Correct PC setup. How to configure the operating system. Setting up your computer for continuous operation

The personal computer can rightfully be considered the most common among ordinary users device. Calculating machine, used for both entertainment and work purposes. In this case, the computer does not have to play the role exclusively workstation or a tool for work. This is precisely the main advantage of a PC. Game console, serves exclusively for one single purpose, while a computer has a multifunctional purpose.

Default computer operation

After installing the operating system, the machine works in normal mode. While a person performs some actions on the computer, the device operates in active mode. When the computer is idle, the monitor's backlight turns off. This is a completely logical solution, because it’s worth remembering mobile devices, where most of the energy is spent on display backlighting.

At the slightest movement of the mouse or pressing the keyboard, the monitor screen lights up again and the person can continue working.

If the computer is idle for a longer period, the operating system disables some components. For example, it slows down work hard disk, wireless WiFi networks are turned off, etc.

With even longer inactivity, the system puts the device into sleep mode, and the lock screen turns on, thereby protecting personal data from third-party users. When the computer goes into sleep mode, processor performance decreases by approximately 5%.

In what cases is it necessary to change settings

As mentioned above, for multimedia tasks, there is no need to change system settings. A computer is designed in much the same way as a mobile device - for round-the-clock operation.

Unfortunately, for many types of work, going to sleep mode is unacceptable, because the computer breaks the network connection, slows down the processor and stops hard disks. In other words, whenever you work with a network connection, you need to disable sleep mode or at least configure it correctly.

An example is converting or rendering videos. When entering sleep mode, the long video processing process may not only slow down, but even stop altogether.

Setting up your computer for continuous operation

To configure sleep mode, you need to launch “Control Panel” and go to the “Hardware and Sound” section. IN this section, you should find the “Power Options” subsection. IN this menu, you can select one of the power supply settings: “Balanced” mode and “Energy Saving”. In fact, the difference is only in the time it takes to turn off the monitor and other components. When working for a long time, you need to monitor the thermal conditions and promptly clean the laptop from dust to avoid overheating and failure of components.

By default, “Balanced” mode is enabled. It is with this regime that we have to work. WITH right side, there are additional parameters. In these settings, you can change the time or disable the computer from going into sleep mode.

Unfortunately, after these settings, the computer is still not ready for round-the-clock operation. For more detailed settings, you need to go to the “Change additional” subsection. Power Options” and make final settings one by one.

  • The hard drive is perhaps one of the most important parameters. To HDD If the user has not stopped for a long time, the shutdown timer must be set to “Never”. To do this, you should reduce the shutdown timer to zero.
  • Adapter wireless network- here, you need to install maximum performance. However, for greater reliability it is better to use a wired connection.
  • The dream is obvious this parameter should also be set to the “Never” state, in addition, the same parameter should be specified in “Hibernation”. Hibernation is the same sleep mode, only with virtually complete shutdown from energy. In hibernation mode, even the cooling system turns on.
  • USB settings are an equally important parameter if the computer is used for permanent access to a printer, scanner or other office equipment. Over time, the tension in USB ports disappears, accordingly, the equipment can no longer perform its functions. An example would be a remote printer or fax. Thus, in USB settings power cut should be prohibited.
  • Power button - in this menu, you can reconfigure the power key to go into sleep mode or hibernation.
  • PCI Express - you should also disable energy saving, because devices such as audio and network cards are connected to PCI Express.
  • Processor control - this parameter can be ignored, because minimum frequency, the processor switches only when the system is idle. Concerning maximum frequency, it should be checked to ensure that at least 100% is indicated in this section. Screen - this setting, is responsible for the obvious action of adjusting the screen timeout.

Energy savings during 24/7 operation

The above settings are relevant for both a computer and a laptop. Unfortunately, active computer operation consumes significantly more energy than in sleep or hibernation mode. However, a person can always physically turn off the monitor, which will significantly reduce energy consumption. If the computer does not perform complex tasks, you can reduce the maximum processor performance by up to 50%.

Many personal computer users are simply afraid to actively use the device, forgetting that in terms of its structure, a computer differs from another household appliances. The computer is specially designed to work without unnecessary reboots and shutdowns. There is an opinion that they are much more harmful to the computer frequent reboots than long-term work.

