Profession smm specialist questions. SMM specialist is the profession of the future! Ideal SMM marketer for the project

SMM manager- is a specialist in SMM (Social Media Marketing), a set of measures to promote websites, goods or services using social media tools, which include: blogs; social media; thematic Internet resources of the Web 2.0 class The profession is suitable for those who are interested in Russian language and literature and social studies (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

The profession of an SMM manager is at the intersection of marketing and IT, so a specialist is required to have high computer literacy in the field of creating and filling websites, knowledge of marketing communications strategy, basic knowledge of programming languages ​​and graphic editors, online applications and tools.

Why do you need SMM?

SMM promotion is an extremely dynamic process, during which you must constantly monitor changes in the interests of the audience and the emergence of new trends.

Features of the profession

What does an SMM manager do:

  • strategy development - identifying the target audience and studying its interests, behavior, searching for sites with a high concentration of the target audience, developing a customer loyalty system, integrating SMM activity into the overall marketing strategy companies;
  • advertising management - holding competitions, flash mobs, developing applications for social networks, creating channels on video hosting sites;
  • reputation management - collecting feedback from the target audience and responding to comments, influencing the public through PR materials in in social networks;
  • community management - directing discussions in the right direction, increasing user activity in communities, neutralizing negative users, organizing support services through social networks;
  • maintaining accounts and moderating them on all social networks;
  • working with contractors (freelancers);
  • content management - adapting branded content to a blog or video hosting format, writing texts for a social network format, sending out releases, creating scripts for videos;
  • working with interfaces - integrating a website with social networks and social networks with an electronic store, creating incentives for joining, creating start pages and tabs;
  • working with opinion leaders and using “agents of influence” in social networks - identifying opinion leaders for the target audience and organizing events for them;
  • monitoring and analysis;
  • creation, support and promotion corporate accounts in blog services
  • hidden marketing and advertising on blogs.

The functional responsibilities of an SMM manager include:

Pros and cons of the profession SMM manager


  • A job in demand, as demand in the market for social media marketing services is constantly growing;
  • loyal attitude of users compared to a negative attitude towards direct advertising of goods and services;
  • large-scale ability to accurately select the target audience;
  • low cost of promotions;
  • the rapid effect of word of mouth.


Training to become an SMM manager

The principles of offline marketing also apply online. Along with this, serious knowledge in the field of Internet marketing is welcome, which can be obtained at the relevant courses: Yandex seminars on Internet advertising, the Internet and Business conference, etc.

Practical intensive course "SMM manager" SMM Digital Agency with 17 years of experience. All the most important things, without water. Only necessary materials, practice, as well as detailed analysis of cases. Upon completion of the course you will receive a certificate. Individual checking of homework by the teacher. You can study in a convenient place, from your mobile phone, tablet or laptop. During the course you receive theory plus homework: practicing new skills in practice, as well as a handout with a list useful books, podcasts, YouTube and Telegram channels. The course is taught by practicing specialists with more than 5 years of experience in Internet marketing.


Due to the novelty of this profession, this particular specialty is not taught in any university. But university graduates with majors in journalism, mathematics, physics or cybernetics, and especially marketing, work successfully in this field.

You can become a marketing specialist and gain real marketing thinking by enrolling in leading universities in the capital:

State University of Management (SUM)

Moscow State University Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI),

Russian Economic Academy named after. G.V. Plekhanov (REA named after G.V. PLEKHANOV)

Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU)

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN).

The specialty “Marketing” is also available in many non-state universities: at the Moscow International higher school business "MIRBIS", International Academy of Marketing and Management ("MAMARMEN"), Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy (IFPA), International Academy of Business and Management (MABiU), etc.

Place of work

Online trading projects operating on E-Commerce system Marketplace (mediation between stores and customers); companies using the Internet to conduct important marketing campaigns to promote their products.

SMM manager salary

Salary as of 04/01/2019

Russia 20000—65000 ₽

Moscow 30000—100000 ₽

The salary level depends on the skill level of the specialist, the scale of the project and the breadth functional responsibilities, and also has regional dependence.

Career steps and prospects

In the future, a good specialist can head the Internet projects department in a large business, take a leadership position in a specialized company, or open his own Internet agency.

Portrait and types of SMM managers:

There are several types of specialists in this field:

1. Moderators of the VKontakte group,Fineknowledgeable features of their group and the format of communication in it, but may be unfamiliar with other platforms. As a rule, they are young and work for the future. Unable to create from scratch active group By the right topic and develop a digital strategy.

2. LJ-ists,have been blogging for many years. They have experience in promoting blogs in LiveJournal to the level of “thousands” with the most different methods, work in communities, offer blog posts and hold competitions. As a rule, they do not know how to work on Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter. They do not have the skills to write advertising commercial proposals for agencies or clients.

