Make money on your Instagram page. How to earn two average salaries per month on Instagram

Greetings to the readers of the HeatherBeaver business magazine! The founders of the project Vitaly and Alexander are with you again!

In today's episode we will talk again about making money online. Our topic is generating income on Instagram, a popular social network.

Make yourself comfortable, our exciting story awaits you!

1. How and how much you can earn on the Instagram network and what are the features of this resource

Instagram (IG) is a functional application for filming, storing and distributing photo and video materials.

The service is compatible with iPhones, iPads, phones running Android 2.2 and higher, and other modern mobile devices. With its help, you can edit pictures and turn amateur photos into professional ones.

After Instagram was acquired by Facebook in 2012, the application's capabilities expanded significantly. Now your account can be integrated with your own profile on Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and other social networks.

Important facts about app:

  • since its creation, more than 300 million users have been registered on the site and several tens of billions of pictures have been downloaded;
  • the main options of the application are freely available to all project participants;
  • tens of millions of registered participants use the portal every day;
  • every second several hundred new likes and comments appear on Instagram;
  • Since 2014, you can upload short videos to the resource.

As soon as it became possible to upload an advertising video, the commercial potential of the portal immediately increased, and the activity of Instagrammers increased: where there is advertising, there is always the possibility of receiving additional profit.

At the same time, no initial investments are required to develop a business on the Instagram network. Only two conditions are needed - the desire to develop and the availability of free time.

The current state of Instagram and its commercial potential

Over the course of several years, Instagram has transformed from a purely practical resource into a full-fledged social network through which you can find new friends and establish social contacts.

The commercial potential of the application was not immediately revealed. At first, the service was used strictly for its intended purpose - for editing and taking photographs directly on the phone and uploading them to the Internet. Gradually the application developed, new functions and capabilities emerged, and the number of users grew.

The popularity of the community continues to increase: right now, thousands of people are earning income using Instagram, and some do not even put any effort into it, having passive income from advertising.

We have already written in more detail about what passive income is and what types of income exist in the article “”.

Want to join the lucky ones? Then read our material!

An interesting fact is that for a long time the Instagram service remained out of sight of domestic money makers - specialists in entrepreneurial activity on the Internet. Only a few used IG as a business tool, but such projects did not always allow them to achieve stable commercial success.

The situation changed dramatically quite recently - in 14-15, when it became possible to record and post short videos on Instagram. And one more fact that influenced the growth of commercial potential is integration with VKontakte, the most popular resource in the Russian Federation.

By connecting accounts, you can automatically publish everything shot using IG to “Contact”: this radically simplifies the process of uploading files and improves the quality of photos and videos.

All these facts, coupled with the popularity of Instagram among some media personalities (athletes, TV presenters, musicians and socialites) led to the modern status of IG: the application has turned into a kind of cult for an entire generation.

Then a completely logical process began - the owners and administrators of public groups and VKontakte pages migrated to Instagram in order to develop their communities there and receive regular income with their help.

Exchanges have appeared that have become intermediaries in the sale and purchase of advertising: now any user can publish his profile and take advantage of offers from advertisers.

How and how much can you earn on IG? We will answer the first part of the question in detail in the next section. As for specific numbers, it all depends on the method of earning you choose and the amount of time you are willing to allocate for this.

The popularity of your Instagram page also matters. It's simple - the higher the rating, the more subscribers you have, the larger the amounts your potential partner and advertiser are willing to pay.

2. Ways to make money on Instagram - TOP 7 popular

If you don't have an Instagram profile yet, create one. It's a matter of a few minutes - you can activate your account via Facebook. This can be done using any modern smartphone with the Android platform, iPhone or desktop computer.

Earnings will increase many times over if your profile becomes popular with other users and is visited by a large number of users every day. You can promote your page yourself or with a little help (unselfish, of course) from special services.

Thematic pages (niche) dedicated to a specific area are in greatest demand among Instagrammers. You have probably visited and continue to visit such profiles and you yourself know what the public page of a popular Instagrammer looks like.

If you don't have a popular profile yet, don't despair. Patience, desire and following instructions will help you develop a page from scratch and turn it into a stable source of income.

Method 1. Earn money from advertising

An option for those who are patient or those who have already achieved popularity within IG. The principle is simple - the advertiser places advertisements on your pages, you receive commissions for this.

The level of earnings is comparable to the profit from advertising on VKontakte: for one post you can get from 500-1000 rubles and more. There is no upper limit - it all depends on the level of popularity of your public on the Internet. There are users who are paid five-figure sums (sometimes even in dollars) to post. And we have already written an article about that on our website.

Don’t set yourself the goal of starting sales as quickly and as expensively as possible. Short-term gains can negatively impact long-term prospects. It is very easy to turn a page into a “content graveyard” with ghosts in the form of advertisements.

Always remember the following rules:

  • The Instagram application was created for people to communicate, making money in this application is something of a useful side effect;
  • the project promotion stage is the most important, be prepared for a long preparatory period;
  • first – interesting and unique content, then advertising.

You understand - you need to captivate the subscriber. If he sees and feels the benefits of visiting your page, he will adequately perceive the advertising placed on it.

Another important point is proper page design. To attract users and advertisers, you need to ensure that your public images and text correspond to the thematic area you have chosen. Also think about ways to connect with partners.

How many subscribers (followers) do you need for advertisers to be interested in you? The optimal quantity is several thousand. If you have a solid base of regular subscribers, partners will find you themselves.

But usually at the initial stage you have to look for clients on advertising exchanges or using tactics reminiscent of “cold calls” by sales managers.

Method 2. Earn money by selling your own photos

Can you take good photographs? Then this option is for you. To start making money, register on photo buying services and upload the pictures you want to sell there.

Intermediaries receive a good percentage from the sale of photographs; the photographer himself receives only a portion of the income from sales. However, if your name really becomes popular, you can get in direct contact with company representatives.

Method 3. Earning money by selling goods

Trading on Instagram is becoming an increasingly profitable and popular business. Many sellers from other networks have migrated to IG, where the consumer market is wider and more diverse.

What can you sell on Instagram? In fact, everything that can be imagined using photographs. Selling through a popular application is suitable for both those involved in the production of hand-made products and owners of online stores. The main thing is that the photos are taken clearly, and the product has an adequate price.

How to attract buyers?

There are several methods:

  1. Promotion of your page.
  2. Placement of thematic tags, by which you will be found in search.
  3. Linking Images to certain pages in the virtual online store.
  4. Special services.

One of these services is called Inselly and designed specifically for the Instagram application. This system will automatically put your product up for sale; to do this, you just need to add a special tag to your photos #inselly , and your photo will be included in the system.

The service allows you to transform your profile into a real Internet market. You can even set up cash payments using the system PayPal. The personal profile is filled with information useful for buyers and hidden advertising.

Method 4. Earning money from likes through special services

Lots of services such as VKTarget, Roboliker, Twite offer everyone the opportunity to receive rewards for certain actions.

In this capacity they can act:

  • likes;
  • posts;
  • comments;
  • subscriptions.

The cost of one like varies across different services. Average price 0.5 rub. Having several active accounts on Instagram, you can increase your income, but for this you will have to spend a fair amount of time on your work. This is the main disadvantage of such earnings.

