What to do if I forgot my password. Creating a boot disk with a recovery program. How to recover your Microsoft account password on the official resource

Nowadays there is a computer in every home. But imagine such an absurd, and for some active users, simply catastrophic situation: you cannot access computer resources. The password that was set at the entrance has been forgotten. I warn you right away: don’t panic, because in this article we’ll talk about what to do if you forgot your computer password?

Try to remember your password

Maybe the hint next to the input field will help you. You need to try to remember your password. If there is no hint or your memory fails you, try going through as many password options as you need. Sometimes a walk down the street helps a lot, you can go to the park, it refreshes your memory very well, and the password word will miraculously be remembered.

Use a different account

If several accounts have been created on your computer, select the one that has administrator rights and log in under it. Reset your password. But before you reset your password, keep in mind that password reminders for different sites will be lost. But you will be logged into the system. While using a different account, select “START”, then “Control Panel”, and then go to “User Accounts”. Here, select your user and click reset. Now you can enter a new password.

Hidden account

You may not even realize that there is another, hidden account on your computer. But it only exists when the name of your entry is not “Administrator”. Anyone who has forgotten the user password can take this chance and thus log in to the system. You need to reboot into crash protection mode. To do this, before the Windows picture appears, press F8 during boot. And then, when an additional entry appears, proceed as described in the previous paragraph. Now you know what to do if you forgot your computer password. But there are other ways to log in.

Password recovery diskette

It must be done in advance. If you were not lazy and did everything according to Microsoft’s instructions, you can now use it to recover your forgotten password.

Reinstalling the operating system

What should I do if I forgot my computer password and none of the methods described above work? The only last option left is to reinstall Windows. Why the most extreme one? Firstly, you will lose quite a lot of time. Secondly, settings saved by the system, passwords to sites, and more will be lost. Please note that you should not use the system reinstallation method if you have important data saved on your desktop or in the “My Documents” folder. All this is encrypted with your login password.

If nothing helps...

You've tried all the methods and nothing helps. Reinstalling Windows is not very suitable in your case, because important data remains on the PC. In this case, there is another way out - contact a specialist who can remove the password without reinstalling the system. For this purpose, there are special programs for calculating or brute-forcing passwords. Practice shows that the login password is removed in less than half an hour. For such services, of course, you have to pay.

Don’t panic and think for a long time about what to do if you forgot your computer password - act, think through and try all the methods available to you. You can search for password guessing programs on the Internet. After all, solving problems yourself is always much more interesting, and cheaper.

The Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems have improved security capabilities over the earlier Windows 9x/Me systems.

They have a more effective password system, designed for business use, to ensure that no one without the necessary authority can access the information on your computer.

This is a double-edged sword. Most users forget some important password at least once. And then the user himself becomes the “enemy without access rights” for his computer.

Naturally, for every security method there is a way to bypass it, especially if you have physical access to the computer.

In this article, we will look at various methods of protecting your computer with a password and how to bypass them.

We won't start with user account passwords, but with equally important passwords, such as BIOS and Internet Explorer passwords.

How to "bypass" the BIOS password?

The BIOS password is one of the oldest ways to protect your computer from unauthorized access and one of the most common. Why? This is one of the most effective means if the user does not have access to the system unit. Otherwise, it is the same as locking your house with many locks and leaving the window open.

The default BIOS settings on all motherboards do not store password information. So all you have to do to remove the BIOS password is simply reset the current settings, restoring the default configuration. But remember that resetting the current BIOS settings will destroy not only the password, but also all the settings that you set yourself.

There are two ways to reset BIOS settings. Most motherboards have a special jumper for clearing CMOS (the memory in which BIOS settings are stored).

Usually this jumper is located near the battery on the motherboard, but to be completely sure, it is advisable to refer to the instructions from the motherboard. On some motherboards, instead of a jumper, there are simply two contacts that need to be closed with a metal object, such as a screwdriver, to reset the CMOS.

If your board has a jumper, then to clear CMOS, turn off the computer, install the jumper so that it closes the jumper contacts, and press the computer power button. Your computer will not boot, but your CMOS settings will be reset. Remove the jumper and turn on the computer again.

You will most likely see a screen asking you to press F1 to set the BIOS settings. If you are happy with the default settings, press F1 and select "Save and exit" from the BIOS menu. After this, the computer will boot as usual, except for the BIOS password.

If you don't know where the required jumper is located on your board or if it doesn't exist at all, which is quite possible, you'll have to go a different route. Each motherboard has a battery that powers the CMOS memory, allowing it to store information. As a rule, this is a standard CR2032 battery.