3. Former or current SEO optimizers, smo specialists,which actively use automated methods, know how to “drive traffic”, optimize blogs, and own a database of virtuals on all platforms. The issue of SMM management is approached with SEO thinking in the form of spam, mailings, etc.

4. Modest but capable performers,able accurately carry out the assigned task. They usually work as freelancers for a small fee. Properly conduct monitoring and search necessary information, communicate skillfully on forums, but are not strong in matters of self-promotion.

5. Project managers in agencieswith experience inPR-companies that are well versed in social networks.

6. Stars with marketing thinking, extensive experience in the market, able to sell, lead projects, develop strategy, manage a team of employees, run blogs and conferences. They have their own projects with high results.

7. Digital creator- a super professional at the level of the owner of his own agency or the head of the coolest company

Hello, my dear readers! Rimma Belyakina is with you. On the pages of the blog site we talk about remote work and the opportunities it provides. Internet technologies are no longer even the future, they are the confident present.

More prudent and enterprising businessmen began to think about introducing business into the Internet space and attracting consumers to their goods or services on social networks.

Are you thinking about this too? Looking for ways to sell your product? Then you definitely need to know what SMM is and how it works. This is what we will look at in more detail in this article. We will also talk about what problems can be solved using SMM, its advantages and how to learn SMM promotion.

A lot has been written about the role of social networks in our lives. And if we put everything together, we would probably get a pretty big ledger, some kind of treatise on how 70-80% of all humanity spend their second, parallel to the real, virtual life in them.

And if we associate social networks with life, albeit virtual, we mean, if not all, then many important aspects this very life: hobbies and entertainment, education and work, shopping and selling. That is, everything that we previously had only in real life, has now smoothly migrated to the virtual one.

SMM: deciphering the abbreviation and analyzing the essence

What does SMM mean? It is also called social marketing or online marketing. This concept came into use from the English language (“Social Media Marketing” literally means “marketing on social networks”) and is the process of attracting interest to any Internet resource through social platforms.

In other words, this is a mechanism for attracting traffic, that is, a flow of visitors (aka potential consumers), to a brand, service or product through social networks.

To put it even simpler: you are a businessman (real or fictitious), want to do business on the Internet, choose a social platform for this, go there with your product, determine your target audience and in every possible way offer her your product.

And if you want to succeed in online entrepreneurship, you definitely need to be present on a social platform, take part in communicating with users of this social network and selecting interesting, useful and constantly changing content on the topic of your product so that interest in it does not disappear. This is the whole “salt”, it is the essence of SMM promotion.

SMM management tasks

It is clear that SMM is not done by itself; there is a person behind this process. He is called differently: SMM specialist, SMM manager, SMM specialist, Internet marketer. The essence does not change, and the tasks are the same in any case:

  1. Determine your target audience and study their interests.
  2. Conduct a niche analysis: on which platform is it better to promote the brand, in what ways and tools.
  3. To achieve an increase in the number of audiences through a set of activities, which includes advertising, promotions, competitions, and sweepstakes.
  4. Work on creating the company’s image: conduct a PR campaign, monitor feedback, eliminate negativity.
  5. Monitor the promotion process: analysis of statistics and dynamics.

I have listed only the main tasks of SMM management, but, as you understand, this is not the entire list, since each company pursues its own interests and sets its own goals.

SMM in action: stages of promotion

SMM promotion is not an easy job, carried out in several stages:

  1. Choosing a site for your target audience. Why might this be important? Because there are quite a lot of social networks now, and each has its own contingent. Accordingly, their interests are different.
  2. Placement of a communication platform. Having decided on a social network, it is important to think about where the audience will gather for communication. What could it be? A specially created group, or community, or public, or your account. The main thing is not this, but that this platform is constantly working, giving the audience “bread and circuses”, i.e. the content it needs. And this is the next stage.
  3. Content creation and posting. It should not only be interesting and useful, but also viral, that is, one that is liked and shared. To quickly promote your public, you need to invest money and run advertising.
  4. Making a profit or monetizing the project. The most difficult and ambiguous stage, because the main goal of the SMM manager is to ensure that the bulk of subscribers are transferred to the customer’s website and become consumers. Here, whoever is lucky. Known different cases monetization is both successful and exactly the opposite: you can achieve good earnings and on a group with a number of subscribers of 3 – 5 thousand, and you can get “mere pennies” from groups of “hundred thousanders”.

Here, perhaps, it would be useful to recall the development of the right strategy and tactics for successful implementation project. And also that in every business, in addition to the plan, you need your own mechanisms and tools.

