What an SMM specialist should be able to do. The main stereotype in relation to the SMM profession? What education did you receive?

The profession of SMM manager was finally formed only in 2010, when social networks took a strong position as a platform for business promotion. SMM specialists are responsible for promoting brands, products and services in in social networks, and the scope of their responsibilities greatly depends on the concept of the project. For example, for one project you can do , and for another.

Everything that an SMM manager does is aimed at making a profit from social networks. The specialist attracts traffic, works with the audience, and shapes their opinion about the brand.

The main responsibilities of an SMM manager include:

  1. Strategy Development company presence on social networks. A specialist usually forms a clear promotion goal: increasing the flow of customers, increasing brand loyalty, setting oneself apart from competitors, and so on.
  2. Creation and design thematic communities, groups, pages, publics.
  3. Preparation of media plans and content plans.
  4. Content generation– both with and without the involvement of “contractors” (designers and copywriters).
  5. Promotion groups, pages, publics and so on. This includes the creation and configuration advertisements, holding competitions and attracting traffic by any other available means.
  6. Analysis conversion indicators and adjustment of advertising campaigns depending on the results.
  7. Communication— creating responses to negative and positive user messages.
  8. Making report and analytical work.

These are the main responsibilities of an SMM manager. Depending on the project, its functions may expand or, conversely, narrow. For example, it is often practiced to promote groups by a team in which one is responsible for content, another for advertising, a third for design, and so on. Many professionals provide additional training to their assistants.

Each project usually has a clear job description for specialists.

Key skills of an SMM manager

Important skills of an SMM manager, without which his services will not have the desired effect, are:

  • communication skills: a specialist must be able to communicate with different audiences in their language;
  • equilibrium: it helps to get out of unpleasant situations with dignity;
  • responsibility: the specialist is obliged to finish what he starts and not abandon the project halfway;
  • stress resistance– without it it is impossible to resolve force majeure situations;
  • resistance to criticism– without it it is difficult to see and correct mistakes made.

These requirements are often found in job vacancies. Some companies are ready to provide training to beginners, while paying the minimum salary if they have good personal qualities.

How to find a job as an SMM manager?

An SMM manager must be able to independently search for orders. Many specialists work as freelancers and are looking for new clients with the help of:

  • social networks- you can start working page and publish cases, tips, your thoughts and other interesting things there potential clients content;
  • mailings resumes for vacancies on various sites such as HeadHunter, Avito, Rabota.ru and so on;
  • KP mailings– commercial offers – for different companies, in which there are no open vacancies, but their presence on social networks is minimal;
  • publication of resumes on special portals such as Avito and other well-known resources;
  • freelance exchanges type Kwork, fl.ru, freelance.ru and so on.

Over time, many specialists are approached by recommendation, and then the SMM manager is not looking for a job - it “floats” into his hands. True, this only applies to those who really know their business well and increase company profits through their development on social networks.

How much does a specialist earn? The exact amount depends on the scope of responsibilities, region of promotion, company budget and other factors. For example, average salary experienced specialist in Moscow as of May 2016, according to HeadHunter, amounted to 60,000 rubles. Statistics were collected based on 220 vacancies.

SMM stands for Social Media Marketing or social media marketing. An SMM specialist or SMM manager promotes a company, its brand, products and services on social networks - Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Odnoklassniki, Youtube, Telegram and others.

The profession of an SMM specialist involves complex, multi-purpose work - writing posts, maintaining public pages, advertising, communicating with visitors and clients, launching activities for users and other tasks. Similar work requires constant communication and being online. You need to prepare for this psychologically.

To better understand who an SMM specialist/manager is, I will describe what he looks like from the outside:

Artem, my “workshop” colleague, did not work at his desk, but sat on the sofa all the time. He had a laptop on his lap, an iPhone on his left, a notebook and a tablet on the coffee table. Something was constantly beeping, buzzing and vibrating. He regularly picked up the phone, looked, laughed, pointed and moved his finger across the screen and whispered something with his lips. Nobody called him, but they wrote and liked him a ton, and he kept track of everything and responded to everything.

Places of work

SMM managers work in online agencies, digital agencies and in companies that build sales and promotion through social networks.

Tasks and responsibilities of an SMM specialist

The main responsibilities of an SMM manager are:

Requirements for an SMM specialist

As a rule, an SMM manager is required to:

  • Competent communication (oral and written). Ability to write interesting texts.
  • The ability to develop communities and attract subscribers without promotion or direct purchase.
  • Experience in conducting targeted advertising. Knowledge of programs and services that automate and simplify work (for example, Cerebro Target or Pepper.ninja).
  • Knowledge of web analytics Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica).