To clear CMOS, turn off the computer and remove the battery (you may need a thin screwdriver). After 5-10 minutes, replace the battery and turn on the computer. The BIOS will be set to default settings and there will be no password. To continue loading, you will need to press the F1 key, and if you are satisfied with the default settings, select the “Save and exit” item in the BIOS menu that appears.

As you can see, all this is very simple on a desktop computer, but with a laptop, the BIOS password can become a serious problem. Due to the frequent theft of laptop computers, manufacturers have made it almost impossible to gain access without passing the password. So, if you have forgotten your laptop's BIOS password, most likely you will have to contact the manufacturer's service center.

View the passwords that Windows stores

In addition to the access passwords of various users, Windows also stores a number of others, no less important: the password for connecting to the Internet, passwords for mailboxes or access to websites. As a rule, there are quite a lot of them, so it is quite natural that they are forgotten over time.

The operating system offers an "autofill" feature for passwords and other frequently entered information in Internet Explorer. So it is not uncommon for a user to enter a password once, and after a few months, naturally, cannot remember it. Everyone understands that important passwords need to be written down, but not everyone does this. And if you no longer remember the password, how can you find it out, since it is displayed as a series of asterisks: ******?

The solution is offered by programs from different manufacturers that can obtain the password from this string of asterisks. There are many freely available programs for decrypting Windows passwords or hidden passwords from Internet Explorer input lines.

We will use the Asterisk Key program from Passware. This is an easy-to-use, freely distributed program that analyzes passwords hidden by asterisks and reports them to you. She is very easy to work with. Just select the password line and click the "recover" button.

Of course, there are also commercial versions of programs, which, as a rule, have a greater range of functions. For example, Password Recovery Toolbox scans the system and identifies saved passwords, data saved for automatic filling, Outlook Express passwords, Internet connection passwords, etc. This information is then presented in a convenient form.

Windows XP user passwords

Windows XP stores user passwords in a modified form. For example, the password "password" would be stored as a string like this: "HT5E-23AE-8F98-NAQ9-83D4-9R89-MU4K". This information is stored in a file called SAM in the C:\windows\system32\config folder.

This portion of the SAM file is encrypted by the syskey system utility to improve password security. The data necessary to decrypt the information after syskey is stored in the system file in the same folder. But this folder is not available to any user.

Only the operating system itself has access to it during its operation. You can access the SAM and system files only when running a different operating system or by connecting the drive to another Windows computer.

Resetting user passwords in administrator mode

All versions of Windows XP have an "administrator" account. This name gives the user full access to the system and the ability to reset the passwords of all other users. This can save you if for some reason you cannot log in with your regular user password. The specifics of using the administrator password depend on the version of Windows XP:

XP Professional. The administrator password is set during installation of the operating system. If you wrote it down or just pressed enter and left it blank, you can easily log in as an administrator and reset user passwords. To log in to the system in administrator mode, on the system welcome screen, press CTRL+ALT+DEL twice, a window will appear for entering the administrator password.

When the computer boots, go to "start\control panel\user accounts" (start\control panel\user accounts) and change the required password. Since you are already here, this is a good opportunity to correct your mistake if you left the administrator password blank. In addition, it is advisable to change the name of the "adminisrator" account. This name is known to everyone and is the first name used to gain access to your computer.

To change the account name, right-click on "my computer" and select "manage". Expand "local users and groups" and open the "users" folder. Right-click on the "administrator" entry and edit it.

XP Home. This system will not allow you to simply access your computer in administrator mode. First, you will need to boot your computer into crash protection mode. To do this: restart your computer; immediately after testing the BIOS, press F8 several times; in the menu that appears, select "start Windows XP in safe mode" (boot Windows XP in crash protection mode). When the computer boots, log in with the username "administrator". There is no default password. You can now change user passwords by going to "start\control panel\user accounts" (start\control panel\user accounts). When you're done, restart your computer as usual.

Creating a password reset disk

Windows XP allows you to write information to a regular floppy disk, which provides the ability to reset your password. Naturally, if you have already forgotten the password and cannot access the system, then you will not be able to create any disk, but it is worth creating such a floppy disk in advance to protect yourself from such accidents.

To create a floppy disk: go to "start\control panel\user accounts" (start\control panel\user accounts); select the name under which you are logged in; in the related tasks menu, select "prevent a forgotten password"; follow the instructions of the wizard that starts.

