How to restore your email. We recover email on various services


Register an account on Yandex consists of two steps. When coming up with a login for yourself at the first stage, try to choose one that will remain in your memory for a long time. If the password can still be recovered, then in most cases problems arise with the login. Remember this.

At the second stage, you will be asked to select a security question, indicate an alternative email address box and enter your mobile phone number. Do not leave the marked fields unattended; they are needed to recover your password. Decide which method suits you best, or fill out all the fields, so you will have more chances in the future.

If you choose to provide a phone number, you will need to verify it. You will receive a message with a code. Enter it on the appropriate page, it will be linked to your account on Yandex. If you change your phone number in the future, open your passport with your personal data and enter the new number. The same applies to the alternative postal address box A.

When the need arises to restore your mail, go to the Yandex service at and click on the “Remember Password” link on the left side of the tab. On the access restoration page, enter your email address in the empty field, enter the verification code and click on the “Next” button.

On the next page you will be offered ways to recover your password: by answering a secret question, sending a message to a phone number, or by sending the password to a second email address you specified. box. Mark the desired option with a marker and click on the “Next” button. Follow the instructions that appear.

If you remember your password but have forgotten your login, restoring access is much more difficult. Contact your friends who may have received emails from you; they may still have your email address. Or write to support. If you filled out the registration form in detail, Yandex employees will probably be able to find your login in the system.

Haven't looked at the post office for a long time box and forgot your login information? The situation is unpleasant, but fixable. The main thing is not to despair. Restoring access to email is possible in almost any case.

You will need

  • - registration on the Rambler mail service.


If you have a problem with your password on Rambler, don’t worry too much. It is easy to restore this account. At least the password can always be changed. To do this, on the main page of the mail service, in the window for entering credentials, click the link that says “Forgot your password”, after which you will automatically be redirected to the page to change your password.

The first step of the procedure for restoring access to mail is that you will need to indicate your login that you use on Rambler in a special field and enter the characters from the picture confirming that you are not a robot. If the text is hard to read, update the image by clicking the "Show more symbols" link. Then click Continue.

In the next window, answer the security question that was specified when registering your mailbox. Write the correct option and go to the next page by clicking the “Continue” link.

The third recovery step will require you to provide a new password. Enter it in the top line and duplicate it in the second. Please note: the password must be complex, reliable and consist of 6-16 characters in length - English letters, numbers and special characters. Russian letters cannot be included in the code. To avoid forgetting your password, save it in your phone, text document or notebook. Then click Continue again.

This completes the procedure for changing the password. And on the next page you will be asked to return to your mail. Click the appropriate link, it is located in the upper left corner. After the transition, you will find yourself on the main page, where you will need to once again enter your login and a new password. In order not to constantly enter your credentials to log in to your email, on the main page of the Rambler service, check the box next to the inscription “Remember password”.

If you do not remember your login, then only the support service of the Rambler service will help you. It will be possible to restore your e-mail only if you enter all the data specified during registration. Otherwise, you will have to create a new box.

Registration of a new e-mail will also be required if the old mailbox has been deleted.


In email you can only change the password. The login remains the same.

The large Russian search engine "" offers its users many services, including the creation of their own email box. And their number can be absolutely unlimited.


Creating a second email account in Yandex box similar to opening the first one. The main point is to log out of your old account.

Go to the website If there are no fields for data entry under the “Mail” label, but an email address is registered, click the “Exit” button in the upper right corner of the page.

Enter the required personal information in the first two fields. To make it easier to regain access to your mail if you forget your password, enter your real first and last name.

Create a username and enter it in the very last field on this page. Please note that the new login should not duplicate the one you already have. Otherwise, registration will not take place. To facilitate this work, the Yandex system will offer you a list of free logins, one of which you can use.

After the system checks the uniqueness of your login and indicates that it is free, click the “Next” button.

Create a password for your mailbox and enter it in the field next to “Create a password.” It must consist of at least 6 numbers. Remember it, or better yet, write it down. And then duplicate the password in the field that says “Repeat password.”

Choose a security question that will help you access your email if you forget your password. You can also come up with a question yourself. Type the answer to it in the adjacent field.

Enter your mobile phone number. If you forget your password, a message will be sent to it with a code to restore access to your mailbox.

