Why does Yandex Browser always open in a new window? Folders open in a new window. How to fix

Probably each of you, dear reader, will agree that an Internet browser is the most convenient software tool today, through which the user can interact with various kinds of web content with particular comfort. However, none of the popular software products, be it Google Chrome, FireFox or Opera, has sufficiently effective functionality that would protect a beginner from developing the malicious scenario: “Windows open in a new window.” Browser security features are sometimes powerless against the clever tricks of advertising programmers. As a result, the user becomes a victim of imposed transitions.

So, let's figure out what can be done in such situations. How to counteract digital deception and how to “cure” the browser from this kind of infection? We bring to your attention, dear reader, effective methods of combating malicious redirects!

How does the “advertising chaos” mechanism work?

“Windows open in a new window” is a fairly common technique among techies who make money by generating traffic! Let's skip the description of the working algorithm of the redirection process, which is difficult for the uninitiated user to perceive. Let us only note that “redirection” can occur for several reasons:

  • The user's machine has malicious software installed, which is most likely.
  • A viral script is used on the site page.
  • A prudent “businessman” purchased a plug-in for a specific browser and modified it in his, so to speak, interests.

How will such information help prevent “browser arbitrariness” when windows open in a new window without our participation? The answer is below.

Signs of a computer system infection

It doesn’t matter at all which search engine you use: Google, Bing or Yandex. Advertising modules are used in each of them. But if you notice that the page that opens does not correspond to the entered address or that several windows open simultaneously for one request, this is a sign of infection! If the software part of your PC is in the grip of a virus, then it is quite understandable why the computer behaves so willfully during an Internet session.

So, typical symptoms of browser disease:

  • The browser start page changed spontaneously.
  • Without any action on the part of the user, strange windows open in a new browser window.
  • Bookmarks that previously worked flawlessly are not activated.
  • Unknown plugins and applications have appeared in extensions.
  • The most obvious sign of trouble is that a certain Internet page is loading and cannot be closed.

Having collected enough different information about you and tirelessly building your “network portfolio”, the virus begins to operate with the accumulated data, masterfully replacing your search queries and redirecting you as a “victim” to a resource whose owner pays for the work of the fraudulent optimizer. Despite the colossal financial costs of powerful IT companies aimed at combating “black” advertising methods, the trade of dishonest programmers is still a profitable business today.

What to do when an advertisement opens in a new window: software solutions

At first glance, such “harmless” browser behavior can simply annoy a person. A super-functional virus can completely deprive the user of peace of mind. After all, the advertising page may well not close or react rather capriciously to all the user’s attempts to close it. In this case, you need to use special anti-virus software.

Removing rootkits and trojans using Kaspersky TDSSKiller

  • Download the free utility from the official server.
  • After launching the application, activate the “Change settings” item.
  • In the next window, check the “Detect file system...” checkbox.
  • After the settings have been made, click the “Start scan” button.

A report will appear in a few minutes. The “new windows keep opening” problem will be resolved after you activate the “Continue” button.

Cleaning your system of spyware using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

An equally effective program that allows you to quickly get the system in order.

  • Install the utility downloaded from the Internet.
  • Upon initial startup, Malwarebytes will spontaneously begin updating the antivirus software.
  • After briefly downloading the new virus database, click on the “Fix Now” button.

  • The duration of the scan depends on the capacity of your drive.
  • If the PC is infected, a list of detected “infections” will be displayed in the program’s work area, which will be destroyed after you activate the “Apply Action” button.
  • Close the program and restart your computer.

Effective virus neutralizer - HitmanPro

This program will help you resolve the situation when a new browser window constantly opens. The excellent speed parameters of the program do not affect the quality of HitmanPro. Algorithm of actions:

  • Download the above utility.
  • Immediately after installing HitmanPro, the system will be scanned for infected objects.
  • After a complete scan of the PC, a list of virus-containing files will be displayed in the program window.
  • Click the "Next" button.
  • After the uninstallation process, close your antivirus software.

About some possible difficulties

Some virus programs can quite effectively prevent the installation and full operation of the ad-aware scanners described above. In such cases, you should boot the OS in safe mode and only then run anti-virus utilities.

  • At the moment when the computer goes through the initialization process, press the “F8” key (in some BIOS versions the function button may be different).
  • From the suggested boot list, select "Safe Mode with Networking."