To reset passwords using a floppy disk: if you enter the login password incorrectly, the system will ask whether you have forgotten it; At this point, you will be able to use your floppy disk by following the operating system's step-by-step instructions.

Be careful: if you used Windows' built-in file and folder encryption capabilities but did not install the operating system update (service pack 1), removing the password will result in the loss of encrypted information.

Utilities for changing Windows NT/2000/XP passwords

There are special utilities that allow you to edit or reset Windows NT/2000/XP user passwords. The principle of most of them is to load a minimal version of an alternative operating system, such as DOS or Linux, under which you can access files with passwords.

An example of such a utility can be found at this address: http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/. Instructions for working, as well as files for creating a bootable Linux disk, are available on the same site.

Please note that if you have used the operating system's functions to encrypt files and folders, changing the password using any program will cause you to lose access to the encrypted data. In this case, the following method can help, allowing you not to replace the forgotten password with a new one, but to find out the old one.

Selection and decryption of passwords

If nothing else helps, but you have physical access to the computer, then all is not lost. You can rewrite the config and SAM files and try to decrypt the passwords stored in them using special third-party utilities.

As already mentioned, to do this you will have to use an alternative operating system, such as DOS or Linux. And once you have the files, you can use one of the password decryption programs, such as LC4 or Proactive Windows Security Explorer.

You will need:

1. Access to another computer.

2. At least two empty floppy disks.

3. An archiver designed to work with the command line, for example, RAR.

4. A DOS or Windows 98 boot disk (an image of the required disk can be obtained at http://www.bootdisk.com/) or a minimal version of Linux (for example, Knoppix).

There is no need for boot disks if you can simply connect your hard drive to another computer. If you are using a DOS boot disk and the partitions on your hard drive use the NTFS file system, then to access them you will need a program that allows you to view NTFS partitions under DOS, such as NTFSDOS.

Using a DOS boot floppy:

1. If your hard drive has NTFS partitions, copy the NTFSDOS file to your boot floppy.

2. Copy the archiver (RAR) to the boot floppy disk.

3. Boot your computer from this floppy disk. If there are partitions with NTFS, type the NTFSDOS command, this program will show which letter is assigned to your system drive, and you will need to use it instead of the letter C in the next step.

4. Place system files with passwords in the archive. For example, if you are using the rar32 archiver, the corresponding command will look like this: Rar32 a -v a:\systemandsam c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\system32\config\sam If the files do not fit on one floppy disk, the archiver will ask you to insert a second one.

Hacking passwords

Each program you select will display a list of accounts detected in the SAM file. Select those for which you need to define passwords. If you are using Proactive Windows Security Explorer, select Attack type: Brute-force.

If you used only numbers in your password, check the "all digits (0-9)" checkbox. Start the password recovery process using the command from the Recovery menu.

Password guessing can last from 10 minutes to several hours, or even several days, and may fail. Especially if the password uses letters in different cases, numbers and special characters.

This is a good way to check the strength of your passwords. If you just want to check your password, follow the steps above and see how long it takes to guess it.


We hope you don't have to resort to the methods we've described. To avoid this need, remember to write down all important passwords.

And if there is a real need to protect information on your computer, then use passwords made of characters in both registers and numbers and do not use ordinary words. In this case, your passwords will be very difficult to crack.

People often contact me with the following questions: “what to do if you forgot your Windows password,” “how to unlock your password,” “how to reset your Windows password,” etc. Today I will tell you how to get out of a situation if one of the computer users forgot my login password. And also what to do if the computer administrator forgot the password.

If one of the computer users has forgotten the password, the administrator can reset it and create it again without any problems. But what to do if the administrator himself forgot the password? Let's consider all cases in order.

Situation one: At least two accounts are created on one of the computers on the network: this is a user account and your administrator account.

If the user has forgotten the password, then you log in to the system using your account. Then on the desktop, right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Manage”: " Click here on the folder Users and all existing accounts on the computer will be displayed in the right window. Right-click on your forgetful user name and select “Set Password”:
A warning window will appear - click “Continue”:
You can then set a new password for the user. If you leave the fields here empty and click “OK”, the password will be empty: After this, you can restart the computer and the user will log in with the new password.


Situation two: You don’t remember your administrator password, or you are the only user of the computer (but again, you don’t remember the password).

In this case, we need to login via built into Windows account Administrator. Most ordinary users are not even aware of its existence. This account is the default not password protected.

You can log in as an Administrator either through classic login window , either in Bsafe mode .

