are no longer releasing drivers for old equipment, which means that over time, we will all be on the new OS 👌). For example, I have already switched to this OS...

In principle, according to by and large, installing Windows 10 is not much different from installing previous operating systems Windows 7, 8 (and even XP). The algorithm of actions is the same: create bootable media, configure the BIOS (UEFI) accordingly, run the installer and act according to its recommendations...

In this article I will look at step by step how and what to do, what to create in what order to complete the installation new Windows 10 on your PC/laptop. The instructions are primarily aimed at novice users, so that after reading it, anyone can install the OS for themselves.

STEP 1: Create bootable media

The first and most important thing you need for installation is bootable media (in our case, it will be a USB flash drive). In general, you can take it instead regular DVD. But, firstly, not all PCs/laptops have a DVD drive. (compared to USB port), secondly, installation from a flash drive goes faster, well, and thirdly, a flash drive is simpler and easier to carry with you.

The choice is obvious!

What kind of flash drive is needed: the most common one, at least 4 GB in size (preferably 8 GB). By the way, you can use flash drives that support USB 3.0, with them the installation will be much faster (they are marked in blue).

The easiest way to prepare bootable media is to use special. tool from Microsoft (on the official website). After downloading and running this utility, it will easily and quickly prepare a bootable USB flash drive (will automatically download from the server Microsoft needed you system and writes it to a flash drive). See screenshot below.

Download ISO or immediately prepare a flash drive / Tool from Microsoft

Rather than describe each step in detail here (on how to create such media), I recommend that you read my recent article (link to it below).

Creation Bootable USB flash drive with Windows 10 OS -

STEP 2: Save a copy of drivers and important documents

This advice applies to those users who already have Windows installed (and who want to replace/reinstall it).

Many instructions on similar topics do not contain this advice, but I still recommend saving all your drivers in a backup (so that if something happens, you can restore all your files and drivers).

By the way, in addition to the drivers, be sure to save all your important documents to a flash drive/external hard drive/to the cloud. When installing an OS, anything can happen...

To help!

1) OneDrive: what is it? Automatic backup of my documents in the cloud! -

2) How to create a backup copy of drivers -

STEP 3: Setting up BIOS (UEFI) to boot from a flash drive or using the Boot Menu

In order to boot from the installation flash drive, you can go in two ways: use the Boot Menu (approx. : boot menu) – i.e. selecting boot media from special. list, without changing BIOS settings; or configure the BIOS - i.e. change the boot queue to which to add the flash drive (usually this line in the BIOS is called USB-HDD).

Important! Before BIOS settings(and entering the Boot Menu) – the installation flash drive must be connected to a USB port.

STEP 4: Start installation

If the flash drive was correctly written and the BIOS (UEFI) was configured correctly, after rebooting the PC/laptop, you should see the first welcome window - selecting a language (starting installation). Select “Russian” (usually it is indicated automatically) and click the “Next” button.

In the next step Windows installer 10 will ask you to choose one of the actions: either restoring the system or installing it. In our case, click on the button "Install" .

In the next step I recommend choosing "Custom installation" and manually set all parameters. Despite Windows warnings that this is recommended only experienced users– I can say that there is nothing complicated there ✌...

STEP 5: disk partitioning!

Perhaps this is one of the most important and responsible steps when installing an OS. (that's why I put it in a separate part of the article).

In this step you need to indicate where you want to install Windows 10 - i.e. select the one you need hard section disk (or even SSD).

Important! When formatting, creating and deleting partitions, all information on the hard drive will be deleted. That’s why the second step after creating a flash drive is that I recommended making a backup copy of important data (or install the OS on a drive that doesn’t have any necessary documents No).


  1. one partition: make it 50÷100 GB in size and install Windows OS there;
  2. second partition: all the remaining space on the disk, and use it for files: music, documents, movies, etc.

If you suddenly have to reinstall Windows, then you simply format the first partition on the disk and install the new OS on it, and all your files on the second partition will remain intact.