SMM tools

This paragraph of the article will be the shortest, because I have already written about Internet marketing tools and do not want to repeat myself. You can read about this in my previous article about. By the way, you can watch a video there detailed analysis everyone SMM tools and find out how it all works.

I also advise you to refer to another of my earlier articles “”, where you can learn a lot useful information and even life hacks on this topic. Don't be lazy to do this. After all, your success will depend on how effectively you use SMM tools.

Pros and cons of SMM

Any industry has its pros and cons, and before starting any business, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Let's now look at what priorities social marketing gives and whether it is worth doing it at all.

So, these are the benefits of a guru social marketing put forward in the first positions:

  1. Demand. Demand SMM services-specialists are growing steadily.
  2. Freelance work. Having understood IT technologies and mastered SMM mechanisms, you will be able not to “sweat” in the office. Many people prefer to work from home.
  3. Creative path. An opportunity to show all your hidden talents.
  4. Huge audience potential clients: After all, social networks have millions of users.
  5. Minimum costs at the start and high payback after promotion.
  6. Solid reward for quality services promotion. The minimum cost of one SMM project is from 30,000 rubles.

What about the downsides? I would prefer to call them difficulties that will have to be encountered in the course of work. And first of all this:

  1. Selection of content that favorably illustrates the promoted product. It takes a rich imagination, which is common to few, and a considerable amount of time to find required material and arrange it.
  2. Working with advertising. Most likely, it won’t be possible without investments. You will have to spend money on advertising the product, and you will still need to learn how to do it.
  3. Competition. Business is firmly moving to the Internet. This is where competition comes in.

How to become an SMM specialist?

Since the specialty in question would most correctly be characterized not as narrowly focused, but rather as broad-profile, a lot of knowledge and skills that an SMM specialist must have are required.

What knowledge and skills should an SMM specialist have?

It is clear that he must know the basics of marketing first, but also:

  • understand information technology,
  • know media automation tools and be able to use them,
  • know the features of community management,
  • have analytical skills,
  • understand and be able to use targeted and other types of advertising,
  • have communication skills,
  • be able to establish contacts and interest,
  • be creative: be able to create exciting viral content,
  • be able to develop and put into practice strategies to attract audiences from social networks to the customer’s website.

Self-organization and self-discipline are important qualities. If a specialist needs a kick from his boss, then he is a bad specialist. However, excessive initiative is also unnecessary. As you know, it can be “punishable.” Here it is important to “find a middle ground” so as not to “burn out.”

Where can you learn this?

Social marketing can be learned in specialized online schools or courses, of which there are plenty on the Internet. In a separate article we have compiled a selection and review for you best courses according to SMM.

Of these, we can highlight the TOP 3 best:

  • Course from the ConvertMonster project.
  • Three-month course “SMM Manager” from the online university Netology.
  • “SMM Manager” course from the Geekbrains portal and company.

Apparently, there are options, there are many of them, because progress does not stand still. Those who want to study science can only “roll up their sleeves” and get down to business. Well, when you “grind your teeth on this granite,” you will, in the same way and without difficulty, find something you like in the online space, since this business is modern, relevant, and profitable.

Let's sum it up

So, we looked at what SMM is. I tried to present the material as simply as possible. I hope it was clear.

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion: SMM is in trend today. It's difficult but effective method managing trade turnover and relationships in the network. This is a varied and promising job that will suit energetic, pragmatic, people who keep up with the times.

In the next article we will look at the profession of an SMM manager in more detail. Stay tuned.

I would like to believe and know that the article was useful and helped in some way. One way or another, I look forward to your feedback, comments, and suggestions. Let's discuss. For now - bye. And see you again.

You will find out who an SMM manager is and what he does. Let us consider in detail the specifics of the work of such a specialist in social networks, his responsibilities and skills. We will definitely touch on the issue of salary and training for such a specialty.

SMM manager is a specialist who creates a set of measures to promote goods or services through social media.

That is, this is not the person who sets up advertising or creates content. This is the chief manager who approaches the issue strategically.

He can take a product or service and develop a strategy on how, through a set of various actions, to promote it all on social networks and get results.

SMM specialist- This is a very in-demand profession. It is necessary for companies that come online and want to do business through social networks. But the problem is that they don’t know how to build a promotion strategy.

In Russia, about 79% of companies engage in promotion on social networks. Well, or they are trying to do it somehow. They create accounts there themselves and try to do something.

At the same time, 41% of companies have at least one SMM manager on staff. 95% of everyone works very poorly on social networks.

But the most important thing is that the percentage of companies that use social networks is growing every year. That is why the demand for qualified specialists is increasing.

