How to bypass activation of Windows 10. Let's look at them in more detail. Instructions for activation using KMS activator

The Windows 10 distribution system keeps up with the times. Now there is no need to buy a disc in a store or order it online. Absolutely every user can download Windows 10 to their computer directly from the official Microsoft website. But this version will become full-fledged only when it is activated.

Reasons to activate Windows

The non-activated version of Windows is essentially a trial product. You can use it for a long time until you make a purchase decision. license key. In this case, of course, some features in the non-activated version will be blocked or limited:

It turns out that working on an activated operating system is not only more pleasant and convenient, but also more reliable. After all, many updates primarily concern the security and protection of your computer.

Activating Windows in various ways

Regardless of which version of Windows you are using (Home, Pro, Enterprise or others), you can activate it different ways, even having the key to a different version. Among the activation methods there are both legal ones - with the purchase of a key - and illegal methods. Whether to use illegal activation methods or not - this choice always remains on the user’s conscience.

Activating Windows 10 via the command line

Very in a simple way activation is activation through command line. This requires literally a couple of commands, but first you need to open it:

This will open the command prompt. Execute next steps:

If activation is successful, you will receive a notification about this. After this, you can close the command line.

Entering the activation key in the system parameters

Another activation method is activation through system parameters. Do the following:

You can also activate it in the computer update menu:

Regardless of the chosen method, the result will be the same: your system will be activated if the key is entered correctly.

Activating Windows 10 without the Internet

The official activation process itself involves contacting Microsoft servers to confirm the key. Therefore, activation without the Internet can be understood as:

  • delayed activation during Windows installation, which will be carried out as soon as the computer connects to the network. So, for example, you may have a digital license (for example, when upgrading from a licensed Windows versions 8.1), in this case you will not be asked for a key, and activation will take place automatically when you access the Internet;
  • activation by phone - it is possible to activate Windows 10 by phone using Microsoft's automatic assistant;
  • activation through an activator program - there are illegal activators that can work without the Internet. They do not directly activate the system, but force the computer to consider it as such, removing all imposed restrictions.

Activation of OEM version of Windows 10

OEM in the version name refers to the distribution type operating system. This means that the system was pre-installed on the computer to be sold with it. Yes, when purchasing modern laptop you will receive a device with OEM version Windows 10. However, you will not be given a key to the operating system directly; it will be tied to the laptop’s motherboard.

If such a laptop fails to activate when reinstalling Windows, it would be good to know your license key. This can be done using the ProdeKey program, which will identify the key associated with your equipment. This program serves the sole purpose of telling you your operating system key.

This program will allow you to find out the key associated with your equipment

After you find out the key, all you have to do is activate the system using one of the methods described above. Activation will be completely legal, because you purchased this version of Windows along with the equipment.

Sometimes you can find a license key directly on the case of your laptop or computer in the form of a special sticker.

Stickers with activation codes may look different

Activating Windows 10 by phone

The method of activating Windows 10 by phone is convenient when there is no way to go online. For this type of Windows activation, the following steps will be required:

Option to delay activation

All described above legal ways will activate your system forever. As long as you don't reinstall it or replace key pieces of hardware, you won't need to reactivate it. In the case of illegal methods, no one knows when the activation of your Windows will be reset.

But there is another officially approved method that activates Windows temporarily. This is done like this:

In this way, you will postpone the need for activation for a month and can continue to use your operating system to its fullest potential. You can do this only three times, then this option will not be available.

Activating Windows via KMS activator

Mentioning activation methods, we cannot help but talk about the most popular unofficial program for activating Windows. Its features are:

  • supports all modern operating systems, any versions;
  • completely free;
  • carries out high-quality activation with the function of maintaining it in the future if desired;
  • has many settings for experienced users and the ability to activate in one button for beginners.

Using this program is really very simple:

Video: an easy way to activate Windows 10

Getting the Education Edition of Windows

There are a few Windows releases especially for educational institutions. They differ from the usual ones in more advanced functionality, programs for conducting tests, and changed default settings. And, of course, there is a separate version of Windows 10 Enterprise created specifically for educational institutions.

Applies to similar products special system licensing, as well as separate prices. True, you will have to officially confirm that you are educational institution to receive these benefits. The purchase procedure itself must take place through official Microsoft intermediaries.

Available convenient system selecting a supplier for your educational institution

Otherwise, the process of activating such operating systems does not differ from activating other versions. You can also activate Windows yourself through system settings or use third party programs to activate.