Classic window is called in the following way: after turning on the computer, while on the welcome page, press the key combination twice Ctrl+Alt+Del. In the classic login window, manually enter the name Administrator (in some cases Administrator) - click “OK”.

To enter the Safe Mode : After turning on the computer, press and hold the key F8 on keyboard. Then select “Safe Mode” and press Enter. In addition to your account (or entries), the next window will display your account Administrator– log into the system under it.

Personally, I prefer to enter through classic login window: It's more convenient and faster. In addition, on some computers, the keyboard and mouse refuse to work in Safe Mode, so even if you get into this mode, you can’t do anything there.

Regardless of how you logged into your account Administrator, then we do the same thing as I already described above. Namely: find the “My Computer” icon on the desktop and right-click on it and select “Manage”.

Next, expand the “Utilities” section and select “ Local users and groups" Click here on the folder Users and all existing accounts on the computer will be displayed in the right window.

Right-click on your account name and select “Set Password.” A warning window will appear - click “Continue”. You can then set a new password for the user. If you leave the fields here empty and click “OK”, the password will be empty. After this, you can restart your computer and log in with a new password.


Situation three: But what should we do if the built-in Administrator account is under a password and it is unknown to us? Should I reinstall Windows? Of course not! We can solve this problem if we use a bootable emergency recovery disk ERD Commander.

You can download the archive with the image of this disk intended for restoring Windows XP. After this, burn the image to a CD or DVD (for example, via Alcohol 120%). Then insert the recorded disc into the computer drive and configure it in BIOS.

During loading you will see the following on the screen:
Then, when launched, ERD Commander will try to detect and configure network cards - skip this operation by clicking the “Skip Network Configuration” button: Next you need to connect to your operating system. To do this, select the Windows system folder and click “OK”:
We wait for the download to finish (from a CD, naturally, it is slower than from a hard drive). After a while we will see a desktop on the screen that is almost no different from the usual Windows XP desktop:
Go to “ Start" - Choose a section " System Tools” – “Locksmith”:Utility Locksmith(Password Change Wizard) allows you to change passwords for administrator and user accounts.

In the welcome window that appears, click “ Next”.

In the next window in the field “ Account” select the account for which you forgot the password. In field " New Password” (New password) and “ Confirm Password” (Confirm Password) Enter the new password.
Click the “ Next" In the last window, click the “ Finish” and restart your computer. Don't forget to set the BIOS to boot from the hard drive. That's all! Now you can log in to your account with a new password.

ATTENTION: If none of the proposed methods helped you, then read my new article. There I described in detail how you can remove a user password in Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 and XP.

If you use a Microsoft account, then you can recover your password in Ten without resorting to dancing with a tambourine or any other shamanic rituals. All we need is a computer connected to the Internet, a phone or a tablet. You can recover your password from any device connected to the network.

First of all, go to this page and select one of the recovery options (for example, “I don’t remember my password”).

Next, on the next page, enter the name of your email account or the phone number you specified during registration. Then everything is as simple as two - enter the captcha, and follow the further instructions for recovery.

If you have access to your email account or phone number, the further procedure will not cause any complications. All we have to do is enter the lock screen and specify a new password.

Windows 10/8.1/7 – Unlock your computer and recover your password using the integrated Administrator account

To use the method below, you will need one of the following things: a Live CD with the function of loading the PC file system and accessing it, a flash drive (or CD) capable of restoring the operating system, or the Windows 7/8.1/10 distribution kit. I will use the last of the proposed options, i.e. resetting the password using OS recovery tools from the distribution.

We insert the CD into the laser drive and boot from it. If the computer does not boot from the disk, some manipulations with the BIOS will be needed (namely, actually specifying the PC to boot from the CD first, and only then from the hard drive). So, we booted from the disk, and as a result of the boot, a screen appears with the choice of installation language. Press the key sequence Shift+F10 - a command line window appears. If the command line window does not appear, you can load it manually by selecting “Restore OS” in the lower left corner, then selecting “Troubleshooting” - “Advanced Settings” - Command Prompt.

In cmd mode, enter two keywords in order:

  1. diskpart
  2. list volume

Once you have completed entering each command, you must press Enter to confirm.

After entering the last command, you will see a list of disk devices available on your hard drive. It is worth remembering which of them the Windows 10 OS is stored on (it may not even be drive C, since when you run the command line during OS installation, the notations are distributed differently). Enter the command exit and press Enter. In my case, the system disk with Windows 10 OS on board is drive C, so I will use it in my commands.

