How to create a second account on your computer. How to make yourself an Administrator of a Windows computer. Programs that require a Microsoft account

You can use your Microsoft account with almost all services or devices by using the same set of credentials, which is represented by the address Email, selected profile information, and billing information for which payments can be made.

In addition, any account is supported by privacy settings, which are presented unique password, which can only be used by the author.

Account will allow its owner to use various programs(for example, Skype), subscriptions (Office 365), buy Interesting games, download your favorite music, edit selected photos and videos, and take advantage of OneDrive online storage.

The main advantage of such an application is that you can edit individual settings, as well as view your address book and documents from any device, since it is unified for any gadget.

This is what a Microsoft account looks like.

Create a Microsoft account

To create a Microsoft account, simply follow the step-by-step illustrated instructions.

Microsoft account windows registration 8 is represented by the algorithm consistent actions PC user and global network.

  • Initially, you need to activate the panel for changing computer settings. The following window will appear in front of you:
  • After clicking on the selected area you will see next image, where you need to select the top line.
  • During account creation, the user will also be offered a local account, although the first option is more acceptable for most consumers.
    It allows you to work normally with the updated operating system, synchronize Windows settings 8 and use a set of web applications " Windows Live", originally provided software from the creators of the product.
    Unfortunately, a local account does not support such options. An account is your profile in the system, thanks to which you can operate any interconnected applications.

An application for free and free communication with family and friends

One of the most acceptable ways to store files in the cloud SkyDrive service:

Receive or send messages through the application postal system Hotmail:

Take advantage of the largest information portal MSN, online gaming service on Xbox Live, store various applications For Windows Phone:

The benefits of the account are obvious.

So, we selected the line “ADD USER”.

  • After this, the user must enter his name, his email address or the address of an additional mailbox, which was previously created specifically for these purposes.
    After these simple manipulations, a captcha is entered, which confirms that the actions are performed by a person and not a robot, and the “APPLY” key is pressed. Visually the process itself looks like this.
  • Next, a window pops up with the following message, in which you need to confirm that the selected email address belongs to you. To do this, go to your mailbox, to the “INCOMING MESSAGES” folder.
  • In this folder you will see a letter confirming your account, in which you must enter a code sent via SMS to your phone number.

After clicking the “CONFIRM” button, you will be informed that the first stage of the Microsoft account registration operation has been successfully completed, after which you can proceed to configure your account and computer interface settings.

Note! On your PC, the user should go to the “SETTINGS” tab and select the “CHANGE COMPUTER SETTINGS” option to customize the interface of their account, use special features, synchronize parameters, create home group, upload a pre-selected profile photo and activate the center available updates, which subsequently optimize the application.

So, we got acquainted with step by step instructions how to create a microsoft account.

Each user must take certain security measures that will protect you from fraudulent activities homegrown hackers.

You need to fill in the fields with confidential data on the electronic form, with which you confirm yourself as the copyright holder. As a rule, a password is used for this, represented by an eight-digit set of letters and numbers.

In addition, the system will analyze the complexity level of the password and offer you to change it to a more complex one. The user also needs to answer Secret Question.

Typically, questions in in this case the same as in different accounts social networks(mother's maiden name, pet's name, etc.). After this, the user enters his current phone number and the address of a functioning mailbox, which is used most often.

These precautions will not only protect you from illegal actions of attackers, but will also help you recover your password if it is lost. For example, you have forgotten your password and you urgently need to log into a system to which access is restricted.

You can use step-by-step illustrated instructions that will simplify your work with the gadget system and you will be able to activate any application with minimal time.

How to create a Microsoft account

How to create an account Microsoft entry(Microsoft) - detailed instructions

Good day!

The new Windows 10 OS has two types of accounts: local and Microsoft (the latter is highly recommended by developers). I think you have already noticed this several times...

In general, a reasonable question that many will ask: “Why is it needed at all, why is it better than a local account?” . Below are the main advantages Microsoft account that will clear up this "fog":

  • opportunity to work with your own documents, address book, files, settings etc. from any computer (with Windows 10) connected to the Internet (mega-convenient!);
  • possibility of use many applications: Skype (program for talking over the network), (cloud drive), Office 365 (editor for text, tables, etc.), etc.;
  • the ability to create children's accounts, and limit operating time and consumed content (more on this);
  • possibility of use app store(Microsoft Store) ;
  • access to email from any PC and mobile gadgets connected to the Internet;
  • after reinstalling the system on your computer, you can return everything to working order much faster (just enter your account details);
  • if you change any parameters of your account, they will automatically change on all your PCs (and other devices) using this account (those. full synchronization via the Internet).

In general, very convenient?! In my opinion, Microsoft is going down the path of a "personal ID/record/profile" that can be used both on home devices and at work. They will probably soon tie this to some bank card, and to work with your data, it will be enough to present it to any PC...