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When installing an operating system, it is recommended to divide the hard drive into partitions. In the case of Windows Seven, this can be done regular means. When the window for selecting disks for installing the OS opens, delete existing partitions by clicking the “ ” button. After this, create at least two new partitions. One of them is for installing the OS. Its size should be approximately 50 GB. Size and file system the remaining sections can be anything. Don't create too many sections unless you have a specific goal in mind.

After installing the operating system, you need to start optimizing it. Open properties local disk containing operating system. At the very bottom of “General”, find the item “Allow content to be indexed...” and disable it. Repeat this operation for all other partitions.

Take care of the work registration. Choose your favorite theme and screensaver. Customize label size and panel quick access. You can use various applications that allow you to create additional areas for quick access to files. Remember that it is not advisable to use quantity visual effects for if your performance is not too high.

Install Advanced System Care. This is necessary for quick setup and optimization of the system. Launch the program and select " Cleaning Windows" Activate all four items and click “Scan”. Click "Repair" to fix any problems found.

Setting up your computer starts with BIOS optimization– a subsystem stored on the motherboard and responsible for the interaction of the operating system (OS) with the computer hardware. It is important that this subsystem undergoes timely updating. Incorrect entry of subsystem parameters can lead not only to a malfunction of the computer, but also to its complete failure.

OS installation and optimization

Installation of the OS and programs is accompanied by the formation of numerous temporary files, which after installation do not provide any benefit, but simply occupy computer memory. Computer settings necessarily includes cleaning the operating system and registry from these junk files.

Our specialists will help you optimize Windows and set up your Internet connection. This work requires care, since during the setup process you have to disable and connect a number of options, i.e. perform work that only a professional or a very competent user can understand. Any error may result in you having to reinstall the operating system. The same applies to setting up an Internet connection. There are many effective and ineffective antivirus programs on the Internet that are designed to protect your computer files from damage. The person who takes on setting up a computer must understand the specifics of these programs, as well as firewalls.

In order to systematize the location of files on the hard drive and, accordingly, speed up the performance of the computer, you should perform the so-called defragmentation. There are also a number of special programs for this.

Our company’s specialists will promptly respond to your call and carry out computer setup professionally, efficiently and inexpensively in the shortest possible time.

So, the great day has come and a computer has appeared in your apartment. It doesn’t matter how it appeared (bought or assembled using components): the main thing is that now it exists. Perhaps you bought it for entertainment, perhaps for office work, or maybe you yourself don’t yet know why. But here’s the problem: there is nothing installed on the hard drive except MS-DOS (an alternative is an unformatted hard drive). But you need to set up the system, and most importantly, you want to figure it out, you want to do everything yourself, but you don’t have enough experience. A familiar picture. I started with this myself.

So that your computer doesn’t seem like a UFO with aliens living inside, let’s figure it all out together and try to set up the computer yourself and install the operating system on it yourself. As you already understand, this article is mostly addressed to beginners in computer world. Experienced users who know how to properly configure the system can safely skip it and read the newspaper further. I, armed personal experience, I’ll try to help newbie users in the difficult task of setting up a computer. So, let's go, fasten your seat belts and prepare your head for an abundance of information :)! So that an experienced reader does not fool me in letters with the words “why was it necessary to write this, I already know,” we will limit ourselves to the assumption that you saw a computer for the first time with all the ensuing consequences. To the best of my ability, I will try to present everything in an accessible manner, without overloading you, dear reader, with abstruse terms and phrases.