Activating Windows after replacing the motherboard

Like the previous operating system, Windows 10 “remembers” your computer’s hardware when activated. If it changes seriously, for example, when replacing motherboard, activation may fail. If you have a license key or you updated unofficially, your actions are clear. You just need to re-enter the key or re-activate. But what if you received a licensed version of Windows 10 due to free update? In this case, you do not have the key and will have to act differently.

Before the anniversary release Windows updates 10 the only solution was to contact technical support. There they had to describe the situation and, after a private review, Microsoft technical support staff made a decision and returned the activation manually. Now this process can be performed automatically. Do the following:

After this, the activation will return to its place and you can continue working. In case of any controversial situations or if this method does not help, you will still have to contact technical support.

Preserving Windows activation when reinstalling the system

Many users with digital activation(that is, those who updated for free upon exit new system) are afraid to reinstall Windows. “After all, with a clean reinstallation, all files from the computer will be deleted, which means activation will also fail,” users reason. In fact, this statement is not true. Activation will take place automatically if:

  • When you reinstalled Windows 10, you did not replace the motherboard or other hardware;
  • you are installing the same version of Windows that you already had installed.

That is, the main thing is not to try to install a different version using your license key. It must completely match the one that has already been activated.

In case of any problems with reactivation Microsoft company suggests contacting technical support or using the activation troubleshooter.

Reappearance of the Windows activation message

If the message about the need to activate Windows 10 returns to your desktop, this may be due to one of two reasons:

  • or Windows activation was not performed reliably, and the this moment your operating system has returned to its inactive state;
  • or the error is solely in the return of the inscription, despite the fact that the system itself remains activated.

In the first case, you need to reactivate the system using one method or another. In the second, you can cope with a simple Universal program Watermark Disabler. Take the following steps to get rid of the activation requirement notification:

Video: Removing a watermark using Universal Watermark Disabler

Windows activation problems and errors

Let's look at the most common problems associated with Windows activation.

Windows 10 won't activate after installation

If you are unable to activate Windows after reinstalling the operating system, there may be several reasons:

  • When restoring, updating or installing Windows 10, a different version of the operating system for which you have the key was used;
  • the copy of Windows you purchased was installed on several different computers. License agreement allows activation on multiple devices, but if used simultaneously, this activation may fail;
  • using an unofficial Windows image;
  • significant changes in the hardware used on your computer.

We have already described above how to act in the face of some of these factors. In any case, if there are problems with official activation Windows you can always contact technical support Microsoft support for help.

The system asks for activation, but is activated

This failure may occur in the following cases:

  • if your Windows 10 has not been updated for a long time. In this case, simply update it to the latest version;
  • if your computer does not have an Internet connection. The system cannot verify the authenticity of your key;
  • Microsoft servers are overloaded. Because of this, some of the data may be issued in an incorrect way, leading to certain failures.

Other Windows 10 activation errors

There are other Windows activation errors. Usually they are indicated by one or another code: 0xC004F210, 0xC004F034, 0x8007267C. The solutions to these errors differ from each other, and the reasons for their occurrence can be divided into three simple categories:

  • Key entry error on your part. You just need to enter the key more carefully or verify its authenticity;
  • The user has problems with the Internet. Install reliable connection before trying to activate the key;
  • Microsoft has network problems. Due to technical work or heavy load, this may also cause the system to be unable to activate. In this case, all that remains is to wait.

A universal solution to any problems that cause errors is the ability to contact technical support or run the activation troubleshooter.

Any activation error can be corrected by technical support

Windows activation check

If you have activated the system and need to verify this, you can use one of the following methods:

Any of these methods is equally reliable, so it’s enough to check with one of them.

How more ways activation of Windows 10 you know, the more opportunities you have to do this. If one method doesn't work for you, just try another. After all, on activated Windows the work is much more pleasant and safer.

And the installation is completed, and now there remains one unresolved question about Windows 10 - how to activate all this splendor? In fact, the issue of activation rarely raises questions, however, due to the characteristics of our users, in some cases we still have to spend a lot of time and nerves in order for the OS to finally recognize you as its full-fledged owner and begin to work as expected. relies.

In this article, we will not just find out how to activate Windows 10, but also consider a wide variety of options for this scenario.

Is it necessary?

Before you figure out how to activate Windows 10, it’s worth finding out why it’s needed and what will happen if you don’t.