And so, okay, enough of the lyrics, let's get down to business...

How to create a Microsoft account

In this article, I will assume that you do not have an account and never have had one (i.e. you have not registered before with various services from Microsoft). Just some of the steps below, you may be able to skip (if, say, during registration Microsoft informs you that a profile has already been created and you can use it) ...


Microsoft official website:

First, you need to go to the official Microsoft website and click on the “Login” link in the corner of the screen (it doesn’t matter if you have an account or not).

Note: You can create an account from any computer! It is not necessary to sit at the one you want to use it later.

Login (screenshot of the official Microsoft website)

Then enter your email address (a confirmation code will be sent to it) and click “Next”.

Note! If you don't have a work email, I recommend creating one:

  • if your mail has already been used in some services from Microsoft, then perhaps the service will tell you that your account has already been created previously and you can use it;
  • if the mail has not been used anywhere, the service will offer to create a new account (as in my case in the screenshot below). Press the button.


Enter your password (this will be used to access your account), your date of birth, first and last name. I recommend entering reliable information, because... after you start working (if suddenly there is a problem with logging in), you may have to confirm your data.

The three screenshots below are provided as an example.


Next, you need to open your email (which you used during registration), find the letter from Microsoft and enter the code from it into the registration form. By the way, the letter will come in Russian, in general, everything in it is clear, so I won’t comment on it separately...

An example is given below.


Confirm that the registration is carried out by a person: just enter the letters and numbers presented in the small picture (captcha).


After creating an account, try to log in to the site. If you were able to log in (it lit up in the corner blue circle, as in the screenshot below) - your account is ready for further use.


Now on the computer where you want to work with this account, you need to open Windows Settings and add it to the list of allowed ones.

You will need administrator rights.

To do this, press the Win+i button combination, open the section "Accounts -> Family and other people" , press the button (see screenshot below).

IN next step indicate the account type: adult or child (note: restrictions may apply for a child).

After that, a message will be sent to the email address of the account (which we are adding) stating that “such and such” user can join the work (you just need to agree with the offer).

Actually, after this you can log in to this PC under this account and work. I’ll tell you how to do this in a couple of lines below.


In order to start working under a different account in Windows 10, first log out. In Windows 10, this can be done by clicking right click mouse on the START menu (see example below).

Alternative option: You can press the Win+L button combination.


Next, a welcome window will appear (which you always see when booting Windows). Several users will be presented in the lower left corner (depending on how many accounts you add). In general, to work with one of them, just select it and click the “Login” button (Please note that you will also need a password to log in!) .

If this is your first login under this account, you will have to wait a few minutes while the basic parameters are configured and configured.

In general, after this you will see a very ordinary desktop (as in the photo below) - you can start working!

That's all for now.

Criticism on the topic is welcome...

How to grant Administrator rights to your account?

An administrative account allows you to use many features that are not available to guests. For example, install and remove programs, change profiles, grant or restrict access to various documents etc. Therefore, it is important to know how to make your account Windows Administrator, especially in its new 10 version, in which it is hidden and inactive by default.

Not so long ago in computer world there were only 2 types: with limited rights - User and without restrictions - Administrator. Taking advantage administrative rights it was possible to work with the system in full, but at the same time expose the computer to serious danger from malicious attacks. In order to work without unnecessary problems, users did not even think about why and when they need to turn such rights on and off.

Now in more modern operating systems Windows 8 and 10 versions there are 5 types of profiles with different purposes.

  1. Guest - does not have the right to use the Internet, make changes to settings and install programs.
  2. Standard (for children) - has normal access, nose established restrictions to certain Internet sites and to use specific applications.
  3. Standard (for adults) - creates a work area for the computer owner.
  4. Standard (with Administrator rights) - allows you to work in system settings.
  5. Administrator (hidden) - has unlimited rights not controlled by UAC (User Account Control).

How to enable administrative rights

There are several ways to open a function. They work in almost all versions of Windows (7, 8, 10).

Using activation on the command line.

Using the Start menu, open Command Prompt, type " net user administrator/active:yes" or "net user administrator/active:yes" (in the Russian version). Then enter the data using the “Enter” button.

Using Local Policy Windows 8 and 10 versions.

Through computer control.

  • Find “lusrmgr.msc” in a search engine and open it.
  • In the “Users” folder in the “Administranor” line double click select "Properties".
  • Uncheck the “Disable” box and save the settings.

IMPORTANT. For general system security, after completing administrative work, you should install standard settings on your computer.

In order to disable Administrator rights, after the changes have been made, you should hide the administrator account by disabling the function in command line, writing in it “net user administrator (or administrator)\activ:no”.

How to login to your account

In order to make changes to system data, you must configure administrative settings.