Where does a computer start? Of course, from computer hardware. What parts does the average computer consist of? home user? First of all, this is the heart of the system - the system unit (typical for all PC-compatible computers), monitor (displaying information on the screen), keyboard (input text information etc.), mouse (positioning device; cursor control and selection in the operating system menu), possibly a printer (output of graphic and text information on paper) and scanner (conversion of graphic and text information into electronic form). In addition to the above devices, a PC (personal computer) may also include others (an external modem, etc.), but we will not focus on this, but rather move on to a quick look at the structure of the computer system unit. What does it consist of? The first is the case itself with the power supply. The thicker its iron and more powerful block power supply, the better your case (if you don’t go into details). Second, third, etc.: motherboard (the largest of all boards), video card (used to display images on the monitor; contains a video processor and video memory - there may not be a video card (video card), if one is built into the motherboard); processor with cooler (cooler = radiator + fan); RAM (narrow long boards, the capacity of which is measured in megabytes: the more of it in your computer, the better); also, perhaps, a modem (Internet access), sound (it’s clear why) and network (for connecting to other computers) cards (all of them can be integrated into your motherboard). In addition, the case must have a hard drive (hard drive) and optionally a 1.44 floppy drive, CD or DVD drive. As a rule, all components of the system unit and the computer as a whole are connected through connectors and cables (cables). That's all, actually. What is what, and what it looks like, you can figure out in more detail on your own or ask your acquaintances or friends.

Next question: how does it all work? The computer's operation scheme is simple. Any computer works only with mathematical quantities and digital information through simple calculations. The main calculations are carried out by the processor. This is a very complex microcircuit, capable of performing mathematical operations with large amounts of data at high speed (the latter is determined by flops and depends on the frequency at which the processor operates). These volumes, available for processing at any time, are stored in the computer’s RAM (the latter is characterized by high speed read/write). They come there, in turn, from information storage devices (hard drives, optical drives, etc.). The operating speed of these drives is significantly lower than the speed of RAM, but they can store a lot of digital information. The processed (calculated) information is output through an intermediary device (video card, audio card) to an information output device (monitor screen, audio system), from where a person perceives it using the senses. This is how the computer processes programs and various applications. The processing environment is the operating system. If you don’t go into details, that’s all (in fact, everything is much more complicated, but, unfortunately, dear reader, the newspaper is not rubber :)).

We have briefly dealt with the computer hardware, now let’s proceed to the second step - directly setting up the computer. Who said “let’s hang up the operating system”? You guessed wrong! First step in setup assembled computercompetent setup BIOS. What is BIOS? BIOS stands for Basic Input/Output System. The literal translation from English is something like this: basic system I/O, which is what the BIOS actually is. The BIOS includes an initiation program needed to start loading the OS (operating system), and the drivers themselves standard set devices. They allow any OS with any installed software(programs) freely access computer hardware using the same algorithm. the main task BIOS - make the operating system work as close as possible to computer hardware. In contrast BIOS task any operating system - stay away from low-level resource allocation, i.e. low-level commands for accessing computer hardware. The BIOS in a computer is recorded in a special chip - flash memory - a type of multi-programmable ROM. The access speed to such memory is much lower than to RAM, so most often when you turn on and boot the computer, the BIOS contents from flash memory are rewritten to RAM(RAM is the main storage device). However, modern operating systems are very advanced in terms of compatibility and, after they start loading, they disable low-level BIOS drivers, replacing them with their own (since they work in protected mode). Simpler operating systems, such as MS-DOS, communicate with the computer via BIOS drivers. Besides, in Modern BIOS computers are protected special program POST (Power On Self Test). It starts working immediately after turning on the computer and its task is to scan all the hardware in your computer. The purpose of this procedure is to determine the presence of this or that equipment and normal operation the last one. If a malfunction occurs or is missing critically necessary equipment(hard drive, etc.), the program displays text message, serves sound signal through system speaker(sometimes even reports in a human voice if it is recorded in flash memory). Have you ever seen the alphabetic gobbledygook at the beginning of booting any computer (counting RAM, etc.)? So, this is the procedure for passing POST on a computer. And if everything is in order, then the BIOS transfers the loading to the files that initiate the loading of the OS.

Among other things, the BIOS includes low-level computer settings. The BIOS has a special menu that will help us further configure the operation of the system unit. However, I will warn you in advance: illiterate experimentation with BIOS settings can lead to incorrect operation of the computer, including the impossibility of booting it. Therefore, just in case, find a jumper on your motherboard that resets the BIOS settings in case of failures or incorrect setting. It is usually designated “Clear CMOS”. To reset, you will need to remove this jumper for a while, move it to the adjacent pin as shown in the instructions for your motherboard, and then return it to its place (however, do not do this unnecessarily, because all settings will return to default values). It should be added to the above that the modem and video card also have their own BIOS.