We can recommend making a profit from likes and other paid tasks to schoolchildren, students, and all those who do not want to put intellectual effort into the process of earning money. This work can be done automatically.

If you are young and a school student, be sure to check out our publication -.

We have a similar article for students. It describes ways to make money online and more.

Method 5. Earn money by promoting your own services

The method is relevant for photographers, designers, hairdressers, stylists and all those whose work is best presented visually. To attract potential clients, you need to correctly post a portfolio of your work on IG.

You can add thematic tags and apply some methods for promoting your account online. It doesn’t hurt to learn useful experience from your colleagues and competitors: watch how professionals promote their services and learn from them.

Method 6: Print user photos

A good option for those who have the ability to print photos, turning digital images into analog. There are many users on Instagram who want to make virtual photos real - why not take advantage of this demand and receive well-deserved dividends.

The algorithm of actions is as simple as possible:

  • you advertise your services;
  • the client orders you a print;
  • you complete it, send pictures by mail or via a delivery service;
  • You receive a transfer to your wallet or bank account.

You can print photos not only on paper, but also on magnets, T-shirts and anything else – provided you have the necessary printing equipment. The choice of a basic basis for placing an image is limited only by the customer’s imagination.

With the modern development of printing, you can print photos on almost any material surface.

Method 7. Earning money from affiliate programs

You can make money on affiliate programs through any social network: all you need is an account and free time.

You can create fake accounts and engage in direct advertising of customer services, hiding referral links in texts under photos. You can earn good interest by attracting referrals to customer sites. If you want to better understand affiliate marketing, then our article “” will be very useful to you.

Revenue from affiliate programs can be quite substantial, but unlike advertising, income comes not from posting a post, but from useful actions on the part of the visitor - clicking on a link, making a purchase, registering on the partner’s website.

A visual table of ways to make money on Instagram:

3. How to make your page popular - instructions for attracting subscribers

A well-promoted page on Instagram, like any other social network, is a kind of promising investment, an asset that can be used when you decide that it’s time to open your own business. Yes, friends, this is the same type of business as any other.

In times of economic instability, working as a hired force can at any time result in layoffs, layoffs, or going on indefinite leave. We in no way wish our readers such a fate, but you must agree that being prepared for anything makes you feel much calmer.

A promoted Instagram page is your personal space, which you own entirely. Formally, of course, the network belongs to the owner company, but the likelihood that Instagram’s activities will be discontinued in the near future is zero. No one kills the goose that lays the golden eggs.

How to promote a page? Making intellectual and, if possible, material investments in it. In IG, unlike VKontakte, not all commercially promising niches are occupied. The sooner you start promoting your own page, the faster it will begin to make a profit.

Be pragmatic:

  1. Develop a topic and create a rubricator. The topic should be popular, interesting to many users and to you personally, not too general and not too personal. The long-term goal of a thematic page is to attract the target audience.
  2. Increase your number of followers. Be active within the network, comment, like, increase the popularity of the page using special resources (,
  3. Keep your page running smoothly. Don't rush into publishing, but don't take long breaks either. You can create an activity schedule and follow it.

When stable income from advertising and affiliate programs begins, it will be possible to attract a specialist administrator to maintain the page. This will free up your time, because the maximum task for every businessman is to create passive income, and not do all the things yourself.

To summarize, we can say that making money on the social network Instagram is a promising direction and refers to the possibility of earning income on the Internet.

Following these simple rules will protect your page from being blocked.

Watch an informative video on making money on Instagram from the company:

4. Review of services for monetizing Instagram

Now – about monetization services, of which there are quite a lot.

Here we list the most popular and profitable of them:

  • - a decent resource with high payment for actions and a guarantee of fast withdrawal of funds;
  • - an excellent service in which you can make a profit through all social networks popular in the Russian Federation;
  • - an interesting resource with a lot of tasks and excellent functionality;
  • – provides the opportunity to earn income through completing simple tasks, placing advertising posts and participating in affiliate programs;
  • – a service in which you will be offered to promote a certain product for a fee.

There are others - User, . Each resource has its own pros and cons. Which platform is most suitable for you personally can only be found out in practice.

5. Conclusion

Dear readers, let’s summarize. Instagram is a promising and rapidly developing resource that provides the opportunity to earn money for everyone. Beginning entrepreneurs can organize a full-fledged business project here or receive an additional source of income.

And some enterprising people will be able to turn this social network into a permanent source of profit.

Friends, we wish you increased prosperity and look forward to ratings of this article and comments on it, thank you in advance.

By 2018, the number of registered accounts on Instagram exceeded 1 billion. This popularity is largely due to the ease of use of the service, its various functions and useful updates that developers regularly delight their users with.

However, not everyone uses Instagram for its intended purpose - just to share photos and videos with friends. For many, this is a place where they can make money. And make good money. This is an excellent platform for sales, advertising, and promotion. Those who are already making money here do it without investment, without paying for rent, without years of training.

Before you learn how to make money on Instagram, we recommend that you read the article >>>

One of the best ways to make money on Instagram today is by hosting a Giveaway.

Read our article and find out how you can earn 1,500,000 rubles in a week and how much 1 subscriber to your account costs!

An approximate list of ways to make money on Instagram is given in the table below. However, read the article to the end. We have described a lot of nuances and subtleties of each method.

Methods Who can earn How long does it take to earn your first income? How much can you earn
Bloggers with an audience of 300,000 subscribers 1 Week from 60,000 rubles
Earnings from sales Anyone who knows how to set up targeted advertising Earnings after completing the task of setting up advertising From one to several tens of thousands of rubles
Advertising in profile Account owners with more than 5 thousand subscribers Earn money immediately after placing an advertising post on your profile From 5 to 300 thousand rubles per post
Selling goods and services Brand owners who sell their products/services offline.

Brand owners who sell products/services on the website.

Anyone who has something to sell.

First earnings after selling a product/service Up to hundreds of thousands, depending on what you're selling
Account promotion SMM specialists Earnings every month/week/two weeks From 20 to 80 thousand rubles per month
Accounts sale Anyone who has a profile with a lot of followers Earnings after sale From 10 thousand rubles to 2-3 million
affiliate program Earnings after clicking on the link From several hundred to several tens of thousands of rubles per day
Likes and subscriptions Every Instagram user Earnings after completing the first task Up to 100 rubles per day

How to make money on Instagram from advertising? Targeted advertising for Instagram stores

On Instagram, people click on advertising posts 2.5 times more often than on other social networks. Realizing this, many bloggers use the service to make money from advertising. You can too if you own a selling store or any business.

Owners of regular accounts can also earn money from advertising, but not targeted advertising. More on this later, since targeted advertising is only suitable for commercial projects.

Bloggers earn the most money on Instagram from their popular accounts. We recommend that you read the articles

Advertising is an integral part of Instagram. There’s nowhere here without it, since the competition among business profile owners is simply enormous. In just a couple of clicks on Instagram you can find almost any page. An online store selling clothes is not a problem. Insurance company please. A team of repairmen - whatever you want.

So how can you make yourself known and stand out among your competitors?

You can create a cool profile, come up with an original brand name, publish interesting posts every day, but if no one knows about you, all this has absolutely no meaning. To understand how to make money on Instagram from advertising, a detailed guide will not hurt. And we'll start with targeted advertising.