An indispensable assistant for web surfing

In some cases, it is advisable to use third-party software. For example, by installing the small Ad-Mancher application on your computer, you will save yourself from viewing constantly flashing banners and other things. At the same time, the process of getting acquainted with Internet content will become a truly enjoyable and extremely safe pleasure. A program that does not require resources will only occasionally remind you of its presence with a notification that an update needs to be downloaded. After the free utility is integrated into the browser, the loading speed of Internet pages will increase significantly. In general, as soon as the user notices how new windows are opening unauthorized in his Internet browser, it is worth installing Ad-Mancher, and the problem will disappear.

Reset Internet Explorer settings

You will need very little:

  • Open the main settings menu (the gear-shaped icon located in the right corner of the program, at the top).
  • From select "Internet Options".
  • In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab.
  • Activate the "Reset" button.
  • Check the “Delete personal settings” checkbox.
  • Confirm your actions by pressing the “Reset” key.

Activating the FireFox cleaning process

The procedure is incredibly simple:

  • Go to your browser's settings menu (horizontal bars in the upper right corner of the browser).
  • At the bottom of the window there is a tab in the form of a question mark - click on it.
  • From the Help menu, click the Troubleshooting information link.
  • In the “FireFox Setup” block, press the “Clear...” button.
  • After confirmation, the uncontrolled situation “new windows open in the browser” will be resolved.

Return to default settings: Google Chrome

Everything here is also very simple:

  • Click on the horizontal stripes icon (top right corner of the browser).
  • From the drop-down menu, select “Settings”.
  • At the very bottom of the program window, you need to activate the “Show additional...” item.
  • At the bottom of the browser there is a “Reset settings” button - click on it.
  • Confirm the changes made to your browser.


And finally, let me give you some recommendations:

  • In almost every browser you can install a special extension that will block “script scripts” while surfing the web.
  • Before downloading any software from the Internet, ask yourself: “Is the source trustworthy?”
  • During the installation process, pay attention to additional items and marked check boxes. Perhaps they are trying to introduce unfavorable software to you.
  • Often, in the properties of a browser shortcut, malicious code writes a link to its own Internet resource.
  • Make sure your home page is set to the correct home page in the Internet Options section of the General tab.
  • Well, and the last solution (somewhat abstracted from the topic of the article, but, nevertheless, close in essence) to eliminate the situation we are considering. Below we will talk about how folders open in a new window...

Often the user is faced with a situation where work is a real nightmare. However, the mentioned problem becomes “ubiquitous” for the entire OS. To remove the “cluttering effect”, go to the “Folder Options” menu and check the “Open... in the same window” option. This action will allow you to get rid of the inconvenient moment when viewing files. That's all. We wish you effective solutions and virus-free software!

Good day, friends. Today I want to write a short note about how to correct the situation when When opening folders, all folders open in new windows. The word “fix” here, of course, is not entirely appropriate, since this is not a malfunction. You can set this option yourself in the folder settings. But, nevertheless, many are accustomed to the fact that each new folder opens in the same window as the previous one. I think a bunch of open windows don’t really add convenience to the computer user ( the user can get through :)).

Often this situation occurs not at the initiative of the user, but due to unauthorized changes in the system, as a result of the installation of new programs or updates, as well as their removal. In such cases, it can be quite difficult for an uneducated user to restore previous settings in opening folders. After reading this article you will learn how to do this in a couple of minutes.

Why do folders open in new windows? How to fix it?

Method number 1

Press the button STARTCONTROL PANELFOLDERS SETTINGS (in XP folder properties) and look where the button is in the tab ARE COMMON In chapter BROWSING FOLDERS. Set the button on the first line ( if she's on second), where is it written OPEN FOLDERS IN THE SAME WINDOW.

Method number 2

Press the button STARTALL PROGRAMSSTANDARD. In the list we find "COMMAND LINE" and right-click on it and select "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR". Once you do this, a command prompt should open in which you will need to type the following:
For Windows 7 x32

regsvr32 "%SystemRoot%\System32\actxprxy.dll" (and press Enter)
regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll"(and press Enter)

For Windows 7 x64 (you can read about what x32 and x64 are and what the difference is between them)

regsvr32 "%WinDir%\SysWOW64\actxprxy.dll"(and press Enter.)
regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll"(and press Enter.)