So, how do we get into the BIOS? Most motherboards have a function to enter the BIOS by long pressing Delete key on the keyboard (some by pressing F1) when the computer boots. Turn on the computer (monitor and system unit) and the moment it begins to recalculate its precious RAM, press Delete and do not release until you see blue screen BIOS with basic settings (more precisely, groups of settings). Here is the approximate content of your computer's BIOS: Standard CMOS Features, Advanced BIOS Features, Advanced Chipset Features, Integrated Peripherals, Power Managment Setup, PnP/PCI Configurations, PC Health Status, Power BIOS Features, Set Supervisor Password, Set User Password, Save & Exit Setup, Exit Without Saving. The settings group menu may have a different appearance depending on the specific instance motherboard your computer. Since it is impossible to describe the BIOS settings of all motherboards, I will limit myself to just an example of the “motherboard” in my computer (EPoX KRA2I on the KT 600 chipset). I hope this information will please many novice users. To save space in the newspaper, I will be brief: first - the name of the settings groups section, then - the actual settings themselves with detailed transcript and installation recommendations. Use the arrow keys to navigate through the settings menu, the Enter key to enter a specific group, and the Esc key to exit a group to the main menu. To select values ​​for a particular setting, also use the Enter and Exit keys. To save changes made to the BIOS settings and exit the BIOS, you need to go to the main menu and select Save & Exit Setup (this does not need to be done after changing each setting - change everything you need, and only then...) or press F10. To exit the BIOS without saving changes, select the Exit Without Saving function in the main menu. So, let's start in order.

Standard CMOS Features ( standard settings BIOS). Here you can view the configuration of your computer:
— Date (mm:dd:yy) — current date (day, month, year).
— Time (hh:mm:ss) — current time(hour, minute, second).
- Drive A - as a rule, this is a floppy drive (1.44 MB) that works with hard plastic floppy disks, or old floppy drive, designed to work with floppy disks.
— Drive B — similar previous point menu (only one channel for floppy devices can accommodate two disk drives).
— Video—the mode that is supported by the video card installed in your computer. Most often this is EGA/VGA.
- Halt On (stop at...) - this function is used to determine when the BIOS will stop booting the system if an error occurs. We display All, But Keyboard here.
— Extended Memory — the size of your computer’s RAM in KB.
- IDE Primary Master - a device connected to the IDE controller on the motherboard (usually a hard drive, CD-ROM, etc.). You can connect two devices to one IDE bus and designate them as master and slave. In general, computers most often have two IDE ports, which means you can connect up to four devices in total. Moreover, one of the IDE ports is usually called Primary (first), and the other - Secondary (second). Master/Slave settings are set using special jumpers on hard drives or optical drives. The BIOS is great at recognizing these settings. Usually, on any hard drive it is always written and drawn how to set the Master or Slave mode (look carefully at the paper sticker on the drive and you will understand everything yourself). In this particular case, this will be our first leading drive in the computer. Typically, opposite the inscription “IDE Primary Master” there will be the name of the drive recognized by the BIOS.
- IDE Primary Slave - by analogy with the previous one, the first slave IDE channel (on the contrary - the name of the connected drive).
- IDE Secondary Master - the second leading IDE channel.
- IDE Secondary Slave - second slave IDE channel.

The next section is Advanced BIOS Features. Sometimes this section is called differently - BIOS Features Setup. Enough collected here a large number of settings for various contents. This section may vary greatly between motherboards. Here and in what follows, our reader will have to remember two expressions: Enabled and Disabled. The first means “possibly, allow”, the second means “prohibit, impossible”. These setting choices are suitable for any parameter and will be encountered frequently in the following. — Virus Warning (warning about virus infection). This setting will help if your computer is invaded by a special type of program - viruses (pest programs). If a virus tries to change the contents of the boot sectors of the operating system on the hard drive (there is such a group of viruses), this can lead to very dire consequences. This function will help deal with such uninvited guests. By default it is disabled. If you activate it (enabled), then no one will be able to change the operating system bootloader. I advise you to activate this BIOS feature after complete installation and operating system settings.