To confirm to the system that you are a real person, enter the characters from the adjacent picture in the last field, and then click the “Register” button.

The new mailbox is open. Click "Get Started Using Mail" and get started.


Lose access to email box always unpleasant. Especially if it contained important information. The Yandex mail system allows its users to recover a forgotten email login or password, thereby re-opening access to it.

Since you came to this article, it means that you also saw an unpleasant window with the inscription “Invalid username or password” when logging into your mailbox.

This message appears for one of two reasons: either you actually entered the wrong username or password, or the mailbox was hacked. In both cases, you can restore access, and now I will show all possible solutions to this problem.

Incorrect login

To access mail, you must know your login, that is, the exact address of the mailbox. It would seem like a banal thing, but about half of the users cannot log in precisely because of this.

The fact is that there are four types of logins on Mail:,, and

For example, I have an email on my Mail with the name dima. And my address may be [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. These are all different boxes. If you don’t remember exactly what is written after the “dog” sign, then problems may arise with entry.

You can select the correct option in the login form on the right.

Users also often make mistakes in the name itself. For example, a person has an address [email protected], and he points [email protected]. An error of one letter or number matters - after all, these are two different boxes.

If you don't remember your login. It also happens that the user does not know his email address at all. In this case, there is only one option: contact someone who knows him. This may be the person who registered it for you. Or you can contact the people to whom you wrote from this mailbox. If they haven’t deleted the emails from you, then you can easily find out your login. To do this, you just need to open the letter and look at the address indicated at the top of it.

Wrong password

There is often a situation when the user knows exactly both the login and password, but still cannot get into the mailbox. The solution is very simple: open the Notepad program (Start → All Programs → Accessories → Notepad) and type the password. Then we copy it and paste it into the login form on Mail.

Jokes aside, I have repeatedly encountered the situation where a person knows exactly the password, but enters it incorrectly every time. After all, it is printed under asterisks and the error cannot be seen.

Password recovery

So, you've tried all possible options, but you still can't log in. All that remains is to recover the password. This is always done the same way:

1 . Open the website

2. In the upper left corner, where you enter your mail, click on “Forgot your password?”

3. We indicate the address of your mailbox and click on “Recover”.

Recovering using an additional box

If you have secured yourself in advance and specified an additional mailbox, then you will see the following window:

In the empty field we enter the hard-to-read code on the left side and click “Restore”, after which we receive the following message.

We open it and see that to restore you need to follow the link.

We print it in both one and the second field, and enter the mail. Now you can get into it using this password.

Recover using your phone

If the mail is linked to a phone number, then the process is as simple as with an additional mailbox. The following message appears:

Enter the code from the picture and click “Receive code via SMS”. The following window appears:

All you have to do is wait for an SMS message to your linked phone number (usually it arrives within a minute) and receive the code.

By answering your secret question

Previously, when registering on, you had to select a secret question (the answer to which only you know) and indicate the answer to it. This is especially true for old boxes that are more than two years old.

If you specified it, then this window will appear:

You just need to type the answer to this question and if it turns out to be correct, the system will immediately allow you to change the password for the mailbox, after which it will open it.

If it doesn't work out

If there is no linked phone or other mailbox or the answer to the secret question does not suit, then there is nothing left to do but select the item I do not have access to the specified mailbox/phone number/I don’t remember the answer.

In this case, we will be asked to fill out a form like this:

We fill it out carefully. Pay special attention to the “How to contact you” section. Here you need to enter your email address. This is where the decision will come, so if you don’t have another email, you must register it. It’s better to open it on Yandex or Google.

If you have been hacked

Very often you cannot enter your mailbox because it has been hacked. And this applies even to those who have nothing valuable there.

It happens that a person has just registered his email, has not yet had time to send a letter to anyone, and it has already been hacked. This happens for various reasons: the password is too simple, viruses, spyware and much more.

If this happened to you, then when you try to restore access, the following message will appear:

The situation is sad, because in this case, regaining access to the mailbox will be longer and more difficult. But don’t despair and enter your mobile phone number and the code from the picture. You will receive an SMS message on your phone with a digital code that you will need to enter in an additional window.

After this, the following form opens:

We fill it out very carefully. Often after this another, more detailed questionnaire appears.

We also fill it out very carefully. If you cannot answer any questions, skip.