Activation is the process by which a system confirms its authenticity. If you do not make it, you will receive a notification that your copy is not genuine, which will constantly “loom” in the corner of the screen. In addition, without activation you will experience several more “bonuses”.

Firstly, you will not be able to set the desktop background, or rather, a few minutes after installation it will be reset, changing to a black canvas. Secondly, every few hours your computer will spontaneously reboot with the worst images, resulting in the risk of losing unsaved documents and other data.

In a word, activation needs to be done, but read below how to do it.

Option #1: traditional

This option is perfect for those who received Windows 10 in the most legal way. This applies to those who bought it for a new PC, as well as to those who used it official channel updates on top of the licensed seven or eight.

It is worth noting that in most cases, Windows activates correctly without any help, however, if for some reason this does not happen, then activation is not so difficult. To do this you should do the following:

  1. Make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet (we won’t tell you in detail how to do this - if the sites open, then everything is OK);
  2. Open the Settings section in the Start menu;
  3. Click on the "Updates and Security" icon;
  4. Select the “Activation” tab on the left side of the window;
  5. Finally, to activate Windows 10, click on the “Activate” button.

If you did everything correctly, then after a few seconds you will see a message about successful activation. During the activation process, the system may ask you for a key, which you can find on the package licensed flash drive(if you bought the OS this way). In addition, in some cases, when the activation servers are overloaded, it is sometimes necessary to make several activation attempts. If none of them are successful, move on to the next options.

By the way, users who are members of the Windows Insider program can activate Windows 10 absolutely free using the first or second option.

Option No. 2: “lady, connect me to Microsoft”

In some cases, you may find yourself in a situation where your computer cannot connect to the Internet. Let’s not deal with the reasons for such circumstances and simply accept this fact, as it is. To activate Windows 10 in such conditions, you should use the option of registering by phone.

Unfortunately, in the top ten this opportunity we pushed it very, very deeply, so we will offer you a shortcut.

  • Press the key combination Win+R;
  • In the window that appears, enter the line: slui 4
  • Click OK and wait for the activation window to appear;
  • Select your country from the list and click “Next”;
  • Call one of the numbers listed in the window and follow the instructions from the answering machine.

Option No. 3: “our way”

Sadly, in most cases it is not possible to activate Windows not because of the inaccessibility of the Internet or the ability to press phone buttons, but because of a simple misunderstanding of the fact that programmers also need to be paid for their work. Simply put: our people are fussing with activation because they stupidly stole the operating system, and accordingly, there can be no question of any authentication.

Besides, in similar situation get in and inexperienced users who used the service " Windows installation Pro/Home/Enterprise for a mower”, which is available thanks to numerous advertisements on poles. Such users do not even think about what they received pirated version, and, in most cases, in one of its most terrible variations - assembly. Accordingly, after trying to update such an operating system to ten, they learn about many interesting things– the real cost of the OS, such a concept as activation, computer piracy and much more.

So, if after the update your “Windows 7 Home” has turned not into a top ten, but into a pumpkin, you should pay attention to such programs as activators. Today they have become so popular that many people (mostly inexperienced users or very young users) believe that downloading and launching such an activator is some kind of quest, not realizing that in this way they are simply stealing other people’s money and breaking the law. One way or another, let’s forget about morality and pay attention to the common activators of the KMS family, but first…

Try running the command line as an administrator and enter the following lines one by one:

slmgr /ipk W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX

slmgr /skms

In most cases, this is enough for your OS to undergo activation. If this does not happen, then move on to KMSAuto. You need to do the following:

  1. Find, download and launch the KMSAuto activator;
  2. We answer all questions during launch in the affirmative;
  3. Click on the “Activate Windows” button;
  4. If necessary, we indicate which version we will torture;
  5. We wait about a minute and see a message about successful activation;
  6. We reboot the computer and rejoice at the next perfect cybercrime.

That's basically all that can be said about this issue. Now you know how to activate Windows 10.

Microsoft distributes Windows 10 in a way that is unusual for itself and for users - ISO files that can be installed without purchasing a license. Install new Windows easier than ever: you can download it directly from the Microsoft website installation file and update the operating system or create bootable media and perform a clean installation.

Legal Windows users 7 and Windows 8 after updating receive licensing system, and Microsoft unobtrusively asks everyone else to purchase a key. Is it necessary to do this and if so, how? First, let's figure out what happens if you start using non-activated a copy of Windows 10.