— CPU Internal Cache (setting up the internal memory cache of the first level L1 processor). The processor has a small amount of cache memory of the first and second levels (to retain in memory the information that it operates in a given period of time). Typically, the L1 cache is much smaller in memory size than the L2 cache. This setting should always be enabled. Otherwise, your computer's processor performance will drop dramatically. By default, the feature is enabled.

- CPU External Cache (setting external cache The processor's L2 memory (or L2 cache) is also enabled by default. This function, like the one described above, must always be enabled, otherwise the same thing will happen as described above.

- CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking (checking for errors in the second level processor cache memory) - it is advisable to always keep this function enabled. This will definitely not make things worse, but the processor performance will decrease slightly, although stability will increase. By default, the setting is enabled.

Quick Power On Self Test (fast track) computer POST). By activating this setting, you will speed up the loading of the operating system. This will happen due to the shortening in time of the stages of the computer going through POST or the absence of some points in its process. By default, the function is enabled - leave it as it is and enjoy high download speeds.

- First Boot Device (first (leading) boot device) - here we are asked to select the leading OS boot device from: floppy drive, CD-ROM drive, hard drive, ZIP drive, USB-compatible device, network. In addition, there is useful opportunity prohibit downloading altogether (disable), which is useful when you go on vacation or a business trip and leave your computer at home with cheerful friends and relatives who regularly read the “ section Practical guide on computer jokes” in our newspaper :). By default, installations usually include a floppy drive, and this is no coincidence, since it is from this that we will install the operating system, and if the already installed OS fails, there is always the opportunity to emergency boot from a simple 1.44 MB floppy disk. My advice is this: select a floppy drive from the list before completely installing the operating system, and after installation, select Hard Drive(HDD). This will speed up the boot time of an already installed operating system by ignoring the floppy drive polling.

- Second Boot Device (slave (second) boot device) - selecting devices from the list is similar. Here, only Hard Disk should definitely be in the settings. Typically, when booting, if the system does not find the boot sector in the first boot device (in our case, a floppy drive), it automatically looks for them on the second (slave). Therefore, the download will begin from the hard drive. It's in the default settings.

- Boot Other Device (booting from another device). If the computer's BIOS does not find boot sectors on the two devices selected above, then it will look for the bootloader on other devices connected to the computer (for example, booting from a SCSI device; booting from a server, etc.). By default, the function is activated, but I personally have never downloaded from such devices. Therefore, here you are free to manage the settings of your choice.

— Swap floppy drive(swap floppy disks). If you want to change drive A: to B: and vice versa, you have the cards in your hands.

- Boot Up NumLock Status (enable when loading Num Lock). -There are two options here: ON (enable) and OFF (disable). You simply choose whether to turn on the numeric part of the keyboard (the one on the right) when loading the operating system. By default, the feature is enabled. —Boot Sequence ( boot devices) - this function can be used instead of the Boot Device setting. Specify here which disks are bootable for the operating system, and in what order. By default, these will be drives A: and C:.

- Security Option (protection function) - this BIOS setting will help you limit access to your operating system and OS installation (System function) or only to the OS installation (Setup function). When choosing System functions the operating system will not boot and access to the OS installation will be denied unless entered correct password. In the second case, when you select the System setting option, the operating system will always boot, but access to the OS installation will be denied if the correct password is not entered. Personally, I have not yet been recruited into the CIA, so I get tired of constantly entering a password to log into the system (we set Setup). If you have many close “well-wishers”, then it is important to use the System configuration option.

- Video BIOS Shadow (copying BIOS video to RAM) - this function allows the operating system to automatically copy Video card BIOS in your computer's RAM. This will increase the performance of the operating system and computer in games and others. graphics applications under DOS, but most likely will not affect performance in Windows applications. We set the setting option to enabled, which is the default.