How to make money on Instagram with targeted advertising? Detailed guide!

  1. The first thing you need to do is create a sales page.
    Any offline business can be transferred to Instagram and purchased advertising for it to increase sales.

The page should contain high-quality photographs of your services and a detailed description.
Don't forget about competition.
Today, every business has competition, so to succeed, you need a marketing plan.

  • Next, you need to create an advertiser account and set up ad impressions.
    In order for advertising to work and sales to increase, it is necessary to make a high-quality advertising post and correctly set up impressions among the target audience.

How to create a sales page for a store on Instagram?

It all depends on what kind of business you want to promote. If you have a clothing store, you need to arrange high-quality photography of the product and upload new materials daily!

Systematicity is important! In order not to disappear from your subscribers’ feed, you must create posts every day (photo with a detailed description) + upload information to stories.

Stories is a powerful functionality of a social network. You post a story, and it is in the TOP for 8 hours! After which it is deleted forever. However, the advantage of stories is that almost everyone can see its contents. Users view stories 90% more often than regular posts.

Two tips!

  • If you sell clothes, you need a model to take competitive photos.

If your team does not have a person who understands Instagram technologies, we recommend finding an online employee through a freelance exchange. For example, the exchange is a popular platform for freelancers.

6 rules for maintaining a selling account on Instagram

Your page plays a decisive role in the success of your business on Instagram. If you want to earn money, follow these rules:

  1. Create a profile. Choose a username that matches your brand name. Place a high-quality profile photo. Ideal - a thematic image with a logo. Fill out the section about yourself: tell us who you are, what you do and what you can offer. Provide contact details where you can be contacted.
  2. Think through every post. In order for your page to be constantly active, posts should appear on it every day. Or better yet, twice a day. But there’s no need to post just anything. The content should be of the highest quality.

Our goal is sales, and in order for people to want to buy a product/service, we need to present it/her correctly. Each post should be dedicated to a specific product, service, promotion, or interesting offer. Try to present your assortment in the most favorable light. Under the photo, tell us why your subscriber should purchase this product/service and what its advantages are.

  1. Use Stories 100%. Don't underestimate the power of Instagram's Stories feature. You can use it to tell your audience about interesting promotions, competitions, and to engage through games. And in Stories Highlights or pinned Stories it’s easy to place a catalog with goods/services, ordering instructions, and contacts to get in touch with you.
  2. Communicate with your audience. In order for your subscribers to want to buy a product/service, they must begin to trust you. Communication plays a big role in this. Ask your subscribers questions in every post, in stories, answer messages in Direct. Let them know that their opinion is important to you and that you are trying to be helpful. Always thank for your purchase and publish reviews from satisfied customers.
  3. Call to action. Many people do not make a purchase for one simple reason - because they are not pushed to do so. It is not enough to post a photo of a product/service and talk about how wonderful he/she is. You need to encourage the user to take an action—in this case, a purchase:

“Contact us via Direct/WhatsApp/number to place an order.”

“Leave a comment if you’d like to place an order and we’ll get back to you.”

  1. Engage your subscribers. When you already have a lot of subscribers and clients, maintaining an Instagram page is much easier. You just need to keep publishing new products/services and remind them of the contact methods to place an order. But if you are just starting a business on Instagram, it is important to get your first followers and gain their trust. You can use for this:
  • Promotions and special offers:

“Order goods in our online store for 1000 rubles and receive a 10% discount on your next purchase”. This way you can encourage them to try the product/service and make another purchase so as not to lose the discount.

  • Games and competitions. We remember that our goal is sales, but we also do not forget that in order to start selling, we need to gain the favor of our subscribers.

A great way is through games.

“Whoever guesses what’s in the box first will win (name of the prize—your product/service).” The winner will have the opportunity to try the product/service and verify the quality. This means that he can tell his friends about you, write a review that you can show to other subscribers to gain their trust.

How to make money on Instagram from advertising? Detailed guide for personal account

But the goal of the account owner is to make money by placing advertisements on his page.

Who can make money from advertising?

This means that before you dream of making good money from advertising on your Instagram account, you need to create a page that people will want to subscribe to, comment on and like.

How to start earning income from advertising on your account?

To receive an order for advertising on your profile, again, the most important thing is to ensure that advertisers choose you. If you have thousands of subscribers, you may think that getting advertising orders is very easy. Whatever the case. There are many people like you, with an audience of thousands.

  1. Let us know on your Instagram page that you are ready to cooperate with advertisers. If you have a lot of “live” subscribers, including business profiles, someone will definitely be interested. Don't forget to indicate how we can contact you.
  2. Find a blogger yourself whose profile topic is similar to yours, and agree with him on mutual advertising. This way you won’t make money, but you will get even more subscribers, and those users who are already subscribed to you will understand that they can contact you for advertising.
  3. Use advertising exchanges. It’s no secret that Instagram is one of the most effective platforms for advertising. But the problem of finding bloggers by advertisers and advertisers by bloggers remains relevant.

Advertising exchanges act as an intermediary between them. You can find those who want to advertise their profile much faster by turning to specialized services such as, for example,,,

It is important to thoroughly study the page that you are going to mention in your profile. Unconvincing advertising will have no effect. This means that they will no longer contact you.

An advertising post must be developed based on the specifics of the advertised page. If you are required to mention an online store/beauty salon, it would be wise to take a photo that shows them at their best. Suitable:

  • an image of any interesting/relevant/unusual product/service that is sold in a store or in a salon;

  • your photo with the product or during/after the service is provided to you.

As you understand, in order to know how to make money from an Instagram account, you need to have at least minimal knowledge in Internet marketing and promotion.

If you are required to place an advertisement for a specific product/service/promotion on your page, the advertising photo must contain an image of what is being discussed. In this case, posting a photo of the store itself or - even worse - the wrong product/service/promotion is not a good idea.

Photos are the basis of an advertising post. But that is not all. The text you place underneath is equally important. It is not enough to simply write “go to such and such a page” and provide a link to it. It is important that the advertisement does not appear obvious. You can say that you used the product/service, were very satisfied and want to recommend it/her to your subscribers. Great if that's true.

You can write that this online store/souvenir shop/beauty salon/restaurant belongs to your friend/acquaintance/relative, and you want to help him promote it.

  • Photos and text complement each other. The text says what is shown in the photo.
  • The photo is high-quality, without watermarks, unless it is the name of the advertised brand.
  • The text is literate, catchy, and contains a link to the advertised page.

Creating an advertising post correctly is very important. But it’s even more important not to lose the trust of your audience because of advertising. Do not advertise something that you yourself would not use/do not consider to be of high quality and useful. By once recommending to your subscribers a product/service/page that is nothing special, you risk losing part of your audience and, therefore, the opportunity to further earn money from advertising. You should also not overdo it with the number of advertisements on the page.

How much can you earn from advertising on your own Instagram account?

As a rule, before contacting a blogger, an advertiser studies the statistics of his page. If the audience is live, the number of likes and views on publications is at least 10% of the number of subscribers. If this is the case for you, the benchmark is already based on the number of subscribers. The larger the audience, the higher the cost of advertising.

5-10 thousand subscribers - up to 5 thousand rubles.