During the installation process, the installer will ask you to enter an activation key, but you can skip this step, it is optional and does not become an obstacle to further installation. Of course, some users will already at this stage be looking for a place where they can purchase a key, but there is no need to rush.

An unlicensed Windows 10 desktop will display a reminder to activate. There are no more sudden full-screen scares that interrupt the current work session, as was the case in Windows 8.

There are no functional restrictions in non-activated Windows 10, with the exception of one thing - personalization settings are not available. This means you won't be able to change themes, wallpapers, accent colors, or the like. If you sign up to participate in Windows program Insider, the activation reminder watermark will disappear, but personalization will not appear.

True, there are two ways to change the wallpaper on a device even with non-activated Windows 10. Firstly, you can synchronize the settings with your other device on which Windows 10 is installed (with a license, of course). Secondly, you can use the wallpaper setting feature via pre-installed application"Photos".

If you don't like these restrictions, you can purchase a Windows 10 license. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Activation and click Go to Store. A page will open where you can purchase a Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro license. You can pay by bank card, as for any application in the store. Return to Settings, click Change Product Key, and enter your purchased activation code. You can purchase a Windows 10 license not only from Microsoft, but also from resellers; as a rule, it costs less from them.

Have you ever had to change computer components, but after that you were unable to activate the operating system? IN this manual will show you the steps to take using the Activation Troubleshooter tool to reactivation Windows systems 10.

When you make significant changes to the components of your computer, such as changing hard drive or motherboard, Windows 10 cannot correctly recognize the computer and the operating system turns out to be inactivated. Previously, if Windows 10 lost activation due to hardware changes, you had to contact Microsoft technical support to reactivate it, which was not an ideal solution.

Now Microsoft has simplified the process. Starting with the July version Anniversary Update you can link your account Microsoft entry(MSA) to digital Windows licenses 10 on your computer. New opportunity Allows you to access the Activation Troubleshooter and reactivate Windows 10.

This Windows 10 guide will walk you through the process of linking your Microsoft account and digital license, and using the Activation Troubleshooter to reactivate your system.

How to link a digital license and account Microsoft

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Open the Update and Security section.
  3. Click Activation.
  4. Click "Add Account". (The account must have administrator rights.)
  5. Enter your Microsoft account login and password and click “Login.” If your local account is not associated with a Microsoft account, you must enter the local account password.

Once you've completed this process, you'll see "Windows activated by the digital license associated with your Microsoft account" on the Activation page, so the linking was successful.

If you used a Microsoft account when upgrading to Windows 10, it was automatically linked to your digital license and you will see the message “Windows is activated by the digital license associated with your Microsoft account.” In this case previous step you can skip and move on to the next one.

How to use the troubleshooter to reactivate Windows 10

After linking your Microsoft account and digital license, you can use the Activation Troubleshooter tool to reactivate Windows 10 after replacing parts on your computer.

If you want to see other devices associated with your account, you can click “View other devices associated with your Microsoft account.” This page provides a list of devices in three categories (Edition does not match, Device type does not match, Windows is not activated), indicating the reasons why Windows 10 cannot be activated on other devices.

Additional Steps

If your device doesn't appear on the list, there could be several reasons.

First, make sure that you are signed in to the Microsoft account that you previously linked to your Windows 10 digital license.

If you are using a required Microsoft account, you need to consider the reasons why you are unable to complete the activation. Here is a list of possible reasons:

  • Windows 10 was never activated on this computer;
  • an unlicensed version of the operating system is used;
  • the edition of Windows 10 does not match the edition associated with the digital license;
  • the type of device being linked does not match the device type associated with the digital license;
  • the number of re-activations is limited. If this number is exceeded, you will not be able to activate Windows 10;
  • the edition of the operating system installed on your computer that is not Windows 10 Pro or Windows 10 Home;
  • The computer is managed by your organization, in which case the reactivation tool is not available. You need to contact your system administrator;
  • If you are unable to activate Windows 10 after using Activation Troubleshooter, you need to contact Microsoft technical support.


From the first Windows release 10 Microsoft is working to improve the system, including its activation. However, activation problems continue to occur from time to time, so new tool designed to solve them and allow you to easily change computer components.

Activation Troubleshooter will become available in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. Participants in the testing program can use the tool from build 14371 or later.

Obviously, you cannot reactivate Windows 10 after changing components without adding a Microsoft account to your computer. Troubleshoot is not available if the system is activated.