Please note the “How to contact you” field. You must include your other email address here. If it's not there, you'll have to open it. You can do this for free on Yandex or Google.

After submitting the completed form, we receive the following message:

Now we are patiently waiting for a decision on our issue. It will be sent to the email address specified in this form.

As a rule, the answer comes within a few days. For example, it came to me the next day, and it was Sunday.

If you sent the correct information, you will receive a letter something like this.

If you receive a refusal to restore (and this can happen due to an incorrectly filled out form), try going through this procedure again, indicating other expected data.

Unofficial password recovery method

If all else fails, there is another recovery method.

First, we need another mailbox on You can register a new one or ask someone you trust. Having a mailbox, we do the following:

1 . We go into it and click the “Write a letter” button.

2. In the subject line we write “Password recovery”, in the addressee line - [email protected]

In the body of the letter you should write about when access was lost, inform that the mail was hacked and ask for a package of documents that is necessary to restore it. Don't forget to include the full mailbox address.

You will receive a response shortly, telling you what information you need to provide.

If you registered the box using your real data, then you can report this, and perhaps you can get by with just a photo of your passport or birth certificate.

If the data is not real, then you will need to provide as much information about the mailbox as possible, namely:

  • Personal settings (filters, etc.).
  • Personally created folders.
  • Latest incoming and outgoing emails.
  • Data specified during registration (first name, last name, date of birth, etc.).
  • Answer to the secret question (if changed, then all secret questions and answers to them).
  • Your previous passwords (all the ones you remember).

If you manage to prove that this is your mailbox, then you will soon receive a notification about this, and then a link to change your password (it will work for 72 hours).

  • To prevent this from happening again, attach your phone number to the mailbox. And use complex passwords: about 14 characters long, using numbers and upper and lower case letters (both uppercase and lowercase).
  • Write down your usernames and passwords in a safe place.
  • When communicating with Mail support, write very detailed letters, providing as much information as possible.
  • Be extremely polite to them. Do not accuse or be rude under any circumstances!

It is unpleasant when a stranger gains access to personal correspondence. Moreover, it can harm you. Users often encounter the problem of hacking mailboxes, but do not solve it, but create a new one. In vain. In addition to losing access to information, you risk becoming an “absentee” spammer or fraudster, because it is unknown what goal the hacker of your account was pursuing. The vast majority of RuNet users use services, which are based on creating a mailbox. In this case, let's look at how to recover your email password.

Restoring using the standard method

For this type of recovery you need to know your login.

  1. On the main page of, click on the “Forgot your password” button.
  2. Enter your mailbox address and click the "Continue" button.
  3. Attention! If you haven't used your mailbox for 5 years, it could be permanently deleted.

  4. If the mail exists, you will be taken to the recovery page, where you enter the necessary information about the registration data.
  5. After filling out all the fields and entering the captcha, click the “Continue” button.
  6. Attention! Account recovery is only possible by submitting the form. The key question method was found to be ineffective.

  7. Next, a second page will open with empty fields.
  8. After filling them out, click the “Submit” button, thereby your application will be sent to the support service for consideration.

Advice! Do not fill out all fields if you do not know some. With clear answers to 2-3 questions, the answer will be positive and access will be restored.

Alternative option

If nothing works and you receive a refusal, don’t be upset, try writing directly to the technical specialists. Explain to them in simple language the reason for losing the password (hacking, long-term non-use) and the circumstances why it is important to restore access to this particular account. Send the letter to: [email protected]. Topic: password recovery. All that remains is to wait for the answer.

Recovering using a mobile phone

If you indicated your phone number during registration, you can’t think of an easier way. You will receive a confirmation code in the form of an SMS message, with which your password will be restored in two clicks. You just need to come up with a new combination.

Attention! If you have changed your number since registration, use the standard recovery method.

How I was hacked or preventive measures

There are viruses that create an exact copy of the main page of a particular Internet resource. You, suspecting nothing, enter your username and password. But instead of opening the inbox, either nothing happens, or a pop-up window appears with content of a different nature: an error, an incorrect password, or even extortion of money under a false pretext. In this case, you need to check the system for viruses and urgently change the password for your mailbox.

Attention! If accounts on social networks and bank accounts were linked to the hacked email, urgently change your home mailbox on the appropriate resources!

In another case, the password could be found out by deception. If you responded to a “technical support” message with an email containing information about your account, the email is no longer yours.