10-20 thousand subscribers - up to 10 thousand rubles.

20-50 thousand subscribers - up to 20 thousand rubles.

50-100 thousand subscribers - up to 50 thousand rubles.

100-999 thousand subscribers – up to 150 thousand rubles.

A million subscribers or more – up to 300 thousand rubles.

And from Instagram you can make your own blog, no worse than on a YouTube channel!

The algorithm for making money on a blog is the same as on advertising in a personal account. But by creating a block, you take on additional responsibility - you are promoting a special brand in the form of your name.

You can focus on your beauty or some talent.

Any active user of this social network knows how to make money from a blog on Instagram.

It’s not even a matter of knowledge, but of personal abilities. After all, not everyone is given the opportunity to be a public figure and charge thousands of people with energy and desire to watch you every day.

To create your own blog you definitely need to be a bright and talented person at the same time.

Be sure to have a stress-resistant mentality. Many viewers will try to piss you off, disgrace you and put you in a bad light.

The owner of an Instagram blog must go live to communicate with subscribers and answer their questions.

At such moments, you will be especially watched and caught on every word. Therefore, if you are not a cheerful person, you have no sense of humor and you are demanding of people, then your own blog on Instagram is not for you.

Popular ideas for a blog on Instagram:

  • review of cosmetics;
  • training in crafts and handicrafts;
  • journey;
  • philosophy, conversations on life topics;
  • celebrity parodies.

How to make money blogging on Instagram?

Of course on advertising! If you are a charming personality with an audience of millions, advertisers will start reaching out to you! In the worst case scenario, you will have to run after them yourself. To learn all the ins and outs of earning income from a blog, return to the section

Earning money on Instagram from photos

How is this related?

  1. Increasing the activity and reach of the page will allow you to monetize your account in any way.
    It's simple - you add photos, be sure to optimize them with hashtags, detailed descriptions and, as a result, gain views, likes and new subscribers (largely thanks to hashtags).
  2. Once you promote your Instagram, you can start monetizing it. Add advertising, sell products or organize earnings through affiliate programs.

How to use hashtags to increase sales on Instagram?

Hashtags are formatted with a keyword preceded by the # symbol.

Such a post will be clickable and by clicking on it, the user will be able to see all publications that are tagged with this hashtag.

If you are careful, when you open any post on Instagram and scroll through its description, you will see a huge set of hashtags that are relevant to this post.

Users also often deliberately search for information using a hashtag. For example, a person wants to find a public page about sports nutrition. It’s much easier to choose an option not by name, but by hashtags.

And if you were looking for information on how to make money on Instagram from photographs, then here is the answer.

Pay attention to the photo below.

Example 1. How to make money on Instagram from photographs.

Using a very popular hashtag, we were easily able to find a public page whose owner clearly knows how to make money on Instagram using photographs.

We opened the first photo we came across in the store and saw a well-written description.

Detailed description of prices, products and how to order the product. Hashtags are at the very end.

Example 2. How to make money on Instagram from photographs.

Here is a similar example, but decorated with a different tag.

Try to find the material you need on Instagram by tag.

Note! For high-quality promotion, you need to take into account the popularity of tags! You can come up with a complex tag, and as a result, no one will click on it.

You can select popular tags on the websitewebsta. me.

Earning money from affiliate programs

The essence of the method is to promote affiliate links in your account and receive money for it.

Who can earn?

Every Instagram user can use this method of earning money.

How to make money on Instagram through affiliate programs?

To get money from an affiliate program, you need to register in one of the affiliate programs (several are possible), place a post on your profile consisting of a recommended image and a link to the selected offer from those provided by the affiliate program.

For each person who follows a link from your Instagram page and buys an item/product, you receive a percentage or a fixed amount.

The best affiliate programs for making money on Instagram

There are a lot of affiliate programs on the Internet, and they pay good money to attract traffic.

— here you can find everything about choosing an affiliate program and how to get started.


Name Minimum amount for 1 lead Minimum withdrawal amount 600 rubles 800 rubles 550 rubles 1000 rubles 450 rubles 2000 rubles
Admitad 450 rubles 450 rubles
Letyshops 75% from purchases 700 rubles

In each of them you can go through hassle-free registration. Choose a suitable offer, create your own referral link and start earning money. Here is a list of some offers from the ad1 affiliate program:

In this type of earnings, the main thing is to learn how to create creative products that sell. To make your audience interested, follow the link and buy the product.

You can get creative ideas using the servicePublisher. A very powerful assistant.

How much can you earn?

How to make money from tailoring on Instagram? Detailed Guide

To begin with, it should be noted that the idea of ​​​​promoting your clothing business on Instagram is the right decision.

If you sew beautiful clothes, then all you need is to create a sales page and start promoting it.

  1. Create an account with a “speaking” name. For example, Anna, tailoring children's clothing to order"
  2. Create a description, indicate your location, ways of cooperation, your strengths.
  3. Add contact information for quick communication (phone, WhatsApp). This will build trust with your followers.
  4. Add high-quality photos! Remember that they will be the ones selling your product!
    If the photos are bad or not attractive, it is better not to post them.
  5. To understand how to make money on Instagram by tailoring, just study your competitor’s profile. Collect a list of pages and start analyzing them. You have to be better than them, otherwise you won't succeed!
  6. Use programs for beautiful photo processing. See the table of the best programs below.
  7. Use hashtags. We described how they work a little higher.
  8. Publish posts EVERY DAY!
  9. Upload stories every day!
  10. Take pictures of yourself in your clothes. Ask your friends to try them on and upload a review on Instagram with a link to your page.

Be sure to share a part of yourself with your subscribers! They should get used not only to your product, but also to you. You must become a friend to your audience. Occasionally tell stories and share personal photos. Ask for advice and conduct surveys.


Name Availability Description
Facetune Paid Powerful editor. Even bad photos are transformed into beautiful photos.
Perfect365 Free Large set of filters and useful functions.
Pixelmator Paid Mini Photoshop in your phone. Convenient and intuitive interface.
Snapseed Free One of the most powerful free photo editing applications.
MOLDIV Free, with in-app purchases An application with good functionality for basic processing.

Regular publication is important! Your page will be considered commercial, which means it should be constantly visible to everyone.

There should be at least 2 publications per day. Posts must be high quality and unique.

Also, to make money on tailoring on Instagram, you need to use a promotion method such as advertising.

To understand how to make money on tailoring on Instagram through advertising, return to the beginning of the article. It describes all the nuances of maintaining a selling account.

Earning money from promoting accounts

Business on Instagram is a real gold mine. But not everyone has an idea of ​​how to maintain a profile in order to make money from it. Due to high competition in almost any niche, there is a need to stand out and retain your audience. And for this it is not enough just to publish posts. That’s why SMM specialists involved in promotion are in demand.

Who can earn?

Only those who really understand this can earn money by promoting Instagram accounts. Most business profile owners trust only SMM specialists who can confirm their qualifications with a certificate. But if you have already managed several accounts before, you can confirm your qualifications using the statistics of these accounts and parameters such as the number of subscribers, likes and comments they have.

Even if you haven’t done any promotion, but you feel that you have the ability, you can create your own account, fill it with quality content, gain a large number of subscribers, achieve good audience engagement and offer your promotion services. Your promoted account can confirm that you can really cope with this task.