Next, reboot the computer and enjoy the ease of use ( and we are not afraid of drafts from open windows)
Note: These two methods do not always help. If this is exactly the case for you, then see if you have uninstalled Internet Explorer. If you deleted it, install it again. You can download the latest version of IE from these links:
Internet Explorer x-32bit for a 32-bit system.
Internet Explorer x-64bit for a 64-bit system.
Using the second link, you can select the language for the downloaded IE, as well as 32 and 64 bits.
Russian language available :).
Here's a little note.

Today there are many viruses that want to harm our PC. Constantly popping up new browser windows with advertisements or errors is one of the common problems that Windows 10 users encounter.

The browser may open as soon as you log in, or after some time while you work on the computer. If you work in a browser, new tabs appear. It may also happen when you just click on a website and a new tab opens again. Of course, such actions will not bring much harm, but they will distract and interfere with work.

Reasons why the browser starts spontaneously

In this article, we will try to find out the reasons for this behavior of your browser and try to fix the problem. This is an exciting moment for many, and users have not yet begun to solve the problem, they are already preparing their death sentence. Dear readers, there is no need to be afraid to try to solve the problem yourself, just show a little patience and attentiveness. Follow the instructions and step by step you can solve any problem. In general, go for it!

If your browser has taken on a life of its own and everything happens as described just above, then the reason for this behavior is the tasks that were installed in the Windows Task Scheduler. An entry may also be left in the startup partition registry. These are all actions of malware that you need to get rid of.

Even if you have already started the process of removing unwanted software using antivirus software, the problem may still remain. This is because standard virus removal tools may have removed the cause, but the malware may have left behind bad consequences.

Let me try to give an example of why the effect may appear when the browser itself opens new tabs! It goes something like this. At first, the user, like millions of others, simply spends time on the Internet visiting resources that interest him. At some point in time, a situation arises when you simply need to find and download a file. It could be an essay, a song, a video, a program, or even a picture.

Well, you download the required file, get the information you are looking for and, in principle, are satisfied. Let me remind you that you must already have an antivirus installed on your computer. But after some time, you begin to notice that the program froze, and the computer took a very long time to turn on. Well, or our case, when you launched the browser, and when you opened it, several tabs launched at once and it’s good if they are empty, but sometimes there may be advertising and other unpleasant materials.

Of course, you immediately start turning on antiviruses, scanning and looking for malicious files. In most cases, the user is able to solve the problem with the malicious file and delete it. Now it doesn’t even matter what method it was done.

The point is this: the infected file was deleted, but he most likely already made the commands to change the software configuration a long time ago. This led to the fact that some of the programs on the computer were reconfigured and, believe me, not in your favor. That is, there is no longer an infection, but the problems still remain, I hope now the picture has become less clear.

If you have not yet done anything to get rid of the problem, or have been “self-medicating” your PC, then read our instructions. In both cases we will try to help you.

Fixing the problem

To put an end to the constant opening of the browser, we need, first of all, to remove those system tasks that provoke the opening of browser windows. To begin with, let's look at the task scheduler, since it is through it that these malicious programs most often work lately.

Follow our instructions.

1) Call the Windows “Run” task using the Win+R keystrokes. In the “Open” line, enter taskschd.msc.

2)The Task Scheduler will open in front of you, in which you need to go to the “Task Scheduler Library” section.

3) Now we need to find the very tasks installed by malware that provoke the automatic opening of the browser. Finding them by name alone will not be easy, since they are hidden. Therefore, it is best to open the “Triggers” tab and analyze which task is triggered most often.

4) The task can be set to open a website and its address may not match the one you see in the address bar of your browser. Such tasks are performed using special commands. They look like this: cmd /c start http://site_address or browser_path http://site_address.

5)If you select “Actions” from the scheduler library tabs, you will be able to see what exactly the task you selected starts.

6) If you see a task that makes you suspicious, it is best to stop it. Do this by right-clicking on the task and selecting the “Disable” action. It is not recommended to remove it, as it is possible that it could be something other than a virus.

After disabling all tasks, perform a check. Monitor your computer to see if there are any more unwanted browser launches.