IMPORTANT. Before changing your account, while having on your PC important information(videos, photos, documents, etc.) created under the Administrator profile, you should transfer the data to removable storage. They must be located in separate folders so that later, after the changes, it is easy to transfer the files to your computer.

Features of using Administrator in Windows 10

If you can’t log into Windows 10 for some reason, including if you don’t know the login password, you can use 2 ways to work with the operating system through administration.

1 way.

  • Click on the power button located in the lower right corner and, while holding the Shift key, press Reset.
  • The screen will appear Windows recovery 10, where select the section “Troubleshooting” - “ Extra options" - "Command line".
  • Here you need to enter a password to run this line.
  • Then you should restart your computer.

Method 2.

I would like to note that the issue of using the account by the Administrator remains open to this day. What is the best thing to do, appoint yourself as such or remain standard user with advanced features. Therefore, after carrying out any serious manipulations with the system, you should eventually close your profile for more safe mode systems.

A personal computer is very rarely actually personal. Usually several people use one computer at once. The most common situation is one computer per family. Of course, many people, in addition to PCs, also have laptops and tablets, but still, some things are more convenient to do on a computer. How, then, to share the device between several users? This is exactly what will be discussed in the article. Here you will find the answer to the question of how to create a new user in Windows 7.

The convenience of multiple account users is that everyone can restrict access to the files and programs they need, determine rights to change computer settings, and also design the desktop and screensaver to their liking. You won’t have to constantly worry whether someone has changed the location of your documents or deleted them altogether.

Account: what is it?

Before you learn how to create a new user in Windows 7, you should understand what an account actually is. To identify it in the system, you need to use a login and, if desired, a password. An account is a collection of information about personal settings PC, file permissions and

How to create a new user in Windows 7: details

This is not a difficult task at all, and you won’t have to spend a lot of time on it. Creating a new user is done as follows. In the Start menu, find Control Panel and select it. If you have icon styling enabled, find “User Accounts.” Here you can find information about existing computer users, their status (account enabled or disabled) and role in the system. If you want to change the settings of an existing account, you just need to click on it. Creating a new one Windows user 7 is carried out by selecting the “Create an account” item.

Types of accounts

There are two types of accounts: “Administrator” and “ Limited entry" The administrator has the greatest range of rights to work in the system. He has rights to everything possible actions: installing programs, adding and deleting users, configuring the system. A limited record, as its name implies, has limited rights. The user of this account can create new files and work in programs installed on the PC. This is where the list of its capabilities ends. After selecting your account type, click “Create an account.”


Finally, you have figured out how to create a new user in Windows 7. Additionally, it is worth learning about the password creation feature. When booting the system, you need to enter a password to secure your data. To do this, you need to left-click on your account name. In the properties window, select “Create a password.” Now enter your password. To avoid mistakes when entering the combination, the password must be entered twice. If you are afraid of forgetting your password, use the password hint. The computer will ask you a guiding question if you forget your password. Complete the action by clicking the “Create Password” button.
Account creation is complete. The next time you boot into Windows, you'll be prompted to select a user when you're greeted.

Windows 8

On this operating system work with accounts is organized in a slightly different way. It should be said that there are 2 types of records here. Local recording user and Microsoft account. In the first case we're talking about about a regular user account that includes a login, as it was on previous versions operating system.

Today we will talk about how for the operating room Windows systems 7 create a new user. Creating a new user (in other words, an account) is necessary if several people use the same computer...

Today we will talk about how to create a new user for the Windows 7 operating system. Creating a new user (in other words, an account) is necessary if several people use the same computer.

Not everyone is good with computers. If your computer is sometimes used by a person whose computer knowledge is not very good high level, then, in order to protect yourself from possible troubles (for example, deleting important files), necessary create a new account for him with limited rights(i.e. guest). And then, your computer will probably work longer and you will be calmer.

Of course, if only one person uses the computer, then creating another user does not make sense.

Note . User account is a record containing information for identification, authorization and accounting of the user when connecting to the system. In other words, using an account allows the operating system to recognize the user.

How to create a new user in Windows 7.
This process is simple and takes several steps:

1. Go to \"Start\" and open \"Control Panel\".

Fig 1. Control panel.

2. In the control panel in the \"Category\" view mode, click on the link \"Adding and removing user accounts\". A window will open where you can manage existing accounts and add new users.

Fig 2. Account management.

Fig 3. Adding an account.

4. Click the “Create an account” button. New user created for Windows 7.

Fig 4. A new user has been created in Windows 7.

Account management.
To change the settings of any created account, you need to click on it (see Figure 4.). In the window that opens (Figure 5.) you can make changes to your account:
- change the account name;
- create or change a password;
- set an avatar;
- install parental control;
- change the account type (administrator or regular user);
- delete a user.