Sometimes the requirements for an SMM specialist include:

  • Experience and portfolio of completed projects.
  • Knowledge graphics packages for processing photos, creating pictures and infographics.
  • Excellent knowledge of English.
  • Experience in organizing events.
  • Knowledge of marketing and ability to promote products and services in the market.

The first way to become an SMM manager is through self-study and freelancing. Developing your own public pages and blogs (for example, about a hobby or an interesting topic), working as a freelancer with entry-level orders in six months to a year will give you practical experience and allow you to develop a portfolio. This, in turn, will give you a chance to get a job in a digital agency and grow into a professional. This is one of the shortest routes into the profession, but it requires self-discipline.

The second way to become an SMM specialist is to get higher education in the field of PR, journalism, marketing, or take courses in SMM and find a job in promotion on social networks. Even an entry-level position is suitable - an assistant to an SMM specialist or a copywriter. In the process, you can quickly gain experience, grow and start leading serious projects.

SMM specialist salary

Market analysis shows that SMM specialists earn approximately 30 to 90 thousand rubles per month. The higher the salary, the closer the SMM manager is to marketing and the more serious the problems he solves.

You will find out who an SMM manager is and what he does. Let us consider in detail the specifics of the work of such a specialist in social networks, his responsibilities and skills. We will definitely touch on the issue of salary and training for such a specialty.

SMM manager is a specialist who creates a set of measures to promote goods or services through social media.

That is, this is not the person who sets up advertising or creates content. This is the chief manager who approaches the issue strategically.

He can take a product or service and develop a strategy on how, through a set of various actions, to promote it all on social networks and get results.

SMM specialist is a very popular profession. It is necessary for companies that come online and want to do business through social networks. But the problem is that they don’t know how to build a promotion strategy.

In Russia, about 79% of companies engage in promotion on social networks. Well, or they are trying to do it somehow. They create accounts there themselves and try to do something.

At the same time, 41% of companies have at least one SMM manager on staff. 95% of everyone works very poorly on social networks.

But the most important thing is that the percentage of companies that use social networks is growing every year. That is why the demand for qualified specialists is increasing.

More and more companies are coming to the Internet. And the likelihood that they will find a good specialist is becoming less and less.

Job description of SMM manager

Let's go through a little here job description smm manager A. Let's consider the main responsibilities, natural skills and requirements for this vacancy.

Responsibilities of an SMM manager

Here are the main ones smm responsibilities manager:

  • Maintaining official pages on social networks
  • Development of a media plan, content plan, promotion plan and work on it
  • Promotion on social networks and analysis of results
  • Creativity of special projects and competitions
  • Preparation of weekly and monthly analytical reports on the results of account development
  • Monitoring and analysis of SMM activity of competitors
  • Selection and management of contractors
  • Monitoring information field, analysis of messages about the company and projects, operational processing information
  • Feedback from subscribers, analysis of their activity, involvement in discussions, answers to questions

So what should you be able to do? smm specialist?

The first and most important thing for such a person will be choosing a suitable social network for work. This is where all SMM promotion begins!

There are a lot of platforms for this. You need to select only those that are suitable specifically for of this business. Then the budget is already spent on them.

The next task is increasing target audience reach who is interested in the brand’s product or service. It's not just about setting up ads or creating content. This is a set of actions aimed at increasing coverage.

Another task of the SMM specialist is strategy Development business. In principle, this is the basis from which work also begins. Depending on which strategy the specialist chooses, the company can make or lose money.

This is a very important moment! A lot depends on experience, intuition, skills, and so on.

He must know how it is done and give orders. That is, find the right specialist (photographer, copywriter), who will create content. In general, a specialist must be able to organize everything correctly, as well as understand what exactly needs to be done.

What other ones are there? smm tasks manager?

This is also working with contractors:

  • Search for performers on special platforms
  • Statement of technical specifications
  • Execution control

Responsibilities also include implementation of automation tools in social networks. This work with various programs, analytical tools, pivot tables and so on.

There is one more point that must be observed!

Every day, the manager is required to devote 30 to 60 minutes to reading news and new articles on your topic. This helps in developing skills. You can learn something new and also keep abreast of important news from your field.