How to make money on an Instagram account?

The algorithm for making money by promoting Instagram accounts is as follows:

  1. You find a client and discuss all the details with him - how many subscribers are required, what kind of engagement is needed, etc.
  2. They give you your account login information, you go in and get started.
  3. You publish posts, negotiate advertising with bloggers or set up targeted advertising, work on errors in your profile, and format it correctly.

Promoting accounts can be either temporary or permanent work. For some, it is enough to gain a certain number of subscribers, but for others it is important to constantly increase their number and maintain audience engagement.

You need to look for clients on freelance exchanges and message boards on social media. networks.

How much can you earn?

Earnings depend on:

  • number of tasks performed;
  • their specifics;
  • account topics;
  • the amount of time needed to complete all tasks.

For a month of working as an SMM manager, you can earn from 20 to 80 thousand rubles.

Earning money on Instagram by selling accounts

Promoting a new profile on Instagram takes a lot of time. Therefore, many users buy already promoted pages with a large number of subscribers, adapt them to themselves and move on. Of course, if the topic of the page changes, the number of subscribers may decrease. But there are still chances that most of them will stay with you.

If you have one or more promoted Instagram profiles, you can sell them at a good price.

Considering the growing popularity and number of people who want to have a business or personal blog on Instagram, this type of income can be considered very promising!

How to make money on Instagram by selling accounts?

To make money on Instagram using this method, you just need to find a person who wants to buy an account from you. Having decided to sell, you can place an ad on your pages on social networks or any other platforms where there is a large audience.

There are even specialized services for selling/buying accounts. For example,,,

It’s great if you can find someone who wants to take your page further without changing the topic. In this case, there is a high chance that all subscribers will remain in place.

How much does an Instagram page cost?

Unlike other ways to make money on Instagram, you can only earn money by selling accounts once. Well, or as many times as you have accounts.

But you can get from several thousand to several million rubles, depending on the topic of the profile and the number of subscribers.

An account with an audience of up to 20-30 thousand people costs up to 10 thousand rubles.

A page with up to 100 thousand subscribers can be sold for 10-50 thousand rubles.

For a profile with up to 500 thousand subscribers it is easy to get 100-300 thousand rubles.

On a page that generates income from advertising or sales, which is subscribed to from 500 thousand to several million people, you can earn up to 2-3 million rubles.

The answer is no way!

This is the easiest and least profitable way to make money on Instagram. Its essence is that you register with services that pay for likes and subscriptions to pages, and perform various tasks.

This method seems tempting for many, because it is very simple! Hence this common question: how to earn real money on Instagram for likes?

Who can earn?

Unlike other methods, to make money from likes and subscriptions you do not need to have a large number of subscribers or special skills. Anyone who has an Instagram page can earn money.

How to earn real money on Instagram for likes?

The algorithm for making money from likes and subscriptions is quite simple:

  1. Register for one or more services:,,
  2. Complete open tasks.
  3. You receive money that can be spent on promoting your page or withdrawn to an electronic wallet/bank card.

How much can you earn from likes on Instagram?

You can earn no more than 50 rubles per day from likes and subscriptions on Instagram. And only if there are a lot of open tasks and you work on several services at once. Basically, for one task like “subscribe to a page” or “like” they pay 1 - 5 rubles.

Instagram is the bomb in the e-commerce space. Even compared to other social networks. If the service was originally intended for sharing photos, now it is a real business platform that anyone can use to make money. Including owners of online stores and those involved in dropshipping. After reading, you will have a clear understanding of how to make big money on Instagram from subscribers.

But how do bloggers make money on Instagram? And how do sales on this site differ from other types of e-commerce?

In this article, we will take a deep look at several tactics that you can immediately put into practice.

Can you make money on Instagram?

Yes, you can definitely do it.

And enthusiasts of this platform are constantly looking for and finding new ways to make money on it.

Now, perhaps, you have become inspired and realized that you are no worse than them and can also make money on Instagram. And you naturally ask the question: “How?”

Don't worry, we will solve this mystery. In detail. However, first, let's take a general look at several ways in which it is, in principle, possible to make money.

You can focus on brand sponsored posts first. If their target audience follows you, you become an ideal promotional vehicle. You can also earn money and receive a certain percentage from sales of products from other companies. In addition, you can sell your own products and services - physical or digital. In general, you are the same as in any other e-commerce environment.

As long as marketing is alive and business can be expressed visually and creatively, millions of Instagram users are at your disposal.

On a note! Inexpensive promotion on Instagram, as well as likes, subscribers, views, comments, account audit, maintenance and much more, can be ordered on the new generation freelance exchange - kwork.

The Power of Instagram

The number of Instagram users is growing and the platform is catching up with Facebook. While Facebook has 2.07 billion active users, by 2017 Instagram's growth reached 800 million users in 7 years (the service was launched in 2010). So when you look at such popularity, it is not surprising that Instagrammers are becoming a real force. They figured out ways to make money on Instagram and profit from photos.

The following data deserves attention:

  1. 800 million active users every month. That's almost three times the population of the United States.
  2. 500 million active users every day. That's almost twice the population of the United States.
  3. In 2017, the share of American companies using Instagram reached 70.7%. If in general there are about 30 million businesses in the United States (both large and small), then it turns out that 21 million of them use Instagram.
  4. 80% of Instagram users follow at least one business account. This means that 640 million users follow at least one business account.
  5. Every month there are more than 2 million advertisers on Instagram.
  6. The time users spend on Instagram increases by 80% every year.
  7. In 2016, 48% of American brands resorted to promotion on Instagram. In 2017, this figure reached 71%. In 2018, it is expected to reach 82%.
  8. 300 million Instagram accounts use Stories every day.
  9. Age of Instagram users:
    • from 18 to 29 years old - 59%;
    • from 30 to 49 years old - 33%;
    • from 50 to 64 years old - 18%;
    • 64+ years - 8%.
  10. Instagram user gender:
    • women - 38%;
    • men - 26%;
    • the rest - 36%.
  11. Instagram posts with location tags receive 79% more engagement.
  12. Photos with faces receive 38% more likes.
  13. User-generated content conversion rate is 4.5% higher.

How to make money on Instagram, be it 1k or 100k subscribers?

Most likely, you have already heard more than once about Instagrammers who were able to make significant money from simple photos they posted daily. Perhaps you even took an appraising look at your own photographs and thought that you too could do this.

Just like bloggers, YouTubers and other media personalities who have gathered large audiences around them, many Instagram users can boast of great reach and influence. And these are the two things that entire companies fight for.

All this provides Instagrammers with an excellent opportunity to create and receive multiple income channels. Moreover, regardless of whether they want to build an entire empire or just earn extra pocket money.

How many subscribers should you have to start earning money?

And now a logical and interesting question: how many subscribers should there be to start earning money and receiving income from them? The answer is short and simple: not as much as you think.

More detailed information depends on several factors:

  • what area are you operating in and how popular is your product (popular niches are fashion, appearance, sports and food);
  • what kind of engagement do your subscribers have (100,000 fake bots will not produce results);
  • what acquisition channels do you use?

Of course, the greater the number of living and engaged followers, the better.