All in all, to start installation: create a partition on your hard drive ("Create" button), then select it to install and click the “Next” button. In principle, nothing complicated...

When all the files have been copied to your disk, unpacked, etc., the installer will begin to reboot your computer. To prevent the installation from starting again after rebooting the PC, it is better to remove the flash drive from the USB port after the reboot - it will no longer be needed, because installation will come from your disk.

The next step in the installation is entering the product key. If there is - enter, if not, you can do this later - just click the button "Do it later" (see arrow in the screenshot below).

In the next step, Windows will ask you to configure your voice input settings, keyboard input, your PC's location, protection from harmful web content, etc.

In my opinion, it’s convenient to configure all this in the OS itself by going to the panel Windows management. Therefore, I recommend pressing the button "Use standard settings" .

Use standard settings

I recommend setting your account login in Latin (the point is that this will save you from various errors in programs and games that do not always work correctly with Russian characters found in the paths to your documents).

The password is at your discretion (if there are children in the house, I recommend setting it).

The last step in installing Windows is to wait for the final system configuration. Usually, at this time, the OS displays a window: (in fact, it can hang for 5 minutes or even 25!). This is especially true for old computers on which they decided to install a new OS.

By the way, many users at this moment mistakenly believe that the installation is frozen and reboot the PC - there is no need to do this.

Completing the installation

STEP 7: Installation is complete, but there are still 2 important steps left!

Actually, this completes the instructions. Then you can start your usual activities, and I will allow myself to give a couple more recommendations in the last step...

Windows 10 is installed! The first icons appeared on the desktop...

This is such a provocative headline ✌. The first thing I would advise is to install and update drivers for all your hardware (you can backup copy, which I advised you to do in one of the steps of this instruction), or you can use the programs from the article, the link to which is given below.


Many people do not update drivers after installing Windows 10 - after all, it still works (this used to be about 15 years ago, after installing Windows 2000/XP, the system did not have a video driver, and the image that the eyes instantly got tired - so everyone immediately installed the drivers (without reminders)).

Now the OS has become smarter and installs drivers automatically for most equipment. However, selected Windows drivers- leave much to be desired. Subsequently, you often have to deal with problems in games, when Wi-Fi settings, Bluetooth, in audio and video programs, etc.

Good afternoon my dear readers and fans computer topics and technological gadgets!

Haven't switched to the new operating system from Microsoft yet? And yesterday I decided to thoroughly install and configure it in order to stay only on it. As always, I didn’t have a free bobblehead, and in principle I don’t have any, because this is already the last century. Everyone has been using it for a long time removable media. Therefore, today I will tell you what correct and complete Windows installation 10 from a flash drive, without losing it different files, especially documents and game saves! Go!

Why are Windows being demolished?

So, let's figure out why you need to reinstall the operating system at all. Imagine you for a long time We used Windows 7. Even when 8 came out, you didn’t change your habit (and by the way, you’re right, 8 is not a stable OS). And then the tenth version of everyone’s favorite system comes out.

And here's to yours Asus laptop you have decided to install a brand new Windows. It has better performance, a nicer interface, and is more convenient. This is one of the reasons for changing the OS - modernization.

The second situation is related to breakdowns and bugs. Imagine you work on your PC for a long time, six months or a year. Eventually the car starts to slow down incredibly. In games, the graphics are cubes, it just takes ten minutes for Word to open, and Photoshop takes forever to launch. Cleaning the operating system and registry will not help here, since the problem lies deeper, in the code itself.

That's why it's worth reinstalling the operating system, which will work faster. Moreover, there are situations when, say, you are typing text, three pages are already ready, and then the laptop turns off without saving the result. It's a shame? To avoid this, you need to plan ahead for undertakings such as reinstalling Windows.

What will you need?

So, let's go through the tools. Of course you need a car - let it be yours Lenovo laptop. Because latest version The operating system from Microsoft is quite heavy, I advise you to take a flash drive with a capacity of 10 gigabytes or more. It is advisable that you buy new device,. But if you have an old one, it will do just fine, you just need to make sure it is stable work, which I will write about later.