You can also solve the problem through autoloading. You can solve the problem in this menu similarly to the same instructions, as described in paragraph 4. Call the regedit task in the Run window.

The Registry Editor will open in front of you. Here you need to go to the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mikrosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. This way you will go to the startup section and can stop or delete suspicious items.

It may be that after the manipulations done the problem will be solved, but after a while it will recur again. This means that viruses have begun to operate on your PC, which simple antiviruses do not see. To get rid of them, try installing AdwCleaner. This program is designed specifically to clean up such threats.

We give another small but useful piece of advice on how to fix the situation when, when opening folders in the Windows 7 operating system, everything folders open in new windows. The word “fix” here, of course, is not entirely appropriate, since this is not a malfunction. You can also set this option yourself in the folder parameters.

But, nevertheless, many are accustomed to the fact that any new folder opens in the same window as the previous one. I think a bunch of open windows is not very convenient for a computer or laptop user. Let's present 2 ways to solve the problem of opening folders in new Windows windows.

Method 1: Eliminate opening new windows for folders in Windows 7

Click the START button -> CONTROL PANEL -> FOLDER SETTINGS (in old XP folder properties) and look where the button is in the GENERAL tab in the BROWSING FOLDER section. We install the button on the first line (if it is on the second), where it says OPEN FOLDERS IN THE SAME WINDOW. Next, click OK and check. If this method does not help and the folders still open in new windows, then move on to the second, more effective method.

Method 2: Eliminate opening new windows for folders in Windows 7

Press the START button - ALL PROGRAMS - STANDARD. In the list we find “COMMAND LINE” and by right-clicking on it, select “RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR”. Once you do this, a command prompt should open in which you will need to type the following:

  • For Windows 7 x32: regsvr32 "%SystemRoot%\System32\actxprxy.dll" (and press Enter) regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll" (and press Enter)
  • For Windows 7 x64: regsvr32 "%WinDir%\SysWOW64\actxprxy.dll" (and press Enter.) regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll" (and press Enter.)

Hello. It’s such an unpleasant glitch, to be honest, when . Once it happened to me on Windows XP, back when there was no seven. You go to several folders and get several windows.

To be honest, I don’t even know where this problem comes from, or whether it’s some kind of virus that’s causing harm, or I heard somewhere that it’s Internet Explorer that’s playing tricks on it. But this is not so important, the main thing is how to fix this error, and I will write about this below.

I will show an example of solving this problem on the Windows 7 operating system. Yes, we still need to find out which Windows 7 you have installed, 32-bit or 64-bit.

For this purpose on the shortcut "My computer" Right-click and select “Properties”.

A window will open in which we look for “System type” and opposite it will indicate which Windows 7 you have installed. Like this:

As you can see, I have 32-bit, by the way, which one is better than what I wrote. Remember which one you have, we will need it later.

Now click “Start”, go to "All programs", “Standard” and launch the program "Command line".

Here we will need to write two commands in turn, but the commands for 32-bit and 64-bit are different. So, remember what Windows 7 you have and select the necessary commands for yourself.

For 32-bit:

regsvr32 “%SystemRoot%System32actxprxy.dll”
regsvr32 “%ProgramFiles%Internet Explorerieproxy.dll”

For 64-bit:

regsvr32 “%WinDir%SysWOW64actxprxy.dll”
regsvr32 “%ProgramFiles(x86)%Internet Explorerieproxy.dll”

Select one line and copy it using the combination Ctrl+V, or right click and “Copy”. Then go to the Command Prompt (which we have already launched) and paste the code by right-clicking and selecting “Paste”.

Then we confirm the execution of the command with the “Enter” button. And we do the same with the second line.

Reboot the computer.

And one more option

Go to "My computer", and at the top left click on “Arrange”, and then “Folder and Search Options”. A window will open in which you need to check that in the “Folder Menu” area the checkbox is set to “Open a folder in the same window”. If you have checked the item “Open each folder in a new window”, then mark the first item and click “Ok”.

The problem with opening folders should be resolved, but if not, then write in the comments. We'll figure out:).

Friends, if you have problems more serious than problems with opening folders, for example, you have problems with telephone communication in your company, then I advise you to pay attention to the number 8 800, which will help your clients call you at any time and with pleasure.

Also on the site:

What if each folder opens in a new window? updated: January 11, 2015 by: admin