More and more companies are coming to the Internet. And the likelihood that they will find a good specialist is becoming less and less.

Job description of SMM manager

Let's go through a little here job description smm manager A. Let's consider the main responsibilities, natural skills and requirements for this vacancy.

Responsibilities of an SMM manager

Here are the main ones smm responsibilities manager:

  • Maintaining official pages on social networks
  • Development of a media plan, content plan, promotion plan and work on it
  • Promotion on social networks and analysis of results
  • Creativity of special projects and competitions
  • Preparation of weekly and monthly analytical reports on the results of account development
  • Monitoring and analysis of SMM activity of competitors
  • Selection and management of contractors
  • Monitoring information field, analysis of messages about the company and projects, operational processing information
  • Feedback from subscribers, analysis of their activity, involvement in discussions, answers to questions

So, what should an SMM specialist be able to do?

The first and most important thing for such a person will be choosing a suitable social network for work. This is where all SMM promotion begins!

There are a lot of platforms for this. You need to select only those that are suitable specifically for of this business. Then the budget is already spent on them.

The next task is increasing target audience reach who is interested in the brand’s product or service. It's not just about setting up ads or creating content. This is a set of actions aimed at increasing coverage.

Another task of the SMM specialist is strategy Development business. In principle, this is the basis from which work also begins. Depending on which strategy the specialist chooses, the company can make or lose money.

This is a very important moment! A lot depends on experience, intuition, skills, and so on.

He must know how it is done and give orders. That is, find the right specialist (photographer, copywriter), who will create content. In general, a specialist must be able to organize everything correctly, as well as understand what exactly needs to be done.

What other ones are there? smm tasks manager?

This is also working with contractors:

  • Search for performers on special platforms
  • Statement of technical specifications
  • Execution control

Responsibilities also include implementation of automation tools in social networks. This work with various programs, analytical tools, pivot tables and so on.

There is one more point that must be observed!

Every day, the manager is required to devote 30 to 60 minutes to reading news and new articles on your topic. This helps in developing skills. You can learn something new and also keep abreast of important news from your field.

What is not included in the duties

Here's what is not the responsibility of an SMM specialist:

  • Writing posts ( this is what a copywriter, journalist does)
  • Preparation of photo and video materials ( designer, photographer)
  • Communication with clients ( sales department, technical support, community manager)
  • Setting up services ( for example, if this is a service for content, then this should be handled by a content manager)
  • Setting up advertising on social networks ( targetologist)

Although the above is not the responsibility of the SMM manager, he should still know how all this is done. This way he will understand what he needs to get. These skills will also help in monitoring the execution of work and communicating with other specialists.

Requirements for an SMM specialist

Here are the basic skills and requirements for an SMM specialist:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the specifics of social media
  • Experience in the field of Internet marketing for at least 3 years, independently completed projects are required
  • Willingness to handle large volumes of work, ability to work in a team
  • Availability of an established base of contractors and freelancers
  • Excellent quality of prepared texts, press releases, etc.
  • Correct oral and written language
  • Responsibility
  • Initiative
  • Attention to details
  • Sociability
  • Openness to everything new
  • Stress resistance
  • Desire to constantly learn
  • Easy to learn

If you are an a priori closed person who does not like to communicate, then it will be very difficult for you to work on social networks. You need to be able to maintain a dialogue. After all, communication is the main tool of an SMM manager.

Here are some skills you need to acquire to become good specialist.

First you must get general understanding and what their operating algorithms are. Within such sites there are dozens of tools that are intended for specialists, not ordinary users.

Therefore, if you don’t know how to optimize a page, then you are unlikely to be able to give good result to your client.

When you have studied the entire internal interface and capabilities of the social network, you must learn to work with various services and programs. Starting from Photoshop and ending with .

If you do not work in a large company where there is a specialist for each task, then you will have to do it all yourself.

The smm worker often works as a cultivator. He must be able to do everything!

At the initial stage, you most likely will not be able to get a job in a large company. Therefore, we are now talking about ordinary services for small and medium-sized businesses. Here you will most likely need to create texts, photos, edit videos, and so on.

Therefore, you need to know how to work with photo and video editors. You also simply must learn how to create cool texts. So some books on copywriting are still worth reading.

  • Peter Panda - Texts that are believed
  • Books by Denis Kaplunov

You should also have an idea of ​​what sales and marketing are. You need to have a general idea of ​​the customer journey. From his interest to the purchase stage and recommendation to other people.

After reading his books, you will get an idea about the stages of sales. Only after this move on to SMM.

SMM training

As I said above, before moving on to SMM training, first you need to master some basic skills. This is an understanding of marketing, working with various services and programs. Ability to write texts, take photos, videos, and so on.