What is not included in the duties

Here's what is not the responsibility of an SMM specialist:

  • Writing posts ( this is what a copywriter, journalist does)
  • Preparation of photo and video materials ( designer, photographer)
  • Communication with clients ( sales department, technical support, community manager)
  • Setting up services ( for example, if this is a service for content, then this should be handled by a content manager)
  • Setting up advertising on social networks ( targetologist)

Although the above is not the responsibility of the SMM manager, he should still know how all this is done. This way he will understand what he needs to get. These skills will also help in monitoring the execution of work and communicating with other specialists.

Requirements for an SMM specialist

Here are the basic skills and requirements for an SMM specialist:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the specifics of social media
  • Experience in the field of Internet marketing for at least 3 years, independently completed projects are required
  • Willingness to handle large volumes of work, ability to work in a team
  • Availability of an established base of contractors and freelancers
  • Excellent quality of prepared texts, press releases, etc.
  • Correct oral and written language
  • Responsibility
  • Initiative
  • Attention to details
  • Sociability
  • Openness to everything new
  • Stress resistance
  • Desire to constantly learn
  • Easy to learn

If you are an a priori closed person who does not like to communicate, then it will be very difficult for you to work on social networks. You need to be able to maintain a dialogue. After all, communication is the main tool of an SMM manager.

Here are some skills you need to acquire to become good specialist.

First you must get general understanding and what their operating algorithms are. Within such sites there are dozens of tools that are intended for specialists, not ordinary users.

Therefore, if you don’t know how to optimize a page, then you are unlikely to be able to give good result to your client.

When we have studied all internal interface and the capabilities of a social network, you must learn to work with various services and programs. Starting from Photoshop and ending with .

If you do not work in a large company where there is a specialist for each task, then you will have to do it all yourself.

The smm worker often works as a cultivator. He must be able to do everything!

At the initial stage, you most likely will not be able to get a job in a large company. Therefore, we are now talking about ordinary services for small and medium-sized businesses. Here you will most likely need to create texts, photos, edit videos, and so on.

Therefore, you need to know how to work with photo and video editors. You also simply must learn how to create cool texts. So some books on copywriting are still worth reading.

  • Peter Panda - Texts that are believed
  • Books by Denis Kaplunov

You should also have an idea of ​​what sales and marketing are. You need to have a general idea of ​​the customer journey. From his interest to the purchase stage and recommendation to other people.

After reading his books, you will get an idea about the stages of sales. Only after this move on to SMM.

SMM training

As I said above, before moving on to SMM training, first you need to master some basic skills. This is an understanding of marketing, working with various services and programs. Ability to write texts, take photos, videos, and so on.

Only after this you need to move on to training to become an SMM manager.

Constantly improve your professionalism. To do this, you will need various courses, trainings, educational resources and subscriptions to numerous sites.

If you are good at English language, then I recommend training on Western platforms. There are also many good Russian-language resources.

Remember that only experience and practice provide the knowledge that helps in successful business. If possible, I recommend working with a practitioner. You need to take individual coaching to help you set up a specific page.

If you really want to become a good SMM specialist, then I recommend finding a person who will teach you how to work step by step.

Salary of an SMM specialist

You will find out how much an SMM manager earns and what payment option can be used.

In America, the average salary is $3,300. Minimum payment SMM service costs $561. The maximum is $12,914. In Russia, the average salary is about 40,000 rubles. The maximum salary sometimes reaches 150,000.

Absolutely everyone turns to an SMM marketer!

Any company needs such a specialist. Of course, a small business will not hire you and offer you a salary of $2,000. It is just developing, so only a small budget can pay for it.

On average, maintaining one Facebook page starts at $250. It's about the same on Instagram.

Since this is a small check, but there is a lot of work, I recommend that all SMM workers work on such a basis as rate + percentage for sales.

What percentage of sales will be depends only on you ( How do you agree?). But you must be sure that you will not waste your time in vain and that you will actually be able to bring clients and increase income.

How is the cost of payment determined?

An SMM manager must at least cover the customer’s expenses for his services. For example, if your services cost 500 euros, then you must bring clients to the customer worth more than 500 euros. You need to justify its costs to you and provide some income.

Of course, there are areas where in the first month you will not be able to justify the customer’s expenses. For example, a big check, buying real estate, investing, and so on.

But that is another story. This is not a small business. Here the formation of a brand and the perception of a product or service by potential customers is already underway.

When it comes to large companies, the salary of a social media manager is calculated differently. After all, in addition to bringing clients, you must also monitor the image and perception of the client’s product or service.