Microsoft also renamed the type Windows key 10 s " digital resolution"(digital entitlement) to a "digital license".

Activating Windows 10 is a necessary procedure for comfortable use systems. Microsoft itself does its best to encourage users to migrate to newer versions. Thus, an entire year of updating from Windows 7, 8 is absolutely free. The system that includes updates often reminds you of the opportunity to change the OS.

Alas, but this promotion already completed on 07/29/2016 and from that time through the update center go to modern Windows 10 won't work anymore. But this does not mean that this opportunity has disappeared completely. Still, there is an option to update using the official method.

In general, there are 3 types of ways for your system to become Windows 10 activated:

  • With a key;
  • Update via the assistant;
  • Apply activator.

Any method works, but preference is given to the first two options.

It should also be noted that Windows 10 can be used even without a license. Small restrictions are imposed in the form of the inability to personalize the system and the corresponding message. There may also be problems with supports in the future or limited functionality, but today there is no such thing. The license provides the ability to change some screensavers.

Activating Windows 10 with a key

The easiest way, which requires you to have the appropriate license key. Usually when buying a PC or laptop, if it has pre-installed system, there is a key on its body or in the kit. For laptops it is usually located on the back side, and for desktop PCs it is located on the side.

There is also one important nuance, if you stipulated when purchasing that the Home version was preinstalled, then the key is only suitable for it. Pro version will no longer work with this code. But within Home option you can install any system variations: x32, x64, various language packs and update builds.

So that the system becomes Microsoft Windows 10 activated required:

  • Right-click on the “This PC” item and select “Properties”;

  • In the “Windows Activation” section, click on the button of the same name on the right;

  • Enter your key and click on “Activate”.

After the synchronization process with Microsoft cloud, which will confirm the effectiveness of the key, information will appear in the same section about the result of the procedure.

Activation using the assistant

Many people are still tormented by questions about whether it is possible to activate Windows 10 using standard update. Even despite the long period for this transition, not everyone had time to update. No longer offered free Windows 10 everywhere and support for updating to this system has ended.

There is a special tool from Microsoft that will perform necessary procedure. This is the point, “Update Center” is no longer responsible for the transition, you need to download a special assistant. This may not be considered a problem.

So, how to activate Windows 10:

  • Download the program;
  • Agree to the terms of use;
  • A check will start to check that the PC equipment matches the declared minimum requirements systems. Windows 10 requires: 1 GB of RAM for x32 and 2 GB of RAM for x64, also 20/16 GB of space, respectively;

  • The download of the system image will begin, which will be expressed by the corresponding percentage scale;
  • Then, after checking the integrity of the received files, the installation will begin. You have about half an hour to do your own thing, while the installation runs in the background;

  • After the computer will reboot, you will be notified about this 30 minutes before shutdown, so you don’t have to worry about losing data. Now it will start standard process installations;

  • It is better to disable all additional offers in the settings.

The only one an important condition execution of the procedure is the presence licensed version Windows 7 or 8, otherwise the process will not be successful.

If you are categorically not satisfied with installing a system on top of another, since the stability of such a procedure is in doubt, then you can additionally perform standard replacement systems. The point is that your personal key is recorded on the server and now, if you reinstall the OS to an identical one, only a clean one, it will be automatically activated. Just ignore the corresponding notification.

That's all, you got a modern one, activated system and not bypassing Microsoft laws, but based on them.

Activation using programs

You can often come across questions about how to activate Windows 10 and many similar ones. However, the user does not have a license for any system, so the update is not suitable. Naturally, in order not to pay for the product and use it, you need to go around standard means. Sometimes the reaction is unpredictable, as new and new methods of protection are developed.

There are several ways to activate Windows 10 pro, home and other versions. The following programs work with all system configurations. You can use KMSAuto app, Re-Loader Activator. The main problem in this niche is the presence of viruses in many programs. In order not to check everything own experience, you can download the specified applications.

To use KMSAuto you only need to follow a few steps:

  • Download the utility, can be done via the link ;
  • Run the program, while entering the password 1111 in the archive;
  • In the application menu, click “Activation”;
  • Click on “Windows Activation”.

Another utility, Re-Loader Activator, works in a similar way. To use it you should:

  • Download ;
  • Go to settings and set the “KMS” method;

  • In the “Activation” section, check the box next to “Win” and click on the corresponding button.

Within the framework of the article, the most different ways Windows 10 activations that can help every user.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to activate Windows 10?”, you can ask them in the comments

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