Only after this you need to move on to training to become an SMM manager.

Constantly improve your professionalism. To do this, you will need various courses, trainings, educational resources and subscriptions to numerous sites.

If you are good at English language, then I recommend training on Western platforms. There are also many good Russian-language resources.

Remember that only experience and practice provide the knowledge that helps in successful business. If possible, I recommend working with a practitioner. You need to take individual coaching to help you set up a specific page.

If you really want to become a good SMM specialist, then I recommend finding a person who will teach you how to work step by step.

Salary of an SMM specialist

You will find out how much an SMM manager earns and what payment option can be used.

In America average salary is $3,300. Minimum payment SMM service costs $561. The maximum is $12,914. In Russia, the average salary is about 40,000 rubles. The maximum salary sometimes reaches 150,000.

Absolutely everyone turns to an SMM marketer!

Any company needs such a specialist. Of course, a small business will not hire you and offer you a salary of $2,000. It is just developing, so only a small budget can pay for it.

On average, maintaining one Facebook page starts at $250. It's about the same on Instagram.

Since this is a small check, but there is a lot of work, I recommend that all SMM workers work on such a basis as rate + percentage for sales.

What percentage of sales will be depends only on you ( How do you agree?). But you must be sure that you will not waste your time in vain and that you will actually be able to bring clients and increase income.

How is the cost of payment determined?

An SMM manager must at least cover the customer’s expenses for his services. For example, if your services cost 500 euros, then you must bring clients to the customer worth more than 500 euros. You need to justify its costs to you and provide some income.

Of course, there are areas where in the first month you will not be able to justify the customer’s expenses. For example, a big check, buying real estate, investing, and so on.

But that is another story. This is not a small business. Here the formation of a brand and the perception of a product or service by potential customers is already underway.

When it comes to large companies, the salary of a social media manager is calculated differently. After all, in addition to bringing clients, you must also monitor the image and perception of the client’s product or service.

What does the salary of an SMM specialist depend on?

And the salary of an SMM specialist depends on how well a person performs his duties.

If you bring clients for much a large amount than you are paid, then you have the right to ask for an increase in payment for your services.

In general, there is unlimited income here. Everything depends only on you!

As you grow, you will always increase your check. First, you will be an assistant to an SMM manager or some kind of social network administrator. And when you become a good promotion specialist, you will definitely increase the bill for your services.

After some time, you will learn to delegate your tasks and create your own team. Perhaps an SMM agency. Then your income can be measured in tens of thousands of dollars.

On average, to earn $1,000, a SMM manager must have 2 - 3 small clients or one large one.

Working on social networks

If you want to find a good SMM job on social networks for high pay, then first I recommend taking some page and showing the result on it. This will be your best!

Don’t look for clients and don’t write to everyone in a personal message about your services!

Believe me, clients will find you themselves! They will write to you at private messages, by email and so on. It will also have an effect word of mouth. In general, people themselves will ask you to take over their pages for promotion.

Feel free to show results before you started working on the page and after you've implemented your knowledge. Tell us what happened and how many clients you managed to attract.

Be sure to mention new ones modern methods promotion. This will let everyone know that you are constantly improving and always keep an eye on new products.


Now you know who an SMM manager is and what he should do. We also looked at the basic skills and tasks of such a specialist, his training and payment.

It is worth saying that Social Media Marketing ( SMM) is now actively developing! Therefore, such specialists are already a relative concept.

Large companies have special divisions. As I already said, an smm manager is Chief Specialist, who leads the social media strategy. But besides him there is also big row various specialists and assistants.

For example, a community manager. This is the one who communicates on social networks, responds to messages and comments. That is, it deals with communication.

There is also a poster on staff. Not a very highly paid specialty.

This is the one who posts. Usually he does this through deferred posting services or manually. He must creatively select pictures for his posts and create special nuances to attract attention to the post.

Social networks are not only a place for communication, but also a popular tool for promoting goods and services. True, like any other instrument, SMM (Social Media Marketing) becomes effective only in skillful hands. This predetermined the emergence of a relatively new, but certainly promising profession - SMM-specialist. SD figured out who they areSMMproviders (or SMM specialists), where they teach this, how they can help a business and which of them should be trusted.