So, enter the following commands:

  • move c:\windous\system32\utlman.exe c:\windous\system32\utlman2.exe
  • copy c:\windous\system32\cmd.exe c:\windous\system32\utlman.exe

If all commands were successfully executed, enter the keyword wpeutil reboot to restart the PC (by the way, you can reboot in the usual way). Now try to boot from your hard drive rather than a CD or flash drive.

In the console, try entering the command net user<имя пользователя> <новый пароль> . If the username or password consists of several words, enclose them in double quotes. If you are not sure what username to write, use the command net users to view a list of Windows OS user names. By changing your password, you will immediately be able to log in with the new keyword as soon as you enter it in the request window.

This method also works great on Windows 8, so you can try it there too.

The two methods described will be useful to you in many life situations. In the first case, if you don’t want to delve into the insides of the Windows console, and want to do everything as simply as possible, without resorting to hidden subterfuges and tricks, and the second method will come in handy when it’s impossible to do everything “according to science”, and you have to resort to not to completely standard methods. Be that as it may, using one of the two methods above, you are guaranteed to be able to log into the system without breaking anything and without reinstalling the operating system from scratch.

It's hard to imagine the life of a modern person without a mobile phone. Today it is not only a means of communication, but a place for storing a large amount of information. Therefore, many users try to block the phone and the programs installed on it. If there are a lot of passwords, there is a risk of quickly getting confused in them. Therefore, you should know in advance what to do if you forgot the password on your phone.

How to unlock your phone if you forgot your password

The user can set a password on the phone themselves. This function is provided by many manufacturers. If the code is entered incorrectly or the device is blocked, you will not be able to use it in the future. What to do in this case? Reset the firmware, that is, reset all functions to factory settings. This operation is performed differently on different devices.

For Nokia phones

Let's look at several options for unlocking your phone.

1. Enter the service number - *#7370

Turn off your phone. Press and hold three keys: the green call button, the star key, and the number 3 key. Without releasing these keys, press and hold the phone's power button for a few seconds. If everything was done correctly, then after rebooting the phone it will be reset to factory settings.

2. Contact the official website

After 3 unsuccessful attempts to enter the password, the device will be locked. It can only be restored using a code. The latter can be found on the official website of the manufacturer. A master code is a sequence of numbers designed to unlock your phone. In most Nokia devices, the code is calculated using the IMEI - the international phone number. You can find it in the warranty card or passport for the device.

3. Contacting the service center

If none of the above options are suitable, then you should contact the service center. Specialists will determine what exactly was blocked (SIM card or device) and restore the phone’s functionality.

For Samsung phones

The devices of this manufacturer are equipped with a locking function using a security code. If you lose it, you can restore your phone using a special program - Samsung@home 9.41. You need to install it on your PC and follow the instructions of the application. What else should you do if you forgot your password on your phone?

    Call from another mobile

    This recovery method is only suitable for modern smartphone models. Dial the blocked number from another phone. Without accepting the call, go to the menu "Phone settings" In chapter "Confidentiality" select item "Reset" and confirm the operation. Reboot your device. If everything is done correctly, the password will be reset. Pressing certain keys

    If you couldn’t turn on the phone, you can do Hard reset on older phone models: mini, Duos etc. To do this, you need to press 3 buttons on the phone: power, volume and home. Once the logo appears, you can release the power button. Within 15 seconds the engineering menu will appear. Use the Volume key to navigate to Wipe data/factory reset. Press the Power button to confirm the operation and follow the system instructions. Resetting user settings

    You can reset your password using a key combination *2767*3855# or *#56658378# . An engineering menu will open in which you need to select Hard reset or Wipe data/factory reset, confirm the operation. After rebooting the phone, the password will be reset.

What to do if you entered the wrong PIN code on your phone

A PIN is a password to protect your SIM card. It is issued when you connect to a cellular operator's network. The phone requires a PIN code every time you turn on the device. If desired, the user can independently disable code verification through the phone settings. In chapter "SIM Lock/Security"(or any other item with the abbreviation SIM) you must select the item "PIN/Password Request" and deactivate the option.

After three unsuccessful attempts to enter the PIN, the phone will be locked. What to do if you forgot your password on your phone? Take advantage PUK code. It is indicated on the starter package of the SIM card. If your plastic card is lost, you can recover your password in one of the following ways:

    Send SMS to the number 9999 with text: 375 XX XXX XX XX code word. The user indicates it when drawing up a contract for receiving communication services. Through the Internet assistant of the cellular operator. In the operator’s Contact Center (if you have a passport).