In addition, in this section BIOS settings there is also one small subsection - Hard Disk Boot Priority(boot priority hard drives), which allows you to set the boot priority of the operating system installed in computer hard disks. This will help if you have multiple hard drives with multiple operating systems installed. By assigning a priority, you can allow the loading of one OS out of several present ones. The higher the hard drive is in the table, the higher its priority (the highest is for device number 1). — Gate A20 Option (controlling the way the A20 address bus is turned on) — the parameter allows you to access memory per 1 megabyte. It is better to set this parameter to the Fast position.
The remaining settings present in this section of the BIOS (for example, APIC Mode, etc.) are of little interest to us, and therefore I suggest leaving them with the default values ​​​​set by the motherboard manufacturer.

Once again, some BIOS settings on your motherboard may differ from those described above, both in name and in number. Today we took a quick look general device computer, its functioning and in some detail - the first two sections of BIOS settings. Next time we will continue to configure Motherboard BIOS board, then we'll move on to installing the operating system and fine-tuning it.
To be continued in the next issues of MDForum.

For proper and stable operation of your computer, you must configure it correctly. Since many owners of desktop or laptop computers do not turn to professional technicians to solve this issue, after some time they may have problems with the performance of their work devices. Setting up and repairing computers in Moscow, performed by specialists from the Computer Service company, will allow you to avoid such troubles.

The cost of setting up a computer is from 350 rubles.


Our company provides highly qualified computer repair and setup services in Moscow at competitive prices for clients.
Setting up a computer in Moscow, performed by professionals from the Computer Service company, implies:

  • preparing a new computer to work in accordance with the user's needs;
  • optimization of the registry and OS operation;
  • , system and additional software;
  • installation of antivirus;
  • creating a second logical drive;
  • transferring the necessary data to a new computer.

Prices for computer repairs (price list 2019)

We offer reasonable prices for all services provided. Thanks to this, when ordering a service from the site, in 9 out of 10 cases you will receive a “healthy” computer. You can find out the cost of a non-standard breakdown (or a rare one) by phone. The cost of restoring equipment will depend on the following facts:
  • 1. Type of failure;
  • 2. Level of complexity of repair;
  • 3. The need to replace parts.

Prices for services

Only when ordering from the website


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All procedures related to setting up a computer in Moscow are carried out by our specialists as quickly as possible and at a high professional level.

Computer settings– an important part of the work after repairing a computer or purchasing it. It must be carried out for normal functioning operating system, programs and devices. Our company has been helping in repair, maintenance and PC setup residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. Let's figure out what it is to configure laptops and system units.

Objects for setting up computers and laptops

After installing the operating room windows systems(or other) and software needs to be configured software so that programs work at full capacity and are updated in a timely manner. It is advisable to configure the following programs.

  • Windows
  • Antivirus program.

All of these programs will work without configuration, but they may or may not interfere with the user. Therefore, when setting up a computer, our specialists ask owners about operating features.

At setting up your computer BIOS, for example, should be installed first to speed up loading of the operating system and programs boot disk, where the operating system is located and disconnect other devices. Disable verification BIOS functions and a screensaver.

Windows can also slow down your computer while it downloads updates. For normal operation, you must set the update time correctly.

It may also delay work antivirus program during computer checks and updates. Many users do not think about the dangers that await them if they do not carry out full check and turn it off. To avoid such troubles, you must also correctly set the computer scan time and be sure to enable the anti-virus program.

Set up your computer in our company

We talked about the main computer settings (laptop or all-in-one), but there are many others that help and are more reliable. Repair and maintenance specialists know all the features of setting up computers, all-in-one PCs or laptops. computer equipment. Therefore, if you do not want to have a slow computer that you bought with excellent characteristics, then you better turn to specialists.

PC setup in Moscow can be done at the customer’s home. This is very convenient and beneficial for the owner of computer equipment. The computer owner does not waste time traveling to the company. Our company’s specialists will come to you within an hour after your application. We can afford to voice such deadlines, since we have specialists in every district of Moscow. At the same time, setting up computers, laptops or all-in-one PCs is carried out at very affordable prices. Make sure of this by studying our price list. When you submit an application through the site, you will receive a bonus upon payment. Please contact us if any problems arise in the future. You will definitely want to contact our company again.