The explosive growth in the popularity of social networks, whose potential for attracting new users has not yet been exhausted (although the largest of them, Facebook (1.7 billion users), has been available to all users for 10 years), of course, quickly made social networks not only communication tool, but also advertising platforms and marketing tools. A huge audience in one place, which is also quite clearly segmented, is simply a treasure trove for marketers. Here it is easy to identify the target audience from the mass of users by gender, age, interests or place of residence. Social media users quickly share information about a product with other people, promoting it in this way. At the same time, SMM promotion is relatively low-cost compared to other types of advertising and marketing - no budgets are required for the purchase of expensive advertising space or for the production of advertising materials, there are no distribution costs, etc. - and also provides quick feedback. The difficulty is that traditional marketing techniques in social networks do not work: user feeds are updated continuously and, in order to be noticed, you need to learn to compete not only with the advertising of direct competitors, but also with all the content of the network - publications popular groups, news, personal events of users, etc. Creating such content for a brand is the job of an SMM manager.

At the same time, specialists themselves find it difficult to clearly describe the standard functionality of an SMM manager - as a rule, this functionality is determined by a specific project. However, the ideal SMM manager, according to SMM specialist Roman Vostrukhin, should not only have communication skills, but also understand special tools, which will distinguish him from just active user, For example.

In my opinion, there are two main areas in which SMM specialists work,” explains Roman. - The first is communication on social networks, involvement, posting information, etc. The second is the software component, the ability to work with special programs and services. It’s ideal when an SMM manager can do both.

Co-owner and Technical Director IA “Susanin” Alexey Mokrushin is sure that SMM cannot be done without special software, which significantly expands the capabilities of analytics, strategy and influence on the audience.

Each social network is special in its use, each requires a special approach, adds Tatyana Pavlova, commercial director of Internet Active. - For example, posts on Instagram can only be done from a phone, but this is not very convenient for a manager working with several accounts. Therefore, he needs to use applications related to processing, storing and publishing photos. Special programs allow you to publish posts systematically, provide targeting, monitoring, and statistics. Fortunately, all the necessary tools are available on the Internet. Some are free, the rest is available at subscription fee or subscription.

Our experts note that in the regions in general and in Udmurtia in particular, there are specialists who are well-versed in both social media skills, marketing knowledge and special software, literally a few. Usually there are specialists who can do one thing. For example, working with the content of a brand page - making it popular, collecting likes and subscribers. Such people are at home on social networks, but their communication talents are not supported by marketing professionalism. That is, the popularity of the page is not converted into sales of goods or services and profit for the employer.

And this often undermines customer confidence in SMM as a tool. Already minimal knowledge of working in social networks allows you to start selling your services as an SMM operator, and the market is simply flooded with such offers. And it’s good if the brand’s page at least becomes popular. It’s worse if there are no sales, and working with content, thanks to an incompetent SMM specialist, only compromised the customer’s brand. It turns out that in this case, the novice manager received at least experience, but the customer received nothing at all, and maybe lost something.

Where do they come from?smm-managers?

It is useless to look for a certified SMM specialist: SMM specialists actually appear out of nowhere and sometimes disappear into nowhere. All trainings, seminars, master classes, educational programs In non-state universities, as a rule, they are led by practitioners with 5–7 years of work experience that is decent for SMM. According to experts, this profession is too young not to give newcomers a chance: the experience of a specialist determines the success of a business, but where do new professionals come from?

There are many courses, training materials and distance schools. Therefore, if you really want to, you can improve the theoretical part quite well. It remains a matter of practice, - Tatyana Pavlova is sure. - an SMM specialist is someone who understands all the intricacies of popular social networks, has become trained in marketing and can make friends with a couple of hundred people with one post. He is able to constantly communicate with people, no matter how simple it may seem, and all of the above can be taught by experience.

Our experts believe that if a company expects to use social networks as a permanent promotion tool for the long term, then it will be effective and budget option will provide resources to a beginner and grow his own SMM manager. Moreover, a hired specialist receives an adequate salary - in Izhevsk from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. True, there is no guarantee that, having received training and experience, this specialist will not rush to leave the company to earn money on his own. In any case, there is an alternative - to work with a specialist and agency that provides such services.

Why businesssmm?

Experts emphasize that SMM can be used for a wide range of business tasks: from direct sales to image projects. Currently, the most common businesses working with social networks are those involved in the provision of services aimed at a wide audience, as well as small businesses. For the latter, the choice is due to low costs and efficiency.

Anyone with minimal social media skills can promote their business. This is strikingly different from outdoor advertising, media, etc., where, without resources, a person cannot advertise. Therefore, SMM promotion is very popular in micro-business areas, that is, where the owner provides a service: beauty salons, hand-made products, construction and real estate services. Only one condition is important here - that your client is online. That is, you need to take user behavior into account. There are products that people use, but it’s hard to promote them online because, for example, it’s not clear how to buy it. Let’s say an insurer can promote itself on social networks, but people won’t be very clear what to do next or how to buy insurance. But, let’s say, with some beauty salon or store everything is clear: you saw a phone number or a website, came and got a haircut, ordered and they delivered it, everything is simple.