What does the salary of an SMM specialist depend on?

And the salary of an SMM specialist depends on how well a person performs his duties.

If you bring clients for much a large amount than you are paid, then you have the right to ask for an increase in payment for your services.

In general, there is unlimited income here. Everything depends only on you!

As you grow, you will always increase your check. First, you will be an assistant to an SMM manager or some kind of social network administrator. And when you become a good promotion specialist, you will definitely increase the bill for your services.

After some time, you will learn to delegate your tasks and create your own team. Perhaps an SMM agency. Then your income can be measured in tens of thousands of dollars.

On average, to earn $1,000, a SMM manager must have 2 - 3 small clients or one large one.

Working on social networks

If you want to find a good SMM job on social networks for high pay, then first I recommend taking some page and showing the result on it. This will be your best!

Don’t look for clients and don’t write to everyone in a personal message about your services!

Believe me, clients will find you themselves! They will write to you at private messages, by email and so on. It will also have an effect word of mouth. In general, people themselves will ask you to take over their pages for promotion.

Feel free to show results before you started working on the page and after you've implemented your knowledge. Tell us what happened and how many clients you managed to attract.

Be sure to mention new ones modern methods promotion. This will let everyone know that you are constantly improving and always keep an eye on new products.


Now you know who an SMM manager is and what he should do. We also looked at the basic skills and tasks of such a specialist, his training and payment.

It is worth saying that Social Media Marketing ( SMM) is now actively developing! Therefore, such specialists are already a relative concept.

IN large companies there are special units. As I already said, an SMM manager is the main specialist who manages the promotion strategy on social networks. But besides him there is also big row various specialists and assistants.

For example, a community manager. This is the one who communicates on social networks, responds to messages and comments. That is, it deals with communication.

There is also a poster on staff. Not a very highly paid specialty.

This is the one who posts. Usually he does this through deferred posting services or manually. He must creatively select pictures for his posts and create special nuances to attract attention to the post.

Daria Golovanova

Reading time: 14 min.

Perhaps the fastest growing profession on the Internet for last years- SMM manager. She has already grown different stories, misunderstandings and myths, such as that this is a job for schoolchildren, etc. It seems to us that it is time to start debunking them. Let's figure out what is meant in job descriptions, why an SMM specialist is actually needed, and how he should work.

What might be the responsibilities of an ideal SMM manager?

The main responsibilities of the person responsible for SMM in the company may include:

  • building a general strategy for the brand’s presence on social networks;
  • turning this strategy into reality;
  • the ability to feel and understand the brand, orient all actions towards it target audience and communicate in her language
  • reasonable budget management, maintenance and analysis of advertising campaigns;
  • the ability to take beautiful photographs. Even on the phone. Small business can no longer be imagined without beautiful profile there is nowhere else on Instagram, and ordering a lot of shoots is not always the best a budget option. That’s why photo content often has to be implemented by the SMM manager;
  • have a sense of beauty and be able to catch trends.
  • competent written language, ability to write and correct text content;
  • Knowledge of at least the basics of layout and understanding of usability to optimize a site for social networks is highly recommended;
  • and, of course, the ability to work with people and the skills of a psychologist are very important;
  • and etc.

Ksenia Prokina, Editorial Group Head Sociorama by iConGroup:

“Today, different employers often define in their own way who an SMM specialist is in his company, and what exactly he should do. In interviews, the conversation often begins like this: “Let’s define what we mean by this word.” So, one employer sees in this position an employee who, having decided on a goal, breaks it down into tasks, selects tools, briefs, controls, and reports to the SMM director or head of the marketing department. And the other will indicate such tasks as: writing content, moderating communities, working in tandem with a designer, reporting. But he will not, for example, control the budget, select promotion tools, etc.

The fact is that it is unrealistic to cover the entire pool of tasks and do it manually. We are now talking, of course, about real professionals, and not about schoolchildren or mothers on maternity leave, who were inspired by the opportunity to make money on the Internet. Therefore, ideally, tasks are divided into several employees by specialization, for example, I am responsible for content, moderation and design.”

As you can see, the hands of a good CMM specialist should grow bushily: he should be versatile and ready to perform a wide range of work.

Now let’s start debunking the myths that have taken root in our heads.

Myth 1. Working on social networks is for interns and students

Social media marketing is one of the necessary tasks for business development of any scale. If you think that this is some kind of childish task that any schoolchild can do, then you can put an end to your reputation. Incorrect positioning, low-quality content, lack of understanding of strategy and goals - all this is in best case scenario will lead to a decrease in the number of subscribers, and at worst, will negatively affect the attitude towards the brand and sales.