And while top and well-known Instagrammers with millions of subscribers earn tens or hundreds of thousands per post, those who have less than 1000 subscribers can also earn money. You can easily get a thousand subscribers using the service.

How to start earning money

How you can make money on Instagram in your case depends on your unique brand, type of content, target audience and degree of promotion. In general, this can be done using the following common methods:

  • publishing advertising posts sponsored by brands with which you have the same audience;
  • joining affiliate programs of other companies and publishing posts with an affiliate link. For example, like this article, in it we advertise through an affiliate program, a service for promoting Instagram SocialHammer. We use it ourselves, and that’s why we chose their affiliate program.
  • creating and selling your own product or service (real or digital);
  • sale of photographs.

What’s especially great is that the methods of earning money can be combined with each other, rather than using just one thing. It is also necessary to increase the conversion of visitors into subscribers through .

So, let's start with the most common way to monetize Instagram - cooperation with brands. But first, let's look at successful stories and business models of Instagram.

Instagram Success Stories

You can learn how to make money on Instagram from the experiences of others, from case studies and from the success stories that we will give below.

And considering that there are now a lot of applications that allow you to coordinate your Instagram account with your website (for example, an online store), the process of earning money becomes even easier. Thus, built-in integration of an Instagram business account is available in the popular system Shopify and others.

The companies listed below do just that. Let's take a look at their experience and take an example from them.

BeardBrand was first mentioned in an article in the New York Times. Their business started with just $30 and absolute passion for it. The way they use Instagram to make money is truly unique and inspiring.

The company sells products that are designed to support the style and lifestyle of men with beards. Their website,, is active on Instagram. And now there are already more than 124,000 subscribers.

Instagram can positively influence the user and shopping experience because customers can relate to the characters and situations in the posts. So, with the right approach, an Instagram post arouses curiosity and trust.


With over a million subscribers, the store's slimes typically sell out within 24 hours. Their videos are bright and clear. Thanks to them, viewers can literally feel the product. So high-quality and “tasty” videos undoubtedly have powerful marketing power.

So, one of them, for example, collected more than 179,000 views. With so many views, it's no surprise that the product sold out within 24 hours.

The company uses the flexible and convenient Shopify platform for its website. Overall, along with impressive videos and lively images, making money on Instagram is relatively easy.


Justin Wong, founder of SoAestheticShop, is passionate about Japanese Harajuku style. And Instagram is his main sales channel. Please note that each of his posts is carefully edited and visually appealing. Wong earns about $12,000 a month from selling on Instagram. And by the way, his business model is dropshipping.

So the company itself does not produce any products. Justin works with several suppliers, but he doesn't buy anything until a customer orders an item. Today this business model is considered one of the most profitable. In addition, it is easy to implement using an online store and Instagram.

Thus, the company cooperates with popular and influential users on social networks, who receive a large discount or a free finished product in exchange for an advertising post. Another way used to increase sales is through an affiliate program. Thanks to it, anyone with a website or social media account can advertise a product and receive a percentage for orders through an affiliate link.

Top 5 books on Instagram

  1. Instagram Administrator. Guide to making money. Authors: Evgeny Kozlov, Dmitry Kudryashov. The book is a bestseller and a bestseller. Liter rating: 4.46.
  2. The phenomenon of Instagram 2.0. All new features.
  3. How to promote a blog on Instagram: life hacks, trends, life.
  4. Pop art marketing: Insta-literacy and content strategy.
  5. Instagram: I want likes and followers.

Requirements for success

Using apps, following lists of recommendations, setting up the most optimal filters and smart advertising tactics are all keys to success. However, you still need to know about new trends and rules for making money on Instagram.

1) High-quality business account

There are 2 types of accounts on Instagram: personal and business. Research the Internet for all the information you need to create a good account. There are numerous courses available.

2) Integration of shopping apps

Instagram's business opportunities are somewhat limited, so you need to be a little creative. However, the e-commerce feature can be integrated quite easily using apps specifically designed for the Shopify store.

Try some and check for yourself which ones will allow you to comfortably publish the product, its prices and the necessary specifications. This way, shoppers can feel like they're still on your Instagram page when in fact they'll already be on the shopping app pages.

We recommend using the Shopify functionality because this platform provides a rich selection of applications and flexible settings. Many of them are free to try, so there's no risk involved.

There are detailed rules about exactly how you should post, what types of images or videos you can post, and how many times per day you can post. By following these rules, you can significantly increase your chance of success. In addition, the service has a limit on the number of hashtags. Therefore, you cannot afford to simply spam and add more than 30 hashtags to the post that are in no way related to the content of the message.

According to the CoSchedule service, the optimal frequency of posting posts is 1-2 times a day. This is convenient for subscribers and gives them enough time to create other unique content.

According to Sprout Social, the ideal length for Instagram captions is between 138 and 150 characters. For advertising posts, use 125 characters. The optimal number of hashtags is from 5 to 10. And although it is possible to put 20+ tags, this is not recommended - hypothetically, Instagram may have a “secret ban” on posts with more than 20 tags. “Ban” means that such posts stop being displayed when searching for specific hashtags. And this will reduce your chances of making money.

4) Correct filters

The difference between a good and a not so good filter can be minimal. A study was conducted in America, during which the favorite filters of Instagram users were identified. Here they are, in descending order of popularity (in America): Clarendon, Gingham, Juno and Lark. Worldwide: Clarendon, Juno, Valencia, Gingham and Lark.

For fashion:

  • Brooklyn
  • Valencia;
  • Normal;

For nature and attractions:

  • Kelvin;
  • Nashville;
  • Valencia;

For food:

  • Skyline;
  • Helena;
  • Normal;

For selfie:

  • Normal;
  • Skyline;
  • Slumber;

To find out how successful a photo is, you can use special tools. Such as Picodash. You can totally emulate successful accounts, but still create your own unique content. Motivate yourself and learn every day. Then the increase in income will not be long in coming.

5) Inspiration from viral stories. From time to time, post stories among photos and videos. The process will be easier if you use the help of services such as Stencil, PromoRepublic and Be Funky.

How to regularly acquire subscribers?

When should you start attracting subscribers - before sales or after?

The answer is simple: before and after.

Ideally, before sales start, you should already have at least a couple hundred live subscribers. Otherwise, you will advertise the product into emptiness. While with an audience of even just a few hundred, you can already count on some response. And this will be a good start.

Now, how can you get subscribers? We recommend following these 13 tips. After all, subscribers are the key to making money on Instagram.

1) Optimize your Instagram profile. Be sure to choose an appropriate account name that is human-readable and less than 30 characters long. Ideally, it should contain a keyword that will help you be found in searches. The name should also match the username you use on other social networks.

The account description must be up to 150 characters. A great idea is to include a clickable link to your website. This is the only place on Instagram where you can post such a link. So this is an important aspect of account optimization.

2) Create and promote a special hashtag. If your account name is Jennie's Candies, consider creating the hashtag #jenscandies. Then whenever you want to check posts related to your brand, you can simply check this hashtag. You can advertise it everywhere - on other platforms, on forums, on social networks and even outside the Internet.

3) Choose hashtags related to your niche. Even though Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, using all of them can harm your account. We recommend adding 5 to 10 tags that are popular in your niche.