To unlock your phone PUK code stands out 10 attempts. If all of them are unsuccessful, the SIM card will be blocked. In this case, the user will have to change it in the Contact Center.

How to Bypass Password on Android

You can lock your Android smartphone with more than just a password or PIN code. There is also a pattern key, a finger scanner and other security methods. They are very difficult to hack. But you can bypass and gain access to the device. Let's look at the most popular methods.

Using your own Google account

You can reset your graphic password via Google account on devices with OS Android 4.4 or earlier. After several attempts to remove the lock, a link will appear on the screen. Click on it. Log in to the locked device. This will reset the pattern.

Any mobile device can be controlled via a remote service https://google.com/android/devicemanager. The manager page displays a list of all devices connected to the account. If the desired device does not appear in the list, you must refresh browser page. To restore access to your phone, click on the button "Block" in the Manager. A window will appear on the screen for entering a new password, which will replace the pattern key and PIN code. New Password need to be specified twice, and then click on the button "Block".

The data recovery process takes 5 minutes.

Reset picture password using ADB

This method can be used if the user previously managed files on the smartphone via a PC via USB using ADB. Connect the device to your PC using USB. Open a command prompt in the ADB directory and enter the command "adb shell rm/data/system/gesture.key". Reboot your phone. The lock screen should disappear.

Samsung "Find My Mobile" service

The easiest way to reset your password on Samsung devices is through the app. Find My Mobile. It can only be used if the user has previously created an account with Samsung. Go to https://findmymobile.samsung.com/login.do from any available browser and log in in your Samsung account. In the left menu bar, select the option "Lock screen". Enter new code and press "Block". Reboot your device. The lock screen password must be replaced with a new one.

“Forgot pattern key” function

On devices with OS Android 4.4 and below you can restore access to data through the function. After 5 attempts unlock, a message will appear on the screen "Repeat in 30 seconds".

At this time, press the button "Forgot the key" at the bottom. The Google login window will appear. Required to enter login and password from the account. The system will generate a letter with an unlock pattern and send it to the specified address. email address.

What else should you do if you forgot your password on your phone? If the lock screen was created by a third-party application, the easiest way to bypass it is to boot the device into safe mode. To do this, simply press and hold the Power key. In the new menu you should select the option "Turn off power" and confirm the operation. The phone will boot into safe mode. All third party applications will be disabled.

It is enough to delete the program or change the password and reboot the phone again.

How to unblock a phone or tablet if you’ve already tried everything

What to do if you forgot your password on your phone and none of the above options worked?

Factory reset

Even an inexperienced phone user can perform a factory reset. This will remove all installed programs. The general algorithm of actions was described earlier. There is no universal instruction, since reset is carried out differently on each device model. The process itself takes 5 minutes.

Flashing the phone

If the reset fails, you will have to reflash the phone, that is, change the operating system. This is a more complicated process, so it is better to take the device to a service center.

Removing system files “gesture.key” and “password.key”

On devices with root rights, you can delete system files responsible for unlocking the screen and changing the password. To work you will need to download Aroma manager archive. Reboot the device and go to the menu Recovery while holding three buttons Volume + Power + Home. On the menu "CWM Recovery" select .

Click to view all the latest downloaded archives and find files using the Aroma manager.

Open your file manager. Enter path " /data/system/" and delete the files: "gesture.key", "password.key", "locksettings.db", "locksettings.db-wal", "locksettings.db-shm".

Reboot your device. The password will be reset.

Via TWRP Recovery

TeamWin Recovery Project is a modified Android system recovery application. Its functionality is broader than the official system recovery application. Therefore, on many devices the program is installed simultaneously with the official application. TWRP allows you to change the firmware, fix system errors, reset data, clear the cache and perform other system tasks. In this case, user files remain unchanged.

Clearing internal memory using Fastboot

Fastboot is a tool designed for flashing partitions. It is designed for quick software updates without data recovery mode. It is also used to solve a number of system problems, including unlocking the phone. You need to connect the device to the PC via USB and start the mode "fastboot". A program will appear on your PC to perform command tasks. If this does not happen, then the selected phone model does not support Fastboot mode.

Removing the password on phones with an MTK processor

Device with MTK chip should be reflashed using SP Flash Tool applications. This program allows you to install Recovery without clearing the partitions first. You can also use TWRP or CWM utilities to delete files "locksettings.db", "locksettings.db-wal" And "locksettings.db-shm". This process was described in more detail earlier.