Ultra ISO. You will need it to make bootable media. You need to click here.

Now let's take from here- torrent client.

Install all the above software. Then you go right here. Don't press this button, otherwise you'll get all sorts of things. advertising banners. Scroll down.

Now open the torrent client and select the downloaded file. Waiting for it to load. That's it, you have the distribution.

Now let's look at the files you need to transfer. Copy them into one folder. And add it to the archive.

Now you need to copy the archive to another logical drive. If there is no such thing, then upload it to one of file storages. I'll give you some tips.

Here Yandex disk. Download, register and get several gigabytes of free space. No activation required, everything is free. Just transfer your archive there and that’s it.

Here google drive. Here they give you more space and better controls, but you have to set up an email account and enter your cell phone number. Whether you need this - decide for yourself.

So, the files were transferred, the flash drive and distribution kit are there, all that remains is to back up the firewood. Download. Click here.

Install it and save the entire archive with firewood to your laptop. Also transfer the program itself (downloaded archive) and firewood to virtual storage. Just don’t forget the password, or better yet, write it down in a notepad. Not a computer one, but a real one.

That's it, the preparation is over. It's time to cut the bootable media!

Burning a flash drive for installation

So, it's time to make installation media. Open UltraISO. On behalf of the administrator - mandatory!

A window like this will open.

Click the icon “ open", we look for the image and open it. IN right side, at the top, the files that are on ISO disk distribution.

Now, in the first line, select your flush. Not a floppy drive, but a USB drive. Set the recording method to UCB HDD+. Exactly him. Then click the record button.

A sign will appear telling you that the files will be erased from your flash drive. Since we copied everything we needed to virtual disk, then click “ Yes».

This is very important, otherwise you may end up in a situation where the hard drive is already formatted, and new Windows When installing it gives an error. As soon as the program reports a successful recording, you can close it.

Here's a simple one step-by-step instruction. Use it.

BIOS setup

Believe me, without a BIOS you will not be able to install Windows from a flash drive. Or rather, without setting it up. In itself, it appears as a set of small programs that control your hardware. Not the software part, but the devices under the hood of the car. Don’t be afraid to work with it, but don’t go into it without knowledge, otherwise you might even burn your PC. So. Let's go into the BIOS like this. Reboot the laptop, and as soon as it turns on, press DEL, or F2.

If you have a blue screen like this, it’s AVARD BIOS.

You don't need a mouse here. You can move through items only through the keyboard. We go to Integrated Peripherals and look for USB controllers there. Set this parameter to Enable.

Now go to Advanced BIOS Features and we see it.

Move the second line to the first position.

Now let's go to First Boot Device” and click “ Enter».

There, instead optical drive install USB HDD. Next, click F10.

All. The setup is complete.

And if you logged in through the BIOS and see this screen.

Then you have AMI. The system of actions is almost the same. Go to the tab Advanced.

There you find USB Configuration and click on it.

You have two items - USB Function and USB 2.0 Controller. Everywhere, opposite them, put the value Enable. That is, turn them on.

Now here Boot” – “Hard Disk Drives. This parameter is responsible for the boot order from different devices. That's what we need.

In first place you will have a hard drive, and we need to place a flash drive.

This is exactly what you should get.

Now let's go to Boot Device Priority. There we look to see if downloading from the media is worth it.

If everything is fine, press F10 and reboot. This is a step-by-step instruction for this version.

And if you see a window like this.

So you have Phoenix-Award Bios. It’s okay, this also happens, even though it’s the most old version programs. I explain what to do. First we check the parameter in the USB controller. Let's go to the line Peripherals and then, opposite the USB Controller and USB 2.0 Controller items, set the Enable parameter.

Now in Advanced and vice versa First Boot Device and set the USB hard drive to the primary position.

Again, press F10 and save, then reboot.

If Windows is installed on a computer with uefi, then simply click boot not from the screw, but from the flash drive.