Where do they work and how much do they earn?

Most small businesses are promoted in networks through the efforts of the entrepreneurs themselves - at least as long as they have enough time for this and the effect of this work is there. When performance is low or the owner does not have time, he has to turn to professionals. And this is not such a rare story when a very small business that sees potential for growth in attracting customers through social networks hires an SMM specialist - not every entrepreneur knows enough about networks, understands what content will be interesting to the audience, and knows how to use it communicate.

In such cases, small companies most often turn to the help of outsourcing specialists - freelancers or digital agencies. Large companies use both options: either shift these responsibilities to full-time specialists or hire freelancers. Majority large companies, working with individuals(banks, telecommunications companies, airlines, etc.), as a rule, already have SMM managers on their staff, whose responsibility is to maintain company accounts on social networks and communicate with users. At the same time, agencies are often hired for SMM promotion of special projects.

It all depends on the result that the company gets from SMM promotion. If a freelancer is deeply immersed in the specifics of the business and copes well with the assigned tasks, then why not? - says Tatyana Pavlova.

It’s worse when SMM becomes just a burden on the work of the press service - then people who are inexperienced in promoting on social networks often take on the task and have to learn on the go.

The presence of a full-time SMM manager depends on the structure of the company, its attitude to its expenses, outsourcing, and HR strategy, says Roman Vostrukhin. - At one time in Russia it was customary to have a separate person for each case. Nowadays, companies use outsourcing quite often - people are beginning to understand that everyone should mind their own business. When you hire an accountant or sales manager, you can control him. But it’s difficult to understand how to control the SMM manager: count the number of posts, the number of likes he gave? Well, he’ll throw in a bunch of stupid posts and a bunch of likes, add a bunch of bots - that’s great. Therefore, hiring a person on staff can be absolutely useless, because there will be no one to control his work.

A full-time specialist is closer to the company’s products and employees. It's easier for him to get interesting information, - Marina Sukovatkina stands up for regular SMM workers.

The work of SMM managers is assessed at the level of specialists related specialties- press secretaries, journalists, etc.

As elsewhere, payment can vary greatly depending on the region, area of ​​business and qualifications, explains Alexey Mokrushin. - In our region, the price of monthly labor for such a specialist can start from 20–25 thousand rubles, there are segments where even 15 thousand rubles can be the reason for concluding a contract. But in general, from 25 and above. In the Volga Federal District and the Urals - from 30–40 thousand per month, in Moscow - from 45–50 thousand.

If a person just sits and does something for his salary, then yes - 20–25 thousand rubles a month,” agrees Roman Vostrukhin. - If this is a business and you are your own boss, then it is very different: you can earn 10 thousand, or you can earn 300 thousand rubles in a month.

Alexey Mokrushin believes that the rush demand for SMM services, blind faith in the omnipotence of this technology and the salary ceiling passed a couple of years ago and now “the market has calmed down, it has understood who is who.”

There are methods for assessing the work of such specialists; they are not universal, but in general they are available,” says the expert. - There are successful examples of work, there is a need systematic work, all this leads to the understanding that special people working with social networks are needed and will be needed in the future, especially those who constantly develop themselves and achieve the results that business sets for them.

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How much does SMM cost?

There is no concept of “fixed price” in SMM. Cost is determined by many factors. The main ones are: whether you are working with a freelancer or an agency, the reputation and experience of the contractor, the complexity of the project: the tasks set by the customer, starting conditions and the amount of work required to obtain the result. Thus, the same amount of work can be assessed differently and the difference can be very significant - tens of times.

This is why you will not find fixed price lists for the “social media promotion” service on the websites of the largest Russian digital agencies. They (and their prices) are aimed at working with large customers and large-scale projects. But smaller agencies strive to find their niche, clearly defining the scope of work and their cost.

An analysis of their price lists shows that the cost of the service starts from 8 thousand rubles per month for minimum set works (one post per week, automation of cropping of materials from the customer’s website - as a rule, this is already provided for by the site engine, but not all customers know about it). In this case, there is no need to talk about any marketing or even “promotion” - in fact, this is simply maintaining the account in a “live” state.

If we talk about work that more closely matches the meaning of the word “marketing,” then the maximum standard set: analysis of competitive sites, from three posts a day, competitions, surveys, “seeding” on thematic sites, detailed analytics and reporting - will cost five times more - about 40 thousand rubles per month.

Modern times and today I’ll tell you who he is SMM manager or SMM specialist, what he does, what his responsibilities are, what skills he should have, and a lot of other information on this topic. This will be useful to know not only for those who are looking for vacancies as an SMM manager, but also for those who are looking for such a specialist and want to receive professional and high-quality services from him. So, first things first.