Attention! Technical support never requires personal user data. Such messages are deception!

So, we have become familiar with the types of hacking and methods for recovering a password from mail. If you do not believe in conspiracy theories, please indicate your phone number when registering. This will make your life easier and minimize the risk of losing your account.

is one of the most popular postal services in our country. This is partly facilitated by the fact that the project appeared a very long time ago, back at a time when access to the Internet was via a dial-up modem at best. Today, people continue to register mailboxes on this service, although the younger generation often prefers to use other sites, including and However, this is not what our conversation will be about today.

Let's imagine that you have already created a mailbox for yourself (we will discuss how to do this in the near future) and unexpectedly you simply forgot your password. Well, who doesn’t it happen to? The question arises - is it possible to restore it and how to do it?

This can be done, and there are several recovery methods. They do not take up much of your time, but some of them you will not be able to use due to circumstances. We will tell you exactly which ones right now.

Password recovery methods

Go to the mail service website and click “Forgot your password?”.

Then enter your mailbox address.

After which you will be able to recover your password.

  • You can indicate the cell phone number to which you linked your email during registration. The number format is: +79991234567. After pressing the “Enter” button, you need to wait for an SMS message in which you will receive a special code. This code must be inserted into the field that appears on the monitor screen. Only after this you will be prompted to change your password to a new one. Next time, write it down on a piece of paper so you don’t lose it.
  • Enter the additional e-mail that you also provided during account creation. You must add it to the appropriate field, then go to the specified mailbox and wait until the message arrives. It may be delayed a little (5-10 minutes), but it will definitely come. The letter will contain an active link that you will need to click to go to change your password to a new one. However, this method immediately disappears if you did not enter an additional e-mail during registration.
  • Answer the secret question. You must clearly remember the answer to it, and if it consists of one word and begins with a capital letter, then it must be indicated in this format.
  • If your mailbox has the ability to forward all your mail to another address (this is necessary, for example, for several people to work with one mailbox at the same time), then you can specify it as a recovery one.
  • Well, if the methods described above do not suit you, then there is only one option left - write to the support service. In principle, filling out your details should not be a problem for you, but the joint venture, as far as we know, can take up to several days to review each questionnaire, so you need to be patient. In addition, it is far from certain that your mail will be returned to you. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you fill out the form entirely.

Filling out a support form

Click "I don't remember the answer."

You will have to fill in the following fields:

  • Surname
  • Birthday
  • Registration password
  • Approximate mail registration date
  • Answer to security question
  • Your work mailbox where you can be contacted

After filling out the form, wait until you receive a response. There is no need to fill out the form again until you receive an answer; you won’t receive it ahead of time anyway! Please note that the information you provided is being verified and this may take some time.

For our part, we can wish you good luck and don’t forget your password in the future.

You can restore access to your account yourself using a verified phone number, email address, or answer to a security question. To get started, follow the instructions on the access recovery page.

If for some reason you are unable to restore access on your own, the recovery form will help you.

Restoring access using a questionnaire

To ask for help, fill out the access restoration form. First, Yandex.Passport will check the profile automatically, and as a result, it can immediately restore access to the account. Therefore, try to remember as much as possible about your account.

Advice. If possible, fill out the form on the computer (phone, tablet) from which you usually access Yandex. When restoring, Passport tries to distrust new IP addresses and computers, making it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your account.

In some cases, additional verification may be required and your profile will be sent to support.

How it works

All data you enter is checked automatically, so try to fill out the fields as accurately as possible : with the same letters e/e, in transliteration, if you used it, and so on. If you are not sure that you remember exactly your old password or the exact spelling of your first and last name, enter as you remember or add other options (to do this, click the + button next to the field).

The more you remember about how you used your account and what data you provided in it, the more likely it is that access to your account will be restored. At the last step, you will need to attach a photo of you with your passport, driver's license or international passport. We ask that you take a photo with your document so that no one can gain access to your account by stealing your document.

Photo requirements

If after submitting the form you receive a message “The profile data does not match the account information”:

    Please check if you have entered the correct login before filling out the form. Our recommendations will help you remember the correct spelling of your login.

    Try to answer all the questions for which you remember the answers at least approximately.

    Try filling out the form again on the computer or mobile device from which you usually access Yandex.