Installing the operating system

We made all the settings through the BIOS. We have everything needed to install the system. As soon as the MP reboots (with the USB flash drive inserted), the installation itself will begin.

An agreement will appear that almost no one reads at all. For educational purposes, I advise you to read this. Then check the box below and click next.

Now you will have a choice. Either update the system or install it from scratch. We choose three times, that is, the bottom line. Be careful if you click in the wrong place - you'll have to do everything all over again.

Now a window for working with hard drive will open. Your task is either to format the disk, if there is only one, or to format the one that had the previous Windows. Usually it is on drive C. You can split the hard drive to install a second system later.

Now the installation will begin. It will take from half an hour to two hours. It all depends on the power of your coma . Everything will be faster on a laptop with expensive devices. In the next window, click the only one accessible button– use standard parameters.

Now we choose that you own your computer. This is elementary.

Now select the account name. Write here what you want.

Fill out all the lines. If you don't need a password, just leave the field blank.

Now safety. Do you need a PIN code? I think no.

You just skip a step.

That's it, Windows is installed.

Final actions

Now we install the program to work with drivers, then download the archive with the software and install it back. Further, download from here driver booster. And we scan the computer. Let's install new firewood for everything this software offers. Then the computer will reboot. Activation of Windows can be done later, let's focus on configuration.

Remember that you cannot do this without a key.

Now we need to install browsers, graphics software and preferably an antivirus. Also all components for games. All this is on the Internet. If you really want to, you can find everything yourself. By the way, a video on setting up Windows 10 is here.

Here you will be told tips and tricks that will help stabilize your OS.


Well, now you can install the system yourself, configure it, customize it, so to speak, for yourself. Remember that you need to carefully follow the instructions that I provide in the article. I checked all this myself and wrote to you. Otherwise, don't complain later. This installation method can also be used in virtualbox, although you will have to change a few things there.

To find out what exactly, subscribe to my blog and you will be aware of new articles. Share this material with your friends in contact and others in social networks. Remember that all the information I give is verified by me personally, especially for you. With this I will say goodbye, I hope this text will be useful to you, although I have no doubt about it. All the best to you, I wish you no problems with your computers! See you in touch!

Despite the fact that some users consider switching to Windows 10 a hasty decision, the popularity of this OS is growing every day. Many people talk about the “dampness” of the system, the lack of drivers and other problems, but its installation is only a matter of time. In this article you will learn how to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive.

In what cases is it convenient to install from a flash drive?

To install the OS from a USB drive you do not need a CD-ROM or disk. Therefore, this method can help out if the drive on a PC is faulty or is missing on laptops. Everything you need for installation is: bootable flash drive and the device itself.

System requirements

Before starting the process, make sure your computer is compatible minimum requirements. Windows 10 requires the following specifications:

  1. Processor - above 1 GHz.
  2. RAM - 32-bit systems require 1 GB, 64–2 GB.
  3. Hard disk space - 16 GB for 32-bit systems, 20 GB for 64-bit.
  4. Video card that supports DirectX 9.
  5. Display - 800x600 and higher.

The popularity of Windows 10 is growing every day

Installation process


Take care of your personal information first. When formatting, all files from drive C, including the desktop, will be irreversibly deleted. Therefore, move them to another section, to HDD or external storage in advance.

How to start the installation process from a flash drive

You can start the installation process in the following ways:

  • via Boot-menu;
  • via BIOS.

Please note that before entering the boot menu or BIOS, the flash drive must already be inserted into the computer.

Boot menu is BIOS option, which allows you to select the drive from which the computer will boot. Unlike changing the priority in the BIOS, the boot menu selects the drive used once.

In order to enter the boot-menu, you need to press while the computer is booting special button. Depending on the manufacturer of the laptop or motherboard on the computer, the boot menu is launched using F8 (Asus, whose model names begin with k, x), F11 (MSI, AsRock), F12 (Acer, Lenovo, Dell, Toshiba, Gigabyte) and Esc (Samsung, Intel, new Asus models).