4) Participate in comments related to your niche. Using the same hashtags, find other accounts related to your industry. Subscribe to them and take an active part in the comments. This way you will attract the attention of potential subscribers.

5) Use compelling captions. This will encourage your followers to write comments on posts and actively participate in discussions.

6) Hold competitions. Organize some kind of competition with prizes. And also create a special hashtag for this competition. Consider how the winner will be selected and clearly state the rules.

For the competition, you can post special photos, signing each with a tag. However, first, we recommend making sure that you are familiar with the rules for holding competitions on Instagram. Be creative. For example, you can also give contestants the opportunity to earn a little money or, for example, invite them to join an affiliate program that will be attached to the prize.

7) Create stories and live broadcasts. You can add styles, text, color overlays, filters, face effects (just like Snapchat), and geotags to Instagram Stories. Get creative. Fun and positivity attract people.

8) Post regularly. The key to success is consistency and adherence to a single style. Form your messages the same way. Use the same filter or message design. This way, subscribers will quickly recognize your messages and associate them with the brand. The convenient Parasite service allows you to plan publications and see in advance what your profile feed will look like.

9) Collaborate with influential media figures and like-minded people. Exchange posts with them and buy advertising from them. Sharing is especially useful when you have a lot of followers. And if you collaborate with a popular person, you can create an affiliate program whose payments will depend on the number of subscribers.

10) Use the location feature. Publish videos and stories on your account. Use relevant hashtags and geotags to make your posts easier to find.

11) Create a unique visual style. Choose a special style for your posts that will differentiate you from others. If you have multiple accounts, each one should have its own unique “personality”. For example, one account is about the brand's activities, while the other is for selling products.

12) Ask others to follow. If you ask, people can help you. As long as the post or account is useful to someone or simply evokes positive feelings, many people will not refuse a request to subscribe.

13) Use Instagram ads. Paid ads will attract more people. After all, not everyone searches for posts through the search form. On average, such advertising will cost about $0.70 or $1.

Business models

Instagram is ideal for selling products where visual appeal is important. component. In other words, if your products are highly photogenic, chances are you can successfully sell them on Instagram. Moreover, if you yourself are photogenic or have the talent of a photographer, you may well be able to gather a whole crowd of subscribers and subsequently monetize it.

In general, there are at least 5 business models for making money on Instagram:

1) Get into dropshipping. This model can be easily implemented with the Shopify platform, which is free for the first 14 days of use. We especially recommend experimenting with niche products that will sell well and will not require significant investment.

2) Become popular and earn money from advertising from other brands. If your profile has many subscribers, you can offer to advertise to other companies. The best and top media personalities earn thousands of dollars per post. Imagine that you too could earn tens of thousands of dollars a month.

3) Take part in the affiliate program and earn money by selling other people's products. You can promote other people's products and get your percentage. Many brands provide affiliate programs. And a lot of people make money this way.

Create engaging posts. However, remember that you can only place one affiliate link on Instagram. Indicate in every message that your affiliate link is in the account description.

4) Sell posters and other virtual products. Beautiful things sell well on Instagram. You can sell posters, paintings, drawings, animations, videos and other virtual products based on images or videos. In each post, ask subscribers to visit the link to your main website in the account description.

5) Sell your own real products. You can sell any physical products that you produce or purchase from suppliers. However, this activity can be classified as ordinary retail trade. And this requires certain knowledge and initial capital for the purchase of goods.

In addition, you will need a special place where you can store the items you are promoting. It could just be a spare room or even an entire rented space. If you are purchasing a product from some Chinese supplier, for example, you will need space to store the product before anyone orders it.

Promoting your business

Regardless of the business model used, any business needs to be promoted. Moreover, talent and strong nerves will not be enough to run a business. First of all, you need to be a good strategist and tactician. Especially when it comes to promoting on Instagram. We have several articles on this topic:

When it comes to social networks, users buy mostly spontaneously – impulsively. And the selected projects and campaigns should be based precisely on this feature. One of the keys to selling on Instagram is the “wow” factor. Photos, videos, stories and even texts should correspond to this philosophy.

  1. Use attractive images and videos created with professional tools. Don't shy away from additional processing and using filters.
  2. Integrate your Instagram account into your own online store. This is necessary to improve the user experience.
  3. Collaborate with as many popular and influential media figures as possible. Choose those with whom you are “on the same wavelength.” Whose image and philosophy do not contradict yours.
  4. Think carefully about your strategy. Develop a plan. Try to stay afloat and publish content every day.
  5. Work on all your social media accounts. Don't forget about blogs and representative web pages. All of them must be made in the same style and have a similar focus.

Working with brands

In modern realities, we constantly hear about sponsors and influential media figures.

Such an influencer is usually a person who has created a certain name and reputation for himself through interesting and attention-grabbing content. For their audience, such characters are fashion trendsetters and gurus, whose opinion about a particular phenomenon is very significant for subscribers.

Most companies are simply not able to compete with them. So business owners choose to collaborate instead.

Sometimes difficulties may arise: in order to successfully combine advertising posts and maintaining the image of the account, a certain amount of creativity is often required. However, you always have freedom of choice regarding the brands you partner with to earn money. In the same way, brands are selective about the Instagrammers they post to.

How do you decide what to publish?

Typically, your own brand and established image have a great influence on the content you post. Whether it's a photo, video or story. And sometimes an advertising company needs to obtain permission to use this content on its website or, for example, in advertising.

In most cases, all details are resolved through negotiations. For one post or an entire advertising campaign, an Instagrammer can receive cash, a discount, a free product, a gift, or a combination of these.

So when negotiating, it's worth keeping in mind: you're not just publishing content - you're giving access to a live target audience and the right to use your name.

5,000 influential Instagram account owners were surveyed and about 42% said they charge between $200 and $400 per post. This is just food for thought to give you an idea of ​​earnings and what brands are willing to pay.

Finally, it is important that the Instagrammer himself knows his audience well.

Who are your target audience and the advertiser’s audience? And what is the reach of your posts? You can view this data in Instagram Analytics and prepare before negotiations.

How to find advertisers

If you are popular enough, there is a good chance that brands will find you. However, you can do the searching yourself. Look for companies that are on approximately the same level as you in terms of image and values. Then your subscribers will not feel that you are overtly advertising and “selling”.

You can contact companies directly or use special services, increasing your chances of being noticed.

Respect the trust of your followers and consider tagging posts like this with the hashtag #sponsored. About 69% of sought-after media personalities confirmed that the transparency of advertising posts has little or no impact on how people perceive them.

You can check out examples of sponsored posts for yourself. Just explore the #sponsored tag and similar ones.

By the way, Instagram also has a “Paid Partnership with” section, which clearly indicates the features of branded and sponsored content.

Working as a partner

Unlike the previous option, here the owner of the Instagram account invests more effort directly in sales than in increasing brand awareness. And he gets his percentage for it.

This is usually done through a special trackable link or by providing your subscribers with a unique promotional code. However, Instagram does not yet allow you to place links directly inside posts. So you can focus on one product and post a link in your account description. In this regard, a promo code is more profitable - it can be placed next to photos and videos.

Note: Instagram plans to allow publishing links in stories, which will expand the range of earning opportunities.