SMM manager: who is this?

I think it’s no secret to anyone that representatives of most areas of business are one way or another looking for their clients, their target audience on the Internet, including promoting their brand/product on social networks. This is exactly the task that SMM specialists perform.

An SMM manager (SMM specialist) is a person who promotes a specific product/brand/website on one or more social networks.

An SMM manager can work in different ways:

  • to a company providing marketing services;
  • to the company whose brand/product he will promote;
  • as for several companies/customers;
  • at your workplace in a company with a set work schedule;
  • remotely from home with a flexible schedule.

In general, there are many options for working as an SMM specialist, and each performer, as well as the customer, is free to choose those that are most suitable for their situation.

SMM manager: responsibilities.

Let's consider the main tasks of an SMM manager: what are the responsibilities of an SMM specialist, what are the requirements for candidates for such vacancies (in each specific case, emphasis can be placed on certain areas of work).

Task 1. Determining the SMM promotion strategy. First of all, the SMM manager determines the target audience of the project and conducts marketing research of its interests and behavior. Then he selects the optimal platforms (social networks) for promoting a specific brand or product, where this the target audience concentrated as much as possible. The tasks of an SMM specialist also include selection optimal methods SMM promotion, inclusion and integration of this area of ​​marketing into the overall marketing strategy of the company.

Task 2. Creation and positioning of communities in social networks. An SMM manager develops and creates communities/public pages on social networks, thinks over their name, description, layout, design, structure. If necessary, develops applications for social networks, pages for events, meetings, events, etc. An SMM specialist runs communities and official pages and integrates them with the official website (depending on the situation).

Task 3. Community administration, content management. After creation, the SMM specialist administers these pages: creates, selects and publishes content. Writes texts, creates pictures and videos adapted to the format of the social network and a specific community, plans optimal time their publications, creates and motivates discussions. The SMM manager stimulates user activity on pages, dissemination of necessary information through personal accounts subscribers, attracting new subscribers to communities.

Task 4. Advertising companies in social networks. The tasks of an SMM specialist necessarily include conducting advertising campaigns on social networks in order to attract more quantity subscribers to communities. Working with targeted advertising on social networks themselves, advertising in other communities, holding competitions, promotions, sweepstakes, etc.

Task 5. Community management. The SMM manager promptly monitors communications on his pages and makes sure that the atmosphere there is friendly and trusting. Stimulates user activity by publishing posts that invite discussion. Monitors negative comments and promptly responds to them (does not delete, but smoothes out the negativity, ideally completely eliminates it). Identifies leaders and sources of negativity in the community and works with them. Organizes online meetings, discussions, events.

Task 6. Network and community monitoring. The SMM manager analyzes statistics, development dynamics of the entrusted communities and draws conclusions about effectiveness SMM promotion, reveals strong and weak sides running a company. He must understand web analytics tools and social network statistics, be able to calculate the cost of each target action (attracting a subscriber, sales through a social network, etc.), and track client traffic.

SMM specialist: skills, qualities, requirements.

Let's consider what skills (in addition to those listed above) and qualities an SMM manager should have.

  1. Marketing skills. Ability to conduct marketing analysis, develop advertising and advertising strategies, conduct advertising campaigns and events.
  2. Manager skills. Ability to find business partners, negotiate and business correspondence, manage the project, draw up an action plan, work for results.
  3. Communication skills. High level communications, the ability to communicate competently and constructively, to find mutual language with a variety of people.

To work as an SMM specialist it is not necessary to have a diploma higher education(although, of course, a degree in marketing or management will be a significant advantage). You can take some courses teaching this specialty, or you can learn this business yourself if you wish.

In the work of an SMM manager key role What matters is not a diploma or other educational document, but the real effectiveness of his work, its result.

SMM manager: vacancies.

Where to look for jobs and vacancies as an SMM manager? There are several options here:

  1. In advertising and marketing agencies.
  2. In companies engaged in SEO promotion and Internet promotion.
  3. In the media.
  4. On any sites (information sites, company sites, online stores), because they may need SMM promotion services (they need to look through the vacancy sections and independently offer their services).
  5. On employment portals (you can respond to already posted vacancies and post your resume).

Now you have an idea of ​​who an SMM manager is and what he does. Despite what may seem like an abstruse description to some, this work is not so complicated and is not difficult to master. Many people can work as SMM specialists, but being a highly paid professional in this field, of course, is within the power of only a few, as, indeed, in any other field.

I hope my article will help you make your choice. Stay tuned and master various ways active earnings and investing. See you on the pages of the site!