This is what the boot menu looks like

You will see a boot menu where you need to select your USB drive. If you have new laptop(with Windows 8 and above), where the boot-menu does not start in the listed ways, then click “Shutdown” while holding the Shift key.

Installing Windows via Boot Menu (video)


The second way to start OS installation from a USB drive is to change the boot priority in the BIOS. To enter it, you need to press Del or F12 immediately after starting the device.

Appearance BIOS menu differs, let's look at the most common options.

  • UEFI BIOS. Most modern maternal BIOS boards(more precisely, UEFI) - graphical, which makes it possible to change the boot order using the mouse. If this is not possible, then change the priority in the BIOSFeatures – BootOptions section.

This is what the BIOS looks like on Gygabyte motherboards

Motherboard BIOS AMI

Press the Right button to select Boot. Then go to the "Hard Disk Drives" section and select "1st Drive".

Go to the “Hard Disk Drives” section

Here you should select USB storage.

Changing the download priority

Then go to the "Boot" section device priority", select "First boot device" and click on the USB drive again.

  • BIOS AWARD or Phoenix.

Award motherboard BIOS

If your BIOS looks like this screenshot, then go to “ Advanced BIOS Features" - "First Boot Device".

Loading order in Award

Select the priority device to boot, in our case it should contain the word “USB”.

Setting up BIOS for installing Windows (video)

Operating system installation

After you use the BIOS or boot-menu, you will see “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD”, press some button and wait.

The following window will appear where you need to select the language, time format and keyboard layout. Select the one you need and click “Next”.

Select language, time format, keyboard layout

You will be taken to the following window, click “Install”.

  • if you purchased Windows 10, then enter the key;
  • if you received the OS as free update or you do not have a key, then click “Skip”.

Licensed Windows keys 7, 8 are not suitable for Windows activation 10.

Enter your product key or click 'Skip'

Then you will see a window license agreement. Read it, check the “I accept the license terms” checkbox and click “Next”.

You will be taken to the installation type selection menu.

Select installation type

There are two types of installation available to you: update and custom installation. When updating, all settings and programs will remain, and old system will be saved in the “Windows.Old” folder. Custom installation will delete all old files, allows you to partition disks and formats them. This method cleans the PC of garbage, and we will consider it.

After selecting the installation type, you will be taken to the following menu (see photo).

Select partition to install

By clicking "Disk Setup" you will see additional buttons(delete, format, etc.). The following options are available to you:

  1. Formatting the partition corresponding to drive C for clean install OS.
  2. Installation without formatting. In this case, the old system will be saved in the “Windows.Old” folder.
  3. Installing a new OS in another partition. There will be two systems installed on your computer, the choice will be made every time you boot your PC.

In this menu you can change the hard drive structure.

Please note that this may result in data loss.

Select your option and click Next. The system files will begin copying to the PC, after which the computer will reboot. If you see “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD,” then you don’t need to press anything. The OS must be launched from a computer, not a flash drive. After launch, the installation of Windows 10 will begin.

After this, you will again be taken to the key entry window. Enter it or click "Do it later."

At the end of the installation, you have the opportunity to configure system parameters. After entering (or skipping) the product key, you will be taken to a special settings window.

Go to the settings menu or select standard settings

You can select "Customize Settings" (where you can turn off unnecessary settings) or "Use standard settings". Next, the account creation menu will appear. Use account Microsoft or create a local one for this PC.

The last stage is installation standard applications and preparation for launch. This is very long process, it may take more than half an hour.

Windows 10 is installed and preparing for the first launch

Once preparations for launch are complete, you will see the operating system desktop. On this Windows installation 10 can be considered complete.

What not to do

During installation, you cannot force shutdown and restart your computer or laptop. It may seem to you that the computer is frozen, but this is not so - the system is installing. The download speed depends on the power of the computer.

Now you know how to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive. This method is not so complicated and does not require additional knowledge or equipment. All you need is a computer and a USB drive.