Myth 2. Social networks are the same job for 8 hours 5 days a week

Here's another common stereotype. Social media marketing is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day. To SMM marketing had significant authority on social networks, you need to always be online. This means that you must be able to use various planning tools, ideally be able to answer questions from potential buyers at any time of the day or night (after all, the Internet never sleeps).

Myth 3. You won’t achieve effective and measurable results from an SMM marketer

Measuring the results and effectiveness of work in SMM today also does not seem impossible. There are several options to track the results of an SMM manager’s work:

  • Pay attention to reach, user engagement, conversion of paid traffic into social traffic. And don’t forget to track ROI - an indicator of return on investment on SMM.
  • Track growth rates of ER - engagement index.
  • Analyze the place of SMM in associated conversions. This way you can evaluate the employee's return on investment.

Myth 4. All the work is just asking friends and acquaintances to like posts to increase the level of social presence.

Experienced SMM specialists will not constantly ask friends and relatives to like their posts. They know very well that they will not be able to deceive the program that calculates the activity coefficient. It is a little more complicated than users are used to thinking. That's why it's so important to work on creative posts and interact big amount audience.

Myth 5: We don’t need it at all

Social media is not suitable for our industry.” A lot of people think this way. In our courses, one of the most common questions is what should we write about, we are from B2B. Especially B2B manufacturing companies, such as construction, industry, etc.

However, while they and their B2B partners do not understand how to implement social media, their employees are still socially active people, and they also like to surf the net, watch news on interesting topics, including their professional orientation. Look around you: from children to grandparents, everyone is on social media these days.

A common mistake B2B companies make is to view their customers as just other companies, rather than the people who work for them, who are just as socially accessible as everyone else.

In principle, this is possible. But only if there is unique product and with initially perfectly designed marketing.

Myth 6. The demand for SMM specialists has already been formed

As we can see in the graph, the demand for SMM specialists began to increase significantly since January 2016, and the number of vacancies has almost doubled, as a result of which competition is intensifying.

Myth 7. SMM specialist should be cheap

Today there is a generally accepted opinion that it is quite possible to get by with small budgets at the initial stage of SMM promotion. Certainly, SMM services today they do not have any fixed cost, and each company can set its own “price tag”.

But when starting to work with SMM, it is extremely important to understand that a one-time promotion will give absolutely nothing to the business. SMM must be integrated into the marketing communications system for any type of business, and it is advisable to expect results only with regular work.

Of course, you can pay a specialist less, but in this case, you should not expect the predicted result; it may turn out to be zero. Many employers continue to turn to freelancers who are ready to “do SMM for $200,” but after 1-2 months of wasted time, money and nerves, they turn to professionals for help.

Therefore, if you are really ready to spend some money one-time, it’s better to go through a good SMM intensive to understand the big picture and what your SMM manager should do directly. Such a course will give you a clear understanding of where, on what and with what efficiency your budgets and paid “man-hours” will be spent.

Myth 8. It is not necessary for an SMM manager to have many subscribers himself?

Maybe yes. But not “bots”. Agree, it’s very undignified when a person has 4,000 friends, and on his wall there are cats liked by his mother.

If you decide to communicate through the manager’s personal page, then it can become another channel of communication with clients. In addition to posting, he can ideally become an opinion leader, able to tell your customers everything about the company, products, and in a friendly manner. After all, if you love your project, you won’t be ashamed to tell your friends about it, otherwise, you shouldn’t take on it.

However, there are many professional SMM specialists who, on the contrary, appear minimally on social networks. Perhaps it’s a matter of satiety with social networks.

Most The right way communication with the client in this case - the formation of a separate working page. After all, many people want to tell everything honestly on their page, for example, about a brand. But in this case, the manager has no right to represent his company with such messages on the wall.

Myth 9. SMM specialist can do everything

Very often, the SMM manager can be required to do anything - calculate budgets, do promotion, draw, dance, etc. But as a rule, people who claim that they can do all this are definitely lacking in something.

It is important to decide what work can be done in-house, and what can be entrusted simply to the control of an SMM manager. For example, write content within the brand and promote it with the help of a contractor. Or vice versa.

Of course, SMM is a complex topic. There are really big budgets here, every day something changes and something new is invented.

SMM managers, and not only - write your comments and additions in the comments, what stereotypes do you encounter in your work?

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