Consider partnering with one of the many online retailers that have affiliate programs available. You can also look towards popular sites. For example:

  • ClickBank. A platform accessible to everyone with generous commissions and a wide variety of products.
  • RewardStyle. A service focused on fashion and lifestyle. Participation is by invitation only. They pay 20% on sales.
  • Amazon. A popular platform with a commission of 10%.

Affiliate marketing is a true art. And if you have a specific plan-strategy, entering this specific business will be easier. A website and other marketing channels won't hurt.

Your own online store

Sometimes there may be an opinion that the only way to earn income on Instagram is by selling other people’s products and collaborating with other companies.

However, it is not. You can promote and sell your own products and services, not only physical ones, but also digital ones.

True, you need to worry about this in advance and invest a lot of time in this matter. However, today the path to entrepreneurship is almost natural for an Instagrammer.

An example is the account of Doug the Pug, one of the largest representatives of his field.

When selling your own products, you will no longer need to worry about the consistency of your posts with the existing image. Especially if the brand itself is formed from the products you sell.

Subscribers and fans will be able to support you and show love through purchases of things.

There are some ways to start such an activity:

  • You can use a print-on-demand service to sell and ship customized T-shirts, tableware, pillows, wall posters, and other similar items.
  • You can sell your services - for example, photo shoots or consultations. And to redirect users to your website, use the account description.
  • You can start selling digital products. As an example - courses, design templates or even e-books.
  • You can use your Instagram account to start a business selling a specific product, like a book.

Selling your photos

You can also become famous on Twitter by posting jokes in 140 characters. However, Instagram is an application with a main visual component. And images are assets that can later be licensed, printed and sold.

If it was your passion for photography that brought you to Instagram, you can post your work on sales platforms such as 500px or Twenty20, where publishers and other companies can purchase them by paying a license.

You can also sell your photos as prints on physical products. To simplify this activity, even special services like Printful and Teelaunch have appeared, which allow you to overlay images on posters, cases, pillows and other physical goods. The platforms will take care of fulfilling orders and interacting with customers. And all you have to do is promote and sell.

Particularly interesting in this regard is the story of Daniel Arnold, who earned $15,000 in one day by selling products with his popular photography works. So if there is already a demand for your photographic work, all that remains to be done is to take the initiative and offer it to your audience.

Just do it (and get paid)

What starts as a hobby, simple fun or a funny photo shoot of your cat can be turned into a profitable business. Instagram is seriously expanding the field of activity of users.

This is a world of opportunities to earn money and a way to interact with a large online audience, whose members constantly look through the feed and cannot pass by a good post. You just need to open the door and enter this world.

Let's sum it up

Creativity and hard work are your friends. which will help you make money on Instagram. You can sell physical products, post interesting photos, live streams and videos. In addition, you can start selling services. If you sell physical products, consider using the dropshipping model. It is convenient and allows you to save a lot of effort and money.

How much money can you make on Instagram?

It depends on what you are selling, as well as the business strategy you choose and the marketing tactics you use. If you are a complete beginner, then it is unlikely that your income will be large or even average. However, as your account grows in popularity, there is no limit to your income. Especially if you are familiar with marketing firsthand.

How can you increase your income on Instagram?

Learn from successful and popular Instagrammers and bloggers. Combine what you learned from them with your strengths. Use marketing strategies, post eye-catching photos, and style your posts. Try to use as many features of the platform as possible: post photos every day, create competitions, write comments, follow other accounts and just be active. Finally, create a truly strong and useful product and maintain good service.

It may take several weeks or months to achieve a permanent income. So you shouldn’t quit your main job right away. And with many successful retailers earning seven figures, dropshipping is worth a look. This could be a great start.

Last year, the social network Instagram gained such marketing power and popularity that it forced almost all SMM specialists and sales departments of large companies to reconsider their advertising policies. The monthly audience of this site exceeds 100 million active users!

It's no surprise that big brands are spending the lion's share of their budgets to develop this new sales channel. Today is the best time when you can quickly gain fans and easily make money on the growing popularity of this social network.
Want to know how to make money from advertising on Instagram? Then let's go!

To attract the attention of advertisers and gain their respect and trust, follow these steps:
Actively use hashtags to maximize your audience reach and attract even more followers. Track the most popular trends to get on the popular wave. To do this, just enter the tag you are interested in through # into the search bar and estimate the number of publications. For example, the most popular hashtags for selfie lovers:

  1. Make it a rule to regularly post photos and videos (at least 2-3 times a day). To automate this process, you can use automatic publishing services with a deferred date. For example,, and others.
  2. Communicate with your followers, actively answer their questions and comments, this way you will further gain their trust and recognition.
  3. To start making serious money you must have at least 1000 subscriptions. It is not only the number of subscriptions that is important, but the activity of participants and the daily reach of the audience.
  4. If all the previous points have been completed, then you can safely place your site on exchanges in order to receive the first orders from advertisers and earn money from placements.

How much do you earn on Instagram?

Income level largely depends on several factors:

  • the number and activity of followers (read about likes for money);
  • gender, age characteristics, location and interests of your audience;
  • chosen monetization method;
  • your activity related to searching for potential advertisers.

Average prices on exchanges are as follows:

  • up to 10,000 people - 500 rubles for rublicization;
  • up to 100 thousand people - from 500 to 15,000 rubles;
  • up to 500 thousand people - up to 25,000-50,000 rubles;
  • over half a million followers - up to 100 thousand rubles. for publication.

In Russia, the maximum price tag is set by pop and film stars and TV presenters - up to 250 thousand rubles.

Earning money from advertising posts on Instagram: 3 ways to monetize

  • Interaction directly with advertisers. To do this, just indicate in your profile that you accept posts, your prices and contact phone number. In this case, advertisers will find you themselves.
  • Affiliate Marketing. This scheme involves generating income from the placement of advertising materials from your partners, who will pay you a percentage of sales. You will be assigned a referral link with a special affiliate code. If you click on it and make a purchase, this buyer will be assigned to you and you will receive a commission. To earn money in this way, you can use the following platforms: (affiliate programs from popular online stores, credit products from banks, games), (commission on sales 400-1000 rubles),
  • Placing posts through specialized exchanges. The essence of the scheme is that you advertise a product, showing your subscribers how you use it in everyday life and put a link via @ to the advertiser's account.

8 best Instagram advertising exchanges for making money on posts and photos

  • Plibber - registration is free. Large number of advertisers. Platforms with at least 250 followers are accepted.
  • - on this service, Instagrammers will be able not only to earn income, but also to monitor monthly how their account is developing.
  • - this service allows you to earn money not only from advertising photos, but also from invitations from other users.
  • - the minimum requirements for advertising are at least 500 subscriptions and 50 posts.
  • is a service that provides additional income from Instagram posts.
  • - here you need to purchase PRO access (from 1000 rubles per week).
  • is a professional exchange. It has powerful account analytics, a bot filter, screening out sites based on geotargeting, and assessing audience activity.
  • Blogun is a universal platform that helps distribute advertising placements in the blogosphere and social networks. The cost of posts depends on the number and activity of participants (varies from 100 to 12.5 thousand rubles). There are no strict requirements for adding sites.

Read about other 60 ways to make money on the Internet.